I-VATSON'S CAMPAIGN. ' Appointments Arranged for public Speak rag la tn W est. : . Hon . -Cyrus B. Watson,' the Dem ocratic Doraiuce (or Governor, ia in the city. CaptTomMason, the nominee for Lieutenant Governor, was also here this morning. " - ..;, The first appointments of the cam paign were arranged. Mr. Watson will address the people atthe follow ing times and places. t - . v Carthage, Tuesday, August 18th. Monroe, Tuesday, August 25th, OStatesviUe, Saturday, August 29. " Newton, Monday,' August 31st Morganton, Tuesday; Sept. 1st 1 .. Marion, Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. Rutherford ton, Friday, Sept ,4th. - Shelby, Saturday, Sept 6th. . ' Lincolnton, Monday, Sept. 7th. ; ; Lexington, Tuesday, Sepl. 8th. : Salisbury; Friday, Sept 11th." - Concord, Saturday, Sept. 12tK. : . Mf. Watson will discuss the great issues of Free Silver, Financial Re form, Truf-u and Monopolies, lu v come Tax and Good Government. - Judge Russell, ' the Republican candidate for Governor, nas been in-' ' vited to meet" Mr. Watson In : joint discussion at alt appointments. Capt. Thomas W. Mason and Locke ":: Craijre. Esq., Democratic elector at large, will address the people at the j following times and places: -'-' Salisbury,' Tusesday, August the ;25th., , . V Hendarsonville, Wednesday, Au- gust 26tb. . - - Brevard, Thursday, August 27th. Lester, Buncombe county, Friday, , August 28tb. AshcvillOj Saturday, August the 29th. J-' Waynesvllle, Monday, August the " 31st. Webster, Tuesday, September the 1st.' . - . . ..f Franklin, Wednesday,' September . Murphy, Friday, September 4th. T r : .. cn4...jn.. c " ber 5th. ' " Marshall, Tuesday, September ,8th. , . Mars Hill, Wednesday, September -9th.:- - , tturnsvme, xnursaay, ocpiemoer 10th, . : . Bakersville, Saturday, September An inventory of the estate of the 1 late Eugene Field was filed and ap " proved In the probate court at Chi icago the other day. ' la addition to an eaunv oi siuuu in ms nuena par t3 fift.1 In wivnltiAS from flhnr- ie& ounuuur a ouua isuuDbUDeauiwi There is $6,503 worth of books and furniture, and (100 iu'eash. The furniture includes a Gladstone- axe and a Jefferson Davis chair, both of mIiIaK ia mandnnArl In f.hn inirAn- TT U V ... - . tory. " 'J; ':':,,: ' Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, overcomes that tired feeling ' rriitH an nnnetito nnd firive sweet. refreshing sleep. yeir-DDDs . Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, eomtt. paUon, tour stomach, Indigestion an promptly tired by Hood's Wis. Toey de- their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pllhv 96oents, All druggists. Pill s Prepared () C 1 Hood Co., Lowell, Man. ' The only Fill to take with Hood Barsaparllla. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ; SNUFF; Why, Parson's Celebrated iizzriza Scotch Snuff BecauseT r? . It 1 the purest and best mane a-tured out of select Virginia Lea Tobacco. The Manufacturer aelect the choicest grades-of Tobacco, am wo guarantee if you give it ft trial yOut igood judgment will approve . .. ' EDGERTON, .Tlnfl In fiit.iiro mil will DM D(ll Othur brand. Put up in any sle i , j-t- , v package to sun we .' .j - ' . ... trade. ',; "v- Sold by all Dealers,. -J. M. PARSONS, Mfg.r MEW BRUNSWICK. Xi J "t ' Administrator Notloe. . '- Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrell, de ceased, late of Wake Co N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims r gainst the estate of the said M. C i orrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of Juno 1S97, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and till persons indebted to the said cs t.,' 5 sre hereby notified to make im inn. .'e pnvmrut ,.- J. C. LUrcom, Administrator. V7 . N. J oses, Attorney. Jui3it a . ... for Infants and Children. . nlOTHERS, Do You Know that reitforie, , I V I - ., B)nnj' Drops, Ctod&cjr'a Cordial, many so-called Soothinc Syrers, and nioit remedltsfor children srecomptd of opaun or morphine f ' 4 ' Vow' Ktiow that optnm and morphine are ttupclylns narcotic palaonaT le) Yon Know that In moat conn tries drugjists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labelling them polaonaT . ' ..; IHt Tm Know that yon should not permit any medicine to be given your ' child unless yon or your phyiicUn know of what It is composed P n Ten Know thatCastoria la a purely vegetable preparation, sad that a Uat at Ua infredienta ia poblUhed with erery bottle ' T Ton Know that Casteria Is the prescription of the famous Dr. Bamubl - rrrcHKa. That It has been la nae lor nearly thirty years, and that more Csatoria ia now sold than of aH other remedies for children combined ' 1 - Wo Ton Know that the; Fatent Office Department of (he United States, and of other countries, ha1 Isamrt t icluilve right to Dr. Pitcher and Us assigns to use the word uCatorls" and us formula, and that to Imitate them Is s state prison offense? . PaTan Know that one of the reasons tor granting this syienunent-protectlon 1 was becaasa Gaateria had bean proren to be absoltrtclx narntleMr "'BaTea Know that 33 tvveran;e doses of Castoria are famished for sS ' sent, or saw cent a dose ? po yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preps ration, your children' will be kept weU, and that yoa) will hare unbroken rest ? . :' - Wen, Wiesjo tMnge are worth knowing. They are Jads, The fac-ajtaifla aUsrnatnre of Children Cry for - V ! 0IHTIOII OOafNUT. TP " THE TRIUMPH OF LOYE is nini, nvmvu maickiage." Ererr Haai Whs Waald Knew the Qrud Trafca tha Flalsi Facta, the Xew Dlsewieiles af BaaUemI Bctenee aa Availed te Married Lite, Who Wenld Ataaa far Paat Knars and ATeld Fata re Pltlavlla, fHtanld Beenro tha Weaderral little Dawk Called " Gealta Haahaadt and Baw ta At" tala It,' .. Here at last Is Information from a high medical source that must work wonders with this generation of men. The book fully describes a method by which to attain fall vigor and manly Dower. A meinoa vj wnioa to ana bus muuttunu 4 rains on the system. To core ttorrotisneas, lack of aelf-oontrol, 4a Ioolency,o. - - To exchange ft laded and won nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. , To care forever effects of exoessesioverwork. worry, eVa. ."'.o -r.-: .-. -. . To gWefntl strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body,; . Age no barrier. Failure Impossible. Two Uionsand references. The book la purely medical and scientific, ineloaa to cariosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need lb U'' . A despairing man, who LaA applied to ns, soon after wrote t ' ' . "Well, I teU rod that lint day b one I'll never forget. 1 ott bubbled with Joy. I wanted to hug everybody and teU them my omaen nao. aiea ywteraay, sou in; ni ttnrn fawinv. Whv didn't Vol self me when t first wrote that, 1 would And It this And another thoa t - . ' A ' "U you damped a cart load of gold at my feet It would not bring such gladness into my ill e aa your method has done." , . Write to the KRIH MKDICAIi COMPANT, Boflalo. IT. Y., and ask for the little book ealledOOMPIiETK MANHOOD." Befertti this paper, and ttie company promlsra to send the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, unlit it la well Intro, fcstsd,...;.";,,.;,,-, ,.,;;.',;..; : NOTICE! Bids for furnishing .fuel for the dif- ; lerent oepartmenta'oi tne uoverc '. Tbo Secretary of State doalres to Surchase for the Use of the", different epartments of the State Government: - 300 tone Pocahontas Coahi v . " 50 tons White Ash Coal. - . ' . ' ; i 10 tons Jellioo Coal.- . " n '' 26 cords forest pine wood,'Of whioh 15 cords must be two (2) foot long and ten cords one (1 ) foot long, part to be delivered, in rear of Supreme Court ttuiiding ana part at tne uoverner's Mansion; scf' Sealed nrODOsals to furnish the above will be received until the second (2d) of September at the Secretary's office, when the contract will be awarded. , , Iy30eowtd ISale of City Property. f By virtue of power conferred upon me by a certain mortgage, which is duly recorded in Kearistry of Wake county in book Not 135, at page 8Go, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C. on Friday, August 21st 1896 at 12 'o'clock m. that bouse and lot situated in the said city, on S. Blount street, beinjr a part of lot No. 15, in the, plan of said city according to Shaffer's map, and defined as -follows Beginning on the east line said street near Tup- Jsr's church, corner ot lot owned by ack Yarboro, thonce east along his line to the line of Elijah Outlaw 21o feet to the land si of Mills Brown, thence along his line south 35 feet, thence west parallel with the first named line 21o feet to said Blount street, thence nloug said street to the beginning. : v r v B. F. Montapue, ' ' .. ' Mortafe. Twilcigh, N. C, July 22. '!)(. vUJ.n1 ' Pitcher's Castoria. MUHIIAT nrTWtrr, MrWTOttH 0rnt - -. p. p. p., LippmaiVs Great Remedy Cures all Skin and Blood Diseases. Phyaioians endorse P. P. P. as a splendid combination, arfd prescribe it oith great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Sec ondary and Tertiary Syphilitic JKheu- P. P. P. Cures JZheitmntiism. Glandular Swellings, Uheiunatiem, Malaria, Old Chronic Ulstcrsthat have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cares T31oocl Poison. Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Complaints, Mercural Poison, Tetter, Scald Head, etc., etc. P. P. P. is a powersul tonic, and an excellent appetizer, building up the P. P. T. Cures Scrofula. system rapidly. Ladies whoso systems aro polsoiied and whose blood is in an impure condition, due to menstrual Ir regularities, are jieeuliarly benefitted P. P. P. Cure Malaria. by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing pprrperties of I'. P. P., IWckly Ashe, Poke Root and Potas sium. " P. P. P. " man Bros., . -: proprietors,: " Di-uggiitts, Lippman'e Blook, Savan nali, Ga. Book on Blood Diseases mailed free. - For sale by " - W. H. , KING. Noyth :Carblia College frf-r of Agriculture and v- . , Mechanic ArtSs Thift College offers thorough cour ses in Agrieultnral, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering,, and .in Sctisnce. Oenerai academic studies supplement all these technical .cour- 1XPKN8E8 PF.I1 SKSSIONINCLU DIXQ BOARO For Coonty Students $01.00. For all Other Students - -i. . 1 21.00. Apply for Catalogues to .v ALEXANDER Q, HOLLADAY, , . JPrcsidcnt. ': Raleigh," N. C. "- ' ' - Ween Baby fa stck, ire gave bcr Caetoria, When she was a Child, aha erled for Castoria, . When she became Mtaa, she clung to Castoria. Wbea she bad Cbiklmn, she gare them Castoria. Ud Bon't Say Umk But what we do to please our customers IS A PLENTY! The work we turn out SPEAKS FOR ITSELF and the rapi:l in crease of our business shows that it is speaking louder than words. Thiw-o who have tried it WILL HAVE NONE OTHER. Everything G u aranteed . tinnoll Stoam Laundry, C. F. Sovyers & Co., Props. Gross & nid-Summer Clearance Sale. We beg to call your attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of our store. Spring and summer goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS & LINEHAN. Raleigh; Ice and Refrigerating Co., Manufacturers of AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL For prices vrite or apply at oflW, 126 Fayettevllle Street,! T. L. EBERIIARDT. President. Fiill Una of. I.urd's Finef Sf at ionery. A FEW "two Years on tho Alabama" At 12.00, just half price. Have you Whitley .Exercises? Has no equal for physical development. Paper novels at 10c. A. Williams & Go's Book Store How and Where Shall I Invest? The Jechanics' and Investors' Aa Investor Demands: ' I; SAFETY. . 2. Good pbofit S. FREE OF TAX. A " 4. CERTAIN - J Rateitrh . RETURNS, f l.i!eiS" rkiTai.a a.nil mmrAtitAAfl thftHfl beneAtS to the Investor, M proven by the con tinued prosperity of the company. JDuring1 the paat two years the' Union AA in tha nnwtlnn of and DUP- chase of about 30 residences and has made over 60 temporary loans to its members, secured by1 stock, and is now erecting1 four residences. ; Every dol lar paid to the Union is at onoe put in circulation, in v North Carolina and adds to tho prosperity oi tne state, ti v..i. JauIma 1j km & nnpttnn - nf voll 1" earning subscribe for a few shares of monthly payment stock ana pay na oents per month per share. ' Or, if you nave money to mvesi, purcnaso me full paid coupon certificates,) drawing 0 per cent, iree pi tax, annual uin dend, with handsome profit maturity. If you wish to obtain a HOME, ex amine our plan of loaning, which is safe, equitable- and ? liberal. Call upon or address : v r- '-,; CEOIiGE ALLEN, Secretary, jylS-lm ' 22 Puller Building. " J vunion Linehan. COPIES OF- " THE ADVENT TERM or THE- i FIFTY-FIFTH . - ANNUAL SESSION OF ST. MARY'S SCHOOL will begin September 24, 189P. July 27-lm Tca nc Institute, better school forgiil. It has always been noted for music and art. First school in -the State to intro duce' -violin t with special teacher. This instrument will be .particularly strong next session under MiBS Win nie E. Johnson, from N. E. Conser vatory, a" pupil of MabrY v Terms to suU'the time?. ' V ' . jul23 lm STRONACH'S Carriage-Harness -AND Horse Emporium. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street, sassa Sast, I carry the largest stock of Ve hicles and Harness in the State. Will sell you anything in my line at factory prices. LIVERY, Board and Sale Stables I buy, sell and hire Horses. You can get the nicest, slickest turnout in the city from my barn. Every thing new. Clean slables and best of service. Stables open every day in the week. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Broker and Auctioneer Lots for sale all over the city on easy terms Advances made on all kinds of real and jx'rsonal property to be sold or held in trust. FKANK STItONACH. Phone 171. Bridgers Brothers MERCHANT TAILORS, 216i Fayettoville street, over Oak City Steam Laundry. Linen Suits Crash Suits Brown and White Ducks $4.50 to $7.50. Business 6uits made to order $12.50 and up. A perfect fit guaranteed. Write for samples. Mail orders so licited. m27 lw 1896, MIDSUMMER. ie Reese. We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer foods. White and Colored Sailors AT AM. PKICl-.S. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS IN AT J. SI I APRS Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. Miss Maggie Reese A Proclamation by the Gov ernor. $200 REWARD. State of North Carolina, I Executive Department. ) Whereas, official information has been received at this department that H. G. Womble, late of the county of Wal;e, stands charged with the murder of Annie Hall, alias Annie Grren, and whereas, it appears that the said H. (jr. Womble has fled the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot lie served upon him: Now, therefore, I, Ellas Carr, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue this my Proclamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of said H. G. Womble to the Sheriff of Wake county at the courthousedoor In Raleigh. And I do enjoin all offi cers of the State and all good citizens to assist in bringing said criminal to justice. Done at our city of Kaleigh, life 13th day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety six, and in the one hundred and twenty-Urt year of out American In dependence. Eli a s Cark. By the Governor: S. F. Telfair, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. A Email, dark-complexioned whit man, about 5 feet two or three lnche high, about .28 year old. When las seen wore a light mustache, black hair and dark nearly black eyes, ; . ; - juU35w ? ' , Carpenter & Peebles ; ; ARCHITECTS. Thomas M. Ashe, Associated Corresondenoe solicited. -.: " " Office, Room ; 2, over MacTJae Branch PharmacyJ . - - Iflagg iss Loofi! toc'ii 't (9(9(9. -:. Watch the win dow. Big' bar gains every day,) Don't missthese sales. If you , can't comeyour . self, send the children. One Price to All. Lyon Racket Store StafeNorma! and IndusfrialSchool Departments well equipped. 27 teachers, 444 regHlar students, berldes practice school of 97 pupili. 930 ma triuulates since its opeuing in IP 42. 93 of the 90 counties represented. Com petit ve examination at couuty seat August lnl to till free-tuition vacan cies in dormitories. Application should lx? made before July 20th to enter the examination. No freetuition except to applicants signing a pledge to become teachers. Annual expensfw of free-tuition students boarding hi dormitories, $90; tuition-paying stu dents, $1.30. Address President t'HAKLKS D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. t Julys lm The University. 30 Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition $00 a year. Board $8 (eight dollars) a month. Three full College Courses, three Brief Courses, Law School, Medical School, Bummer School for Teachers. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address Pres't. Winston, Chapel Hill, -N. C. jn2f lm SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1 806. Trains Leave Kaleigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p, m, Dally, Solid vestlbuled train with slei-per from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. alts- liury, Morgiinton, Ashevllle, not springs abd Kuoxville. Connects at Durham lor Oxford. ClarksTtlte atd Keysvllle, except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and South western Vi'stl tiled (Limited), train for all points Noith and with main Hue train No. 11 for Danville. Bichmond and intermediate local stations ; also h s connection for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 3d, ' united states rast Hall" for Charlotte Spartanburg, Green ville Atlanta and all points South ; Iso Colum bia Augusta Charleston, Savannah, JaeKson vlTje and all points in Florida Sleeping Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 11:45 A. n. Dally Solid train, -onsistlng Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cliat tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Nerfolk 6:00 p m In time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners ' Norfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich mond 8 8 Co's for all point? north and east. Connects at Selma for Fayettevllle and In termediate stations on the Wilson and Fa - ettevllle Short Cut, daily, except Sunday for New era and Morehead city dally for Golds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on ti e Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:50 A. M. Daily Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvllle, BMimond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:09 P. ri. Dally For Goldsboro and Inter mediate stations, fSS?l l ocal Accommodation. an(J hvtch- s:00 A. M. Connects at. Oreo lis WT . , , prints for North and South and WlnstP88,ae 01 and points on the Northwestern North be fright Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points '"Vurious era North 1 arollna Knoxville, Tenn , f' , . nati and western points ; at Charlotte, ft1 fir" " tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta andNo the points south. tere Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C.t : ye,' PrnroH Trnln :. - - 3:05 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. : Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. ' - 4:1a P. M. Dally From all points east, Nor folk Turboro, Wilson and water lines. ,; From Goldsbol 0, Wilmington, Fayettevllle and all points In Eastern Carolina. . Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. , 11:40 A. n. Dally From Sew York, Washing. . :- ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greerst oro. i hsl- - tanooga, Knoxville, Hot springs and aslievllle. . Express Train 8,50 a, as. Dally rrom-ooldsboro and Inter -:-mediate stations. . Local. 1. , ; 1 7: JO A. n. Dally Fr m Greensboro and a points North and South. Bleeping Car trout , GreetisborotoBalelgh. v . . :00 tv as. Dally exei pt Bunday From Golds,:; i boro and all points East. . " .1 . Local freight trains also carry passengers. . . SnnMB AOM A l.h IhI. MM ... ' ' . A mmm Hwu vhb .if-. u - Greensboro. : -: ' ' V;j::i t::s - , ; Through rullroan VesHbnlid nrawmf Room Buffet sleeping Car and Vestlbuled coaches without charge on erf oik limit, d. . -, Doable (tally trains between Raleigh that ' lotte and Atlanta. Quick llrjie; tinexeeUed ar. i i oovunodatloo, i ' W. H. GBEKN, .- , r " Geaeral Snperlntnao.', ; . W. A. TURK. , .'V- General Passenger Agent. : - .. Washington. D. C. 1 . ' J. M. Cn.p, Traft!c M. c jei

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