1 tit ATTACKED THE SAINTS. ,4 -: V A Mob of tnraged North Carolinlams At' tempt to Drive Ont the Sanctified Band. A specia ,rora Suffolk to the Nor- . ; folk Virginian says: , ' ;. .. Ona of the most violent and belli-'- cose demonstrations of an enraged populace seen in Eastern : North . ': . Carolina within a generation occur red this morning from 12 to 3 o'clock on the Chowan river, near Montrose. -s forty miles from Suffolk.! It was a r 'terrific attack from land of a mob of about 150 people,' heavily armed, .upon a crowd of heretics -styled ; :, -"The Sanctified Band," situated in boats about fifty yards' from; the v shore: . One woman was killed, and 1 it is1 thought that several men were wounded. , . - TheSjmctified Band had been lo- cated at Montrose for several weeks, and members have been conducting :'. meetings throughout the surround ing country for many miles The result was that their religion was getting a tremendous following, - hundreds of men and women, mostly the fornjer,"; renouncing their al legiance to other, churches and ac- pting the doctrine of the sanctified people, v Besides a large, number of persons who had never been allied .." jvith any church, were readily con verted and almost before the dea- ' cons and elders of . the community ; had realized the extent of their fas ti cinating influence the congregations -i which had been regularly attending . the old houses of worship had been ; disintegrated and disrupted. It is ; also claimed that the moral effect of r the band was of a most baleful char acter. ' The charm exerted by the heretics and some of their followers became so attractive that parents i feared for their sons and daughters. ' These are someofthecauseswhich .originated a feeling of repulsion , afhong.the natives which, was grad ually fanned into a contempt and loathing that cultimated this morn ing in a a ferocious attempt to ban ish the band from the confines of the county The conflict is described by a disinterested eye-witness, who was ' safely sheltered behind the trees out of the-bullets' reach, to be one of the most awe-inspiring spec tacle he evar witnessed. The men i composing the mob were fired with an enthusiasm and determination in- spired by the apprehension that their homes and domestic happiness were in -danger of being usurped. a:.: Tbf) attack was made at midnight The sanctified people, who are said to number 103, had been warned by ,Jfconrerta, and had moved their .:'m . "-trl.1. 11. . lt . CT S . . - rour arics in wmcu mey live, ouiuw the stream that they might be less - exposed to intrusion. The crowd of , enraged citizens came with a rush, land when their commander called for a halt at the river bank, there J( was an ominous rattling of guns, ' rifles, - pistols, bowie-knives and .-swords. As volley after volley was j. poured into the river craft the bul ; lets could be heard cVashing into the - arks' sides. .The inhabitants disap ? ; peared from view, and it is supposed 'that they got below the ' water line, s or more would have been killed. '' f. , , After a time a committee of citizens started out to propose terms to the ; band, but they were ordered back by those on the arks, who, however, . are said pot to have fired a shot. The . committee's return was a signal for ? another fusilade. The firing con- tinuod till about 2 a. m , when the : ammunition was about exhausted, h; and the mob dispersed ' to their . homes. - . ..:. '- ' it is claimed that some of the lead- ing citizens and a part of the officers h in the county "sympathize with the -. men who resorted .to the unlawful - use of arms J force,; fronr the com- , f munity a clasffof people Whom the; considered- deleterious to its interest.'- As the last gun was . fired . curses and threats against further occupany rent the' air. If they do not -Teave as ordered It is thought . that another- attack from enraged ; husbands and fathers will follow V.- i Sadie Collins and a man . named Lynch are said to lead the band. They preach holiness and santifica- tion. , ' " Purify Jsour blood withHood's Sarsaparilla, whieb will give 'you an ppetite, tone your stomach an i strengthen your nerves. .,'.,..' ' The University. 36 Teacher. 634 Student.: Tuition $60 a year. Board $8 (eight dollar) ' m month, rnree run iOiioge vourses, three Brief Courses. Law School, Medical School, Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and loan for the needy, , Address i . . ; y ., , Pres't. Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C,((J n251m VJhat io L" 1 ' ' - ' ...............,... ; ' w w ; Practically Perfect ';t.'.''v:;.vv".-s-;,a''. ' ;. ;.' .;'..?! Vf'f'i J.'-t' fi :iJ,',i Yif.-: . . ' Preparation For children's Complaints. THE TRIUMPH 0F LOVE IS HAPPY, FBUITF0I. MARRIAGE." Btott SI a Whs WmM Kbw the Snii Tratk. the PUtm FaeM. Xew DlaMTerlea f ne4lel Beleaea a AaalM it Hwrid Ule, Waa WaaM Ataaa far Paat Bmn aad ATala Fatare Fitialla, Shaala Becara aa Waaderfal Uttla Baak Called " Ceaialete Bfaahaaa; aad Baw ta At lata It." " Here at last is information from a high medical source that mast work wonders with this generation of men. The hnnlr fnllv dMnrthM a method hr which to attain fnll vigor and manly power. A method by which to and all onnatura. "rains an tne system. To cure nermusneas, lack of self-oontrol, de spondency, dVo. To exchange a iaded and worn nature for one of brightness, Duoyancy and power. l v core lUXcvcr enuois 01 excesbus, uvyi worry, &0. To give fall strenath, development and tone to every portion and orean of the body. Age no barrier. Failure Impossible. Two thousand references. The book is purely medical and sctantlflr. nseleis to enrioeitT seekers, invaluable to men only whonedit. A awpainng man,wno naa appuoa w us, soon after wrote t Well, l tea yon that flrat day is one l u never fonret. x lost ouDDiea wim r. i wanted to bog everybody and tell them my old self had died yenterday, and my new self was born to-day. Why didn't yon tell me when I first wrote that I would find It this wayf" w Ana anotner inus i li von dnmned a eart load of crold at my feet it would not bring such gladness Into my life as your method has done." . ' Write to the RIB MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, K. Y-, and ask for the little book called "COMPLETE MANHOOD." Beferto this paper, and the company promises to send the book, in sealed envelope.- without any marks, and entirely free, until It Is well Intro iuoed. : . NOTICE ! Bida for furnishing fuel for the dif ferent departments of the trovern ment. The Secretary vof State desires to purchase for the use of the different departments of the State Government: 300 tons PocahOntas Coal. 1 50 tons White Ash Coal. 10 tons Jellico Coal. '' 25 cords forest nine wood, of which US cords must be two (2) feet long and ten cords one (1 ) foot long, part to be delivered in rear oi supreme tjours Building and paTt at the Governor's Mansion. v: ?. . ;; . Sealed Dronosals to furnish the above will be received until the second (2d) -of September at' the Secretary's office, when- the contract will be awarded, v' a . v y30eowtd After this date Mr. Lewis T. Brown wili be associated t with ford iRthehiari ageinent of the Park Hotel, Jn Raleigh PAGE LDIIBER COl ' li T T Does Your $ Head Ache When you read? If so, you should come in and have your eyes tested by our Skilled Optician. H. Mahler's Sons, Jewelers and Opticians. ECONOMY May be noeesnary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it in not desirable to practice it in the .purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. E Always in stock and promptly delivered when ordered. TIIOS. PESGUD. North Carolina College , v "of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. This Collesre offers thorough cour ses in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in Science. General acadepnc studies supplement all these technical cour ses. ; " ' '" f. ECPKN8E8 FEB SESSION 1NCXTJOINU BOARD , f -jf .. sei.oo. For Connrv Studonts ' 'f For all Other Stadents ' 121.00. Apply for Catalogues to t hj; ALEXANDER Q. HOLiAdAY, :, -.v : r ' ' President, &ilelgh,lN, C. ' ' ' ' r- WaanBaby was sick, we gave her Cartoria. Whsn ate was a thai, she cried tor Castoria. When she became Miss, clno to Cutorbw When aln had CUUrea, she gave them Castoria. Steam Has already-won the repntation of doing the BEST work in the State. That is what the traveling men tell us. .and see if it is so. Will give you either high gloss or domestic finish as desired. Will call for and deliver your poods free of charge. Terms strictly CASH on delivery. No discrimination. C: F. Sowers & Co., Props. XIIOIVE IO. Gross & Uid-Summer Clearance Solo. We beg to call yoiir attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of our store. Spring and summer goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS & LINEHAN. Raleigh Ice and Refrigerating Co., Manufacturers of r AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL For prices vrite or apply at offle, 126 Fayetteville StreetJ T. L. EDERIIARDT, President. Full Line of -A FEW Eurd "Two Years on the Alabama" At $2.00, just half price. Have you a Whitley JExercises? Has no equal for physical development. Paper novels at 10c. A. Williams & Co s Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Pacre & Marshall, PR0PKIET0KS FAYETTEVILLE f FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. C0L. v Ti J. DREWRY, C. E., ' PRINCIPAL. ' , W. 8 Drewry, Ph. B., M. A. (Unl- - versity of Virginia Associate. . - Next session opens September 2. Keoognized as a school of the VERY FRIST rank. . Faculty of five experi enced Instructors..- Teacher and pu pils form one household. Not a sin gle case of serious Illness since its foundation. Discipline strict,'-but parental. Certificate admits toool tegca of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address the Principal. f July28-lm - Laundry US Linehan. COPIES OF- Many Laundries handle a shirt in the process of washing a good deal asaday laborer does a carpet at a spring bcutinjr. We don't. We will take just as good care of your shirt as if it were our own, and as if we were fioing lo wear it at our wedding tonight. If you like that kind of work, we are your people. 1 On and after September 1st, terms strictly cash on delivery. Fino Stationery. PHONE 87. THEJAD VENT-TERM ' L OF THE FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION OF ST. ntriY's SCHOOL -will begin September 24, 1896. .,Ju1j'27-1bi The Heated Term GONE! i We have with us now the most de lightful and charming weather, In which e ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now is the time today, uottomorrow. Remember You can find the proper rig at Stron ach's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles open every day in the week. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and Harness Emporium I have just received my fall stock of vehicles and harness, which I am sell ing at low water mark. Factory prices don't cut any ice in this slide. Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prices on vehic les, viz: Top buggy $50; open buggy t30 to $40; carriages 65 to J100. My motto: "Buy right and sell close. " FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. Phone 171. Bridgors Brothers MERCHANT TAILORS, 216i Fayetteville street, over Oak City Steam Laundry. Linen Suits Crash Suits Brown and White Ducks $4.50 to $7.50. Business suits made to order $12.60 and up. A perfect fit guaranteed. Write fur samples. Mail orders so licited. m27 lw 1896, MIDSUMMER. We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT AIX PRICES. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS IN ALL SHAPES Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. ie Reese. IW1B "Hello!" My telephrne is so convenient. I can call up the groceryman, bread man, butcher, flsh man and oyster man, ice cream man, milk man, elec tric light man, street car man, water works man, the druggist, physician, liveryman, depots, attorneys, news papers, hotels, boarding houses, dry goods houses, shoe stores, hardware stores, bookstores and stationery stores, toy stores and candy stores, the florist, dentist, insurance compan ies, schools and colleges, contractors, plumbers, undertakers and clergymen, photographer and artist, wood and coal dealers, banking houses and cafes, laundries, real estate agents, flouring mills, toe companies and china mata i MYRTLE. Carpenter & Peebles ARCHITECTS. Thomas M. Ashe, Associated ' Corresondence solicited. Office, " Room - 2t . over MacRae i Branch Pharmacy . . .' miss Maggie Reese. M M Sri in VI'' " "UB urn and Wh ShcjlU Invest? ' r The iifecIiaiucs'jnilJnYestors' An Investor Demands: J Union 1., SAFETY. ' 2. GOOD PROFIT:'. oi , 3. 4. FREE OF TAX. A',. KETUKJNS. -f --o-v offers and guarantees these benefits to the Investor, as proven by the eon-s tinued prosperity of the company. -. During the past two years the Union ' has aided in the erection of and pur- - chase of about 30 residences am) has . made over SO temporary loans to lta erecting four residences. Every dol t lar paid to the Union Is at once put in circulation in North Carolina and adds to the prosperity of the State.. If you desire to save a portion of your . earnings subscribe for a few shares of monthly payment stock and pay 06 cents per month per share. Or, if you have money to invest, purchase the full paid coupon certificates, drawing 0 per cent, free of tax, annual divi dend, with handsome profit maturity. . If you wisfc to obtain a HOME, ex amine our plan of loaning, which is safe, equitable and liberal. Call upon or address GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, jyl8-lm 22 Puller Building. StateNormal and IndustrialSchool DeDartments well eauiDned. 27 teachers, 444 regular students, besides praetice school of 97 pupili. 930 ma triculates since its opening in 1PJ2. 93 of the 96 counties represented. - Com -petitive examination at county seat August 1st to fill free-tuition vacan cies in dormitories. Application should be made before July 20th to enter the examination. No freetuition except to applicants signing a pledge to Decome teacners. Annual expense? of free-tuition students boarding in dormitories, $90; tuition-paying stu dents, 11.30. Address President CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. July3 lm Administrator's Motlea. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M C. Sorrell, de ceased, late of Wake Co., N. C.. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said M. C. Sorrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment. J. (J. Maboom, Administrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul3 ltw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-CINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect Jam M, 18o6. Trains Leavl Raleigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p, sa, Dally, Solid vestibuled train with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. I alls- bury, Morgan ton, Ashevllle, Hot springs and Knoxvllle. Connects at Durham for Oxford, OlarksvUle and Kejuvllle, except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and South-. western Vestibuled (Limited), train (or all points North, and with main Una tram No. II for Danville, Blchmond and Intermediate local stations ; also has connection for Wtnston4alem and with main line train No. 3D, ' united states rastMaU" tor Charlotte, Spartanburg, Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia. Augusta Charleston, Savannah, Jacssoo Tllle. and all points In Florida, Sleeping Car (or Atlanta. Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. rt. Dally Solid train, oonsUttn Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 3.-00 p m In time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners,' Norfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Rich mond S 8 Go's for all polntinorth and east, Connects at Selma for FayettCTtHe and In termediate stations on the Wilson and Fa -ettevlUe Short Cut, dally, except Sunday for New era and Morehead City, dally for Golds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on ti e Wilmington and Weldon Bailroad. Express Train. 8.50 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvlllf, Rtrhmood; at Greensbor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:09 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:0O A. M. Connects al Greensboro for all pi tuts for North and Houth and V, tnston-Salem and points on the Nonhwestrrn Notth OrMllftC Bailroad. At Salisbury, for all poliits In est. era NorUi arollna Knoxvllle Tenn , Cincin nati and western points; at Charb tte If Kr tanburg, Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and all points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: , Express Train. i .Ol P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. v 4 : 1 s P. M. Dally From all points east. Nor-. folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboie, Wilmington, Fayet evllls and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:40 A. n. Dally From New Tork, Washing ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, c hat Unooga, knoxvllle, Hot springs and ashevllle. ' Express Trstn ft, 50 a. at. Dally From Aoldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local. 7 :20 A. n. Dally From Greensboro and points North and South. Sleeping, Cat from Oreeusboro to Balelgh. . ' fMaa. Dally exe pt Sunday From Golds-' boro and an points Basty " , " . Local freight trains aiso carry passengers. . Fullmaa ears on night train from BalelfU to Greensboro. :f-' -:?-':::v'i " s . IhroughruDman Vestibule d pranlng Boom Buffet sleeping Car and Vestibuled coaches without change on norfolk limited, -v DoBble daily trains between Balelgh, Char totte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled ae oammodatlna. i :. 1 ;' J V W. H. GSBXN, . .- General Buperlnteaasii, sT. A.T0EK, t. . General Passenger Agent , v . ' "Washhwton, D. C. ; 3. M. CtrLF, Traffic M f 1 - '. V 1 1, .v V-