THE. JOINT DISCUSSION. . - Dates and Places for the Discussion Be tweea Watson and Guthrie Arranged. -. Chairman Manly of the Democratic ; Executive Committee and Chairman Ayer of the Populist committee met . yesterday and arranged the dates - and places for the joint . canvass be . tween Cyrus B. Watson, Democratic y. nominee for Governor and Maj. W, A. Guthrie, Populist nominee. , They are s follows. -. - .,. .. ' 5 Rutherfordton, Friday, Sept.- 4th. A ' Shelby, Saturday, Sept. 5th. Salisbury, Friday, Sept. 11th. ' Concord, Saturday, Sept. 12th . Jiendersonville, Monday, Septem ; berMth. " , ";: BrysonCity, Wednesday, Septem- - ber 16th.",, .'..":, - . V Waynesvilie, Thursday, Sept. if, Marshall, Friday, Sept. 18th, ? ,, Asheville, Saturday, Sept 19th. v, Taylorsville, Monday, Sept. 21st. Wilkesboro, Tuesdav Sept. 22nd. ' .' Come out and hear the candidates discuss the issues of the day. ,, " Judge Russell, theRepublican can v dictate for Governor, has been in-v-vited to Bpeak at all these appoint ments." ' ' " W,XMKai .MAPILI, Chra'n. State Dem. Ex. Com. .J ' Hal W. Aran, ' .. Chm'n People's Party Ex. Com. -; ' Mr. Watson will also meet prompt ly his appointments as heretofore announced, to wit:' - Durham, August 28th, ' y Statesville, Saturday, August 29. ' ' Jlewtoa, Monday,' August 81st. ( - Morganton, Tuesday, Sept. 1st. : viarwn, weuuesuay, oept. ami." . Lincolntori; Monday, Sept. 7th. Lexington, Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Clembnt Manly, Chairman. ir ' ttt j . r x n .1 : . A Joint Canvaaa in thla District. J, Hon, E. W. Pou and Congress man Strowd have arranged to have a joint canvass and Mr. Massy, the lenged to meet them. The joint canvass begins at Ran- - dleraen, Randolph county, Tuesday, September 8th. : . v The other appointments are as follows'. ' K Ashboro, Wednesday, Sept. 9. Ramseur, Friday, Sept. li. - Liberty, Saturday, Sept. 12. V ' V 'A ' -. OwhlfM at le " : Hon. Charles B. Aycock will ad- dress the people at the following times and places; 1 ,. . , Greenville, Wednesday, Sept. 2. ' Grifton. Thursday, Sept 3. Swift Creek, Craven county, Sept. 4th.. . .. LaGrantre. Saturday. Sept. 5. . Pollocksvllle. Tuesday. SeDt. 8. , - ' r -T- - r' Jacksonville, Wednesday, Sept.,9. Richlands, Thursday, Sept 10. . Jjaiisvuie, friaay, sepi. ii, (Duplin county.) Warsaw, Saturday, Sept. 12.. Come out and hear this eloquent , and earnest ad vocate of the people's rights .: discuss the great issues of , the day. Clement Manly, -v - Chairman. J" Jno. W. Thompson, . , ,'' "' " . U Secretary. .", Appointments of Governor Jarvia. Hon. Thomas J.- Jarvis will ad dress the people at the following- s times and places: ; , I Colston, Chatham county, Saurday 3 p. m., August tne 29th. Flea Hill, Cumberland county, .. Monday, August 31st. Maxton, 1 Wednesday, September the 2nd,, - ? t; i - . v , Wilmington, at night, r Thursday, -.September 3rd, ' r ,t i v LumbertonSaturday,; September , the 5th.. v, Let all come out and hear the great issues of the day fully discussed. . Every voter of all parties ought to hear the great "questions fairly pre sented. I ,"' V . ' , ' - Clxmemt Manly, Chm. . . Jno. W. Thompson, Sec'y. ' - Hood '8 Sarsaparilla purifies the ' blood, overcomes that tired feeling creates an appetite and give sweet, refreshing sleep. , " " The University. 36 Teachers.' 634 BtudonU, Tuition $60 a year. Board t8 (eight dollars) a month. Three full college uourses, three Brief Courses. Law School, Modioal Sohool, Summer School for Teachers. sonoiartnipi ana loans for the needy. , Aaareas Pres'ta Winston; Chapel Hill, N. C . When Bby s sick, wsfars her Csstorla. When she was a CUM, she carted lor CastorU. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. Whan aha had CuQdraa, sha ganthem CastorU. X Ate;: 7 . for Infants and Children. , "'" THTRTT yeart' olgemtion": of Cattoria with the, patronage of , millioM of persona, permits mi to tpeakof it withont gnesgjng. It i unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children " the world has oyer known. It Is harmless. Children like it It ; - gives them health. It will say their lives. In it Mothers have " something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a ' chlld'e medjoine.j:,;-';--';r,-.v - . "j Castorla destroys Worms, Castorla allays. FeyeriahneM. - Castoria prevents vomiting Sow Curd. Castorla cures Piarrhcw and Wind Colic "- - Castorla relieves Teething Tronblea. ' Castorla cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria nentralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or any other narcotic. Castoria assimilates the food,-regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, i Castoria is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in'bnlk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose," See that yon get 0-A-8-T-O-R-I-A The fao-imile ' i- aWMfJIMVIBBaa M Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorla. -' "' tn owmrnvm eowftwr. tt " THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE is happy, rautTrrri. marriage.- Btstt Man Wka Waald Kaaw the Grand Tratbs. lha Plain Facts, tas Kaw Dlasararlaa sf Hedtcal Science as Aaslled to Blarrlad liUs, Whs Waald Atana , far Past Vnsrs and Avoid Pntara Pitfalls, Bhonld Beeara lha Wsaderfal little Book Called " Caasatata Maahaad, mad Haw ta At tain It." f; ' " Hera at last la information from a high medical aonroa that most work wonders with this generation of man." The book fully describes a method by which to attain fall vigor and manly paww. A method by which, to and, all unnatural drains on the system. To cure nerroTameas, lock of aelfontrol, de spondency, Ac To exchange a laded and worn nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. TocnreioreTar effects of exoossoi,OTerwork. worry, Ac To give full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body, : Aga no barrier. Failure impossible, i Two thousand references. 1 The book is purely medical and scientific, useless to ourioelty seekers, invaluable to men only who need it. A despairing man, who had applied to us, soon after wrote I "Well, I tell ypn that fimt day Is ne I'll never forget. I Inst bubbled with Joy. I wanted to hue everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new self was born to-dy. Why didn't you tell me when I first wrote that 1 would find It this And another thus: ' ' : "If yon dumped a cart load of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done."" - Write to the SIUB MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo. K.Y and ask for the little book milled ''COMPLETE MANHOOD." Seferto this paper, and the oompany promises to send the hook, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it Is well Intro duoad. - t- NOTICE! Bids 'for furnishing fuel for the dif ferent departments of tne uovern- ment. : . , .. The Secretary .:of State desires to purchase for the use of. the different departments of the State Government: 300 tons Pocahontas Coal. x ' 60 tons White-Ash Coal, : - iu tons jeuieo uoai. 25 oords forest nine wood, of which 15 cords must be two (2) feet long and ten cord ob ft) foot long, 'part to be delivered In rear vof s Supreme Court Building and part at the .Governer's Mansion. - Sealed nrooOsals to furnish the above will be received until the second (2d; of September at the Secretary's office, ' when ; the C contract will be avmrded,s,;iaiStti;:p;t5;,??rlV30eovrtd ,j !4 After this date Brwn :wil! : be associated Mr. R. E. Craw ford in the rnan agement of the Park Hotel,; in Raleigh. v PAGE LDIIBER CO, -T-.7-rT- ( v , ill (Q)!:nl . - is on every wrapper. mwmv trmstrr. new Venn ertr. . P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy Cures all Skin and - i Blood Diseases. 0 Physicians endorse P. P. P. as a splendid combination, and prescribe it with g-reait satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Sec ondary and Tertiary Syphilitic Rheu- P. P. P. Cares Ithoxiiriatism. Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, Old Chronic Ulsterathat have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cures Blood IVison. Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Complaints, Mercural Poison, Tetter, Soald Head, etc., etc. P. P. P. is a powersul tonic, and an excellent appetizer, building up the P.P-aP. Cures Scrofula. System rapidly. Ladles whose systems are poisouod and whose blood is in an impure couditian, due to menstrual ir regularities, are peculiarly benefitted P. P. P. Cures Malaria. by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ashe, Poke Root and Potas sium. - P. P. P. Cures Dyspepsia. Lippman Bros., ' ' TTWtTP tl"mP5 ' ' I JL W-"- in VI 'j Druggists, Lippman's Block, Savan , nah, Ga. Book on Blood Diseases ' mailed free. For safe by : WHAT'S ; YOUR FAVORITE , Parson's Gelcbrated Edgerfon Scotch Snufl Because SN m FF v It is the 'purest and best mane ' faHured -out of select Virginia Lea Tobacco. The Manufacturer select the choicest grades of Tobacco, am we guarantee if you give it a trial your good judgment will approve . . - ; - .".EDGERTON," if . i.- ii;.'.:::'.i:" : And in future you will uso no , other itrand. Put up in any siae - package to suit the " u - trade. . . " Sold by all Dealers, J. M. PARSONS, Mfg., EW BRI NSWICK. M. J i - ?. Steam Latttxdry Has already won' the reputation of doing the BEST work in the State. That is what the traveling men tell us. TRY US and see if it is so. Will give you either hirh gloss or domestic finish as desired. Will call for and deliver your goods free of charge. Terms strictly CASH on delivery. No discrimination. C. F. Sowers & Co., Props. PHONE lO. Cross & Jitl-Summer Clqorance 8ol9. We beg to call your attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of our store. Spring and summer . goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 150 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. GROSS & LINEHAN. Raleigh Ico. and Manufacturers of AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL For prices vrrite or apply at onto, 126 Fayettoville StreetJ r T. L. EDERIIARDT. President. Seliool Books Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything you need in this line. A full stock of Eiurd s fine And ia the very latest styles. A. Williams & Cos Booh Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, PE0PKIET0KS FAYETTEVILLE' 1! FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. COL. T. j; DREWRY, C. E.; W. 8. Drewry, Phi B., M. A. Unl . - - vera it y of Virginia Associate, t . Nest session opens September 2. '' Recognized as a school of the VERT FRIST rank. . Faculty of live experi enced Instructors. Teachers and pu pils form oifa household. Xtfot a sin gle case of serious illness singe its Foundation. ' Discipline strict, nut parental. Certificate admit to col' leges of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address the Principal. July28-lm , Linehan I'"f '.V'.!' V Refrigerating Co., Man Many Laundries handle a shirt in the process of washing a good deal as a day laborer does a carpet at a spring beating. We don't. ' We will take just as good care of your shirt as if it were our own, and as if we were going to wear it at our wedding tonight. If -you like that kind of work, we are your people. On and after September 1st, terms strictly cash on delivery. onory RHONE 87. Raleigh Male Academy ' MOBSON Sl DENSON, Principals. . The 19th year opens Monday, Au gust 31.' The course which has been bo sueoessrul in preparation for. Col leee or Business , is 'adapted to the needs of each pupil. Board at low rates. Address the Principal ' for Catalogue. fiiJ-i-Vs-"g8 lto nosnv-rnleiics atllMUonail FTTf I n WW. ( Apnisa. Vm-W4 J GONE! We have with us now the most de lightful and charming weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now Is the time today, nottomorrow. Remember You can find the proper rig at Stron ach's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles open every aay in tne weeK. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and Harness Emporium 1 have just received my fall stock of vehicles and harness, which 1 am sell ing i at low water mark. Factory prices don't cut any ice in this slide. Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prices on vehic les, viz: Ton busnry t50 open buggy m to W0; carriages $65 to $100. My motto: "Buy right and sell close." FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. 1896, We have all the desirable things in SUJttMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT ALL PRICES. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS . -IN ALL SHAPES Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. Miss Maggie Reese. Steam's Instant Headache Cure 12 Doses for 25c and a t Sure Cure. Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drag Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PROPRIETORS. G.E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct , 'private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf North Carolina College ' of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. This Collesre offers thorough cour ses'in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil ana Electrical Engineering, and in Science. ! General academio studies supplement all these technical cour ses. ,-1 KXPINSKS PES 8X8BI0N INCLUDING boaad For CoontT Stmdeats) '- $01.00. For all Other Btadsats .. 131.00. Apply for Catalogues to ( ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY S President MIDSUMMER. Miss Maggie Reese. Raleigh, N. C, , ' . . State! r it TLmM.mAfit.i vaU 'MinlnnMl. t 27 teachers, 444 regular etudenU, bef ides praetice tchool of 97 pupllt. 930 ma trlculattM sinoe its opening in 1142. B3 of tha 06 counties represented. Com petitive examination at eoutity seat August 1st' Mr nil free-tuition vacan cies i in dormitoriea.. - Application ; shoujd be made before July 20th to enter the examination. ' No free tuition , except to applicants signing a pledge ' to become teachers. Annual expenses of free-tuition students boarding in dormitories, $90) tuiUon-paylng stu y denti, $1.30. Address President CHARLES D. McIVEBu Greensboro, N. O. ' July3 lm , Sale of Honse ad trnt In Oarner, N. O. By virtue of power conferred on me by two mortgages duly recorded in Registry of Wake county In Book 106, page 68, and Book 124, at page 414, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Raleigh on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, '96, at 12 o'clock m., the house and lot described In said deeds, lying in Gar ner, N. C, and known as the Joe Ma son house and lot, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of I Du pree. E. Pool and others, and describ ed, as follows: Bounded on the north by B. & D. raLroad, on the east by I. Dupree, on south by J. A. 8 pence ana Drotner ana on tne west oy Pool, and more particularly de scribed in a deed from A. C. Fowler to James Mason. Another lot ad joining the above, beginning at S. Dupree's corner, thence south 20 de grees west, 7 chains and 58 links to a stake, thence west 1 chain and 50 links to a stake, thence north 20 decrees east 1 chain and 80 links to a- stake on the railroad, thence with same to the beginning, containing i of an acre, said land above .described being the residence of the late Joe Mason. B. F. Montague, Mortgagee and Att'y for Mortgagee. uaielgn, in. u., Aug. zo, -an. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrel), de ceased, late of Wake Co., N. C, this is to notify all nersons havincr claims against the estate of the said M. C. sorreii, to present tnem to tne un dersigned on or before the 13th day of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment. J . U. Marooh, Administrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul3 ltw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1806. Trains Leave Raleigh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p, Dally , -Solid vestlbnled train with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. sails- burr, sforganton, sshevllle, not springs and Knox vine. Connects at Durham for Oxford. OlarksrUle and Kejsvllle, except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and South western Veatil uled (Limited), train tor all points North, and with main Una train No. 11 lor Danville, Richmond and Intermediate local stations ; also ha) connection for Wlnston-ftalem and with main line tram No. m, united states past Kail" for Charlotte Spartanburg, Green ville, Atlanta and ad points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville, and all points In Florida, Bleeping Car tor Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car tor Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 1 1:4s A. II. Dally Solid train, eonslstin Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6:00 pnt In time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners,' NorfolkHnd Wash ington and Baltimore. Chesapeake and Rich mond 8 B Go's for all pointtnorth and east. Connects at Selma for Favetteville and in termediate stations 00 the Wilson and Fa ettevllle Short Oat, dally, except snnday tor Hew era and Morehead City, dally for Oolda- boro, and Wilmington and intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Ballspad, Express Train. 8:S0 A. M. Daily-Connects at Durham I Oxford, Keysvllle, Blchmond ; at Greensbor ' for Washington and all points north. Express Train. . 3:09 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and Inter mediate stations, Loeal Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for all p hits for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points In West ern North ( arollna. Knoxvllle, Tenn., Cincin nati and western points ; at Charlotte, tc Bpar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. :0sP. M. Dally From Atlanta. Charlotte- Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 4:1a P.M. Dally From all points east, Nor folk. Tarboro, WUson and water lines. . From Goldsbots, Wilmington, Fayet evllle and all points in Kaatxrn Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited, it 4O A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, t ht tanooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and asheville. Express Train 8,50 a, ss. Dally rrom ooldaboro and Inter mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. ft Dally From Greensboro and a points .North and South. Bleeping Car from Greeusbore to Raleigh. :00 a. as. Dally xe pt Sunday From Golds boro and all points East. ( Local freight trains also carry pasuugn s. Pullman ears oa sight train from Bsklfu to Greensboro. Through rullman vestlbult d Drawing Boom Buffet sleeping Car and Vestlbnled roaehes without change on sorfolk llrmfed. Double dally trains between Balelah. Char lotts and Atlanta. Quick times nnexeeLed a- t..i W. fi. GRBKN, -General Snperinlen . . W. A. Turk. , - , General Passenger Agent WsahtosSon.'l).C.' SW-y-' ' J. M. Cclp, Traffic M. S Jiet ::, Carpenter G: Peebles ; ' ARCHITECTS. ; Thomas M. Ashe, Associated, Corresondence solicited. , ' Office Room ' 2, over MacPaet Branch Pharmacyfi '

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