ir 1 THE" JOINT DISCUSSION, Dates and Places for too Discussion Be tween Watson and Gutbrte Arranged, Chairman Manly of the Democratic Executive Committee and Chairman .5 Ay er of the Populist committee met yesterday and arranged the dates .'. and places for the joint canvass be tween Cyrus B. Tatgon, Democratic i. nominee for Governor and Maj. W. A. Guthrie, Populist nominee. They are as follows.: . V J - .' - Rutherford ton, Friday', Sept. 4th. . Shelby, Saturday, Sept 5th: Salisbury, Friday, Sept 11th. ' Concord, Saturday, Sept. 12th. Hendersonville, Monday, Septem i ber 14th. - ( ' ' . , B ry son City, yfednesday; Septem- . ber 16th. ; , - ' Waynesvilfe, Thursday, Sept. 17, , ' Marshall, Friday, Sept. 18th. f Asheville, ' Saturday, -Sep. 19th. , x - Taylorsville, Monday, Sept. 21st . ' , Wilkesboro, Tuesday Sept 22nd Come but and hear the candidates ' discuss the issues of the day. ' Judge Russell, the Republican can k&date for Governor, has been in .... viwsu vj speaic at an inese appoint ments. .,' Clement Manly, h Chm'n. State Dem. E. Com. Hal WV Atkb, .Chm'n People's Party Ex. Com. Mr.' Watson will also meet prompt ly, his appointments as heretofore announced, to wit: . - " Durham, Auguat 28th. ' Statesville, Saturday, August 29. Newton, Monday, August 31st. I Morganton', Tuesday, Sept. 1st. Maripn, Wednesday, Sept. 2nd . -Linoolnton, Monday, Sept. 7th. Lexington, Tuesday, Sept. 8th. 1 Clement Manly, Chairman . A Joint Canvass In this District. Hon. E, W. Pou and Congress man Strowd have arranged to have a joint canvass and Mr. Massy, the Republican nominee will be chal lenged to meet them. The joint canvass begins at Ran . dlemen, Randolph county, Tuesday, September 8th. The' other appointments are as follows: , Ashboro, Wednesday, Sept. 9. Towanacle, Thursday, Sept. 10. Ramseur, Friday, Sept. 11. Liberty, Saturday, Sept. 12. PnbUo Speaking. Hqn. Charles B) Ayoock will ad- dress the 'efmeirai iple at the following ?Tarbo. . uesday, Sept. 1. Greenville, Wednesday, Sept. 2. . Grifton. Thursday, Sept 3, ' Swift Creek, Craven county, Sept 4th. T LaG range, Saturday, Sept 5. Pollocksvilje, Tuesday, Sept. 8. Jacksonville, Wednesday, Sept 9. ' Richlands, Thursday, Sept 10. Hallsville, Friday, Sept. 11, fDuplin county.) ' Warsaw,, Saturday, Sept 12, Come out and hear this eloquent and earnest advocate of the people's rights .t discuss the great issues of thedayj . Clement Manly, ' Chairman. V i"no. W. Thompson, Secretary. Appointments of Governor Jarvis. ' Hon, Thomas J. Jarvia will ad dress the people at the following imes and places: " 1 Golston, Chatham county, Saurday 3 pm., August tne 29th. ?. Flea Hill, Cumberland county, Monday," August 31st -Y .'' - Max ton, Wednesday, September the2itd.'f, , WUmtngton, ut night, Thursday, September 3rd. - - ,. Lumberton, Saturday, September the" 5th. J - , - YLet all come out and hoar the great Issues of the day fully discussed, Every voter of all parlies ought to hear the great questions fairly pre i seated. " ' - Clement MANLYr Ch'm. W. Thompson, Seo'y. - Taken in time Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by keeping the blood pure and all the organs in a healthy condition. ; . . llii! University. 36 Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition tOO a year. Board (8 (eight dollars) a month. Three full College Courses, three Brief - Courses, Law School, Medical School, Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and loam for the needy. Address , Pres't. Winston, ' Chapel Hill, N. 0 .;,- jn251m ' ' -- - .ywoj IVhat is Castoria Is. Dry Samuel Pitcher's prescrlDtloa for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Js a harmless substitute ' : for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant, (its guarantee is thirty years use by ' Millions of : Mothers. ' Castorla destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves , Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castorla assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.' Castorla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. , Cajstoria. Caatbrta. is an excellent medicine for children, lfothen have repeatedly told me - of it! rood effect upon their children." ... i Dr. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Man. " The use of Castorla & ao Unlrenal and its lnerits so well known that it seem a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Masttk, D.D., New York City. "I prescribe Castoria every day for children .who are suffering from constipation, with better effect than I receive from any other comBlnatlon of drugs." Dr. L. O. HoaoAit, South Amboy, N. J. Children Cry for 1 TM 0CNTAUN SOMMNT, TT iSnSSSSSSSSSS THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE IS HAPPY, FRtJITFCL MABBIACK." Every nasi Wha WanU Kstw (ha Brand Tratha, Ike Plain Facta, the Hew Dlsowreriea af Medical Bcisaea aa Arpllcd ta Married Lite, Who Waald Ataaa tat Past Errors and ' Avoid Fatare Pltfklia, Bhsald Socare the Weaderlal little Seek Called " Ceaialete Bfaakaad, aad Hew le At tala It. Hera at last in Infarmatlnn from a hich medical source that most work wonders with wis generation or men. " The book fnllv dauerlhea a method by which to attain full vigor and manly power. . A method by which to end all uanatora. Sralna on the system. To on re nerforamese, lack ot self control, 4e aponaency, oro. To exchange a Jaded and worn nature for one oi orightnesa, bnoyancy and power. To core forever effects of exoeeaes. overwork. worrv. Ac -v ... To give fall strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body. Age no barrier, failure Impossible. , Two thousand references. - The book is purely medical and adentlfta, melees to ouriomty seekers, invaluable to man only who need it. Adeapalring man, who bad applied to ns, soon after wrote i i "Well, I tell yon that first day is one I'll never forget. 1 jott babbled with joy. I wanted to hug everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new self waa born today. Why didn't you tell me when J first wrote-that I would find It this way?" . , And another thus: . r : - "If yon dumped a cart load of gsld at my feat it would not bring such gladness into my life aa your method has done." Write to the ERIB MEDICATj COMPANY, Buffalo, N. Yj and ask for the little book caUed "COMPLETE MANHOOD." Beferto tlua paper, and the company, promises to send the book, tn sealed envelope, without -any marka, and entirely free, until It in well Intro NOTICE I Bids for furnishing fuel for tlio dif ferent departments of Uie Govern ment. ,.. v. r. . ?'. . - . 'I-. ........ The Secretary of State desires to Supchase for the use of the different epartments'of the State Government: t 300 tons Pocahontas Coal. 50 tons White Ash Coal. 10 tons Jellico Coal. , 25 cords forest Dine wood, of which IS cords must be two ( 2 ) feet l"i and ten cords one (1 ) foot ltfnp;, part to be delivered in rear of Supremo Court Building and part at the Governer's Mansion. . . -U. . . '. ; ' Sealed proposals to furnish the above will be received until the second (2d) of September at the Secretary's offlce, when the oontraot will be awarded. ,. . jrdueowta Announcement. After this date Mr.V Lewis T. Brown will be associated ! with Mr. R. E. Craw ford in the man agement of the Park Hotel, in Raleigh. 4 PAGE LDIICER. CO., y,.-i -" ' Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre scription known to me." , II. A. Archer, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. "For several yeara I have recommended Castoria, and shall always continue to do o as it has invariably produced beneficial reaults." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., New York City. ' " We have three children-and they ' Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' When we give one a dose, the others cry for one too. I shall always take pleasure in recommeijdlng this best child's medicine." Rev. W. A. CoofER, Newport, Ky. Pitcher's Castoria. MUftHAV BTftCCT, NCW VONft CITY. , new von ft city. WtMUWajmilMamillJJ''' Does Your $ Head Ache When you read? If so, M. you should come in and have your eyes tested by our Skilled Optician. H. Mahler's Sons, Jewelers and Opticians. ECONOMY May be necessary , in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it Is not desirable to practice It in the purchase of food, winch is life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES Give our customers' the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not tbe best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest In It. vftfs E Always in stock and promptly delivered when ordered. .. TI10S. PESCUD. North Carolina College I of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. This College offers thorough cour ses in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in Science.. : General academic studies supplement all these technical oour sea.,. , u '" St'v..?'- EXPENSES PER SESSION INCLUDING1 B0ABD : ? ? Jr;i ?J"'' A 'J'1-V'.-T For Conntv Student. $01.00. for all Other Stadeat. t . . 12t.0a , Apply for Catalogues to , ' " I'. ALEXANDER HOLLADAY, ' ' ' t ' f' President.. . Raleigh, N. C. . ' . i - .: When Baby was sick; we gave her Castoria. ; Wliea she vai a Child, ifae cried for Castoria. Wben she became Mica, ahe clung to Castorla. -When she had Children, she save them Castoria. COIC Steam Lattndry -' .'' 'liif'f1'-' ' .: Has already won the reputation of doing the BEST work in the State. That Is what the traveling men tell us. ' WW and see if it is so.;, Wilcive you either, high gloss or domestic finish i desired. Will call for and deliver your goods free of charge. Terms strictly CASH on delivery. No discrimination. C. F. Sowers & Co., Props. PHONE U). Cross & Mid'Summer Clearance Safe. We beg to call your attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of our store. Spring and summer goods must go io make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS & LINEHAN. Raleigh led and Refrigerating Co., Manufacturers of i AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL For prices vrlte or apply at olfie, 126 Fayetteville Streetj T. L. EDERIIARDT, President. Full Line of Kurd's Fine Siotionory. s A FEW COPIES OF "Two Years; on the Alabama" At $2.00, just half price. Have you i Whitley .Exercises? Has no equal for physical development. Paper novels it 10c. A. Williams 6 OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, PROPRIETORS FAYETTEVILLE .rT FAYETTEVILLE, N.C-r. : l ; y . RiKdPAL : Vt. B. Drewry.'Ph. . li.;fM. ; A. (Unl - veraity of Virginia ) Associate, uf, Nex session opens September 2. ' Recogib4 as a school of tha VERY FRIST rank. Faculty of five eiperl enoed instructors, s Teachers and pa plls form one household. Not sin gle case of serious illness since its foundation. Discipline strict, but fiarental. Certificate admits to col pges of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address the Principal. July21m us Linehan. Co's Book 'Store Many Laundries handle a shirt in the process of washing a ood deal nsaduy laborer does a carpet at a spring beating We don t. We will take just as good care of your shirt as if it w ere our own, and as if we were going fo "wear it at our wedding tonight. If you like that kind of work, we are your people. On' and: after September 1st, terms strictly cash on dolivery. PHONE 87. THEIAD VENT- TERM "A THE T FIFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL session "Of ST. .lW'S SCHOOL " ' ' ' ' will begin September 24, 1896i 4 July;27-lm- The Heateil ?Term GONE! We have with us now the most de lightful and -charming weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now Is the time today, not tomorrow. Remember You can find the proper rig at Stron ach's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles open every day In the week. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and Harness Emporium I have just received my 'all stock of vehicles and harnesB, which I am sell ing at low water mark. Factory prices don't cut any ice In this slide. Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prices on vehic les, viz: Top buggy $50; open buggy $30 to $40- carriages $65 to J100. My motto: ''Buy right and sell close." FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. Phone 171. Bridgers Brothers MERCHANT TAILORS, 216i Fayetteville street, over Oak City Steam Laundry. Linen Suits Crash Suits Brown ana White Ducks $4.50 to $7.50. Business suitB made to order (12.50 and up. A perfect tit guaranteed. Write for samples. Mail orders so licited. m27 lw 1896, We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT ALL PRICES. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS IN ALL SHAPES Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. ie Reese, My telephrne If so convenient. I can call up the eroceryman, bread man, butcher, flsn man and oyster man, Ice cream man, milk man, eleo trio light man, street car man, water works man, the druggist, physician, liveryman, depots, attorneys, news papers, hotels, boarding houses, dry goods houses, shoe stores, hardware stores, bookstores and stationery stores, toy stores and eandy stores, the florist, dentist, insurance compan ies, schools and colleges, contractors plumbers, undertakers and clergymen, photographer ' and -artist, wood and ooal dealers, banking bousea and cafes, laundries, real estate agents. Souring nulls, ice companies and china man. . MYRTLE. C:rp:nt:r & Peebles ARCHITECTS." Thomas MAslie, Associated. Corresondettoe soliolted. Office,' Room 2, over MacRae.t Branch Pharmacytj f . Miss Maggie Reese. Mara 00 "Hello!" How &ndVVhere Shaliil Invest? - The Mechanics and InYCstofs' An Investor Demands:! Union of 1. SAFETY. ,i 2. GOOD PROFIT. J. 3. FREE OF TAX.-A 4. CERTAIN X Ralpjo-h returns, f naieign offers and guarantees these benefits to the investor, as proven by the eon- tinued prosperity of the company. . During the past two years the Union has aided in the erection of and pur chase of about 30 residences and has made over 60 temporary loans to its members, secured by' stock, and is now erecting four residences. Every dol lar paid to the Union is at once put in circulation in North Carolina and adds to the prosperity of the State. If you desire to save a portion pf your earnings subscribe for a few shares of monthly payment stock and pay 65 cents per month per share. Or,, if you have money to invest, purchase the full paid coupon certificates, drawing 6 per cent, free of tax, annual divi dend, with handsome profit maturity. If you wish to obtain a HOME, ex amine our plan of loaning, which is safe, equitable and liberal. ' Call upon or address GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, jyl8-lm 22 Puller Building. StateNormal and IndustrialSchool Departments well equipped. 27 teachers, 444 regular students, bef idea praetice school of 97 pupili. 930 ma triculates since its opening in 1CJ2. 93 of the 96 counties represented. Com petltive examination at county Beat August 1st to fill free-itultlon vacan cies in dormitories. Application should be made before July 20th to enter the examination. No freetuition except to applicants ' signing a pledge to become teachers. Annual expense!! of free-tuition students boarding in dormitories, $90; tuition-paying stw dents, $1.30. Address President CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. JulyS lm Administrator' a Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrell, de ceased, late of Wake Co., N. C. this, is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said M. 0. Sorrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment. J. C. Marcom, Administrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul31tw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-UNE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1806. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." Dally, Solid vestlbnfed train wits) sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. sails bury, Morganton, ashevllle, aot springs and KnoxrlUe. Connects at Durham for Oxford. ClarksvlUe and KeysvlUe, except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and South western Vestlluled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. U for DanTUle, Blchmond and Intermediate local stations ; also has connection for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 85, ' united states Fast Mall" for Charlotte. Bpartanbsrg, Qreen Tills, Atlanta and all points Booth ; lso Colum bia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville, and all points tn Florida, Bleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. li:4S A. n. Dally Solid train, wnsistln Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arrirlng Norfolk 8:00 p m tn time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners,' Norfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Blch mond B 8 Go's for all point; north and east. Connects at Selma tor Fayettevllle and In termediate stations on the Wilson and Fa ettevIHe Short Cat, daily, except Sunday for Kew era and Morehead City, dally for Golds bo ro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on ti e Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Express Train. 8:SO A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvlllp, Kl'limocd; at Greensbnr for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:09 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and Intrr roedlate stations. Local Accommodation. a:O0 A. M. Connects at Greensboro f(,r all p, tuts Ar North Ki ii out!i and v Instnn-Salrni aod pnints on tbe Northwestern Noitli larnlina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West ern North ai ollna Knoxvtlle Tenu . Cincin nati and western points; at Chailntte li utr tanburg, Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and all points Mouth. Trains Arrive Dt Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. j :0s P. m- Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 4 : 1 1 P. M. Dally From all points east, Nor-, folk Tarboro, WUson and water lines. From Goldtboia, Wilmington, Fayet avIUe and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 :40 A. ft Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, bal- tanooga, JtnoxvUle, Hot sprints and Aslieville fxprasa Train 8,80 a. as. Dally rmru ooldsboro and Intet mediate stations. LocaL 7:20 A. ft Dally FrtraGreensboro and point north and Sooth. Bleeping Car trum SresMbore to Raleigh. :M a- Da"? IC pt Bunday From C olds boro and all points East - 1 Leeal freight trains also carry passengeis, ruUmaa ears on night train from RaleJr tu Greensboro.' , . .f,. ' , Through tollman vesOtmlid nranmg Room Bullet alesplng Car and Vestlbuled eoaches Without change on aorfolk tmut 4 . Doable dally trains between BalelitUtuar lotta and Atlanta. Quick time unexcelled ai aommodstloa s ' 11 . , W. b. GREEN, ' . . .v ; . General 8uperlntenee4 , W. TTJEK. i ' General Passenger Agent . -, i , : - WaahlUKtou. D. C. ; V 3. M. Cclp, Traflic M. ei