Uiiioa. . & Co. , Co. i 1.. Turner, who ia ie la Atlanta, it home Lewis, of the Unlver i yesterday to spend the i tt bona. .; ' .'i"Vv:'. '' . T, Eailey left thia morning board Air Line for Wash- i a lustiness tad will b gone a . f days. ,,.'' s-:5; . I). K. Julian, -who baa been hare ia the elimination of Treasurer a hooks, but who left the eity, !nivtody from hi horn,' I 'or Pure Athletics. . V uWereity '"'stoSKBHI WBlTTiaVi j through tha eity, gi i.,.ertiDg information about jrr' football team ' skitid la tbia paper several day guard Collier hat beef elected a. The following nan of this a strong team will return and iM'it year: Whitaker, Hurley, ; Collier, Wright, Butler, Moor, a aud Merritt. , , . ' ' 'uene will b back, but eaaaot - aceouai of a very atlngeat rntly adopted by Virginia and i Carolina, whleh prohibits ithr i i laying any ma who hat o any 'n received eoapenaation for i services. - a gam next year will not be J in Richmond. , . . . rth Carolina baa at yet eleeted it imager, . : .', ( rBant Clause Has Lyos Backet Store photograph albums. Canary Bird for Hal. " iary birds for sale, good singers, m spieoe, on East Martin, street v tke Baptist Grove. . It Fbadk Hxbmahn., nffgestlon About Far Garment. are expecting colder1 weather by . or soon after. - , i will be the time for; ladles to - i ur Capes. , i the present - unseasonable r hot we make the suggestion r in now win oe.ine time to Day ".nut of this kind. ,.-: yu give ns the ehanoe before .. we will save yon big money on ) ice of a wrap. This applies to i toats as weu as rat uapes. .-, W. U. 4 R. 8. Tdcmb 4 Co. lie South Atlantic life Insurance '1 le ready daring January to issue 1 Life and Endowment Policies, and 1 be able to offer safe and reliable runes to the policy holders. Em- i'itit can be given to energetic so-"t-s. Audress . u Atlantic Life and Endowment ( ., Fullen Building. Baleigh, a. C. ii.O 2tW4W ... : - V.- - ' ' ' ! ' .1 f im Laundry wishes to , i .-- ,t.mMis that on account im;. r savin? away, it has been i- i. dtotivd c i.ialiictiun for thepast -1 i . i it. 'J lie ruined boiler has h. i r. ... 1 by another, and eusto Ui. s aia aned to kindly favor us by vii . j tig in their laundry as usual next Wn-a. , M. B. Gooas found unsatisfactory wi il plrase be sent back next week for re annuel ing tree oi charge. - uu ideal steam xjiunary. ' How to Find Santa Clan. - As von walk alone the eastern side of Favetteville street look for the handsome show window containing a scene representing "A enowv Vinnst- mas in the Country." This is the store of the North Carolina Book Company and Santa Claus will make headquar ters there this season. Ton are invited to come and see the pretty Christmas wings ana mace yourseu at noma. , Yours truly, Nobth Qabouna Book Co. Conversational Water' ' If any mmn is lacking In conversa tional powers, let him call upon Dr. Denton, whose fluids are guaranteed to give saiisiacwon. r ,,imw White setter dog, "Pedro." lemon red ears, and spot on rump over tail. End of tail cut off. About 8 years old. Suitable reward offered for return or information as to ms wnereaoouis. , . m-2 I'KHBIN BDSB arrived ' at - the with a cargo of Dona, doll earrhurea. waeons. truns. pistols and toys of all kinds at the Lyon Backet Store. t Go to the Lyon Kacket Store and get you an aioum. xney are vu pnoiw and cheapest 1 ever aaw. , - ? ACbristmas PreMat. The most appreciated present for the small cost, ia the Mew Standard Dic tionary, the most Taluable book and useful to everyone. ? Prices will advance about one-third January ist, 1886. , :.: Watnk Allcoct, ;'dlMw ' General Agent. " New Telephone Bnbaorlbers. E.V.Denton, 188. . m Sapacribers to the Telephone will please add to their list the following: Donaldson, Thos., Meat Market, 180 Egerton, J. A., residence, 196. (ohnson & Johnson, coal and wood, 306. - Miller, H. W., residence, 199. Perry, Mrs. B. L.. residence, 1W. t Parker, M. A- cotton broker, ITT. Shaw University, 17. ; Smith, John U., bur-room, 181. 8nelling, W. N., grocsr. 17A - Simma Bev. A. 11 . residence, 163. Soldies' Home, 83. ' . Williams & Co A., books and sta tionary, 210. - . Walters, C. M , residence, sa ' Southern K. B , J. JJ. Munson' office, 182. . 4- Jackson &CO.B.L, meat market, 17i. -. . i Latta. M.Ii wsldence, 118, two rings. Hay, T. T , residence, 185. December 10, J896. Don't forget, if yon want to nice present go at once me a to the Lvon Backet Store and get one or taoea beau. uiui aionma. We are not novices in the oyster i niiess. ne know it and the public i rent assured of getting only the . t iroru US. 020 at . t, ' Q. N. Ivei & Co. Ko dealer In this city can equal our per quart oysters. sw it . . G. N. Ives & Co.- O i ve ns one day 'a notice and we will r your oysters and give you advau- of wholesale dealers' prices. zj zx, : G. X. Ives & Co,' Board Wanted. ."ice board wanted in a private fam- Address M., care v by a young man. e i rets- visitor, It v'e make special prices to those .tiing oysters In more than 1 gallon s. . . U. Ives & Co. Buy oysters for the holidays of 1 Q.H. Ives ds Co. 1 hat Is Dicer for Santa Clans than a Lp Robe,-Buggy or Riding !, Bridle, Harness or anything a Harness ana eaaaierv line h cue at rednoed price call on , i'. WyattfeSop, 109 E. Martin 8t 1 may be put down as a fact that "ii s crackers are oetwr than anv come to thia market, and his '. cukes and eonfectionaries are .i 'til. fie is doing a tremendous - tie business, which shows that niio appreciates tbe importance onizing a wortny nome industry. Always get the best at Bretsch'a. I at W. H. Rogers' and get your nuts tin key. Jfifty fine, fat ones i-.-ivea ana cneap. -, Apples, uts ana omer iruita. . uittnc Tonr Madam Besson desires to call tbe at tention of the public to her new stock of fail and winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. . Infanta cape, aacquoe, notion etc. : octltf . MRS. MRS EMMA K. SWINDELL'S EMMA B. BWINDELL'S ' BAKHEB DATS BANNER DATS Of BBderselllng u"Red Letter Dars." of Price Lowering are taming the thoughts of all holiday "Gift Buyers" here. The great price red action onslaught baa mad its triumph and the eloter you probe into eaeh offering tbe quicker is coaviacing that money ia multiplied three tines over a the finest, most desirable "Gift Goods." CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS CLOAKS The greatest reduction ever offered in cloaks, yon will find here.' Cloaks that aoat 14, reduced to 18.60. i Chrifttmas Present for Wife or Friend. - . i cn bny a new White Sewing f for the next few days for J i k and get your choice, only a t- uioer witu cnecs or post esiler. Will ship to any point. Mks. L R Wtatt. . -l w 818 Fayetteville St 1 or Cbrtetanas Presents I are more pretty things at . i: Sips' China Hati to select s presents from than can be "iy where. Bacqaet lamps, I c'wna ware of ail sortc, in- r ware, and everything hi a rjoiiuay stock, at bottom It Is Beautiful! a. f-fih candy. Do not give v. cnr, aiiuiterateo eanoy. s. Just receirei new ! '.':3 W e try to keep Utirbee & Pope, "e for fine ovters . IS, City ilarket. '. I- "'n'S nil the It i "SI tot 1 hy ,Oi''tf I H t :e . Doshl's BeteU PrloeJast . Ice-cream Different Prices, Water Ices Ditterent Prion. Bananas 16. WX. 85 per do . It 11.8a, $1.50 bunch. a uranges 40, oe, w per aoz. . Pears 30, 40 per dos. " Peachea.' ' -. ' ' ' "v Apples ao, 85 per peck; to MP barrel. '" . V . Grapes, Catawba, 85 per basket: California, 86 to 40 per to. Lemons 86 per dozen, - Baisins 10, 15, 80 per pound. Dates 10 per pound. Figs 80 per pound, 8 Bounds 8 Citron 85, 80. . J . ' Chestnuts. ' Peanuts, fresh roasted 10 per quart, 8 quarts 85. Beef Choice IS 1-1 ' Mutton Choice 181-8. Lamb Choice 181-8. r Oysters sv 86: Lynhaven Bay, 60. ' Claret Wine, fdr table use $1 per gallon. y .. Figs 8 lb box 18 per pound. " London Layer 80 lb box 81.00. Mahura 95 dht nound. Huts, all kinds, guaranteed fresh 80 Mr lh.. a lha. tt. All orders for candy, both best and cheap, filled at lowest market prices. Special attention given to fancy Chiist- mas rruit Dasketai A merry Christmas and many nappy aewxeara, . v Very respectfully. "a. DUGHL We sell the solid measure. best oysters and give u. a. ives vo. Bewt This. Bright, breezy, beautiful. Cantata for Deneutor Kings uaugnters ana i. at. C. A. at Metronolitan Hall. Friday evening Tee zOth. Chorus 40 voices with Banjo and Uultar Solos; Recita tions. fon't mis a sptenaia entertain tuent. ov ' Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their nome, wi ttortn Wilmington street. Perfect lit and satisfaction guaranteed. octio im ' Royster'a Candy. Don't bother your mind trying to solve the question Simply buy her a dox. sne will approve your selection. Money to Loan on very favorable terms; also for sale MONTHLY INVESTMENT Stock Which pays a handsome profit. fMechanlo and Investors' Union, d808tw4w 88 Pullen Building. Come AND Those that eoet f 8 50 re duced to 15.35, tad all cloaks that cost na $9, $10.50 CLOAKS .and 818.50 reduced to one CLOAKS price. tS. KERCHIEFS Ladle' 26 cent hand 'KERCHIEFS kerehlefs now IS cents. 'KERCHIEFS All 15 cent handker 'KERCHIEFS chiefs now 10 eenta' 'KERCHIEFS - and 10 cent ones now 'KERCHIEFS S cento, ones all go 'KERCHIEFS for 1 1-3 eenta. TOWELS ' Fifty cent towels are bow TOWELS 85 etc. All 85 sts. aad 40 TOWELS ent oaes are bow 95 ett. TOWELS The 35 ets. oaes arc 17 ett, TOWELS Al 15 rta. and 18 sts TOWELS towt-le aow 11 tts. "These TOWELS are all linen." DRES9 GOODS ; Dress goods that eoct DRBSS flOODS ns 60. 68 snd 70 ets. DRESS GOODS bow 40 etc. The 85, DRESS GOODS 40 aad 60 eta. kind DRESS GOODS bow 35 ets, and 35 DRESS GOODS ets. kind bow 15 at J MR. EMMA K. SWINDELL, . Executrix v ' " tmatBank Stock. . ' RAtklOlT. S. O- JttlV 23. 1895. The andersitrned hereby give notice that sne has lost, or ner late husbani. w. a. a. smith, ha lost, two eerttn catee of share of the capita, stock of The Citizens Bank of Norfolk, Va., numbered 40 and- 88 -respectively, the former for three share and the hitter tor twenty-two share of said stock, and wishes them returned to her if found. Mrs. MaHY O. Smith. Executrix of Wi N. H. Smith. octl8 8m , Deceased, Baleigh, H. C Jv,.S; yy, for Rent. Two-story, seven room house, all modern eonvenienca, cot ner of Peace and Blount streets, on street car line, decl4 4t , B. B. Lacy. Cbrlslaaaa Drams at Denton'. I have on hand some very fine old Nash county apple brandy. " Also I have 8cotcb whiskey. Jamaica mm an 1 very line old r es, etc , etc. t will serve every day from now on nice free lunch from 11a, m. to 1 p. m. for the BENEFIT OF CUSTOMERS. dl3 IW e. v.dkstok..: Go to B. B. Jolley' for Xma pre- enis. T! latest sn.i best thing in pocket : v ,vt sr, Joih'g nothing petter for a "i t, un.fss it be a watch or a nice , e ct jewelry. Examine The handsomest Steel i Range made. It is "THE JEWEL." See our new Bissell Grates We ha 3 Bicycles On easy terms 'T Baby Carrlaafes At a cut price. XMAS GOODS. tbos. H. Briggs & Sons, RjLLKISH, N C sett 87-1 v CALL AT McKIMMON'S I3RXJO STOKE And bnv a bottle of their Cologne. It has stood the test of years and is rood. Doe not take much money 25, fOor 75c will do. Q-OOOOOO-CKKHKHJ $ SUITABLE I T CHRISTMAS GIFTS 0 X CAM BB FOUltD AT A I HELLER'S X Trunks, Valise, Band Bags and A 6 Suit Cases, Gent's Toilet O 9 Slippers at 75c, $1.50, X X $8.00 and 88.50 a O Y s P"r- 9 SlADIES' , 5LXPPEE86 T at kiw prices and " X 0 ITnbber Hoots . Q 6 foe the Boy a V 1 HELLER BROS. T The Only Shoe Store Here ' T Coneamers may rely upon . oar good. We offer only the finest and poreet obtainable. . . -,.. . Fine Table Kaisinc, 8eedlese Rais ins. Cleaned Carraut. Leghorn Cit ron, California Prunes, Apricots, ta , ,, ' Cooking Chcoolata, Cocoa, Cocoa, nnta. New Almonds, Walnute, Pe- cerw. New Figs, Dates, eto. - - Smeet "Green Monntaln" pure Mafole Syrup, old fashion dark Back, whteat. Prenared Bockwheat, eta Pure Flavonncr Extracts, Spices, inest ieas, uoneea, eto, ; ; ; . "HELROSE" FLOUR. The snnerioritv of this Floor is at tested by tbe oontinued Increase of Fine Old Virginia HamC North Carolina Hams, Sugar-oared Bams, eto. ' - Oar lines of Staple Goods are care- tally selected. All orders bv teleohone ox other wise will receive our personal atten tion. Goods delivered promptly. Telephone. 125 Respeotfally, TURNER & WYNNE. Will Soon be Mere ! J ... ; .i.' . . v , .-. -. .. j.! ;:'vi.:." '!.:; ,m - - . - ' ; . ..' u; i ;..."'-' - . , -: . :. '" : t v t "'''.' .''? 4- 'i' - ' Tbere are Christmas present and Christmas trinkets, bat the Urgest most elegant, fascinating and beautiful ever shown in the city is now at STIT1IEW WE HAVE A Beautiful Line of XftlAS GOODS The cheapness of which surprise you. will Come and Take a Look' Lady shoppers will flud a cap of our Hot Chocolate, Coffee or Tea, served with whipped cream, very refreshing these cold days. HUYLERS CANDY in fa icy baskets and boxes. W. H. KING & CO., The Drtiffglsts, Fayetteville Street. Store. Yoa should see the line before liJ!!K long way when yoa are selecting your ' Kifts fm oar well seleovrd stock It is our desire to oatcb. the mmwe sixpeuto. wu. ruw. clvm rlf low orioes will catoh the trade, our stock will go quiokly. ,Cm8 'ly rtCash. tore wili.erowd harifains as vou have long wan tea are now in renuu i"Uj , . pfokof to" exqaislte Une of Christmas novelties if joa shoaW delay your P When you have seen our line you have seen all that is perfect, lovely, .a. u .;a ko.nHf.il Than npirvMi am liirhll A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY MADE ! .. .. 1 " V . A ' . I.-? 3 0 Wiil you save it by buying your gifes from a stock bought lor cash in 'rnTOaUBtlW our aetormlnation to keep in the lead conduct a thorough, live BtaUonery and Fancy Goods Store for tbe mutual Deneo s ci onreeives auu uo A Hanjn)ob Display -OF- You Find That ion can select your Christmas Gifts quicker and BETIE here than anywhere else Larger variety, better variety than you can and anywnere aim In town, we are loaded to the muzzle with Oivable Wearables and at prices that will strike yon at once that this is the right place. Tomorrow is the last day for the $28.50, 20. $18 Suits for your choice at 815. Those 81 Jersey House Jackets and the i Cardigan Jackets are suitable rift anil moat aonrecialed. The Mufflers have taken a flying mive 75co 2 tor me nest. All aorta of Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and white and fancy fhirta and the largest and beat rne ot Aecz- wear in this state, use to i ou WE HAVE Plnt. nf aalgmen to wait on vou aulcklv and 'correct Prices are mark ed in plain figures for eveiything. S. & D. Berwanger. Harris' Lithia Water .v Hilvervrarc, . , : Fine Watches 'M Jewelry. SPECTACLES. Fayei tevill St. East Sid4lfear Capital. D f rcKT T. C.HAKE3. D.!. FORT k CO, IXen.1 I ".state AfcTcnts, ttai tor fle! Lands Waetef?! Ii- - asi s-r!l farma.ff''''''! Read what the noted Dr' Thomas r?. Powell, President of the South era Medical College of AtlanU, has t say for Harris' Uthla Water: Mr. J. T. Harris. ' Dear Sir I have found the u-e of the water from vmir Uthla Sprint; in South Carolina ra effleacioos in the case of a ToiinK bury patient of mine, who baa suffered for years with Diabetes, with all as different attmdenta, that I want to add asy ttimontal-to the many you already have The patient thai i .fr in hvm m ri the watr fraelv I at bum IT srareeiy a monin now, j with more b oetlclal results than from months anent at the different noted liiiiia unrlora in different oarts of the Unitea vat, oesiaes wok cunuuueu trn of the same waters at home. Other of nv patieor and friend a- now using tbe m with best result. 1 cordially recommend it to all suffering rrom simitar a meases -. v Verv respeetfuuv yours, c . Thomas 8. Howclu M. D. Fn. Souttutra Jaedlcal College, At- iKuta, Oa Mr J.T. Harris . llear Kirit virea me nleasur) to sav that I have ba uaing your Utbia Watrr for aevnrxl montha rasf. and that I hlUvM it ta ha nna nf tha bast I la tela a t ri that I have come eon tac;ih. Yturs truly. t ,v 1 , K. fcT johh VieeFWtdeut j a UU JUPel mouta. va. . .. ,- , .-. : ' f A'hevill, K. XX. April 24, i8 t A extended clinical use of the fl r ris Ulftia Water prompts me to the statement that I regard it as one of the hest, if not . the best, Uthla Water kaowntolhe profasinn. In the erro dition of t'hosphatic Urine, its actum Is n.arveli'iTS. . its use n the Bbeu matie and Ootttv Dial his afford me more cornfnrt than either the Buffalo or Londonderrf Waters. , ; Verv truly yonrs. Joha Bit Willum-s M.D narrii Lltiia Water contains one third more JUthis ttt eny natural ilr OO far".:''. I ..r fi( 'Tt ' I FRAMES, PLAQUES AND VASES AtomiserP, ddor iiJ "fJSSt Shavii g cases, vv riunar wesae, C,'UU"I,1 "v, ... Z 5hn Boxe?, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Lap Tablets, Portfolio. Photo graph, Autograph and Scrap Albums, Glove and Hand - ' kerchief Cases, Photograph Cases, Brush and Comb Twifc Sofc sorsPasee, Travelling: Cases, v Banquet lamps, etc. s s i Ladles' and Cent's Cold Pens,, k Pencil., aud Pens. GMYmM'irJPt' pKaaV?0 ; and Folding Mirrors, urmanm o "C-T1,1, Rrrfi Opera Glasew, Plajmg Card Cases, Bekmmon Boards. Crokino'e Boards, A robarena Boards. Cribbage Boards, Duplicate Whist Sets. We have a lartre and Heautif at display of Christmas Cards, Bookleto, Ca'endarsand all Kinds I . Fancy Boobs for Cfiildi'eu BV ' We desire to call ydur attention to our large ana complete tine or Leather GoX. In Card Csw, Porfes, Bill Bonks and Leather Cases we bftve the largest stock EVER OPENED IN THE CITY. - We have the best assorted stock and we boast cf the SMALLEST Ourliueot Pme Wilting Papeis. PpeUries Quarter Ream Pack ages, eto , is toe . - , , J, 7.'. Hiinl I'i.ii.1. nit Whltintf'a we cairy regumrjy .u- !?-. -,,, t , - i'ersian Note, Koyal IAjUT novo, rmi "rr? Wnoti.h Arnr.. Ro.al finish Aiore. Aberdeen Notr, Veuetiao Bond, Unval linnrt Bono, uveriaou diuo iu aui siwn, vj i MEMOit an blrfii bo6ks i " CJf?3lXD DIAUIEiS. wA ' arn k- L kl If ..iniH Divkkda Id ani.Jnaw nr.. mrA avMH nawf M kUW ever betaa. BookW tt aav HtJ pock.lt.' l noe4 to tt. any pane. Ti . .. lofu 1.. Mil m .nil .MiU - N ?l . .v .. - . - Vr IW WW JUO p..u. .-. .. -. Salesmett, we hope to merit the patronage ot the pa olio. - '".f'.r J awn.. .n,!,. db ... p, .i.i .hi is aim i im mm ,s -i .1.,: -v ' 4 5- ' THE RALEIGH STATI0IT3RY- "COMPAKY; IS if A Safe' Investment? No ens with a sensible Idea doubts a moment that nur Baleigh banks are perfectly safe, for their combined re sources are . - ? $1,870,791.46 Whv. then, will anrona. who Is not blind, fail to see that the Baleigh Branch of the Southern's resources are $5462,573.43 y Nearly three times as much as all four of our banks, which make an invest ment In the Baleigh Branch of the eouuiem aotoiuteiy sate, sure ana se cure. Total nrofit of the association to June 30, m tl,m,m 80. Turned over from the Expense Fund, that was doc neeaea, to uie creait or memo era, ! A POINTER. ' Over ISO member nf ilia Ralalvh Branch of the Southern have 1180,000 wuruioi uieoouuiern sstocK. ttemem. ber, only 10 cento a day carries five shares, which, at maturity (estimated c.c. Mcdonald, State Aerent, ' -107 FAYETriVILLE STREET. Prices " " CUT ! Barrels of Old Corn, $1.50 atoion. All pther grades marked down in Proportion. J A Big Lot of Champaign . at COST T - -at- ' : JOHNU.SMITirS t . . DEALER 15 Wines, Liqnors, Cigars, &c. . Koi U Izohante Plaee. - For the eoavenienee of oor eaatomers we will keep oar store ope till ft p. m. antil Xmss. Woollcott iSoN. 14 EAST MARTIN ST. The Great Question. "" ' ' i ' t , " '.fe -' r Every faoe at home and every glance Into our inviting; windows sng gecta the question, "What shall I get or give for Xmasr, The answer to the first depends upon the love and liberality of your friends; the seoood upon your own means and generosity. Let fate aad friends look after the get you look after tbe give that part most blfSMd. . Remember that ft little given with love is more than much given because yoa can. Our store is just now budding with its wreath of solidified happiness. , Tocaor row it will burat into glorioas bloom SELECT YOUR PRESENTS NOW. ' HTdjcslj BTLoox. Toys. Toys. Dolls. Doll's Head?. With all the paraphernalia pertaining to Dolldom. Graad display of Toys aad Dolls in every department. " - Every kind of toys Maglo Laateras, Soldiers' Bolts. Drams, Tool Cheete, Tenpins, Toy Dishes, Plates, Toy Fur niture, 8how Aaimals, Iron Toys, Trains, Boggiest Qamas of all sort's. . TOYS TOYO BOOKS BOO boond Books, 10s, worth 60s. All kiads ot Books for the boys and girl from 5 op. ' Tea aad Chamber Sat for the doll boos. Doll Karaltaret Kitchen, Tin aad Granlteeare at low prtoea. SeoosxdL Wloox? Japsaeaa Qooda. A eadtesi striety and very sheap. v . i Creckary, Glassware aad Brle-A Bra. - Tea Sets, U places from SS.06 a setap.- . - ' ChimtMHr fUta. IA nlaaM. fntaa t M set Bp. ' :. Battoraake Plata from TOeeaefe p Ola as Tabls Beta, A pie, fro 40 Mats sash ap. ' Qoblet aad Taabler from B k. Cap and Baoesrs, Plate aad Steak Dish. Vasaa aad oraasMata, Mllllnerv Goods 700 Udlse aad miss' Felt Hato at IK - - . r , ' Bad need from 60, 73 sad tl. - '''. Blbboa for th holiday trad. Wool BlaakaU from $1 s pair. Bed Comfort frem 75 eaah. CLOAKS aad CAPES W has greatly redaeed the prtoe of all oar. large stock of Cape aad Cloak.. , W00LLC0TT & SON. D yru think we will sell yoa a quart and give yon a drink . The big ax at work again cutting prioes on Xmas drains. . G;ao4RY, - Old Ililland Gin from the land ot Its birth, and no city water-works nurd.' Old North Carolina Mountain Com. 100 nroof. SL40 ner rallrm. Thh is less than yon oan bay 80 prof at elsewhere.- I load these prioes : ELSEWHERE. Per (Jiart , IL60 1 160 Leo , 160, . 160 ' Old Crow. W. H. MoBryer, Old Kentuck, . . . Old Kosobud, ..: Old Golden t'row.i. waiton s canartai HJ l ou 10U 1.60 160 160 160 .60 100 Toronto Cloh. Old Log Cabin, J Hesse's, Kenton Club, Old Koman, ' Old Corn, Old Annie Brandr. P-vear-Jld IVach Brandy, S 00 Old Holland Wi;.. 1.00 And lots of otimr g'wvis proimrt'onttet' a.hlchlars will not it row OS to t I y l hhi ! r r, t t ( t' i1 imt4.l t'T y 1 1 ,. HERE. Per Quart - 760 . , 7&o - 760 ' 760 7So 750 - 751 ' ?" 90a " ' 750 ' 750 . 750 , fMo I 753 I 6 Vj ,