.1 I a. w" Iwl I Ltl) PI BUSHED BY THE VISITOR-PRESS .; company Incorporated u A OONSOIJDATION ;VE8TABUSE&l87Sr AND THS PRKSB, . a tot Ttrp. Tvpiraa. I3E8TABI43HED1894. f .. U.-l,. .r'.l Office in the Pullen Building, corner FayettenrUle and Davie Streets, GREEf O. ANDREW St ,;. Vi:. i . Editor and Maaa(r. JASPER K. MoRARY, Solieitin Accnt. Subscription; Prices. One Year t 3.00 $ix Months 1.50 One Month .25 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter CUNlONl! The Leader ia the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. TUESDAY,-AUGUST 25, 1896. While Evangelist Scudday of Tex as was on the platform of the taber nacle, at Asbury Park, recently defining sanctification the Rev. H. J. Ilayter of Bradley Beach jumped up and said that the evangelist was makiDg a mistake; that the doctrine of Christ had no such teaching in it "as that advocated by the speaker. . Mr. Hayter was asked to sit down, but he continued arguing and would not be quieted. Finally the congre gation commenced to sing so loud that the Bradley Beach minister's words were lost in the song and the meeting came to a close. On the outside Mr. Haytergatheredacrowd about him and tried to explain . how the evangelist was wrong. Officer Tantum was sent for, and he was ordered to arrest the minister on a charge of making a disturbance in a religious meeting. Bloomers as an exhibit in a di vorce court are a novelty, but Mrs. Henry Cleatiug, of Paterson, N. J. introduced them in her defense of the divorce suit brought by her liege lord. He wanted to be freed from marital ties because she per sisted in wearing bloomers and taking long bicycle rides. Mrs, Cleating filed a cross suit charging lier husband with incompatibility of temper because he didn't like her bicycle rides. She says that one dav lie l ushed out of their house as she ivas returning from a bicycle ride, seized her around the waist aud pulled her from her bicycle. As a consequence ner bloomers were shattered so badly that they are of no further use except as evidence. Fhe also alleged that after she got inside the house her husband se cured an ax aud in a short time her bicycle was nothing but a bundle of bent wire and wheels. It will be exhibited in court also. In mitiga tion tof Cleating's assault on his wife's bloomers, it should be said that they were of a bright red color, and they made him as mad as a bull in front of an auction flag. Speaking of the retirement of mm .3 . XT " '.I 11 1 . occrpiary noKe amnn me .Baltimore Sun says: "Hon. Hoke Smith, Secre . tary of the Interior, will retire from the cabinet on September 1. Mr. , amith takes this step, not because :. he is an advocate of the free coinage .' of silver, for he is now, as he has -always been, in favor of sound money. The Secretary, however, ronsf Jors himself in honor bound to support the nominees of the Chicago .. : : i l u wuvcuuuq, luasiuuuu an lie buu- stantially pledged himself to this line of action in a speech to the Georgia Legislature last December. Mr. Smith has been a most efficient cabinet Officer and has enjoyed the confidence and respect of the Presi- ,T,: , O--- be regretted that his conception of party duty has apparently forced him into a position . of hostility to the President, but it is a satisfaction to know that his personal relations with Mr.', Cleveland are, as they always have been, of the most cor dial nature, la the Conduct -of bis branch' of the administration Mr. Smith has been given great latitude aud the result has been all that could have been desired.-. , Money, Saved -is- i . . . . Below are' some interesting state ments by representative citizens of Raleigh of money saved by them by insuring In the : Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance Company of Greens boro, N. C: Raleigh, N. C, March 10, 1896. " On the 14th day of March, 1895, we took out a policy in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C, and paid the com pany 116.50 and received a return of 20 per cent, dividend, amounting to 83.30, making' total cost of insurance but (13.20. Same Insurance in other companies cost $16.50. ( Signed ) Latta & MyatL Raleigh, N. C. March 10. 1898. I paid $11.25 to insure my building in the Stock Mutual Insurance Com- ?any of Greensboro, N. C, just what would have had to pay in any other insuranoe company, and have received a dividend of $2.25, thereby reducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. ( Signed ) C. G. Latta. Kaleigh, N. C, March 10, 1896. I paid $1 to insure my building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company of Greensboro, N. C, just what I would have had to pay in any other insurance company and have re ceived a dividend of $1.20, thereby re ducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. (Signed) Jos. F. Ferrall. For further information call on c. c. Mcdonald, Agt. Greensboro, N. C, April 1, '96. Last year we paid the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company $184.50 for Are insurance. We have received notice of dividends to our credit of $12.30. Our policies are for three years, and if our dividends for the next two years are no less than they were for 1895 ( as we have every reason to expect ) the total Baving in the cost of our insurance will be $36.90, or 20 per cent of the amount paid. This strong home company deserves and will doubtless receive a large pat ronage from the property-holders of North Carolina. ( Signed ) State Normal and In dustrial School, by Charles D. Mc-Iv-er, President. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 29, '96. We paid Southern Stock Mu tual iuu ranee company last year $100 00 They return to us 20 per cent.. 21 20 JNet cost to us 84 HO Cost of same in other compan's 106 00 Worth & Vorth. Durham, March, 1896 We paid Southerr Stock Mu tual Insuranoe company of Greensboro for fire insurance last year $4.'l 75 iney return to us 20 per cent. . . a 75 Net cost to us .(." 00 Cost of same insurance in other companies 43 7; (Signed) Blackwell's Durham To bacco Company. Greensboro, April 1, 1896. We paid to the Southern Stock Mu tual Insurance company last year for nre insurance do; they returned a di vidend of 20 per cert., $7, making net cost oi insurance jzo; same insurance in other companies is costing us $35 ana we consider that our protection under said policy is just as good as that offered by other insurance com panies. (Signed) The National Bank of Greensboro, by Neil Ellington, President. Elkin, N. C, March 9, '96. I paid $47.25 to insure my building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insur ance company of Greensboro. U6t what I would hive had to pay in any other insurance company, and have received a dividend of $9 45, thereby reducing the cost of insurance 20 per cent. (Signed) J. S. Bell. NOTE If you are a policy-holder 01 uie ooutnern stoclt Mutual Insur ance Company, or if you expect to be. you are interested in the profits of the company. The larger the number of select risks the company can secure, the larger the profit to policy-holders. Therefore, if your neighbor has good property to insure, tell of the advan tages of insuring in the Southrrn btock Mutual Insurance Company. Hand this statement to some reliable property-owner who is not a policy holder. N. B. When competitors criticise. remember that they are competitors, and that we are taking business from them. The 20 per cent, return to policy holders for 1895 was made on the first ear's operations, in spite of the com bined opposition and hostility of com peting companies and their agents and in the face of more serious diflcnl- ties than the Company will ever en counter again, and it may be counted upon with reasonable certainty that the profit to policy holders will never ik iess uiau a was last year. This is the only company doing business in North Carolina whosj policy holders participate in the profits and at the same time assume no liability to assesement. Save money by insuring your prop erty in the Southern Stock -Mutual In surance Company. OFFICERS. J M Worth, President; E P Whar ton, Vice-President; A W McAlister, Sec. and Treas. , . ! , "' V DIRECTORS; t j -Lawrence S Holt, J S Carr, Sam! McD. Tate, J S Spencer; RD Heath. WmE Holtj D G ' Worth, Donald MacRae; Edwin-Shaver, P 1 Mnr dock, A- F Page, ' Bennehan Came ron, lames P Sawyer, L Banks Holt, J M Worth, J W Scott, J Van Lind lejr, L M Scott, E P Wharton -j- C. G. fcDOriALt) AGENT. Tired Feeling Makes 700 seem "all broken up," with out lite, ambition, energy or appetite. It b often the forerunner of serious 111 neag, or the aooom pan Iment ot nervous troubles.. It is ".positive proof, ot thin, weak, impure blood; for, If the blood Is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts lire ana energy, to every nerve, organ : and tissue of the .-body. The necessity of taking flood's SaneparlUa foe that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do yoa ts equally beyond question- Remember I? Sarsaparilla laths best-In tact the One True Blood Purifier. Hswwl'a D.Mlo cureUwnis,eaTtptake, 1 1WU 0 IT 1119 easy to operate, tfoent. Bneklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter; chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents jr vox. "or sale by John Y. Mac Think It Over. Have you ever heard of a medicine with such a record of cure as Hood's Sarsaparilla? Don't you know that riood s barparuia, the onetrue Diooq purifier, has proved, over and over again, that it has power to cure, even after all other remedies fail ? If you have impure blood you may take Hood's Sarparilla with the utmost cofidence that it will do you good. Hood's Pills assist digestion, cents. 25 Cdt Flowers Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kindsJ-of-Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Coliard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace InJ stitute. 11.pne 113. oct!7 ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now summer is near at hand. on us and 'or the BEST ICE during the warm season we are pre pared to furnish you at lowest figures. No Trouble to Keep Cool Also Shingles and Feed of all kinds Hay, Forage, Grain, &c 1 Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones, , 718, 14ft. SQncM. and Tnde-M aria ebtafaKd eed sit Pa- (attbaanMMCOodacUdlor modcmtc Fees. SounOmcsrsOpreerrf U, B- PmnomnJ 'ABu w. aoKcim jmiciu m nemm Hiw mimii imei reaoM from Wadunrwe. 1 Scad awdcL iimwrng or ebote with deactip-e Hoa. We ad vim. u patntaixa or aoi, ma ot Omr h ML dua till mMI k gemred. a a.MHtxr. now 10 vt7tatn rmteoa. wimv at a( hbi ia tba U. S. aoa tettm conamai !wot itaa. , JtddrcM, , ( c.A.srjow&co.i Or. aafTtrr Ontl, W.aMtaaTOH, D. fj. j S. A. ASIi & .SC.', FIRE INSURANCES Solicit a part of your patronage Office over MacKae's Branch I "bar ,;, i.Ycu Will Save Kcr.sy By So Dcirig ! : ; In addition to enforced curtailments of production there is it is absolutely impossible for mills to turn out goods at the munerative prices, and the output must be further lessened if cannof be obtained. Dry Goods Economist, Aug. 22, 1896. ' iStandard brands of Sheetings and Shirtings are from 1J to 2c a yard lower rtoday than at this time last year; Cotton is advancing; it is a good time to buy now. . We can make you special prices pn all , of , the standard makes in , . , , . ' , t , Sheftings, Shirtings, Cambrics,; Pillow Cottons. Ready-made sheets and pillow cases cheaper than you can buy the goods and make them. , : Linens From Dundee; Unrivalled bargains and values in an importation just received of the famous Dundee Linens in Towels, Table Damask and Doylies. No such values anywhere as we offer you in our Towel Specials at 10c, 15c, 20o and 25c. A. B. STRONACH, Dry floods, Notions and Shoes. U.II.Gti.S.TUCIIEfiGCli Fall Season 1896. To inaugurate the Fall season we will pljee on sale Monday, August 24 and continue the sale during the week ending Saturday, August 29th Five Hundred Pairs of Lace Curtains. These are new curtains, a part of an im porter Vclea ring sale, just received, and at the pric0 we paid for them we can sell them to our customers at just half the cost of manu facture.' Each pair is a positive bargain and low prices are made on theih to effect a. speedy and absolute clearance during the week, as in early September we will begin to receive our regular jlines, our own importations. This special f Lace Curtain Sale is arranged in a separate department on our first floor, just at our Jfayetteville streei entrance. Xh II:; a R. S. Simpson's Kcanma, Ointment cures all Skin Diseases. . - sinpsons pharmacy, PTJLLEN BUILDING,' RAliEIGII, N. C. Tk Commercial and Fanners' ' Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital Deposits . .... Offers its customers every banking. " ' . Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, ALP. A. THOMPSON, Vice President.: B. S. JERMAN; Cashier fl. W. JACKSON ; Assistant Cashier. ! J t Lr" k 1.::rt' .'r'i'-- t "'. : k i r msA "Perfect clusters, free from insects and imDcrfect berries. A basket of them makes a handsome present for notice. To arrive, another big lot of those the fact that nt unre- ster values TUCKER & CO. The Filling of lions is the most important work of a good drug store. The very lives of a community depend upon the care and integrity of the man who fiill its pre scriptions We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error. Bank, of Raleigh, X C. . $100,000.00 . . 300,000.00 accommodation consistent with .safe Choice, Luscious Fine Varieties- "& friend." Orders filled at short 60c Umbrellas. GRAPES The ITational V RALEIGH, C. i " ' - - - - , r, ' ' I '., - -", , ; ' 1 J ' Capital Paid In . J; . $225,000 Surplus and, Uiidevided . Profits, I , .... 75,000 DIRECTORS: J B. BATCHELOR,' -C. M. BUSBEE, -F, O. MORING, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, - CHAS. H. BELVIN, , W. R. TUCEER., . OFFICERS. r. . . , , :CHAS. H. BELVfcN, President. . CHAS. E. JOHNSON. Vice-President. F.Ji BRIGGS, Cashier. t ; Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished. A NEW which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has 'been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatics and tune locks, built by the Miller Safe -and Ironworks, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J M: Mossmanf of ' New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not bff appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see than. - , . :-v ; -v' . The renter of the box has the key, and' no one can gain access to the J oontents of the box without the presence of the renter, and If he should lose his key, the finder could not gain access to the box. the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There Is ample room in the boxes for the filing' " of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks,' etc., and' perfect security is " obtained for very moderate cost. . - -, - . . ; Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive Use ' of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. -r-- We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine .burglar proof vault -for the storage of boxes and packages. . .' . . . . : , -r . , ,. , :, . .; Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechan 4 ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. j - "- a --x- : The National aug!5 3m "Smack Your Ice Creain cruslied fruits: It's Just "Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. A Full Line : Key H Vcst :: Cigars Can Jbe found at JocRqo's Braneri PharmuGy, . 1 Corner Fayetteville and Martin streets, next to Postoffloe. " Great lany Some of the choicest we had this last rapidly. - One Dresent one-fourth (roods rapidly, especially eince -we included the Pants and Crash Suits. It's a picnic for the people, but you are welcome to the bargains, as much so as if you'd pay us a profit. It's the room we are after now and not the dollars, and very often you get Borne of the cost sandwitched into your trade. .All goes; this is a room-making' closing out sale and we are will ing to pay for it A glance at the disrJay of . in our'larf-e corner window and the price marked on eac pair will con. vince you that we mean business and that you are the gainer at every purchase. " - Get ' Your Small A lot of 50o Neckwear is now and 35o Neckwear reduced to 15c or two for 2oc. Another lot of 50cSuspend ers reduced to 25c. . , - . - " i . The $6 50 Crash Suits are now., . The $4 50 CrashSuits are now . . The $3 50 Crash Suits are now. 4 " All for quick selling. rj p 0. - . : 'Jj'V." ' - '. Price Clothiers to One B ank? RalGigli JAMES A: BRIGGS, v" THOMAS B. CHOWDER, i VAULT, Dank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, IV. C. Lips Soda." with pure "3 a .-- snrins- are rlosnd pf.hpra are mu off Drices beat the record fnr mnvincr TS Chajige Ready. reduced to 25c. Another lot of 2!W ...'..,..". , t. , ..... . , . ? .488 -.13 38 .$2 63 m n r , xr-o-X Lots J All, r

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