to i I L.ij MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1896. TtlOS. I. PENCE . City Editor. lades to Nw Advertise nunts. Tuckers Specials.1 " Corned Mullets O N Ives &'Co. New Phonograph! P Smith. . The Weather; Tombrrow. VXa Wq1t,0,?, frtMUULRt fop BAIN I North Carolina for 38 houn J from 8 a. m. thi morning: Local showers tonight. Tues day fair, preceded by local showers on the coast. Cooler Tuesday morning.-, ' Forecast for Raleigh. Local forecast for Raleigh (not ex , tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Showers probable tonight. Tuesday fartr cooler , y. t -. Local Data. " Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) August 21th, Maximum - temperature ; minimum temperature, 73; rainfall, 0.00. i 4 Condition of the Weather. V The following were the weather con ditions at 8 . m. today: State Of the weather, ......... clear. - Temperature of the air 76 deg. Sensible temperature 74 deg. Wind Telocity Light. Direction of wind N. ;,,,;.,. .- PERSONAL. Mr. Thos. White, of Loyisburg, ts at the Park. : Mr. S. W. Gregory, of (joldsboro, Is here today. Mr. Jos. U. Brown, left for Old Point today . Mr.' J. R. Barclay, went to Balti more this morning. Mttj. S. F. Telfai has gone to Mor- : gantoa. Mr. Fred Woollcott. left today for Baltimore. Mr. J. D. Boushall, went to Fay etteville this morning. Mr. Richard Gwathmy arrived today from Asheville Mr. J. B. Broadfoot, of Fay ette ville, was here today. Mr. T. H. Murray has returned from a short trip to Richmond. Miss Rosa Dtighi has returned from a three weeks visit to Ports mouth, Va. Governor Carr went t his Brace bridge fsrm in Halifax Saturday. He will return today. Mr. E. C. Potter, left for Eastern Carolina this morning after spend ing Sunday in the city. Miss Eleanor McBride, who has been visiting Mis Dinwiddie, has returned to her home in Gennessee, N. Y. Mr. O. L. Bailey, who has been visiting in Selma, returned to the city this morning much improved in health. Mr. S. A. Campbell, our enter prising furnture dealer has returned to the city, after an absence of five weeks much improved in health. Justice H. H. Roberts who has been confined at homo with bronchial asthma since Wednesday last, was able to be at his office this morning attending to business. The friends of Mrs. Mary C. Syme will regret to hear of her critical illness, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Wm. E. Anderson - Mr. B. S. Royster, Mayor of Ox ford, was here today en route to Goldsboro, where he goes to inspect the military company there. Mr. Royster goes from there to Clinton where he makes an address at the I dedication of the Lodge building - there. Cooler Weather. A light depression is moving off the New England coast and the barometer is generally high in the Southwest over Texas. T'e weather is cooler in the ' sX Valley and Lake region, but warm still along the South ntic and Gulf coasts. , " he weather is clear in the North but cloudy in the South, with condi tions favorable for local showers. . The next few days will be cooler In the east. ' With His Honor Today. la the Mayor's court today, Ruffin - "Weaver was fined'5 and costs for disorderly conduct ; ' . - Robert Ransom was gives thirty ' days on the roads for engaging in an affray.,, '., ..f, , . , ... Ot "Prvllaril hnii hopn driven the VU. v.w O- benefit of ft right-hand swing on bis head by a young man named Hayes and he took the stand as principal witness against his aggressor. Pol lard stated that Hayes cursed him and in return he called him brother. May ; or Russ asked him if the blow; was a hard one, and his reply was that it might have been harder; When asked whether his assailant was drunk, he replied that he was some what drinky. Pollard's course was conciliWy from the start and his concluding remark was, want to avoid trouble." : t-T i Tt Retnove4.;: vts '' ' '-1 ' , . The gospel tent ai ,tba corner of Cabarrus and Person streets, where meetings have been going on for the past two weeks, was removed'this morning to Oak Dale avenue, the grove at the northern " terminus of Person street, where meetings will be commenced tonight for the whites conducted, by, Revs. Williams and Brooks. The publio Is cordially in vited to attend. Wants Presidential Candidate. The Progressive Farmer says : "A million Populists will refuse to support Bryan if Sewall is not taken down "The Populists haye met the sil ver Democrats more than half way, but if Sewall is not taken down' a Presidential candidate is cortain. This feeling is strong in the North and West as well as in the South . Business Notices. W. H. & R. S. Tucker &Co. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Fall Work. Special Curtain Sals Your Chance this Week to Bur LaceCurtai.ns. 500 pairs just bought from an im porter in New York. His clearance sale-curtains sold to us at less than i value. We offer them to you at less than half value. Your opportunity this week and only this week. Do not miss it by waiting. W. H. & R. S. Tcckkr & Co. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Fall Work. Special Curtain Sales. Your Chance this Week ani Only this WEEK. All theupholestering goods all the heavy curtains, and all the odds and ends of curtains, scarfs, etc.. at less than half value. Remember this week von have the chance not later. W. H. & K. S. Titker & Co. W. H. A B. S. TI'CKKR & CO. Fall wokk . Special Lace Curtain Sale. Special Department arranged for the customers convenience on our first floor just as you enter our Fay ette vine street door. Polite sales men in charge of this special Cur tain Sale. Men who understand all about curtains. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. W. H. & R. S. TUKER & CO. Fall Work. Special Curtain Sale. Here are the greatest bargains for for every housekeeper. Never such curtains at so little money. The importer loses, not you your greatest chance for bargains. W H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Found. A gold ring was found at Littleton on the day of the R. A G . R. Asso ciation's excursion. Owner can se cure same by applying at this office and paying for this notice. The finest corned mullets in town at 6Jc per pound, retail, at aug24 3t Geo. N. Ives & Co's . Kid Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drug'store. We are on your trail and won't a customer. We have got the goods get you started. ear Cotton Dress Stuffs. Cotton Stuffs must go, and quickly. Of course there is plenty of wearing time ahead, but stores must be forehanded. We're thinking of winter stocks now cooling thought Fine Satteens, were 14c, now 8c. Linen Batiste, were 12 and 15c, now 8c. Printed Ducks, were 15c, now 8c. x Printed Dimities were 12) c, now 8c. Fine Ginghams, were 12 C, now 8c. SHOES The special shoe sale we spoke of last week is still on for a few days longer.' 1 ' ' - . MEN'S SHOES 24 pairs Men's Buff Shoes, congress only, French toe, meant to be $2.09, instead they are $1.50 a pair. ' . ' ', -. 36 pairs men'scalf shoes, congress and laced, needle toe, made to fetch $3 00, now $2 50 the pair, no chances taken in buying them, either; we know the shoes" we sell.""'-' sv- - i.",:iVqiiii)Shoes;: ,; 1 1 i Women 's fine vici kid button boots, were $3 50, ' now $2 50 a pair. Women's Dongola kid button boots were $1,50 and $1 75, how $1 25. -W. 206 The new Phonograph, with the Duplex Speaker, will be on exhibi tion this week at the North Carolina Book Company's store.. Come and hear the very latest by the best ar tists. Vocal solos, male quartetts, waltzes, marches,minstrels,speeches by Bryan and McKinley, banjo so los, recitations by E. Booth and In gersol. Anything yon want. I have 72 selections. 6c for each hearing. Respectfully, It Z. P. Smith, Prop. X Dorsett Bros., have opened a first class Dairy and are now prepared to furnish mijk at 25 cents per gallon, delivered any where in " the city. Dairy corner of Wilmington and Hargett street. aug21-tf Help Wanted Male. WANTED Solicitors for CamDAltm book, "Bryan, Sewell and Free Sil- by It. L. Metoalf, editor Omaha World Herald, appointed author by Bryan. contains speeches ana platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1.60. The only authorized book. 60 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now, with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work for '90. Ad dress The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. a6 lm Far Over Fifty Teen Mas. WnretoWs Soothtjki Stbtof has been used lor over fifty jean by mnUoai of anthers tor ineir eniuran wnue leeuiaig. wua panea tueeeu. It sootnes tn otuid, euIRiDa toe gums, allays an pain, eons wind eoue, ana it tne Den remedy for Diarrhoea. ' It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in erery part of the world. Twenty-Are eents a Dome. Be sure to w tor - mrw uisiuw Soothing syrup," and take no ot her kind. UK Wanted. To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, Kuns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc., etc. D W. C. HARRIS, fawn Broker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyd 1.50. East Hargett street, just helow Central Hotel. al2 lm Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else ; they bought one bottle or Ur. Iting s JNew Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 60c and $1. Raleigh crs of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. o $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what we are talking Factory made 65.000 vheels last year. The C ascents have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. Me! be satisfied until we secure yon as and prices to hold you with if we can E. JONES. Pionc Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N. C. ' - iLadiesSl A new and pretty line of PUFF s BOXES,'! Puffs, Powders -Hair Brushos ana uomos. - : Purses all needed for y ou r sum mer 'strip, t Select Odors in Perfumery, $ Crown Salts In several sizes and odors Send us your order to fill. Yours, very truly, & Co. 'I i & r-narmaci5is. 133 Fayetteville St, Raleigh We Have Reduced The price on all our summer stock, but the Misses' and Chil dren's Strap Slippers in Tan, Patent Leather and Kid, with Patent Leather Tips, which we have reduced from $1 50 to $1.20 are especial values. HELLER BROS. 134 Fayetteville St. Raleigh Male Academy MORSON & DENSON.Prineipals. The 19th year opens Monday, Au gust 31. The course which has been so successful in preparation for Col lege or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupil. Board at low rates. Address the Principals for Catalogue. aug8 lm I Have It! A complete line of Umbrella MateJ rial, suah as Ribs. Staffs, Ferrets, Catches, Bandies, Covers, etc. Re. member I repair Umbrellas and Para sols with new parts. This is better and far cheaper than old material. A large stock of brass, nickel-plated and German silver walking cane ferrels al ways on hand. , T. F. BROCKWELL. Steafh's Instant Headache Cure VI Doses for 25o and a $ufe Cure. ' 1 ' Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. Mb Side Drag Store, , - .. . . i V t Wynne tnd Eirdscng, PROPRIETORS. G. E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, ' f t -7 : . i. . a Grain and : Pmisions, 31 1 Wilmington Street, . , V " " Raleigh, N. C. direct Tpnate wire to Npw . t"prk, I" New Oneans and Chicago. . .-v -jy29tf HAMS. . ' S r, ' N.tC. Bams, round trimmed, woll cured, nice, sweet, and sound as a'dol lar, Uio lb. Kingan's small, reliable hams, 131c. Kingan's 12-pound bams, 12ie. There is no better sugar-cured ham on the market than Kingaa'B "relia ble." Close cut, lean and mild cored. California hams, 10c lb. '. - isli Cured Bn Comes a little higher than the ordinary kind, but this particular cure is un doubtedly the finest, sweetest bacon on the market. It is boneless; thin, se lected pieces. English : Cored : Shoulders Are better than some hams. Lean, square cut and mild cured, and sold at 10c. lb. At this season of the year when it is so hard to get good, relia ble meat, it pays to bny the best. We guarantee all we sell. Anything you buy of me that is -not satisfactory return it and get your money back. D: T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. People are always on the alert to pre serve h e a 1 1 n, lor "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies lor indigestion is Otterburn Llthia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBURN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic, diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bolililll, The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. Loob! look! Watch the win dow. Big bar gains every day. Don'tmissthese sales. If you can't come you r self, send the children. , Ono. Prico to All. attDBtttAK SENSIBLE Lycn lus!:c! Gfcro 14 East Martin Street. What to ask for in the way of seasonable Dross Goods is shown In the September issue of tho Butterick Fashion Sheet.' . Calf and get ono from us. . - ; Notions. Nickel Alarm Clocks . , ; . . . , r : . , '. 93c Sewing Machine Oil 6c Borated Talcum 20c Mocking Bird Food 35c Oiled Silk, per yard ,85c Hermsdorf Black Hose .25o Shirt Waist Sets ,.,.25c New York Mills Cotton 1 . 2c Good quality Note Paper per q'r, 5c Bristle Hair Brushes 50 and 75c White Aprons . . 25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs ;2J to 50c Nellie Bly flight Lamps. . . , , . .40o And man other useful things. 5 and 10 Gent Counter We have just arranged these coun ters on our second floor and have an unusual largeassortmentof goods to show. You'll be well paid if you will take the time to look over these counters. We have just arranged our Crock ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. Interesting Herald the News Throughout the Land ! HlWWi While silence is golden, we prefer the silvery speech. The net spof cash system has, tho r'gi t tingle of tho white metal. The fatal fedger system is abolished. We have felt the cold stool of ingratitude at the hands of only a very few, but all bickerings and hard feeling is now without. Wo can all meet now on the common plane of humanity, independent, without restraint, obligation or mercinary motive. Genius and ambition reach for loftier alti tude, under the iron code of .1 MONEY DOWN. . . . . . Cash cash in advance to everybody, millionaire or mechanic ho other terms to any one, at any time, under any circumstances. . Absolute insistance upon this point enatyes us to quote the lowest prices In this pity or section of country. All merchants endorse the plan some lack the nerve to execute. Cash buvers applaud credit people, frowning, admit the justice of theWJLY CORRECT PLAN. Be Free and Dntramelled, Throw off the yoke of serfdom; free yourself from the shackles of your ereditors; clean off the slate; be brave; be independent; pay cash; be ware of the wily who craves your account and then "duns" you to death. With pardonable pride, from a small beginning we point you to our steady growth and to our magnificent show-rooms, made possible through the tenacious friendship of a generous public, whose esteem and confidence"', we hope to merit, by being no less generous OURSELVES. ' . t, v Best goods for least price will always bring the', cash to our coun ters. Lively, wide awake, up-to-date tradespeople know where money' can best be spent. At any rate they will investigate. - ; SUCCESSORS.TO C.A.SHERWO UJim&IWQEBOS Fall Season 1896. To inaugurate -the Pall season we wilt plape on sale Monday, August 24 ' V and continue the sale during the week ending Saturday, August 29th ,' , , . - - - ' ' 1 v t Five. Hundred Pairs of : Lace Curtains. , . These are new-curtains, a part of an ;im-, , porter's clearing sale4,' just received, and at -tho price wc paid for them wo can sell them to our customers at just half the cost of manu facturc. Each pair is low prices are made on and absolute clearance during the Hvcek, asin ; earlv Sentember wo' will beerm to receive bur ! regular lines, our yvnr importations." This, special Laco Curtail Sale is arranged in a separate department on our first floor, lust at our Fayettevillo Btrpet entrance. ' ' , umi. ft n; -8;!Ti!'s::n v . , 1 Wevhave a few good Shirt Waists ' left which we will close :ut at re-. ; duced prices. , r For 5 Cents We 'sell good,'" heavy Domestics, ' Bleached or Unbleached Navy Blue Prints and ; Fancy Dress - Prints, good " Lawns, Dress .and "Checked Ginghams, Heavy PhiidS for Aprons. In Our Dry Golds Stock We keep all kind of Staple Prints, Flannels, ' Sheetings, Shirtings, Scrims, Table Linen, Curtains nd Curtain Goods; Canton v' Flannels,. Nainsooks, Lawns, Percales, etc. Take care of the foundations. Wear good Shoes. Dry .feet and a cool head is what you want to keep. We have the shoes that will keep your feet dry. Weare headquarters for $1 .2J, 1.50 and 2.00 shoes.' - a positive bargain and them to effect a speedy Shoes Information. cTd&Co. a