. p '"run PI IlLlSlfED BY THE VISITOR-PRESS 3COMPAWY flNCOBPORATEDl-TOi A CONSOLIDATION OP THK VISITOB, O ESTABLISH) 1878, AND THE PRESS, O KSTABUSHED 1894. ' ' , ', - Office in the Pullea Building, corner Tayetterille asd Davie Streets. QJ GREEK O. ANDREWS. -, . , ' Editor and Manager. JASPER N. MeRARY, Soliciting Agemt. Subscription Prices. On Year'...,... 3.00 Six Months . j. 1.50 One Month... .25 Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and ;' in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. MONDAY, AUGUST 17. 18. THE CLIMAX REACHED. ftli TT .... tr. . I ineriuns-vismiK nas never ap prehended that the Populists would favorably consider the proffer of t he Democratic committee for a fusion in this State so long as theVe was a living chance of their forming a com bination with their whilom allies, the Republicans, and the develop ments of Saturday, which mean a repetition of Populist-Republican fusion, arc nothing more than wc ex pected and predicted mouths ago. It is the sorry attitude in which the Democratic party in the State has placed itself that causes us chagrin now, and that caused us to pretest when the overtures were being made. Wo knew then that there was nothing to be gained by it po litically and that the only practical outcome of the action of the Demo crats would be their humiliation without any of the balm of emolu ment. It has come to this pass, but we forbear to say any of those things which might be said in the light of recent developments. Wc protested against the unseemly ad vances which were being made looking toward a Democratic and Populist marriage, ami pointed out the certainty with which it would be rewarded with stones and scor pions instead of loaves and fishes. Now that this has' been realized, there is food for relleetion and that is about all we willgetoutof it. The present aspect of the political chess board does not showj any hope for Democratic success so far as we can see. The signs of the times point to Republican and Populist fusion as complete and solid as we had it two years ago. It is anything to beat the Democrats, and we pointed this out several months ago when we de clared that the Populists and Re- - publicans were out for spoils and that they would again fuse to take 'the offices out of the hands of the ' Democrats. The latter need never have taken the sweet unction to 'their souls that it would be ise. Now the Republicans arsed the Populist nominees : exception of Governor and sr, and it is the understood that they will tacitly vote for , Guthrie for Governor and Mr. yer for Auditor. Mr. Russell will on the Supreme Court bench, ti-Dockery is slated for the United i Senate while Mr. Henderson, republican candidate for Auditor, i Will be provided for. If this pro gramme is not carried out something similar will be agreed upon but it will not look t j the admission of any Democrat onto the winning ticket.. 5 The Press-Visitor believes' in straight goods , and it believes-. in taking its Democracy straight as other things ' 1 , '- TT f I l. 7 l r ; .. 1. 1 1 . . v . ... . ' j ........... favor the support- of straight-out Democratic nominees as opposed to all compromise tickets, and if we have not votes enough to elect them, then let us go down in honorable defeat. .. . .: -r .-' ' e - What you want when you are aiU ing is a medicine that will cure you. Try Hood s Sarpanarillaand bo oon viiK eil of its merit. ' Msmm ouncrv A J Htates To, -toColon ONLY. Why Is it that the Raleigh Branch of the Southern is lending no money in Raleigh . r or . in . North Carolina? Simply for the pro tection of her investors. Ask any one lawyer or citizen if ANY building and loan association can lend money SAFELY in North Caro lina on the budding and loan plan. As our Supreme Court has decided several times that they CANNOT the answer is no. As long as a bor rower paysbuildingandloanassocia tions are all right. When he stops then trouble begins. Building and loan associations who lend money in North Carolina are taking risks that no SAFE business man will take. You can promise a borrower that he will have to make only so many payments and he is safe. You can promise an investor that he will only make so many payments and his stock will be matured, and the promise amounts to nothing. How can any building and loan associa tion GUARANTEE maturity when they are depending on their earn ings, and this is all they have. A building and loan association who lends money in North Carolina un der our laws will just take 15 years to mature their stock. THE SOUTHERN does not RISK lending their mem bers money. It is loaned only in those States where the courts up hold our contracts. It is carefully placed as fast as paid in and every cent is safelv loaned on city real es tate, first mortgage (churches, school houses, livery stables and hotels positively not taken); so you see how careful they are. I would like to accommodate our frienl by lending them all they want, but it can't SAFELY be done in North Carolina. The Raleigh Branch of the Southern is now only an investment branch. If she were to lend money here it would be to the interest of every member to withdraw his money. Why'.' Simply that it would take about fifteen years to mature stock (mark the prediction, this is just what those who lend at C per cent and ia North Carolina will find) the Southern confidently expects to ma ture stock between the eighth and ninth year, judging from their earn ings id the past and the outlook for the future. So those who have stock in the Southern can rest assured that no RISK will bo taken in lend ing out their money, but it will be safely invested. Those who want to borrow can't buy stock in the South ern in North Carolina. They will have to hxk up some association who cannot safely place their funds. To the clerk, laborer, mechanic and business man who has any surplus to spare (if a business man can place all he has successfully in his busi ness he had better use it, as he can make as much as any building and loan association) the Raleigh Branch of the Southern is the association you are looking for and McDonald will be glad to give you any infor mation desired. Rememhej, after making six monthly payments, should you be unfortunate, you can withdraw every red cent you have paid in and come back for nothing when you get able to make your payments again. You can find nothing fairer or sjuarer than this. We don't lend you a PART of your money, but you can get all of your money. Don't join ANY building and loan association until you have carefully examined into same. Ask for PROFITS paid those who with drew. Get their names and you will find in nearly every instance that the Raleigh Branch of the Southern was the one who paid the profit. I am tolerably well up in building and loan and will cheer fully give any information desired as to the Southern or any other as sociation. I KNOW that no building and loan associa tion is superior to the Southern and few are equal. It is just and honest with the unfortunate member who has to withdraw and can with a clear conscience try to get him back and nine times out of ten does. How is it with those associations who only pay back a part of what has been paid in? Why, the poor fellow feels like he has been robbed, and justly, so, for these slick-Ion gued fellows could not sell their staff if they . did not MISREPRESENT same. Show me a nun in Raleigh who has been a member of the South ern and withdrawn and I will GUARANTEE that he will recom mend it to you .v .' -' Gi Cs r.!cCw.!.1LDi loocl system la reached by the blood, tad aa its quality thecondltlon of every organ de pends.. Good blood aseans strong serves, good digestion, robust health.' Impure bleod meant scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other disease. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. . This medicine purifies, vi talises, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements ot health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates "good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cares that tired feeling. Remember, rflio.oiBS? - Sarsaparilla"- Is the best In fact the One True Blood Pnrifler. , , n, cure Liver Ills; easy to HOOd S PUIS take, easy to operate. o. BnekJen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world lor ycuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, Salt hands, chilblains, corns and all slcin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. J It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents p-r ' os. "or sale by John Y. Mac Rat. lie Sura You Are Right. And then' go ahead. If your blood is impure, your appetite failing, your nerves weak, you may be sure that Hood's Sarsaparilla is what you need. Then take no substitute. In sist upon Hood's and only Hood's. This is the medicine which has the largest sales in the world. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Cut Flows Bouquets, Floral Designs; Palms, Ferns, and all kinds; -of Pot Plants for houso decorating and adorning the yard. j Celery, Late Cabbage and Collarcj flants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace InJ stitute. fnone 113. oct!7 ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now upon us and summer is near at hand, r or the BEST ICE during the warm season we are pre pared to ruruisn you at lowest ngnres No Trouble to Keep Cool Als Shingles and Feed of all kind's. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. - ! , ... ,i Phones, 41. Tlf, 146. " v : ! Catcata, and Trada-Marte efetaiaed and B fat-1 at lMnnM Mr mokmti Fltll. t OuaOmet re Opposite O, s. PmtrrOrna ana mauMcuri paccatia icaa tine thaa fcaoac mnoc from Washmgtoa, - 1 Seed model, drawing or jjlMta arita aWrls-i Boa. W ad TIM. if patentable or act. frea i caaita. uvmntnetiiitainiaiHinMi A PAarawLTT, now 10 utxatn rateata, at ot aaase in tha U. f. lertin aw ana iraa. ? Aaareaa. -. C.A.SNOW&CO. . tTnrr Omct, WatHiasroa, D. C. S. A. ASHE & SC:i, FIRE-INSURANCE. .. ... y .... . . '-....' j.';.. ". Solicit a part of your patronage : Office over MacfUe's lira nob t'har macv Is ascntlal to health. Every nook and corner of the MIS rt r r- -a 3 1 w a: a. - aa aa ki : -'r' " imim iinu it ii u ti iihiiiiu J ' .V '.. t-. ; 1 nlMMtmiiiiniiiiiimiimT i . .'-' - Pluck and Not Luck. , Dint of Hard Work, the Result of Experience, Enterprise and vEconomTr. 'The OLD LANDMARKS annihilated by the sturdy, invincible ad vancement of progress and business requirements. The store, twice be fore enlarged, now covers the entire landlord's territory, ; spacious floor room, Skylights, Ventilated, Modernly Improved, j?resenting as, head lights, magnificent show windows, double size, jCtil,iant electric ilr lumination. '-' "'',s,f:.,j--y-ji ;'Va?;" Behind the great French Plate Glass Front old dry goods veterans of life-long service will greet you with a hearty hand-shake and a cordial welcome, whose efforts to please you,1 when they, succeed, pleases them most. f Bargain Attractions Unavoidably some goods slightly soiled from exposure and other causes incident to rebuilding will be sold at wet goods prices, i i - Great lines of Negligee Shirts to be closed at 50c each.' Our "entire spring production of Neck Ties, Scarfs, Puffs and four-in-hands at prices it takes nerve to name. ' y'.'-: " ::' A table full of Fancy Oxfords and colored shoes at 50o for your choice. . i.i " . Gents Straw Hats4L!2K5 hate for PRICES STAMPEDED. No fixed values until we get comfortably ensconced in the New Store. All sorts of goods sold at all sorts of prices. You make the selection, we'll uiuKe tue price. cfft&MQCO, " ' SUCCESSORS TO Ui3.aB.S.ffl.SipGG8 Early Falh Work. August 17th to 22J. ! Another Week Given to the Sale of Carpets at 75 cents per Yard. - . .v;-y These special carpets are shown' on the first floor of our store,- just as you enter our Fayetteville street door, and in the lines rep resented are some of the best grades of car pets woven, Axminsters, Velvets and Brus sels. The regular prices were $1.25 to $1.50 per yard, but to sell them out before the regular carpet season begins, we make the price 75c per yard and will make no ex tra charge for making . and laying. These carpet deserve the attention of every house keeper, i Orders out of town are solicited. XI, II.; ,.;R. S. ; ; , ; Simpson's Eczema Ointment cores all Skin Diseases. 1 sirpsorrs piiarliacy, PUIXEN "BUILDING, RALEIGH N. C. The Commercial and Farmers' ., - ?f . : B 1 - Chartered by General Assembly 1891. ; Paid up Capital , Deposits . . . Offers its customers every i bi nking. :i-:-'irk!i x1:-':' Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent1' on ' Reasonable Terms. "I - Some good business offices to let i ' f- -. J. J. THOMASi President, ' ALP A. THOMPSON. Vice President B. a JERMAN, Cashier ' H. W. JACKSON ' Assistant Cashier." 4 . - P rfe3t clusters, free from insects and imperfect berries. A basket oflbeuj makes a handsome present for a friend. Order filled at short ., To ftrriv another big lot of those 60c XJmbrellaSi 1J k. - aa a a 3 TUCKER & CO. Tlio Filling of Proscriptions i is the most Important work of a f;ood drug store. The very lives of a community depend upon the care and Integrity of the man who Sills its pre- soriptiona We use only the very beat and, freshest drugs, and exercise the ' most painstaking care to prevent the .possibllltjr of aror. ' ; ' ' ' :' 1 BankofiRaleiglilNiC; . $100,000.00 ,w: 300,000.00 accommodation consistent with safe 13 GR&PES Fine Varieties. C.A.SH ERWOOD & CO. : 'l'1! 1 TTr 'lminl ?'rmrn lolm' lilJl.uJOlluibitiliiLUij. RALEIGH; N C. Capital Paid hi f . . . 5225,000 Surplus and Uudevided - : Profits, . . . . " 75,000 DIRECTORS: J . B. JJATCHEIXDR, ; CM. BUSBEE, - -F. O. MORING. - CHAS. E. JOHNSON. - ' W. R TUCKER.-- - - . OFFIciERS: r s - CHAS. H. BELVIN', President.' CHAS. E. JOHNSON,' Vice-President'- ' V. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. . Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnUhed,;--s.',;;-r;V':-.... A N E W V A U LT, which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added. . The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built, by the Miller Safe and Ironworks, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES ; .' ' VI '-'' 2"f - . - ,irfi.'.f"?si,..i' of the very latest design, tfie convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them; . ; : .? - The renter of the box has the key and no ono can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence of the renter; and if he should lose his key, the Under could not gain access to the box. the contents of which can be known orrly to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is obtained for very moderate cost. - v . Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. " We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages.- ; . t". tv Everyone Interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechan ism are coraiaiiy mviwsu w iupw ui y augl5 3m . "Smdcli Your Lips Sodo." Ice Cream with pure - crusnea iruus - It's Just "Out and try it. Five cents only. , - . A Full Lino Hoy AVcst ; Cigars" Can beifdurichat ; : i LIdgRgq's Drench Pliormcoy - '. " Corner Fayetteville and Martin streets, next to Postoffloe. . ECONOMY May be necessary in man when dollars are searco ano v v. many, but it is noi uesirable to 1 1 ;m1j' it in the purchaso of food,. vtit;3ax life. Below a certain standai-u' fool imperfectly nourishes; up to tliat siui. ara it costs a reasonable prio . , We never: want more than, a : reasonable price for oup Groceries. . . RAPID SALES Give our customers the; beneflt of close margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its 'kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in u. - . ' " CHOICE GROCERIES Always in stock and promptly delivered I , " , when ordered. " ' j ' . im. mm. Annou:c:.T.:nt. " . After this date Mr. Lewis T. Brown, will ' be associated with Mr, R. E. Craw ford in the man agement of the Park Hotel, in Raleigh. V PAGE ; LTOER CO., ; - JAMES A. BBIGGS, , ! THOMAS B. CHOWDER, ft..".'S TTTT TTTrt r T-nr-w ' . '1 - CHAS. H. BKLVIN; ircw nui. - .'-r ,,...' -. .maV. Aaf MJSM. JSI M"m'9 - ; .-- T-., of Sight." Come 0 Does Your Head 0 Ache , When you read? t If so, . f you should come- in and V . have your eyes tested by 4 Skilled Optician. 0H.HaMer's Sons. 0 Jewelers and Opticians.. 0" 0 FAYETTEVILLE. IJilitary. rAcadeny, FAYETTEVIIXE, N. C. COL. T. Jr DREWRY, C. E., - PRINCIPAL. W. S. Drewry, Ph. B., M. A. (Uni- versity 01 Virginia j Assoctate. Next session opens Septemler 2. Recosrnized as a school of tne kRY FRIST rank. Faculty of five experi enced instructors. Teachers and pu pils form one household. Not a sin pie ease of serious illness since its foundation." Discipline strict, but parental. Certificate admits to col leges of North Carolina and Virginia. For cfttalogiie address tlio Principal. juiyzs-im ,