.;.-; -CCD-VIS 'j omiirrow'B Weather. luiDurrow Rale' i a Kur, ti v t. rrat4iitc t f -r - North Ciirolnia "rtut received." VOL. XXXIV. NO, 101. RALEIGH, N; C. TUESDAY EVENING, 1 DECEMBER'-. 21; 1895. r" . . - .. .,. . v.: . . .. ... MMEI liLL' 1 icparcd by the Ways and Kuans Committee, TO BE PASSED THURSDAY Nothing Doing ia Cengresa Today There Will be bo General :- . Tariff Revision. . -" ' , ByTlrgrphtotiietfis-VUKorf v ,i c s, WAsiiiKQTok, D. C, Deo. 24. The YiV-3 i nd 11 " ost jtootumittea has s. . t gx& de' of tima' perfecting : the revenue tan .1 till aud the short term boi.l bill,"h!eh they expect to report to the House Thursd ay. There will be only f short session ' pi the House today tor' the transaction of routine buaiueTLarsday thellouae la eir'ted'ta pass the emergency me- - . 39 of tlifejlftiidect Chairman Dingley says the committee will not a.. ,,t a p..nerai tafjfl revision.:.. It ia not ito . UtvuCaff : to "restore the IT !;.: ley or u. j other rates in par-t- -. T a object is to rake reve- nue. VENEZUELAN COMMISSION To be Composed of Men With Whom Politic Is Merely an Incident. By Telegraph the Preas-Vlsltor. 1 Washington, D. C., Deo. 24. The Venezuelan Boundary Commission will probably not be announced by President Cleveland until the latter part of this week or the first of next w-ek. It wlLl consist, most likely, of three members. The President's aim Is to pat on tbeoomnjisnlon only such men as will Inspire re ject and con fidence on both sides of t' Atlantic, ' and whose aoqulreausuui v. -.1 be ac knowledged by tM world, of states manahlp, science and letters. In making the selections men with whom politics is simply ao Incident and not their profession will be pre ferred, and one close to the President is authority for the statement that probably not m single name so tar mentioned will be found on the com. mission. :, f s.- The Presidint, it is known, is searching the universities and col leges of this country for i suitable men. The high standard which the Pres ident has set for the commission re stricts the circle from which the members can be chosen, and in this sense simplifies his work Secretary Olney is in daily consul tation with the ' President on the matter. ijXlXX' , for Those Who ara Hungry. ' ' Br Telegraph to the Paxss-Visrrba. 4. i.Zr ' ; - CmoXao, Deo. 24. The Salvation Army will tomorrow feed four then r nd destitute men, women and chil dreii. A thousand pounds of meat, six hundred turkeys and fifty bar rels of potatoes are being cooked to day. ;. ' ' ', ' .'. . T, Devastating floods, :.; (... ," : " Br Telegraph to th Press-Visitor. - . Dunsoit, Tex., De. 84.--Reporle larronndlnj show that the flood It i more devaatating than the worst In pretlooa yeara. Bed river eootiauef to rite.. Traffie if almoet iapended- by ralL ... '...:.:. , The Market Active and Btronir. -. Bj Telegraph to Tea Pbem-Visitob.' . Nkw York. Dec. 24. Evidence that stock has recovered from tbe re cent panio Is plenty tcdiy.' The mar ket la strong, active and Irregular. Pi.Kttmtions are active and stocks bil.k. There is nothing to exoite sus-pL- a or curiosity. The demand for cotton is fair. . '.Francli Train In UlaOld Bole. ; Br Telegraph to the Frew-VUitor. t ' Niw York, Deo. 2. George Fr Train, sent the following 0 feto Cleveland: "I have st- 1 ' J you twicabypsychisra." Will I. j no bonds and throw the rt sponlbnsty of lis oH5s on Congress. m 11 . Clearing Ilonse Certlcatce. B T.'U ii auh to the rrew-Vlsltorl 1.-cton, Deo. 1. The Boston C Louse today voted that clear i -la cert:2iiaies be Issued to r y (t i i tacks that may apply, list , ' '. 3 will bear eevea and t - ' t i.ths r-T f-'i-t. interest ' Chinese at Fort Art h or. " ' .-,2- i '. ?.-A Clieato dli- t . t .a .':.:. . -rcLed into ; : j :iJ, bulged - h rp i-rowoed. . !--a of tie 7 d i o D e d . i i a ti'e TODAY'S MARKETS Cotton Cloaca Two Polnta Lower -;:..- ana Qalet. - - ( By Telegraph to the Press-Vtoltor. ..:,, Niw Toe i, Dee. 84. Llrotpool opened 1-9 f op, gained another 1-04, bnt loet part ot the Improrement, closing finally eteady 1 to 9-04 above yuterday. Spot ealei, 10,000 bales, ot which 9,000 bale, Amerieao, 600 for eiport' and speculation. The Liver pool market will he eloted ontfl nton day SO, 10 o'eloek a. m. and on Jna ary lst1808.; ."v : Ww York opened 1 to- 8 points down, declined a few point, more and recovered- the loaa,' bnt' toward the eloae eased off a few points again, olosing qo,let and steady 2 points be. low yeeterday. " ':(! 'The market will be eloved tomorrow. Sales, JBl.SOO bales. ."" V -v" ii : Th reeeipts are estimated 87,000 bales, agalnts 49,000 bale, list year. 'Option, closed as f ollowsi " '. .' ' -: h " Oeeember, 7.80 to 7.88 j'1 January, 7.88 to i February, 7.05 to 7.98 j Harsh, 8 03 to 8.03 April, 8 07, to 8.08 1 Uay, 8.11 to 8.12 1 Jane, 8.15 to 813 1 July, 8.17 to 8.18 1 Aagn'et 8.19 to 8.20 j September. ,7.97 to 7 88 tober, 7 80 to 7.83 1 No,mbr,7,75 tot78v - - , -N? Ilabbard Bros. Co.'a Cotton Letter. Speeiaj to the Preaa-VUltor. . 13 ' ' Niw Yoex. Dee. 24. . Advid's from Liverpool were not as good in. ton a th trad ipetd last evening, and th market opened easier to qsiekly reeover on the cover ing of Jh local interest btfor tk Christmas holidays. : No disposition sist to anticipate a decline. On th contrary th trad at horn and abroad xpect falling off la th movement after; the" Chr'stmt holidays, which will stimolate the spinner of th world to bay freely ' at ' advancing price. Oft this belief th nataral tendeney Is to hold otton a long as posslbt. althooghi It is beginning to b fall ia all commercial circles that no permanent revival in bnslnes can be obtained ontil th currency ques tion is ettled, and by th estimation of the greenbacks and placing apoa the bank th responsibility of hold ing soOcient gold to pay all demands, taoe of bond ar believed to be only a temporary measnr. Th present condition of the market I a nsoal at this season of th year, and th future of price will depend on th appear anc of new factor ia th situation. j. . ' ' HUBBABD Baoa. 0) Co. oor Children Made) Happy. By Teleinph to the Press-Vlsltot. : 7 ' S YBAOcsB, N. r Deo. 24 -The Evening News will distribute from seven of the largest balls In this olty commencing today, presents of candy and olothlng to. 6,000 poor children. Tbe charitably inclined- people hav risen In a , mass, and through the News have; supplied the greatest quantity of clothing, toys aud candy ever .been gathered at .one time for the poor of this city. L s , ... i; - TUlrtylz In tbe Rigging , ;, -.T-.:. . 1 .. 1.-1- ....! , J By Telegraph to the rBxas-Visrroa.' ., ..'' ' i Xosdoh, Dee, 24. The Brlsh ship atoorssby. Captain - Boomber, bonnd for Plsagna, Chill, Is ashore on th oast ot Irsland. : Th erew of thirty. (ill lashed In th rigging. A life boat la trying to rescue lb people. Th wathr 1 mfld. - " - i Y-W': 7 :'" ' i ' vi';:'3.-' Onban FlUhnsteren In Raw fork. By Telegraph to the pBaas-VisrroB. . ,: '' Saw Yobx, Dse. 24. Th steamer Antllla, from Nassau, had seventaeB Oobaa fillbasterers, arrested and tried at Kassaa, aboard . - ' ' I Lil Qnlet. By Telegraph to th Press-VUttor. 8a FaaBoisoo, Dec . 24 Uawsli advice says that President Dot and his eabinst r pleased with the wy th ex-Queen I eonduotlpg herself, sine sh ha been paroled. . Famous Ship Builder Dead." , ByOaoUtothePrees-Vtaltor. Bilfast, Deo. 84. Sir Edward Har had head of th famous ship build ing firm of Harlaad ft Wolff died to. day. Special Election at Cape May. . By Telegraph to the Paaiis-ViarroB. Cafk Mat, N. J., Dec 24. A spe cial election is being held today to vote on the proposition to allow an Increase in the charter debt limited from lioo oco to m -.0,000 - ; " - : Kansas Teacher Meet. By Te)!raili to the Frew-Visitor? TortKA,Kan.,Dec 24. The thirty third aunutl meeting of the Kansas ".,,'-3 Teachers' Association opens Lore tomorrow. IJrokers Pall. rmLAHKi.riiiA, Dio. 21 Hopper f- Co, broken;, f.i'rd todny. ; litisy. ' i c i V e Attoruey-General's Opinion ,of the, Lease.-. ,.v, TO ANNUL.THE CHARTER The Attoraoy-Oeaeral Mad -Appll- cation, wKicb. waa Oranted by ; the Supreme Court. Attorney General Osborne render, ed bis decision at noon in the pro ceedings brought by Judge Sohonok and others to annul the charter of the North Carolina Railroad. viw Be decided to make application to the Supreme Court, or a Justice 6f the Court for the purpose of bring ing Bui to his pame to annul the charter of the North Carolina Rail road. In doing this, Attorney Gener al Osborne stated that la his opinion the lease was valid for it was bus tamed by ' decisions' ti the Supreme Court. '' . - ' It was riot very long after the de cision of the Attorney General was made knawn that Chief Justice Fair cloth up) Associate .Justice, flout gomery appeared in the court room. The application asking for tbe privi lege of bringing, eultln th Attorney GeneraTs name to anuul the charter was banded tbe Chief Jrutloe; H stated that he did not desire the pree enoeof anyone other thao tbe Attor ney General, and the ooort room was oleared of witnesses as well as oboi ue.:,'r -: , y : y t The Attorney General remained In consultation with, the Jostices same Uttle time. Justioe Walter Clark joined them before they left the room. The Court granted the Attorney General's 'application anrf th sjase wilt come regularly before them at the next session. - t , It is a significant' fact that the ac tion wbioh Judge Sqhenck's petition contemplates to to annul the charter of the North CarolinaRaiiroad. It has been understood, and so published, that it was to annul the lease.' The action, however, pro pee to annul the charter of the road as the nrst step, and if this la; done it would ap pear that tbe road oouid at onee be placed in the hands of a receiver, and its disorganization and dismenv berrrent would be a possible result The people cf the State would . do well.to fix this faot in theif mlndsw ,f ( i i iiewi fi i J v'' , A Unique Greeting. ' i i i (--:, s '-, - , .! 1 ; A pretty Christmas, greeting: was received her today Id th form of a ehrck tot a good round um. It was a beaotlfuliy designed shack, litho graphed la olive, green and crimson, and It faearvad as foUowf:;.!; The Bank of Frlendahlp, Unlimited, Good Will, Bquare Branch . Pay to th order of . THB PEB33-V18IT0B On ' Tboosaad - Hearty Greetings. j T. A. MoBTaoiar."i Th check will be adorsed asd drawn at th bank whar Mr. Moat- gomery ha amplt capital Infganlal good fellowship to meet It, aid h may depend upon l that his many frisnd la this city have on deposit her a plentltude; o fgoosj will apoa which he may at any tim mak a ght draft. ' " , xv;v. , :- i ., ANOTHER INSTITUTE TOUR. : Xk ;-: : -,i:,f''t X; Commissioner , Patterson to Start - ' After the Holidays. . Commissioner Patterson will be away from Raleigh for some after the general holidays are over. But it will not be In "Pleasant Valley" hi western home, that he will dally away tbe lime with turkey and feast Ine and roasting of apples. , JTor the commission nx Is a "son of toll." . - It Is to be another Institute toon the two proceeding were unqualified suooesaes. r!:- r, : f ' r:- The first meeting is to be at Lenoir, January tbe sixth and seventh; the eight and ninth Mr. Patterssn will speak at Newton; oh the tenth and eleventh those who farm around Mooreeville will hear the music of the Patterson voice. ;: ' CSo it will be away long yonder la the middle of next January that Mr. Patterson will be seen ot Raleigh again. "; -f ' M ' . . I ; WAR PEELING DEAD. London Sentiment Against War ; Though Papers Cry Traitor and Report War-Like Preparation. , By Cable to the Prera-Visitor. . Lomooiv, Dee. 23 The Bt. James Qssattesays: - "The Irish leader Bed mosd Is a traitor for saying that Ire land will side with America la the event of war." Othsr afteraooa pa pers today eoatiausthsir comments on the Vennaelsu question; aud there Is hope eiprsKcd that the ChrUitmss holidays will tend to contribute In bringing abont a calmer mood on both sids of the Atlantic. All po?:.:L.:::-y of r b'twoa F.'cr I 1 1- . ' ' r ! . -. : . ! KUEO'8 RULES IN UANGEB. Democrat Preparing to Block HM v Baxy TarifT. -' , waahtagtoa lews. r .;, Republican Senators are iu line with their brethren in tbe House in their anxiety to pass a tariff bill In the next month or six weeks, hut wishing to do a thing and doing it are entirely different : Anything can be aooompished in the House that Czr,Reed and bis lieutenants oat to aocomplislL ; : . -They have , just got to say a hill shall go through after 80 minutes debate under a suspension of the rules and it will be passed. That is snap legislation, it Is true, but the Reed rules were oiade for Just such rrpose'W.-Vfi . While the House republican are planning to pass a tariff bill in lee than a day, the Senate Democrats are resting on their oar and waiting an opportunity to get at the bill. No snob measure as Is contemplated by the House Ways and Means Commit tee can ever pass the Senate, say Senator Harris and other Democratic leaders In the "Upper House." ' h i The rules of the Senate allow un limited debate on any measure, and the Democratic Senators propose to pat in a large amount of talking in order to save the country, if possible, from another dose of McEInleylsm. FINDERS MATED HER LIFE. John Nowell Tried U Kill a Bowery ' i- -' Damsel Ra see" Used. 1. . - : John Nowell was before Haysr Bass today charged with attempting to take that whleh h eonld not give the life of Lo. Mfia.tiB,-Mgr- ... Lo ha a alsah ia har throal loat thre laches ia distance and two la ger ar artistically carved around the bon. John became angered st omething th forald Loo had tated. pot earn hi "raxes" and with a clrcalar swipe" from th shoul der, Joha sent th rasor stralrkttoth "lady'" throat.' Lon tQppd th forf f th messenger of death by saerlftSiing two fingers. .Those Sogers savsd hsr lif Only a flesh wound disfigure hsr throat. , " .' i ' "; It was ea of those anmeroaa Bow- sry seese. whar a man I hot consid ered s "gsmman" nnlea h carries th proverbial shaving weapon on "his ; Mayor Bus sent Nowell oa to ronrt la 200 Instilled bond. ' . . BOTH HORSES KILLED. Reealt of a Serious Collision f Two x Hacks on Hlllsbors) attreet. f . Hack drivers Alex. Miller and Ben Curtis are both ousslng their luck this Christmu; for each has lost a valuable horse. The way the ani mals oame to their death In interest ing and peouliar. ;Mt''rV?;.f ;f It was several days ago that one ot these well known drivers was speed ing out Hillaboro street, and - the 1v . toiin. They met at St Mary's gate. just wnat was the m launders tana Ing neither of the men know, but at any rate there was a oollision. The two rapidly moving carriages oame to a sadden stop. There was tbe crash of, oollision, the f rantlo kick" Ing of struggling horses and the curses of drivers. , "-'.-,-. When an examination was made both horses were well nigh helpless. From one of them blood was sport ing; this horse was never gotten back to town, f w that night he died. Last evening tbe other horse died also from almost the Identically same kind of Injury as the other. Both animals were stabbed by the shaves of the approaching orriaes. Each was stabbed in thebratne through the heart " ' ; f . K' , ' " The Rosebor Agent RohbeH. S. W. Greer, agent of the South ern Express Company, at Roseboro, a station on the Cape Tear A Tad kin Valley Railroad, in Cumberland county, was held np about 1 o'olook Saturday morning by two masked men who compelled him to open his safe and deliver to them a package oontaiulng $050 whloh had been ptaoed in the bauds of the express agent Friday afternoon by a repre sentative of the Durham Fertilizer Company for transhipment to Dur ham. The robbers departed, tear ing no due. Find Friends at Home. ' - Th defendant la th famous la nrans ease who were sentenced to vsrlous term of imprisonment gavs bond tad retimed to their home la Beaufort. They all took appeal to th Supreme Court The eesee will likely eosae up for hearing la Febraary or feUreh. ' Th nil ' were gives a ordisl wslsoms ia Beaufort and are still held la esteem so It I (aid. The Special Term of Federal Court. Tte next term cf Federal Court Is ar ' .It -ic ' i ty Ju ' ;e Soy. x r f r t' a t ' .1 cf t! , .1 c i on!y. V ?.fc ..dc . ft the ! , ; iv i p i r t t' t f r - s- ! . v - , ! 3 ( 1 t 3 1 h ' r '. a ' . A RAILROAD WAR LIKELY, Th Meaboara Can. Cause Great f, : DeaJ ofTronole. - Tbe Atlanta Constitstion, speaking of th 8. A. L.' withdrawal esyn ' , And yet it 1 difficult to see bow-J aeh a war among th roads can be averted If th Seaboard should pot it self to tha, attitude of splagoalxlng th lnleresU of the association is this way. ( When this systmr 'nss eat of th association last year there wss al ways a. row on smoag the rstlroad. aad rts went to p'iv. It iatVasog) abls t preanm that eondiri"n wi'ald b .Worse now,, for It , U nut hiit;hiat fair to predict, that th tfooth-rn, which H the dradlieat rival of tk Sea board, would grow mora antagonistic thaa It was before airainst . th Sea board, and aooid cut to tbsqulnk aad pat as end to all antagonism in terms of war- iae lt wasn't saseesefal to maintain paaje'al relation with th Seaboard' vary long la terms of com promise, . , , It will b remembered thst the new assoelatioa wa launched on qalte a different plan from th old.'4' Thl i was la vth nature of a. compromla la order to get th Seaboard wlthia th rank of theorganUatlon. Horn that thl ayctem refuse to break bread aay longer with th competing lin at the association table it may. be ressonsbly expected that ' they til fight It to th bitter end if a rat war matt mim -r-i t vti -",-".' 'T?romihen't railroad offloial inAt- ltata predict all manner of trouble to groOnt of thii reseat dlstuibane. The Souther State Freight Assoela tioa la the meantime has no board of arbitration no soort of .high anthor Ity to icttle the countless little quar rel of the bickering lines This will auk th trouble come with far more promptness than wsm ths iltnatloa A BTANGE FREAK Of Maiden' Lady, Who Live An i Flat River, Oskhsm County. .1 '.-. -' ' '; - " ' ' : A strange story comes from Flat River, In this oounty. It Is the mat ter of Miss K B Teasiey and the L A p. railroad. & -.. t Thr public ' will remember that soma years ago the Lynchburg Durham railroad procured the priv ilege of running their track through her land, or rather her meadow. The commissioners awarded her the sum of 1500. This was considered a yery liberal allowance. --The Dowpany paid the amount into the effioe of tbe Superior Court cf the county . Miss Teasiey has persistently deollned to reoeiveit Several years ago she advertised the road for sale to the highest bid der. The sale was held, bnt there were ho biddere, and she now lays claim to tbe whole road. Under the law, unclaimed prop erty, remaining f jr a certain number of years, shall be turned over to the State University. The time has near ly, or about, expired, the sum of 1450 will be turned over to the University Miss Teasiey has been Informed r f this fait bat stiii she decline.) to re ceive it Durham 8on. v '! ,' imae e saw 1 'V', 'j NEW STAFF OFFICER. Governor Carr Appoints WA Dortch Colonel and Aide de Camp, ' The Governor's staff has on it bl- other effloer no Us a someb id y than Capt W.G Dortch, of Goldsbora . It is CoL Dortch now, for the ap pointment was made yesterday after noon and the Captain became a Col onel and Aide de Camp of the Gov ernor's stiff , r' k ' The aelection Is an admirable one. No more gallant or experienced an officer than ex Captain Dortch oonld have been fonnd to augment the fine uniformed, ostrich feathered staff His oooimaading figure will look well In th company to which he has been appointed. . . . : ; . For years CoL Dortch has been at the head of the Golds boro company. He Is well posted lo military matters, as well up, perhaps, as any ncan in the State. r:':,:,X-.yv'i-& Thoroughly Prepared Physicians. It Is all Impertaat that vry perana who aadirUke th practlre of medl ln aad snrgery should b a fully prepared a th means ts thl end will perm It. j 'y f, : V v. f -f ? t. Dr.JJarvey C. Upchsrch, eon of th late William Q Upchirsh, who re- eently ommeaeed tt s prastiee of md ids aud surgery la this et'y spent toar ysar la ths study of meelcise aid -surgery. ' He graduated "at. the college of Physicians aad Surgeons, medical department, of Columbia Col lege, New York Cityt he ia also a graduate of Columbus Hospital aad tbs Slosas IfaUrnity Uospital of New York city. , He waa practicing la New Yurk city and held the position of As sistant Siit eon la the Yauderbllt clinic, whea he was called boms last summer to a'.tend b' .'.rt In his last i!ii,ees. I"e rl a f ' t c' -s eini;o;ioa be- tr; Ii Capitol 8(jnare--nad Been '-Cancelled. '" ' CASHED BY TREASURY. ASbarpGAnttr-man Paasrot One n Elder Potts Was Arrested and ; 1 Afterward Released. : Daly banker nnd bin ted bond- holder . are npp'tt tp eash tod count upo(. Mea, "looking .for work" ar not supposed to deal la bright green, srisp jiole, which sr emblematic of wealth. ' ?"',i"t,'-, At the Treasaret's aflje lest waeh very nearly f 300,000 In eoupons, which hid been cashed la by tn State, were ousted by th Legiiiativ Committee sad supposedly burned ia the Treas urer's b!g'bond fir which wa noted la thees columns,: Tra, the coupons were tossed I th Are, bat that Is whr this itory tt it tart." . ; ' Thsre'-wa ,a: grsat drsaght l th fir piece thst day. The heap of oon poas, which were plied, high to a tia box, were throws in th fire pit carefully." Every' llttl allp of thaj ; grnbck-kklng stuff , which hsppsned to fall to oa side was care fully picked ; up , and placed , li the high-leaping fltme. As ws ststed ; above there wa" a great draught ia ths ' flu. , Many of th sonpont, light a featW, weat Bp1 th smoky cUmney and oat into ths brlik December air - They fell lightly through the bare 1leabi f th mighty Oakland speeklrd thegroaads hsr aad there. Som of thee coupon may ha'v stopped their ethers! flight by lighting oa thai limb of th trees. The extent of capitol qdar'' soopoa covered ssrpet may never be known. Bot rtaia it ts that one of these, oa pon that mad it way pat of ' the. tia box, luta the fire plaee, out of th chianey, he been redeemed - YesUrday afternoon lite,' a maa whose sppesrsoce ladleated that he held so high station ia life, U-red the Tr-aaorer' ofilce. He walked op to th ahlr' cage aad laid dowa on of these coupons whloh bad been cancelled with a atel stamper, ,Th sanoellor cuts a eroea shaped Bgar. KlJet Jonlah Polls mad his wy to th counter, his eyes concealed behind a hsavy ',, pair , .or - spetclee. The tranger gave hi nsm. A: W, Qirrl soa, ... Elder Putts rak ad tb : eon- pon ver th coaster aad handed kls customer two crisp ten-dollar bills. Tbs stranger was ooa oat of the Ospltol. ' .- - - " " Klder Potts, .th paesessor of th sueelled ; coupon, took , H over to hi desk. Bussing hi money-eonnt-ing hand ever th fee of th elegantly engraved coupe,, e detected a It A clpeeV soratlny eotfirmed hi sue pieioas.' ' '."-.:.- -., ,,- Elder PotU wa soon in a stir. Oat of the .,Trsarsr offlee, aad in th eapitol g roead he qalekly - made hi appearance, with' hi bar head. Two policemen wer Informed oJhls having been mad a victim of a harpr They Uted that they saw a ma anawerlng o ; th deecrlptlo of th one given by him, emerge from the capitol aad Join another person at the Fayattevill treet gat. Elder Potts returned to the eapitol nervous and xoi ed. It wa a rither eostiy experlenae of eaah'ing ean ellej coupon. An extminatloa ef th th eoupon which had been ped over th Treasurer's counter twice, and re deem! .the Mm a amber : ef time hewed that th defect had bee remedied la a most clever msnoer Thcconpo had probably beea ribbed err with a damp rag asd pressed with an iron. Ths Cross clipped by th cancelling1' ,mhlne ' was , carefally smoothed over d th coupon pr entsd a aswasd orlep appearaaa a It did whea perfectly . ' - Up at th Capitol ground janitor aad SO boys were vut oattag for cospons yssterday afteraooa aad to day. A aamber of them were foend. ' The polieemaa fonad Laaruoa la th Capitol groaad. bat the msa who was with him at the gat glided Bway rslher drohly. Th harg of falss preteas was preferred agaiaat Lawrl son.' He wss eerrled to th statioa hous ard thoroughly srsrehed, but Bo moeey waa fonnd on hie person. All p. m, the eaee was give a hesring aefure Btsyot B.: Lewis Jouag. aa employee at i th eapitol testified that he saweospoaala Lawrt soa's pocket Blder Petta. being a Quaker by faith, did But tak the oath. He testified thstLawrieoa was the same man who preeeated the eon con and received payment la return. Lawrlson did Bot tak th s'snd Eis attorney. Col. Argo mad a few remarks. i'nyorBuss did lot con sider the eUoce an Hi stent aad dis missed ths r'i(,an"f. Lee' - a s't'l ye-'-r.l.y t' t be STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The City May Do the Work, Bnt - v' aardly by a Bond Iseuo. - When ths Bosrd" of Aldermen niel at the sailed -meeting aad vrseindrd the action of a lornsor meeting, sailing for a special electioa oa the Issue ol $50,000 ia bonds for street improve meats, there we expressed .by eome member of the B rd a probability that th work ' of Improvement en street weald be iesagsrsUd withoal thejiolding of a Speeial eleetloe..' Il a the seas of those who' expressed this vise, that the ity would mak th lmproemat by borrowing money for th purpose. Th action of th Supreme Coart la deciding that the ouaty commissioners of . Foreythe had legal right to issas a bonded indebudnee for th coastraeUo of court hoase without th vote' of people, wa takea a a preeedeat, Ordinary persons; as wsll a law yers, disagree ea the declsioa of ths Supreme Court aad tloa 7, artiel 7 of th coastltatloB th groaad for 6bjectlo It reads a follows: ''No county, elty, town or other municipal sorporatioa (ball contract aay debt," pladg it faith or . loaa Its credit, aor (hall any tax be levied, r collected by th officers of the cam, xeept fur the Beary xpnes thereof, aalea by a rot of a majority of th qualified voter thereof. - The word "except for th necessary xpeaaes thsreof " it Is lalmed gives ths aldermen the right to make im provements, as '' la th ' ease - of the soaaty eommiionr of Forsyth glvs them th right t eoatrnt a eoart hoo without a vote ef th peo- Pi. That it I accessary to improv th treet aad keep them Is condition, there I ao doabr. : It he Been don for year aad will continue o.. Bat th msgnttude and utrat f th Im provement I a quedion for th alder men tn deeide. ' i. ' ' , A geatlemaa who 1 coaueeted with th ity ia a high capacity aay that there will Bot be aa issue ef bnd for street improvement. He take th very seasible groaad thst th qee tioa of th legality of th bead woald arise aad eonequenee they woald not bring their real valne. It woald be so'tnoeh lot to th city.- - Th hoard will likely decide oa the itnt of th Improvement intended to b takan. The Senbonrd' Freight and the Bolldaya, A eireolar latter from tbe office of Jobs H. , Winder, general usanagsr, ssysi All freight train on the Sea board Air Lias wtll be annulled dur ing the Christmas holidaya a follow: ' Commsaslng at 4 p. m., Tuesday, December 24th, 1695, aatil 7 a .m., Thursdsy, Decmber 20th, 1805, and from 4 p. as., Tuesday, December 81st, 1805, until 7 a. aa., Tharsday. Jaaaary d, 1806.'H:W&fc 3jf If perishable freight or live stock will b received at depot a'ad jn tlon point for shlpmenU from 4 p. m., Saturday; December tlat, 1805, By I it 7 a. m. Thursday December SOtb, 1805, aad front 8 p. m-, Ssturdsy, December t8th, 1805, ntU 7." a. m , Tharsday, Jaanary 8d 1890. ' Freight depots will be eloeed ea Wednesday, December 95th, 1805, and oa Wednesday, January 1st, 1808, ex cept th usual hoar for delivery of perishable freight. . . - i' All ticket oB -e and waiting room will be kept opes for the sale of tiek-t aad neommodtloa'of passenger as nsoal. -1 ... , The Ladle Entitled to the Credit. To the Editor the Frees-Visitor. , ' Dna SiB: Th wording of th local la yoar paper yeeterday regardisg th cruiser fsad would lead th public to suppose the lady pooor bar la th ity, bad oaly olieeted tk 98, paid to Mr. Suvens last week, whll th truth I our ladiea have olleted th (100 erediud to Balalfh.. It yoar Ch tmbtr ef Commerce eommltte fol low our exempt. , " Vary respectfully. v ' .' . Mb F. A. Oldb, : For lb spossors. Threat Against Judge nnd Lawyer. ' Hews om , from' Jobcb eoanty where the graveyard lacBraBew esses ware tried, that Jadg Graham re ceived letter saying oa ef th oa tplrator had aid he InUnded to kill th Jsdg aad proceeating attorney aad the tak hi ew life. . Th mtn who mad this threat got a long sen tence. The Judge give th letter to th sheriff, who wor ia a amber of extra deputies aad took othsr preesu tioas. No attempt waa mad, tt Is also said that tbe friend ot th dc- fendaat ia om asea made separate efforts to Intimidate witnesaeo, but that tbe Jones aoaaty people atond right p to their duty. . Tomorrow being legal th general J livery v;h! postuSi.-e will te r-n t'.l f I i" w 't ( Condensed ar. J I FACTS AND ( Interestingly Told ae I , tbe Streets and Vari i AbontTow.i. n . i , . v.- Thi Is ot Christmas great deal The Central Church Chrlatma tree at half i morrow vnlng, . Oae disorderly en ma I Ran thi morning an 1 . t7M whleh night hive i Clan. . . Th Southern Baiiwe - track a BMtioa oar at ! Ing th section master aaothsr. , - , Mr. K.,T. Denton has pretty decorating at his ; holly aad avergrten and i look very attractive. Th Y1, 3f. C. A. rooms v all day tomorrow, axe ; Charch rvlae. ; Th s. tloa ar reserved for t reeeptioa.' - . Mr. Crawford, of the li has arranged for a plean ant tonight and has bt-. ernted the institution for Bvery patient will receive r Mr. George Tender L. ( . went to Blltmor on e yeeterday. The great 1 mllllonatr will ba- ope,. : . with a CbrUtma Flebi .. . . "Th monument Is out i c Tbe thing ha tank in o ; . three Inch!" That wan ; ana "gag" that mad evei . . . baa wildly ap towards tie i today. ; . A Nw York lit Insuraiiw paid th Nw York Hsrild a singl page advsrtiaem . Christmas edition. Wc .give an Illustration of th cost of a ' Ing la larg eitiec. ' .Th elegant and elaborate t the window at Uessre. W. II. I Tucker aV Co. would do r Broadway. Nothing o han.j i ver eeea here. Th BaleicU I Company pat la the brilliant ! Superintendent Howell e-. larg attendance ef aohool m tendent aad priaolpalaat the i to be held here after Christmas program baa beei arranged at 1 he of great iatereet, both to the r aad thoss Ulkiag "shop." Christ Charch and the CL . th Good Shepherd , ar ::,! J , days aad avsnings with m -, hard ' working - bead of C decorator. Both ehurohea t ill b very pretty ia their c gra. ; Th Paaee-ViiiToB woail ! eaggect te Snperlntendent J tbe tret railway that a f ' lag that cara atop oaly on c Fyttevllle trt at least, t A reporter ha aeen a car a' thaa fonrteen times between t aad th spitsl, a distance blocks, v , ' ; - Mr. B, h Burkhead tL i seat to Qoldsboro a Ur Christmas things to be g Orphan at Goldsboro ty r ford Odd Fallow' Encamj ity. At Goldsboro toi'. phans ire gives a Chriatn 4 the ladle aad Odd Fellows . olty. Mr. C. C. McDonald is aesidaous advertiser an I beaafaetor ia hi advert' latest Is B prsttily boon I with aot and photos d Raleigh. There arc vari era" items of coarse, : aid detract nothing fro .1 valne. At Bdentoa Street J.- ' Inat tveaing the Infant highly Interesting ei.t little people sang CL recited aad were r exercise the doors c reborn were tbroma view a pret'y t -, it . for each t.. !. and ll'.si C -r ' 1 grand jim etn'rtn. f i - r I - r i i r ' f i i c f r v -..

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