V 5. :3DAY, AUGUST 18, 1896. J. PENCE City Editor. Index to N.w Advert iaema.ta. Tucker's Specials. . ; Riggan Specials. V House Wanted J. W. Jones. The Weatttsr Tomorrow. I RAIN I RAIN North Carolina tor 36 hours I I from 8 a. m. this morning: ; Local showers today and to night, followed by -clearing weather. Cooler in eastern portion Wednesday morning. , , ' , . Forecast for Raleigh. ,f& ..t;:-"S' " ' Iocal forecast for Raleigh (not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Hhower tonight and probably early ; Wednesday, followed by clearing Weather. Local Data. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) August 18th, Maximum temperature, 90; minimum temperature, 71; rainfall, 0.12. v ' Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: late of the weather. clear. Vniperature of the air 73 deg. 'Usible temperature 73 deg. Vind velocity Light. " Direction of wind W . PERSONAL. Mr. O P. Conelly, -here. of Durham Mr.' John W. Gore, of Wake Forest. swas In the city today . M-r.jSam Harper, of Fayetteville, is here. Mr. J. A. Thomas, of Louisburg, was here today. " 1 Miss Iola Temple is in the city, visiting Mrs . Ed. Hortoti. . Miss Nannie King, wenttoWil- mlngton today. i Mr. T. T. Pace arrived in the city Sy from Knoxville, Tenn. ' ""'Mr. Joe Newman, a well known -'': traveling man. went to Fayetteville I today. 'Mrs. L. A. Winston is visiting Mrs. T. H. Uriggs, on Dawson street. " He v. Dr. W. C. Norman and family have gone to Lexington to spend a few days. Rev. Dr. Tuttle and family left this morning for Morganton to be .: gone a month. Miss Belle Bagley and Mr. Worth Bagley U. S. N. are here visiting their mother, Mrs. W. H. Bagley Miss Eva Minor, of Oxford, who has been visiting at the residenceof Mayor Wm. Russ, returned home to ¬ day. Miss FaonieGreen,of Franklinton who has been visiting at the resi denceof Mr. AndrewGreen returned home today. ' Miss Nettie Hodge returned home yesterday, after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. J. B. Brooks, of Burlington. Misses Nellie and Bessie Merri in, of lireensnoro are in the city iiting their grandmother, Mrs. A. eiriinon . Miss Bettic Horton, of Durham, who has been visiting the family of C.Q. Horton has gone down near Wakctield to visit friends. ' M 'T. J. Rogers. Register of Avho has been so very ill at hospital, was removed Vurday to his home in Apex. 11 riypFogressing' nicely now. Mr. Claud H Barbee returned to the citv this morning from Ashe- ille and was accompanied by his ily who have been spending eral weeks there. ". Charles Parks, the joval ad around man of arrived in the ight a few sun intersperse the p.' Den son and Mr. lbavegoue to Albany, 4 K..vtl.lW t KTuiioned there in the ...i Of Weather service. Mr. Eugene Denson will remain iu Baltimore, on the return for medical study in the hospitals, until his final course of lectures'., Opens in October at the University of Maryland . Business Notices. 'Ocean Foam. What is "Ocean Foam?" Simply delicious, cooling and -refreshing. x ol 4 "Ocean Foam" for 6c choeo- 'a vanma, - straw oe try and nana. WamwL - - I To rent a fivfl-room cottage in 'a ood neighborhood, not too far from usiness part i of city. .: Apply , to John W. Jones, at W, Jones' store. . augl8 tf 4 Trade at the Bonanza and get a gold watch, - - v.' V v I W f r i W.H.& R. S.Tucker & Co. ..'. : Earlt Fall Work. Lengths of dress goods suitable for children's fall and winter school dresses at prices 50 per cent less than the cost to manufacture. Also the entire balance of the ac cumulation of last winter's unsold remnants of foreign dress goods. These dress goods lensths and the remnants are made up on a table near our front on Fayetteville street entrande, and every piece is marked in plain figures. Every mother in town should be fhterested. W, H. & R S. Tuckke & Co. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Early Fall Work. Special August Prices for North Carolina, Best White Wool Blankets. 10- 4 Size $2.75, Winter Price $3.75 11- 4 ' $3.75, " ' $5.50 Housekeeper's time to make their Winter purchases in White Wool Blankets. W. 1 & R. S. TUCKER & CO. W. 11. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Early Fall Work. We have still remaining some of the choicest carpets in our spacial August clearing sales. The price still remains seventy-five cenfs per yard and no charge for mak ing and laying. This week must end this special sale, as we will be gin offering Fall and WTinter Dry Goods and the space occupied by these special carpets will be requir ed. Purchases of these carpets must be made this week to get them at 75 cents per yard. W. H. & R. S. Tuckkr & Co. Trade at trold watch, the Bonanza and get a I am receiving daily consignments of line apples, cabbage, potatoes and produce of every kind, and selling low to the trade. Chickens always on hand. W. H. Rogers, augl7 ilt 12 Exchange. A l.iut of lr minms Gita t7 tho Advcr vertislng Jeurnul Co. Miss Virgic Lawrence, Delineator, $1; Miss L Helen Edwards, Indies' Home Journal, $1 ; Miss L Helen Ed wards, Home Queen, 50c; Mrs Dan Young, Merchandise, 85c; Mrs Stan Wynne, Delineator, $1; Mrs George Williams, Glassware, $1.30; Miss Stella Banks, sot desert and butter dishes, $1; Miss Stella Banks. Mer chandise, $2.50; Mrs D H Williams, merchandise, 20c; Mrs E N Pool, chair, $1.75; Miss Lucy Adams, Munsey's Magazine, $1. Use ''Periodical Tickets" and re ceive a premium yourself. AnvKHTiHiNd Journal Co., Oflice with A.' Williams & Co. Wanted. To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc., etc- D. VV. C HARRIS, Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. East Hargett street, just below Central Hotel. al2 lm For Kent. Five room house next to my resi dence. Two room house on Bloodworth street. Four nice rooms in residence. For sale, 50,000 best heart dressed sli ingles. For sale. best North Carolina meat, lard and a general stock of groceries. aug!2 lw L. H. Adams. Did You ETCr Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drug store. Special Sale. Thursday morning, August 20th we will put on our center table five hundred yards of choice summer Printed Duckings, Printed Dimities goods have been selling this season at go at this sale at 8c Per . Thirty-six Contil corsets, sizes 23 to 28. Dr. Strong's and H. S. brands; sell everywhere for $1; go at ths sale at 65c a pair, jl A few R and Q. corsets to complete the sizes in the above "goods; the regular 1 kind at 75o the pair. Twenty-five misses'! contil corsets, the tegular 50c quality, 38o the pair. v. " , , . Call early won't last long too cheap to stay heret iji, ... ';f W: LADY ANN. Another Great Naoer Owned by North Carolinian. , Mr. Ed V. Denton, of this city, has purchased and will enter in the great race for publicfavor and popu larity Lady Ann, whose fine points and excellent qualities indicate for her a bright future. A more perfect or pleasing specimen has never be tone been seen in these parts in the shape of a leading 5c cigar. Now on exhibition and sale at his place of business, 311 and 313 Fayetteville street. aug7 lw Two Uvea Saved. ' Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction I City, 111., was told by her doctors 'she had consumption and that there I was no hope for her, but two bottles 1 of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else ; they bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 50c and $1. Raleigh Pioneers of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl ; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. ? $50.00 Bicycles a ftood as many at $75.00. We know what we are talking Factory made oS.OOO vbeels last year. The C escents have beeg tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH, N. C. Raleigh Male Academy M ORSON & DEHSON, Principals. The 19th year opens Monday, Au gust 31. The course which has been so successful in preparation for Col lege or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupil. Board at low rates. Address the Principals for Catalogue. aug8 lm I Have It ! A complete line of Umbrella Mate rial, such as Ribs. Staffs, Ferrels, Catches, Handles, Covers, etc. Re. member I repair Umbrellas and Para sols with new parts. This is better and far cheaper than old material. A large stock of brass, nickel-plated and German silver walking cane ferrels al ways on hand. T. F. BRQCKWELL. stuffs, consisting tf Grass Linen, and fancy Cotton Flannels. These 10c, 12c and 15c per yard. They Yard. E. JONES. 206 i "Fayetteville St, Raleigh. N. C, 4K--S-A.y-'j. . ...V ,.' . Central Hotel. ' Corner Hargetand Wilmington Sts., i Kaluga, n.V. Best one dollar per day house iu the State; in the heart of the city; table second to none; rooms large and airy; clean linen; free baths and headquarters for travelers and pleasure-seekers. D. J.-DOWELL, - aug81w , 4, Proprietor. Help Wanted Male. WAVTED Solioitorifor Campaign book, "Bryan, Sewell and-Free Sil ver," authorized by Uryan, written by R. UMetcalf, editor Omaha World Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only tl.60. The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work for '96. Ad dress The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. a6 lm for Over Fifty Yean Has. WmsLow's Sooth nro 8txup has beea used for over fifty years by million! of nintlien lor their children wblte teething, with perfect sueceas. It sootDei Uie child toftens toe guma, allays an pain, cures wind eelle, ami la the beat remedy for Dlwrhoea. It will relieve the poor little tuBerer Immediately Sold by Druggists In every part ol the world. Twenty-0ve eeata a Southing Syrup," and take ae r kind. IX Ladies3 A new and pretty line of PUFF .BOXES, Puffs, Powders, Hair Brushes and Combs. Purses all neededforyoursum mer's trip. Select Odors in Perfumery. Crown Salts in several sizes and mini's. Send us your order to lill. Yours very truly, James McKimmon & Co 'I Pharmacists 133 Fayetteville 8t, Raleigh. i kWWsnHNNn We Have Reduced The price stock, but the dren's on all our summer all oui Misses' and Chil Strap Slippers in Tan, Patent Leather, and Kid, with Patent Leather Tips, which we have reduced from fl DO to $1.20 are especial values. . HELLER BROS. 134 Fayetteville St Steam's Instant Headache Cure 12 Doses for 25c and a Sure Cure. Prescrintions given sbecial care ana attention nraii hours. , Wrniii f end ; Eird teiij, " IPRTETORS. - G. E. LEACH 'tic f Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain arid Proyisions, " BllWiliDingtonStreeV" ' lC-Mf: J Ealeigh, V. C. Direct fpri rate wire to New York, . ' New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf- C '-A. ':' ' HAMS. v' , ; -i,: - -N.cC. Hams, round trimmed, well cured, nioe, sweet, am sound as ajdol- lar, lZJo id. -' tv Kingan'a email, reljable hams, 1310, Kingan't 13-pound juuns, 12io. Them la no nntfaar n par-cured ham, on th market than tkingan's "relia ble." Close out, leak and mild cured. California hams, No lb. .', i English Cured Breakfast Bacon V 1 ' . Comes a littlehifher than the ordinary kind, but this particular cure is un doubtedly the nnest, sweetest Dacon ou the market. It is bonejess; thin, se lected pieces. Englislf : Cured : Shonlders ArJntter than some hams. Lean, sqUMOTut and mild cured, and sold at 10c. lb. At this season of the year when it is so hard to get good, relia ble meat, It pays to bny the best. We guarantee all we selk Anything you buy of me that" is -not satisfactory return it and get your money back. D; T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. Peopfe are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth. A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to he able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is verv common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won dersand improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBTJRN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can ell it so cheaply that many will use it for general annKing purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonio, diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands wi)l testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prijue favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbin The Phsinacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. ,oM!lltio!i! Watch the win dow. Big barr gains every day; Don't missthese sales. If you can't come your self, send the children, v ? Oria Prico io AIL SENSIBLE P r- r- II it'll 14 Easfc Martin: Street. What to ask for in the way of the September issue pf, the Butterick : .... from us. ' Notions. Nickel Alarm Clocks Sewing Machine Oil 93ti ..6o .20c .35c 85c 25c .25c ..2c Borated Talcum Mocking Bird Food Oiled Silk, per yard. Hermsdorf Black Hose Shirt Waist Seta . . New York Mills Cotton Good quality Note Paper per q'r, 5o Bristle Hair Brushes 50 and 75c White Apron. . , . . ......... .25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs . ... V 2 to 50c Nellie Bly Night Lamps. ........ 40c And many other useful things. , 5 and 10 Cent Counter We have just arranged these coun termen our second 'floor and have an unusual large assortment of goods to show. You'll .be well paid if you will take the time to look over these counters. We have just arranged our Crock ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. 01), Tlioro M Others. But None So Popular As Ours. ROY ALL & BORDEN. Sideboards We are now showing our new line of Sideboards which are lovely. For this week they go at your own price. . . Open at Nigiit. , nnvnrr a Rrrr IW M ini La La Leaders of AND PANTS. Tomorrow mornlns vou will and boys' separate pants and about Irtxn wonn prices, n you are kuiuk uceu wiutuvr crunu nuii w (wr or1 more so pants before snow flies, this is your chaneaf ; n - ; ' Crash Suits at : The 6 50 Suits are now The 14 50 Suits are tow. . , fl The $3 60 Suits are now . . . ; Be Quick to Catch Yoiii- Size ! ) ' The nants are of the finest fabrics in the choicest patterns, and are the best fitting psftta you can find sentiment must be wrung out of business. It's business we should plan now to sell them quicmy ana we nave. - . Flfirp-ta tbe wav: .Take oft I from the oricinal ririce and the sale ia made and you own pantfi for less than the elotbwould cost you with hun dreds of natterns Wselecf from. - Every pair a bargain. No need telling ' you that the 1 off sale on spring clothes i on yet, till the last one is gone, -' ' and they are going fast ; Real economy to buy here and now. 5 r... .. v.,'. i Lj U. Price . Lr One 0 "T seasonable Dress Goods ia shows io Fashion SheetCaH arflTget one 4- n We have a few good Shirtwaists left which" we will close out at re-- duced prices. For 5 Cents We selljjood, heavy Domestics, Bleached of Unbleached Navy Blue Prints and Fancy Dress Prints, : good I41W1.S, raruss and Checked GinghaiuH, I Ieavy Plaids for Aprons. -.' In Our Dry Gccds Stock j - We keep altkind of Staple Prints, Flannels, Sheetings,' Shirtings, Scrims, Table jilsn inland Curtain Goodsanion V Flannels, Nainsooks, Lawns, Percales, etc. . Shoes. Take curg1 of the foundations.. Wear good SUoes. Dry -feet and a cool head is ivhat you want to keep. We have Vtie shoes that will keep your feet U ry . We are headquarters for I1.2J, 1.5)0 and 2.00 shoes, - Sideboards " Low Prices. ' find about fifteen hundred of our men v seventy-five Crash Suits cut loose v 2u.p:r cent Off. . ,.4.t2 63 ready made tr custom made either ' - J.lWa4aatV.. - .li Clothiers; to All.

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