MEXICAN PRICES. Thho Difference Between Prices There : ' and i this Country. ,.' , A ' gentleman has handed the Press-Visitor the following from a A n i tn ' f lia Tiiorimrinrl - Times, with the suggestion that Judge Walter Clark he requested to I give an explanation ,of the dieserep. . ancv in trices in, Mexico as compar IMII I IMIIIII1UUUW - WMW ted to those in this country. - Judge ' Clark having been to Mexico an article', from him. on this subject Vould be extremely'; interesting, i" The Richmond Times correspondent .s says-: s 'I A: have, made careful and thor v 'ough inquiries into the wholesale prices or BOine common articles ui ; merchandise )n the. city of El Paso, Tex. , and the city of Juarez, Mexico, Just across the Rio Grande, and at v this date August '7th, -l896--tbe y nnnu nt . t.ha : fnllnwinir articles in v the two cities are as follows, 3 (those on this side of ,thq river being reck-, in TTnltijrl States monfiv. and : s' those on the other side in Mexican silver : - j , In U. S. In Mex. ' BrnnkfaNi bacon, oer pouna ' s , Ham, per pound .c. ... lit 32 . ' Matches, per gross..' 60 $1 20:; Pickles, in five-gallon ;r ; , .'V -kegs.... $2.25 l 6 60, ' Vinegar, in five-gal-;' ' ton.... 60 1 40 Baking doda, per doss.l 06 2 40 t Halt, in two-pouna ' -Macaroni, per pound 10 25 ':! Royal baking powdor4 00 9 00 : Molasses, per gallon . 75 1 60 -r : Beans, per pound 03 17 ; r Cheese, per pound . . 12J 29 Candles, per box .... 5 00 11 75 Catsup, per dozen . . 2 75 6 25 .""Jelly, per dozen ... 2 00 5 00 Dry plurns,per pound 11 25 Pried apples and peaches, per pound 11 25 Dried : prunes, per . pound V 10 20 ' Cornstarch, per doz..l 06 1 IK) Lemon extract, per v' do ...... 1 00 1 90 Vanilla extract, per ' aoz u o "v ' Arbuckle's coffee, per , pound. ..t 20 40 Soap, per box 3.75 5.00 - TeaTWpound. 35tol.0070tol 50 Deviled nam, per doz. 2 90 6 50 - Sugar, persack of 100 , 't: pounds : .5 50 10 75 Flour, per sack of 100 " poundi .......... 550 ' 850 Canned tomatoes, per case,.,.,' 2 25 7 90 Rice, per pound .,. . . 5 11$ .Crackers, per pound.. 71 21 ; "The Mexican prices are the prices , which prevail in the free zone, on which there is small duty. Of course 1 Mh4nlPXJpr they would be higher. Mexico, in the larger cities, is paid Irom 75 cents to $1 50 a day in Mex- -'' lean silver. The highest price for the very best and most skilled labor Is $8 per day in the same kind of money. In the intcrior-of Mexico, in the country, and the smaller cities, the wages paid are from 20 to 30 per soot lower than that given above." Appointments of Oovarnor Jsin U." Hon. Thomas J. Jarvis will ad- dress the people at the following : times and places: Durham, Wednesday, August the ' 26th ' 'ii Hillsboroj Thursday, August the "27th. Graham, Friday, August the 27th Golston, Chatham county, Saurday 3 p. m.t August tne JJth 'Plea Hill, Cumberland county, ' ' Monday.; August 31st, Maxton, Wednesday, September , the 2nd. ' Wilmington, at night, Thursday, '. i September 3rd, Lumberton, Saturday, September -. the 6th. , . V Let all tome out and hear thegreat ' Issues of the .day fully .discu: Every voter of all parties ,ougnt;io heairtha great questions fairly pre- ' sented, n v s , ''"' Climkn Manlt," Cb 'in . InoV W Thompson Seo'y. '- !.'." . Sot to. Win. v ... i Thn nponle recognize and appre' -r mot-It. Thin in whv Hood's SnrRanarilla has the largest sales in i the world. Merit In medicine means n ; the power to euro. Hood's Sarsa- j ; - parilla cures absolutely, penno hnntlv cures. ' It is the One -True i s Klnnd Purifier. -.Its superior merit is an established factand merit wins. Hood's pills are" easy to take, easy in nrwtrate.' Cure indlfestion, head- . - TWsMisfi nt.tacks the weak , hliitatfid. Keen vourself healthy and strong by taking Hood's Sarsapa- - rilla. " - , Huch in Little Is especially tone of Hood' I Pills, tot no medfc ein en contained so frsat suraUre power in so snmU .pA TtoT wtole medicine diMt alwavi teadr. a- pan ' n affinWint. always Sat- I J M 1 I f Islactorri preTsnt eold li ar fever, aure aU Uter UU. sick In- 'whs, Jaundice, eon.Upatlon, ets. S6o. I&e 1U to tuk wlti Hood'i 8arsapariua. w Al f (Q)"n j - for infants and Children.' ' THISTY years' otaenration of Cartoria with the patronage of millioM of perwng, permitt n to speak of it without gn earing. ' nnqnertionably the hert remedy for Infants and Children. the world has ever known. It is harmlew. Children like it It givet them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers ham s- something which is absolntely safe and practically perfect as a child1! medicine. - , - Cartoria destroys Womt. Cartoria allays Fererizhnegi. 1 Cartoria prevents vomiting Sonr Curd. Cartoria cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. ' Cartoria relieves Teething Trouhlea Cartoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or any other narcotic. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. - - . . 1 Castoria is pnt np. In one-size bottles only. It is not sold in balk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or proaise that it is "jnst as good" and "will answer every purpose." See that you get C-A-8-T-O-B-I-A. Thefaoe jtlkh'' '., signature of li1&2c4e&tl j ligrapper. v Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. . L '"'thk ontratfn oewwitf, rr wmt iwht, mwTown ewr. v v - 'f - "THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE IS HAPPY. FRUITFUL NABBIAGB." Brerr Hu Wfc. ' W.ald Kamr (h. Drud Trath th. PUlm Futa. tka Haw Dlacormiea af Medical Seleaea a AaalM ta Hanrlaa Llie, Wfca WaaM Ataae far Past Knrara aa4 At.14 ratara Pitfalla, Bhaald Saeare (he Waaaartul Unle Boak Galled Cavalete aUahaad, aad Haw ta At tala It." u Hhm at ljtxfc m tnfnrpmatlnn from a hlah medical source that mast work wonders with this generation ot meo. 1 The boeik fully deaerlbea a method br which to attain f uU vigor and manly power. A method by whloh to end all unnatura. "raina on the system. To enra nervousness, lock ot self-control, de spondency, AO, Toexohanm a laded' and worn nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. To cure forever enecta 01 excesees,overworx. worry, o. To frWe full strength, dc jo every portion and orira: Age no barrier. Fallu , development and tone n of the body. lore impossible. ' Two 1 f ,,i a tiH nfnmnAM. The book is purely medical and scientific, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need it. - Aaespainng man, wno naa apjuuiu w u, soon after wrote!, . . . "Weil. teu Ton that nrst aay is one j. u never forget. I Jutt bnbbled with Joy. I wanted to fins everybonyand tell them my old self had l died yesteraay, ana my new sen was born to4ay. Whv didn't you tell me when I flnt wrote that I would find it this Ana anotnermus; ... . , . "If yon dumped a cart load of gold at my fMt It wnnM nut hrlnar such sladness into my life aa your method has done." Buffalo, W.Y, and ask for the little book caUed C30MPIJeTB MANHOOD." Beferto this paper, and the company promnes to eeim the nook, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it la well Intro, dacatt. - . NOTICE ! Bids for furnishing fuel for the dif ferent departments or tne tjovern- ment. The Secretftry of State desirca to Durcha'se for the use of the different departments of the State Government: ti 300 tons Pocahontas Coal. 50 tons White Ash Coal.- - '10 tons JellioO Coal. ,,. ' v 15 muBt be two (2) feet Ions; auU ten cords one ( i foot long, part to ix tiuuvtsreu- Jin rem . ui- KiupiT-mu Building and par at the uoverner s Mansion. '. ' . . Sealed proposals to. furnisn tno1 above will be i-eeeived until the second (2d) of September at the He;retary's office, when the contract will he awarded,-, . - . ly.Htivwm Announcement. After this ddte Mr. Lewis T. Brown will be associated with Mr-R- E- Craw ford in the man- I - , , , ' . - Il J Park Hotel, in Raleigh. :. : PAGE LDIIBER CO.. 'I T A P. P. P. 0 Lippman's Great Remedy Cures all Skin and Blood Diseases. Physicians endorse P. P. P. as a splendid combination, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of IVimary, Sec ondary and Tertiary Syphilitic Rheu- P. P. P. Cures Rheumatism. Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, Old Chronic Ulster.sthat have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cxares Blood Poison. Diseases, Eczema, Chrtjnic Female Complaints, Mercural Poison, Tetter, Scald Head, eto., etc. P. p. P. is a nowersul tonio, and an excellent appetizer, building up the P. P. P. Cures Scrofula. system rapidly. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose Wood is in an impure conditian, due to menstrual ir regularities, are jniculiarly benefitted P. Cures P. P. Malaria. by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Asho, Poke Root and Potas sium. P. P. P. Cures IXyHpepsio.. Lippman Bros., PROPRIETORS, Iruggists, Lippman's . Ulock, Savan nah, On. Hook on Jilo'od Diseases mailed free. For sale by W. 11. KINO. North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts This College offers thorough cour ses In Agricultural , Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Enfirineerinsr, and In Science. General academic studies supplement all these technical cour ses. .-'3: --..- ' . .. ... EUN8E8 PBH 8ES6IOS INCLUDING BOAKD For Conntr Student. 'SB 1.00, For aU Other Stndenta . -12)1.00. . Apply fot Catalogues to i v . ' . ALEXANEH Q. HOLLADAY, ' . President, 'Kaleigh, N, C . "When Baby was sick, wa (a aer CaaVaria. : i i Whs ate was a CWH. aba erled for Castoria. " " Whan she beoame Mia, ate don to Castoria. Wben ate had ChlktaB, ate lamtbam Castoria. 1i IT Q -Tl H ?i''..j?'.ii'''i'r - "r'-i, i " 4.:- ' ' Steam Laundry :'Bas alreadyLwon the reputation State. That is : what the traveling men si and se if it is so. "Will give you cither high gloss or domestic finish as desired. Will calf for and deliver your goods free of charge. . Terms strictly CASH on delivery. No discrimination. : C F. Sowers & Co., Props. ' PHONE 1. 3 Gross & riid-Summer Clearance Sale. We beg to call your attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of our store. Spring and summer goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New Come earlyjand get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS & Raleigh Ice arid Manufacturers Of AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL" For prices Trite or apply at office, 126 Fayetteville StreetJ T. L; EBERIIARDT. President. Full Line of tlurd's Fine -A FEW "Two Years on At $2.00, just half price. Have equal for physical development A. ViDiairis & dAKCITYSTEArLUNDRY laire ot iTitu . FAYETJEVILLE Mitary "Academy, COL. T. J. DREWRY, C. E, , e PBIN?IPAL.( W. S Drewry.Ph. B Jtt. A. ITJnl- ' versity of Virginia) Associate. , Kext session opens September 2. Recognized as a tchoolwf the VERY FRIST rank, j Faculty ot flw tperi nced instructor.. Teachbra and pu pil form one household, t Not a tin trie case Aft aerioui illness since ito foundation. Discipline i Btrlct, but parental. Certificate adnita to col leges of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address -the Principal.' Inly2a-lm -1 - - of doing the BEST work in the tell us. Einehan York wholesale cost. LIN EH AN. Refrigerating Go, ) ; ' . ft; i-.-- Stationery. COPIES OF- the Alabama" vou a Whitley SExercisos? Has no US Paper novels at 10c. Go's Book Store Many Laundries hanJlo a shirt in the process of washing a tfood deal asaday laborer does'a carpet, at a spring beating. We don't. We will take just as trood care of your shirt as if it were our own, and as if we were going to wear it at our weddinsr tonight. If you like that kind of work, we are vour people. On and after September 1st, terms strictly cash on delivery. suaii, peoprietoes PHON col. THE ADVENT-TERM or THE FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSfr ON OF st. nanys: school I wiU bcgW September 24,1896, The Heated Term GONE! We have with us now the most de lightful and charming weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now is the time today, uottomorrow. Remember You can find the proper rig at Stron ach's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles tien every day in the week. FRANK STRONACH, Piop r. Carriage and Harness Emporium I have just received my fall stock of vehicles and harness, which I am sell ing at low water mark. Factory prices don't cut any ice in this, slide. Give me a call and be convinced'. I'll give you some of my prices on vehic les, viz: Top bue-gy $50; opn buggy $30 to $40: carriages $5 to $100. My motto: "Buy right and sell close. " FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. Phone 171. Bridgers Brothers MERCHANT TAILORS, ayettevllle street, over uaK City Steam Laundry. am mm $4.50 to Linen 5u ts Crash Suits Brown and White Ducks $7.50. Business suits made to order $12.50 and up. A perfect fit guaranteed. Write for samples. Mu orders so licited. m27 lw 1896, IIDSUMMER. ie Reese. Wo have all the desirable things in SUMMEE MILLINEEY at very reasonable prices. nfatits Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT ALL PRICES. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS IN ALT, SHAPES Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. Miss Maggie Reese. "Hello!" ' Mi telenhrn is so convenient. can call up the groceryman, bread man. butcher, fish man and oyster man. ice cream man, milk man, elec trio light man, street car man, water works man, the druggist, physician Ilvnrvman. deDOts. attorneys, news. nmwi. hotels, boardintr houses, dry cooda houses, shoe stores, hardware stores, bookstores and stationery stores, toy stores and candy stores, the florist, dentist, insurance compan la. achools and colletres, contractors, plumbers, undertakers and clergymen, photographer and artist, wood and coal dealers, banking houses and PAfM. laundries, real estate agents flonrlncr mills, toe ' companies and cbina nan. ' - ; MYRTLE.? Carpenter & Peebles RCH.TECTS.f Thomas M.; Ashe, Associated ' nrrMnndenoa solicited. ' " ' . " : ; Vi 4 Office i Boom 2, over iM?lUeat BrancljPbannaoy.,4 i H6w,and.,Where Shall hnvest? . Tk Mechanics' aBd testers' is I An Investor Demands: V Urrion of ' 1. 2, 3. 4. SAFETY. f GOOD PROFIT. J FREE OF TAX. A CERTAIN Dalolo-h . RETURNS, f ,"v&". offers and guarantees these benefits to the investor, as proven by the con- ; tinned prosperity of the comphpy. During the past two years the Unloa has aided in the erection of and pur-. chase of about 30 residences and has made over 60 temporary loans to Its members, secured by" stock, and is now erecting four residences. Every dol lar paid to the Union is at once put in circulation in North Carolina aad adds to the prosperity of the State. If vou desire to save a portion of your earnings subscrilie for a few shares of monthly payment stock and pay oo cents jer month per share. Or, if yeu have money to invest, purchase the full paid coupon certificates, drawing 6 per cent, free of tax, annual divi dend, with handsome profit maturity. If you wish to obtafn a exs, amine our plan of loaning, which is safe, equitable and liberal. Call upon or address GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, jyl8-lm 22 Puller Building. StateNormal and IndustriatSchooi Departments well equipped. 27 teaehers, 444 regular students, Derides praetice school of 97 pupili. US') ma triculates since its opening in 18J2. H3 of the 90 counties represented. Com petitive examination at county seat August 1st to till free-tuition vacan cies in dormitories. Application made before July 20th to enter tne examination. No frcetuitioa. except to applicants signing a pledge to become teaehers. Annual expenses of free-tuition students boarding in dormitories, $90; tuition-paying stu dents, $1.30. Address President CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. July3 lm Administrator'. Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrell, de ceased, late of Wake Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims gainst the estate of the said M. U. Sorrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereoy notinea to make im mediate payment J . C. Marcom, Aaministrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul3 ltw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. la Effect June 14, I806. Trains Leave Ralaigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattaaoga Limited." 4,12 p. sa. Dally, Solid vestlbnled train wltb sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via, sails bury, Horganton, AsueviUe, not spriiigs and Knoxvllle. Connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksvitle and Keysvllle, exeept Sunday. At Greex.?- boro with the Washington and Soulh western Vestlbuled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. 11 for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate locI stations ; also has connection forWlnston-Saledi and with main line train No. as, ' united states Fast Mall" for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville, and all points In Florida, Bleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 1:43 A. ft. Dally Solid train, 3oagistnig Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Chat tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk B: pla in time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners,' Norfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Rich mond 8 S Co's for all potntsnorth and east. Connects at Selma for Fayetteville and in termediate stations on the Wilson and Fa - ettevllle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday for Hew era and Moreliead City, dally for Golds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:50 A. M. Dally Connects at Dtirhasn for Oxford, Keysvllle, Richmond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:00 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for ail pi lute lor North and South anil Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern Noith Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points 111 west ern North 1 arolina Knoxville, Tenn , Cincin nati and western Dolnts: at Charlotte, fc Star tanburs, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C. Express Train. 1 iik v. m. uaiiv rrom Aviauia. vuanui, Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 4:1a P. M. Daily rrom an points east, jwr- foik, Tarooro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboro, Wilmington, rayet evuw and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 1 :0 A. fl. Dally From Hew York, Washing ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Cbat tanooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and Ashevllle.' Express Train g, SO a, a. Dally From ootdsboro and Inter BmilMV 0MWVUI, . Local. 7:20 A. n Dally-From Greensboro and 4 ' points North and South. Weeping Oar (rocs Greeusboro,to Raleigh. i t f :00 p. Sally exe pt Sunday Front Gol5f boro and Ml points last ' a ''i V ? Locsd fwlgntlralM also aairy passengers. - ruliman ears on night train from Ralelco to Greensboro, " ""' ' Throngh wllmss vestlbuled Drawing Boon Buffet sleeping ; Car and Vestlbuled oabe without change on Utrlolk limit. d. -' , : ; Double dauy trains between Raleigh, Char totte and Atlanta,-1 Quick timet unexcelled ae eonunodaUoa, ';., -tv W. H. ORKKN, ; 5 ;,-," ' .' i Qeneral SuperlBteMenl, i H. A. TtTRK, ? ': " ,rT a , , , - General Passenger Agent. . '. f-HV'trX Washlnirton. D.C "' ' ;v'' 7p J. M. Ctjlf, Traffic M r ei 1

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