'.2 ruZss-visiTcni FRIDAY AUGUST 14, 1896. TUOS, J. PEKCE 'tpLri'?- Cltj Editor. - Index to Nw Advertisements. ' 4 : '. ' t . . ' Glasgow Mantel and Grate Co. The ' Weather Tomorrow. 1 ' I v The Washington forecast for v I FAIR I North Carolina for i36 hours .. 1 . ' I from 8 a. m. this morning: Generally fair tonight and Saturday. forecast for RaUlgh. Local forecast for Raleigh (not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles: ) Fair tonight and Saturday . ' Local Data. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) August 14th, Maximum temperature, 93; minimum temperature, 72; rainfall, trace. Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather clear. Temperature of the air 73 deg. Sensible temperature 73 deg. Wind velocity Light. Direction of wind W. The Warm Wave Falls to Cease. The codiditions havechangedonly slightly during the past 24 hours. The outlook now is for continued warm weather not so warm as the warmest days of the hot spell that hau been prevailing, but somewhat warmer than the normal for this time of year. Moderately high pressure is found over the east Lake region and over the South Atlantic and g -.If regions. An indefinite kind of ' 'low "prevails over the northwest. Heavy rains are reported from lrom Pittsburg and Washington, and showers occurred here and there in nearly all sections. Hut the weather was generally clear this morning. Mr. Bryan NoeUs Rest. By Telegraph to the Press Visitor. New York, Aug. 14 Mr. Bryan arose much refreshed this morning and received newspaper men for a short time. He said he had post paned his trip to Maine because he needed rest, and announced later that he would leave here tomorrow. Nearly all Southern and Western men who came to New York to at tend the meetings of the Democratic National Committee and notification, have returned home. Among the prominent Bryanites at the Fifth Avenue today were Senator Jones, Senator Gorman, Arthur Sewall, Richard P. Bland and W. J Tomlin son. Senator Jones has not yet made up the list of committees, and did not know when he could finish the work Senators Jones and (iorman will probably go to Washington to morrow. Mr. Bryan will speak at Buffalo on the 27th, at Erie on the 29th, after which he will go home and receive the Populist notification and about September 1st he will pro ceed to Maine and stay until after the election. Relief at Last. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Nkw Yokk, Aug. 14. The long promised prayerfully waited relief from the death dealing plague of heat, which beset this city for more than a week came in a measure thismorn- lng. The thermometer registered sixty-nine with humidity one hun dred. Up to nine o'clock this morn ing, since midnight, eleven prostra tions are reported. Five sudden deaths also reported. Indications clearing cooler. Release of Prisoners Demanded. able to the Press-Visitor. ja.ntinople, Aug. 14. United States Minister Terrell has demand ed the release of six Armenians, who are naturalized Americans, and arc imprisoned at Alepo. In so doing Mr. Terrell intimated that any fur ther imprisonment of American citi zens would not be tolerated. ' - Li Hong's) Short Stay. By Cable to the Press-Visitor. San Francisco, Aug. 14. few days ago the telegraph conveyed in formation that Li-Hung Chang found it an urgent necessity to cut short his American tour. The message said mainly that it was due to the reason be had been advised of threatening political intrigues at home and after a short stay at Washington be would hurry home. Help Wanted Mala. WANTED Solicitors for Campaign book. "Bryan, Sewell and Free Sil ver ''authorized by Bryan, written by R. L. Metcalf , editor Omaha, World Herald, appointed author ; by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform, A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only el.60. The only authorized book. 0 per cent.. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit fre Be gin now with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work fop '96. Ad dress The National Book Concern, A At this season every lady uses an umbrella or parasol and when any thing is used it is liable to be broken. In case you breaks yours send it to T. F. Brockwell, he keeps a com plete line of umbrella materials and can repair it right See advertisement. Business Notices. A Lost Cow. William Jones, a hard-laboring man near St. Augustine School, had a fine, large, red cow with some white about her flank. She was in the pasture of Mr. Campbell when she was seen taken out Monday bv two little boys. She had long crook ed horns and had little gimlet holes in each horn. Information regard ing the whereabouts of the cow will be received at this office. pd We call the attention of all those in the city who wish to have any mantel or tile work done to call at No. 222 Fayetteville street and examine the Glasgow Mantel and Granite Company's stock. A. H. Temple, who represents them will wait on you and do any work in that line. Grates and Fire Place-Heaters are a specialty and the work put iu on aguarantee. Call soon as he may move to another city this fall. augl4-2t Why sweat over a lire place these hot doys when you can buy a cook stove at your own price for the cash or on time, at ThomasA Campbell's. Wanted. To buy or loan money on cast off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc.. etc. D. VV. C. HARRIS, Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. Fast Hargett street, just below Cental Hotel. al2 lm l"or Kent. Five room house next to my resi dence. Two-room house on Blood worth street. Four nice rooms iu residence. For sale, 50.000 best heart dressed shingles. For sale. best North Carolina meat, lard and a general stock of groceries. aug!2 lw L. H. Adaus. Wardrobes -the largest line you oversaw, all kinds and any price you may mention. Glass doors or without, at Thomas & Campbell 's. Those who want to hear the Hon. Cyrus B. Watson, the nextGoveruor of North Carolina, and several other prominent speakers, don't fail to go on the K. & . Workingman s Relief Association excursion to Littleton Friday, August 14th. Everybody be at Johnson Street Station at (:45. Tickets being sold by W. A. Tayi.uk. Henry Coi.k, J no. RlDDLK. A List of Premiums Given by the Ader vcrtising Journal Co. Miss Virgie Lawrence, Delineator, $1 ; Miss L Helen Edwards, Ladies' Home Journal, $1 ; Miss L Helen Ed wards, Home Queen, 50c; Mrs Dan Young, Merchandise, 85c; Mrs Stan Wynne, Delineator, $1; Mrs George Williams, Glassware, $1.30; Miss Stella Banks, set desert and butter dishes, $1; Miss Stella Banks, Mer chandise, $2.50; Mrs D H Williams, merchandise, 20c; Mrs E N Pool, chair, $1.75; Miss Lucy Adams, Munsey's Magazine, $1. Use ' Periodical Tickets and re ceive a premium yourself. AnVERTlSINO Joi rnal Co., Office with A. Williams A Co. LADY ANN. Another Great Racer Owned by a North Carolinian. Mr. Ed V. Denton, of this city, has purchased and will enter in the great race for public favor and popu larity Lady Ann, whose fine points ana excellent qualities indicate for her a bright future. A more perfect or pleasing specimen has never be fore been seen in these parts in the shape of a leading 5c cigar. Now on exhibition and sale at his place of business, 311 and 313 Fayetteville street. aug7 1 w 15 5E5 HE5 MONDAY, 17 th, We put on sale fifty white Counterpanes at special pri ces, 75, 90, 98c, $1, 1.25, 1.38, 1.50, 1.75, 2.50. These same goods, in the same sizes and same weights, we do not honestly believe could be boughttoday in any store in this State for less than 20 per ct. more money. We invite every lady to attend this sale on Monday," no matter whether you need a counterpane now or not. it will be to your interest t secure one or two. - : W. E. JONES. : ' Why let your clothes lay around in the dust when you can buy you a trunk for 11.25 and up. We have about one hundred at all prices. Call early and make your selections, at Thomas & Campbell's. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas; of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else ; they bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 50c and $1. Old You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, const illa tion, headache, faintiug spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drug store. For Oyer Fifty Yearn Man. Window'. Soothino 8vr.ur has been used lor over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diwrboea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, he sure to ask for -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Hyrup " and take no Mir kind. li'I Raleigh Pioneers of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl , of a $50. (Ml Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. - $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what ac are talking Factory made ri.YOOO vheels last year. The C cscents have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons KALEIGH. N. C. Raleigh Male Academy M ORSON. & DENSON, Principals. The llltli year opens Monday, Au gUHt ,')1. The course which lias been ho successful in pn-pai-iitioii tor Col lege or Business is aihijiU'il to the needs of each pupil. Hoard at low rates. Address the Principals for Catalogue. aug8 I m E5H5 E55 ! V Kl Central Hotel. Corner Hargetand Wilmington Sts., Raleigh, N. C. Best one dollar per day house iu the State; in the ieart of the city; table second to none; rooms large and airy; clean Jinen; free baths and headquarters for travelers and pleasure-seekers. II. J. DOWELL, aug8 lw Proprietor. MJKM Ladiess A new and pretty line of PUFF BOXES, Puffs, Powders, Hair Brushes and Combs. Purses allneededforyoursum mer's trip. Select Odors in Perfumery. Crown Salts in several sizes and odors. Send us your order to fill. Yours very truly, I hues McKimmon 6 Co 'I Pharmacists. 1.1,1 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. We Have Reduced The price on all our summer stock, hut the .Misses and unil drcn s Strap Slippers in Tan. latent Leather and Kid, with Patent Leather Tips, which we have reduced from $1 til) to $1.20 are especial values. HELLER BROS. 13 Fayetteville St. Steam's Instant Headache Care Z Doses for 2.".c and a Sure Cure. Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drug Store, Wynne and Birdsong, I'ltOPRTETORS. I It! A complete line of Umbrella Mate rial, .such us KiUR. Staffs, t'errels, Catches. Handles, .'overs, etc. Re. member I repair Umbrellas aDil Para sols with now parts." This is better and far cheaper than old material. A large sto 'k of biass, nickel-plated ai d German silver walking cane ferrels al ways on band. T. F. BROCKWELL. Y71 Have 1 OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY . Page. & Marshall, proprietors HAMS. N.cC. Hams, round trimmed, well cured, nice, sweet, and sound as a'dol lar, lite lb. Kingan's small, reliable hams, 131c. Kingan's 12-pound hams, life. There is no better sugar-cured ham on the market than Kingan's "relia ble." Close cut, lean and mild cured. California hams, 10c lb. English Cured Breakfast Bacon Comes a littlehigher than the ordinary kind, but this particular cure is un doubtedly the finest, sweetest bacon on the market. It is boneless; thin, se lected pieces. English : Cared : Shoulders Are better than some hams. Lean, square cut and mild cured, and sold at 10c. lb. At this season of the yeaf when it is so hard to get good, relia ble meat, it pays to bny the best. We guarantee all we sell. Anything you buy of me that is -not satisfactory return it and get your money back. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. G. E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street. Raleigh, N. C. Cirect "private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to he able to digest buckwheat cakes. . Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Vate Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on vour lookout for tvnhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBURN UTHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic. diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbitt, The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. The Iron's Hot. Let us have your work right now. We guarantee satisfaction and that's a food deal, coming from a laundry. We've Hindu up our minds to make this the bent Olio there is, and wo are doing it by retaining the patronage of every one who comes here. We have never lost a customer through a fault of ours. -, i , , .: MMmtfrMMXMMMMMMMMMMMM SENSIBLE PHONE 87. isarrr----ssu 14 East JVIartiii Street. JVVhat to ask for in the way el the September issue of tbe-Butter ick' from us. ' Notions. Nickel Alarm Clocks 98c Sewing Machine Oil ,6c Borated Talcum '". 20c Mocking Bird Food. 35c Oiled Silk, per yard 86c Hermsdorf Black Hose .... 25c Shirt Waist Sets 25c New York Mills Cotton 2c Good quality Note Paper per q 'r, 5c Bristle Hair Brushes 60 and 75c White Aprons .25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 2J to 50c Nellie Bly Night Lamps 40c And many other useful things. 5 and 10 Gent Counter We have just arranged these coun ters on our socond floor and have an unusual largeassortmentof goods to show. You'll be well paid if you will take the time to look over these counters. We have just arranged our Crock ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. Wonderful Values i n mm. m.m In comfortable clothes for hot weather wear at marked down prices. You can't afford to go about heavy dressed when you can buy light suits for less than manufacturing prices. Yes, even this hot weather is no hindrance to the crows that are always surging in and out our doors. , Of Course There Are Reasons Ours is the coolest store in Ibwn. It's the most centrally located; it's the place you buy most for your n c m . Look' at the Serge Suit at $5 63, former price $7 50 and other folks if!0" Suits and you will easily see it doesn't pay to wear beavv clothes. Besides our complete line of Featherweight Clothes in all fashionable fabrics at our usual popular prices; no extra dharge because we have the lino or because it is hot. One low price to all. Shirts of all sorts at prices that you can keep up with the additional changes necessary during this hot spell. Other Furnishings too. S. & D. BER17ANGER, One Price Clothiers to All, Oh, There But None So Popular As Ours. - . ROY ALL & BORDEN; Sideboards We are now showing our new For this week they go at your own V: Open at hi iii B.ii ni 3YiLv;;0823, Leaders of seasonable Dress Goods is shown in Fashion Sheet. Call ana "gcfrone We have a few good Shirt Waists left which we will close out at re duced prices. For 5 Cents - We sell jrood, heavy Domestics, HleAched or TTnhle.ieherl Pw Hliif . Prints and Fancy Dress Prints, good Lawns, Dress and Checked Ginghams, Heavy Plaids for Aprons.. - In Our Dry Goods Stock We keep all kind of Staple Prints,- -Flannols, Sheetings, Shirtings, ScrFms, Table Linen, Curtains and murium uouun; aiuoii r tunnels, Nainsooks, Lawns, Percales, etc-. Shoes. Take eare of the foundations. Wear good Shoes. Dry .feet and a cool head is what you want to keep. We have the shoes that will keep your feet dry. We are headquarters for1.2J, 1.50 and 2.00 shoes. AT- n . . i Ljriii;' i ? Are Of liors." line of Sideboards . which are love'v. ffilira sideboards price. ; ' , JMght; Low Prices. t tar Building, Chicago. : aO lm L5 E"iE;::rS53 Si

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