a 4 . r4 f i 9 1 1 THE PRESS-VISITOR. ? PUBLISHED BY The;VisitoriPress Companj - "r-IUXj ttrop Sunday, . ' 'A Consolidation of the V isitor, Es tablished tSTS, ndtbe Pre, Estau infaed 1894. Office in tbe Pulleu Building, eorner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS, Editor and Manager. JASPER N. McRARY,; Solloiting Agent. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year, . One month. (3.00 .25 Sntmd at Second Clou Mail Matter. The Leading Afternoon Paper in the State. The Press-Visitor publishes all the news every day and has double tbe cir- . culation of any dailj ever published in Raleigh. TELEPHONE. 188 TUESDAY. DKCK.MBEli 10. 1898. THE ORGANIZATION OK THE SENATE. Tn organization of the United States Senate is the one question of all-absorbing interest now at W ash ington. A Washington cnrrespu'd ent sumtniuK up tbe the situatun says : There seems reason to believe the republicans of the Senate will make their attempt to reorauiz the body before llong if no quarrels occur to change present plans. The cau cm committee appointed to make up te list of republican committee m ..m bars is busily at work and will prob ably complete the list early in the week. Then, if there ba no reason for further delay, and as the younger men are anxious to begin the fUht, if a fight is to occur, they will proba bly bring the matter to a vote. There is some possibility, however, that tbe work of the committee on organization may not be as Batisfac tory to the younger men as they hoped for. They have a clear ma jority cf the members of the coru mittee who agree with them in their desiiefor what they call an eciuita b'e distribution of the committee places, without regard for length ( t service, but there is a strong proba bility tbatthe Mver men will not be satisfied with tbe proposed fornia tionofthe flaatice committee. Claim irjg to have a innj irity of the mem bers ia the Senate, crunting the sil ver democrats and the popnlistf, the silver men declare thy .h ;uM b given the iiih i rity of the finance c mmittee. The composition of th organizitiuu committee, however precludes the idea of the silver mn coitrulliag this committ 'e, unless forced by a threat of levolt from the men most interested in lbi matter and explains Senntor Sherman's willingness to select a committee of the young men. Counting iSeuitor Mi'.chell as a silver man, a d ii'itful proposition, there are but f rar silver meii on the caucus committee. Sen ator Chandler, whohas made a po'n of cultivating frienily re'ations with the silver men, holds the ba:ar.o of power, and can upon vote decide the makeup of the Senate comni'.tee on finances. It is now asserted that he will vote to give the sound-minf-y men control, and the silver m?n c n trol, and the silver men areaccoid ingly indignant. His silver bill in troduced the other day, though generally regarded as a joke, never- thebs had a serious purpose in de fini! g thn Senator's portion wiih rjgard to silver. This is but a bud ding quarrel as yet, but it may be come seriom when the cauous com mittee submits it. report, and may possibly cause au entire change ot plans regarding tbe proposed at tempt to reorganize the Senate A plausible, if not oorreot, explan ation of the lovely amiability of the Senate Democrat- in ex;re8fin wil lingness to surrender tbe oiyan'zi tion without a s'ragle is found to the secret cinfereiices which have taken pi ot bntween Senator Sher man and Senator Gorman The gr ' tips allege that there U really to b deal between the Dem eraU and Republicans. When the renrgan z - Una ht perfioted it will readiiy b seen whetber there Is any foundation : for tnla bel'eL Certainly, if a "dea' '-' ia on," there could be no better m w :. aa manager for tbe Democratic aide' than the senior Senator f rOin Mary- I land. He can ba depended upon to j take care of himself and bia friends. ; Since Maroh 4th last Mr. tkirmm, in j hia own person, has been absolutely j the entire committee on printing, with its immerse p-iwer and patron- j age, as Senators llandevson and Ran j som, the other two members, termi-1 nated their service on that date. In . the bauds of Gorinau this xuamit- tee is a big thin.? indeed, and he ctu- j not be blamed if be wishes to hold on to it Senator Sherman and all his j other Republican f iends should be J glad cf the opportunity to testify : their gratitude by asking him to do i so.' I I A. &. STROWACC: EVERYTHING' NEW. Our $5 Line in Laced Shoes and Gaiters. French Oordevan Calf Lined. French Calf, Calf Lined, with Cork Soles.'. ratent Leather Cab. Calf, Caf Lined, Double French Sole. Cordevan and Kangaroo. Enameled Calf, warranted not crack or oreaK VIci Kid Calf Lined. Buckler 's Arnica Salvo. Tti' I" i-alve ill the work! lor cut broko. ..:. ul.i re. f't r'leom. e VtT h-i'e.- ' -I i . eh.i rif liMLrf, chil blalr ".if urn! !l f klu tri! ptlooF, ard in : i - t! ci!tr piles, or r.c pby reijc'iti. It Is k Tantn-i te give psrf. '-l iuttact't ii or nidu-v lefurd ed. I f f 8. err':' i'fr i ox For le bv Jobn T .. DUKE ;aretteS 11;----. ,j: pURE0fDUIHM n (SigMttesI s bukeSonsaCo.', ;.J THE AhEntrfd tobacco Cli '1 a' qHAw, n.c. u.s a. UAO FROM Koby Frerch Vici Kid. Our $3.00 Line of Gentlemen's Fine Shoes Cannot be equalled in the State. Ladies Comfort Toilet Slippers Old LadiriT Beaver, $100. Ladien' Mors Velvet, $135. Ladies' Velvet. $1 35. Lidiei' Fur Trimmed Meltoo. tl.75 Infants Kid Button Shoes S.ift soles io Bine, whit and Tan. Babies' Laced Kid Bootetees. White and Td. Rabies' White and Tan Chamois Hoeoasins. A. B. Stronach, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Everything Eicept High Prices. Mkh Grade Tobacco AnSOLUTSTLY PURE Cur: NAGLE'S Ccr.ain Couah Cures ('cuglis. Colds and lloa'seness Hick's Fragrant Almonds Cnrm Chaps, Fevc-r H'.isters and Red ness. Made and sold by HICKS ROGERS, PrpscTit Hon DruKRistp. PHONE SO SO BEST AtiTHRkCln BITUMINOUS, ran from waste. REASONED OAK PINE ANY LINGTH -.J . GO TO - A.:.Williams&Co.'- Booksellers and Stationers, ton yotje- " r STATIONERY FOB YOUB SCHOOL BOOKS FOB YOUB- B00K and STATIONERY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Come or send to ns and we will sup ply your wants at prices to please. Very trnly yours, Alfred Williams & Co. Xmas Presents; Wanted AT ONCE I .Vn liooms to 1'iiper at $5.C0 a Koom Rooms at 7.S0 a Room 250 Rooms at $10.no a Room. ivi.i-:icjit statiohery CO. BLANK BOOKS. OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLIES. TYI'E WKIIKR SUPPLIES of all KINDS. CEDRIC LINEN PAPER i!5c pound. liinen Knveloef 10c Package. 2.vi Rooms at H5 on a Room. The above social prices will ho'd good till the Ilrst of January. A large stock of good paoera to select from at ART ST0KK. l'.i liu Must have care or they'll surely decay. Long before they decay, how ever, they will show tbe neglect they suffer and reflect no credit upon their possessor. Take care of and preserve your teeth by usinK Simpson's Dental Fluid, which will whiten the teeth, harder the (rums and at the same time impart a delightful odor to the breath. One trial will convince you of its supe riority over all other liquid dentifrices. Prepared only by WILLI AH SIMPSON Simpson's Pharmacy (I'ullen Building) Land for Sale in New Light Townahlp, Wake County. By virtue of a decree of ihe Superior Court made In the case ofMlarrlsoa vs. Harrison, I wil, on the 16th day of December, 1896, at 18 m , sell to tbe highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Wake county, a tract of land In New Light township, Wake county, adjoinlngthe lands of Addison Lowery, O. T. Harrison, Sandal G. Pearce and others, containing 08 acres, being tbe tract formerly owned by Oakley Harrison, deceased. Sale is made for division amongst the heirs. oven ouv sttopei . '. 'SometliSns tfoi-pleae eveiry one. : y: iPiractical : gi jfts' m wiell as fancy waives. Moderate prices 1 in every department. , ISegin xmas buying now. W.II.&R.S.TDCKER&CO. ASK FOR Title good. novistds H. Fuming. Commissioner. Sale of Iand Under Mofgajre By tlrtae of power conferred apon me by a certain mortgage, eiecnted by John II. Smith, which said mort gage ia duly recorded la Registry of Wake county in book No. SU, page 307 I will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash In the eoort house door in the city of Balelgb, N. C, on Mon day, December 16, 1895, at 13 m , the land deeribed in said mortgage, ad joining the landa of J. C. S Lnmsden, F. Goodwin and others, beginning at a stake and pointers in Lnmaden't cor. thenee north 9 degrees 118 4-5, east poles to a stake in Goodwin's eorner, thenee north 88 decreet, west 83 poles to a stake and pointers, thenee sooth 88 degrees east 82 poles to the beg In ning, containing 23 seres; 91 polta more or less in House's Creek township, said eonnty and state. B. F. UoifTAQua, Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, Nor. 18th, 1805. NOTICE OF SALE. USE SIMPSON'S LIVER PILLS an KCZHMA OINTMENT. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE Snuff Why, Parson's Celebrated UECATISE W. C, SEPARK. MANAGKlt. Salf of Land I'lidcr Deed of Tru-t. P-v virtue of powr conferred u -o-i me hv a ptr'ain detyl of trust, expc ited by J hn W Kvals and wif an1 Nancy a. nnu, which mi iieea IS ilulv re cur I'd in Registry of Wake county io Bo It 87 at Pasre 510. I will offer for sale at th" court house door in the citv of lialHi h. - C, o the highest bidder for c'h nil Mo- day. December 16 ISM. t 12 V' lock m. the trace of liind described In svd dee. lying in said couit and State a'd Panther Branch Tovoshi'i arii lining the land of Geo. Ptm L J. weathers and others ana nnnnoei as follows: Keginning at a s ake on Litf.ie eek, thenee north 4 d-'ireos eaH 4 chain" and 23 links to a staiie; the- c south 87 degrees east 14 ehi-in ard 44 links to a stake; thence north S3 Wre weit 49 chains to a staled o,i Juniper Branch; then down the branch. W Little i reex, thence drvf mm to the beinnlne, eootain ing ;0 1-9 aors more or less. - - B P Mowtaoub. rrnstee. . Bileigh. X C, Nov. IS, '85 ivtl It is the purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To bacco. The Manufacturer selects the cboicfst grades of Tobacco and we Sale of Land in Wnke County. On Monday, the 30th day of Decem ber, 18U3, at the Court House door in Raleigh, 1 will sell at public auction, by virtue of the authority conferred in the deed of mortgage, executed to Geo. B. Moore by w. j Holleman and wife (Register's office for Wake eonnty, Book 83. page 652) tbe following de scribed parcels of laod in Wake county: 1st A tract of land in Can town ship, adjoining the lands of (formerly) H. P. Tucker the heirs tf flancy Wil liams, George Cower (formerly) and others, particularly de cribed in a deed from O. P. Alston to said W. J Holle man ia book 20. page 41a, In said office and also from F. P. Brewer to Martha Holleman. book 6 nam 64 L in' a.ld office, containing 119 acres, more or less. m. a plot in Apex, adjoining tbe 'xii us or uetineti unve. nv w. At Kin. son, the heirs of A Jinks and others, particularly dee cribed in a deed from t Williams and wife to said Holleman, By irtue of authority conferred upon me by two Judgment! of Wake Superior Court rendered at February and October terms, USB. In as ac tion wherein W. D. Unchurch was plaintiff and W. O. Maynard and others were defendants. will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, tor cash, at the court house door of Wake county. on Monday, tbe Sth day of January, im at the hour of U o'clock, m., a tract of land attn ated In said county of Wake, adjoining the lands of a M. Carpenter, A. O. Jones, Nathaniel Al ston, and others, containing w acres and poles, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In Nathaniel Alston's line, runs thenee south 1 1-1 degrees west M poles to the centre of thePttts boro road ; thenee eastwardly with laid road 1S7 poles; thenee north 44 degrees east e poles to stake and pointers; thenee south M 14 degrees west 13 poles to the beginning-, same being the and oonreyed to Sarah A. Maynard by Allen ataynard and wife, by deed, recorded In the Beglsters office of Wake county, In Book 50, at page tit. J. M. HOLDING Commissioner. This. Norember 15 IMS. NewYork FINE CANDIES IN SEALED PACKAGES AT MacRaes Branch Pharmacy, (Next to Poetoffloe ) Cor. Fayettevilleand Martin Streets. a. s ii Notice of Execution Sale. Valuable in book 58, page 520. In said office. ou A tot in A Anex. Mioiiiinsr th lands of Jeremiah W Miami. H. C. guarantee if yo i give it a tr a! vour U,"T? "T'. arfB.ain D.a others, good judgment will approve And in future you will use no other brand. Put up in aDy size pack age to suit the trade. i particularly described In a deed from i H. O. Olive to said Holleman io book . Si page 521. ia said Register a office, i Time of sale, IS m Terms cash. - B, EL Battlk. 1 Ex-cutor of Geo B. Moore. Paleigh, HrG, Nov. 99, '96tda Sale of Valuable tiot of Laad. By m Dealers. J. M. PARSONS, Man'fact'r Xew Rrunswick, N. J A. G. BAUER, ARCHITECT, . . ... d .W By virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage executed to me on the 18th of December. 1884. bv Austin Moss, re corded in tbe office of tbe Be ft iter of Deeds of Wake county. M.o ,ln Book 83, nage eu. i win oner r or-saw to toe ntgn eat bidder at public auction for cash, at the court bouse door in the city of Ral eign. f. u, oo iwsaay, ue iuu any nr iMesimDeir. lKun. k lot nr una an. ' scribed in said mortgage "aa follows. lying and Ming in the cit y nr Kalelgn. said eonnty of Wake, and known and described aa follows, vis: the lot lately I. AW RAliKIGH, W. O; Reanodellng old buildings a Specialty. Correepondence solicited . A ley Moas on tbe 1 worth street and ad- occnoied bv Wat weetniieof Blood kilning the loU of Wm. Owen and others and the same that waseoDveyed to said Austin Mots- by Martha A. Plersor by deed dated November 85 th, 1864, recorded in Book 84 pace 88 in the Register's office for Wake eonnty. w. D. BurraLo, MorVgsgee. November. 1800. North Casoliha, ) Io the So Wake Coqntr. ( pcrior Oonrt Mary a. Speight, B. H. Battle and Henry B. Bryan (eiecntors) plain tiffs s. Aitlridge M. Jonas and others, defendants By virtue of a decree la tbe above entitled civil aetloa rendered at th October Term, 1895, of Wake Superior Uoort, l will on Monday, the 6th day of January, 1800, expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at tnblis ornery at the court boas door ia the city of Balcigh. N. C. at 13 o'clock m., all that tract or parcel of land ia wake eouatj. North Carolina ia Mid- die Creek township, adloiaiasr - the lands of William Holland, th late G U. Alford, A. Johnson. B. B. Gonter. and Martha 0. Jones, containing 5 1-8 seres, more or leas, known as the dower land of Mary Asa Joaes. widow cf Alria Joaes, aad nor lately ownea tad occupied by A Id ridge M Jones, aad more fall described iu the complaint. W. J. Piiu. Comm'r Peel. Msnard, AH'ys. d4-50d Administrator's Notice. Having qualiaed as administrator of the estate of Miss Moliie v. UilL de eeaeeo, late or w ake eonntv, this is to notify an persons havingc'aima against tbe said re. ate to preaent them to the nnaersigneo on or before tbe 10th day of October, 1686, or this not ce will be pieauto oar or tneir recovery. " J. O ' M a RCOM, v -Adra'r estate nf Miss Moliie A. BilL R. T GK4T, Attomei. - . Notice to Claimants. NrticH i Arrebr gives of tbesaiiar f th following dewribed personal properly tor vioUtioac f the laUrnsl Emm taws: i.r .v.v.-.' Neveiaber 11th; front A. D. Peader. two kegs oaulalag a boat sin gallons. November BOlh. from Marshall Par. tia on. ak aboat forty (aliens apple brandy. - ' Sovamber Hat, from Saoek Freo aa, en sk, aboat 88 gallons sddI brandy. . . November Us W. B. Trogdea. one cask, aboat 8rty gallons applebrandy ' November 83d, from JaaiM Bnaa, two .k onU)ning aboat twenty gallons eaoh apple brandy) ,n forty." galloa still, sap and wormi on fifty galloa copper still, ap aad wnrm . . - V. M Simboss. Oolltor. i de 8-304 City Seal Sale Estate for . North Cabolqia. WaksCochty. I -'. t By virtue of an execution directed o , " .?r,"fn1C8 powers given ' me from the 8nnerinr Court of said under a certain mortgage from Paul F. - county on a Judgment In favor of A.' ?1,wire Annie H. Fa'son, to L. Strauss, plaintiff, and against Bd trujrtee, registered in m. fjieasoe, o'clock noon c .OAK . U iiiltiii.p.u, n . nnHii nublie auction to the hivhent hiiiHAv m . Uontothe highest bidder for cash, to Mon?l- JMuaryWn, mat 18 o'clock satisfy said execution, all the richt., ." urt npnse door in the citv plaintiff, and against Ed uz wnaioson, traatee, registered in ' . efendJntTl will, at 12 Book 7, pan .4 la the office of the lof Monday. December 2, S"1"4 Teeda of Wake county. " court house door of safl , ?orth Carolina, I will offar for sale at 'i , t.il mnA intmrt Klnh tka nIH VA Of BSjetgh. tfaS lSU Stat OOnVeVfMi In ' M. Bledsoe had when said judgment' faid.m,ortf -wlti F tta " i docketed or has since acquit ed In "i !"'' na paing .in tbe . and to that certain lot or parcel of land ' Mj ?' ?2?i?b Jld, count? "! 6Ut, , lust south of the corporate : limits e f , nJ.rib,DL foll?w! . V the city of Raleigh aforesaid and wltiv 'I JtBerinntng at a point on indel and le- "ulwJ wr unowa Btreer, on reet , . . vit:- On the "PI eorner of Intersection of Edenton ' f the partition ana Juaiuax strBis, running east 01 1- to Aiartha G . Lv w u.i a. a. name, scribed as north-bv the north deed ot Mary 8. Hunter follows, to-wit arv o. Hunter to Aiartha G "' o. oatue, xormeriv and Mofes A. Bledsoe, recorded in the inon!f,5?i8wJ SB""" "Jong IL ter's office of Wake county afore- BBatae;a line lOS. feet, thence west said in book 18 on page S82; on the east "Li",' J? ualirax street, thence -by the west line of li e deed of Sim- at, along Halifax street 10 feet to mons J. Baker to Moses A. Uledsoe.1 V Mi' northwest corner, thence recorded in said Register's office la . W Vass line 80 feet to his-. book 19 on page 487; on the south by nortneaav corner, thence south 140 feet the north line of the two deeds of to the beginning, containing a little -Moses A. and MartU . Btedsoeto OTMbAlfof an acre, George T. Cooke, recorded la said ' i8?00114 iir4 f2Lof W(f on Register's Offloe In book 20 on page 664 Halifax street, between Eden ton and - and 778 respectively, and on the west reeta, beginning 70 feet from . ' by the Kayetteville road, containing irJ, , ilr11 , nQ J81111 aoout eigct acres or 1 November u vr ni'ns 1 street 60 feet, thence east ln&fmt tn u ' 1, 1885. ' f B.' BntUtfs. formerly Thomas Badgers ' ' ; .Frank: Etronach's Carriage-Harness --AKD- ' i horse : Nos. SIB, 821 and 888 Wilmington St, AUCTION Commission Merchant. . Manufacturer and Dealer in Buggies Carriages, Road Carta, Farm : ' and Spring Wagons. ; T tarMl alt n- TKnnJ.."..,) lTi-M... 18th and 18th of December. ISO head of uorsas ana Mules, this stock is all oung, sound and good workers. .Every lorae and Mole in this sale will be sold under GUARANTEE, and MUST nr, An KKI-tVfcSia liu. or MUJNKI REFUNDED. Male will take nlaoe ech day at It o'clock BAIN OB FRANK STRONACH " Manager and Auctioneer. ' 9banMlain a Br and Skat Oiatsaantf Is ancjualJed for E-aenia, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Scald Head. Sore KinoW Chrnmrt" Band. ItcUm Pike. Bnma. imi RiiM ChiwouBoi Even and Gnuiuiatcd Eyi Lids, y u dj orugguis at zo cent per box. . , to Hoaaa owsxta, For tmuinr a bone In a fine hMlih nrm. lition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powden, nev ton on Ihscvstetn. aid dimlna. mu us of appetite, rehev constipation, correct uuuer mmmaam sraa aastroy worms, Fving : tnr lle to as old er Mwrl, kl o2 1 Wajpsokage. FttssJ hyroaea. : I corner, thence sooth 60 feet, thence wes Awi iot to uw Beginning, , col taloina one-aaventh of an anra. j Information in regard to snM erty can be obtained from CV M. oew. iennsoisaj&casD. - -- . LJZADONALD80N, jnEFmBB St Busbek, Attorney'. Nobth Casoliha, . ' Wsk Cooaty., - - IB h HaijOP Court. H. M. Farnsworth v. Fanal J. Nick. olaoa, Annie , h. Boyd aad oth.ra. Proceedlsgs to sell laad for parti. ,-tlon. ," ' '- -i - By tlrtae of a deer of oonrt dered ia - th sbov tatltled Bnacial preMdlogs aad -as sommlsaloacr therela appoloUd bv th eourL I will on Tasdavth7th day of Jaaoaiy A. D.1808 expos for sal at noblia ontery at tb court koas door ia Bal elgb, N. a. to, the highest bidder for cash, all that lot or parcel of laad la North Carolina, Wake eoontv. la th orporaU limits of the city of Balcigh, itaated oa Laolr trt, beginning at a point oar th soutk lla of Lanolr street 80 feet from it point of inter. ' . eeuoa wttn tfi east tin or McDowell . strcat, containing 4.B80 Sqoar fet, more or Ices, sad mors f ally described ia a deed from Martha K. Harris tn- Mary B H. Bord and Edwanl n Jones, recorded la Book No. 78. at pag 68 la th offle of th Bagiater of -Deed for Wak eonnty, aad also In th petition la Skid Drosnadinira athl.h are herewith referred to for more par. fet dceeriptloa. i Valsabl baildings sad improvoaeats oa said land now oeeopiad by Bsasom Johnson and Henrietta Streod. - - f - W. , Pbilb, Coa.'r. PW A Uayaard, Attoraejs. - AtFMEN saws Oar. MMIHnlM fMML Ha A-II I - S'S?fc,ftl.'!?..,!.nof eseliulv. AUdreaa K 0 OSLTai.. , . , sv7eo4

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