ivp- ';'; V - iu ?'" J . rii. . ." y . -4 V v ' ' : .. 'V- kiti 1 nnMii IIIHIMH fcl BUSHED BY . THE VISITOR-PRESS "r COMPANY INCORPORATED . A CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, O EST ABUSED 1878, AND THE PRESS, , 0 ESTABLISHED 18M. Office in the Pullen Building, corner vy'.;Iayetteville and Pa vie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. JASPER N. MoRARY, Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 3.00 Six Months 1.50 One Month 25 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter UNiONgBa labeO The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. 18. A Sunday law has reached New Jersey. In compliance with the or der issued ou Saturday liv Chief of Police Murphy of Jersey City, there was no ball playing last Sunday on the Central Railroad Hats at Com munipaw. There was much disap pointment among the players who went to the grounds and found three policemen stationed there. It was not unusual to see 0,000 people on the ball grounds every fine Sunday. It is understood that the local clubs will make an appeal to Chief Mur phy when he returns from his vaca tion to rescind his order. They say that it is innocent and healthful recreation to play ball, and as the ball grounds cannot be seen from any dwelling except with the aid of a telescope, nobody can be disturbed by the games. To Investors only. The town of Madeliea, Minn., dur ing the early weeks of this summer inaugurated a work test for tramps, who had become a nuisanro. The authorities issued tickets to every family iu the town, and when a tramp presented himself at the door of any house he was handed one of these tickets, with instructions to give it to the town marshal. The marshal would examine the applicant, and if lie found him worthy, he would send him to a wood dealer, who would ask him to saw a quarter of a cord of wood and then give him a ticket for a meal at a restaurant. The scheme proved entirely successful. Tramps no longer came into the town. They found thai no one would leed them in the old manner, and that the only way in which they could j:et any thing to cat was by working. The distinction of being the lirst Indian woman to graduate as a trained nurse is due Miss Nancy Cornelius, of tho Oneida tribe of Wisconsin. She has made for her self a most enviable reputation in this work. She was one of the most promising pupils in the' school on the Oneida reservation, and was sent from there to the training school at Carlisle, Pa. After spending a few years thera she entered the Con necticut Training School, and grad uated from it in 1 SSI. She says she sees no good reason why she should return to the reservation, especially hen circumstances are so unfavorable. At. a recent meeting of prominent citizens of Asheville, Iiev. Dr. Gil bert preseuted a plan, which is in brief that a stock company be formed to carry to completion an enterprise in that city that will include a col- ; lege, a school of the English Bible and an auditorium for the accommo , - dation of the annual sessions of the Southern Biblical Assembly and ' i fiimilar large gatherings that might be induced to come to Asheville. "' Dr. Gilbert thought the stock should be $100,000 and the movement should -. .;' have a name that would indicate - - Asheville as the religious and edu catiooal centre of the South. A com ' mittee was appointed to consider the . V plan and report upon its feasibility. ' What you want when' you are ail- : I ng Is a medicine that will cure you. . ' Try Hood s Sarsaparilla and be con duced of its merit. Why is it that the Raleigh 6ranch of the Southern is lending no money in Raleigh or in North Carolina? Simply for the pro tection of her investors. Ask any one lawyer or citizen if ANY building and loan association can lend money SAFELY in North Caro lina on the building and loan plan. As our Supreme Court has decided several times that they CANNOT the answer is no. As long as a bor rower pays buildingand loanassocia t ions are all right. When he stops then trouble begins, liuilding and loan assoc iations who lend money iu North Carolina are taking risks that no SAFE business man will take. You can promise a borrower that he will have to make only so many payments and ) is safe. You car, promise an investor that he will only make so many payments and his stock will be matured, and tho promise amounts to nothing. How can an' building and loan associa tion GUARANTEE maturity when they are depending on their earn ings, and this is all they have. A building and loan association who lends money in North Carolina un der our laws will just take 1" years to mature their stock. THE SOUTHEIIN does not RISK lending their mem bers money. It is loaned only in those States where the courts up hold our contracts. It is carefully placed as fast as paid in and every cent is safely loaned on city real es tate, lirst mortgage(churches, school houses, livery stables and hotels positively not taken), so you see how careful they are. 1 would like to accommodate our friends by lending them all they want, but it can't SAFELY be done in North Carolina. The Raleigh Branch of the Southern is now only an investment branch. If she were to lend money here it would be to the interest of every member to withdraw his money Why'.' Simply that it would take about fifteen years to mature stock (mark the prediction, this is just what those who lend at (3 per cent and in North Carolina will find) the Southern confidently expects to ma ture hU.'U between the uighth and ninth year, judging' from their earn ings in the past and the outlook for the future. Si those who have stock in the Southern can rest assured that no RISK will be taken in le"-' ing out their money, but it will be safely invested. Those who want to borrow can 't buy stock in the South ern in North Carolina. They wil have to look up some association who cannot safely place their funds To the clerk, laborer, mechanic and business man who has any surplus to spare (if a business man can place all he has successfully in his busi ness he had better use it, as he can make as much as any buildingand loan association) the lialeiirh Branch of the Southern is the association you are looking for and McDonald will be glad to give you any infor mation desired. Remember, after making six monthly payments, sjiould you be unfortunate, you can withdraw every red cent you have paid in and come back for nothing when you get able to make your payments again. You can find nothing fairer or squarcr than this. We don't lend you a PART of your money, but you can get all of your money. Don't join ANY building and loan association until you have carefully examined into same. Ask for PROFITS paid those who with drew. Got their names and you will find in nearly every instance that the lialeigh Branch of the Southern was tUe one who paid the profit. 1 am tolerably well up in building and loan and will cheer fully give any information desired as to the Southern or any other association. I KNOW that no building and loan associa tion is superior to the Southern and few nre equal. It is just and honest with the unfortunate member who has to withdraw and can with a clear conscience try to fjet him back and nine times out of ten does. How is it with those associations who only pay bac k a part of what has been paid in? Why, the poor fellow feels like lie has been robbed, and justly so, for these slick-tongued fellows could not sell their stuff if they did not MISREPRESENT same. Show me a man in Raleigh who has been a member of the South ern and withdrawn and I . will GUARANTEE that he will recom mend it to you . Upon having; Just what yon call for when yon go to buy Hood's SsraapsriU. There ia no substitute for Hood's. It is an in sult to your Intelligence to try to sell yon something else. Remember that all efforts to Induce yon to buy an article you do not want, are based simply on- the desire to secure more profit. The dealer or clerk who does this cares noth ing for your welfare. He stiAply wants your money. ' Do not permit yourself to be deceived. Insist upon having oOOOS Sarsaparilla And oulr Hood's. It U the One True Blood Purifier. ii ii ntttc easy l" buy. easy K take. 11UUU r liu easy to operate. '.Sc. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world tor uts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pr lox. "or sale bv John Y. Mac Rue. V Million Cold Dollurs. Would not bring happiness to the person sutiermg with dyspepsia but Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured many thousands of cases of this dis ease, it tones the stomach, regu lates the bowels and puts all the ma chinerv of the system in good work ing ordof. it creates a good appe tite and gives health, strength and happiness. Hoods Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 25 cents. Cut Flowers Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kimlsj.of l'ot Plants for house UeeoratiUL' and adorning the yard. ( 'elery, Late t'abbum? and Collard Plants. 'H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street near I 'eace I a stituto. 1'hone 11.'!. oet!7 ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now upon us and summer is near at hand, l or the BEST ICE din ing the warm season we are pre pared to furnish you at lowest ligurea. No Trouble to Keep Cool Also Shingles and Fe;d of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C Phones, 41, 718, 146, 1 Pluck and Not Luck. Dint of Hard Work, the Result of Experience, Enterprise and Economy. The OLD LANDMARKS annihilated by the sturdy, invincible ad vancement of nrotrress and business requirements. The store, twice be fore enlarged, now covers the entire landlord's territory, spacious floor room, Skylights, Ventilated, Modernly Improved, presenting as head lights, magnificent show windows, double size, a brilliant electric u lumination. Behind the great French Plate Glass Front old dry goods veterans of life-long service will greet you with a hearty hand shake and a cordial welcome, whose effortSTO please you, when they succeed, pleases them most. Bargain Attractions. Unavoidably some goods slightly soiled from exposure and other causes incident to rebuilding will be sold at wet goods prices. Great lines of Negligee Shirts to be closed at 50c each. Our entire spring production of Neck Ties, Scarfs, Puffs aid four-in-hands at prices it takes nerve to name. A table full of Fancy Oxfords and colored shoes at 50c for your choice. tfcjollOO hats for 50c, 50c hats for ViWAsa-a UHUTT "3-25c, 25c hats for 15c. PRICES STAMPEDED. No fixed values until we get comfortably ensconced in theNew Store. All sorts of goods sold at all sorts of prices. You make the selection, we'll make the price. officii iva SUCCESSORS TO C.A. SH ERWOOD & CO. u.n.fin.s.TucneEicico Early Fall Work. August 17th to 22d. Another Week Given to the Sale of Carpets at 75 cents per Yard. These special carpets are shown on the first floor of our store, just as you enter our x ayetteville street door, and in the lines rep resented are some of the best grades of car pets woven, Axminsters, Velvets and Brus sels. The regular prices were $1.25 to $1.50 per yard, but to sell them out before the regular carpet season begins, we make the price 75c per yard and will make no ex tra charee for makiner and laviner. These carpets deserve the attention of every house keeper. Cjrders out of town are solicited. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & GO. Tho Filling of Prescriptions ia the most important work of a t;-ood drug store. The very lives of a community depend upon the care and Integrity of the man who Sills its pre ' seriptions We use onlythe very best ' and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error. 'Simpson 's Eczema Ointment cures all Skin Diseases. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, PULLEN BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, H.C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits . . . . 300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe bankiug. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, ALP A. THOMPSON. Vice President B. S. JERMAN, Cashier H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. The.MioM.Bank?Raleipv RALEIGH, N C. Capital Paicl In; . . . $25,000 Surplus and Utidevided t ; ? i Profits, . . . . . 75,000 DIRECTORS: J . B. BATCHELOR, JAMES A. BRIGGS, C M. BUSBEE, THOMAS B. CROWDER, F. O. MORING, . JULIUS LEWIS, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. H. BELVIN, W. R. TUCKER. OFFICERS: CHAS. H." BELVIN, President. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. F. H. BRIGGS. Cashier. . Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished,- A NEW VAULT, which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added. The -doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault wo have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has the key, and no one can gain access to the contents ef the box without the presence of the renter, and If he should lose his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive mse of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. " Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship aid most delicate mechan ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. The National Bank of Raleigh, aug!5 3m RALEIGH, IV. C. "Smack Your Lips Soda.'' ..t Ice Cream with pure crushed fruits a It's Just "Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. A Full Line Key West Cigars Can be found at HacRae's Branch Pharmacy, ioroer r ayeuevme ana A-arun atreeia. next to rostomce. - ' ECONOMY C. C. r.TsDOriALB. 5 Carats, id Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ;ent tmiiocweona acted tor Modchatc Pec. Oun Orncf it Opfoiti; u. 8. Patent Ofticc and we can secure patent m 1cm time loan those' remote from Washington. , i Send nradeL drawing or photo., with deacrip-i fir W advise, if eaten table or not. free of1 Jcbarge. Cmr lee not due till patent is secured. ( A PAMPHLET, now to UDtain r-atenta, Wltn cot of same in the U. S, and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. turf. P.TCirr Orrtcc, W.wnmTon, O. C S. A. ASHE & SON, FIRE INSURANCE. Solicit part of four Office OTer MacRae' outer l?e ranch IW' V Choice, Luscious GRAPES Fine Varieties- Perfect clusters, free from insects and imperfect berries. A basket of them makes handsome present for a friend." Order filled at short UOticfl. .: .... .. y - To arrive, another bip ot of those 60c Umbrellas. - x.- May be necessary in many wavs when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purcbese of food, which ia life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stai 1 it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES (Give our customers the benefit of close may-gins. We never keep any' and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. . CRQGERIES E Always in Stock and promptly delivered when ordered. TIIOS. PESGUD. Tne university 0 Does Your . 0 Head Ache When you read? If so, you should come in and have your eyes tested by 0 0 0 0 our Skilled Optician. Jewelers and Opticians.' 0 o o. 0 36 Teachers. 634 Students. Tuition 180 a year. Board ta (eirht- dollars) a'month. Three Mil College Courses. turee rtnei courses, law bcdooi, Medical School. Summer School for Teachers..- Scholarships and -loans for the needy. Address Pres't. Winston jr251ra . tpta r Institute, ' ' ircave aieigh, N.q.; No better school for girls. It has f always been noted for music and art. " ' " ' First school in the gtate to in'tro- "V duoe violin - with 7 special teacher, - This Instrument will bff piVticularljf H ' ' Strong ..next session under MJss Mlft- hie . Johnson, from N. Conser vatory; a pupil of Mahr. Terms to '.: suit the tin .",' " 'j ' 11 ' jul23 lm ' 1