. uZSS-YiSITCn, 1'UIiLISUED BV THIS , VTSITOH-PEESS COMPANY fINCOEPOIUTB. ZJL A CONSOLIDATION Of THE VISITOR, ESTABUSED 1878, AND VBM PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. - - t; Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. . GREEK O. AHDKEW9. , ' i ' Editor and Msaa(r. JASPEH It. MoRAEY, ' " Solioltlnf Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 3.00 Six Month! 160 One Month 25 f Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter J LABEL! The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 1896. BCSI?fESS IMPROVING. The railroads afford about the best test of the condition of general business. An increase in travel ' and transportation indicates an im- ; provement in commerce. It is therefore gratifying to know that the gross earnings of 233 prin cipal railroads in the United States for the first half of this year were 5.01 per cent, greater than they were for tBe first six months of 1895. Commenting on this showing the New York World says: "Nothing could be more signifi cant than this fact taken in connec tion with the heavy increase in our exports. It shows that whatever depression exists in some lines of business is temporary and due to 1 causes which it is not the purpose of this article to discuss. In spite of all drawbacks the country is in creasing in productive power and also in power to distribute its pro ducts. "The increase in railroad earnings is closely connected with the grow ing export movement. We are making every year more of what the world needs than we ever did before, and although the greatest part of this comes from the farm and the mine, the products of our fac tories are also increasing in volume . and in the ratio of their exported surplus to the total. "There is no room for pessimism about the future of America. The transition period through which we are now passing will but bring us to the time when the steady growth of our products will force us to take control of the markets of the world." A FINE SHOWINS. , The report of the Southern rail way for the year ended June 30 makes a very fine showing in spite of the unfavorable business condi tions which obtained during the period. kThe gross ernings were $19,082,- 247, an increase of $1,967,456; the ao.n;..r.n k. con T(wi of $578,8(i2. Ino.ludingother income the entire revenue was $5,819,307, and after meeting fixed charges 7-here was a surplus for the year of . $566478. These are evidences of conservative management. There . Is no floating debt; the excess of ,- current assets is about one million; .the roadbed and equipment are be- f log improved out of current re ceipts,and the percentage of oper ating expenses is declining. Needed terminals have been acquired and the ; mileage has grown to 4,654 miles..' Most Important points in the gulf states are ' now reached. The changed conditions of Southern Industry are illustrated in the fact that but 15 per cent of the Southern railway's business is in argricultur al products, while 25 per cent is in manufactured products, and over 40 per cent is mining products. The report shows that the rail roads which have been welded into the Southern system are being well manged. Improvements have been i auB on all the Jines of the system during the past year and they are in ' .) -. .... ... excellent condition. ; - u - Baron; Cotvilte, of Culcross, chair man of the Great Northern Railway Company, has addressed a letter to the newspapers protesting against the risk to life and, property result ing from the high rate of speed maintained by the American liners in narrow waters of the Solen. In the course of his letter LordColville gives a number of instances of the danger attending the running of big ships at great speed through the Solent, one of which involves the American line steamer St. Paul, a wave from which vessel, Lord Col ville asserts, nearly swamped a small steamer off Cowes, as the liner passing out on Saturday last. Upon another recent occasion, he declares, a wave from the steamer Spree dashed upon shore and over threw and severely injured a woman who was walking the foot-path of the Cowes road . A representative of the United Associated Presses made inquiry in regard to Lord Colville's statements at the office of the American Line Steamship Com pany, where it was denied that the ships of that company run at a high rate of speed in the Solent. The speed record of the outgoing Ameri can liners, the officials declare, be gins at the Needles. Are You Tired All the time ? This condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nourishing as i. ought to be and as it may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thou sands write that Hood sSarsaparilla has cured them of that tired feeling by giving them rich, red blood. Hood 's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. The University. 36 Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition $60 a year. Hoard $8 (eight dollars) a mouth. Three full College Courses, three Brief Courses, Law School, Medical School, Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address Pres't. Winston, Chapel Hill, N O jni Ira Does Your Head Ache When you read? If so, you should come in and have your eyes tested by our Skilled Ootician. $H. Mahler's Sons, 0 Jewelers and Opticians. to: Last and all the time Hood's Sarsaparilla baa .been advertised aa blood partner. Ita great carta have been aooompUabed through purified blood enree of scrofula, alt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel ing, it eorea when others fall, because it Btrikes at the root of the disease and eliminates every germ ot Impurity. Thousands testify to absolute cures of blood diseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla, although discouraged by the failure of other medicines. Bembmber that Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purller. mtt easy to buy, easy hi take, HOOd S Fills easy to operate. 290. Cut Flouors Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, stitute. Phone 113. near Peace In octn tci pa Institute, r'Cd.Ce Raleigh, N.C. No better school for girls. It has always been noted for music and art. First school in the State to 'intro duce violin with special teacher. This instrument will be particularly strong next session underMiss Min nie E. Johnson, from N. E. Conser vatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to suit the times. jul23 Ira NOTICE! North Carolina Wake County. M. J. Edwards i ) In Superior Court t To :t. Term, '96 Service by Publication. vs. Lawrence ) J. J. To J. J. LawreiiL-e, defendant in the above entitled action. Take notice: That on the 29th day of August, 1896, an action was begun and insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county, North Carolina, to October Term 1896 of said court by M. J. Ed wards against J. J. Lawrence, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. Lawrence, and that summons tnerein has been duly issued and returned "not to be found:" That the pii.-pose of said action is to ret-over money due from you to the said M. J. Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract of Hosadalis, and to the pur chase "by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Right there to, and for the recovery of damages from you for breach of said contract, amounting in all to the sum of $9.1,000, You are hereby notified of the pen dency of said action, and that a war rant of attachment has been i.ssncli in said action directing the seizure of your property in North Ca olina. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the October term of said Su perior Court of Wake county. North Carolina, to be held in the city of Kal cigh, in said county and State, on the 2tith of October, 1890, and answer or demur, during said term, to the com plaint which will be tiled in said action, or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief demanded therein; when and where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. D. II. YOUNG, Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. ARGO & SNOW, Attorneys. Swooping Reductions , To make room for Foil Goods. Clothing at and below cost" Straw Hats must give way for fall styles. - Another big lot ' 50c Umbrellas. Give our slock an inspection before buying elsewhere and you will save money. ' Kloodl a 'nir With Popular Prices Should ; v Interest You.4, ' . Our New Line Lace Curtains Prices about 60 per cent less than you have been paying. OOo to 5.00Per JPair Our Speehl Sale of Quilts tnd Counterpanes. Our Special Sale of Towels and Napkins. Oar Bargains ii. Sheetings, Shirtings and. Bed Tickings. J : . Now is the time to buy them. Our Line of Ladies' Fine Oxfords J.,,. At Manufacturers' Prices. Our New Line, New Styles of Ladies' Shoes. Our New Draperies in Chinlz, Cretonnes, Pongee, Denims and Silk-lines. Our New lines of Empress Flannelettes, Suitings, Teasel Downs and Per ; - sian Flannelettes for Wrappers. Our New lines of tfr Peine Percals and Foulards, rich colorings, handj v some designs. A. B, STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. SUCCESSORS TO C iu goods mwm. GREAT AUTUMNAL. DISPLAY ! Beneficent Bargains. Uniformly low gauge of prices a high range of qualities character ize our offering right now . We therefore, with confidence, invite public attention to our superb showing of goods. GOOn-BETTEB-BEST. The new CASH METHOD is good, tho absolute .observance better, the beneficent results to the people best. Laying no claim to the "unrea sonable" by giving goods away, we have, however, by lopping off in numerable expenses incident to the credit system, been enabled to make a reduction, the LOW (iEiNEKAij AvEKAUJS of reit by our competitors ana more agreeably apj ing tradespeople, who know A GOOD THINQ not backward in taking. hold when they nnd it. Rlflfllf Afc grades, colors, qualities red lily, gretehen, D iUVw i-O. Comanche, north star, bonanza, excelsior polar, scotia, lakota. Baby carriage blankets at 25c to the finest lamb's wool. Comforts and Down Quilts fronV535ooCh fAHMaMaMac! Honeycomb and Marseilles Quilts for wounierpuiies, 50e to $5 00. Tf1c1r'C' Highland Plaids, Jc; Homespun Plaids, 3Jc iUIXlC Lllra. Standard Prints, 5c; Outing Cloth, 5c; Alamance Plaids, 5c; Feather Ticking, 5c; Yard-wide Bleaching, 5c; Double-width Tartans, 6c; Southern Silks, 7c. The eyes of the people are upon us. We invite an inspection of the stock and abide the criticisms. Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures SIMPSON'S PXJlifcN BUILDING, ECONOMY May tie necessary in many .ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice in ine purcnase or iooa, wblcn is life. Below a certain standard food Imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. '. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries, v: . .- RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins.. We never keep any thinir that la not the beat of ita kind. and wo only want fair profit on what we invest in it. ' - - - S3 TO- A Iways In stock and promptly delivered s when ordered. . t I ItU Jl k wJ Jl GROCERIES 3 r - r .a. Sherwood & cc. which will be forcefully rociated by by the discern- when they see it and are successors to C.A.SHERWOOD t CO. Tho Filling of Proscriptions is the most Important work of a ;ood drug store. The very lives of a community depend upon the care and integrity of the man who fiills its pre scriptions We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error! all Skin Diseases. PHARMACY, . RALEIGH, N. C. FIVE PER CENT PER MONTH OR 60 PER CENT PER YEAR Guaranteed to all investors on invent; nienw, mm large ana small, -.-when made with w ... - THE NEW YORK INVESTMENT. : -COMPANY, - . BROKERS IN '- . Stocks, Bonds, Grain and ; COTTOfc No. 40 and 42 Broadway, New York. 'i . ; . t - i - V. S. People who desire to have a steady and sure income on a small or lai'cre investment, send for ourexplani- tory circular, mailed free. - .- mar 15 S. A. ASEIE & S0;i, fire:insurance.. OtPf over MacRae's ranch Phar macvf The National Bank?Raleigh : RALEIGH, N ,C, Capital Paid In i ; . . . $225,000 Surplus and Undivided - Profits, . . .. . 75,000 DIRECTORS: 1 . J. B. BA.TCHELOR, JAMES A. BRIGGS, C. M. BTJSBEE, THOMAS B. CROWDER, F. O. MORI NO,- "JULIUS LEWIS, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. H. BELVIN, :, ; i .W.k TUCKER. V - " ' OFFICERS: CHAS. H. BELVIN, President. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. F. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished. ' A NEW which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added. The doors controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they aro seen, and all are invited to see them. The renter of the box has tho key, and no ono can gain access to the contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if ho should lose his key, the finder could not gaiu aocess to the box, the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., aad perfect security la obtained for very moderate cost. Convenient and private rooms havo boon provided for the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. Everyone interested In beautiful workmanship and most delicate meehan ism are cordially invited to inspect the new work. The National Bank of Raleigh, augl5 3m "Smaclc Your Lips Soda." Ice Cream with pure crushed fruits- It's Just "Out of SigiTt Cdrti'e and try it. Five cents only. A Full Lino Key West Cigars Can be found at acRae Branch Corner Fayetteville and Martin streets, next to Postofflce. FALL WORK. Housekeepers' Bargain Week, Monday, Au gust 31, to Saturday, September 5. Spe cial sales of Housekeeping Goods. For the convenience ' of our customers these sales of housekeeping goods will bo made from a special department on 1st iloor, just as you enter our store from Fayetteville -A A Y J.1 ' -akll 1 - 1 sireei. in uiese saies oi nouscKeepmg goous will be included lace curtains, heavy curtains, draperies, blankets, quilts,' "comfortables, coimtcrpanes, table : linens, towels, crashes,' etc., all marked in plain figures at prices less i, iiu ii iiijmiiTHf'T.iirnrs Most f these ; housekeeping goods in this week's sale were bought below value specially for, these sales and are given to our custo mers at the" smallest marcins of profit. - - II. 6 R. S. The Commercial and Farmers' ': Bankof Raleigh, N. C. - " 7 Chartered by General Assembly 1891. W ' Paid up Capital r? . ; $100,000.00 Deposits V; . .300,000.00 Offers its customers every, accoimnodation consistent with safe banking;. t ' Safe Deposit Boies r for Reat "on.; Reasonable Terns; Somq good business' offices lo let . ' . . -. V' ' .. r. J. J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President -B. S. JERM AN, Cashier , - IL W. JACICSON Assistant Cashier. " VAULT, Pharmacy nn - lmnmTflrH i Tirirps. TUCKER CO. . ' '

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