. I ID BY THE VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY f INCORPORATED I. A CONSOLIDATION OF TOT VISITOR, EST ABUSED 1878, 'AND THB PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. , t ' Office la the Pullen Building, comer Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS. Xdltor and Mamatr.3 11 '' : , niW.1 JASPER If. MoHAUY, 8oUeltlnx Aaat. 1 . Subscription, Prices, r One Year a...... I 3.00. 81 Month . w.w. . . ; 1.60 One Month..i.... ............. ,25 : (Entered as Seoond Class Mail Matter i LABEL) The leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. 1896. THE ISSUE IN THE STATE. The three cornered G abernatorial fight in North Carolina is waxing very interesting as it progresses and speculation is rife as to what the result will be. There are plenty of people who are equally comfident of the election of Watson, of Guthrie and of Russell respectively. For our part we would rather witness the election of Hon. Cyrus B. Wat son as Governor of No Ah Carolina than that of any other candidate before the people, whether on t,he State or National ticket. We have, however, apprehended that the Re publicans, especially the colored i voters, will not stand by Russell, ; but will at the final bidding of their . leaders, when Russell's election is found to be an impossibility, go to Guthrie in order to defeat the Demo cratic candidate. We trust, however, ? that this will not be the case, and - we also hope that the bare possibility of it will weld the Democrats of the State closer together on Mr , Watson, and that they will let none of their differences on the national issues divide them on the State ticket. If there is one thing that , we place above another it is the im portance that the affairs of this State shall be conserved by such men as have for years past made Democratic , .government a credit and an honor to this commonwealth. It is higher than free coinage and all other panaceas, and we hope there will be .no halting or faltering among the Democracy which has heretofore kept North Carolina in safe hands. An electric umpire has been de Vised to determine hits in fencing, , When the foil strikes the opponent's jacket it makes a bell ring, and the place hit is distinguished by the -. difference in sound of electric bells, v;vi x rut. will. J.. uiMfiUUOE i vuiei ui Try tit rn nr- 1 L : f t the Machinery Department of the ' Tennessee Centennial and Interna' -tional Exposition, is working up a thorough exemplification of the pos , sibilities of compressed air as a mo tive power. Recent inventions have attained remarkable results, and a .complete exhibition of what has actually been dene will create a great deal of attention throughout the world. ; v The literary bureau of the Demo cratic . National . Committee, which was organized this ' week, will do its work i in connection with the con gressional committee. Mr. Clark Howell, of the Atlanta Constitution, is the head of the bureau, but the exigencies of the Statexampaign in Georgia will prevent his remainiug In Washington until after the state election and Representative Rich ardson, of Tenn., is in charge, This department will ; do its utmost to meet every reasonable "demand for campaign literature.'- It ' is impor tant that chairmen of State commit tees and that Democratic leagues and other ' organhations wishing Peruture should communicate at indicating the character of ..: Cesired. - ' mnm n uo ONLY. i Why is it that the Raleigh Branch oi the Southern is lending no money in T- Raleigh or In " North Carolina? Simply 'for the protection- of her investors. Ask any one lawyer or citizen if ANY building and loan association can lend money SAFELY in North Caro lina on the building and loan plan. As our Supreme Court has decided several times that they CANNOT the answer is no. As long as a bor rower pays building and loan associa tions are all right. When he stops then trouble begins. Building and loan associations who lend money in North Carolina are taking risks that no SAFE business man will take. You can promise a borrower that he will have to make only so many payments and he is safe. You can promise an investor that he will only make so many payments and his stock will be matured, and the promise amounts to nothing. How can any building and loan associa tion GUARANTEE maturity when they are depending on their earn ings, and this is all they have. A building and loan association who lends money in North Carolina un der our laws will just take 15 years to mature their stock. THE SOUTHERN does not RISE lending their mem bers money. It is loaned only in those States where the courts up hold our contracts. It is carefully placed as fast as paid in and every cent is safely loaned on city real es tate, first mortgage (churches, school houses, livery stables and hotels positively not taken); so you see how careful they are. I would like to accommodate our friends by lending them all they want, but it can SAFELY be done in North Carolina. The Raleigh Branch of the Southern is now only an investment branch If she were to lend money here it would be to the interest of every member to withdraw his money Why? Simply that it would take about fifteen years to mature stock (mark the prediction, this is just what those who lend at 6 per cent and in North Carolina will find) the Southern confidently expects to ma' ture stock between the eighth and ninth year, judging from their earn ings in the past and the outlook for the future. So those who have stock in the Southern can rest assured that no RISE will be taken in lend ing out their money, but it will be safely invested. Those who want to borrow can't buy stock in the South era in North Carolina. They will have to look up some association who cannot safely place their funds. To the clerk, laborer, mechanic and business man who has any surplus to spare (if a business man can place all he has successfully in his busi ness he bad better use it, as he can make asmuch as any building and loan association) the Raleigh Branch of the Southern is the association you are looking for and McDonald will be glad to give you any infor mation desired. Remember, after making six monthly payments, should you be unfortunate, you can withdraw every red cent you have paid in and come back for nothing when you get able to make your payments again. You can find nothing fairer or squarer than this, We don't lend you a PART of your money, but you can get all of your money. Don't join ANY building and loan association until you have carefully examined into same. Ask for PROFITS paid those who with drew, liet tneir names and you will find in nearly every' instance that the Raleigh Branch of the Southern was the one who paid the profit. I am tolerably well up in building and loan and will cheer fully give any information desired as to the Southern or any other as sociation. I KNOW that no building and loan associa tion is superior to the Southern and few are equal. It is just and honest with the unfortunate member who has to withdraw and can with' a clear conscience try to get him back and nine times out of ten does. How is it with those associations who only pay back a part .of what has been paid in? ;, Why, the poor fellow feels like he has been-robbed", and ustly so, for these slick-tongued fellows could not sell their stuff, if they did, not MISREPRESENT same. . Show me a man in Raleigh who has been a member of the South ern and withdrawn and l will GUARANTEE that he will recom mend it to you s Oa Cs f n r "': ' Of severest trial and teat prove , . Z". In regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla 1st, Greatest Merit Secured bv a peenlteOotBMna. ... ttoa. Proportion and fracas 'y Unknown to others whleo v . i naturally and actually produces 2d, Greatest Cures i Shown by thousands ol honest, yj'-'' voluntary tcsthaonHtls wtocs. . i :, .f naturally and actually produes -r 3d, Greatest Sales , According to the statements ol ' druggists all orer the country. -la these three point Hood's Sarsaperflls ta peculiar to Basil. Kledl Sarsaparilla Is the best It to the One True Blood Partner. Hood's Pills Bnoklra's Andes) Salve. Thft hnst salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rneum, lever sores, tetter, cnapj tiAnrla flriilhlalna rvirnBft.nrlA.il s eruptions, and positively cure's piles, rvr ha nnv rnnulrarl. Tt in OTiRrmn- " I j 1 r teed to srive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents wt vox. '"or sale by John Y. Mao Bab. Sure to Win. The people recognize and appre ciate real merit. This is why Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest sales in the world. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsa parilla cures absolutely, perme nently cures. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Its superior merit is an established factand merit wins Hood's pills are easy to take, easy to operate, Vure inuigesuuii, ueau ache. Cut Honors Bouquets, Floral Designs Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard flants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In' sutute. fnone 113. ootl7 ICE. ICE. Balmy spring- is now summer is near at hand. upon us ana For the BEST ICE during the warm season we are pre pared to lurnisn you at lowest ngures. No Trouble to Keep Cool Also Shingles and Feed of all kinds, Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones, 41, 718, 140. Ppsorrph Institute, No better school for girl. It has always been noted for music and art. First school in the State to Intro duce violin with special teacher. This instrument will be particularly strong next session under Miss Min nie K. Johnson, from N. E. Conser vatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to suit the times. - , jul23 lm S..A. ASHE a cc:i, FIRE INSURANCE. patronage . branch Vhar OOloe over MacRae'i macT ff w 1 -xi J k 13 ; Ya Will Savo K:r.:y Dy So Dei: !;:' ..... t ... ; . t v In addition to enforced curtailments of production there is the fact that : Standard brands of Sheetings and Shirtings are from to 2o a yard lower today than at this time last year. Cotton Is advancing; it is a good time to buy now. . We can make you special prices on all of the standard makes in .-; ':x' v r -.-' -': ;.::,t:, ;y ' y.'-i Sbeetings, SMrtings, Cambrics, , PlUoit Cottons. Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases cheaper than you can buy the goods and make them . Linens From Dundee. Unrivalled bargains and values in an importation just received of the famous Dundee Linens in Towels, Table Damask and Doylies. No such Values anywhere as we off? r you jn our Towel Specials at 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c. , til" ' ' A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. -FOR- S3 .36 i . S6 00 Regular Prico $600 As you know these screens are made Jin the Celestial Empires and are the beautiful products of the most skilled artisans. OOurTcVfeeris ' are five feet high four folds, heavily worked in. gold stin finish. Open at WALL Leaders of I Mm tlTJlii- S3 "'' : "iiv! , llvja y0 Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures TULLEN EUILEIXa, 2rf ' 3 mil :r . ;M,r) Prcscriplbas v " Vx '' LJ":f c i ' is the most important Work of a ll-ViV5 "! " f0 drug store. The vvery livel of a 'rt"' " t" ;i. community depend upon the care and 1 iT lL X )fT Integrity of" the man who fiilU its pre- a- H LrrfT "L L J Z 1-3 L- 317- r , unre- values $3.36 Night. 00 Low Prices. Sweeping Reductions To make room for Fall Goods. Clothing at and below cost. Straw Hats must give way for fall styles. Another big lot , . ... 50c Umbrellas. 'Glve our stock an lnsPecti0D before buying elsewhere and you will save money. Tho Filling of scrlptlons We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error t all Skin Diseases, j , KALEIGTT, N. C. liOEJ, (. LtSfsS , The national RALEIGH, JN C. Capital Paid In ; . V $225,000 Surplus and, Undevided ' Profits, . . : ; 75,000 DIRECTORS: J. B. BATCHELOR ' ' JAMES A. BI&GGS, s C. M. BUS BEE, THOMAS B. CROWDER, , P.O. MORI NG, JULIUS LEWIS. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. H. BELVIN, 1 " W. R. TUCKER. - i v. OFFICERS: CHAS. H. BELVIN,; President. ' ( , CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President, P. H. BRIGGS, Cashier, Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished; A NEW VAULT, which is entirely lire proof and burglar proof, has been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has the key, and no one can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if he. should lose his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds', stocks, etc., and perfect security in obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechanj ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. The National Bank of Raleigh, augl5 3m "Smack Your Lips Sodd." Ice Cream witH pure crushed fruits J It's Just "Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. - A Full Line Key West Cigars Can be found at MacRae's Branch Pharmacy, v ' Corner Fayettevllle and Martin streets, next to P6stoffloe.v v vV - ' If You' Now is a good time to buy them, while prices arc down' -way down,' less than manufacturers' prices. Many times while a suit would be' iurowu usiue, wun an extra pair oi pants u is maae to do the balance or the season Look in our big corner window and you will see trousers ' that will do for all occasionsdress, semi-dress and every -day hard work wear any kind you can think of at a mere shadow of former prices. " School Clothes , ; , , , . ; ' TVir hnv nf nil ncrftQ - F.vprv cf vIa ' f hat telli Aft tiAn nrA kMM.. and at extreme moderate cost. ; Don't here? 1 . - .' k Pa1ltctl?frc ? all . description. Neglige Shirts, White j. ; Hi UlSUllIgS Shirts, 'laundried and unlaundried, plain and plaited bosom at popular prices. ; Have you ever worn our "Pearl " shirts? ' If notj you ought to; it's the best made none better -at any price. We have it in the different length in sleeves. s , ' . Do vou know we have the BEST line of ,Hosirv for crnnta tkat id .' shown ahywhera? Even the largest One Price Clothiers to ; All. The Commercial and Farmers' - ' Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital-, Deposits -. . Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with safa. banking. , Safe Deposit Boies for Rent Rei:c:al!e Tern. Some good businef-HCVt; to let J. i. THOMAS, President, ALF : D. S. JERMAN, Cushier II. Bank?Ralcigli j ' V- i RALEIGH, IV. C. isftAbMLJES you : know that you buy the best . v ' , cities, . . $100,000-00 . 300,000.00 . v A. l.y?lPSON. Vice President. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Need Pits