I ft t;:i PuHSS-visitor, PUBLISHED 'i BY " THE YISITOR-PHESS COMPANY riNCOKPORATEDI. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE VI81TOB, a EST ABUSED 1878, AND TBB PRESS, 0 ESTABLISHED 1884. Office In the Puflen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manafer. JASPER N. McHABY, , Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 3.00 Six Months... 1.50 One Mpnth 25 Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1896. IT MAKES THE ANGF1.S WEEP. It does not appear that tlx- ruin bow-chasing campaign at Washing ton looking to a trade with the Popu list leaders for a Democratic and Populist electoral ticket in this State has borne much in the way of prac tical results. The Populists do not seem to be open to advances of this sort and appear to be laughing in their sleeves at the persistent suit of the Democrats for favor at their hands. It would seem that this sort of nibbling lias been indulged in till it has not only passed the bounds of patience and common sense, but it has made the Demo cratic party a laughing stock. If the Populists were willing to enter into a fusion with Democrats we should not look upon it with favor. Out i is Pu;. that Mr. Butler and his co-managers of the Populist campaign arc just about as likely to trade with the Democrats as an Irishman is to eat tempun'an" alliance "with" them is visibly and palpably absurd and out of the question. If it were not pitia ble it would be laughable. It doubt less is from the standpoint of Butler People who sit still and take in the circus wonder how much further the joke is going to be carried. The town of Fitzgerald, in south west Georgia," which was recently founded by Union soHiers from the Northwest, is to havea corn and cot f9p exposition next month, to con tinue for fifteen days. Less than a year ago there, was not a house erected on the site which is now one of the most prosperous towns in tin South, when its population is con sidered. The enterprising people of the new town are erecting suita ble buildings for the exhibit of the products . In New York the commissioners of accounts say that $400,000 is the amount which the city will have to pay in rebates to the liquor dealers whose liceses under the old law had not expired on July 1 last. The -Raines law compellcdthe saloon men to take out new licenses before July 1, but provided that those who had licenses running beyond that date should receive back a proportionate amount of the license free. The Raines, law, however, did not l.irovide from what fund this money should be paid, and the corporation counsel has been asked to decide. Something of a row has been raised between Mr. St. John's Bartholdi headquarters and the post office, says the New York World. - A num ber of people who had been promised tickets to the Bryan Madison Square Garden meeting failed tj get them Oliver Sumner Teall said that the , tickets had been sent by mail and -. that if they were not received they m ust have . been ' stolen. W. G. Mclaughlin intimated that they must have been stolen by post office attaches . Tbe post office peopleare indignant and deny" that" a single ticket was lost through thein. The fact remains, that seven ticket specu lators sold tickets to every part of. the garden at prices varying from 50 cents to 15. ' Money Saved IS- Money Made . Below are some interesting state ments by representative citizens of Raleigh of money saved by them by insuring in the Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance Company of Greens boro, N. C: Raleigh, N. C., March 10, 1896. On the 14th day of March, 1895, we took out a policy in the Southern Stock Mutual insurance Company of Greensboro, ifr C. , and paid the com pany $16.50 and received a return of 20 per cent, dividend, amounting to $3.30, making total cost of insurance but $13.20. Same insurance in other companies cost $16.50. ( Signed ) Latta & Myatt. Haleigh, N. C. March 10. 1896. 1 paid $11.25 to insure uiy building in the Stock Mutual Insurance Com- ?any of Greensboro, N. C, just what would Lave had to pay in any other insurance company, and have received a dividend of 2.2o, thereby reducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. ( Signed ) C. G. Latta. Raleigh, N. C, March 10, 1896. I paid $1 to insure my building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C, just what I would have had to pay in any other insurance company and have re ceived a dividend of $1.20, thereby re ducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. (Signed) Jos. F. Ferrall. For further information call on c. c. Mcdonald, Agt. Greensboro, N. C April 1, '96. Last year we paid the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company $184.50 for Hre insurance. We have received notice of dividends to our credit of $12.30. Our policies are for three years, and if our dividends for the next two years are no less than they were for 1895 (as we have every reason to expect) the total saving in the cost of our insurance will be.W6.90, or 20 per cent of the amount paid. This strong home company deserves and will doubtless receive a large pat ronage from the projierty-holders of North Carolina. (Signed) State Normal and In dustrial School, by Charles 1). Mc I ver, President. Wilmington, X. ('., Feb. 29, '"Mi. We paid Southern Stock Mu tual Inuranee company last year $106 00 They return to Uo 20 h" cent.. 21 20 Net cost to us 84 80 Cost of sarneinother compan's 106 (10 Worth & Worth. Durham, March, l:Hi. We paid Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance company of Greensboro for tire insurance last year $43 75 c out of same insurance in other companies 4;l 7 (Signed) Hlaekwell's Durham Ti bacco I 'ompany. ( Jreciishoro, April 1, 1896. UV paid to the Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance company last year for lire insurance $35; they returned a di vidend of 20 per cent". $7, making net cost of insurance $28; same insurance in other companies is costing us $.'15 and we consider that our protection tinder said policy is just as good as that offered liy other insurance com panies. (Signed) The National Hank of Greensboro, by Neil Kllington, I 'resident. F.Ikin, N. ('., March 9, '96. I paid $47.25 to insure my building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insur ance company of Greensboro, just what I would have had to pay in any other insurance company, and have received a dividend of $9 45, thereby reducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. ( Signed I J. S. Bell. NOTF If you are a policy-holder of the Southern Stock Mutual Insur ance Company, or if you expect to he, you are interested in "the profits of the company. The larger the number of select risks the company cab secure, the larger the profit to policy-holders. Therefore, if your neighbor has good property to insure, tell of the advan tages of insuring in the Southrrn Stock Mutual Insurance Company. Hand this statement to some reliable property-owner who is not a policy holder. N. 15. When competitors criticise, remember that they are competitors, and that we are taking business from them. The 20 per cent, return to uoliev holders for 1895 was made on the first year's operations, in spite of the com bined opposition and hostility of com peting companies and their agents, and in the faceof more serious diflcul ties than the Company will ever en counter again, and it may be counted upon with reasonable certainty that the profit to policy holders will" never be less than it was last year. This is the only company doing business in North Carolina whose policy holders participate in the profits and at the same time assume no liability to assesement. Save money by insuring your prop erty in the Southern Stock-Mutual In surance I ompany. OFFICERS. J M Worth, President; E P Whar ton, Vice-President; A WMcAlister, Sec. and Treas. DIRECTORS: Lawrence S Holt, J S Carr, Sam'l McD. Tate, J S Spencer, RD Heath, Wm E Holt, D G Worth, Donald MacRae, Edwin Shaver, Y J Mur dock, A F Page, Bennehan Came ron, James P Sawyer, L Banks Holt, J M Worth, J W Soott. J Van Lind ley, L M Scott, E P Wharton. C. CficDONALD ' ' A.G-E2VT., . 1 Induced by the use of coca, opiate or nar eotio compounds is bad, decidedly bad." They undermine .health and shatter the constitution and the patient la steadily growing into a worse condition often resulting in the terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Sleep induced by the use of Hood's Sarsa parilla does not perhaps come as quickly, but it comes more Burely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system and constitution from the very foundation ot all health and life the blood pure, rich, red blood. s Sarsaparilla ts the One True Blood Purifier. AD druggists. $1. .4 n-n cureiiverms.easytotaKe, llOOdTS PlllS easy to operate. a cents. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents rr ' ox. "or sale by John Y. Mac Rat.. Are You Tired All the time ? This condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nourishing as i. ought to be and as it may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thou sands write that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured them of that tired feeling bv giving them rich, red blood. Hood s Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. Cut Flowers Bouquets,. Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kindsj of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. M. steinmetz, Morist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In" stitute. Phone 113. octn ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now upon us and summer is near at hand. For the BEST ICE uuriny me warm season we are pre pared 10 lurnisn you at lowest figures. No Trouble to Keep Cool AIs j Shingles aud Feed of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones, 41, 718, 146. Trado-Marlra obtained and all PttJ ;ent mmum conducted tor modchatc Ftc. OuwOrncEf Opposite U. 8. Patent Oftim 'ana w can iccuro paicnc la waa uine luaa Tnilr remote from Washinirtoa. . Send model, drawing or pTrnto., with descrlp-i Jcharge- Our fee not due uH ratcnt n msrnrcd, J uun. w a buviki ii uaicnu.:i.ie or nnw. imni i A PAMPMLCT, now to Obtain raientt,' Witfii cemt ot aaaM in the U. S. and Jcrcign cocmrics1 eat iree, Address, . C.A.SNOW&CO.i Opp. Wurxtrr Orrtcc, Wavhihoton. D. C S. A. ASHE & SON, FIRE INSURANCE. Solicit a part of yoor patronage f Office orer MaeKae'a - iiranch Phar Kloodl Pluck and Dint of Hard Work, the Result of .Experience,- Enterprise and Economy. The OLD LANDMARKS annihilated by the sturdy, invincible ad vancement of tiron-ress and business requirements. The store, twice be fore enlarged, now covers the entire room, Skylights, Ventilated, flioaerniy improved, presenting u ueuu lights, magnificent show windows, double size, a brilliant electric il lumination. Behind the srreat French Plate Glass Front old dry goods veterans of life long service will greet you with welcome, whose efforts to please you, most. Bargain Attractions. Unavoidably some goods slightly soiled from exposure and other causes incident to rebuilding will be sold at wet goods prices. Great lines of Negligee Shirts to be closed at 50c each . Our entire spring production of Neck Ties, Scarfs, Puffs and four-in-hands at prices it takes nerve to name. . A table full of Fancy Oxfords and colored shoes at 50c for your choice; r .4.r.1 C.4.n Uoi.0 $1.00 hats for 50c, 50c hats for uetits straw liats-25c, 25c hats for 15c. PRICES STAMPEDED. No fixed values until we get All sorts of (roods sold at all sorts of make the price. SUCCESSORS TO C.A U.ll.fiJ.S.TUC!EElGCO Early Fall Work. August 17th to 22d. , Another Week Given to the Sale of Carpets at 75 cents per Yard. These special carpets are shown on the first floor of our store, Fayetteville street door, and in the lines rep resented are some of the bejrt grades of car pets woven, Axminsters, v elvets'and Brus sels. The regular prices were $1.25 to $1.50 per yard, but to selK them out before the regular carpet season begins, we make the price 75c per yard and will make no ex tra charee for makine and lavinsr. These carpets deserve the attention of every house Keeper, turners out oi 7. IV & R. S. Simpson 's Eczema Ointment cures SIMPSON'S PULLEN BUILDING, The Commercial and Farmers' Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital -J. Arirt DepOSltS .... 300.000.00 CMfers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some good business offices to let J . J. THOMAS, President, ALP A. THOMPSON, Vice President B. S. JERMAN, Cashier H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. )'. : 1 4 V Perfect clusters, free from insects of them makes 6 handsome present for uotice. To arrive, another big lot of those Not Luck. t landlord's territory, spacious floor a hearty hand-shake and a cordial when they succeed, pleases them comfortably ensconced in theNew Store. prices, " o 1 ou make tliC selection, we'll just as you enter our town are soiicuea. TUCKER & CO. Tho Filling of Proscriptions is the most important work of a ;ood drug store. The very lives of a . ommunity depend upon the care and integrity of the man who fillla its pre scriptions We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error. all Skin Diseases. PHARMACY, RALEIGH, N. C. Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. . $100,000.00 Choice, Luscious GRAPES -Fine Varieties- and im nnrfcrt lwrri-. - A huaknt I a friend Order filled at short 50o Umbrellas .SH ERWOOb & CC. mat The national RALEIGH, N :a ? 1 1 f' Capital Paid 111 surplus ana u naeviaea ; -i Profits; DIRECTORS: J . B. BATCHELOR, JAMES A. BRIGGS, C. M. BUSBEE, THOMAS B. CROWDER, P. O. MORING, JULIUS LEWIS, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. H. BELVIN W. R. TUCKER. OFFICERS: , CHAS. H. BELVIN, President. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. F. H. BRIGGSr Cashier. Our banking rqom has been enlargedSand refurnished. A NEW which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenienee of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has the key, and no one can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if he should lose his key, the Under could not gain access be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valoable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security te obtained for very moderate cost. - Convenient and private rooms of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this line burglar proof vault for the Htoraire of boxes and nackaires. Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and mot delicate mechan- ism are cordially invited to iuspect the new work. The National augl5 3m "Smack Your loo Cfoam witli ptte- crushed fruits It's Just "Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. A Full Line Key West Cigars Can be found at acRae's Branch Pharmacy, " joiuuc uun i- urnui bu-Bom, next w roBtomoe. 1 11 ECONOMY may ue necessary in many ways r i w.aStSS: " n me purcnase oi food, which is Ue JST a ?in standard. food . ..v.j UWu twwo, uu w UIlBb BUtnu- ard it oosts a reasonable Drice. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES riMfwOur customer the benefit of I t- reins, we never keep any- JMl;iT. nnt tki r it. ,; anttMAnly want a fair profit on what wo invent in u. . CHOICE' GROCERIES Always in 'stock and promptly delivered when ordered. TIIOS. PESGUD. The. University. w lencners, im istuueDts. Tuition f50 ?SarWBoa2l,?,le,,'ht dollars) three Brief Course. Iau I Medical School. Suitiitp Kl litkl fan Teacher. Schofarshiti and loan. J for the nwdji Addrcai Pres't'. Winston, CIiri.aI fTtll. M. C9 , jn251oi, ' Z BanlBaleigh - . . .$225,000 75,000 ) VAULT, to the box, the contents of wnlcn ma have been provided for the exolusivn use Bank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, IV. C. Lips Soda." 0 Does 0 Head Ache When you read? If so, 0 i you should come in and, have your eyes tested by our Skilled Optician. 0 H. Haider's Sons0 Jewelers and Opticians. 0 ' ft . :s -iw.viuf iilVl No better 'school for irU.' It has -J Vways. been noted for music and art. Pirst school in the State to IntrXK dnoe violin with . apecial teacherT This instrument will be particularly " strong next session under Miss MIn nleE. Johnson, from N.'X Conser- vatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to 8talt the times. jul231n -K.J r "1 i o 1 '4 " I f r.. . -KS I