5 v. - v f- v i. 1 , t Sunday, 3 in. 'n raiding, Cor ..J Davie Sta Oi,. O. ANUKbWd, E Jitur and ruu(r. J. N. McltARV, Soliciting Agent. bLlUii.klt'UON PKICK, !B.OO - J5 One year, . One month, uttnd a SetmUl Olatt Mail Matttr. Ths Leading Afternoon paper, In the State. : j The Press- Viator publishes all the new every day and has double the cir culation of any daily ever published in Baleigh. TELEPHONE, J88 MONDAY, AUGUST Mj, 1895. - TO OCR KEADKRS AND FRIENDS. ' The Paa-ViBiTo presents Itself to '- the Raleigh publie and to the State at large to-day with the desire and purpose on, the, part of its manage. ik neat to make it aaou a newspaper as .'wUllUJth. ideal of which the neld is capable. ' In th period in which the ' . . .. preeent generation lives aad moves ' the afternoon daily has eome to be as indispensable institution. It may or may act be that the busy neonle of to.dnv are sroina at the nana that kllU. ' but however that may be, It 1 a fact that the afternoon daily newspaper Is a necessity to keep abreast with that : pace,. In the populous an progree- sive cities it is the buUstin which gives the news ef to-day many hours i before it Is published in the heavier dailies of the followingmorning. " la : the great news centers the sfternoou MMl..;it,'. ,. .!t,- . .a i -aevs th.hoof.oo..adth.s.aree.rl, ngh fc, and dsvonred by busy men as soon a tier annea. v Th nnl. Who are interested in the doings of the world of trade aad commerce, the hourly fluctuations of the markets, thehAppenisinbu(Une4Meircleeandlndn enIntoh,1Pb,lild "P P'0 eveaU in the affaiis of Stat find all the UtestinteUUenceeoneerninir these i photographed 'by processes little short of Instantaneous in th columns j . a.11. . ' . . j 01 tneaiiernoon papers, wnere they . ' v - are read the same day and often a :.': y :"',-. ' i-" - " let miBQtM tVftr LbtMibUtnoiDir. '-" The Pmaaa-fisito wUI strive to fill ths ideal which the spirit of the day demaads. It will be a newspaper. It will be no apology, no half-baked at tempt, ao pocket-edition of what a ; . live afternoon daily should be, but a v full-fledged, up-to-date, progressive aewspsper, giving the latest news by :. wire, by special sorrespoadence aad through its. local staff. Two thinge may be depended npon and two things may be emphasised: UiThe pBaaa-YiailOB will print th news. - The Pbsss-Visitok hss some sUy. . The management taken this onterprii mens, we are la ths laid to make a I ..e..sa...dw.propcae to do It by fi-g .r . --..paper o, '' ' ' . I enffleient exeeUenee to make thede-l J mend draw the natrona. ' Wa wil I not wait for the patronage' to make the paper. " ' The Pmas-VisrToa will - . I readers every afternoon full graphic sews of the day, the cotton. grain aad provision markets received bjr wire direct from the great trade centers aad : the full local news of - Baleigh.,.,; Ths PBBSs-TiarroB will be -first of 7 mil a newspaper, but it will have its eoavietioas npon ' all live questions and events and will express them fa r: these columns It will in no sense be i: a partisan organ, but will not hesitate -to express Its convictions in no nnssr tela terms npon political questions i - r -" t. I : and issues as msy be sufficient to say at prtUt - ' that the political alignment aad afflil. ' . I a istion of the editor of th. Pei : -e. , - , , m , I iiX VisiToa are In no sense indefinite or I speealattve. ' ,1 But of SU thing, whieh this paper ' I .a will be, w wieh to emphasiis th ft that it will be essentially nd ' die. I eP tlof lively a Kaleish paper. It is oar : -o and purpose to make it a Ealeigh ! - . n, snd it will 0 lor naieign, I . . . ... . . i II,. 1 a'l t e time It is our I ' I to a usr reailiTS ech AtJ I sre 1 ia t'lscify by I any daily paper. The doings of out owa people, their pleasares and j si tiuies, their social diversion 'sad functions, their movements to and fro, their basineu interests and institu tions, their affairs, municipal, church and State, will all be recorded da by day in .beae cola mat..'. It will be oty policy to make tblf paper a Beleigh institution la every eanse, and to de- voteittotbeinWresUof her Ppl. It ie oox wish that oar people mar at all time be heard -through iu ool- omaa npon any aabjeet of interest to oar eomntnnlty which the may with to discuss, and oar oolumus will al- way be open to them for thl par- I po, . ' ' ' V ' Oar interest la the welfare of ..this eity will he paramount to all other. 1 If the writer may be pardoned for a few word personal he would say that aay policy ether than th. abor would be impossible." H.Tiag a deep and abiding affection for Baleigh and her people, among whom the pleesaatest assoriatioae aad memories, and the dearsst; friendships of his life nave - formed. It is with fehag. gratification and pleasure equalled by lxv-. t.- I none others that he Is again brought I iu touch with those deep and lasting attachments aad that his lot is again ea.t th- oeonl. .ho ku I V. v ' . vi-j i a - r r - r- - "" tnd. ho,piUWef the most genial aid cordial, associates and the best, 1 unset ana most constant mends that he has ever known. The Pxms-Vuutob will ever keep its right hand upon the pulse of the Deonle of this sommnnitT It will people oi tnu eommunity. it vm strive to farther their best Interests. , individually, collectively and as . bM np in Baleigh a strong daily pspo..' which in edditlo. W giving I th news will roster the dtversined m- 1 . : .,, ... .v- : m . 1 1 terests of onr growing and prosperous e,,7 ul ,Mto ,B I gwth and development of the eity I Prlt7 ta o midst, w nt iM with good will 4 . mUo9 toward none. " P "I'" 1 h .....in ,Bii nWa.Kt muUhbb win the esteem and pleasant relations ot f ' omp"' "4 tfce r,pet - T C I j ' 1J ... - '....M . J I HU whuwbw ui um rwuwn uuiud F-i iuii ae-! wuv I . ' : I - I Pw"i Ha. Waltsb R. Hisbt, the orator, the master of rhetoric and poetry, thr soldier of Democracy, who ha carried the war into many an Africa of Re- ts on the eve 01 renoaaeiag his all- i .. I giaoce to ue .vemoeraue party ana I i n . . .. willa-ote loin hands with' the satel-1 un arounu ue igais letuae 01 ropa- 1 l. i .V. T" lism. Mr. Henry will have a seven-1 column letter in this week's Caucasian ssuing loam ais position ana tfie rea- I . I Isoas for nis step. Tns raaaa-visiroB ir b awp. '"1TO" win bos say uu sr. nenrT a aeiec " ' I has not under-1 Uo? ,rom ?mo"u M ta hedld.andin twodays was able to be ;FofpntUngahonslnafiiis healthy con- B0ibbtS9 aD BOOFHSTCI SLAT I l.u; . i -a,.,..j I around. Mr. Shafer has reeomended it I litlon Dr. lidv-a diiiti Pn-, I 7 .T: .":, e as anexperl-r" " " Ppo au B- m many others and says it Is excellent They tone no the srcm, kid Tdigeeur. -"--"" k i a-risrara i sisisj us nitrcm usivs uiHrii j - rusasi vm suuduud. amuBTSs nimuiHunrL nuii s ... n-..- . HMSotlo IIU Wf BU 11QI Wlia W M HUKVHBrUUw. I ' , ' ' " I . - "f-"- M WU k'OWB " ' e sad while realixing W it I. all the more deplorable to see on : of his I error of judgment. Mr. Henry is a I . I maaof'meatal strsnath. and stronir I nan Ol bmm enrsngia, uu arvug r .... men should . rawer remain wue t.iv 'aJieae' "nd brinv to bear their powers SO correct th evils Which I they Ind about them than tare their 1 r..nV aiuii tfi air nolitlial affiliations I - ; I because of ebjeetioaable men or poll-1 les.' There" aro many men who do . not admire , t;i.v.,a.a or nm ac. ' . 1 .... i bat if all ntsa whe do net approve of j the party leaders shonld claim the privUeg. of bolting; politi.al affllU- tlons at 'will no sseh thing as polities I itsf.d .' f I r- V l . k. I v. .l,v I . " 7 ," 1 . namASMA asati v inatifisMi in I 7 " . " ' 7 " r padiatiag w party lorsoeaa reasoa. i , . , . ' t T t. jIasui sua. satiiV .aithjta alaitn tMm ''.;. - ,r;" - ' ' - . agrauon oi . sbam1i9 fnlTAw' 1MI Bi ! l1iaV , ' ' the new party inw wnien wey o stand intast if they go into it i eperti"" do likewise; Mr. n aARia la that' fftA associations and tenets of Populism I I neitner sgreeaoie sor ia narmooy i .u.tlna nonld be malnU feed. M600114 ' " " f" ' Igivlng Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera I , , I v:. n... M(..j' ipv.. I perlpt SHtifltwtluu or mousy reinna 9 local news with his ideas of patriotism. Then f lv,, -U wher will he go and what will be. 1 by eome of the , Fopoliets whenha rev nonnees them too? His pa'ici if one which, if followed oat by any Consid erable n amber 'of me a. moat) seees- sarily prove destructive to any politi al party with which, be or they affiliate. , " ," Tu public generally and the peo ple of North Carolina In partiealar, will look forward with great internet to the forthcoming work "of Capt, 8. a. Ashe npoa the .liter question. I From what ii').m Wra nf Pent. I Ashe's book we predict that It will at-" traet as much attention a the famon J work of Mr. Harvey, although it will, j wa understand, handle' the subject a entirely different vela aad npon la higher plaae. A gentleman who I haa read the advance sheet and who I o the best pasted men upon th Stat has told the Piasa VwiToa that it is the most able tieatise "P0" h '' t0ert,o "Ue hM i . ... oeen wriitoa. is onr opinion vaww i la onr opinioa Cspu AshseasUy measures with sash means nurgen, oiauu, rvan, oiuiey r iur - . . T. - 1 T am M. pie upon the Silver qnestion. AV. r r , ., .! know of none who ars bettor qualified to dtaaiB Md we h,T. BO doubt th4t th- book wlI1 tttrmet gntt tten - , I tloB in th(8 an(j other gUUi- , . A ,A , . Tub rh.vlAf.t.A llluu.., nff Mnnriav puwisne. a nrteea column article in .... . .... . .. . I the form of a colloquy on the financial I Bestio nun. iiv wruieie its j vl. t . 1 .. : .4 B'8nea 'Merchant," and claims 'm " " I i " wrl oners to pay inei0n the paiiiax roaa, runs thence 7 I "nm ot 18 006 '""""'e i ti t-j . .t.- i . - - .ur,w, r "how that gold and silver o ni"tsicd eoncnrrenUy in onr "rcn.auon. ; a enca lor tne amounts circulation. A chek for the amount a - . Vlaa Ak...... fPk.. ... "f 1 cruuiuL iibh umn ourrwu. iu-i.. Merchant" swered. Ths attention of onr advertisers is invited to the fact that the Peiss- it r'v ... L, j , .... Fisnoa has the combined circulation of both, of our predecessors, and that "- Users have never before had an op portunity to reach .0 many reader, in I : V- L.la fH. n.aa It.md is the paper in which to plaee yonr nr1wMtinHtiAii vFt.iinaiwe. TUU TD Waa-V TOTTrkB , arc! -jr lTan .... 0 - thousand subscribers with Its initial a. j ... v i. j.vi.. v. I ' ' .H circulation evsr offered to advertisers I I . , r ,, I oy any naieign paper. 11 is our pur-1 1 ...1. ,L.i .1 1 .... - pose uoauie tasi oireuianun in teas 1 than aii months . We offer the finest I I I I... . . . . ' . I neld to ilalelgn aavsrusers ever I afforded them, A horse kicked H. & Shafer. of tbe I Pw,mver House, afiddleburg. N. Y. .m ihA fenAm ailiinK 1 u I liim nn in tiA I I " . , , . . r land caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friend recommended him to I use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which This same rented is also famous for I v i n ssma . ' nm. . Y- ' 1 Tlw, Japieee ktow dwarf -on and pine treee that are only 18 inch hij-K -hen 200 Wears Old. Mr' Harf o th , pUoe hM our remedy for the Piles and recom-1 on what term and price vott seU to . , , . . . - . I de,eri' t me hear from;yo and ... K- i.l. v m.-u... I oblige. , Sold by John T. JIaclUe. f ' . . - The maximom age assigned to the . . t .w . M 245; to the oak 410, and to the uh, 145 years. , " All diseases of the skin cured and omf)iexlo restored by Joha- son's Oriental floap, perfumed and . m . m seal aivuir umiiosswcoi. a wv vsnmvsj hi eaou n li-li j!..4.j rr . i- l i eMlte. ( ,or wl. by JonB T. MaeEae. I ' I AcanDon ball fired from one of the great Knipp or Armstrong gan. traTftls at tne speext a leetper i ubi Dm nflTflr oeiore nau ma offi....,-j.... d . i l. i " . ... ' 2 land niarrhrwui TmAiiv. Hnfara An. I TV. tt-A .11 run. fiutliaav Inia nf I - ,itJ. h. TdiMn. "r. r. .. .. . 1 ft ? lZ Z-t u. joubsods jtmaision ot voa iarer nu i pieaeant to ths teste. - Pint botils. $1. 1 For sale by Joha Y. MaeKae. druggist; I In Germany the star group which we call the "Big Dipper." is known fcs Harl'a wagon." j - v Bacfclen'n Arnic Salve' J PK- .In In th. -,M In .r.. braiftM, fores, nloere, salt rhoom, fa i!. Tl ' ,i " ,r IhlonT T: ef j,, tette, ehftrp.d hands, ehil- b la Ins, eorus and ail stun eraptlons, and poilvely earn piles, o no pay reqnired. It J unnrantesl to give John I ktaeu. Jir - - - - - ' y I L. 1 m ETTES' (alt, fTTScnieSl I . tJZ ouhaTc. u.a.. f?Y II maoc raoii ABSOLUTELY. PURE mmmm mmrr mmm xNOTICE OF SALE JY rirtasof a mortgage from Annie U 8- Kogers and J. &owan Bog mm ha, bnilik nf mmihImI In lh 1 . " I iraKlter'Somee Of Wat County. In l1?"!?'! vir'.ap ' ( authority eonferred npon me as true I jte by a aeeree aatea the loth aay or jaiyt lout, ana signea oy u. m. oort of 1 ontT. "Ptolnl proceed in enliUed.sV.W. V-esva. Annie Roffcra aod J Rowan Koeere and oth-1 era, I will sell on Weduasday, the 8S(b I II. Wl WHKWWW. V( WMW UW.I Ul M I I . " ... . . I ' i ai. ac m coQTinouee aoor or waaa I 4.. .1 . . .1 "f ."."-'V.T iveved imortirase, tbea e being situated in ruiu vwuuiou wuu uwwuwu ia Bwemiu LitUifiivertownehloaaid oonntv of Wake, land more fully described as I 1 r . ". . .. I ..a.A if II ll Innas Uilliaam nJt JStl IxlHOOf HUJVIUlUg BUBWUUIU1 UJ I Jaandbtbers,andbegIuiiigatasUke degreel east 110 poles to a white oak i tree: tneuce aionic ovcamore Dranen i0B)'poA ln siid branch; thenee H 188 doles to the beginning; epntaJn iDg 71 l-kaeresnaore or less, sod being the land conTeyed to W. H. Unrter 1 convey t p.D. H wood t: arrison, admlnlstra I or byjeed recorded In said regia-l I In ews BTh A lavnt hACritininn a m STkiwaA r- d77o Ihi lfgffi'X 1 i a. i . i . . thenee east 81 poise to a white oak: thence south 146 poles to a white oak on said foad; thenee along ' th said road to the beginning; containing 1U0 I acres, m.ii being the land ronvryed j rdiaf ol Woudsou m , . a ... oy I deed reeprded in Said ftgtatefe office book; on paKe m futl k,,.- th. I h. H IM HnrtAii ta H . A ; iiui ", li oldfbJ Ji.ta1!jM0o,n 8d trdt d joint tiie lands of WIN I . . a 1 I I. . El 1, I in in m liouen, our wu lamu.ana "vXnf, hr!aP a?7: jQnet0njVflth Sycamore branon.rnus ,m&Z& nn, U poles to a stake; thence Math I hat 4 AAManav eammsl antlfrK aaiil IIwm.1. E w 41 ucgisw, w..u , v 1 liriaa OS TWalsHsl tA & 17 mil On ths JTaVlMUl I Pring branch; thenee west with Bor- I lOU C Vmil D IIUV AU W1S7SJ W IUI Vsn I I., ska Uhn lrVln hpannh lhanAa I VU UIV iwuvi' evsFB viuivu tuouw I down the varioaa ouuroeeof the same I 1 A AW. knnlnn a aAntalnltvn l 1 .a l'r."rT.,rr" .' A I (, jy Underwood by K. K. Pace and wlro. bv deed recorded - in aald I register's oQioe In book C7, on page 60. Eeferene is hereby made- to alt of rka .41 m uVtASn aMkf asVaaH fit -lakatsmei s0v,WJISjs WW? w wava.aayM -o wnsjewss 0r easb IUI UIV UbU. AUVV, , 1 J N IlOLOINQ Trostee. tnl e MA TT 1 Qhamber Iain's Bye and Skin Ointment j Is Uneaualled for Ecsenn. Tattar. Salt. I Rheum, Scald Head, SorcNipples, Chapped Hmik. Itchinr PiU R,7m.rr ; o i." i ... , , 1 uuraut core n.yes am uraouiaiea rvsuaa, h?, ml by drugguts at 2S cent per W ' 90 HOBSK OWjTBBS. .J;iw a j . Z t; - bb-- . tU Mjjt P.ra,an.2!!l teml ' .". r r later x- '"l the resaltajof onrwork, worm, awkneav aseTtuii wrengtk.vmeand dewiopmeot dwil to mn onran or anrtinn of ti hnd aBtisuiii.daKfi mas ot kru oTenk. . iiki. L: 'f'r. ' I Wna&aarantAtoratuadmooqrTfnotaaraOV WtoiiooiMi aou. John T. kaeRae, Druggist, Baleigh, R.O. " Last June Dick Crawford brought his twelve-monthvold child, snffertnw from Infantile diarrhoea, to me. It I 1 .. " I n rvtvm sTAanpn an rnnr mnnrhi s; I teen 71 tt the usual treatment In soch cases but I c.i . , no., .kiij i I ,t TJ T 1' pounds. Ilhen started the father to I J I " Deen.usea tnArlrisrl IrntirAVArnAnfc avoa oAan anf , weakness and puny constitution dis. ppeared and its father and myself be- iiere tne cnua s me was savea iy this remedy. !J. T. Mario w, 11. D Tama. roa, lit For sale by J. Eal Bobbitt Druggistr.' Chambei' vn's is the bfwtof aiU Vin coul. P' V1 . . . J""". used Cnaii r!nn s uougn KMiiwty whenever j i r coughs I c 1 of a medicine for fur the iim t five years sndf vs : "It b avs b s ne out. Ifir.n8R Uf whutk cough nit-- l ielii 1 ryiv, ( berlam's, I nt is te i t of I. ; AOs bottlt-M ior . -j ly J. I.ulUu lirngguu. -f oe ot the beak quality i I OCAHONT S STEAM COAL ' t t , I ahed of all others In quality and prices. f OR GRAIN, HAT; MILL FEED, SHINGLES, LATIIS, Etc , call ou ' - ' 1 Jones and Powell Raleiirh, TJ C. pfOR; SALE One of the Largest and Most Handsome .... ' , founds" In the South Complete with Engine, etc Will be sold at . . , , A BARGAIN. APPLY AT QJllIlllT TO HTTVRTI9 ;., t ,1 I ul have received another surfeit e la. . . - . . . '. wvrKUUn POCKOC atnlT68a : DiCO IHU - " ' n ,0B 1,01 " . mkw wvw lUDUilllDa 11 Wf Ol UB H HlVlUlfl in Amninainnnaa lniA than kniyea you buy on which you g "Okunmntee. s" w of the pare hog fat lea lara. L D WOMBLn: f.L S.CLARK, 6.LATE EOOFER. and detler In U klndt of 1895 THE SUN:, 1895 1 - BALTIMORE, Md. ' The Iaper of the People, z lor the People and With the People, Honest ln Motive. , ', 1 7 Fearless in Expression, : : Sonnd in Principle. , . IlMwerving la its Allegiance to Bight Theories end Eight Practices. - The Sun publishes all the news all th,e n6w,Bjl, the time, -but it does not 1 invar it m An 1 1 1 tn ri si ln aaa sTiAfmirlaMi hn ssUiow iu ooiuuiiiB lo on aeTriuiMi r ESS? ,mm0nUW PUrel, ""Trr . . . " . - . ' iwlitoriallT. Ths Son is. the consist. ent and nncnsnsins' ehamnion and rla. nder of popular rights and interests W5.3!: pendent in all thiugs, extreme in nonn for good laws, good irovernment uS1 tfw-.. , .l .i j. "1 mail UIUJ ueill a UK IIUI. BIX UOi- inrsayear. i . rj ;j H a Kfw T-i Or.Toi)te Trafnint. evtti-Ltiiuw , ( ivm j rit- Mtu and fl' i'i it nut teat nnHrsiuu ttb Iheknti or tniwu.mfl of cariMilin mv-'.'H whit:! iuiu.) in , ... m..i. HatfHi-y. - r-hy enduri bo.--. f -mm, ' a t.uiy f 2i; a t.n. tnr ftent ly mat' at: ' tr-S). P'f PrVfVtlHf j! i r.. d ptntwmt u i itoi. taa liUHs. tKl AMta 3 fcw4 o&ily by . i A- -WE AGAIN OFFEIl FROM THE Crystal Ice Factory and at lowest Driow, in Raleigh arm to near-by railroad point now ready for delivery in any quantity. ' . , ; ; The FinestTurnips Raised Last Season , Were from Seed Sold I have just .received fall 4 - 'i' -I 1 L iC-' 7'"" -,m .is,. f 1 a , m J. Y. MacRAE, Druggist and; Seedsman. P.fs- PRICKLY ASH, FOKt ROOT' AND POTASSIUM - uaxes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison - .Bmammmmmmmimmmimm7-:: Rheumatism , : :mmmmmtmmmm.lK and Scrofula : ( ' F; J. P purtRci th liioM. Hnlwli tip' tb weak ivjiU dnimnaUM. k'! 1 atrstmrtu to wnukeiifd WfTTin, cup N dlisMAtM.slrhifr I lie ptuimit litunli i ;d f DliMIIIM W II OrO (li(tK)M'M altrUM ' ferflllU. 1 mtlfl ln4Itn.ln Mr nw... i. ' sanwassn s i - - rphllis. tr b.i-rt iHUhuuiiw. n."j' sstottfUoL, pinplffl, old bromn iiKvu. totter. oUd hfad, rypiirf.,.,v coatrartirtMin. ih; I. 1. I. i juo , whkhi t'HriiMjr in iw wiinu, ftiitt llWtial -uvif CdM. : Iedleii vboisftriyatt.rns uro poWwii ni wbnMbJood In ta ac lmrure - tiaa. daAfAK.Anar.i'Lijt lrrfs-vj!ari('ti. aoAtoiuenstriini . a ruinnll&rlv htnnfltnr1 d-faltoaiokivlbi.Kk UMcfiSjvi.V'prw are neoaiiarij Deaeuion J se won omeaof P. P. P I rtcklj- i'osVi liootaod Potaflwlum. ' ' x ""I on it iiMKtk ia the bi.tiBSt tertnii arf 1 r knowiediT. 1 wanifute.l v)tnhrt - oiitw) from hit urn imh :v uiBeaae, pi'j-jT;ny ana niuuraiiuaro Kr .v 85yettrs, aa treated by tnever" - ' pbTatrtanB ana sVnt hmdrAd) otf 'i urs, tted evory aown renv3 iriva'. ODtflndlntTsVlinr. I hftvi; nuif ti'a Mi n buttle of jonr P. p. P,, a:ul c,a . " v eheerfnll t It baa done roeoiur- food than an tblnf; I bare ever talm. out reoommeDd your mritine toali . , sHUMrnel tiie aboT j diaeaMsv . Bi M. at. YK ART, clngmswd, Qftca Ooo&t, Mo, the Highest 4 V . of All High Grades, a re WarrRnted Superior to Any Bicycle ioss cr lload the following opinion of-one of who has sold huudmls of these wheels: tk. t-, . 1, that we sell. Wicmtrii,iai ourselves trt-UbiiMiiu: iw wnvnri, cw.roner and Ueiie cm ta hand yeAerday W tra afraid jf ou hae wut us th- hih-prif?i?d whvl y mWukft. You can't nwan to tell na thai jtlita whtwl retnilff (or $s6? We raust nay tht it is, without exptfn. th tiretnVflt we have rvH, aweo,, wkI, oiorever, we hav iitiin in it, althuiiKh It weiaha omv 21 ibi for of all Wavtirleys we havwM this year am! last (and you know thttt Itta rltrht fiod mimbw), wehavt.nevprhadasiniefrHuit'nor fork brobm ithr fmm mn.L.T.ll U' i , niiu ft I - SUA' I bUttU wvri tftll NMV III KnV IILIIHr Vnil ln.uuvu it.t B..1 t mf i .. . . .1 . J . " V "W W 4'"IR. Vur trM.v, V'ai.tkb C Mkiu kr ik ( o. - High frame wo(Klrln,. h. r , v-l, -l,t 52 Pw.. Jss j ,ul riiun, O and J lirpM i rHinr frame. sh .'itn,t-, f ; ,,n' on,,, trauie. same weikbtsana tim. .&; WMncb Dlaiil.in. I, vu.ra runs wt-iut il lbs., J7,. . iuiin, You are invited to call at Vius Lewis Hardware Co. and see the Waverley. ; u , " V7ILI.IALT LEDBETTfiR 1 Agsa . ' - . ; I J ty J. Y. MACIl line t the same. varietiM. . . m PIMPLES,-BLOTCHES BWO OLD SORES . 5lt ' Kjgjjiy V'm f .1 .'V waf.rBit, 0.1 .ruIvTtilflpl. .:i j. EtlvT; h SWWtl'tfutli .Itst.tJ ratSpnnaa. - i i ' JAt. M. finWfOSf. :V Ktviifr to tbo rinIorfnl propnrti y totbA winIorfiil pinrtlwaf v "w'-'-' p. for oruptUu (if thl a. I ' : for Tnrl yeuira with no an '' s 4i ci.iKr(ihia erantlon om v V1 I rl floret fr .mts'iLlaT UUl Al. IflafrMwahl c iff,; wlUintll P. P. P. wu 'j - Tiuifc, Qfc '.v fttri. ICiuanm. Lipphan Bito.t SavtaulW Qa. ; Ocnttemtn -t harm tried juar P. P ftir fttllsMuwof tlMakla, umaliy known mkin tracer, of thirty Tra aitmmTist. ind aOUCd araat rellnrr la rttaUon from the seat of the dii iTimwuinuiwn nm rcmorM an ir K&4 nrbTeUta nnr anwailinar nf r.ha HOT ri. 1 liiaV -.fcnarin tivswis ailT twttrlu ond fcwl oonfldeuc tfmt Uaithr onurmei WW FfTnc cur, I haa Alao rellvTsj4 J? l??1 Vdigation and atouuhok attwmc at tw. 4 , fca ffl b: sict iicd Ret ' - Ail. DBTTaOISTS SKU. iT. UPPKIAH DRO0. UppaaaW Mnntr Sin . . . a VlUaWWv' ..I 1 R' SB ' -;m I' Built In the Word,' Resaed- price. the most prominent American dealer , " Kicnnosu, Va, Oct. 2. 1KH. ' everv dav that w am th. 1.11. ...... I . s

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