Cleveland on a Canning Trip. ""' President Cleveland and part, in cluding Dr. O'Reilly, Commander George F. Wilde, naval Moretary of the .lighthouse board, and Corn mander Benjamin P.Lamberton, In charge of tbe lighthouse, distrkt comprising the North Carolina sounds, passed op tbe Elizabeth jes . day on the lighthooa steamer Maple, ; ea route to tbe shooting grounds of ', North Carolina. The President looked bale and hearty. He was dressed In . plain business init end ore a dark overcoat Mooned, pell ap around the chin, v j" i - , Tbe President, while be will not disdain shot at oy sort of. game that may equally turn up within range . of hi gan, is especially in quest of duck. 11a had with bun two of the latett Improved guns, fawlfH fltian craL K1 a af AnVa mnA ViAla w svu vMuvatiiU' auwvsw iuu ay a I iioi ' These guns are bautlful specimens of workmanship and oust tht trifle of $660 each, j His dng were beauties. They were" presented to him last spring, and this is their first official .- hunt V 'Vrg The Maple took on supplies for a 10 days.' cruise. .,, "' K Old People. Old people who require medietas to . regulate the bowels and kidneys will . find the true .remedy in Eleetrio Bit ters. ' This medicine does not stimu- ate and contains no whiskey or other intoxicant,-hot sets as a tonic and : alterative. . It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, - adding strength and siring tone to the organs, thereby "i.. aMini .tt.M la ill A MifAniuau nf the functions. Blectrlo Bitten is as excellent sppetiier and aids digeetion. Old people find it, jest exactly what they need. - Price 'fifty cents per bot tle at John T,- HeeBae's drag store. ;. A brewers' combine in Chicago: will IflakA hilM ftf Haa SK ft h&PPal. ... - aa t . . ' A "dear, soft, rosy complexion is the desire of every lady. Why not give Johnson's Oriental Soap a trial. There ie nothing to compare with it as s skin beautlfler. Two cakes in a pack age, 95 cents. For sale by John T. MaeBae, 4rgglst,5M-j"(- K K ' Don't expect to be free from cold if yoa sleep in a draught. Jn 1603 Uti aX. Qoldwater, who owne three retail -dreg stores la Kew X ora vity, maiiag ibwivv vb ma jrv talue of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy for colds, croup end whooping cough, ma mrmn a antim w in, aia tniunm. It met with so much favor that he soon fonnd it necessary to order more, and daring tbe winter sold over two gross of the remedy. H says it gives the hcet satisfaction of any coign core he has ever handled. For sale at 95 and 60 cents ver bottle by J. Hal. Bobbltt, draggist, ' ; , -,. .. ' '. " , Don't expect to rise' refreshed from aa naventilated sleep. Itching, burning, ssaty and "rusty skin scalps of infants lansj and healed and quiet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap,; medicinal and toilet, ' two large cakes SB cU. For sals by John T. MaeBae. : A gas well Stroek st Window near Boffalo Is pouring out 800,000 feet s daj. .'y ; - vr 1 How's This?' ' We offer Ose Hasdred Dollars Be ward for any ease of Catarrh that eaa not be cared by Halt's Catarrh Care. F J Cheny A Co., Props Toledo, 0. ' IWe.ithe ndeaigaed, he known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, sad k.)l... Vim narfaallv hnnnrahla In all . baelaees transactions and AnaaeisHyH ante to carry ohiu ooiigeturaa mmvw .by their Arm. ''" 'r,',i -Was? A Tkujlx. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. , Waxniao, KimX A Jfavni, Whole, sale Draggist, Toledo, OhloW t lA Hall's Catarrh Cora is tskea Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle, soia oy auarag gists. Teetimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are theStest ' . . Hall ,Celne, t the, Bnglish novelist, sHed from New York OJHths'Tee tonie. ' ' ' . ". Mabr C. T. Picton is manager of State Hotel, st Denison, Texas, "which the-traveling men say la one of the best hotels In that section. In speaking, of .Chamberlain's Collo, Major Piotoa says : "I have ased ft : myseil ana in my ismiiy ior several years, and take pleasure in saying tk.t n,M it an infullihla AllTa fnr llarrtoB and dysentery. I always Teoommend it, and have frequently administered It to my guests in the ' hotel, and in every ease it baa proven 4tif nrthi nf nnnnaliflMl nndnrss ment For sale , by J. Hal Bobbin Druggist. ::;,. i..,,, r . an - - Aa engine si uoiumous, u., ran oer ' snd killed killed Nicholas Hssdlboe father of the baseball pUyer i - t . The wife of Mr. D.-Robinso?j, . AnminAnt inmiwrmin oi mnw ci. N. Y., wss siok with rheumatism tor - Ana nnnthi.' Tn anAalflpir rtf it. Mr. i Kobinson says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that gave her any rest from pain., For the relief of n.ln innnnt.hhnt." . Man vert bad cases of rheumatism have been r cured by It, For sale at ou cents per bottle by i. uai uoddih, uruKJiist. ' Br being thrown from a carriage In ' a runaway, George B. Warden, direc . tor of Charities, of Cleveland, was bsdly hurt. e 1 Inlinson's Bmnlslos of Cod Live- . Oil is invaluable In all pulmonary af--fections snd consumptioe. It nrlch, s the blood, restores lost tiesaeer builds up the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint fc'fteej $1.00. Fur ssls by John T. KasRae, draggist. The Seaboard's Good Work. .The Seaboard Air Line ie loudly praised for the excellent service tn dered the Harylaad people, says the Attests Constltation. . '. It has hsadled the .crowds hand somely asd given sack courteous st- tentioa to every want of the excursion isto that they arc individually entha elastic is their praise of the service of this excellent system of railroads - It Is perhape tbe largest single r earslon that hae yet beea brought to the Exposition, asd yet the 8. A.y V. has met the emergency jrigbt head comely. Perfect arrangements were mad in adva See for the handling of the arowd. snd tie officials of the road are to be congratulated that tte work has been done so eaeeeesfalty in every -"psrVe lsr.' -v'e i Two Llve8 Saved. " Hi. Phoebe Thomu. of Junction Ritv 111., wss told bv her doctors the had eon- ettmntion and that there wee no horn lor her. bat two bottles of Dr. Kinc'e New Discover? completely eared her aud she sen It saved berlife. Mr. Xbos. Kegers, 138 Florida BU. tan Vrandsoo. anffered from a dreadful cold, approachine: oonsumpUon, tried with out remit every thins elss : uurv bought one bottle or Dr. Kinase Mew Discovery and In two weeks was cured. He is natunllv thank fuL It is sooli results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efflcaoy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacBaCs drugstore tuejuiarsussuoano si. A great Gretk ehareh cathedral, to to cott tJSOO.000 will be erected at Chi esgo. , ... .' . -.j Whea most needed it Is hot unusual for your family physician to bs swsy from home.- 8ueh wss the experience of Mr. J. Y. Bchenk, editor of the Ca do, Ind., Ter., Banmr when hie little girl, two years of sge was threatened with a severe attack . of eroup. . He ssyst "My wife insisted that I go for the. doctor, bat ss oar family physi cian was out of town I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Bemedy which tll(Td her immediately. I will not be without it in the future." 95 and 69 cent bottles for sale by J. Hal Bobbltt, draggist. The tack trust has Dern reorganised end prices will be putup. All diseases of the skin cured and the beet complexion restored by John son's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly medicated. Two cakes in each package, 96 cents. For sale by John MaeBae ... ll FJanlood Hew to Attain It." A Wonderful New Medical Book,wrltten for Men Only. One copy mar be had free on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. sumio, N.V. LAND 8 ALE. Da antlKSrlrel f Sk WV As fnr a fPA llVim U J gUWWISf VeV S lUVtsfjOSB UVIM U U Ifnnmvitnn anil SItA Ay nvr) a1 m IAm listuajUMU ssuu wssea tvviMuvu In Book 113, page 396, records office - t . ... t-v i trr t- tteRisier oi -ueeuu tor rr v uuuuij, T eawlll sfi Mnnrloff Afh Ha stf J Afl- al WUI VU iUVUHWyt we vm er uary, 1896, st 13 o'olock m. st the uoort Mouse aoor oi . w bko oouuty, Raleigh, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash, two tracts of land in Mark's Creek township, Wake oonnty, described as follows: First Track Begins st s point on Mark's Creek, A. T. Mief's line, thence east with said Mial's line to R, Medlin's line, tbenoe up tbe va rious courses of Gin Branch to Wil- uAM U.MklinMi'i UntL thaniw arpat with his line snd the line of the late N. Prioe to tne mgn wster mara oi null down various oourses of said creek to tne Beginning, . ooniainiug xuw acre., more or less. Beoond Tract Bound on the north by lands of J. W. Pair, on the east by lands of L. Debnam, on the sou h by lands of D. Griffin snd & Brown, no tne wenii ur xaruuru iwu wu I .: . Rransnn'a land. contalcinK 77 scree, more or less. tUS -.' - VY. n. Jiin3, a.vkj. I To THE PIS0 COMPANY. WARREN. PA. , . Gentlemen t With;.. ... delight I recommend. your . -. 3 : - for - ' ! ' go:!su;.:ptioii i to others, if !for it alone ! saved my 'life. . r ADOLPH ZIMMEIV . J) Bellwood,Neb,Apr.l3,l895. Complete tVi "Art J70JruriJr.u ITA THE Connecticut Mutual Is now offering to insurers the very best forms- cf Insurance that can he written, providing as tfaey do both pro tection and investment upon the beet auu lowest pessioie terms. Attention Is respectfully ealled taJts "LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS" at 69, 85, 70 and 75, with Cash Surrender V.liiAfl fn 1A IK a. a AnM 1 . and moar. nAalrnhlA VnffnmMi Tn... anoe ever issued life and Limited uitj jrunuiro iubu cuDLain large caan fiiirrssnrlor l'eiliiAa s41nrslavew1 t wk suaa-uvH V euu HVipuiabCU IU WO poUcies and forming a part of the con tract 'r It -maintains a "higher standard of solvency than is employed by any other fVimnnnv A. on. u t a T.a l this c juntry, having In 1882 voluntarily 3 Per Cent Reserve thus makine its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered. All policies are by their tonus non forfeitable after two or three pay ments, not even requiring surrender in case of lapse, and suoh policies partici- gats In annual dividends. The Cash arrender and l'aid Up Values are plainly stated in each policy, thus avoiding all misunderstanding or dis appointment The agents of the Com pany respectfully solicit correspond ence with anyone desiring further in formation. Good, conservative agents wanted in each countv. S. D. WAIT, Qeneral Agent. Raleigh. BULBS Fot Winter and- Spring BLOOlVIIlVGr. Chinese and Easter Lilies. Hyacinths Freesias Narclrsos. etc. Palms. Ferns and other plants for room decorating. Cut Flowers Boquets Floral Designs. Evenrreen. Magnolias aid Shade Trees. H. STELNMETZ, Florist North Halifax street, near F-ace In- sutute. 1" none us. octl7 Trustee's Sale of House and Lot. By virtue of authority conferred upon me by a certain ieea oi Trust from Jobs W. Walker and Margaret M. Walker, bis wife, dated November 82d, 1687, and recorded In the office of Register of Deeds for wake county, N. C . is Book 97, page 609, 1 will on THURSDAY. Deo. 19. 189S. sell at public suction to tbe highest bidder for cash tbe house snd lot sit uated In the city of Raleigh, county of Wake, N. C, snd described ss follows: Beginning st - a stake and fence in Hawkins and Andrews' Una on Person street 900 feet from tbe Intersection of Person and. Polk streets,; running thence northwardly along ssid street 00 fact to'tbe south east earner of the Murphey Graded school property, thence westwsrdly along tbe line of said sohool property. 18S feet to the eastern edge or a la foot alley, thenee-southwsrdly along said edge of the alley 68 feet 0 inches toa stake sod fence, said Hawklsssnd Ankrews' corner, thence earetwardly along their line 188 fact to the place of beginning. Place of ssle County court house door in Raleigh, N. 0. Time of ssle II m. Mabmaduib J. Hawiiss, Nov. 18th. 1896. (tds.) . . Tmstes. . ". SALE OF LAND. . TTndar snd bv virtue of a nowsr of sale contained in a mortgage from Mar cus Hill. Millv H1IL bis wife, and An drew Bill to William Watts, dated the 87th day of February, 1891. and regis tered in book 118. Da ire 619 of the office of the KPgister or jueeas ior wase county, N. O , I will ' sell on Monday, January 6th 1 696 at the court boue door in Raleigh, N. O , at publio out cry to the highest bidder, that part or namel of laud situated in Mt. Marv's iownship.county joining the lands of Dr. J. B. Bobbltt, Mrs. James Creech snd others and bounded as f ol lows; Beginning at s stake on Big Branch, thence South 178 8 4 poles to s stake and pointers, thence west 87 poles to creecn's spring Dranoo, tnence witn said.HDTinc branch to Orrs mill branch 85 Doles, theore with Orr's mill branch to the beginning, containing 100 acres and being tbe asms land that was con vrjed to Marcus Hill bv Catharine Pool by deed recorded in book No. 44, ps 442, Register of Deeds office for Wske county. Time of sale, 18 m. Terms of sale, easn. axjx. otkonuh. Deo, s d 1895. -" ' , . -. Atty. J.O.Bali, RETAIL FANCY GROCERIES. We will try to make it pleasant for yoa to trade wim us. USEFUL If jou want a present for a gen tleman, a lady, a boy or a gill, and you want to give them something that will be of some service to them, call and select from tbe nice line of REGULAR GOODS that we can show you. -Goods the best prices the lowest JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE COMPANY. NOV 4-lV ECONOMY Mar be necessary in manv wave when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. aeiow a certain standard rood imper fectly nourishes: no to that standard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Oroceries. RAPID SALES Give our customers the heneHr. nf cloie margins, We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, snd we only wai t s fair profit on what we invest in it CHOICE GROCERIES Always in stock and prompt! v de livered when ordereu. Hies Maggie Feese. NewfliHinery We sre now showlnir all th lat snd most dttsirable sbspes and styles In Fail and Winter Mlllinr n,. stock is well selected, both ss to STYLE and PRICE. There is a grrat variety In Caps snd Sailors for Hisses snd Children. All colors snd sixes from S6c to $3.00. We will be pleased to bars the ladles cell snd look at our- stock. Bvcry on will receive prompt and polite attention. . 909 PkyettetllU Street. 5 i f()U DO NOT; REALIZE That you are in Raleigh unless you are slopping at tne VflftBOftO-iloijsE Tbe only Hotel in the city ersvenient to Business, i . f :- - ' AU rooimron the third floor si 00 per day; first and second floors 18.00 snd 2.50 per day. i . , -, SPECIAL WEEKLY RlirES , FBEB BUS AT ALL TENS .uw Thousands of dollars recififij' expended js provementa. , 1.' . L.TB&OWg.Prop'r. PiESEITS YALUABLB : FARMING " LANDS FOR SALE. ft- By vbtneof authority conferred by a certain Deed of Trust from B A. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 8th, 1890, and recorded in tbe office of the Register or Deeds for Wake county. N. in Book 118, at page 818. 1 will on THURSDAY. November 14th, 1896. sell at public aaction, to the highest bidder for cash, six () tracU of Isnd situate in Saint Matthews tonnship, Wake county, N. (X, and deacriLod as follows: : ,,; : ,. Fibst Tract containing J2l 14 acres, more or less, being Lot. Ho 8 of the uaston wiiaer ianaL and described as follows: Adjoining tie lands of said Hodge on the south, of the late David Hlnton on the east, of the said Hodge on the north and fieuse river on (be west; and bounded as follows, begin ning at a stake andpointers on tbe east bank of Neuse river, about is links be low the mouth of a gut, the south we t corner of Tract No. 1. bought at t he sajne time and place by 3oeepb An drew, runs thence east 295 poles t a stake in the late Davtd Hindu's Hue; thence with bis line south 84 degrees. west lw poies to a siass and poinu-rs; thraoe west 463 poles to a small birch tree and pointer on the bank nf N ( river: thence op tbe various oourses of tne nver snout liig poles to the brgiu ninK. being same tract eonvAved hv John B, Williams and wife toB. A. uoaee ov aeea recomoc in nid in Book 60 at page 646, reference to woicn is maae. Bkcond Tbaot. containing 199 a-rnL more or less, being Lot No. 4 of tbe retsy uinton rarm (rormerly Uaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and noint. cib vu mo uaiia oi jxeuse nver aoouc six poles below Spring Gut; thence with tbe dividing line east tZS poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek: thence down the creek about 824 Doles to where it emntiaa tntc. Nense river: thence up the said river about 196 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. B Poole to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 182, reference to which is made. Third Tract, containing lis anraa. more or less, and hnundad as fnllnwa? Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborough road W. B. Pool's corner runs south 1-2 degree west 46 pole to a stake and pointers in Jie head of a small branch; thence with said branch 89 poles to a pice on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 3-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 108 1-2 poles to a stake: thence north 6 1-4 deirrees east 214 poles to the Tarborough road; thence with said road 98 poles to the beginning, being same- tract conveyed by Jennie Hinton to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in sad offioe in Book 106, at page 651, reference to which is made. JTOURTH Tract, containing 79 8-4 acres, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being tbe northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, mas thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 Doles to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thence nearl y south down the various oourses of the branch 83 poles to a large pine on the east side of the same David Hinton's corner thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 1-3 poles to a stake and pointers, tbe corner of the dividing line between this lot, or pi: Tel, and that purchased by Q. H. wiUms, at sane sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road ; thenre north ward along Bald road 118 1-8 poles to tbe beginning, being same tract conveyed by Sarah E. wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which is made. Fifth Tract, containing twenty-live acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Rcflin Williams. B. P Williamson, wuuam ,-mitn ana josepn j. Andrews, and on tbe east side of Neuse river, be ing a Dart of the Betsv Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the G. H. Wilder estate sale, being the southwest corner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: thence up said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; tnence east to a a too and pine; theDce to a stob in the branch; thence south to Ii. Williams' land, a lightweod knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being th same tract con veyed by Joseph JV Andrews and others lo n. A. Hoage, Dy aeea recorara m said office, in Book 56, st page 307, ref erence to which is made. Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining the lands of W. It. ?uole, Jesse Watkins, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: ueginmng st a stake in centre of Hodge load in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 50 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with tbe same eaat;48 8-4 poles to tbe beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is made. Placid of SALB-Oounty Court House door, in Raleigh. N. O. Timk of Sale -12 o'clock m EBNEST HAYWOoD, Trustee. October 12 1896. The foregoing sale is postponed un til Tuesday, December 17, 1895, same place, hour and terms of sale. Ernest Haywood, Trustee. Commissioner's Bale of Land. In niirsnsnea of a ladffmsnt render ed st October term 1895,' In the Ba- perior Court of Wake eoanty. In a eause entitled K- A. Womble, Bxeeutor nf R. H Womble. deceased, asalnst CapiUl City Land Company, I will at IS o'elock m. on MONDAY, 6th day of January. 1896, mt nnhlla anetloa for easb to the hish- sst bidder, at tbo court bouse door in the ity of Baleigb, tbe following de scribed real estate:? AU that tractor pareel of lasd lying and being in Waaa ann at. Narth Carolina 1 ia Kal- slgh township; .snd adjoinfcg the lands of 1VH. isriggs, aeeeaMO w. C. Stronasn. and others, and more Tally daaarihed as follows: Begins at' a take la tb tasters una or am street, as extended, 487 1-4 lest sort!) r tn anrthcant eoroer or to asm East street? ss esteadtdt -and Sortb boondsry strett, rans- tbssse jess a,rtl In a Una oarallel with aortb boondsry Street HBO teei to ttrsssy Braaoh, thesee, down ,saia nransn about 910 feet to a stake, corner of a ini nam ownaA bv W. 0. Stronask and others, tbeaee westwsrdly in a. Mae parallel with said : north bonadsry street, 1,878 feet to' ssid east street, mAmA thaaaa'annta alnncr tba liaa of the same, S10 feet to the beginning, sonUlalag six sad sigbty.sUth, one Iiai1..t1ii aania. mnra n 111 v , 1 OTHEB AH Work Guaranteed. - - , GT WE 03TLT ASK FOB A TRIAL. ' - - f , - t " " ,M ,t HORSE AND COVV- lfRKli-ri; There U nj bettrr on tbs msrket. Cross cSc Page and i Larshall The life of business shows in busy stores Empty aisles deserted? corners, lonely 'buyers, are not seen with us. AU is life and buttle and business, ., Why not, 'when we give sucb extraordinary bargains. The all alsorblng question of the hour to the man Is where to And tbs finest fabrics in Fall Clothing at fair prices t he ever present and engrossing question and what to wear and where to buy It How much we have simplified the labors of selection, and lowered prices to fit all purses, ean be seen by a personal in spection only. Picture to yourself a store beaped with tbe latest sod finest ideas of home and foreign looms, and at prices apace with modern times, and yoa will understand why we do the business. ; Qualiiie p The more you know of merchandise the more you'll wonder at the great gathering of goods we have made, and at the little money needed to give you tbe pick of them. OVERCOATS. ft is time vou replaced that old or e with a new one. We have tkemall styles and prices W H. HOLLO A QOOD REFLECTION it is no doubt, and he's pleased with it. as in a mirror, your acquaintances re flect in their lo ki tbeir opinion of your appearance. Make the reflection a credit to yourself. People nevr find fault when they're satisfied. Perfcc Uon alone gives complete satisfaction, and perfection in clothing is attained only in the tai'or-made article. Oar ments nt perrecuy only moss they are made for. If we mike you a suit or an overcoat to order, you get a first chotre in materia', the latet style, and fault less tai oring. Our r u'ts and overcoat are works of art. G. tf. WAliTERS ADMfXlSTRATOR'8 NOTICE. Havinff nuahfied aa Aitminiftt.riit.i-r nf the ertate of John Baker, dt ceased, late of Wake county, this ii to notify all persons having claims against tbe said estate to present (hem to the un dersigned on or before the 31st day of August, IBM), or in is nonce will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to tbe said estate will please nut uxmeaia'e payment j. u. ma'mum, aon t. Argo & Snow, Aity's. August 30, 189S. Mortgage Sale. , sy Tlrtae otaatlrarlty oonferrad is a certain stoitKaga seeoted by S, B. Mattbtws asd wife u4 reoordad tabaok Mo. U4. at pae tn, in SegUlw vt Dreflj- tmnwl Wakeoouuty, 14. &, we wot aa Jfoaday,'' tbe tsra taidDwem- berj A. D. Mt, a, M 'clock bu, at tba Court Boose Soar bttbctlty f Kaleigk, ssU to tba htghevt Mddor, (or ms, ttut traat of hui l-iii sod situated kt wstte 0ak towasnlii.'Waks couaty, H. O.. adJoiainK the lands of J. H. Mattbews, Jacob Horing aad others, eontaluing tJ seres, nwre or his. Pbelb S aTAtaaawki , Auerneys for vortgagea, Ttus list day of Koremtec. APCWT! v'e.nted every here for iVJClN IO bfarron fivland's new Boliday Boik, ."Home of tbe Bibls." Bars chance t take (Jbustmas orders Be quick! HISTORICAL PUBLlSE LN U COMPA-N Y. Ituadelpbis, !. . CROSS urn a jinfAn L Ws grlod and mis oarsslves. , Linehan. LII he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and does tli most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work. Phone No 19. WAY k SOUS. THIS IS COMFORT. Such is Saata Clause's opinion Of a roal fire. H has a eld yob on his nanus, ana appreciates a Dialing ore on that arcount foal beats everything for heat. The beet coal tn gives house a holiday warmth and cheerfulness i our coaL It's all coal, n"t a mlztnre of dirt, coal and clinten, sr d so horns clean and throws off a wondeiful amount of heat. A scuttle f It will keep a stnve going all dav and make Santa Clause want to enj y i' s warn th JONES & POWELL, RALEIGH. N. C. Phones 4U 718. 140. NOTICE OF SALri. Under the powers eontaiard la a dead of trust executed to me by Turner B. Jones and wlfa on the Id day of February, U91, sod recorded tn book 113, page its Beglster of Deeds tiffiea lor Wake aottBtr, I wUiatlt 'rtuk U. oa MOM DAY, the Ud day of December, lsts, expose to sale at pabrtc auction at the Court House door In Baleigb. M. C, the real estate therein de scribed, being a tract or parcel at Isnd lying and being b the county of Was said State ad Joining the lands of (formerly) Turner E, Jones, Beverly Short, W UUaa Tliompsoa, and others, aad bounded and AearrlbeA as IoUowm By a line beginning at the S. & eoraer fl a'tot tov nerty bdoasint to said X, r.Jooea aad eeverly Brnirt on aa m-nnti cteect lsari lag Both from arttn street. exteMM aast at the aarporau limits of Balelgn, las fesl aad kioket from Martin street and SS feet aad taonss from the 8. K. corner of Jails Lane's lot running thence BonHi sc feet snd I inches to tfmnavToonp- ' son's (formerly W. .Ml H. Smlth'a)4ot thence West 185 feet to eatUngH lot, thence North IS : feet, S Inches to the a. w eoraer of said Jones, and Short's lot, thenee Ent Mo feet to lbs u JlBliU. bng the Wenrayed totsiUT. K , Jones by deed dated January M lfs, . . , . TernHaaUj.CASH., -X -,, jti- r Verbals by d"ok t kltlisa, dre gist 'K-..-..X.-1 .-IV ' ,1 n. i , sp Varieties V1 B Iff, tone InllM di.j., Im 14? II II nlate in eRMt: uniek t r IM L V eora. OanbacamadinTart 1 IS Vm W 1 fxiekat, all aimplMa ia ana nail pacta. Hant by Bui, ampaid, t)ua paoaaaa, oa noaipt o nnoa. Si aat buav it r . r " i n .