tl w FuZSS-VISITOH, SATURDAY AUGUST 15, 1896. THOS. J. PENCE City Editor, Index to New Advertisements. .xucuer s specials.. . The National Bank of Raleigh. rroperiy lor oaie j. ax. nruugu ion K CO. The Weathsr Tomorrow. 1 NO jpNGE The Washington forecast for North Carolina for 36 hours from 8 a. m. this morning: Generally fair tonight and Sunday. Forecast for Ralelgli. :r Local forecast for Raleigh ( not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles: ) Fair tonight and Saturday. Local Data. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) August 14th, Maximum temperature, 91: minimum temperature, 71; rainfall, 0.51. . Conditions of the Wouther. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather. clear. Temperature of the air 73 deg. Sensible temperature 73 deg. Wind velocity Light. Direction of wind W. PERSONAL. Mayor R. C. Gulley. of l'ranklhi ton, Is in the city today. Capt. J. J. fliiuiuiK- lytfe for (Jlil - Point today to join his family. Mr. Robert L. (iray canio down from the University yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. i'otter have returned from a visit to New York. Miss Ida Powers, of Asbury. is in the city, visiting Miss Mary Strotlier on Davie street. Miss Sudic I'crkiiison, of Wise. N. C, who has been visiting the Misses Terrell, returned home to day. Senator Butler left for Washing ton this morning to take up actively his duties as chairman of Jlie l'opu list Executive Committee. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins is in the city, visiting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Higgs, 40t North Bkwntstrect. Mr. W. 11. Hervy. who has been visiting friends and relatives in the city returned to Newborn today. Withers is clerk in t he hotel Chat tawka. Ex-Governor Brogden who was one of the characters in the Populist convention returned to his home in Wayne today. The gentleman is advanced in age, but seems to be in good health. Mr. Greek O. Andrews returned this morning from New York, where he attended the Bryan ratification and spent some time at Manhattan Beach and other celebrated resorts of Ixrng Island . Mr. Will Jones, a gifted musician of our State, who has won distin guished reputation in Northern cities, is on a visit t his brother. Mr. Garland Jones, and will play at Christ Church Sunday morning. Mr. John D. Haywood, who has been in lialeigh for several weeks on a visit to relatives ami friends left this evening for Columbus. C.i., where he will spend the fall and winter. Hi mm Lodge No. 4(1. A. F. A A. M. will meet in regular communica tion Monday evening, Aug. 17th at 8 o'clock sharp. A full meeting is earnestly requested. Brethren of sister lodges cordially invited. By order, W W. Wiu.soN. W. M. TlloM S, Sec. h iiii;ining fcr flrcer- pel il ion it. being circulated in ilkes county asking the Governor release from the penitentiary Sherman Greer, who was convicted In tbat county about five years ago for killing his father. He was sent to the penitentiary for ten years. Business Notices. Choice Residence Property on Monthly Installments. It is not often that-vt ry desirable property ?an be bought on reason able monthly payments. But we have several of the A. F. Page resi dences yet unsold and can offer them on one 'hundred monthly pay ments without interest. A first rate chance for a home or an invest ment of a small sum of money each o month. The property is well located . and rents well. By the way, if you need to rent a bouse, or if vou have . a house for which you wish a ten ant, don t forget we are in the lead. It J- M. BkouafrroN & Co. A List of Premiums Utvea by the Advcr ' - Verrlslng Journal Co. Miss Virgie Lawrence, delineator, tl; Miss L Helen" Edwards, Todies' . Home Journal, $1; Miss L Helen Ed wards, Home Queen, 60cf Mrs Dan Young, Merchandise, 85c; Mrs Stan Wynne, Delineators $1 Mrs George Wijliam9, , Glassware, $1.30; Miss Stella Banks, set desert and butter dishes, $1: Miss Stella Banks, Mer chandise, 12.50; Mrs D H Williams, merchandise, 30o; Mrs E N Pool, chair, $1.75; Miss Lucy Adams, Munsey's Magazine, $1. Use ' Periodical Tickets" and re ceive a premium yourself. Advertising Journal Co., flffiiui vrith A Williams A Prv i J W. H, & R. S.Tucker &Co I F.idt.v Fii i Wimir A i-.ii i t ITtii t. 22nd. Another work given to the special sate of High- Grade Carpets, Ax minsters, Body Brussells and Vet vets at 75c per yard and no Extra charge for making and laying. No housekeeper can afford to miss this great offortunity. This special sale lasts only this week, Aug. 17th to 22nd. W. H. & R. S. Ti-ckkr & Co. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Early Fall Work, 17th to 'Z'is. Sales of Best North Carolina white Wool Blankets. Special August Prices. Best North Carolina White Wool Blankets 10 4 size $2.75, Winter price $3.75: 11-4 size $3.75, Winter price $5.50. These Blankets are placed just as you enter our Fayetteville street door. W. 11. A R. S. TUCKER A CO. V. II. A 1. S. TUCKER & CO. ,Juti.r Fall Wokk. Only this week our special sales of Ladies Shirt Waists at 7"h After this week, August 17th to 22d the room will be used for the sales of other gwds. W, II. A R. S. Ttckkii A Co. II. W. A II. S. TUCKER A CO. lv it I Tl Fai.i. Wokk . (loons Rkwnanth at a Pkice. entire accumulation of last winter's Remnants to which are ad ded many lengths of single dress patterns pieces that when the sea son opens will be recognized as hav ing been carried over from last winter all of these remnants and dress lengths are now placed on a big table, right up in front, and are priced in plain figures at 50 per cent less than cost of manufacture. These remnants and dress lengths are suitable for fall and winter school dresses for children. W. II. A R. S. Ti-cker A Co. A l.osl "Tow . William Jones, a hard-laboring man near St. Augustine School, had a line, large, red cow with some white about her Hank. She was in the jrasture of Mr. Campbell when she was seen taken out Monday by two little boys. She had long crook ed horns and had little gimlet holes in each horn. Information regard ing the whereabouts of the cow wil be received at thisottice. pd We call the attention of all those the city who wish to have anv in mantel or tile work done to call at No -22 Fayetteville street and examine the ( das-go w Mantel and Cranitc Company's stock. A II. temple, who represents llicm will wait on you and do any work in that line. Crates and Fire Place-Heaters are a specialty and the work put in on guarantee. Call soon a this fa may move to another city niigll 2t " Wanted. To buy or loan money ou cast-otT clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc., etc I). W. 0. HARRIS, Pawn liroker and Steam Dyer Suits cleaned 7.V, cleaned and dved fl.'jll. Hast Hargett street, just below Central Hotel. al2 lm l or Kent. Five room house next to my resi dence. Tvv o-roorn house on liliiod worth street. Four nice rooms in residence. For sale, 5(1,11(10 best heart dressed shingles. For sale, best North Carolina meat, lard and a general stock of groceries. augl2 1 w L. H. Adams. Get Your Cash Ready You'll Need it Monday at Our Special Sale ofry Uhite Counterpanes. We promise to sell you some elegant values in these goods Monday, J and at the most reasonable prices you 5c: one, 0c. 98c, 1, 1.2a, 1.50, 1.75 2 lot of these (about 50), so it is best to come as soon as you get through with your household duties add you will hare first c hoi ee, but they are all good. ' Prices on all summer goods during the coming week wilj strike the lowest level they will reach, because wa need room badly for the new fall goods which will begin coming in the last of the week. RsW. E. JONES. . xs "' ' 206 Fayetteville St, Raleigh N.d: LADY ANN. Another Great Racer Owned by a North Carolinian. Mr. Ed V. Denton, of this city, haB purchased and will enter in the great race for public favor and popu larity Lady Ann, whose fine points and excellent qualities indicate for her a bright future. A more perfect or pleasing specimen has never be fore been seen in these parts in the shape of a 'leading 5c cigar. Now on exhibition and sale at his place of business, 311 and 313 Fayetteville street. aug7 lw Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried withoht re sult everything else ; they bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 50c and $1. Kid You Ever Try Electric Hitters as a renieuy for vour troubles' If not. get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine hits been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all femalf complaints, exerting a won ilerim direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. Mcliae's drug store. Raleigh Pioneers of a $75.00 Men 's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl ; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. ? $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We Know what are talking Factory made li.YOOO vheels last year. The C ?scents have been tried Lore three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sods RALEIGH. N. C. Raleigh Male Academy M ORSON & DENSON. Principals. The l'.ith year oprn.s Monday, Ail nut 111. The course which has been ho KiuvoHHful in preparation for Col lego or Kusinesa. is adapted to the needs of eaeli pupil. Board at low rates. Address the Principals for Catalogue. aua-8 lm ever had the pleasure of paying 00, 3.25, etc. We have only a small Central Hotel. Corner Harget and Wilmington Sts., (- Kaieigh, jn. V. . Best one doHar per day house iu the State; in the heart of the city; table second to hone; rooms large and airy; clean 'linen; free baths and headquarters for travelers and pleas- ure-seekers II. J. DOWELL, aug8 lw Proprietor. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Solicitorsfor Campaign ver," authorized by Bryan, written dv . l,. Metcail, eaitorumana world Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine lor workers. Only il.DO. The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work for '96. Ad dress The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. a6 lm For Over Fifty Year WWBLOW! BOOTHDf Q HTKITP hll )M used lor over nfty years by mllllODS of niotl'cr (or their children while teething, wiui pci-ioci success. It soothes the chtlu softens the puns, allays nil pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remtHiy lor vtrra. It will relieve Uie poor little sufferer Immediately . Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-ore cents a bottle. Be (ore to ak for "Mrs winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take un iir kind. DC Ladi A new and pretty line of PUFF BOXES, Puffs, Powders and Combs. Hair Brushes Purses all needed for your sum mer's trip. Select Odors in Perfumery. Crown Salts in several sizes and odors. Send us umr order to fill. Yours very truly, hues McKimmon Co., Pharmacists. 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. We Have Reduced The price stock, but the dren 's on all our summer Misses' and Chil- Strap Slippers in Tan, Patent Leather and Kid, with Patent Leather Tips, which wo have reduced from $1 50 to $1.20 are especial values. HELLER BROS. i:U Fayetteville St.- Steam's Instant Headache Core 1-' Hoses for 2."c and a Sure Cure. Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drag Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PROPRIETORS. 6 ess i I 0 --ffifrfAitai.S & 1 r .; a - . ..." .1 ..- OAKCITYiSTEAM LAUNDRY & Marshall , jRopRiEToji HAMS. N.tC. flams, round trimmed, well cured, nice, sweet,. and sound as a dol lar, 12 ic lb. ; ....... "Kingan't small, reliable hams, 134c. Kingan's 12-pound hams, 124ev - There is no better sugar-cured bam on the market than Kingan's "relia ble." Close out, lean ana mild cured. California hams, lOo lb. English Cured Breakfast Bacon Comes a littlehigher than the ordinary kind, but this particular cure id un doubtedly the finest, sweetest bacon on the market. It is boneless; thin, se lected pieces. English : Cored : Shoulders Are better than some hams. Lean, square cut and mild cured, and sold at 10c. lb. At this season of the year when it is so hard to get good, relia ble meat, it pays to bay the best."We guarantee ail we sell. .Anything you buy of me that is -not satisfactory return it and get your money back. D. T. JOHNSON. AGENT. Phone 28. G. E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Off erburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for tvbhojd fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBURN LITHIA is absolutely tree irom germs ana ottier organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic, diuretio and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and. improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long.beeu a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbitt The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. The Iron's Hot. Let us have your, work: right now We guarantee satisfaction and that's a good deal, coming from a laundry. We've made up our minds to make this the best one there la, and we are doing it by retaining the- patronage of every one who comes here.. We have never lost a customer through, a fan It of oms ' . ; -. '. -- SENSIBLE PHONE 87m r n p orn ml 14 East Martin Street. I What to ask for in the J?ay of seasonable r Dress Gcods is shown !n the September issue of the Butterlck Fashion Sheet. Calf ana got one from us. . ; ' ' . t .' '" Notions. Nickel Alarm-Clocks 93c Sewing MachinoOil ; .-. ..6c Borated Talcum . . ,20c Mocking Bird Food 35c Oiled Silk, per yard 86c Hermsdorf Black Hose 25c Shirt Waist Sets 25(5 New York Mills Cotton ......... .2c Good quality Note Paper per q 'r, 5c Bristle Hair Brushes 50 and 75c White Aprons 26c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 2J to50c Nellie Bly Night Lamps 40c And many other useful things. 5 and 10 Gent Counter We have just arranged these coun ters on our second floor.and have an unusual largeassortmentof goods to show. You'll be well paid if you will take the time to-Jook crver these counters. We have just arranged our Crock ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. - Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS FOR WOQLLCOTT & SON. . U.H.&n.S.TUGEEIlSCG Early Fall Work. August 17th to 22d. to the Sale of Carpets at 75 cents per Yard. . These special carpets are shown on the ' first floor of our store, just as you enter our Fayetteville street door, and in the lines rep resented are some of the best grades of car pets woven, Axminsters, Velvets and Brus-; sels. The regular prices were! S J. 25 to, $1.50 per yard, but to .-HI them out before. : the regular carpet uu begins, we make', the price 75c pcryart! ;md will make no ex tra charge for making and laying. These carpets deserve the attention of every house keeper. Urders out ot W. II. & R. S. &1f!lJG CODPLETIK. Pluck and Dint of Hard Work, the Result of Experience, Enterprise and Economy,. ' The OLD LANDMARKS annihilated bv the sturdy invinfihla n-. vancement of progress and business lore enlarged, now covers the entire landlord s territory, ' spacious floop roora, Skylights, Ventilated, Modernljr Improved, presenting as head- ' lights, magnificent show windows, double size, a brilliant electric l. lumination.' -.. - Behind the great French Plate Glass Front old dry goods Veterans of -life-long service will gftet you with a hearty hand shake and a Cordial welcome, whose efforts to please you, when they" succeed, pleases' them most. .... ".. '. ' . Bargain Attractions. Unavoidably some goods sliehtlv eauses incident to rebuilding will be sold at wet goods prices, h Great lines of Negligee Shirts to be closed at fifln uh " r..v:i: ! J... a.: ..T"i:m, r, . pruuucuuii oi xeca lies, ocaris, it takes nerve to name. i A table full of Fancy. Oxfords and choke. , . . , , nfe-MtQ fit t-flW HAltG "'rf . r "" PRICES STAMPEDED. i iNo fixed values until w bot mfnfnrf.ihlvAnQnnttnpVl Cn triann c , o V " -J- mvii,if UlArV All aorta of goods sold at all sorts of pmces. You make the selection, we'll - make therice. SUCCESSORS TO C.A.SH c r- t 1 X We have a few good Shfrt Waists left which "we will close out atro-'v duced prices. j s- - 1 For 5 Cents We sell food, heavy Domestics,-; Bleached or Unbleached Navy Blue Prints ..and Fancy Press Prints, : good Lawns, Dress' and Checked Ginghams, Heavy Plaids for' Aprons. In Our Dry Goods Stcck ' We keep all kind of Staple Prints, Flannels, Sheetings,- Shirtings. Scrims, Table Linen, Curtains and Curtain Goods; Canton Flannels, ' Nainsooks, Lawns', Percales, etc.- Shoes. - Take care of the foundations. Wear good Shoes. Dry 'feet and a cool head is what ydu' want to keep.' We have the shoes that will keep your feet ;lry. We are headquarters for $1.2J, 1.50 and 2.00 shoes. - Another Week Gi town are solicited.; TUCKER & GO. Not Luck. : reauiremeats. "The star t wir Jut. soiled from mimmumi' Sina -' r. '.,.wiH' runs ana rour-tn-bands ut price i ; - - colored slioea Kfc.firU. . r r IT- "v:',v-' , - ll 0.hRtoro'. bats lor-'- Jioc, zac hats for ISc. 1 burnt ERVVOSo & CO. n r -r ."'a-v'i-;- J j.

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