a D BY THE VISITOR-PRESS r tXY f INCORPORATED LIBATION OI1 THK VISITOR, "ABUSED 1878.' AND TEE PRESS. I A BUSHED 1894. e in the Pullen Building, corner l ayetteville and Davie Streets, GKEEE 0, ANDREWS, . y t, . - ' ; Editor and Minipt. JASPER N. MeRARV, SoUsltiaf A(Bt, Subscription Prices. One Year Six Month ...., I 3.00 1.60 One Month 25 Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter J mm IN t 5)1- 5BED The Leader in' the Dews and ' in Circulation. TELEPHONE . No. 168. FRIDAY, , AJJGTJST .28, 1896. The anti-cigarette law of Iowa has declared unconstitutional by United States Circuit Judge Walter saanDorn. xne law went into effect on January last and prohibited ab solutely the manufacture Or sale of cigarettes in the State or their im- . portation into the State. : :- The supreme court of Michigan at Lansing has decided that the State LegisIatiTV has no right to interfere with the management of the Univer versity of Michigan. The Legis lature passed an act at its last ses sion directing the regents to estab lish a homeopathic department of the University in' Detroit The regents refused to comply on the ground that the act was unconstitutional. - Major General Nelson A. Miles, 1 - General O. O. Howard, and Rev, A. - . A, Myers, president of the Harrow ;- 'School,' at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., .'have inaugurated a movement to .vLrect a larg military and education al institution at Harrogate, Tenn., on me site ol the' late Four beasons .Hotel. The name proposed for the '. institution is the "Lincoln Acad 1 emy.V commemorative of President Lincoln. , Under the habitual criminal law ' of Connecticut a man who has been ; convicted of a crime three times . shall, at the expiration of his third , sentence, be ' deemed incorrigible, and may be detained in prison for twenty-five years. The first appli- . cation of the law has been made in ;i the case of George A. Minor, who is now detained in the Wethersfield prison. . '--i:-' '"''7:' 1 There are indications of co-opera- - tion among the truck farmers of i Florida. As a means of encouraging truck-growing along their lines in that State the Plant system has called a meeting to consult those who wish to cultivate vegetables, to the end . that the people and the railroads i. may mutually benefit each other in producing and marketing vegetable p crops. The proposition is made by ; the Plant svstem that the growers .. shall meet and form themselves int3 an association in order that they ; iaybe more - effectually ; benefited, land . it offers ' to furnish the best , seeds that can be secured of various crops that can.be grown successfully in that section at cost, without any charges for transportation. In the preliminary or) practice trial the cruiser .Brooklyn, off Bos ton, developed an .average, , speed closely approximating ' twenty one knots. There were, of course' DO official figures which Could haye any impartial, or valuable s; bearing. Watches , were held by all the Offi cers aboard and also by members of the government trial board and cal culations 'were made, from buoy to buoy in the run; iof . eighty-three knots. A comparison of these dif f rent figures showed'an agreement '' t the cruiser had averaged a few ' Jiulredtbs less that, twenty ! The - computations : i ZlStta ZXf3, the ma-v.-r, -U!iojr on 23.S7.'' mWim 10 lluiiUL) ONLY. : Why is it that the Ralelgli Branch of the Southern is lending no money in . Raleigh or in - North Carolina? Simply for , the : pro tection of j ner investors. s ? Ask any one-rlawyer or oitien if ANY building and loan ' association can lend money SAFELY in North Caro lina on the building and loan plan. As bur Supreme Court has- decided several times that they CANNOT the answer is no. As long as a bor rower pays building and loan associa tions are all right. When he, stops then trouble begins. , Building and loan associations who lend money in North Carolina are taking risks that no SAFE business man will take. You can promise a borrower that he will have to make only so many payments and he is safe. You can promise an investor that- he will only make so many payments and his stock will be, matured, and the promise amounts to nothing. How can any building and loan associa tion GUARANTEE maturity when they are depending on their earn ings, and this is all they' have. A building and loan association who lends money in North Carolina un der our laws will just take 15 years to mature their stock. THE SOUTHERN does not RISE lending their mem bers money. It is loaned only in those States where the courts up hold our contracts. It is carefully placed as fast as paid in and every cent is safely loaned on city real es tate, first mortgage (churches, school houses, livery stables and hotels positively not taken); so you see how careful they are. I would like to accommodate our friends by lending them all they want, but it can't SAFELY be done in North Carolina. The Raleigh Branch of the Southern is now only an investment branch. If she were to lend money here it would be to the interest of every member to withdraw his money. Why? Simply that it would take about fifteen years to mature stock mark the prediction, this is just what those who lend at 6 per cent and in North Carolina Will find) the Southern confidently expects to ma ture stock between the eighth and ninth year, judging from their earn ings in the past and the outlook for the future. So those who have stock in the Southern can rest assured chat no RISE will be taken in lend ing out their money, but it will be safely invested. Those who want to borrow can't buy stock in the South ern in North Carolina. They will have to look up some association who cannot safely place their funds. To the clerk, laborer, mechanic and business man who has any surplus to spare (if a business man can place all he has successfully in his busi ness he had better use' it, as he can make as'much as any building and loan association) the Raleigh Branch of the Southern is the association you are looking for and McDonald will be glad to give you any infor mation desired. Remember, after making six monthly payments, should you be unfortunate, you can withdraw every red cent you have paid in and come back for nothing when you get able to make your payments . again. You can . find nothing fairer or squarer than this. We don't lend you a PART of your I money, but you can get all of your money. Don't join ANY building and loan association until you have carefully examined into same. Ask for PROFITS paid those who with drew. Get their names and you will find in nearly every instance that the Raleigh Branch of the Southern was the one who paid the profit I am tolerably well up In balding and loan and will cheer fully give any information desired as to the Southern or any other as sociation. ' I KNOW that no building and loan associa tion is superior to the Southern and few are equal , It is just and honest with the unfortunate . member who has to withdraw aad.can with a clear conscience try to get him back and nine times out of tof Iocs, How is 'it ; with i those association who only pay back a part, of , what has been paid in?; ,Why, the poor fellow. feels like he has been .robbed, and justly so, , for these slick-tongued fellows could not sell, their stuff , if they did . not . MISREPRESENT same. Show me a nun in Raleigh who has been a member of the South ern and withdrawn and l will GUARANTEE that he will recom mend it to you'tov''i'.';?4i,5,ai4. Gs . o. r. :: i n 1 1 . 'With Hood's Sanapa rulalM8lMTIktnaitd how that this medi Talk etas has snjoyed public oonfideno and patiopags to a gnatar extant than aooordt ed say other proprietary medic ins. mi is simply beams It possesses greater merit and pcodnees greatec eons than any other. It Is not what we say,' but what Hood's Barsaparffla does, that teus the story. All advertisements of Hood's Barsapariua, like Hood's Barsaparilla it sett, are honest We have serer deceived the p bile, and this with its saperlaUvs medicinal merit, to why the people have abidinc confidenoe in a, and dot almost to the exehuhm of all others. Try tt. Prepared only by ft L Hood a Co, Lowell, Mats. u .. mil are the only pUtoto take Hood 8 PUIS with Hood's BaraapartUa. BaeUen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world tor cuts, . bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cnappea hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures pues, or no pay required, it is guarran teed to give perfect ' satisfaction or money refunded. Price 26 cents wr vox. TOor sale by John Y. Mao Are , Yon Tired All the time? This condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nourishing as it ought to be and as it may be u you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thou sands write that Hood s Sarsaparilla has cured them of that tired feeling by giving them neb, red blood. Hood 's Pills act easily andpromptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. Bouquets, Floral Designs; Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of Pot Plants for house deooratlng and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard r'lants. H. Stein metz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peaoe In' stitute. rnone lis. octl7 ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now upon us and summer is near at nana, r or tne BEST ICE daring' the warm season we are pre pared to rurnisn you at lowest ngures No Trouble to Keep Ciool Also Shingles and Feed of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N..C. , , ,, Phones, 41, 718, 146, , Raleigh, N.C. . .; No better school for girls.' It has always been noted for niustc and art. Jlrst school Jo. te State to intro 4oe , violin s with special teacher, This instrument will be' particularly strong laext session under Miss Min nie.Si. Johnson,' from N, H" fvbnser vatorya pupil of Matri " Terms to suit the times, j wf,;. j , ; ,. Ju1231bi Us ? Us .kWiiki U Wwii) FIRE INSURANCE. ',Mf' ' ' 1 ' ' -' Solicit a part of your patronage . Office over MacKae's branch I 'bar macv, ' Cut Floivors r YcuAVill Savo L!:n3y Dy So D:inj!; ' .. . - i" ; t n In addition to enforced curtailments of production there la the fact that it Is absolutely impossible for mills to- turn out goods at the present unre munerative prices, and the output' must be further lessened if better values cannot be obtained. Dry Gpoda Economist, Aug. 22, 1898. ''-,'.'.''''" "".7 'i.'('"( ?-:-'-'.'. ".V i ' ' Standard brands of Sheetings and Shirtings are from 1 to 2c a yard lower today than at this time last year., Cotton is advancing; it is a good time to buy now. We can make you special prices on all of the standard makes in 'p-iV;.?7,i'.., '' - '. h- 'K 'ii - Sheetings, Shirtings. Cambrics, Piow Cottons. ,-, ; Iteady-made Sheets and. Pillow, Cases -cheaper than you can buy the goods and make them. v Linens From Dundee. ' ' Af ''-'.' . :.. '. Unrivalled bargains and values in an importation just received of the famous Dundee Linens in , ;l .;.- 'a-. '- - Towels, Tcble Damask and Doylies. No such values anywhere as we offer you n our Towel Specials at 10s, 15c, 20c and 25c. A. B.; STRGNACH, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. SUCCESSORS TO Ug Clean What You Do-Do Quick ! We shXi our eyes to the cost price, cut the rope, the. drop falls. Done to alaar out the stock at once. Murderous Prices. 21 Oa per yard for Agra linen, I Ow worth 7Jc. One day only, Friday next at 9 o'clock sharp. Want any, be on hand. All will be goue id an hour. for cross-barred muslin, linen shade, fashionable and good Be . , value at 10c. f , - 7, 1 , )fa 'or Japanettes and Man , mttXt ville lawns, fancy dress styles and black, some 40 in. widej were 10 and 12c. 10c for 40 Inch organdies- and "'hail storm" rwisras. hiih colors, for evening dresses, were 15c. 1 , lO for Parisienne Ripples, lab 1 akli Dresden' and Persian, effects, bought to sell at 20c. New Shoes at close Cash Prices. (gcnttoesT C. A. SHERWOOD CO. r tv; 7 n . .in, i III V. M.I- eK.U'' T:,. .ii ,vvV I'jf ...Kj:,.,.r.' ,i,7 .:. , .'!,' mjfr i 'g.Air. , ' t v i . ; lss .! - Cpk ' - - ., " ;v Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures .0'' rCLLEN BUILDING, Mm- C. A.SH ERWOOD 8e CO. Business. India Kid Button Boots, all Qflsk sizes and toes, plain, pat. tip v CI G Ladies' Genuine Dongola, 01 high cut, heel or spring, VI stw opera or C. S. taps. Misses 'Goodyear welts, calf 4 flfl skin, balsorooopress, wide UU medium or pointed toe, a good 3 shoe for f 2. These are now ready and open and reaay ior your inspection, llcme-made Goods . for hard service nd durability 5 fill 11 yards Southern Silks jUUU worth 8Jc, our price, I C Sflfin yards . "Riverside" !?. lUUU cheviots, 6ic, at UC Prices on all cotton goods advanc ing, any early and save money. ; svcccssonSTO C.A.SHERWOOD &C0. mg Reductions To make room for Foil Goods. i' : :. ..." Clothing at and below cost. Straw Hats must give way for fall styles, Anotner Dig lot , "50c Umbrellas. Give our stock an inspection before buying elsewhere and you . will save money. , UJ 111111 j VI Prc:cripli:n ei . t is tne most important worav 01 a food drug store. The very lives of a community depend upon the care and integrity of the man who fiills Its pre- yicrlptlons We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error " all Skin Diseases. r i r - " n rv f RALEIGH, N. C. Sweep ft HatioiialBanbRifi 1 " " .'' ' - ii , ij v i r ' - . , - . - f f 1 RALEIGH, NT C: ' r Capital Paid In trv . t js it j surplus ana unueviueu t - n.t$4. . ' ' . ' :-tc5 noil JTl.UlAIVi9 e e DIRECTORS: J . B. B ATCHELOR, J '. ' - JAMKS A. BRIGGS, O. M. BUSBEE, - ' rt - THOMAS B. CHOWDER, t O. MORING, JULIUS LEWIS, . CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ' CHAS. H. BELVIN, - W. R. TUCKER. OFFICERS: I . . CHAS. II. KELVIN, President CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President . P. H. BRIGGS, Cashier.' v Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished. A NEW which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof,' has been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossmao, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has the key, and no ono can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if he should lose his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents of which can .be known only to the renter.. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mecbanJJ ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. The National Bank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, IV. C. auglS 3m " .?-:: v. "Smock Your Lips Soda." Ice Cream with pure r . crushed fruits--i-i .V It's Just f'Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. A Full Line Key West Cigars Can be found at . acRao's Branch PIiarmc Corner Fayetteville and Martin streets, next to Fostoffloe.. ' . mm HiNII VI VVHHLalHH W Fall ftMcnn :1flQfi -.w uMbutuiu a au waovu TVQ Five Hundred Pairs ; of. Lace! Curtdns.. These are new curtains, a part of an im porter V clearingsale, just received, - and at the price "we paid for them we can sell them to pur customers at just half the cost of manu-. facture.: Each pair is lnw nn'iMi arn ma1n on and absolute clearance during the week; as in ; earlv September we will becin to receive our .". regular lines, r our own importations. This SDeciaKLace CurtainSaletis arranged in a separate department 17: II. t n. G. The Commercial and Fanners!' . , , , . Bank, of Raleigh, H. C. " Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital Deposits . . Offers its customers every ' accommodation" consistent with safe banking'. Safs Deposit Eoies 1 for Eenty cn Es:sc::l:Is Tens. ' v . . Some good business oHuces to let ' v' J. J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. TIIOJIISON. Vice rresIJent. " B. S. JE"MAN, Cashier II. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. , . . $225,000 j " " e " e AVevryv, VAULT, Tf f 4 alUV VU afBU ftUUUAJ j 'I U Of aVf ' a positive bargain and 4Vi r-r- 4-n o onnnAtr on our first floor, just TUGIIQEl G G9. ' $100,000.00 . 300,000.00 . - . ' :.(..-..-