. - i tHOS. J. PENCE. - . - City Editor. . , . i. . iii KONDAT. DECEMBER S, 1885 lades to New AdvertlaeBseata. , - Ovaters G. N. Ives ft Co. I-adies" Plane Glove Tucker A Co. ., Vv aiiltd K.iik Customers. - Bedroom biutoa Thomas A Maxwell FEBSONAIi. . Dr. 1. B. Dona Is erltkelly Ul. ( Mr. R. X. Lamedca ha retaraed f f rom Atlaate. yu t ' ' ' t Mr, B. (J. Potter Ml today pa the trala for tka IuL r,; Prof, hog D. Howell has retaraed : frost a trip to Geldabora. c Rev. J. N. Cola lft today to attead eoafcreaee at Elisabeth City, N. C. Mr. F. K. Arcadall of tka Hewe aad Observer, haa retaraed from a trip to Atlaata. Editor!. W. Ball., of the Recorder, rataraa from the Baptiat eoaveatioa at Greeaeboro tomorrow. Maaoalo. : "r Regular meeting of William O. Hill Lodge, No, 218, A. F. and A. M , tonight at 7: 30 o'clock. There will be an election of offloers, and every member U earnestly requested to at tend. We eheolntelv roarantee our oysters superior in lira and. flTor to any aold by otbera ia Raleigh, price Me aad too per quart, solid measure. '. r Hon for Beat. "., Wnnr room eottam with nantrv and kitchen on McDowell street, between Morgan ana uargett. roaaeaaion given Immediately. Apply to uece d, r. nii.i.mnujt or lweut. Near the poetoffloa two six room houses with water, eltctrie lights and every convenience. 's V t BLaCPULI, Mrs. Bolya and Warren are prepared to do first class drew making at their home, 607 Worth Wilmington street. Perfect At and satisfaction guaranteed. -; octuim . , fanMtlal nrlAM made to those wiahlne oysters in one or more gallon lots. ; ItlsBeaatifalt ; That pure, fresh candy. Do not fire your children cneap, aa mteraieu aua j. It ia Inturious. Just recetvea crop nuts anc raisins. we oesk We try to keep Barbae ds Pope, Com ty Jails Filled Up. The Durham oounty jail is run ning OTr with priaonera. The Fed eral Court baa been so productive of priaoners for that oounty that the ooonty priaonera were foroed oat of jail and pot eleeewhere. !Tord was reoaived here today that no more priaoners oooid be aooomodated. Chatham ooonty has reoaived more than any other ooonty as a result of theooort and it U said that the jail there ia foil. Wake ooonty jail broke the record at this ooart There is room for one more. frnten at wholesale east to schools ! and charitable institutions. U. R. xvas at w Wanted. Milk customers on or near to South Dawson. HiUaboro, North - Blount, North Person, Newborn Avenpejas far as Blood worth) and ITayettevllle street. Price, 80 cents per gallon; its and quarts at gauon rates; one If pinto, a eenta; cream, ape per quart. Bend for sample plot of aula tree to P. O. Box 123, Baleigb. N. C. Notloe to City Tax payers. The city tax lists for 1896 have been placed in my hands for collection. I will be r ia my office for that purpose every day f rom a. m. to p. am. All taxes not paid by December 1st are subject to a penalty of 1 percent and an additional 1 per east on the first day of each month Eealtli 5 AND ? 1 Strength thereafter until paid. Novstaod HTJTCHINOS. City Tax Collector. ' It may be put down as a fact that retson'a eracaera are better than an that eome to this market and his bread, cakes and confectioneries are unexcelled. Ha is doing a tremendous wholesale business, which shows that tha nubile appreciates the importance ui pauooiiing a wonnyixxne industry. Yon always get toe bast at Bretech'a. Wa are now maktnr In their tton the original Peanut Brittle and natter Que, We Invite oomDarlaoa witn other mages, - buxslxo. Madam Reason dealrea to call tha at. I tentionof the oubilo to her new stock I I Of rau and winter Millinery for ladies. ana enuaren. xnunur caps. oeutf saoques, notions eta. . . 7zru i ispaceenottgntotoutne peopi Bpwai " I aigh that we do, can and wiU sell more TblslstheTratfc. . We do not like to be thraabina- old straw, bat we are willing to pay for ne oi nai- ,c Come with the "BestTonle. Pabst;Halt; Extract. 1 x1" ', v ;. THSBR It I SUBSTANCB TO IT. IT IS LITB-GrVlNa. " QIVK3 TIM AND BOUNCE. IT BBACKS. . -Fok Sl Br- W. H. KING & CO., FsyeUsvllle Street. ' 14 ilk V k ft S SI 1 11 J 'MCi0: The Great Question. The Infant New Year ,? ' Bvery face at home and every glance into our Inviting windows aug. geote the qoestlon, "What sbalJ I rot or riva for Xmaa?" The answer to tMrins ltfa anantnloualv. He has waked I ' Jv - v. ,-. , op in one of our superb beds. t Father the first depends upon the love and liberality of your friends; the second Time has left him to shift for himself, ,-. - hImM'KSbW nponyour own means and generosity. Let fate and friends look after the JSSJSSff wfiSt -WU look after the give-4hat part" most bits. Remember' that a suite for 1896; it was picked from our ..... . - . ' dispiay. the largest and Bneet in the ul J" given .with love ia more than much given because yon can. Oaf State, containing all the latest styles, " and evert suite a svecial value. There Store Is last now bnddlnr with tta tmiaMi f nlMlfl h.nnnMv can't be much insomnia this year when such irresistible charms for sleep are Drarideri. There's a charm, too. about our parlor suites and odd pieces, and a aouoie disuuea enarm aoout our prioea, Ifsaa opportunity -to get a full bed room suit for $1160, etc Thomas & Maxwell. row It will burst Into glorious bloom. SELECT YOUR PRESENTS NOW; Wa will offer tomorrow aad until sold a limited quantity of Ladies' Pique Gloves at 11.00 per pair; beet value ever shown in tuieigu. no more ox same after these are sold. w. a. A n. a. xncKer a uu. Dr. Harrey C. Vpobavek, Raa hMmn tha nraetlea of medicine and surgery in thia city and offers his services to the mtisens of Baleigb and vicinity. Dowel! street. Office at Ho. 81 South Me- nio-m Ueaeral Roaaer to Lectare Here. Capt Denson, as the secretary of the North Carolina Confederate Vet erans' Association, has arranged for a lecture here, at the Metropolitan Hall, by Geo. Thomas L. Roeser, of Virginia. His subject will be the history of the Army of Northern Virginia from Bull Run. to Appo mattox, and it will be Illustrated by stereoptioaa Views. The proceeds of the leotare here will be devoted half to Mr, Charles Broadway Rouse pro jeot, a M Battle Abbey," and the other part to aid in placing headstones at the graves of North Carolina's dead at Winchester, Va. Me Waa Dry at Three A. H. Thrs was a very dry laryai ia Ral elgh at a vary early boor this mora- iag. About the time tha city cloak was baagiag off the stroke of three there was a jiagle of crashing glass in the vriadow of Laqibath aad Co., oa Wllmiagtoa atreet, la ehleh there was a templag array of bottled goods, soeh aa woald be ealeolated to lead a fel low with a parehad throat to deeper ate efforts. Mr. Lambeth's alert watea dog was lathe store, aadspraag at the woald be trespasser just as be waa thrastiag his hand through the broken pea for oae of the aovated bottles. The racket sooa broaght Mr. Lambeth alauelf , aad the thief qaiekly vaatabed, aot haviag obtalasd a ay booty. The oaly loes was th brokea glass. Iioat Baak Stock. Rai-kioh. N. O- Julv SSL UBS. Tha nndenienad herebv rives notice that she has ioet, or her law husband, W. M. H. Smith, has lost, two eertifl-1 eates cf snares ox uie capita stoca m The ClUzens' Bank of Norfolk, Va numbered 40 and 8s respectively, tha former for three shares and the latter for twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if I found. Mas. MaiY O. Smith, Kxacntrix of W: AT. H. HmHlL oct it 2m Deceased, Raleigh, N. C. Dos Lost. A black and white setter dog, collar on neck with my name on rears old. Liberal reward for his return to residence Moore. DecStf and better ovatera for tha aaane amonnt of money than any dealer ia Baleigb can afford to sell Wa keen them aa I com aa ice without letting the ice de stroy the natural flavor of the oysters. Try us and if we do not aetiary you, don't pay for what you get Gxo. N. IvasA Co, novsS Iw City Market GO TO SPKNCiVS NEW STORE for cheap China, Crockery, Glass and i. in ware. s-lw lie East Martin street Notice, of Sale. . On Friday, the 13th of December. 1896, at ia o'clock tn. at the court house door in Baleigb, N. O, we will sell at public auction tha tract of land known as the W. J. W. Crowdar tract, lying bwhu a i-i muea aoiitnweac or ttaieigo, on both sides of the A vent Ferry nwHi, ana eontainmg awm sis aores. xerma or saie, caau. R. H. Battlk, H. T Orat. Com. of Trustees Rex Hospital. Royall & Borden yHITE EffAtlEL itter dog. collar rarf wlu be paid L - .fXtWP ience of V. B. a Vrlll W B M. Moobx, Wanted. An honeat active rentleman or lady I to travel for reliable established house. dalary $780, payable $16 weekly and ex-1 penses. tutuauon permanent, neier encea. Encloee self-addressed stamped I envelope. The Dominion uompany, 818 Omaha Building. Chicago, nol-lm AND Teivs. Toys. Dolls. Doll's Heads. I With all the narsDkcraalia nertaialaa to Dolldoa. , . . Graad display of Tors and Dolls la I a . - . . ..... . I .rerx aspartment. , , ' ...'' . Every kind of tore Marie LaaUraa. Soldiers' Bolts. - Drams.- Tool Cheat. Tsapias, Toy Dlshss, PlaUs, Toy Fur- aitare, Hhow Aalmals. Iroa Tors. Tralas, Baggies, Games of all sorts. TOYO TOYO ; BOOKG 600 bonnd Books, 18a. worth 60s. : All klads of Books for tha hnva mnA girls from 6s up, . s." - t , - Tea aad Chawber Bala 'tar th. am hoase. Doll Faraitare. , , KiUksa. low prjeea. Tia aad Graalteware at Seoond - PIOOT: k Japanese Goods. Aa eadleaa variety aad tarv ahaaa. m ...... i- 1 Crockery, Glassware ' aad BrU-a-Brae - - Tea Sets, 44 pleees, from tS.U a set ap. -v. -v , . , t- tj r- . Chamber Sets, 10 pleees, from 1B8 a set ap, - . ' , - - Batlereake Platea from 76eeaea ap. Glass Table Seta, 4 pieces, from 40 eeata each ap. Goblets sad Tamblere fioei 6c each, Cops sad Ssaeers, Plates sad Steak Dlahea. . , . , 5 ' Vases aad oraamanta, . -.-.' a.siiiiiiQf T MUUUV . 700 ladles' ssd mlasea Felt HaU at lwe. v Jteaasea iron bo. 73 sad II. ' Wt II. a. m .a a .. . t .. muBoas tor tac aoiiday trade, - Wool Blaakete from a pair. Bed Comforta from 76s eesk. Waa ted. A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable, established hjuse. Salary 1780, payable 1 weekly and money advanced for expenses. Bitua-1 tion steady. References. Enclose I aelf-addreased stamped envelope. H. K Hda President Chicago. tf Trains Wash a Team at Darbaaa. Satarday eveaiag tha weet-boaad passenger trala oa the Soathcra road crashed Into two teams aad woaaded two mea, Gaetoa Heradoa aad aoa, Deaaetrlae Heradoa, two prospereas farmers; killed oae horse aad weaaaWd another so that It was killed a short while afterwarda. It waa a very abort carve aad the englaesr eoald aot aee the teams la time to itopth.maa did aatksow the trala was eoaalag aetll h was toe late. - Toaag Heradoa a woaaded qelle severely la the . fate aad all of his front teeth were kaoeked hack la ale aseatk. His eoadiUoa is aot Uoagkt to be eerioas. His father was ealy slighlly woasded. A Uttle eolorded hoy who waa steading' as tha rail read reeeived a very bad scalp ' wes.;'-'v Y. Notice by Executrix. Having qualified as the Sxeeutrlx u the last Will and Testament of D. T. Swindell, deceased, late of - Wake Oounty. Morth Carol id a, 1 hereby notify all peraocs having el aims against tha lutalc of said Swindell to jpreeeat the same to aaa oa or before October 83d. lt-os. or tbla notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery. This ia also to . notify ail persona indebted to aafat Ea tote to make prompt payment to me. This uctobar 18th, 1. MMA E. BINDKLU vEaeeotrlxof the last Will and Testa a-ant of IX. T. Hwiadell, Deceased. . . Ermst Haywoodv Attorney.' ecua-uwew . . - Kew UU Land for Sale. By virtne of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, made In the rase or utwety. Almlnletrator, vs Lowery at ala, I will sell for cash by auction, at tha court bouse door of Wake county, on the lrtth day of De cern brr, lbvfl. at 13 m., toe reversionary Interest in the dower Isnds allotted to M rs m. r. Ijowerv, widow of w. T. Lowry deceased, s tim'e ia Wake fi!riy and in w w i t townh'poe I n -rs of t'rgel lurk, aojoining t n i s of J. M Crensimw, !-. y S"i c " , twin Uiehnme i we of t'ie lf e W. T I owry, eonimnuig about f 7 a'rca Ti' ; t'D'1 .pnid. noviUls J. it. kLMMisa, Com'r. MABTLAND. MT MARYLAND! MARYLAND, MT MARYLAND! They were with as yesterday aad Company G received a graad reeep- tioa whea their seetioa palled la at Johnson Street Station, bat that has I aotalog to do with this little Shoe Talk Skae Talk that we are glviag yoa today. Wei have a large stock or shoes oa head, aad oaly a few days ia which to aell them, aad If PrUe If Prices will move them we arc goiag to have I them oat of the hoase before the tret I of January. We Do Not We De Not aek eojt for these eheec beeaaee we do I aot expect te get it. Doa't roe thiak yoa had bettor eome bow aad make! yoar eeleetioae. This la roar laat I ehaaec Will Ton Harry' Will Tom Hsrryf MRS. EMMA . 8WINDEIX. Kxeeutriz ExarnineMre ladies of imaieSsh are eprdially invited to attend bi? cooHia ing CTihibSt on the af ternoon of Deeerabeii Sd) Sd and 4tli, CLOAKS aad CAPES Wa h... greatly redaeed the price of all oar large stock of Capes aad Cloaks. W00LLC0TT & SON. The handsomest Steel Range made. Itia "THE JEWEL," See oar new Bissell Grates - We ha 3 Bicycles On easy terms T Baby Oarrlasrea At a cut price. ttoB. H. Brlgg & Sons, whea we will show the famous line of Back's Stoves sad Ranges. Oa tha afternooa of December 14 eoatests for the " -: '' Raudsb,NC n-lv. Notice af ExecaUoa Sale. at publie ler for eaabu to Nobtb CAmor.rjiA . . " Waxa Coohtv, iy virtue or an execuuon directed a rrom toe HUDerlor uomt or aatd ooontyoo ajodfrment ia favor of A. I L. Btrauaa, plaintiff, and arslnst Ed M. Bledsoe, defendant. I will, at i onwaawsu asonoay, imeemoar a. 18Sa, at the court bouse door of said oounty in rtaietge, aell at tioa to the highest bidder satisfy said execution, all tha rinht title and interest which the said Ed M. Bledaoe had whea amid tnriinnant was docketed or basainea aeooired In and to tbat certain lot or parcel of land ustssuui oi inn corporate name of he City of Raleiirh aforaaaid mnA with. in Raleigh townshtp, bounded and rie. acribed aa follows, to-wit: On the north by the north line of the nartlf ton deei of Mary 8. Hunter to Martha a and Mofee A. Bledsoe, recorded in the K-"tre outre of wake count' etu m boo in on r" 688; en by the wt hue of tLe deed mons J. Baker to Monea A. Bledsoe, recorded In said Re (ruler's oliiea ia book 1 oa page 437; on Uie south by the north line of the two deeds of Moees A. and Martha U. Bledaoe to Georee T. Tooke, recorded in said Rer'-'er'a oflioe in book so on page 6o4 and 773 respectively, and on Uie west by the fayetteviile road, containing about elgbt acrea of bind, more or less. M. W. f AG b Slieri J. November L 1896. Cat And Pressed Glass BOTTLES, PRETTY SHAPES ' sad good COLOGNE to ge ia them. Fall liaa Perfamcry aad Soape. : Jas. TalcKimmon t&Co. to U fives to the littl f lrl der 14 ywri old baklay tb hn pkm of blwuit CoBtMt from S to 5 p m. Bock Jr. Bag eB b mob at oar tot; ROYALL and BOEDEN; Sole Agents : - J XlA.aL.mOII DURHAM. GrOII)fe130IlO I ' Bteat piles of "Great CoaU"-TJlflters and Long Overcoats got the first' SSHf.&f ica8?n durl? J" There isthlng likVa Cooliarto "snuggle" Into or a deep velvet collar to fold around to face the bleakness FTreUw5u,?Ud "r0 have a Storm Coat of onVSorTor' another. Ours have got the length and looks, warmth and wear-flne enough! o' of "em, to wear at any Ume: some others shaggy and griadT as Tiolar bears rSis,010011 t ,mH Un oouras wJve a eompleto Hue o toTST Effififf .??M:d onnd Overcoats ; f or Everybody. " Onr line at fmm tttst six nmni.. . them are ooaU of worth and merit a Una absolutely unequalled aome Italian ' lined, some cloth lined with aatin i th. .hA. -,T vSkIT. . . i w u'Zl throughout. . . - : , , ..... ....... . ... . BOYS' overcoats; - - Cape Coats, Clsters aad Plenty of 'em and for less mnn than nnal. other weather deUers ti.50 to $12.50 .: we nave me oest couecuon. . come and sea our line for the holidays when Too select for your friends. zE nil iMPnnTrn n I -8 a I cswsi wa s mmm , o T 3 KEY WEST CIGARS : S 3 ' 1 MrrT u lto"a tB followiag .eelhrl-d SL . aad popalar breads: O e ? Do erw aiftrc LEADERS IN STTLB. Beverse Button Fly! IB & EIGHT MEDIUM BUTTONS. Soft -"yici"-Kid,' a 9 M Tfeili't f pwrfHvfi' v -1 u 1. V t i ( ' t fnt A i ur v-4 a Iur fcaaeaal pAl,y fiamiiut. Shoes we earryia C D and E widths. , . . iiCLLcn cnoo. : SXCLI7SI?KLT SHOES. " e MANUEL GARCIA (lotportof) -; - EL PRINCIPE DK G ALK r (3 z ) " LA MARGANA , . t FLOR DE MADRID. " LA PATRICIA. ' -j ''.V HEM ANT CORTEX "'. , TURKISH CIGARET E. - (OVi oa-jp-rior) ' V8TRAIGfir CUT CIGARE fTEi R F. GRAVELEY'S SUPERIOR v . (POUNDS) TOBACCO, , SURBRUG'S GOLDEN SCEPTRE (Mixture) Smoking Tobaooo. - , ta abort, I aaa aapply the most fastld loos mtmen of Tobacco, ia aay form. MAKE XhAS MERRY. - J. HAL BOBBITT, , . PITARM AC18T, llllllllillUiaillli'.UliaU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.: a CQ " n s zz - " r-f o 5 - u 7? r O r rl ' o - o y , Ring Out the Sleigh Bells, "V : . - :S " v - --f Ana Hurrah with a Vim. Love Is the underlvlnar law of rhrtntmaa tim rsriM .n k. tt.: change of tbe season "The Great Annual Game of Swap." We give be cause we love and are glad because we can: and nan hananu at . at least everybody can afiord to bny. lore's a few appropriate gifts at appropriate prioes: - . . " . ALL CLOAKS At 10 per cent nn New? Vnrlr nnnt. VnW antf r nrinu innim. ! UNDERWEAR for all ages and ee.e: UOSIERI- In XS-TiK ' agev Imported and l0O,et0 Urene Pafterna nnt nn irUl.;a cent array of BILK HANDKERCIIIEr'S MUFr LKIia I hi taS atin, morale, china and snrab silks, plain initial and embroideried, white and fancy twlw, all kinds. Six miles of 6s handkerchiefs, enough to stretch from Raleieh to Neuxe river Mannf.ntnr . i era, 500 or morn, not two alike, retailed at wble pricTaT P Gee Our Great Line cf ITet Half a dozen De Jonvilles. Flowing Ends or rsrsar. Uiii w-nuifVUlMk!Vwjn,f End4 or r-ln-IIands, just ce ved, makee a suitable present for a gentleman. Ten dozen fancr iii uuiurru svaris . i r.- ... rev zoo fancy light. ; - : Sherwood's ;CoM Service Shoes, 'Warranfed In every respect," make a suitable rift. TLlTB 4'lKt fine triln rtomnna. u!l hi.nJ v.,. . v . that's how we do business and draw the crowd cf buyers. ' TAl 51: 2rvood , 1 Co.

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