FwHSS-visiToa, THURSDAY, AUGUST. 20, ' 1896. TUOS. I. PENCE ' '- City Editor. Indti to New AdvcrtiMmenta. Dughi Special. The Weathsr Tomorrow. I 1 The Washington forecast for I FAIR North Carolina for 36 hours LJfrom 8 a. m. this morning: . r fair tonight and Friday. Forecast for Raleigh. '" ' Local forecast for Raleigh (notex v tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Fair tonight and Friday. Local Data. a. m. (today) August 20th, Maximum temperature,; minimum temperature, 67; rainfall, 0.00. Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather. clear. Temperature of the air. deg. Sensible temperature 54 dog. Wind Telocity Light. Direction of wind N. PERSONAL. Mr. C. H. Ay cock is in the city. Mr. J. 1). LenU. f Chapel Hill, Is here. Mr 1. B. Boone, of Durham, is in the city. Capt. J. W. .Mason arrived this morning. Mr. J. K. Morrisv. of Clinton, is at the Park. Solicitor K. W. Pou. returned lioinc tjday. Mr. Brodie L. Duke, of Durham, was in the city today. Mr. E. G. Rogers is quite sick at h:s residence hi the southern part of the city. Deputy Collector. K. A. Mollitt. of Asheboro. X. C. is in the city to day. Mr. Win. Boylan, who has liccn at Buffalo Lithia Springs for the past month has returned to the city. Mrs. Otho Wilson, who has been ill with fever has sufficiently re covered to return to the country. Mr. Sam Harper, the genial and clever representative of Harvey Blair A- Co., of Richmond, was here yesterday visiting his trade. Master Neville Brown, son of Mr. L. T. Brown, who has been very sick for several weeks, is much bet tar we are glad to note. Mrs. James I. McRee and chil dren, of Richmond. Va.. are visiting her brother, Mr. Charles K. John son, on Ilillsboro street. After two months pleasant vaca tion h) Asheville, her many friends are pleased to have, with them again Miss Annie S. Adams, who ret urned to the city yesterday. Master Kdwin U. Taylor, the bright little son of Mr. W. V. Tav- lor, who has been spending a month here with his father left yesterday for Wilmington. Mr. C. E. Marshall, representing the Cartright Roofing Company of Philadelphia, is here, superintend ing some work which Is being done at the A. it M. College for which his Company has the contract Rev. John S. Wat kins, w ho fur so many years was the beloved pastor of the First Presbyterian church in this city, arrived here today. Dr. Watkins will remain here several days. tfj&- charming voung lady of Durham, M.1SS Bessie Holman. is to be mar ried September loth, to Dr. Will Bolt, of Willardsvillc. one of the leading physicians of the county. Miss Holman, has relatives and many friends in Raleigh. Mr. Imes Thrower, one of the Atlantic Coast Line's best and most trusted engineers, was in the city today. He has been with the Coast Line for eight years, and was formerly with the Raleigh & Gaston road and was connected with the Raleigh A Gaston Shops here. He has many friends in Raleigh who were glad to see him again. A New Quartermaster General. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Washington, Aug. 20. ThePresi dent has appointed Col. Charles Sawtelle Quarter Master General of the United States army, Vice Batch elder retired. Sawtelle is now on uuiy at vjrovernor s isiuuu, iX. i. j t . i -vr v Fiti Lee May Be on the Ticket. - By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Philadelphia, Aug." 20. k move- . meat is on foot among national Demo crats favoring ' the -nomination of Gen. Fitzhugh Le forVice-Presi-dent at Indianapolis. Steps - are being taken to. ascertain if be will accept. . " " . .' t . Attempt to Blow l'p Isabella. By Cable to the Press-Visitor. Madrid, Aug. 20, According to the Herald an attempt was recently made by Anarchists to blow up the Chatteau Granja, where the Infanta Isabella is now residing. The plot was easily frustrated. Scaton Gales Lodge. No. 84, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting of Seaton Gales Lodge No. 04, I. O. O. F., to night at 8 o'clock. It isearnestly de sired that every member be present. The first degree will be conferred. Members of sister lodges are cor dially invited to attend" A. M. Powki.i , N. G. Tiiiem, Sec. There was an ice cream supper last night at Mr. Eatman's which was greatly enjoyed by those pres ent. There was music, and delight ful refreshments were served. Miss Florence Eatmun left today, accom panied by her brother, on a visit to friends in Wilson. Business Notices. At their State convention the Populists passed a resolution pro hibiting Dughi from crediting any thing more to anyone else under a penalty of jC0 fine for Dughi and $ "(l tine for the man whootTends by buy ing on credit. 1 am sorry that it is so, but they did it all the same, and it can't be changed now. I.xcursion to Richmond. Mr. 1! E. Pipkin, whose excur sion to Asheville recently proved so successful and is so pleasantly re membered, announces that he will run another excursion from lialcigh to Richmond, via the Seaboard Air Line on September 7th. It w ill be a two days' trip and the fare from lialcigh and all stations as far us Henderson will be $2. 'ill. and from Henderson and points beyond, as Middleburg the fare will "be $2. 25. This excursion will be strictly up to that first class and high standard of excellence which has heretofore characterized Mr. Pipkin's excur sions, and those who avail them selves of the trip will no doubt find it thoroughly enjoyable. Every thing will be done for the comfort and pleasure of passengers. Mr. J. Hal liohbitt, of this city, will give all information to those who desire to go from Raleigh. alH stolen. In our store a lew ilavs ago a gent s double case gold watch, stem wind and set ; also a pair of black corkscrew pants, line grade, size, 1 think. JS Liberal reward for return. I,ook out. they may be of fcred for trade. Li ( Rack kt Stohk . Hot coffee and lunches at lunch room. I'nion depot, every morning at a .'ill. Plenty of time for lunch before leaving on the excursion to Wilmington tomorrow. It What is "Ocean Foam''" Simply delicious, cooling and refreshing Why, go to liiggan s and get a box of "Ocean Foam " for "c choco late, vanilla. strawberry and banana. alS :tt lij ou lAcr Try Kleclric Hitters as a reinenv for your troubles? If not. get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells. Electric Hitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRac's drug store. Act In the Living Present There is not a dt partment in this big store into which the bargain prices do not reach, not a nook or corner in the whole store that will not simply your summer time needs at ligures that we couldn 't afford if it wasn't that the goods must be turned into cash This Month. A few reminders: Four pieces white and cream with colored stripe, 40 inches wide, 7c per yard, worth 10c. 10 Dozen Ladies' French Lisle Hose, high colored tops, Hermsdorf fast black, at 29c the pair. Fifty cents worth in every pair. 50 Dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vests low neck and short sleeves, now 11c a piece, were 15c. Twenty Shirt Waists that started the season at 75c and $1 , go now at 40c. W 206 For Rent. Five room house next to my. resi dence. Two-room house on Bloodwortb street. Four nice rooms in residence. For sale, 50,000 best heart dressed shingles. t or sale, best rSorthC arouna meat, lard and a general stock of groceries. auglz lw Li. H. ADAMS. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Solicitors for Campaign book, "Bryan, Sewell and Free Sil ver," authorized by Bryan, written by K. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1.50 The only authorized book. 50 per cent. "Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work for '96. Ad dress The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. a6 lm For Over Fifty Years Has. WotSLOW's Sooth iko Sybup has been used lor over fifty years by millions of mothers (or their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothea the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Bold by Druggists In ever; part of the world. Twenty-lT cents a bottle. Be sure to ask for "Mrs WlnsloWi Soothing Ryrup," and take no nthr kind. ! I am receiving daily consignments of fine apples, cabbage, potatoes and produce of every kind, and selling low to the trade. Chickens always on hand. W. H. Rogers, auglT 3t 12 Exchange. Wanted. To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc., etc. P. W. C. HARRIS, Pawn liroker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed 1.50. East Hargett street, just below Central Hotel. a!2 lm Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hepe for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else; they bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 50c and $i. Raleigh Pioneers of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Uicycle named Men's Specisl ; of a (50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at (100. n $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at (75.00. We know what .ve are talking Factory made (15.000 vheels last year. The C ascents have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. E. JONES: Fayetteville St, Ealeigh, N. C. Ladies A new and pretty line of PUFF BOXES, Puffs, Powders, Hair Brushes and Combs. Purses al 1 needed for y ou r sum mer's trip. Select Odors in Perfumery.' Crown Salts in several sizes and odors. Send us your order to fill. Yours very truly, hues McKimmon 6 Co 'I Pharmacists. 133 Fayettevllle St., Raleigh. We Have Reduced The price on all our summer stock, but the Misses' and Chil dren's Strap Slippers in Tan, Patent Leather and Kid, with Patent Leather Tips, which we have reduced from j-1 "0 to $1.20 arc especial value. HELLER BROS. 134 Favetteville St. Raleigh Male Academy MOllSON & DENSON, Principals. The 19th year opens Monday, Au- giiHt 31. The course which has been so successful in preparation for Col lege or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupil. Board at low rates. Address the Principals for Catalogue. au);8 lm I Have It! A complete line of Umbrella Mate rial, such as Itibs. Stan's, Ferrels, (atehus. Handles, Covers, eU;. lie member I repair Umbrellas and 1'ara sols with new parts. This is better and far cheaper than old material. A large stock of brass, nickel-plated and (Jennan silver walking cane ferrels al ways ou hand. T. F. BROCKWELL. Steam's Instant Headache Cure 12 Doses for 25c and a Sure Cure. Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drag Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PnX)PBTETORS. G.E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and PrpYisions, 11 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. ' tjirect private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. i on HAMS. N.iC. Hams, round trimmed, well cured, nice, sweet, and sound as dol lar, 12c lb. Kingan's small, reliable hams, 131c. Ktngan's 12-pound hams, 121c s There is no better sugar-cured ham on the market than Klngan's "relia ble. ' ' Close cut, lean and mild cured, California' hams, 10c lb. English Cured Breakfast Bacon Comes a little higher than t'.e ordinary kind, but this particular cure is un doubtedly the finest, sweetest bacon on the market. It is boneless; thin, se lected pieces. English : Cured : Shoulders Are better than some harne. Lean, square cut and mild cured, and sold at 10c. lb. At this season of the year when it is so hard to get good, relia ble meat, it pays to bny the best. We guarantee all we sell. Anything you buylof me that is mot " satisfactory return it and get your money back. iL t. joiinson, AGENT. Phone 28. People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is verv common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on vour lookout for tvohoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water, Ol TKRBURN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all 'other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbin The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. Looli! Look! Watch the win dow. Big bar gainsevery day. Don't missthese sales. If you can't come your self, send the children. Ono Prico to All. Lycri liccfrct Otero SENSIBLE 14 East Martin Street. .Whattbusk for in the' way of the September issW of the Butterick from us. ' -" '? i 4 - Notions Nickel Alarm Clocks 9'it Sewing Machine Oil 5c Borated Talcum . ! 20c Mocking Bird Food 35c Oiled Silk, per yard. . . 85c Hermsdorf Black Hose 25c Shirt Waist Sets 25c New York Mills Cotton 2c Good quality Note Paper per q 'r, 5c Bristle Hair Brushes. . . .50 and 75c White Aprons 25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 2.1 to50c Nellie Bly Night Lamps 40c And many other useful things. 5 and 10 Gent Counter We have just arranged these coun ters on our second floor and have an unusual largeassortment of goods to show. You'll be well paid if you will take the time to look over these counters. We have just arranged our CrocK ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS FOR. WOOLLCOTT & SON. Great Many Lots. B5E55BSB Some of the choicest we had this spring are closed ethers are go ing rapidly. One-present one-fourth off prices beat the record for moving goods rapidly, especially since we- included the Pants and Crash Suits. It's a picnic for the people, but you are welcome to the bargains, as much so as if you'd pay us a profit. It's the room we are after now and not the dollars, and very often you get some of the cost sandwitched into your trade. All goes; this is a room-making closing out salo and we are-will-ing to pav for it. A glance at the display of PANTS in our large corner window and li e price marked en each pair will con vince you that we mean business and Mat you are the gainer at every purchase. Get Your Small Change Ready. A lot of 50o Neckwear is now reduced to 25o. Another lot of 25c and 35c Neckwear reduced"tol5cortwofor25c. Another lot of 50cSusp"nJ ers reduced to 25c. The $6 50 Crash Suits are now $4 88 The $4 50 CrashSuits are now $3 38 The $3 50 Crash Suits are now $2 63 All for quick selling. . S. & D. BERWANGER, One Price Clothiers to All. Japanese FOR $3.36 S6 00 Regular Price As you know these screens are. made in the Celestial Empires i x. i . . . j. :.c. . i j . . . diiu cue? luxs ucauuiui jji uuuulo u,i the'most skilled artisansr Our screens are five feet high' f on r fnlris ' tf pa vil v'wnrW Art in?fimlri b enfrin finish Open at nil IU Leaders of fflVflU. seasonable Dress Goods is shown in Fashion Sheet. Call anoget n0 - . We have a few good Shirt Waists left which we will close out at re duced prices. For 5 Cents We sell good, heavy Domestics, Bleached or Unbleached Navy Blue Prints and Fancy Dress Prints, good Lawns, Dress and Checked Ginghams, Heavy Plaids for Aprons. In Our Dry Goods Stock We keep all kind of Staple Prints, Flannels, Sheetings, Shirtings, Scrims, Table Linen, Curtains and Curtain Goods; Canton Flannels, iNainsooKs, Liawns, 1'ercaies, etc. Shoes. Take care of the foundations. Wcur good Shoes. Dry feet and a cool liend is what you want to keep. We have the shoes that will keep your feet dry. We are headquarters for $1 .2J, 1.50 and 2.00 shoes. $3.36 S600 1- f Xltlit. , Low Prices. ; ;fi

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