A LINE TO Tin: DELEGATES. The following rhyme, dedicated to the colored delegates at St. Louis, has been sent to the Press-Visitor: Watermelyum most ripe, Roastenears in de patch. Red bugs a biten,’ How dey makes a fellow scratch ! Out west deys got a 'vention. Nigger stands no show; Got no place to sleep and eat. Dare’s bound to be a row. Nigger’s got no lover Cross de Mason line; Dis shows up at de meetin’ Whar de gold bug’s tryin’ to shine. Dey had better stick to the white folks, Whose 'nowed ’em since dey was born, And who dey has to go to When de hopper needs more corn. Old Nigger. Hon. Chas. F. Crisp ±n Asheville. The Asheville Daily Citizen says: Hon. Chas. F. Crisp and Mrs. Crisp arrived here last night, and are staying at the Battery Park ho tel. The distinguished Georgian has not enjoyed good health for some time, and he came here for re cuperation. The handsome ex-Speaker was asked for a history of the last Con gress. Mr. Crisp replied that Con gress had passed a large number of very heavy appropriation bills, and that was all. “Very little if any good was accomplished,” he con tinued. “The majority studiously avoided doing anything, and there was no general legislation.” Mr. Crisp thought it a foregone con clusion that the Democratic national convention would adopt a free silver platform. While the Republican platform would probably not declare unequivocally for gold, yet he was of the opinion that it would be prac tically a gold platform. Mr. Crisp said his State was easi ly in the silver column; that a lively campaign was now in progress there, but his health had not permitted him to take an active part. He thought politics in North Carolina decidedly complicated. He remark ed: “I do not pretend to understand the situation and do not see how anyone can.” The Summer School for Teachers. The University Summer School for teachers will begin June 23rd and last one month in the Univer sity buildings. Chapel Hill is a de lightful summer resort, and many teachers are already there enjoying the campus and library, and resting in the shade of the majestic oaks. Tickets on the certificate plan with agent’s signature will be bought by teachers going, and on the return ~the agent in Chapel Hill will sell tickets at one-third the regular rate. It is expected that 300 teachers will attend the Summer School this ses sion. “THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE IS HAPPY, FRUITFUL MARRIAGE.” Every Man Who Would Know the Grand Truths, the Plain Facts, the New Discoveries of Medical Science us Applied to Married Life, Who Would Atone for Past Errors and Avoid Future Pitfalls, Should Secure the Wonderful Little Book Called “Complete Manhood, and How to At tain It.” “ Here at last is information from a high medical source that must work wonders wit h this generation of men.” The book fully describes a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. A method by which to end all unnatural trains on the system. To cure nervousness, lack of self-control, de spondency, &c. To exchange a jaded and worn nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. To cure forever effects of excesses,overwork, worry, &c. To give full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body. Age no barrier. Failure impossible. Two thousand references. The book is purely medical and scientific, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need it. A despairing man, who had applied to us, soon after wrote: “Well, I tell you that first day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new self was born to-day. Why didn’t you tell mo when I first wtoto that I would find it this way?” And another thus: V “If you dumped a cart load of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done.” Write to the ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, N. and ask for the little book called ^COMPLETE MANHOOD.” Refer to this paper, and the company promises to send the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it is well intro duced. 1896, MIDSUMMER. Miss Maggie Reese. ^MAWK^S^- We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT ALL PRICES. White Leghorn --AND— CHIP HATS ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now upon us and summer is near at hand. For the BEST IDE during the warm season we are pre pared to furnish you at lowest figures. No Trouble to Keep Cool Also Shingles and Feed of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Drain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones, 41, 718, 146. -—Phone 171. Bridgers Brothers MERCHANT TAILORS, [2164 Fayetteville street, over Oak City Steam Laundry.] Linen Suits Crash Suits Brown and White Ducks $4.50 to $7.50. Business suits made to order $12.50 and up. A perfect flt guaranteed. Write for samples. Mail orders so licited. m27 lwQ After 21 Years Of hard work we are still kicking for business. If you want the worth of your money, call on E. F. WYATT & SON and get some of their own make of Harness, Collars, Bridles, etc., and they carry a full line of Lap Dusters, Horse Sheets, Boots, Whips and ev- erythihg in the horse line at moderate prices. mylltf S. A. ASHE & SON, FIRE INSURANCE. —IN ALL SHAPES— Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. Hurd’s Fine Solicit a part of your patronage. * Ofiice over MacRae’s Branch Phar- Don’t Travel Until you have your trunks thor oughly overhauled by T. F. BROCKWELL. He knows how to make a new trunk out'of an old one, and what’s more he keeps a complete stock of trunk hard ware, consisting of locks, keys, catches, rollers, handles, hinges and linen and paper for lining. Calls promptly answered anywhere in the city. Shop 212 South Salisbury street, near Briggs and Julius Lewis hardware stores. Miss Maggie Reese. WHAT’S Stationery ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO.’S New Goods! Best Quality and Lowest Prices. YOUR FAVORITE SNUFF. Why, Parson’s Celebrated Edgerton Scotch Snuff. Because ~~ There are no papers that equal this line and we carry a full and well se lected stock. Remember we carry a full line of Periodicals —AND- New Books. B. W. Upchurch, It is the purest and best manu factured out of select Virginia Leaf Tobacco. The Manufacturer selects the choicest grades of Tobacco, and we guarantee if- you give it a trial your good judgment will approve “EDGERTON,” Very truly yours. A. WILLIAMS & GO. The Grocer, 15 E. Hargett street (W. C. Upchurch’s old stand.) Fresh dairy and Northern Butter al ways on hand at rock bottom prices. Corned shad 10c lb; chip beef 20c lb; best sugar cured hams, 12c lb; Cali fornia hams 9c lb; breakfast strip (small) 10 and 11c; N. C. hams llc; shoulders 8c; Northern butter 20 and 25c; best hog lard; 8-ic; cream cheese 10c; rice 5c; oat meal 5c lb; oak flakes 4c 1c; grits 3c lb; Arbuckle’s coffee 224c lb; Mocha and Java coffee 30c lb; best green coffee *30c lb; table peaches 124c pei’ can; pie peaches iOc can; to matoes 8ic per can; sweet mixed pick les 20c quart; 4-year-old apple vinegar 30c per gal; granulated sugar 6c lb; light brown sugar 5c lb; and every thing in the way of groceries accord ingly: also “Acme” and “North State” Flour always on hand at bot tom prices. Give me a trial. Quick delivery. B. W. UPCHURCH. inelO 2w And in future you will use no other brand. Put up in any size package to suit the trade. Sold by all Dealers, J. M. PARSONS, Mfg., :SOAP : NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. LOUD POISON A 5PECIALTYS« tiary BLOOD POISON permanently in 15 to 35 days. You can be treated at home for same price under same guaran ty. If you prefer to come here we will con tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti* nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. 8500,000 capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. Address COOK REMEDY CO.. 301 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL. .. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? 48 NEW ONES $8.00 UP. * THOMAS & MAXWELL’S HAVE YOU SEEN ^“ ,,ushed HAVE YOU SEEN ! I 1 V 12 VOIT GLUE AT thosb Oak Bed-room Suits for $11.^0; hand-polished, 812.50; ex- tra liVavy. $15.Oil ? U A M VOTT NT the prettiest line of Chairs that V E ever came to Raleigh ? HAVE YOU SEEN ^S^ 01 T """ b ever HAVE YOU SEEN from HAVE YOU SEEN those Lounges. 4 from $4.00 up? HAVE YOU SEEN ° r kJ A VET vol I QFFM those Solid Black Walnut W O O Wardrobes. $16.00 ? The prettiest ever made for the money. HAVE YOU SEEN ^^ Wardrobos ’ from LJ A VOI I QT7T7M those Wardrobe Couches; those Bed Couches? HAVE YOU SEEN M.1^^^ McCall early as we expect to have to move any day for repairing.“IS® THOMAS & MAXWELL’S. ■ —- - -— ” — Cross & Linehan. SPRING STYLES. ' The People Are doming Our W«». Everybody admires our Spring and Summer styles. No wonder the crowds come to our place. One reason is because they can buy suits that suit them. Another reason is, because they have the courage to accept a si^tl profit. Low prices are quick travelers. Men who want Style, Elegance and Durability at low cost should see our line. Our’s the worthiest garments to be found anywhere at anywhere, near the prick. Our customers demand clothing of character and refinement—something above the ordinary “refinement”---fine grades, perfection of make, lest taste, moderate prices are the prominent points in our clothes. While others have been waiting for spring to open, we have been hustling to meet your wants. Some fashion has displayed a won derful amount of good, common sense in dictating the styles of clothing for men and boys this season. Our present stock comprises the best taste, the highest skill and the most reliable material that we have ever shown. There is a look of the righ^ sort about it—a feel of the right kind a fit, style and workmanship of the highest profession. Every garment is ready to do its full duty, and do it honestly. Gent’s Furnishing Department is complete in all its details, no pains being spared to secure the newest and latest in each line. SHOES. SHOES. In our Footwear Department we feel justly proud. It embraces the latest styles and best makes. We invite your inspection of these goods. CROSS & LINEHAN. Raleigh Fee and Refrigerating Ge., Manufacturers of Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from C. H. Beine and wife to W. C. and A. B. Stronach, registered in Book 128, page 368, in the Register's office of Wake county, we will sell at public outcry to the last and highest bidder for cash on Monday, July 13th, 1896, at 12 m. at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C., the following described lands and premises, viz: First Lot—Lying and being in Ral eigh township, Wake county, N. C., bounded on the east by by the lands of the said C. H. Beine, formerly the land of G. W. Bluford; on the south by the land of JohnA. J ones (barber ); on the west by the land of Winnie Lang and on the north by the land of Collin Campbell. Beginning at C. H. Beinc’s southwest corner on the Avent Ferry, road, thence north along said Beine’s line to Campbell’s corner; thence west along said Campbell’s line to said Lang’s corner; thence south along said Lang’s line to the Avent Ferry road; thence along said road post to the beginning, containing 20 acres more or less, being the land conveyed to the said C. H. Beine by Peter Blum and wife by deed dated March 22d, 1881, and recordedin Book 64, page 288, office of Register of Deeds of Wake county. 2d Lot—Lying and being in the State, county and township aforesaid and bounded and described as follows, viz: Fronting on Hargett street in the city of Raleigh and containing one- fourth of an acre more or less, being lot No. 15 in the plot of the “Old Fair (.’rounds” of the N. C. Agricultural Society and conveyed to the said C. H. Beine by Theodore Staeblein and others by deed dated November 15, 1887. W. C. Strocach and A. B. Stronach, Mortgagees. A. B. Stronach, Attorney. June 12, ’96. Sale ojjland, Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from Lewis M. Mason and wife to W. C. and A. B. Stronach, registered in Book 114, page 783 of the Register’s office of Wake county, we will sell at public outcry to the last and highest bidder for cash on Monday, July 13th, 1896, at 12 m., at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C., the following tract or parcel of land, lying and being in House’s Creek township, Wake county, N. C., bounded and described as fol lows, viz: Beginning at a stake, Jerry Hogan’s corner; thence south 21 degrees west sixteen poles to a rock Ben Evans’ corner, south 88| degrees west two and one-fifth poles to a stake, B. Snipes’ „corner; thence north 164 degrees east seventeen and one-flfth poles to a stake, said Snipes’ corner, thence south 56 degrees east three and two-fifth poles to the beginning, con taining one rood and six poles. W. C. Stronach, A. B. Stronach, Mortgagees. Alex Stronach, Att’y. June 12, ’96. Sale djani Under and by virtue of a power of sale conferred in a mortgage from W. H. Hicks and wife to W. C. and A. B. Stronach, registered in Book 71, page 351 of the office of the Register of -Deeds of Wake county, N. C., I will sell at public outcry to the last and highest bidder for cash on Monday, July 13th, 1896, at 12 m., at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C., the fol lowing described lot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Raleigh, N. C., andoounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning on the north side of Smithfield street, Emily John son’s corner, running north 170 feet to White’s (now Crawford’s) line; thence west 60 feet to Elizabeth Hayes’ cor ner; thence south 170 feet to Smithfleld street and thence east along said street 53 feet to the beginning, containing | of an acre more or less and being the same that was purchased from A. H. Temple on September 4th, 1874, as shown by deed registered in Book 39, page 136, Register's office of Wake county. ' ' W.C. STRONACH, A. B. Stronach, A. B. Stronach, Att’y 1 Mortgagees. June 12, 1896. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from Julia Dunn to W. C. Stronach, regis tered in Book 124, page 464 of the Register's office of Wake county, N. C., I will sell at public outcry to the last and highest bidder-for cash on Monday, July 13th, 1896, at 12 o’clock in. at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C., the following described lot or parcel of land with the building there on, viz: Lying and being in the city of Raleigh, N. C., commencing on the southeast corner of Stronach Avenue; running thence 40 feet south to W. H. Matthews’ line on Blountstreet; thence west with Matthews’ line 90 feet; thence north 40 feet to Stronach Avenue; thence east 90 feet to the point of be ginning. W. c. Stronach, Alex Stronach, Att’y. Mortgagee. June 12, 1896. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect December 5, 1895. kains Leave Ralkioh Daily, Exceut Sundaw 2:00 A. M.—Connects at Greensboro for all p hits for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern Noith Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West ern North t arolina Knoxville, Tenn., Cincin nati and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South. 4:03 P. n. Daity-Connects at Durham for Oxiord, Clarksville and Keysville, except Sun day. At Greensboro with the Washington and Southwestern Vestibuled (Limited), and the New York and Florida Short Line (Lim.ted) train for all points North, and with main line train No. 12 for Danville, Richmond and inter mediate local stations; also his connection for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 35 with miil for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Green ville, Atlanta and all points South; Iso Colum bia Augusta Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville and all points in Florida, Bleeping Car for Atlanta. Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Augusta and Jacksonville. 11:30 A. n. Daily—Connects at Selma for Fay etteville and intermediate stations on the Wil son and Fayetteville Short Cut, daily, Goldsboro for New ern and Morehead City, daily except Sundays for Wilmington and intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad daily. 8:47 A. M. Daily—Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysville, Ri hmond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points north. 3:14 Daily and 9:00 P. H. Daily, Except Sun day—For Goldsboro. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C.: 3:12 P. M. Daily—From Atlanta, Charlotte, Greensboro and all points South. 7:20 A. n. Daily—For Greensboro and all points North and South. Sleeping Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 4:05 P. M. Dally—From Goldsboi T Wilming ton, Fayetteville and all points in Eastern Caro lina. 11:25 A. n.—From New York, Washington, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro. 9:00 p. m. and 8:47 a. m.—From Goldsboro and all points East. Local freight trains also carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh to Greensboro, and on morning train from Greens boro. Double daily trains between Raleigh, Char lotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled ac commodation. W. H. GREEN, General Superintendent. W. A. TURK, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. S.A. L. Seaboard Air Line. ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS “Atlanta Special” AND “S. A. L. Express.” BETWEEN New York, Washington, Norfolk, and Atlanta, New Orleans Southwest. Do You Use It? One of the nicest lines ever open ed in Raleigh just received. Come and see what we have. A beautiful line of Tooth Brushes, something to please the eye and guaranteed as to quality. Prescriptions given special care and attention. North Side Drug Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PROPRI TORS. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. For prices write or apply at office, 126 Fayetteville Street. T. L EBERHARDT, President ^^f *' F^^ of ^ ^ade^ Sale of Real Estate. Default having been made in the payment of the note secured by the deed of trustexecuted on May 1st, 1895, by J. W. B. Watson to the undersign ed, under the terms of the said deed of trust, I will, on Monday, June loth, 1896, at the court house door in Ral eigh, expose to public sale the land described in said mortgage, namely: That parcel of land belonging to J. W. B. Watson, bounded on the north by Lenoir street, extended from the city limits to the corner of W. P. Batchelori on the east by the land of W. P. Batchelor; on the south by the southern line of the- city of Raleigh, extended, due east from the southeast corner of the land of W.P. Batchelor, and on the west by the eastern line of the city of Raleigh from Lenoir street to the southeast corner, containing about fifty-two acres. Sale will be made in one parcel. Terms cash. F. II. BUSBEE, jnell tds Trustee. Carpenter & Peebles, ARCHITECTS. Are the Most Popular iagie World. Evidenced by the fact that there were more of^eM sold in ’95 than any other make. Be sure to see sample before purchasing your ’96 wheel. Made by Indiana Bicycle Co., Indianapolis, Ind. feblStf WILLIAM LEDBETTER, Agent Thomas M. Ashe, Associated. Corrcsondence solicited. Office, Room 2, over- MacRae’s Branch Pharmacy. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APRIL 5TH, ’96. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv. New York .... 3 20p.m 9 00pm “ Baltimore..... 731 “ 2 55 AM “ Washington... 8 40 “ 4 30 „ “ Richmond..... 12 36A.M 9 05 “ Lv. Norfolk 1130 “ 9 00 “ “ Portsmouth ... 12 01 ■■ 9 15 “ Lv. Weldon 3 05 “ 11 55 •“ Ar. Henderson.... 4 32 “ 1 39PM Ar. Durham ...... 7 32 “ 4 09 “ Lv. Durham ..... . 5 20p.M 11 OOam Ar. Raleigh 5 55AM 3 34PM “ Sanford 7 14 “ 458 “ “ Southern Pines 8 00 “ 5 49 “ “ Hamlet 8 50 “ 6 55 “ “ Wadesboro.... 9 52 “ 801 “ “ Monroe 10 40 '■ 8 55 “ Ar. Charlotte..... 11 35 “ 10 20PM Ar. Chester 12 03 PM 10 32 “ “ Abbeville 3 00 “ 1 32AM “ Athens 5 10 “ 3 38 “ “ Atlanta 6 45 “ 5 20 “ NORTH BOUND. No. 402. No. 38. Lv. Atlanta 11 45 AM 8 IOpm “ Athens 2 55 PM 11 40 “ “ Abbeville 5 00 “ 1 47 AM “ Chester 7 39 “ 4 43 “ Lv. Charlotte..... 8 20 “ 5 25 “ Lv. Monroe 9 15 “ 6 13 “ “ Hamlet 10 35 “ 815 “ “ Southern Pines 11 21 “ 915 “ Raleigh....... 1 26 AM 11 31 “ Ar. Durham 7 32 “ 4 09 PM Lv. Durham ..... . 5 20 PM 11 OOAM Ar. Weldon 4 05AM 3 OOpM “ Richmond 6 40 " 6 40 “ “ Washington... 10 45 “ 11 10 “ “ Baltimore 12 00 N 12 48AM “ New York ... 4 53 PM 6 53 “ Ar. Portsmouth . 7 30 “ 5 5Opm Norfolk....... 7 50 “ 6 00 Nos. 403 and 402, “The Atlanta Spe cial,” Solid Vestibuled Train with Buffet Sleepers and Day Coaches between Washington and Atlanta. Parlor and Dining Cars, New York to Washington. Pullman Sleepers, Richmond to Charlotte, also Ports mouth to Monroe (open at Richmond and Portsmouth 9 p. m:) Connect ing at Atlanta for and from Macon, Florida, Chattanooga, Nashvflle, Memphis, Texas, California and the West. 3 Nos. 41 and 38, “The S. A. L. Ex press,” Solid train of Pullman Sleep ers and Day Coaches, between Ports mouth, Wedon and Atlanta, also New York to Weldon and Cape Charles. Connecting at Attlanta for and from Montgomery, New Orleans, Texas, Mexico, Macon, Florida: at Ports mouth with Bay Line and coastwise steamers and all rail routes to the north and east. First star (*) and Dagger (t) ap ply to the first column second to the second column. * Daily, t Daily, except Sunday. NO EXTRA FARE ON ANY TRAIN. For tickets, sleepers, and infer mation, apply to ticket agents, or to H. S. LEARD, Travelling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C.