.-VATSON'S CAMPAIGN. Appointment Arranged (or Public Speak I :. Ins In the W ml . , Hon. Cyrus B. Watson,, tbe Dem cratio nominee for Governor, is in : thecitv.CaDtTomMason.the nominee for Lieutenant Governor, was also nnrn r.fiTO miirnmir v The first abDointments of th? cam- 'V ill . J J A.I. . 1 A U .T1 T 1U KUU VWWLSIV VBV HUW V l w " Monroe, Tuesday, August 25th. Statesville, Saturday, "August 29. JJewton, Monday, August 31st. Morganton, Tuesday, Sept. 1st. MarionWcdnesday,. Sept. 2nd. Rutherfordton, Friday, Sept 4th. Shelby, Saturday, Sept. 5th. litncolnton, Monday, Sept. 7th. -, LeMngton, Tuesday, Sept 8th. Salisbury, Friday, Sept. 11th. Concord, Saturday, Sept. 12th. M.r. Watson will discuss the great issues of Free Silver, Financial Re form, Trusts and Monopolies, In come Tax and Good Government dge Russell, the Republican vited to meet Mr. Watson in joint discussion at all appointments. Capt Thomas W. Mason and Locke raige Esq., Democratic elector at large, will address the people at tfce following times and places: Salisbury, Tusesday, August the 25tb. Hendersontille, Wednesday, Au gust 26th. KrAi?arfi rnnrsnav. auitusi ziui. Lester, Buncombe county, Friday, August 28th. Asheville, Saturday, August the 29th. Waynesville, Monday, August the 31st Webster, Tuesday, September the 1st. Franklin, Wednesday, September 2nd. Murphy, Friday, September 4tli. , Bryson City, Saturday, Septem ber 5th. , Marshall, Tuesday, September 8th. Mars Hill, Wednesday, September 9th. Burnsville, Thursday, September 10th. Bakersville, Saturday, September 12th. Appointments of Governor Jurvls. Hon. Thomas J. Jarvis will ad dress the people at the following times and places: Goxboro, Tuesday, August 25th. urhamWednesday, August the ith. HHlsboro, Thursday, August the 27th. Graham, Friday, August the 27th. Golston, Chatham county, Saurday 3 p. m., August tne 29th. Flea Hill, Cumberland county, Monday, August 31st. Maxton, Wednesday, September tthe 2nd. Wilmington, at night, Thursday, September 3rd. Lumberton, Saturday u September the 5th. Let all come out and hear the great issues of the day fully discussed. Every voter of all parties ought to hear the great questions fairly pre sented. X Clemrnt Manly, Ch'm Jno. W. Thompson, Sec'y. . What you want when you are ail ing is a medicine that will cure you. Try Hood 's Sarsaparilla and be con vinced of its merit. When yon take Hood'i Pills. Theblf, old-falh-loneo, Ufpw-eaated pills, which tear you auto , pteoet, are not k It with Heod'a. Easy to take andeaiy to operate, a fern ' of Hood'i Fills, which are opto date In etei y teipeet. Bale, eertala and aura. AU druggiat. Be. C. L Hood A Oo LewelL Man. The onrylll to take with Hood'i BanaparlU. AhhounccmGnt. After this date Mr.t Lewis T. Brown will be associated: with Mr.;Re iE. Craw ford irk the man agement of the Park Hotel, Jn Raleigh.' No Crioe PAGE LUIIBER CO., . lor Infanta and Children. THIRTY yearr obaemtion of Caitoria with the patronage of aiUiom of perwnt, permitt m to apeak of it without gneaging. It ii nnqnertionably tho beet remedy for Iafanti and Children the world hat ever known. It In harmlew. Children like it It give them health, It will save their live. In It Mother have something which ia abtolntely tafe and practically perfect as a child1! medicine. Cartoria destroy Wormt, Caitoria allay Feveijahnega, ? Cattorla prevent! yomiting Sour Cnrd, Cartoria cnre Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Caitoria relieves Teething Trouble. Caitoria cnrei Constipation and Flatulency. Cartoria neutralize! the effecta of carbonic acid gag or poisonong air. Cartoria doei not contain morphine, opium, or any, other narcotic. Cartoria aatimilatei the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cartoria is put np in one-size bottles only. It is not -sold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that It Is "jnrt asgdod" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon get C-A-8-T-0-R-I-A. The fao-simile signature of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. tm ewrw cwnt. tt kukiht aranr. NiwroaK crrr. "THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE JS OA PPT, FK0ITFCI. UABJUAGK." Bverr Slaa Whe WeaM Kaew the Graad Tratha, the Plain Faota, tke Row Dleeareriee ef Heaieal Science aa Applied ta Married l.lle. Whs Weald Aleae for Paat Krrara aad Arold Fatare ritfklla, Bhoald Beeare Ike Weaderlal Little Baek Called " Complete Manhood, aad Bew to At tala It." " Here at last 1a Information from a high medical source that must work wonders with Ibis generation of men." The book folly describes a method by which to attain fall vigor and manly power. A method by which to end all unnatura. ralneon the system. To care nerronaneea. lack of self-control, de spondency, &c , To exchange a laded and worn nature for one of brightness, Duoyancy and power. To care lorever eaecis 01 excesses, overwork worry, Ac, To give fan strenirth, development and tone to every portion and ortran of Che body. Age no barrier. Failure Impossible. Two thousand references. The book la nnrelr medical and scientific. nselees to cariosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need It. A despairing' man, who had applied to us, soon after wrote Well, I tell ron that first day is one I'll never forget. I Jut.t babbled with Joy. I wanted to hug everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new Belt was born to-day. Why didn't you tell me when I first wrote that I would find it this Ana anotner tons: "If van damned a cart load of void at my feet It would not bring such gladness Into my life as your method has done." Write to the ERIK MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, N. Y., and ask for the little book calledCOMpLETE MANHOOD." Eeferto this paper, and tbe company promises to send the hook, tn sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it la well intro duced. - NOTICE ! Bids for furnishing fuel for the dif ferent departments of the tiovern ment. The Secretary of State desires to Surchase for the use of the different epartmenU of the State Government: 300 tons Pocahontas Coal. 60 tons White Ash Coal. 10 tons Jellico Coal. 25 cords forest pine wood, of which 15 cords must be two (2) feet long and ten cords one (1 ) foot long,part to be delivered In rear of Supreme Court ' Bulldinff and part at the uoverner'8 Mansion. Sealed nrODOBals to furnish the above will be received until the second (2d) of September at the Secretary's office, when the contract will be awarded. " jy30eowtd Sale of City -Property. Bv virtue of power conferred upon ine by a certain mortgage, which is duly recorded in Regieitry of Wake county in book No. 135, at page 36o, I will sell to the highest bidder for ... , . . t . i . cash at tne court nouse aoor in me city of Raleigh, N. C, on Friday, August 21st, 1896 at 12 o'clock m., tbat nouse ana tot bwuhcu in vuo said city, on S. Blount street, being a part of lot No. 15, in the plan of said city according to Shaffer's map, and defined as follows: Beginniug on the east line said street near Tu p- Jer's church, corner of kit owjiedby ack Yarboro, thence east along his line to tne line ox jiiijan mwaw feet to th landa of Mills Brown, thanon nlnnor hlA line bnuth 35 feet. thence west parallel with the first named line 21o feet to said mount street, thence along said treet'to the beginning. -- B. F. Montague, i Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, July 22, W. , , - . x wrapper. P. P- P.. Lippman's Great Remedy Cures all Skin and Blood Diseases. Physicians endorse 1 F. 1. as a Bplrnilid combination, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Sec ondary and Tertiary Syphilitic Hheu- P. P. P. Cures lilieumatiism. Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, Old I'hronisWlstersthathave resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cures Blood I oison. Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Complaints, Mereural Poison, Tetter, Scald Head, etc., etc. P. P. P. is a powersul tonic, and an excellent appetizer, building up the P. P. P. Cures Scrofula. system rapidly. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure conditian, due to menstrual ir regularities, are peculiarly benefitted P. P. P. Cures Malaria. by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ashe, Poke Root and Potas sium. P. P. P. Cures Hyypeifsio- Lippman Bros., PROPRIETORS, Druggists, Lippman's Block, Savan nah. Ga. Book on Blood Diseases mailed free. For sale by W. H. KINO. North Carolina College of Agriculture and ' Mechanic Arts. This College offers thorough cour ses in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in Science. General academic studies supplement all these tuchniuul cour ses. KXPEN8E8PEBSESS10NINCI.IU)1N0 BOARD For County Stndcnts .... $91.00. For oil Other Students ... 121.00. Apply for Catalogues to iALEXANDER Q, HOLLADAY, President. Raleigh, N. C. . ., When Baby u aick, we pne her Caatoria. When A waa a Child, aho cried for Caatoria. When aha became MlM, aba eluDf to atorla. -Wbea abe had Chpdna, the gareUiera Caatoria. Eintiell Steam Laundry Has already won the repntation of (loin;: tin- liKsT work in tin State. That is what the traveling men tell us. TlRY US and oe if it is so. Will give you either high gloss or cloiiK-stW- finish us desired. Will call for and deliver your goods free of charge. Terms strictly CASH on delivery. No discrimination. C. F. Sowers & Co., Props. JPIIOIVE 1 1. Cross & Llid-Summer Clearance Sale. We beg to call your attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of our store. Spring and summer goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS & LINEHAN. Raleigh Ice and Manufacturers of ; U (b AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL For prices vrite or apply at ouVe, 126 Fayetteville Street, Full Line of Hurd's Fine A FEW "Two Years on the Alabama" At $2.00, just half price. Have you n Whitley Exerc ises? Ihis no equal for physical development. Paper novels at 10c. A. Williams & Go's Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, PROPRIETORS , FAYETTEVILLE Military Academy I ! FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. COL. T. J. DREWRY, C. E, PRINCIPAL. W. S. Drewry, Ph. B., M. A. (Uni versity of Virginia) Associate. Next session opens September 2. Beeognized as a school of the VERY FRIST rank. Faculty of five experi enced Instructors. Teachers and pu pils form one household. Not a sin gle ease of serious illness since its foundation. Discipline strict, but parental. Certificate admits to col leges of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address the Principal. " July28-lm Linehan. Refrigerating Co., T. L. EBERIIARDT. President. Stationery. COPIES OK- wra ft Many Laundries handle a shirt in the process of washing a good deal as a day laborer does a carpet, at a spring beating. We don't. We will talce just as good care of your shirt as if it were our own, and as if we were going to wear it at our wedding tonight. If you like that kind of work, we are your people. On and alter September 1st, terms strictly cash on delivery. PHONE 87. THE ADVENT-TKKM THE FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION OF ST. MARY'S SCHOOL will begin September 24, 18!)(. July 27-im STRONACH'S Carriage-Harness AND- Horse Emporium, i Nos. L'lii. L'L'l and 2L'.'! Wilmington Street. I carry the largest stuck of Ve hicles and Harness in the Stale. Will sell you anything in mv line at factory prices. LIVERY, Board and Sale Stables I buy. sell and hire Horses. You can get the nicest, slickest turnout in the city from my barn. Every thing new. Clean stables and best of service. Stables open every day in the week. FRANK STRONACI1, l'rop'r. Broker and Auctioneer Lots for sale all over the city on easy terms Advances made on all kinds of real and personal property to be sold or held in trust. FRANK STIIU.N'AC'H. Phone 171. Bridgers Brothers MERCHANT TAILORS, 21(ii Fayetteville street, over Oak City Steam Laundry. Linen Suits Crash Suits Brown and White Ducks $4.50 to $7.50. Business suits made to order $l.f) and up. A perfect lit guaranteed. Write for samples. Mail orders so licited. ml!7 1w 1896, MIDSUMMER. ie Reese. We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT Al l. PKN'.i:S. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS -IN ALL SUAI'KS- Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. Miss Maggie Reese. "Hello! 99 My U-lephrne is so convenient. I can call up the groeeryraan, bread man, butcher, flsh man and oyster man. ice cream man, milk man, elec tric lijfht man, street ear man, water works man, the druggist, physician, liveryman, depots, attorneys, news papers, hotels, boarding houses, dry goods houses, shoe stores, hardware stores, bookstores and stationery stores, toy stores and candy stores, the llori.st, dentist, insurance compan ies, schools and colleges, contractors, plumbers, undertakers and clergymen, photographer and artist, wood and coal dealers, banking houses and cafes, laundries, real estate agents, flouring mills, ice companies and china man. MYRTLE. Carpenter & Peebles ARCHITECTS. Thomas M. Ashe, Associated, Corrcsondenoe solicited. Office Room 2, over MacUaei Branch Pharmacy lagg miss - How arid Where Shall I Invest? The Mechanics' and Inrostors' An Inc.-lor Demands:! 1. SAFETY. ! Uni0n 2. GOOD PROFIT. J Qt X FREE OF TAX. i 4 ckrtain Raleiei returns, f "aieign offers and guarantees these benefits to the investor, as proven by the con tinued prosperity of the company. During llie past two years the Union has aided in the erection of and pur chase of about :K) residences and has made over liO temporary loans to its iiii.mlipi'd s.iiret hv' fit,oek. and is now erecting four residences. Every dol lar paw to me L nion is at onuj put iu chculaiion in North Carolina and MiM to the in'OHiicritA of tliA State. If von desire to save a portion of your earnings sunscntje tor a lew Bunreo ui monthly payment stock and pay C5 cents per month per share. Or, if you have money to invest, purchase the full paid coupon certificates, drawing ii per cent, free of tax, annual divi dend, with handsome profit maturity. If you wish to obtain a HOME, ex amine our plan of loaning, which is safe, equitable and liberal. Call upon or address GEORGE jylK lru ALLEN, Secretary, 22 Pulk r Huilding. StateNormal and IndustrialSchool Departments well equipped. 27 teachers, 444 regular students, befides practice school of 97 pupili. 9.T!ma triculates since its opening in IK ii. 93 of the !Ni counties represented. Com petitive examination at eoui.ty seat August 1st to till free-tuition racan eies in dormitories. Application should lc made before July 20th to enter the examination. No freetuition except to applicants signing a pledge to !( mie teachers. Annual expenses of free-tuition students boarding iu dormitories. $90; tuition-paying stu dents. 1 .:U). Address President CIIAKI.KS 1). MiiVKK, Greensboro, N. ( '. July3 lm Administrator's Notice. Iluwn qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrel! , de ceased, lute of Wake Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said M. C. Sorrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of J one 1S!)7, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said es tate are here by notilieil to make im mediate payment. J. 0. Marco.m, Administrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul3 ltw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14. 1 806. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." A, 1 2 p, m, Dally, Solid vestibuled train with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. ealfs hury, Moriiiitou, Asheville, not springs ai d Kuoxville. Connects at Durham lor OxUirtl Clarksvllle and Keysville. except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and Soti'.h western V'estil tiled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. 11 for Danville. Richmond and Intermediate local stations ; also lias conned Ion for Winston-Baler and Willi main line train No. 3S, ' united states Fast Mall" for Charlotte Spartanburg. Green ville. Atlanta and all points South; Iso Colum bia Augusta Charleston, Savannah, Jaexson ville and all points In Florida Sleeping Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 11:45 A. n. Daily Solid train, consisting Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Chat tanooga to Norfolk arriving Noifolk 5:00 pn in time to connect with the Old Dominion MerchBiits' hikI Miners ' Norfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich mond S S Co's for all polut jiiorth and east. Connects at Selma for Fayetteville and n termedlate stations on the Wilson and Pa ettevllle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday for New em and Morehead C ity daily for Golds boro, am! M llmington and Intermediate sta tions on tl e Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lxprcss Train. 8:50 A. M. Dally Com ects at Durham for Oxff r.i, Keysvill". HI Imiond; at Greensboro for Washington ami all points north. Lxpiess Train. 3:0 P. n. Dally For Ooldshoro and Inter mediate stations. Local Accommodation. 3:00 A. M. Connects at C reensbo wtfltl p. hits for North and Hmitli and Inston-Saleui and points on 1 lie Northwest m Nottli Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all poh.ts lu West ern North aiollna Knoxvllle Teun . Cincin nati and western points; at Charlctte f Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and all points South. Trains Aiihc at Italeigli, N. C: Express Train. 3:05 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 4 : 1 2 P. M. Dally From all poiLts east, Nor folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboio, Wilmington, Fayet t vllle and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk endyhattanooga Limited. 11 4O A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensl oro, hat tanooga, Knoxville, Hot springs anil Asheville. Express Train 8, SO a, m. Dally From ooldshoro and Inter mediate stations, Local. 7:20 A. tl. Dally Fn m Greensboro ami points North and South. Hid plug Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. m. Daily exo pt Sunday From Golds boro and all points East. Local freight trains also carry paatengeis. Pullman ears on sight train from Ralelfi to Greensboro. Through rullman vestlbuh d Drawing Sotta Buffet sleeping Ctr and Yestlbuled coaches wlthoutchange on erf oik llmiU d. Double dally train between Baletti, tliar lotte and-Atlanta. Quick time; uexeelledas aommodatlon. x j; V. H. OBKKN, i. nanawl CnnaahUamtlaiiti wcuki Bnpw iuiviniuii W. A. TUEK, : General Passenger Agent' s WaablnrrtoD, D. C. !.."" J. M. Cclp, Traffic M v ei :r:

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