MONDAY,-AUGUST 31, 1896. TUOS. I. PENCE City Editor, Index to New Advertisements, i Tucker's Specials. ' v Wanted ToKent a Bicycle. Lost A Dog, - , i RP Howell Special.' ' -Administrator's SaleJ G Marootn The Weather.Tomorrowe I cio I Washington forecast for North I rw" ICaroUna; Generally t air, pot 1 I slbly showers on the coast to night and Tuesday.: , ' Foraeast for Halelgh. ' i' Local forecast for Raleigh ( not ex tending beyond a radius of SO miles:) Fair tonight and Tuesday. v- ' ' Looel Pata." Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. , (today) August 31st, Maximum temperature,80; minimum temperature, 62; rainfall. 0.00. .- . :: . Conditions of the Weather. The following1 were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather, .' clear. Temperature of the air:' 76 deg. Sensible temperature.. ....... 74 deg. Wind velocity .-. . , .'. .... Light. Direction of wind ........... N. ' -, PERSONAL. Miss Hattie Peddy, a popular 1 js sales lady of the Lyon Eacket Store, , . is visiting at New Hill. . , Mrs, W. A. Williams, has return ed from Laurenburg, where she has 1 been visiting relatives and friends. We deeply regret to notethatRev. Dr. 3. B, Bobbitt. is quite ill, and " his family have no hope of his re . ' covery. Mr, A. Headen Bynum, of Pitts- of Chatham's leading young men has arrived to enter the A. & M. College. Mr. Fred. C. Olds, who for the past ' three months has been at y Wrighfejpilie, 'as clerk yi a hotel," r e- turned home this morning. Register , of . deed's Rogers, after " six weeks illness of fever, returned ' to bis post today, to the great pleas ; ure of his many friends. He is quite himself again. Mr. George W. Grady, of the firm ofG.'S. Tucker & Co., who have opened a branch furniture house in ' Wilson, was in the city for a short while yesterday. -' . " Mr. ThoS. J. Pence, city editor of ,the PeMs-Visitoe, who does such excellent work on the columns of this paper, ' left yesterday for a few days',, vacation in Washington 1 ' and New York. - Mr. John Gatling, of the firm of Barbee & Co., left this morning for Cheraw, S. C., and will be absent during the season. His many friends in Raleigh regret to see him leave us. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Parish and son, George, have returned from a pleasant , visit to friends and rela- tives in" Concord, bringing with them uUe Oris Bost, a nephew of insh. progressive merchant, Mr, Jones, has returned from the where he made purchases in the latest novelties for his popular establishment. He thinks New York State will go for Bryan. ' Mrs. it Or -WTE. North ; Mr.'Henry G. Butler, brother of 1 " Senator Butler, for some time on the " staff of the Caucasian, left today for ; Washington -to accept a position with the PopulistNational Executive Committee. ' - 1 Miss Milliken, so long and so well n known at the Yarborq, goes to the ' .- Park, where , she will occupy the i . : same position.; The park, is fortu . nate in securing-1 her and she has . . many friends throughout the state who will be glad to see her there. .. j1 -.,, The Tobacco Board of Trade. The annual meeting of the Tobacco v Board of Trade will be held tomor row afternoon at 4 o'clock in the of fice of the president Each member is requested to be present. " v t E. W, Thomason, Sec'y. jV .'"."";' tV?' 1 ''''' ' '" ' ' ' " 1 1,1 11 ffl "'-'-'.v ... . ' Flna Weather Preyalls. - i j The weather is fine throughout i.the whole country , except a little rain in western Pennsylvania and Nebraska.--?. , kr, , It is a little cloudy also in the central Gulf, but elsewhere it is per fectly clear and cool., . , . The barometer -is high in the northwest, and low ovev, New Eng land and Texas. - r , In general the indications are for fair, cool weather. , ; i Toney Wanted - at Lyon Racket Store. ' ' ' ' aug''0-2t Call at RP Howell's stall at the i !!';-' t f ir til? finest peaches for i rv',1. r nn.l It klinpr, a'soforall V.: f vs ',;l!i s every day. Business Notices. W, IL& R. S.Tucker &Co. H0TJS-KEEPKa8'i Babgain Wbkk . , ACQCST SlST TO SlPTtMBKB &TH. - - Lace 'Curtains, Heavy curtains, Draperies, Blankets, comfortables, quilts, table linens, towels, etc., all priced in plain figures and shown from special tables just as you enter our store from Fayetteville street These housekeeping goods were bought especially for this bargain week's sales, and our customers will appreciate the great values tittered. I . W. H. & R S. Tuckkb & Co. W. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Fall Wobk, 1896. CaepIets Nkw Carpets. We are now showing in our Car pet Department, 2nd floor, our new lines of carpets for this fall's trade. We are justly proud of our carpets this season, the stock is larger and more representative and varied than in seasons past the prices arelower and include making and laying in Raleigh. No better time to buy than right now. W. a. 4 K . TUCKER tiO. Lost. i ' Sunday afternoon in Oakwood cemetery a Scotch terrier dog (fe male) with white and .brown spots. Kindly leave word at Raleigh Sta tionery company if anything is known of it. Supposed to have fol lowed a lady and gentleman with child. Chas. A. Sepabk. It Fresh corned mullets 6Jc pound. G. JN. JVBB 4 J., . a28 5t City Market. Did Yon Ever , Try Electric Bitter as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be adapted to the relief and cure of female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy' or troubled with diazy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. H ifty cents and II at John Y. McRae s drugstore. , ( , Large white heath peaches and yellow presses and clear seed, fine for Dreservinc and sweet Dick line. All kinds of vegetables on hand; also fine scuppernong grapes at K. t. Howell's stall at the market. It Two Lives Saved. ' Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption ana that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. Jiing s New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Jiggers, lay Florida m., uan iTancisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach in? consumption, tried Without re sult everything else ; they bought one bottle of , Ur. King s new .Dis cover? and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful.. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cougn ana coias. Free trial bottle at John Y.MacSae's drugstore Regular size 50o and tls Administrator's Sale. As administrator of the estate of A. Si Pollard; deceased. , I will ex pose to sale at public outcry to the highest bidder at tbe late residence of the said A S Pollard, '11 miles northwest of Raleigh. fT. C, on Tuesday, September 22, 1896, the following articles of personal prop erty, belonging 'to said estate, to wit: - One 20 horse power Talbot engine and boiler. One saw mill, capacity 10 to 15,- 000 feet per day. One 68-saw cotton gin. One cotton press; , '.;!' ( One' lot of shafting. ' f 1 All of which is in good working order. , , ' Time --of : sale, 12;. o'clock noon; ' Terms cash. J. C. Maboom, aug29-tds Administrator. f K t VS Uo flro, Another car load of bright, new fall goods, came in Saturday. ' We made a big hit this season in buying all cotton goods early.' Those who buy later will pay more. ' V CI l-Aijt ' I: We are receiving the biggest and cheapest stock ever packed under one roof here. . We bought this stock of goods,; all of ity" at lower priced than we ever saw before. We are going to sell you goods this) fall . . GHFaPRP than you ever bought hem before in We want you to come and look at our stock, examine the goods and compare Our prices with those of any other house in the State. ' ( -1- JJ We claim to be final headquarters on dry goods, shoes, hats, notions, etc., etc" We acknowledge no competition, we defy any and all oomers to produce the same goods at as low prices as ours: we1 invite you to make our store your headquarters, Come in often and feel that you are" per fectly welcome whether you buy of not. v Jf we sell ' you ' we'll save you money; if we.don't sell you we won't, Yours for bottom tj-W. 20G - Branson's N. C Business Direc tory, 8th Revised Edition is now bejjng supplied to the subscribers. This is by far the most elaborate re ference book ever made for the State. &ug25-lm ' ; Wanted. v ; To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches,, musical instruments, etc.; etc. , : ; v. w, u. iiakkis, : Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. ' Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. East Hareett street, just below Central Hotel. al2 lm ft- Wanted. ' To rent gent'a! Bicycle ior one month. Address, v.:"; . ' : "W.J. B." aug31-2w .Method, N. C ' Help Wanted Male. WANTED Solicitors for Campaign book, "Bryan, Sewell and lYee Sil ver," authorised by Bryan, written by R. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only 81.50, The only authorized book. ... 50 per cent Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now with choice of territory.? Per manent, profitable work for '96. Ad dress The National Book 1 Concern, Star Building, Chicago. a6 lm . - "or Over F'tlj Yearn Una. WuraixrWs SooTHrjra Imir has seen used for over fifty eart by millions of nwtben lor their children arhlle teething, with perfect ueeeu. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhosa. It will relieTS the Door Uttle lufierer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-Are cents a bottle. Be sure to ask for "Mrs Wimlow's Soothing Syrup," and take no. o h kind. IK :'; jst of a 175.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Special; of afc $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. 3 $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what we are talking Factory made 65,000 vheels last year. .The C esceats have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons '. lULEIOIf.-N. & II 'Another lot of those delicious South ampton county (Va. ) Hams; also fine lot mud cured Johnston county (N. C.lHams. Fresh arrival New River Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her rings, etc. . ''Melrose" Flour still growing in popularity. Ana w&yr .Because it is carefully ground from best selected wneat. n one superior to ' ' Melrose. ' ' Nips line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted ooffeS makes an excellent cup. I handle nothing ' but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar- anteea. . rtespeciruiiy, , Corx Johnson and Halifax Sts. IS t ' Telephone 125. ' f ------ EJQGoiuinG: i. your life. fall out. prices, ' " -e. JONES; t Raleigh Pioneers aiiis aiiis 5 t Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Laaiesc: A new and pretty line of FUrF: BOXES, Puffs, Powders, Hair Brushes and Combs. Purses allneededforyour sum mer's trip. k Select Odors in Perfumery. . r CroWn Salts in several sizes and odors. Send us your order to fill. Yours very truly, '! Jsues McKimmon h Pharmacists. 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. svsrararvsrv :i, X t ' A . 49 that a the wl make eighth of an Incb In La lain r tun lop Avon I a make such a diflereime? 0 A Dollar a Pair for $3.00 Shoes, g That's- onr store card for (fi the rest or the wr-rk! It ym ravans two-thlrda of the oiiat nx 7 saved and a Hole more room 97 7 tax cramped toes. too. Pretty fff Cjk good bargain, don't , yon 4? HELLER BROS., 2M ; 'FUuNG 841.- ' ' 0 HtLLfcH Ul 'PllOiNE 24 tit' 9 wir School Supplies AND STATIONERY. f t Only Half Price. ' Cut Half in Two at - Riggan's Toy Store. See hl front window;- take your choice of that fine lot of 10c writing tablets for 5c; I pound of linen paper only 10c; 1 pound of the best linen pa per 20c; Baronial Envelopes of the heaviest weight for only 6c' Best linen Baronial only 8c; writing books and blank books at lust half price. Book Bags. Book Straps, Pencils, Crayon, etc. ; We will srivevou a scholar's oom panion with lock and kev furnished. with a lead pencil,, slate pencil, pen- uumer auu uuaia. lur oiuy uc. The best candyv at 20c a pound, em bracing all the' popular kinds and flavors, packed . in fancy boxes if de sired. ; ,. i. :, RIGGAN'S -TOY STORE aug29 ly r, ' KQTICE! North C'AEOiJiiA, fin Superior Court wane county, ( TO Oct. Term, 'ao M. J. Edwards 1 , i vs. J. J. Lawrence ) r-uoiicaiion. . To J. J." Lawrenoe,.-defendant in the above entitled actiotf. Take notice: That ,on the 2th dar of Auirust. 1896, an action' was begun and insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county, North Carolina to October Term 1896 of said Court by M. J. Ed wards against J. J lwrenoe, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards va, , J Lawrence, and that ' summons tnerein has been duly , issued and returned "not to be found:" .That the purpose of said action is to recover money due from you to the said M. J. Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract relating- to the manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract of Kosadalls, and to the pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Kight there to, and for the recovery of damages from you for breach of said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 193,01)0, You are hereby notified of tbe pen dency of said .action, and that a war rant of attachment has - been issueh in said action directing the, seizure pf your property in North Carolina. You are furthernotified and required to ap pear at the October- terra of said Su perior Court of Wake county. North Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the 2(th of October, 1K96, and answer or demur, during- said term, to the com plaint which w be filed in saidaction, or the plaintiff will have Judgment for the relief demanded therein; when and where the warrant of attachment will likewise he returned. , D. 1L YOUNG, Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. rvrvvaraj xs7 $ FPwi Shoes with but 0 A 1 A pair for price of I g 't ' t'nunihat 8boslhatcosi4 $a.50 to $3.00 should be sell- Ak Inc fur OOL.L.AR A PAIR, l.n't It Wlin winlll llilnk ARGO A SNOW, Attorneys. Jortherri Irish Potatoes, jNofair Cabbapi',.. New RiYer :Mets. Now arriving almost daily. We are prepared; to 'quote lowest prices and show first-class stock. It will pay you to see our goods and prices before placing your orders. :v . , ', ' Rockwell Butter.; Have you tried it? This is one of the best brands on the market, made by Mr. EL B. C. Hambly at Rockwell, N. C, who runs one of the finest herds of thoroughbred Jerseys in the South. We receive this butter fresh from the dairy every week and can deliver it to you in nice, sweet condition at 30c per pound, or will make a special price on standing weekly orders for five or more pounds at a time. Remember 1 We sell the best old cider Vinegar at 35c per gallon. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would givev half his fortune, to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is very common One of the best remedies lor indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our arinkine water. OT TERBURN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. . OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testily as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. . OTTERBURN has Jong been a prime favorite witn physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices, j, The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh Imnoriontp , , to Don. sy000 V;v-' la looking through our boe stock we find pne pair of shoes of -this kind, two of another and so on . Now we are bound to A ' ' Make Room for our fall stock, and to -do this we must sell these shoes. .You will have the chanco of shoes from $1.50 to2.50for " . , : 64c. : Don't wait, but come right now. i - . SENSIBLE J. H. Bobbitt 14 East 'Martin Street f h What to ask for In the w&yof seasonable Dress Goods is shown in. the September issue ot,r tbe Butterick Fashion Sheet. ' Call ana get one from us. Notions, Nickel Alarm Clocks. ; , , . . Sewing Machine Oil,:.v. ..93c Borated Talcum , , ..:... . . .20c Mocking Bird Food . . . . v. . . . . . , .35o Oiled Silk, per5 yard ... '. ." .". . ', 1 ,85c Hernlsdorf Black Hose.. . ; .. ... .25o Shirt Waist Sets . . ; , . . : . 25c New-; York Mills Cotton .-v ... . . . . 2c Good quality-Note Paper per q'r, 5o Bristle Hair Brushes., V. 60 and 75c White Aprons . r , 25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs . . . . . . 2 to 50c Nellie Bly Night Lamps; . , .-. 40c And man other useful things, , v : 5 and 10 Cent Counter i .-. " . . ... We have just arranged these coun ters on our second floor and ' have an unusual large assortment of goods to show, You'll' be. well paid if you will take the time, to look over these counters. .We have just arranged our CrocK ery department and can show you anything you want in an odd piece or set. Toilet sets a specialty. AGENTS WOOLLCOTT & SON. FOR- $3.36 S6 00 Regular As you know those screens are made in tHe Celestial Empires7it arid are theiDa.utiful products of the most skilled artisans.' , - Our screens, are five feet high ; four folds, heavily worked in gold . satin finish. Open at Leaders of Low Prices. SUMMER: Two Fires. . "" We are "cooking up1 a firrafciill The big Orders we placed during the -dull months of summer are rolling in and fill our tables and shelves rapidly. ' Our whole attention now is bent to clearing the tables and making room , for the new styles THE x FRESH STOCK. " - . - , ' ' ' - We've made the greatest effort of our Successful career,-: Every?, cent has been made to command its fullest worth of yaiue. t When we shall have said, "ready '.' such a variety of excellence ".and 'exclusiveness ; will confront you us was never offered anywhere by anybody before. Perfec tion of the post will be the, footstool of pur highest ideal, v . j 'i There is just time left to part with the lingering necessities of sum mer comfort. At every man's door some trivial want is knocking a re minder of something needed to span the time from now till fashion" pro-1 -claims a complete change. ' The Men's Pants, the Boys' and Children' rants, jN egligee . Shirts, JN eckwear - ' and Underwear. Most anythini? you can rxissibly want bargain. - It must be quick selling, and to bring it about. :, . : . . Circumstancescallthe NEW HATS and LIGHT-WEIGHT OVER COATS first into service. You'll find fall suits harborers of the frosty future tell-tales of the royal values and meek prices that will prevail in every nook and corner of the people's ' popular, progressive, providing place, , 0. '. ey ' ,. f v' r- rt rt n " One Price Clothiers, Hatters ar.l Furnishers. ' o LI We fiave 'a few good Shirt waists, left which we will close out at re duced prices. " . For 5 Cents We sell good, heavy Domestics, .' Bleached or Unbleached-JvTavy Blue ' . Prints and .Fancy Dress tPrints,, . v.; v good . ti&wns,, Dress andr Checked Gingbwns, Heavy Plaids for Aprons, . In Our Dry Gccds Stcsk We keep all kind of Staple Prints, Flannels, Sheetings, Shirtings, .. ScrimSj Table Linen, Curtains and , Curtain Goods; Canton Flannels, ' ' Nainsooks, Ijawns, Percales, etc.' . , - Shoes Take care of the foundations. Wear good Shoes. -Dry feet and a, , cool head is what you want to keep, v We have the shoes that will keep n your feet dry, Weare headquarters. ;, for f 1 .2J, 1.50 and 2.00 shoes. FOR $3.36 Price $6 00 v , Night," AUTUMN 1 if t 1 y 4. , - of fare to serve Von" ith this ii 1. ' SDoeals to vour aDDreciation of a we've made, wi'eckajf the prices V.::. them waitintr for vnu npvt in the. -... i . .- C.'' viv $s ;: nn a nun nil nn h , ' "CI 111