,rv 7 statu: Two of the Wilmington policeman have been disuiiiaiitid for conduct unbt. ' . coming officers,- - A war between Wilmington Ice deal ers baa brought down the price of this congealed fluid in that market to SO cents per 100 pounds; " - ,- . ViiO Quick Steps won the first of the - Krie of the games from the Wllming- ton team. There Is a bicycle meet be : tween Wilmington and Charlotte- at - the latter place.. -. Battle Outlaw, colored, of Newbern, killed her two little children, aged 8 and 8 years, respectively, Saturday by administering to each a dose of strych- ' ine by mistake for qulnnlne. The racing meet at Salisbury this - week by the Salisbury Bacrog Associa- - tlon Hds f air to be one of the biggest things ever given there. Mr, Banks ' Holt, owner of John K. Gentry, and the other leading horsemen of the - state, have entered horsefor the races. The appointment Of . Col, James R. Branch, of Richmond, to be bank ex f , aminer for the district embracing Vir ' glnla and West Virginia and parts of North Carolina and . Tennessee has " given general satisfaction among, the bankers, whose business, be will in spect semi-annually; and he will enter - . upon his new duties Jibe first of the ' month,. ! ' . . " ' ' - The Standard Oil Company,, so the "' Star says, is to make Wilmington its . distributing point for ' the. Carolina and QeorglThU' will mean the build. ,' lng there of large storage homes aud a barreil factory, and an immense Id ' crease in the freight traffic of all to - roads of that city. The port of Wll , mington offers peculiar advantages toe the character of business the Standard ' proposes to establish there, - ( ' " Bon. Matt W. Ransom reached ' Washington Saturday from his North - Carolina home. He had a long inter. view at the State Department with i i Acting Secretary Adee regarding the ' t peculiar position in which he has been : placed by the Assistant Attorney tiene. raTe decision that his appointment to the Mexican mission was unoonstitu- t : naL .' Gen, Ransom declined to discuss the case, ' ,r . The premature explosion of a dyna ; mite blast at Superintendent Little's camp on the Yorkvllle road, Saturday, - seriously injured a convict named Robeit Johnson. Johnson's left eye was shot full of gravel and the eye-'-' sight destroyed; the skin' on his fore . head was torn off, and a steel drill, six '" feet long,' but of slender circumference was driven through the muscles of his j- left arm, tearing a great hole through 1 the flesh, but not injuring the bones. -' ., Mr. J. W. Meacham, for several - v weeks local editor of the Wilmington '- Dispatch, and who, during his con , neotion with the Dispatoh, was indicted ' bi 8. fl. Fishblate for criminal libel and required tq give bond in the sum " of H.oOO for his appearance at the term of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, was surrendered to the sheriff of the county by his bondsmen yester , day. i Mr. Meacham ia now in jaiL ' .The Charlotte Observer says the large gold nugget found at the Ingram (Craw. ford) mine,: near Albemarle, Stanly county, Thursday evening, weighing - ten pounds, and sixteen pennyweights, J? was brought to Salisbury by Mr. R. ' Eames, Jr., and exhibited to a number , - .of people, and is a beauty, Mr, Eames 's' v left for New York, taking the nugget, i together with about five pounds of , - smaller nuggets with him. The large , nugget is wortl about 2,500. t " " :f ''l.',,1,', ';-"'j:' ';'''":?;. - - - Jobn G. Mauger,' editor of the Sun . beam, tteligmanv Mo., who named v 1 Urover Cleveland for- the--Presidency in November, 1884, while was mayor of ' Buffalo, Hi r., is euthnaiasuo in his praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' 1 and Diarrhoea rtemeuy. He says: '"l have used it f or the past tt ve years and consider1 it the beat preparation of the , kind in the market. - It is as staple as ' sugar and Coflee in -this:' seotion. It is , an article of merit and 'should be used in every householi Pur sale by J. , rilal ttobbitt; Druggist. ' v sept .... ' " - l V" '"'I'Vy?.-"'-' ' - Bill Nye writes of a Chicago mau tbat Mhe was considered a mean Hn even In Chicago." v, , - A M. Bailey, a well kuown citizen. , ot Jfiugene, uregon, says uis wife lias for years been troubled with chronic diartrnuea and used' many remedies , with little relief until she tried cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which has cured her sound and well. Give it a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it af toids. i5 and 60c booties for sale by J. iial 1-lobbiu, Druggist. , v . - The strike of 1000 cloakmakers in New : York for SS per cent, better waxed was viotoriousv.- iJV'. ....... . ii I. mm' i ii i PVJ . '' . : . -'f - Far Big Sccesee. r " . 1 Having the needed merit to more than make good all -the advertising . claimed (or them, the following four remedien haw rscheaa phenomenal ale: Dr King's New Diaeoveryf for ' eoDBumption, coughs and eolds, eseh bottle guaranteed Elect rio Bitters, the great ' remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys; Boek lea's Amies -Halve, the best la the world, and Dr King's New Lire Pills,- which are a perfeet pill. All these remedies are guaran teed to do Just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be g'ad to tell Jo, more of them, sold at Jobn J iaeBae's drag store. Thieves aasaaltod and robbed Cir cult J odge G E. Groldsbord, of Cen tral Falls R I . in Chicago street. Vonto JO) popeoa. p(nD toa aipaaqat JOifm3JgqwSaan(Mijqaj T V for inianta r "OTHERS, Do You Know J ' Baoiu' Drojw, Godfrey Uordlal, many ao-calied 8oothlB Brnfm. tni bom remedies far cBlldreo e . i Po Ton Know that opium od morphine re Btaprtjf urcotie poiaoaa f Pe Ton Knew Umt m moet BrmntrlMi AmmrtAm r. aat Permitted to mM ptw , . wttboutlabeUog-tlismpolMiuf . - '-Z'f Do Yon Know that yon LbouM Dot permit or mmMr to tw gtnm jroor chad ,liyooryorpliiHitaowrt , Do Yon Know that Cutorla it a purely mgeuble preparation, and that lift of P Yon K(rw that OastorU t the nreecrlctkm of the fmop Dr. fUmivil Pttoher. itbwbmlniiM for awl? thirty yean, and that mora Oaatorla It now aold thaa ' ' of aUottwrmedleaforehUairaoooiblneiit ' , -', '. Po Yon Know that the Patent Offioa Department of the United State, and of eOw ooontrteahan bsuMexctoaiTO right to r -i "Oturtoln and Ua formula, and that to imitate thamtoattaloprtaoooftaBief ; f r , . . i . , j ' .. ; ! -r- ;S,: - ; v.:' Do Ton Know that one of the reaeont fargnmtin thK tuwmmeat proteotloairaa f . ' hni.iian rtnliM la 1ml luiiiii itcimi In lin litiiTiilolj kai mlattt .''", .. ' N - Po Yon Know that 85 avaro-go dote, ot Oaatorla are fanutbed for. 35 - f tt,oronooBntadoai7 i"-.'-- ..- -7- . : v. ' ; .v -: i Po Yon Know that when poaie ed of thlj perfeet prerarttlop, your children may St kept veO, and that yon may hara unbroken raat t " -WeH, thaaa ftlnf are worth Imowlni. They art faola. . Tns fao-alniile Children Cry for "A Clean Shave How It doth Improve 1"SMYTHE. JT. .T. WISIIART( (PARK HOTEL ) No thing, but Skilled Darbers Employed. ' Igars and Newspapers on Sale. jot and Cold U3DGE DIRECTORY ' lOUSOJUC, t ; EURAMLODGE,No. 0 ever Sr Monday night in Masonic hall W W Wilson. W.ME. p. Thomas. See. . WM. Q. HILL, No. 818, every second and fourth Monday tights in Masonic hall.' W. A. Withers, W. M., N. L. Brown, See. - ( . BALEIQH CHAPTER, No. 10, meets every Tuesday after the thir Monday in Masonic hlL W. A. With era, 1L1 W. E. Faison, 8ec k BALEIQH COM MAN O IS S Y, So. . every first Thursday night in Masonic haU. John C Drewry, a O, W. A. Withers, See. . , , ODD FJtLOW. j MANTEO, No.' 8.' every Tuesday Sight ia the Odd Fellow hall, Fiillen building. W. II. Blake. N. O. L. Tonnoflaki, See I S EATON GALES. ' No. 64, every Thursday iilgbt In Odd Fellow ball, in Pullen building. F. K. Emery. N. G ; ITiillpThiern, See. CAPITAL, No. 147, every Tuesday night in Pythian ball, Lewis building, Erwin Joues. N. ii.. J. J. Bernard Sec? ---- - "l - MCKES ENCAMPMENT tio. W meets every second and fourth Friday nights In Jr. O. U. A. M hall, lulen building. W. H. Martin, 0. Geo Tonnoffsld, Scribe - u: XJTCHFOBD ENCAMPMENT, ho. S6, meets every Monday night in Jr. O. U. A.M. hall. Pullen Building. W; W.Brlggs, C. Pn J. & Keith. Scribe. ' RUTH, N. 4, every first and.' third Friday nights in Jr. 0.f U a, M. ball. Pullen boildlnjr. W. H. MariinVN G; E. 8. Cheek. Sec. ; ; pttiii in. , , . CENTRE LtiDGB, Ntt-,oV meets every Monday night In, Pythias hail Lewis building. W. H. Martin, O, W. W. WUlson, K, ot R. andfiL ' J. PHALANX! LODGE, No. 84, meets every Thursday night in Pythian hall, Lewis building. W R Blake, a C, J. i. Bernard, K. of R, and 8. jr. o.v. A.m. ' '-' RALEIGH COUNCIL, No. i, Jr C DAM, meets every Wednesday night in Jr O U A M hall, Pullen building. W. R. Kennett, Councillor, M. R. Haynea, R. S. " - ' 1VIAGNEIIU ' lion, t hil n 1 1 i u f ttroi BE-FORE in Bratn,cftuMnr Mtanr lfitwr y ii- LMth thrreDtw, Impomucj, L mt rowif.in th 1 es, iim(itur Old A, Jivolnntii i-,floili y ovftr-iDtlalHncovvr-finrliou In 'ir nnd 'tron 'f Youth lttfwu w l4r suiurai Vitfor tuid double? tfw Joii of puret ucurrhuwt ud Fmiihis) WtfakuAM, . ;ijt'iiuVt iiHiit, lu jitam pswimfO, bf malt, ft t? rw,:r wm, 9Z hnr lw, Unflsj 96. Witii evttrjr tft ortt. me nie ft VrikHsn CunranM fcw our or refimt ti m nj. inniisvrw fjuss, wYVAfsUlt ImbwI (WlJw fcf B 1 r. .; 1 r- ; I.-! r and Children. wr:i fo- eompoeed of opium or loarphlias t Pitcher's Castorla. Wiahart'8 Hair Restorer Cures All Skin Diseases. t Water Oaths. . . Bring your Coupon for Hoe Cake Soap to us with Five Cents snd get two full size cakes of this fine Laundry Soap for the price of one. J. R. Ferrall & Co. Drs. W I. Royster and Hubert A. Royster Having formed a co-partnership for the practice of Medicine and Sur gery, offer their ' professional, services to the citizens of Raleigh and sutrdund IiC country. , augxlm Raleigh Male t MOESON & DENSON, Principals. , - s.ft:ftV. ; - f ' ' 'i,';SJ;-:".-.f -..'va".';' ' C'". J The nthSw opens Monday, Sep tember id- The course which has been so successful in preparation for College or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupil. Board at low rates. Ad dress Principals for Catalogue, w . auglO lml-g 5 i The Best Is the Cheapest. , The Light-Running, Genuine Singer ':: Sewing . . Machine. . The best on earth.' Sold on long time, or on easy monthly payments. If desired will take Machine to your residence for inspection free of charge . Needles, oils and attachments for all rtyies of machines constantly on hand. Call on ,or addraa THE fclNGER M AN UF ACTU KIN G CO MPAN Y, US Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N C. . K. L. GREEN. District Manager. 5 ' - jy Agents wanted in every county. augl-tf , PIGEON THC ORCATEST DISCOVERY Or THE AGE. ' ( Onma in 1 tn 4 dan. Im- inMiat in attrac; qntoK to cum. Can be oarrted in Tat Docket, ail onmDlet. In on. ABall paokaa. tfcrat bj natl. prnpaid, plain package, on noeit of pnoa. SI pat box. For sale by Jobs Y.MeRaa, drag gist. ' - FREE. YOUR ATTENT ION -,: r; !-! it:. it; A . 1 calkd to our select stock ot : :,..-:,i. r' . ' .' Grtceties;SBitc, .-J' W'i' V- l..jMf. . ,- i, 1,1 Everything can be found that ;tV is usually kept In a ilrat- m GOODS. M : . '.'t?fS;''';p;;Z-?-t;''i' ' , LOW PKICES. , A fair share of the the publio is, solicited. Prompt snd carerui I attention to sV orders . H. S. LQWRYrAGT., :; Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Com. . i mission Merchant,' ,11? Fayetteville ibtreet. i " ; i Are you g' ing away? We have a nice line ot Trunks, Bags and Grips ready for ) ou. ' I0 OU BIDE? ! We have a beantifid line of Lap Robes, 'Vhips and Umbrellas. ! Tan and Low ( ut Shoes at reduced prices. Do you want an r STOVE V i We have them very cheap. Also Barbers' ClipprC Horse " Uppers. Note Paper at lc quire. Envelopes 2c pack. Books and Tabltts at any price you want at the ' LYON RACKET STORE. f 16 Martin Street For "Visiting ! ' KaH Stationary Store, .., T Yon get what you want SECOND The ptloe suits yon. Thla islwava the case, rer we keep up wlthjhe times and have' the finest assortment i mau nuuas buuoi. tionary to be found in the State. Eight ball Croquet Sets, S1.25. Hammocks, 60c. Ko, $1.26, $1.60. W. O. 8KPABK, Manager. 'ppo8ite Postoffloe. D. I. FOOT T, O. HARRIS. Di; FORT & CO. i. . fta "JE1:'" -'". 1u Ewtnte Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. Tnds wanted." 'Large and small farms, ' mineral . lands, water powers and other real etat property. . . .. W- e will also Ml. lease or re-t ine titles, survey and plat laud. IlestraDie nouses ;aua - iolb it bbic and to rent -' w l h - . aug7lm N HiMore; Boot and Shoemaker., RepalrloK done tn"flrt elamf.style. AH work 6DARANTKU.. w , f Whops Under JQNES AND POWELlS Dtore en Fmj tie. vine st. ; 5 ..; :.; . Location of Fire Alarm Boxab Ho. H, S.W. Corner rout aa4 Kaat ata. s 1 " it, . X. Ooraar John and Halllax sts. 14, s. W. Oomt HatOt aa4 Paraoa sts ' "14, M. W, Tqraec Sdaatoa and last its. v 1S,H. W.' oraer Btoaat aad foUc at. , ' U, n. B, Ooomc BhMut aa4 Morcaa staV " - ) St, H. W. Oora w WUadnstoa sad Martin at i M, S. B. Ooraar OaTla and BloodwortS ata. '"J.8. W. Corner Wllmlnfttou and 8ouU ata. aft. N. E. Ooraer Hartt and Hwalaata. ,i f Sl.B. W.Ooruar Blount and Cabaxrua ata Ii, 8. W. Ooroer Uavle and Dawnoa ata, - " M, S. W.Cwwr Ulllsootw aad Weat au. . H at, 8. B. Cornor Laaolr anu Molww luta, . ",H X. Corner Mareett and Oawao lata, at, 8. B. Corner 800th aud Uarnurtoa ata. . . W.Oorner Harxect and el ata. " 41, Uawaoa St. ( Weat Side), betweea Jones '' and Lane tt , M. W, ooraar HalUax and Kdenioa Ka, ' 4a, N. B. Corner Joofla aad Saundera ata. "46, FInroodATe. alei.nOiUaalllla. ' .f 41, NortaSU. WeH,otJibura, neat Oar Sued, lu. N.r Ooraer rr"Q'ed Harrett ta.. , r "114 U.S. jjrnerHantettatiil Bloodworm tta. M Sil, N. W. Corner yayettntme aud Kallroad Mt, (KayeUeTilleand X. K. OroaMiig). 4, Sornaa BU, between h -lnry aaa Ma. bowed, atoa la Water ower. TRUNKS TWO ; MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power conferred on ttm by a certain mortgag deed, executed oy jonn x. buusou sua wue ximeuue, which is recorded in Ketrtwy of tv akn comity, in oook No. 124 at page 479, 1 wiilorfer for sale to tut. highest oid der for casn at the court hoiue door in the city of Raleigh, N. C on Tuesosy, September 8, im, at U o'clock m , the land in said mortgage descr.bed, lying in said county , ud State tn Bouse Ureek township, -and bounded aa fol lows: Beginning st a post oak, thence north one-balf degree west to a pine, thence jiorth, one half degree enst 2 poles to a small poet oak oo south sioe of Raleigh road, thence with said road 00 poles to a dogwood, Mra. iuey Ker. rell's corner, thence north 89 degrees west b0 poles to the beginning, contain ing about 16 acres, more .or ieaa, ad join the lands -of Mrs Ferreil, Alex tephens and Jonn X. ounaon. L.R. Adams, Mortgagee. B. F. Montagus, Attorney, Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 8, 1896. SALE OF LAND. In pursuance of a judgment rendered on the 6th lay ot August 1895, in a special- proceeding entitled W. it, Blake, Administrator of Mrs. E. E. Glenn, deceased, against Pttle Dupree et ai, before tbe Clerk of Make 8u purior Court, I will sell at tbe ourt House' door iu the city ol Haleigli on the 23d day of September A- ii. 181(5, at Vi o'clock, m. aa pubuc auction, lor casu. to the biguest hiooer. Hie loliow ing df scribed lot or parcel of laud, bounded . ami described as follows. Lying and being in the city of Kaleigti, oo the north slue of Martin street, and bounded ou the eaxt by tue lot of Hen i.erson Beeves, deceased, on the south by the said Martin street; on the weft by tbe land of Eldndge Johnson, de ceased, and on toe north by the lot for merly owned by Wesley Whitaker, fronting ou said Martin street 35 tett, and running back 210 feet, containing one sixth ot au acre, more or less. W.li Blake, Administrator of Mrs E. . Glenn. LAND SALE. By virtue cf a certain mortgage aed ui real estate executed by Houert Smith and Laney smith, bis wife to Luanza Scuobt aud recorded in lioos 7B, page 660, in tbe office of Register ot Deeds of Wake county, I will sell at the court house door iu the city of Raleigh, said county, on Saturday tbe 21st day or September 1895, at 12 o'clock: m. Two lots of land being and lying in Raleigh township, adjoining the lands of a P. Woodlief. t. C Wynne and others. Tbe nrst lot being bounced as follows : Beginning in the centre of theRaleigh road, T. J. Woodiiei's, sbouthweBt cor ner.tbencewith his line east i9 1-3 poles to a stake in tbe centre of tbe old load, thence along toe said road south 4 de grees east, 8 poles to a stake in the centre of the same, thence west 23 1-8 poies to the centre of tue . Raleign or new road, thence along tbe same north 22 degrees, east 8 1-3 poles to the be lt inning, containing one acre and ten perches. The second of the above lots is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the centre of the old load and on P. C. Wynne' line, thence with her line west 19 1-3 poles to the center of the new road, thence along the same, north 19 1-2 degrees, east 17 1 6 poies to a stake, thence east lipoles to a stke in the ceure of the old road, thence along the same south 6 1-2 degrees, . east 18 poles to the beginning, contain ing one and oue naif acres, uuru or less. Tei ma ot sale cth. t itle per iect. ' J. I.. L Harris, Attorney of Aiortagee. aug 19 30d MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power conferred on me by s certain mortgage deed executed by John t Robinson and wife. Cornelia Robinson, which is duly recorded in the Registry of Wake county in Rook No 12s at page 300, 1 will oner for sale at the court nouse door in the city of tialelgh, N. 0'., on Tuesday, September S, 1895, at 12 o'clock m., the land in said mortgage described in Masou Vil lage, beginning at Young weathers, uorthwest corner, thence south to the land of James Hill, thence east to land of Mitchell, thence went to the beginning, ooutaiuin one-fourth of au aoret more or less. B. P. Montague, Mortgagee. Raleigh, H. C, Aug. 3, 1895. Mortgage Sale. At the request of W. H. Weath erspoon and by virtue of a curtain mortgage executed by him, rncordad in book No. 138, at page 830, In the register of deeds' offiueof Wake coun ty, N. C, we will on Monday tbe 2ud day of September, 1895. at 13 ui.. sell to tbe big-heal bidder at the court Iioohb door in Raleigh, for aatili. the two tracts ot iana described iu said mortgage, lying and situated ia House's Creek township Wake county, adjoining the lands of T. vir. tloase, Mrs A. Harrison and otners, contain ing 40 8-4 acres more or leas. PSSLK & MaTSABD AftlCKPEKN, U. Mxssns. LirmaM Bboh., savauuah.Ua 1xak 3111a 1 bought a bottle of your P P. P., at Uoi springs. Ark., and it has done me more good than three months treatment a not springs. . Have you no agents ia this part ol the country, or let me know bow muou it will cost to get turee ot six bj,tlea from your city oy express. . jteapectiuliy yours, JAS.m. AEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. - MkwnaNsaiiXr, lila. Mkssrs. LtPPMAa JJKOs ttavanuah, ,. tia : llKAK Sirs 1 wish to gie my testi monial in regard to your valuable medicine, P. P. P., for the cure of MUi,mi.i,m n..ralm ilVMiMnaia. hil. lousness, etc in 1801 i was attacked I' with bilious muscular ' rheumatism, and have been s martyr to is ever Bill OS. 1 ' " " l.tried alt medicines I ever heard of. and ail tbe doctors la - reach, but 1 found only temporary relief ; the pains were so bad St umes that 1 did not care whethtr I uved or died. My digestion became so impaired that every Uung 1 atedisagseed with me, My wife aisa suffered so iutessely witn dyspepsia that her lite wan a burden .to nor; sue would oe oon fined to her bed for weeks at a time; she also suffered greatly from giddinets and loss of sleep. Borne time in March 1 was advised to take P P f ., and before we (my wife and I) bad dnished the second bottle of PP p., our digestion began to improve. My paius subsided so much tat I have been able to work, and am feeling like doing what 1 haven't, done beiore in a uuuiuer or years, wo will continue taking P P P until we are entirely cored, and will cheerfully recommend it to all suffering humanity. ; .. Tours moat respecUully, ,;. , .,'., . - J 8 DurBiss. Notice! Sobtb Cabolua, Wskr oonnty--Snpt rior Court. " k .. Mary 4 Hawkins s Alexander B. Mawkms avod alarmadake Jn B r kins, exeeators of William J, Hwv ', fciDS,deeeaaed,snd M J Hawkins, in his right. Collin M. -Hawkioa. Loafaa II Mrdee and her basband - William T MoQee, and Alethea 0 . Lamar and her hatband J' M JLe- snar, Luey O Hlews and her ,hoa ' hand rberwood Hifgt; safe depoait tai trout eompanv of Baltimore; ney D Hawkrn,- idn i K. Hawkii.s, Jaoet MoK Haw a in and , Uarmadnke.J. Hawkios Jr.. A' Ibea McHee. William Lamar and Loolsa Luvar. tbs last.' seven be log lot nte under the age of twenty one years of age and witboot guar dtaos. V " 1 -.' : NOTICE -To the defendant Ale tbeaO. Lemar and her husband J. Ml Lamar and their children, Wllllan Itmar end Louisa Ltmar; too arr hereby notified that) the Ulutiff, Mary A. Ba kins, haa begun iu this court a speeiai proceeding to procure the assignment and allotment to her o( her dower in the lands situate in North Carolina of ber dr-ceatwd hnsband, William J Kiawklns from whore will she has diaaeMrd-- Tbe sammoss in said aeMoa is returnable twfore the eierk of the saperior court of Wake county at tbe eourt house m Baleleh on tbe Urt day of Vepfember. 1896 You are notifixd then and there, a bd answr or demur to tbe eom plaint died or jadsr ment will br glyen for the relin? dewaudod tn the opmplalot. iWitnessD fl Tnog, elrkofs id court at office. inBtlelgh the 12od d of August. 1895. 1 fi. YODNG, Clerk Superior Coa't. Administratrix's Notice. Having qualified as administratrix of the eatate of Thomas W. Hell, de ceased, late of Wake connty, this is to notify ail persona having claims against sa d estate to present to me on or before the 8th day of August, 1800, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persona indebted to said nstate are hereby no tified to maLe immediate payment to Mas. Makt Hsll, Administratrix. This Aug. 8th. 1895. au8 oa6. Perle & tlaynard, Attorneys. S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. i OOMDKtfBED BOHKDTJLB. W sffkot May 6, D6. Trains Leav. iUleigh, 1 86 A M Dally, "Atlanta Speeiai, Pullman Vestioule for Hen uerson, Weldon, Peters Oarg, Richmond, WMninx' ton, Baltimore, Philadei. pnia, fiew-Sork and ai points north, Kuffet draw , ingroom sleepers and Pull man' eoaetaes Atlanta to ' Washington., parior sara Washington to .New lork Pullman Sleeping car Uon roe to Portsuioui i. . 11 31 A M Daily for : Henderson. Weldon, tint tola, Portsmouth, Norfolk aud Intermediate stations, connects at Portsmouth with Bay Line for Old Point and Baltimore, with1 Nora folk and W aahiugton ttleatu boat Oo., lor Woamngtou with H. I. P. ft A. it. n for Philadelphia and rlnts noith; alaotil Waldon wlUa Atlantic Coast Liue for Klcbmond, - Washington, Hhiiuoi, imiiadeiuia aud tors loiwuO sleeptis vreiUou to jhow lor a. an j wlui tieodibnd .Neck Branch, tor ttreen ville, VVssiiingiou andPty mouth. Puiidia.n sleeiier Atlanta ty Portamootn. 8 85 Ajat oiij "AUauia apeeiai, fuliujuu VenOule lor no. Pint-e, Hauiiel, Mouioe, Clhbatet, Uiititwn, ureena Wjuu, AOuet.lib, Alliens, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mo bile, Av on..ot, UUattaa noo;u, .uiii.., Memphis auu oil toiuta eoutu and soutnwet,,. i tirough inU oian DbUet oteepers and day'coucbos Waoliiugiou to Al-HtiVn, conntctlUH Olroot ' ' i'y Ubvou depot. AWuuta ' hill) uuumBe uiM Pull jUjiau nitH i ex Jf ortawiuuln to aloufu. S40PM lor bouttieru Pines, Uaiuiel U . iu u, v uuiiUKtuii, eiiwbi.Wi, II OU: Oe, oliul -lot ib, iiluoOtuUiu, etie.O, auiu.lluiutua, Cliuelor, tirreiWou, iwu , 1 uluu auulll. Trains,Arn t it.-injii . 0 80 A M i'HIi) . ..tiii-l.tH biMOini, ltt!4U.Ml e.4Uu. i. uUi f , v. 1 1,1 a , fniiauelpui ttall.njcie. WoaO iKitf. UlUl.Ull,l.k., a .(Kte..l . r on oil. i U ail i.ula north. Parlor oars. Hew lor a to waenlngton; full nuui Buhct' Clou i:ra auu day eoaebes Vrashlngtot, to Atlanta.' 1 86 r atDaily trom - forumuntu aud olnu uerttaviaBay Line In. X.t. a ft. tL H., aiao iron. (sreeuvUie, PlytuoutL, in asmugton au- jkaatera, ' Caruiiuu poiuts via wsl ' ' Qvn ftterkborg, Ricemonu 1 vMUUilvu auu'"' poini uwrxti Via' AtiaoUs ' tnwui : . .. Uue, aicptra Jhew lorkti 'jit.. WeinOl.' s "t, s.vyi:is lil A at iaily, AXisnta tpecuU, fuliuiau VtstlOulo, . Uva '' ''' ' AUaaiiav, Atuiia,Aboevliu. UtxcUvtoiMl, uurler ' adiu - points sootLu, Piu.inau day ; eoaatie fcno .sleeper AtlAB fe. .Mta to Washington; - . j 11 M a sj iwmy iroa w 1 1 w ia g ton, - onwoy, liiuoointoo, utiac ; i; lotte, AhaJitev aAU pouts i . ' sunih. . ... ' ' '.' , - ' ; Tto. 40S aud Ub, '-Atlanta, Special,'" Are solid fuliuuan veoilbaied. ualua. eompoeedot i- gulliou uav eoaonat and palaver - drawing' routua riuUet sleepers between vaeiiuigum ant. AUi.ni wituout enauge, on wnioi there is no eAtna tare euattged. . 'or intoiniauou relative ao scueu le,te., apin av tic am a(eu, im A 4 Cooke, . I A. atarataru ; B, Hr. JOHN, Vtee President. J. H. WlIDKB, General Manager. T. J. ASDEXaoS, Uea'l Pans. Ageat V. &. ateUas, Supt. Transportation. Southern ,'fi:il:j. j Piedmont Air Line. C0IIDEUSSD gClJXDULU ; i rtnsilei April . lass. - - '. :vi..?,v' r. )'.' x-. t vd'K , - 4, XAIi.r, OuaHMOTS-i '' . At ttreenauuro. . or all points . , ;. for inoiUi and bbuui. aud Wuisuiii-Aaleiu aad point o I '' I tuononu-westeru nuriuuiio. i line ruuiruaib Aiaansburjr, lor mu Biuie tn wentBiB - oitu . UajruiluM, , AlnoxviUev i'euuH ! Clnoilmati and western poiuts ; . at WaUrlettavJvr parUuouri, . Clreeuviiie, Alliens, Atlanta' A At iy ,t aiul ail iMjlata OwuUu. ir.l y v 1 - -Vuuecta si jjuxiuun for Ox- ... (ford, Ciarasville auu Keysvule except buiidays; a Greeuoboro . I with rVaeuiugtou and South- ' weatemj Vesuuuled L limited, Iand the &ew kora and Florida bnort idn UiulledJ tram I tor all points aorta, auu I with main line train AO IS lor" 1 ltauvlue, itietuuond and inter- - UMMUate tooal slatiuua ; alwi has' ' 4:03 f ii Daily euiuievtlon lur Wluatoa-oalem sua wiUt main luut train HoM , (laot uutilj lor Uluuriotle, Hps tanourg, tlreenville, Atlanta ' ., and all points Bouts ; also Vu- y'' liuubia, Aosuataw Charleston. , eutvannan, JacKaonvllle aud all ' points in S'lurula, Isutephig war lor Atlanta. Jacksonville and I at Charlotte wlm aloepiiiS1 out " I tor Augusts, . rr . . ( tjouuecu at tie Una for Fay- eneviue ana uteruKojate eut- , t; tlousonue WUon aud Jr"ay- . elteviUe OUort . Out,.' dally l " Uvldsours -tor Hewne'ru aud . jaorehead City, daily except Sundays; for W iliuiugton Spd aMeruiediate stations ou tns -v and W HH,daily. - - " vaiuneotaatdetius for Wilson -Kockv Mount,' Xarboro aad .. loeal station en Monulk and . Carolina Kailroad, arrives at Uotdsoorousjspni i. : 1:13 r H bally 9M6 AM exoun fBAixs AXkrva At baxjuou, st, o, 7:30 From Uietnsboro and all i AM Daily 4:10 : n 1:12 PM 8:00 PM : Daily ' ex sun points north and south Bleep . mg ear Ureeusuoro to JtalelKU, c From tioldsboro, Wouilui? ton, Fayettevme aud au peuiis . iu eastern Carolina Krou, iluruaiu, Uleedsboro and ad poiuts .wrth. aud South. . Krom Qoldshoro poinu east. all i Local freight trains also carry passen ; Pullman ears on afternoon train from ttalelgh to Greensboro, and on stoming train from Greensboro. , i I Double daily trains between Bnlelgh, Charlotte ana Atlanta. Quick time ; un exce'led accommodatloa. " !"t' '.' ti . 1 C L Hopkins. TP A, Charlotte, NC. JMCuu. W A To ax. Traffic M'sfr. Geh Pass A'st W U GKKEN, Washington 1 C Gen'l buperintendent, , t . Kastem System. , , , . ttp krmr ft VeT. ttallwaj C . ''(' 'f.ijAint,;...s.jfi ,; John uuo ueoeiver. Condensed bchedole. In JUteci June 38, 96, ' tlOKTB BOTJl. ' lally Lv. Wilmington, BCSsbi Ax. Fayetteville, ' 13 16 p m i.ti fayettevlUe, l2s w )Lv, fayetteville Junction, ' Leave banford, 3 16 p m 'Leave Climax, 4 19 j Araive Ureensboro, 4 60 p m iLeaVe Greensboro, . Cuupm 'Leave Stokesdale, 666 H . i Ar. Walnut (Jove, 626 ' iLv. vVamutCove, Sat) " , Leave Kural HaU, 6 68 H Arrive Mb Airy, -jb p m i i Ji . . i - ' '., .-i. I ' : : SOUTH BOUND. No. 1, : Ually ' i Leave Mount Airy, 7 06am ! Leave Kural Hall, 829 u I At. Walnut Cove, SSS Lv. Walnut Cove, H&i ' Lv. Btokeskale, B ! Arrive (imeoaboro, . lv 11 M ieave4rreensboTO, 10 20 Leave Climax, lofiO " ' Leave Haatord. . 12 SO p m Ac Fayetteville Junction, Arrive fayetteville, ' J35 par Leave Fayetteville, . 2 46 " Arrive Wilmington. 0 68 " . v. ' no. . : NORTH BOOND. f Daily Leave BeBnettsvlile, ,7 00aas Leave ataxton, 807" Leave Ked Springs, ' -84S " Leave Hope M ills, Set- Arrive FavettevUla, lu Oft - ' :.i r-" T" NO. S SOUTHBOUND., Dally Kic'pt ' ' - Sunday. Leave FayetteviUu, '488pm Leave Hope Mills, ' -' -4 40 ". Leave Ued Sprlnsa, . 8 02 " Leave Max ton, 6 12 Arrive Beanettsviue, 124 H NO. lb, UXXUB.I - ' , Daily Jtxo'pt bnndsy. NOKTH BOUND. Leave Bammrar, .-. . -8 St) a is Leave Climax, s as Arrive Ureetuboro, , 930 Leave Ureenabur, 9 9 Leave tokesdala, 10 Ou Arrive Madisen, 11 SO -,' . MO.ll,., SOUTH BOUND ' mixbd. t , v v Dally Kxc'pt . -j. Sunday. r Leave Madison, 1 iicaspia Leave Stokesdale, ' it 26 ". ArrlveOreensboro, , . ,3 88 Leave Greensboro, "3 6u0av Leave Climax, - 4W . Arrive UanuMNir, ? , ... 6 40 -: Train No, I sonneets at Banfortt with seaboard Air Line forKalelgh,Norfolkand ail pointsNorth Altast,and at WalnutCovs with tbe Norfslk Western -K B. lor Winston-Salem, Boancte and, all poiuts ' North and West of Koanoke - ' Train No. t. eonneets at WSthiri Je vs with Norfolk Westers K- M- for Hin- ton-satom, Roanoke and all points North and ' West of- Boancke, 'and at Sao lord with Seaboard Air Line for Monroe, Char ; lette, Athens, Atlanta and all points South and South-west. - ' Pnllmaa Palace Sleeping far on Hen-' board Air Line trains rtorth and SoutS from Sanford and on Norfolk A Western trains North and Wast from Koanoka. , . .r.FKT, .... W. K. JCYLK, . Sen. Manaaer. ' Geo. Paas. Axes t ' ' j , Administrator's Notice Having sjualitied as administrstor of the estate Jt W. T. Mabry, deceased, I hereby give notice to an persons in debted to etuu estate to uiuke iiniueui ale payment to me; and ail creditors ut said estate are LOUUwl to presnnt their ciaimto me on or before the iioi.h day ot April) 1SW) ot tile Uiis UOIl Ut oe plead lu bar of their recovery. , .... 'iiioa. 1 Love, ' - . 1 . -1 1 1 . !! .; i ,f : IK" , 1 i I - :: 1 r.''1 V t ,1 r 1 . f if i . i - i I-