rik.i.Tr.ZC3-VI2ITC3 PUBLISHED BY , TUB TISITOR-PBESS COMPANY INCORPORATED!. A, CONSOUDATTOW Of THK VISITOR, . ESTABIJSKD 1878, AND HX PSES8, ESTABLISHED 1894. Office in the Pullen Building, corner v " Fayetteville sad Darie, Streets, i ; GREEK Q. ANDREWS. . ': ' ; . , " Editor aid Maur.r JASPER M. MaRARY. SolisltlB A(nt. Subscription Prices. One Year 3.00 Six Months...., 1.60 One Month 26 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1896. According to scriptural chrono logy, the world is about 5,900 years old, the theory most generally ac cented being that the creation oc curred 4,004 years before the begin ning of the Christian era. Professors Haynes and Hillpracht, of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, who have been conducting excavations in the ruins of the East, have recently made discoveries which seem to prove a high state of civilization 7,000 years before the birth of Christ . Large numbers of stone tablets have been found in Nipur, the buried city of the Euphrates, which carry back hu man written history nearly 3,000 years further than any records here tofore known. Prof. S. A. Binion, an eminent archaeologist and Egyp tologist, a member of the Biblical Archaeological Society of London, says: "Not a doubt has been ex pressed as to the correctness of the dates of the tablets taken from pre historic Nipur and which have just been deciphered. Assyrian chrono logy up to the time of Sargon is not so much beset with obstacles as the Egyptian. Their scribes puf down the dates. counting the years from the acces sion of various rulers. The day of the month and the year are invari ably given on these tablets, and as their months are lunar, bearing the same names and exactly corresdond ing to the present Jewish calendar. it is within easy reach of the chron ologist. " Nipur is upon the very spot where the Garden of Eden is thought to have been situated and a few miles from the Tower of Babel. The ruins from which the tablets were excavated are under more than thirty -six feet of earth, upon the top of which were ruins of the ancient city of Nipur, regarded by archae ologists as one of the oldest known Both of these cities, one undsr the other, had the same name, although they were separated by more than 6,000 years of time. a manlv American vouth . - Her ex- ( . - : "., . ample ought to be, and doubtless will prove to be, salutary, and is commended, to the attention of the numerous ambitipus American so ciety matrons, who are now trotting their daughters through Europe or grooming them at home for a p res pective European trip, with the idea and desire of purchasing titled hus bands for them. It is estimated that the popula tion of Kansas is fully 100,000 less now than it was when the census of 1890 was taken, and the exodus con tinues. A large part of the State is a semi-arid region and -utterly unre liable for agricultural purposes. Crops there have been almost a total failure in two of the last five years. Thousands of Kansas farmers moved last year to more favorable regions and thousands more are preparing to leave. Ueogia has received quite a lar?e number of settlers from L.tmas. Some of them have joined the Fitzgerald colony and are so well pleased that they will induce many of their former neighbors to join them. Alabama, Louisiana and Mis- sissippi have also received many colonists from Kansas in the last live years, and generally they are prospering. A Million Gold Dollars. Would not bring happiness to the person suffering with dyspepsia, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured many thousands of cases ot tnis dis ease. It tones the stomach, regu lates the bowels and puts all the ma chinery of the system in good work incr order. It creates a good appe tite and gives health, strength and happiness. Hoods Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 25 cents. The University. Mr. Kluttz's speech at Metropoli tan Hall last night was a clear and able presentation of the Democratic platform. There are few speakers in the State who are superior to Mr, Kluttz as a stump orator. Richmond has recently made a re port of its experiment in the way of : municipal gas works. It is claimed , that the citizens have been supplied : with gas at 25 per cent less than is :. paid in New York . The actual cost of manufacture was 70 cents per thousand feet It is taken to be an evidence of re- turning good sense -and creditable '. )': patriotio feeling that even the weaf- thy and fashionable women of New port's colony have applauded Miss .. Vanderbilt'g (now Mrs. Whitney 's) choice of an American for a husband ''and the first word of adverse critl .cum from these arbiters of fashion on her not, having bought with her present and prospective millions at least an English baronet has yet to be heard. ..With the European mar.-: . ket of titles open to her, this worthy daughter ot a worthy sire bestowed her affection and her fortune upon 36 Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition $6 J a year. Board $8 (eight dollars) a month. Three full College Courses, three Brief Courses, Law School, Medical School, Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address Pres't. Winston, jn251m Chapel Hill, N. C If so, Does Your Head Ache When you read? you should come in and have your eyes tested by our Skilled Optician. H. Mahler's Sons, Jewelers and Opticians. 0 0 it I , - NerW Juat aa sorely come from the bmo( Hood's Baraaparilla as doe th eon ot scrofula, salt rheum, or other to-ealled blood diseases. This la simply baoanae (he blood tSecta the condition ot ail the : iemps: bones, muscles and tissues; It It la Im pure It cannot properly instate these parts, tf made pore, rich, red and vital feed by Hood's Sarsaparilla, it carries health instead ot disease, and repairs the worn, nervous system aa nothing else can do. Thus nervous prostration, nysteria, neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by E3oo(dli Sarsaparilla Because it is the One True Blood Purifier. . T-iii are the best after-dinner liOOd S PllIS pills, aid digestion, sac. Cut Floras Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In' stitute. Phone 113. ootl7 ICE. ICE. Balmy spring is now summer is near at hand. upon us and For the BEST ICE during the warm season we are pre pared to furnish you at lowest Ugures. No Trouble to Keep Cool Also Shingles aud Feed of all kinds. Hay, Forage, Grain, &c Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones, 41, 718, 140. T)fcrf Institute, rCdtC Raleigh, N.C. No better school for fjirls. It has always been noted for music and art. First school in the State to 'intro duce violin with special teacher. This instrument will be particularly strong next session under Miss Min nie E. Johnson, from N. E. Conser vatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to suit the times. jul23 lm Yca.Will Save ttsnsy By So Dsing I In addition to enforced curtailments ot production there is . the fact that it is absolutely impossible tor mills . to torn oat. goods at the present unre- munerative prices, and the output must be further lessened if better values cannot be obtained. Dry Goods Economist, Aug. 22, 1896. j Standard brands of Sheetings and Shirtings are from 1 to 2c a yard lower today than at this time last year. Cotton is advancing; it is a good time to buy now. We can make you special prices on all of the standard makes in . ' ' ' . -, - Sieetlngs, Shirtings, Cambrics, Pillowllojtons. Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases cheaper than you can buy the goods and make them. Linens From Dundee. Unrivalled bargains and values in an importation just received of tbe famous Dundee Linens iu Towels, Table Damask and Doylies. No such values anywhere as we offer you in our Towel Specials at lOo, 15c, 20c and 25c. , A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes, SUCCESSORS TO C.A .Sh erwood & Ctf. armg. GREAT AUTUMNAL DISPLAY ! Beneficent Bargains. Uniformlv low sauae of Drices a hisrh ranee of Qualities character ize our offering right now . We therefore, with confidence, invito public attention to our superb showing of goods. GOO D-BETTEH-BEST. The new CASH METHOD is good, the absolute observance better the beneficent results to the people best. Laying no claim to the "unrea sonable" by jriving imods away, we have, however, by lopping off in numerable expenses incident to the credit system, been enabled to make a reduction, tneJbUW u.eniuk.&1i AKKAi& ot w-rncn win oe lorceiuny felt by our competitors and morfe agreeably appreciated by by the discern ing tradespeople, -who know A GOOD THING when they see it and are not backward in taking hold when tbey nnd it. Blankets: scotia, lakota. Baby carriage blankets at 25c to the finest lamb's wool. ..4-r, nA Tsm.r fi4- from 33c to VUII11U1 .a UU. Ult WU Ulliva $5 00 each nvu4..nn Honeycomb and Marseilles Quilts for VUUlllCi paUCS, 50c to $5 00. Tfc vr4-J Highland Plaids, 3c; Homespun Plaids, 3Jc ISUlilcat-lwa Standard Prints, 5c; Outing Cloth, 5o; Alamance Plaids, 5c; Feather Ticking, 5c; Yard-wide Bleaching, 5c; Doublewidth Tartans, 6c; Southern Silks, 7c. The eyes of the people are upon us. Wc invite an inspection of the stock and abide the criticisms. succeisonsts C.A.SHERWOOD . CO. All grades, colors, qualities red lily, gretchen Comanche, north star, bonanza, excelsior polar, The Filling of Prescriptions is the most important work of a food drug store. The very lives of a community depend upon the care and integrity of the man who Bills its pre scriptions We use only the very beat and freshest drugs, and exercise the jnost painstaking care to prevent the possibility of errorii Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures all Skin Diseases. sinpsotJ's PiiAnnACY, PULLEN BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. ' ,' . -Hi, 1 11 v Sweep ing Reductions ; f.";! Give our stx t ' Ji,"Jt buying elsewhi I .;; I T money. - -. To make room for . i Fall Goods. Clothing at and below cost. Straw Hats must give way for fall styles. Another big lot - - 50c Umbrellas. ck an inspection before Ise where and you will sare V. ECONOMY May be necessary In many ways when dollars are scarce and want many, but it is not desirable to practice u in tne purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. RAPID SALES - Give 'our customer the benefit Of close margins. 'We never keep any and we only want a fair profit on what wo invest In It. S3 E lways In stock and promptly delivered ' when ordered. ' . FIVE PER CENT PER' MONTH OR-" 60 PER CENT PER YEAR Guaranteed to all Investors on Invest ments, both large and small, when made with - " THE NEW YORK -: INVESTMENT ; COMPANY, i .BROKERS IN ' Stocks, Bonds, Grain and " COTTON. : ""'iff'--.-- '".,' v . No. 40 and 42 Broadway; New York. P. S. People who desire to have a steady and sura inoom on a small or larro investment, send for our explnnlr , tory circular, mailed free. maf 15 ' The National BanbRalcigli ; JRAEEIGH, N C. CapitafPaid In . . . $225,000 Surplus and Undevided Profits, V : . . 75,000 DIRECTORS: j: B. BATCHELOR. JAMES A. BRIGGS, C. M. BUSBEE, THOMAS B. CROWDER, F. O. MORING, ' JULIUS LEWIS, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. II . BELVIN, " . W, R. TUCKER. OFFICERS:' CHAS. H. BELVIN," President. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. P. II. BRIGGS, Cashier. t Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished. A NEW VAULT, whieh is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, a'n expert In burirlar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has the key, and no one can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence ot the renter, and if he should lose his key, the finder could not'gain access to the box, the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room In the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms have been provided for the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault In addition to this iinp burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. Everyone interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate median ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. The National Bank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, IV. C. auglS -3m - ' a Smack Your Lips Soda 99 Ice Cream with pure crushed fruits jb I . 1 irsjust "uut ot oignt. uome and try it. Five cents only. A Full Line Key West C Cain be found at iiiuuiiuu ;o uiuiiuii riiuiiiiubyi l7.RJ&ILS.TUCIEBfi00 FALL WORK. Housekeepers Bargain Week, Monday, Au- cial sales of Housekeeping Goods, -For the eonvenienee of our iiist.nTTiirs these sales of housekeeping goods will bo just as you enter bur store from Fayetteville 4- A. T J.1 1 1 1 ' ' -i suwu iu uiusu. aie 01 iiouseKeeping goous will be included lace curtains, heavy curtains, J r ll.r.i . Mi - ill uiupurwH, ujaiiKuis ;quius, ; comionaoics, wuutuiuiiura, luuie jiiueus. lovveis. urasnes. etc.; all marked in nlain fieurcs at nrices less rhnn mntin4nitiiiui,' nl ' ImnnMA' fucxji uiauuiauiui cia uuu luiuuitus t uxiues. m w i n v ''.'-..-- .a ........ . ...,.v.a . most oi tnese .Housekeeping goods in this week's sale were bouffht below valiifi finfioifi 1 lv for these "sales and are sriven to our cu&to- mers at the smallest margins of profit. - 7. II. G R. S. TUCKER d GO. S. A. ASliE 6 SGIl, FIRE INSURANCE.. - Solicit a part cf your patronatj . -Oflce over MaeRae's ttrancb I'har macv,' ... v The Commercial and Farmers' - 1 . -Bank, of Raleigh, N.C. Chartered by General Asse'mbiy 18Q1; 1 Paid up Capital $100,000.00 Deposits . . 300,000.00 Otter? its customers very accommodation ; consistent : -with safe banking. ' ' .' . , Safe Deposit .Boies for Rent jn; Reasonable Terns.; " . Sonr.e pood business offices to let ; J, J. TilOMAS, IVesiilont, ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President . D. S. J EIU1AN, Cashier - IL W.ACKSON Assistant Cashier.-

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