A i i r L k k Iwi I Cl i I i l.ISUED BY THE VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY J INCORPORATED!. ; i A CON SOLID ATKt OV THE VISITOR, EST ABUSED 1878, AND TBS PRHttd, 3 ESTABLISHED 1894, Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS. ; Editor and Manager. JASPER H. McRARY, ilt - Soliciting Acent. Subscription Prices. One Yew 13.00 Six Month.,..... 1.50 One Month.. 25 'Entered as Seoond Class Mail Matter ILAfinJ The Leader in the News and in Circulation. . TELEPHONE No. 168. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18. 18. s There is a romaace connected w th the early acquaintance of William Jennings Bryan with Miss Mary Baird, now Mrs. Bryan, which has never been published. Only a few persons know the story. Oueof this ' number is a Topeka man, who re lates it. At the same time that Miss Baird was a student in the Jackson ville Femala College, at Jackson- ' iVille, 111.' young Bryan was attend ing the lliuois College at the same place. After a certain hour in the afternoon the young ladies of the college were free to promenade about the college grounds, and while enjoying this recreation took the op portunity to "flirt " with the boys trout the Illinois College, who were invariably on hand. It was during the promenades that Miss Baird al traded the attention of young l!i v an and a flirtation was begun. This led to an acquaintance, and a meet ing was arranged at the home of a relative of the young lady 's in the suburbs of Jacksonville. The first meeting was but a forerunner of a series of weekly visits by both parties to the same place. But the enjoyment of the young couple was not allowed to proceed without in terruption. The matter came to the president of the female college and b,3 at once called Miss Baird to him aid questioned her concerning it. She acknowledged thatshe had been in the habitof meeting young Bran and as such conduct was distinctly Vv wnteuce was expulsion. She was 'ordered to lie in readiness to leave ie college at a certain date. The news of Miss Baird's expul--' '.on' reached Bryan the same day. V d, without waiting to map out any " ns of procedure, he hastened to resident's office. Young Bryan ; WSsyven then the prize orator of the -. Illinois College, and he started in to - nvince the president that he had vifaken the wrong course and that the I expulsion was unmerited. A few " days prior to this event Bryan had , jwritten the parents of Miss Baird, i5king their consent to visit the , " '- TOung lady . Although he had not - rU y; he presumed on an and told the tbir 'OU'e had the consent of Mf f's parents, and that f ' S were entirely honor- . l' &o presumed upon the ",J' . f the young lady, and .- their formal engagement tS only a matter of a few weeks. it p the end of an hour young Bryan 'd the president of the college look AOg at the matter in an entirely dif-,.- ferent light. Not only was the sen- tence of expulsion repealed, but - Bryarf obtained consent to visit Miss .Baird. at the college weekly. Al though it was not until after the young couple had left their respec tive colleges that their engagement was announced,1 it was while at hooI that they became fast friends. ?oth graduated at the same time, .nd a few yearslater they were mar. ried. ' . ,- :- What you want when you are ail ing is a medicine that will cure you. Try Hood 's Sarsaparilla and be con vinced of its merit, - " Money Saved -IS- Money Made. Below are some interesting state ments by representative citizens of Raleigh of money saved by them by insuring in the Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance Company of Greens boro, N. C: Raleigh, N. C, March 10, 1896. On the 14th day of March, 1895, we took out a policy in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C, and paid the com pany J16.50 and received a return of 20 per cent, dividend, amounting to $3.30, making total cost of insurance but $13.20. Same insurance in other companies cost $16.50. ( Signed ) Latta & Myatt. Raleigh, N. C. March 10. 1896. I paid $11.25 to insure my building in the Stock Mutual Insurance Com pany of Greensboro, N. C, just what I would have had to pay in any other insurance company, and have received a dividend of $2.2o, thereby reducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. (Signed) C. G. Latta. Raleigh, N. C, March 10, 1896. 1 paid Pi to. insure my building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C, just what 1 would have had to pay in any other insurance company and have re ceived a dividend of $1.20, thereby re ducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. ( Signed ) Jos. F. Fen-all. For further information call on c. c. Mcdonald, Agt. Greensboro, N. C, April 1, '!6. Last year we paid the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company $184. .00 for lire insurance. We have received notice of dividends to our credit of $12.30. Our policies are for three years, and if our dividends for the next two years are no less than they were for 18!).) (as we have every reason to expect ) the total saving in the cost of our insurance will lx- J.'!li.!)0, or 20 per cent of the amount paid. This strong home company deserves and will doubtless receive a large pat ronage from the property-holders of North Carolina. ( Signed ) State Normal and In dustrial School, ly Charles D. Mc I ver, 1'resident. Wilmington. N. ('..Feb. 211, ''.Hi. We paid Southern Stock Mu tual Inurancc company hist year " ltl U0 They return to us 2U per cent.. 21 20 Net "cost to us 84 80 1'ost of saint-in other eoinpan's 10H 00 Worth A Worth. Durham, March, IsW. We paid Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance company of Greensboro for tire insurance last year $4.'l "." They return to us 20 per cent. . . 8 7Ti Net cost to us 35 00 ( 'ost of same insurance in other companies 4.') 75 (Signed) Iilackwell's Durham To bacco ( oniiaiiy. Creenshoro, April 1, ISllli. We paid to the Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance company last year for lire insurance $35: they returned a di vidend of 2u per cent., $7, making net cost of insurance $28: same insurance in other companies is costing us $35 and we consider that our protection under said policy is just as good as that offered by other insurance com panies. ' ( Signed i The National Bank of Greensboro, by Noil Ellington. I 'resident. Klkin, N". ('., March 9, 'M. I paid $47.25 to insure my building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insur ance company of Greensboro, just what I would hive had to pay in any other insurance company, and have received a dividend of t) 45, thereby reducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. ( Signed J. S. Bell. NOTK --If vou are a policy-holder of the Southern Stock Mutual Insur ance Company, or if you exiect to tie, you are interested in "the profits of the company. The larger the number of select risks the company ear, secure, the larger the prolit to policy-holders. Therefore, if your neighbor has good property to insure, tell of the advan tages of insuring in the Southrrn Stock Mutual Insurance Company. Hand this statement to some reliable property-owner who is not a policy holder. N. B.--When eometitors criticise, remember that they are competitors. and that we are taking business from them. The 20 per cent, return to policy holders for 1895 was made on the first year's operations, in spite of the com bined opposition and hostility of com peting companies and their agents, and in t he face of more serious diflcul ties than the Company will ever en counter again, and it maybe counted upon with reasonable certainty that the profit to poliey holders will never tie less than it was last year. This i the only company doing business in North Carolina whose policy holders participate in the prolits and at the same time assume no liability to assesemcnt. Save money by insuring your prop erty in the Southern Stock-'Mutual In surance ( oinpany. OFFICERS. J M Worth, President; EP Whar ton, Vice-President; AW McAlister, Sec. and Treas. DIRECTORS: Lawrence S Holt, J S Carr, Sam'l McD. Tate, J S Spencer, RD Heath, WmE Holt, D 6 Worth, Donald' MacKae, Edwin Shaver, F J Mur dock, A P Page, BennehUn Came ron, James P Sawyer, L Banks Holt, J M Worth, J W Scott, J Van Lind ley, LI Scott, E P Wharton. C, G. McDOflALD AGENT. wrong Nerval Just as sorely coma from the use of Hood's 8anaparilla as does the cora of scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called blood diseases. This is simply beoanse the blood affects the condition of all the Serves bones, muscles and tissues. It it is im pure it cannot properly sustain these parts. It made pore, rich, red and vital ized by Hood's Baraaparilla, it carries health instead of disease, and repairs the worn, nervous system as nothing else can do. Thus nervous prostration, nysteria, neuralgia, heart palpitation, are oured by KldodR Sarsaparilla Because it is the One True Blood Purifier. , , n. are the best after-dinner HOOd S PlllS pills, aid digestion. 26e. fDucklcn's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles. or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, frice Ho cents pr 1 ox. "or sale bv John Y. Mac Rat. Think It Over. Have you ever heard of a medicine with such a record of cure as Hood's Sarsaparilla ? Don't you know that Hood's Sarparilla. the onetruc blood pui-ilier, has proved, over and over again, that it has power to cure even after all other remedies fail? If you have impure blood you may take Hood s aarparilla with the ulmost cotidence that it will do vou good. Hood 's l' cents. lis assist digestion. 25 Cut Flowers Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kindsj-of I'ol l'lants for house decorating anil adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard l'lants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street stittite. 1'hone 113. near Peace lu ootl7 ICE. ICE. lialmy spring; summer is near is now iit hand. upon us and l'or the BEST ICE during the warm season we are pre pared to furuish you at lowest figures. No Trouble to Keep Cool Also Shingles and Feed of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phonos, 41. 71S, U. Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-' ent busineaa conducted tot MoDCRATI fit. . Our OmcC i Oppositc U . s. patcnt Ornee and we can secure patent m less time uma tkae remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or choto with deacrirv tion. We advise, if patentable or net, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secure?!. A SiMMii m-r " How to Obtain Patents." with coat of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, ( .A.SNOW&CO. PHTTHT Om, WASHINGTON, D. 1. S. A. ASHE & SON; FIRE INSURANCE. . Solicit a part of four patronage . Offloeover MacRaeV Branch 1'har maevf. Mil SCireatt. end npnn allLJU:ii! . Pluck and! Dint of Hard Work, the Result of The OO-LANDMARKS annihilated by the sturdy, invincible ad vancement of progress and business requirements: The store, twice be fore enlarged, now covers the entire room, ftKyiignts, ventilated, Moaernly improved, presenting as bead lights, magnificent show windows, double size, a brilliant electric il luiiuiiabiuu. g Behind the great French Plate Glass Front old .dry goods veterans of life-long service will greet you with a hearty hand-shake and a cordial welcome, whdse efforts to please you, when they succeed, pleases them most. Bargain Attractions. Unavoidably some goods slightly soiled from exposure and other causes incident to rebuilding will be sold at wet goods prices. Great lines of Negligee Shirts to be closed at 50c each. Our entire spring production of Neck Tics. Scarfs, Puffs and four-in-hands at prices it takes nerve to name. A table full of l ancy oxfords and colored shoes at ooc for your choice. fZ n-m C.4-,n -..t Uni-t, $1.00 hats for 50c, 50c hats for a-a OUaff Hi.a-25c, 25c hats for 15c. PRICES STAMPEDED. No fixed values until we get comfortably ensconced in theNew Store All sorts of goods sold at all sorts of make the price. SUCCESSORS TO U.ll.fin.S.TUCIIGfifiCO Early Fall Work. August 17th to 22d. Another Week Given to the Sale of Carpets at 75 cents per i aru. These special carpets are shown on the first floor of our store, just as you enter our layetteville street door, and in the lines rep resented are some of the best grades of car pets woven, Axminsters, Velvets and Brus sels. The regular prices were $1.25 to $1.50 per yard, but to sell them out before the regular carpet season begins, we make the price 75c per yard and will make no ex tra charge for making and laying. These carpets deserv e the attention of every house keeper. Orders out rfVtow n are solicited. W. II. & R. S. Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures SIMPSON'S PULLEN' BUILDING, The Commercial and Farmers' Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital Deposits .... 300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, ALP A. THOMPSON. Vice President. B. S. JERMAN, Cashier H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Perfect cluefefs, free from insects and im or I hem makes a handsome picsent for To arri ve, another big lot of those Not; Luck. Experience, Enterprise and Economy. landlord's territory, spacious floor prices. You make the selection, we'll TUCKER & GO. Tho Filling of Proscriptions' is the most important work of a good drug store. The very lives of a i nmmunity depend upon the care and integrity of the man who fiills its pre scriptions We use onlythe very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painjjUJriug care to prevent the possibility of error. all Skin Diseases. PHARMACY, RALEIGH, N. C. Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. . $100,000.00 Ghoico, Luscious Fine Varieties. T rfeot berries. A basket a men Orders filled, at short 60c Umbrellas. C. A. Sherwood & Co. GRAPES Capital Paid lit Surplus and Uudevided Profitsr . DIRECTORS: J . B. BATCHELOR, C. M. BUSBEE P. O. MORING, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, W. R. OFFICERS: CHAS H. BELVIN, President. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. F. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished. A NEW which ia entirely fire proof and burglar pi-oof, hai leen added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time Ioivcb, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and 9uperinteude? by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. Ir this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has the key, and no one can gain access to tho contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if ho should lose his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents of which oan be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, ete., and perfect security Ib obtained for very moderate cost.. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the e.cluive Jise of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, ete. We have an excellent'vauit in addition to this tine burglar proof vault for ttie storage of boxes and packages. Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechan ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. The National auglo 3m "Smack Your Lips Soda.'' Ice Cream with pure crushed fruits- lt's Just "Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. A Full Line Key West Cigars Can be founci at HacItaQ's Branch Pharmacy, isomer r ayettevme a i . a ECONOMY May be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice It in the purchase of food, which is life. Below - a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in u. S3 E Always i stock and promptly delivered - when ordered. TIIOS. PESCUD. 30 Teachers'. 634 Students." Tuition 60 a -year. Board $8 (eight dollars) a month. - Three full Pol lege Courses, three Brief Courses, Law School, Medical School. Summer' School for Teachers. . ' Scholarships and loan for the needy. Address Preset. Winston, Chapel Hill, N. CJ The University JnSClat . i "k r . . 2JS,000 .... 75,000 JAMES A. BRIGGS, THOMAS B. CROWDER, JULIUS LEWIS, CHAS. H. BELVJN, TUCKER VAULT, Bank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, IV. C. run streets, next to rostomoe. 0 Does Your -Head Ache . When you read? If so, you should come in and have your eyes tested by 0 0 0 0 qur ' Skilled Optician. 1 Jailer's Smfc'O Jewelers-and Opticians. 6 0 o Tffl r Institute, -rVatC Raleigh, N.C. - No better school for girls. It has-, i always been noted r tnusie and act First school id the"sae to Introv " .duce violin ' with .special teacher, v This instrument will be particularly strohg nest session under Miss Min nie E. Johnson, from N; Conser-, yatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms" to - suit the times. . JuI23 lm "v, V", -.,T 1 4 -