'St 7CH PRESS-VISITOR, MONDAY AUGUST 47. 1896. THOS. J, PENCE " .v . i City Editor. Index to New Advertisements. c : ? H Rogers Apples, etc. The Weather Tomorrow. I FAIR I i j. lie w aumugiuu iura.-u iui IJfrorn 8 a. m. this morning: llv fiiir tonight and rw (North Carolina lor so nour Tuesday. Cooler in west portion Tues : day. f j - Forecast for Raleigh. Local forecast for Ilaleigh ( not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Pair tonight and Tuesday. Local Dat;i. Local data for 21 hours ending- at 8 a. m. (today) Aujjust 17th, Maximum temperature. 91; minimum temperature, 71; rainfall, 0.00. Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. in. today: State of the weather " clear. Temperature of the ajr "II deg. Sensible temperature "3 deg. Wind velocity Light. Direction of wind W. PKKSONAL. Mr. Frank Page is in the city. Mr. A. P. Massey left for lieaufort tcxlay. Mr. C. C. Baker left this morning for Baltimore. MissHattie Davis has returned from Millbrook. Mr. J. M. Davis, has a very s'u k child on South Davie street. Miss India St Sin;,' has gone to Garner to spend several days. Mr. W. T. Keed and Mr. J. W. Warkmick, of Portsmouth are at the Park. Miss Daisy Woodlief left thisafter uoon for Cumnock on a three weeks visit to friends Mr. K. L. Hand has gone to iariu-r to spend a week with relatives and friends. Miss Adlie Snow is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas Itaskerville at Chapel Hill. Messrs. Alex li. and John Andrews have returned from a trip to New York and Niagara. Mr. Alex McPhceters returned to the city today after a two weeks' v;t cation, looking much improved. Mr. J. W. Bailey, left today for Davie and Catawba counties to at. tend several Baptist Associations. Col. James K. Boyd arrived to day from Chatham county. He leaves for New York this evening Col. V. A. Turk, the Southern s popular and progressive general passenger agent, is in the city. .Mr. McCants, his private secretary, came with him. Dr. F. P. Yenableand Dr. Basker ville, of the University left toilav for Buffalo to attend the National Chemical Association. Mr. C. B. Alford. of Holly Springs, and his brother, a proini nent citizen of (ieorgia. who is visit ing him, are in the city today. Hon. Benton Smith, of Atlanta, (iu., and a brother of Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior was a passenger on the North bound train today. Maj. J. W. Wilson returned to the city this morning from a visit to his home in Morgan ton. Maj. 'Wilson says the weather is delightful up there, blankets being required at night. Air. Watkins Hobards' smiling countenance, which has been miss-r- jvf cil. "L' Paynr,' (,nd f the Citizens ' L,.,,l T,.ilr f.- ,., .uko .Vith tl . .lv irreeted todav. Mr. liobards ""but a delightful vacation in the n" iouutains of Virginia. I ' ' Mr. Henry Butler, brother of A Senator Butler, who has been con j.1 nected with the Caucasian since its location here, leaves in a few days for Washington, where he accepts a position in the headquarters of the Populist National Executive Com mittee. Pleasant Weather Predicted. The outlook for pleasant weather s more favorable now than it has been at any time duringthepast two weeks. There is an area of high barometer and cool weather central over Minessota; but it is already be s. Ing felt as for east as St. Louis, Cin - cinnatiand affected temperature in Tennessee and Georgia. - An area of low barometer (with i lowest at Boston) stretches South '; ward over the Atlantic states This will; probably move off tonight and Tuesday and the -highC will move further east. ', r-.- . Sheriff Page says the crops in tie . Morrisville section are - suffering terribly. , It has been over a month since there was a rain in that sec tion. , , .' V The Committee and it Critic, The following from the editorial columns of the Charlotte Observer has our hearty approval and en dorsement: The Morganton Herald and Marion Messenger say that "the abuse heaped upon the Democratic State, committee by a lot of Democratic pa pers for its resolution looking to electoral fusion betrays an arrogance and intolerance that is simply intol erable;" and further on the papers named assert that they know many of the members of the committee and that "they are men of the highest public and private character, who love the State and her institutions and who would scorn todoa dishon orable thing. "The Observer wants to say of these matters, lest somebody should think that it is hit. that it has felt very deeply and has meant to express itself very strongly, about them, but that it has imputed no bad motives of the majority of the com mittee. We are sure that a capital mistake has been made and that time will prove it, if it has not done so al ready; but we have made no intima tion of dishonorable conduct on the part of the committee, nor has any other paper that we have read done so, though nine out of ten of them have protested against the commit tee's course, as tha.y had a clear right to do. An excursion from Fayetteville reached here today with 12(10 people, all colored. Business Notices. I am receiving daily consignments of line apples, cabbage, potatoes and produce of every kind, and selling low to the trade. Chickens always on hand W II. lingers, auglT lit 12 Exchange. A List of Premiums lihen by the Advcr crtiktng Journul Co. M iss Yirgie liiwrence, Delineator, ill: Miss I., Helen Kd wards. Ladies' Home Journal, $1 ; MissL Helen Ed wards. Home yueen. f)0e; Mrs Dan Young, Merchandise, Sfc; Mrs Stan Wynne. Delineator. $1 ; Mrs George Williams. Glassware. $1.3(1; Miss Stella Hanks, set desert, and butter dishes. l . Miss Stella Banks, Mer chandise. jr.'. ."ill. Mrs D II Williams, merchandise. U'llc; Mrs E N Pool, chair. $1.75; Miss Lucy Adams. Miinsey's Magazine, $1. I'se ' Periodical Tickets And re ceive a premium yourself. A l KltTISINCl Jol'KNAI. Co., ( Ulice with A. Williams v Co. "anted. To liuv or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc.. etc. I). W. C. HAUHIS. Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned T.'ic, cleaned and lived si.'HI. East 1 large! t street, just below Cent ral I Intel. al2 1 in lor Kent. I'ie room house next to mv resi dence. Two room house on Bloodworth street. Four nice rooms in residence. For sale. ."lO.llllu liest heart dressed shingles. For sale. best NorthCarolina meat, lard and a general stock of groceries, augll! 1 w j. H. A hams. Hid mi hr Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles'.' If not. get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs, if you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drug store. CLEANING UP The broken lines, odd sizes and slow sellers in our Slice Henartment brings to many a calculating pocketbook a hwidson e saving. The brooms will be at work all the week sweeping a dollar or two into your lap for ev ery :VI cents deposited with us. Women 's Dongola Kid Oxford Ties, pat ent tip. the regular 1 50 kind, the price now 1 ; Women's Vrici Kid 'Ox ford Ties, cheap at $2, reduced to $1.50 a Pair. Misses' Dongola Kid Button pair. Hisses' and Children's Oxford Ties at About Half Value. Men's Buff Calf Shoes, laced and congress, were $150 and $175, reduced to.fl a pair; Men's Calf Shoes, cbngressand laced, the $2 50 (jual ity at $1.95. W. jv 206 LADY ANN. Another Great Racer Owned by a North Carolinian. Mr. Ed V. Denton, of this city, has purchased and will enter in the great race for public favor and popu larity Lady Ann, whose fine points and excellent qualities iudicate for her a bright future. Amoreperfect or pleasing specimen has never be fore been seen in these parts in the shape of a leading 5c cigar. Now on exhibition and sale at his place of business, 311 and 313 Fayetteville street. aug7 lw Two Uves Saved. Mrs. Phcebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved" her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 1 39 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else ; they bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is'naturally thankful. It issuch results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 50c and $1. Raleigh Pioneers of a $73.00 Men 's Bicycle named Crescent; of a !0.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl ; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. - $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what ' are talking Factory made iij.000 vheels last year. TheC ascents have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. Raleigh Male Academy M UiSON & DKNSON, Principals. Tlif l!Mh y in ojn'tis M)inl;ty, Au "5iist.il. Tin rMir' wliirli has U'fti ho siuvrsfii I in tivp;i r;it ion for Col-li-it or Musim-ss i :ulatr to the mt'ds of each pupil. IJoani :it low mil's. AiMri's tin I Yiuripals for 'at.iluruf. an jf S 1 in I Have If! A complete line of I'lnln-ella .Mate rial, such as Kibs. Staffs. Kerrels, Catches. Handles, Covers, ete. He. member I repair I'mbrellas and Para sols with n;w parts. Thin ia better and far cheaper than old material. A large stock of brass, nickel-plated and German silver walking cane ferrels al ways on hand. T. F. BROCKWELL Boot. - , were $1.7j and , now 1 a E. JONES. Fayetteyille St, Raleigh, N. C : . . Central Hotel. Corner Hargetand Wilmington Sts., Kaleigh, N. C. Best one dollar per day house iu the State ;in the heart of the city; table second to none; rooms large and airy; clean linen; free baths and headquarters for travelers and pleas ure seekers. II. J. DOWELL, augS 1 w Proprietor. Help Wanted Male. W ANTKD Solicitors for Campaign book, ''Bryan, Sewell and Free Sil ver," authorized by Bryan, written by K. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World iferald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only tl.50. The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work for '9(5. Ad dress The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. aO lm For Orer Fifty Tear Mat. WiKSLow'a Soothing Stkvp has been used for over fifty years by mllllous nt mothers for ibeir children while teethtuK watt ptrfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allay all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Divrlicra. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately . Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-nve cents a bottle. Be sure to Ask for "Mrs wtnslow's Soothing Syrup," aud take no ')r kind. U1 iLadiesc A new and pretty line of PUFF BOXES, Puffs, Powders. Hair Brushes and Combs. 3 Pu rses al 1 needed for you r sum mer s trip. I Select Odors in Perfumery. Crown Salts in several sizes and odors. Send us j our order to till. Yours very truly, km McKimmon & Co,, Pharmacists. i:t.1 Fayetteville St., Kaleigh. We Have Reduced The price on all our summer stock, but the Misses' and Chil dren's Strap Slippers in Tan. -Patent leather and Kid, with I'alent Leather Tips, which we have reduced from $1 fill to $1.20 are especial values. HELLER BROS. 134 Fayetteville St. Steam's Instant Headache Cure 1 2 Doses fi r 25c an 1 a Sure Cure. Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drag Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PROPRIETORS. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page firMarshall, pboprjetors HAMS. N..C. Hams, round trimmed, well cured, idee, sweet, and sound as a'dol lar, Uic lb. Kingan's small, reliable hams, l'Hc. Kingan's 12-pound hams, 12ic. There is no bettor sugar-cured ham on the market than Kingan's "relia ble." Close cut, lean and mild cured. California hams, 10c lb. English Cured Breakfast Bacon Comes a little higher than the ordinary kind, but this particular cure is un doubtedly the finest, sweetest bacon on the market. It is boneless; thin, se lected pieces. English : Cared : Shoulders Are better than some hams. Lean, square cut and mild cured, and sold at 10c. lb. At this season of the year when it is so hard to get good, relia ble meat, it pays to bny the best. We iruarantee atl we sell. Anything you buy of me that is -not satisfactory return it and get your money back. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. G. E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Liihia Wafer Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBURN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic, diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbitt, The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. The Iron's Hot. Let us have your work right now. We guarantee satisfaction and that's a good deal, coming from a laundry. We've made Up our minds to make this the best one there is, and we are doing it by retaining the patronage of every one who comes here. We have never, lost a customer through a fault of ours. SENSIBLE PHONE 87. . 14 East Martiii Street. What to ask for in the way of scasonublo Dress floods ia shown in ' the September .issue of the Buttericlf Fashion Sheet. Call ana get ouc from us. " - 1 - Notions. Nickel Alarm Clocks SKlc Sowing Machine Oil-. 5c Boratod Talcum . ,20c Mocking Bird Food 35c Oiled 6ilk, per yard 85c Hermsdorf Black Hoso . . . -25c Shirtwaist Sets 25c New York Mills Cotton 2c Good quality Note Paper per q 'r, 5c Bristle Hair Brushes. . . .50 and 75c White Aprons 25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 21 to 50c Nellie Bly Night Lamps -40c And many other useful things. 5 and 10 Gent Counter We have just arranged these coun ters on our second floor and have an unusual largeassortmcntof goods to show. You'll be well paid if you will take the time to look over these counters. We have just arranged our Croeu ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. "Oh, There Are Others." But None So Popular As Ours. ROY ALL & BORDEN.-w 1221 Sideboards We are now showing our new lice of Sideboards which are lovely. For this week they go at your own price. Open at MYALL & BOfiDED, Leaders of Low Prices. Don for the Crash AND PANTS. J Tomorrow morning you will find about fifteen Guudred of our men : and boys separate pants and .ajjout seventy-five Crash Suits cut loose from worth prices. . If you are going to need another erash suitor avpair '. or mora so j ants before Snow flies, this is your chaste. . T . .. . ? Crash Suits at The $6 50 Suits are now : 14 88 v The $4 SO Suits are now .13 38 4 ; " The $3 50 Suits are now 2 63 -' '", Be Quick to Catf h Your Slzeil The pants are of the finest fabrics in the choicest Patterns, and are : the best fitting pants you can find ready made or custom ' made either sentiment must be wrung out of business. It business we should plan now to sell them quickly and we have. ' - : : Here is the way: Take off J from the original " price and the sale la made and you own pants for less than the cloth would cost von with hun dreds of patterns to select from . Every pair a bargain. need telling you that the t off sale on spring clothes is on yet, till tbo last one is gone -and they are going; fast Keal economy to buy here and now. : S. & D; BERWAfJGERp One Price Clothiers to All. Wo have a few good Shirt Waists x left which we will close out at re- " duced prices. f For5 Cents Wo sell good, heavy Domestics, Bleached or Un bleached Navy Blue Prints and Fancy Dress Prints, good Lawns, Dress and Checked Ginghams, Heavy Plaids for Aprons. In Our Dry Goods Stock We keep all kind of Staple Prints, Flannels, Sheetings, Shirtings, .: Scrims, Table Linen, Curtain'aand : Curtain Goods; Canton Flannels, Nainsooks, Lawns, Percales, etc. Shoes. Take eare of tbo foundations. Wear good Shoes. Dry "feet and a eool head is what you want to keep. We have the shoes that will keep your feet :3ry. Wearo headquarters for if 1. 2J, 1.50 and 2.00 shoes. Sideboards Night. 4 . 25 per cent Off. Vff

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