with ; the possibility . of , dismissal I fill IB (t - iT a -On f PUBLISHED ' BY ' THE ' VISITOK-PRESS COMPANY INCORPORATED! A CONSOLIDATION OF ;TBCJL YISITOS, ESTABU8ED 1878, AND THB PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. '.' ' I Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayettevllle and Davie Streets. , GREEK, 0. ANDREW S. j - , Mfc i - " , , , BdltaraadHaaafsr JASPER X. MoKAKY, Solloitin Afsat. Subscription Prices. One Year I 3.00 Six Month . 1.60 One Month....... 25 . Entered as Second Class Mail Matter UNlONt ED The leader in the News and , in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2, 1896. ' LET US NOT PROTEST TOO MICH. , Whatever may be said by wise- -- . acres who wag their heads and say us nay, we believe in the principle of bimetr.lism as we do in the infalli ' bility of the geometric truth that the ,4r square on the hypothenuse is equal ' f to the sum of the squares on the other two sides of the triangle. We .'.'-.A . reason this question as we might ' any other in geometry, trigonometry, or conic setions, and arrive at a ' conclusion. As conclusions are reached by premises in logic, so are great principles evolved by condi- i tiona in political economy. The con ditions may be that wheat is worth three times as much as corn, or that lemons are quadruple the value of v . i apples.' The proportionate supply "' if-.." Of ail commodities, meaning their 4 relative degree of plenty or scarcity, ' ' coupled with the law of supply and demand, regulates all values. So it ' ' may be reasoned that silver is en f , titled to a raio with gold, as de- nominated by. the Chicago platform, because it is an established fact that the relative quantity of gold and silver which is available lo the world's use is in the proportion of one to sixteen as it has been for cen ,, turies. That is the mathematics of the question, the logic of it and the , , evolution of political economics. But ! the objectionable point to the pres ent financial agitation is the extreme extent to which it is being carried. It has gone to the verge of personal estrangement among men and has been waged more violently than any political issue we remember to have been mooted. It has been made even the vehicle of communism and agrarianism by its over-zealous ad vocates. Even revolution is talk ed of. We can well remember when in its infancy the Farmers' Alliance was setting the whole coun try agog with a cry about jute bag ging and cotton ties, and it would ; ... have been supposed by a man up a tree that if the jute bagging busi- ... . - ness were not soon patched up all mankind would be in the soup. A little later other reliefs were howled for, including a "deferendum," . whatever that may mean. Then came the cry for sub-treasury and government ownership of railroads. Now the only memory of these things we have is that they were . : Used by politicians to ramie-dazzle .' the public for their own designing ., ends, i Free silver is good thing, ; ' but if we do not mlmJ the free silver ' craze will run to the same sort of seed. - - ture to1 suggest that. Dr. Young be placed In charge of the 'Institution till the legislature meets, and we think such action would give pleas-' ureto the entire State . . The Baltimore Sun very well says: It is well remembered what a signal failure Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, made in his speech before the Democratic national convention. It was so Indiscreet and rampant that Senator Jones, the present chairman of the Democratic national committee, felt It his duty to take the platform and deny that Tillman rep resented anybody but himself in his violent declarations. Then only last week the South Carolina Sena tor was roundly hissed for extreme utterances while addressing a meet ing in Western Pennsylvania. But the most direct evidenceof Tillman's waning influence is given by the Democratic primary elections in South Carolina. The candidates for the United States Senatorship were Governor John Gary Evans. who is a protege of Senator Tillman and had his active support, and Judge Earle and Colonel Duncan, both of whom are anti-Tillman men. The returns show the following result: Evans, 37,400; Judge Earle, 30,057; Duncan, 8,228. As Evans labks 877 votes of a majority, he and Earle will have to run in a second primary. This re sult should certainly stimulate the courage of the old-line democracy of South Carolina. It indicates that the power of the Tillman oligarchy is on the wane. The people are waking up, and, with a long pull, a strong pull and pull all together, the Democrats of the Palmetto State may, before long, succeed in placing their politics back upon the high plane from which it has been pulled down by Tillman and his hangers- on. Blood Is essential to health. Every nook and comer of. the. system is reached by the blood, aad on its quality the condition ot every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest Ycu 7ill Sava7.::h2y Dy So Uz re RALEIGH, N C. In addition to enforced curtailments of production there is the faot that it is absolutely impossible for mills to turn out goods at the present unre usm,cawrrBorotneraueases. -inesuren j munerative prioes, and the output must be further leesened if better values wayuMvagooaMooaMtotsaauooa cannot be obUined. Dry Goods Economist, Aug. 22, 1896, Baraapanua,, "i nis meaicine pniiaes, Vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements ot health and strength to everynerve, organ and tissue.' It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cure that tired feeling. Bemember, f Standard brands of Sheetings and Shirtinirs are from If to 2c a vard lower today than at this time last year. . Cotton is advanoing; it is a good time to buy now. We can make you special prices on all of the standard manes m Sheetings, Shirtings, Cambrics, Pillow Cottons. Ie,iy-macle Sheets and. Pillow Cases cheaper than you can buy the goods and make them. Capital Paid In V j. . $225,000 Surplus and Undivided : y . Profits, . . . : 75,000 DIRECTORS! Sarsaparilla i0c IsthebestinlaotUMODe True Blood Purifier. ! ii M.I VllkJ M. 1 Vlll MJ K11UVV u rjfi ettr Unr ru: essy to T1UUU 9 f 1IIS take, easy to operate, sbo. Unrivalled bargains and values in nu imnortation iust mceivod of toe iamous iiunaee Liinens in Feed the Nerves. Upon pure, rich blood and yon need not fear nervous prostraunn. serves are week when tney are improperly and unsufficiently nourished. Pure blood is their proper food, and pure blood comes by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, which is thus the greatest nerve tome. It also builds up the whole system. Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathvrtic, easy to take, easy to operate. 0 0 Does Your Head Ache When you read? If so, you should come in and have your eyes tested by Skilled Optician. H. Mahler's Sons, 0 Jewelers and Opticians. a , , pa no i. pan " t A; the') Cam on' o' Thi newly elected superintendent of the Blind Institution, Mr. Ray, having declined to accept, it will be necessary for the board of directors to choose a successor.. In consider ation of the fact that the legislature meets within a few months, would it not be advisable for the board to wait u n til the legislature has met and the or ganizationof the Institution has been determined before selecting a su perintendent? ... There may be a change in the organisation, and con pi jurn'Jy acMnge in the personnel, sit' t it wou, 1 be safely advisa- ; ( feuicct a man to L.'e charge 1 o Tonete, Table Datnask and Doylies. , No such values anywhere as we offer you In our Towel Specials at 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c. Cut Flonors Bouquets, Floral Designs, A. B. STRONACH, Palms, Ferns, J. B. BATCHELOR, JAMES A, BEIGGS, - O. M. BUSBEE, THOMAS B. CROWDER, F. O. MORINQ, JULIUS LEWIS, . CIIAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. II; BELVIN, W. R, TUCKER. ' . OFFICERS: CHAS. H. BELVIN, President. ' 9 CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. " " V. H. BRIGGS. Cashier. ' Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished, A NEW VAULT, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. which is entirely fire nroof and.bupp-lar nroof. has ben adtlnd. Th rlnnra 7 controlled by comoination, autbmatio and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Ironworks, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of .' i.en una, hq expen in Durgiarprooi worK. In this vault we have placed and all kinds of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Japanese North Halifax Street, near Peaoe In etitute. Phone 1X3. ocU7 TOR- ICE. ICE. $3.36 $3.36 Balmy spring is now upon us and r or tne S6 00 Regular Price $6 00 summer is near at hand. BEST ICE during the warm season we are pre pared to rurnisn you at lowest ngures, As you know these screens are made! in the Celestial Empires Na TfahWa tn nrC.M) 5nu a mqDeauuTui proaucts ot v uuui wxxvvywwvi tnG m0et ok ftri nrt Rflne Our Screens are five feet high, four folds, heavily worked in gold satin finish. Open at Night. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not he appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. - The renter of the box has the key,- and no one can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if he should lose -his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents of which can , be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filinir ' of deedB, valuable papers, wills, bonds, Blocks, etc., and perfect security is -obtained for very moderate cost. - :' - ; : . : 7. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. '. v We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. . J Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechan ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. . ,. .v - ( The National Bank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, C. ang!5-3m t ' ' "Smack Your Lips Soda." Ice Cream with ptire , crushed f rti i t s - n It's Just "Out of Sight." Come and try it. Five cents only. Also Shingles aad Feed of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones, 41, 718. 148. WALL Leaders of Low Prices. A Full Line -Kejf' West . Gigars Can be found at MacHao's Branch Pharmacy, . jorner ayeweviiie ana Martin streets next to rostomoe. Pfi Cf Institute, rcc Raleigh, N.C. No better school for girls. It has always been noted for music and art. First school in the State to intro duce violin with special teacher. This instrument will be particularly strong next session under Miss Min nie E. Johnson, from N.VE. Conser- vatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to suit the times. iul23 lm Tho Filling of lions 1ALI. WORK. iry lives of a - t. -ii t-: '-',.;'!!' " "-"V 4 - - ''"' the cam and Iiousekeepes, Bargain! "Week, Monday, Au- gust .51, to Saturday, September o. 1 bpe- f cial sales of Housekeeping Goods ; . - - t For the , convenience of our, customers - these sales of housekeeping goodsiwilLbe QiriPQnri'Q Dll Ann APV v made trovcL a special department on 1st iloor, QIL.iroUII O r IIHIllilMU I , just as you enter our store from Favetteville ; pullen building, raleigh, k c. street In these sales of housekeemns: eoods i will be included lace curtains, heavy curtains, nunrtniiiAn lb the most important work- of a food drug store. The very community depend upon integrity of the man who flills its pre scriptions We use onlythe very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error)V Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures all Skin Diseases. ECONOMY 1 " ' Vfl Sweep mg Reductions To make room for Fall Good May be neoessarr In manv vi when dollars . are scarce and wants many, but it ia not desirable to practioe it in the purchase of food, which is iue. tieiow a certain standard food Imperfectly nourishes: np to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We ! never want more than a reasonable I pnee lor our Groceries, v RAPID SALES Clothtnir at and below cost. ' ; Straw Hats must give way for fall J we invest in it. siyies. ADotoer Dig jot - ' - Give our customers tha rwnoflt nf close margins.. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what r::r-.-. ' , Give our . ('"'J. ' buying el 50c Umbrellas. stock an inspection before elsewhere and. you will save , GROCERIES "NJ Always to stock and promptly delivered when ordered. ' . IL. L' Hit rtn ltlH jtn MUNln draperies,' blankets; quilts, - comfortables, -on- - v uuuiiLuruaues, taoie linens, towels, crasnes, 60 PEK CENT PEK YEAR utv U1A mamuu m piam ngures at prices ies than manufantnrors' nnd imnnriTK rnnnns. Guaranteed to all investors on invest hri. ' j.i i i , ' . .-. " xxu& ui uiee nouseKeepmg gooas in nils week's sale were bought below value specially for these sales and are given .to bur custo mers at the smallest margins of profit. ' -V rUGILEil t GO. i The Commercial and Farmers' - ' ' ' Bank, of Raleigh, H. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital v $100,000.00 Deposits ; . . . . 300,000.00 t Offera iu customers every accommodation consistent with RfA banking. V .. ' ' . . ments, both large and small,' , wnen made with ' THE NEW YORK . INVESTMENT COMPANY, 17. n. & n. BROKKRS IN. ' Stocks, Bonds, Grain and V COTTON. No. 40 and 42 Broadway, New York. xr. a. r-eopie wno desire to nave a steady and sure income on a small or large investment, send for our explani tory circular, mailed free. - m&v 15 S. FIRE INSURANCE.' Solicit a part of four patronaj.i Oi;1' over jracRae's IJranoh lliar Safe Deposit Boies for Rent ci Ec:sc:at!s Te; Some pood business offices to let J. I. THOMAS, President, ALF A. TllOSirSO. Vice PrcsklonL 15. S. JETv.M AN. Cashier H W UfT-fmi ,!.. .,, h M -,(Vf

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