"FRIDAY, SEPT. 4; 1896. TUOS. . pence City Editor. Index to Naw Advarttaamanta. Dugbi Specials.' '' ' New Stall-r-Jlrs. Gruendler. The Weather Tomorrow. I FAIR I Washington forecast lor North I Carolina: Generally fair. Cool I er In the interior Saturday. , " Foraoast for Raleigh. " Local forecast for Raleigh ( not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Fair, cooler. Local Data. ' Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 ; a. m. (today) September 4th, Maximum - temperature, 90; minimum temperature, 68; rainfall, 0.00. Condition of the Weather. ' The following were the weather con Htlons at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather, clear. Temperature of the air 72 deg. Sensible temperature u 10 deg. Wind velocity Light. Direction of wind N, PERSONAL. Mr. Sol. Rosenbaum, now of New York, but a "Raleigh boy," has been on a visit of a day or two to his - old home. Hon. W. E. Anderson, Mayor of Pensacola, Florida, is in the city spending a few days with his cousi Gen. P. H. Cameron. CITY IN BRIEF. t J. C. L. Harris, Esq., accompanied Senator Butler to Atlanta. Last night's rain extended quite a large part of the State, Calmer and Uuckner are the na tional nominees of the gold Demo crats. Cotton receipts this week 1,055 bales, againstonly 80 the correspond ing week last year. Willie Habel, aged about 12 years fell out of Royster's milk wagon this morning and broke an arm. There are 400 inmates of the in sane asylum here. Work on the annex to the North wing has begun Mrs. Thacker, of the firm of W H. and R. S. Tucker & Co., has re turned to the city from a pleasant visit to Morehead City and Greens boro. Mr. Mills says work is so active at the Farina flour mills that they will have to run day and night to keep up with orders. The out pu now is 50 barrels a day. The local demand is heavy. The rains have badly washed the walks In Nash square. These walks ought to be guttered with brick and cement and macadamized. The city does not give the square a tithe of the attention it deserves. The populist State central com inittee met this evening, present chariman Ayer, A. S. Peace. S. Otho Wilson and J. B. Lloyd. It called a meeting of the State committee Sept. 9 at 5 p. in. The following subscribers have been added to the telephone list : Dr. D. E. Everett, No. 230, Dr. V. E. Turner, No. 246, Jno. S. Jones, grocer, 193, Dr. J. M. Ayer, No. 86, Chas. H. Belvin, No. 249, R. P. Howell, No. 247. Receiver Averill, of thePortRoyal & Augusta railway, was here today in a private car of the Florida South , era, (Plant system) on his' way to Asheville. He is a most genial and courteous gentleman and while here ' entertained the newspaper men in his car. All were delighted to meet him. Rev. Mr. Can field who for some months has been- in change of the Protestant Episcopal chapel of St. .-Savior here, leaves Monday to take his little child and bis sister to War densville, W. Va., and thence goes to the theological seminary at Alex andria, Va., for a two years' course . of study. Mr. Patterson, Commissioner of : Agriculture, says on his return from ; the west. "We conducted farmers' Institutes in nine counties. The attendance was very good. Some Institutes will be held in the Pied mont counties just as soon as some of the faculty of the agricultural and mechanical callege can get away for a few days." - Tried to Kill liia Family. ByTelegraph to the Press-Visitor. : New "' Yobk, ; Sept. 4. James O'Connor driver of the street clean ing department, living west fifty third street was locked up at west forty -seventh station this morning charged by his wife with trying to kill her and two children. The wo man said the husband quarreled with hoe. Business Notices. Back Agala. . ' -. I wish to inform my friends and old customers that I have charge of one of the best stalls in the city mar ket, and will be pleased to get your patronage. Call at stall 17. Respectfully, 4 2t Mas. E. V. Gbcendlee. Wanted. By 'the Southern Law Book Ex change all kinds of second hand books. Law books preferred. Send lists or the books to M. M. Smith, Manager, sep2tf Andrews Building. All the fruit at Dughi's kept in a refrigerator and is cool and tempt ing. Wanted. To rent gent's Bicycle for one month. Address, "W. J. Method, aug31-2w Dughi does not keep any books, but does business strictly on a cash basis. Help Wanted Male. wajn th;l solicitors for campaign book, "Bryan, Sewell and Free Sil ver' authorized by Bryan, written by R. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1.50. The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Be gin now with choice of territory. Per manent, profitable work for 'SHi. Ad dress The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. aB lm Dughi's restaurant is open all day and ut night till midnight. Wanted. To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc., etc. D. W. C. HARRIS, Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. East Hargett street, just below Central Hotel. al2 lm Oysters sold last year for 35 and 40c, this year for 25c at Dughi's. It Old You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drug store. , Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told bv her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King s New Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it savea ner me. Mr. Tnos. Jiggers, j.w norma ct., ban Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else ; they bought one Dottle or ur. King s JNew Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samules. that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regularsize 50c and $1. Branson's N. C, Business Direc tory, 8th Revised Edition is now being supplied to the subscribers. This is by far the most elaborate re ference book ever made for the State. aug25-lm f'or Over Fifty Year Mas. Wnraow'i Soothing Bykof baa been nsed lor over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for IXarrhma. It sill relievA ti, i little sufferer Immediately, gold by DruggTsta in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sore to ask for -'Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no kind., U " Monday iUmii ill! li 1111 liUUUUlHl TTnnnnffrir?"nf?TiTmW We have a good thins for housekeeners Mnnd.iv. A mHi ! York shipped a bill of roods to a Dartv io ukb toe gooas wnen tney arrived. hjk me gooas at a Dig aiscount. i took thera and have just opened them. Monday we put them on sale. There isalittleofeverythingin the bill, but not vu.ug um w la id use in every nousenoia, every day. The prices are 1 ! t V ' 1 1 M XT .1 ;i . i. . . ...... u. uiuo uwie i uii. nere mev each; wood rim seives, 3 sizes, 6, 8 and worth $1 at 63c each: coffee mills 19c eacn, one pouna pacnage or nails, assorted, all sizes, elegant and useful thing to have in the house, the price is marked on each package 10c, we offer these at 5c the package; tacks put up in wooden barrels 6, 8 and 10 oz.(sc we oarrei: meiat table spoons 7c set; tea spoons 4c the set; Hun garian nails, or tacks, 2c the p kg; good currycombs 5c each; a pure gen uine all-steel currycomb, worth 25c, at 10c each; small mouse, traps 3c eacn; reamer piuows n lbs. 40c each; 23c each; jute clotheslines, 50 feet, 5c myiosuta w mo yair; nuivea sou ioiks wrenches worth 50c at 20o each: lamn cils, rubber heads, 5c doz.; chess boards iwuioo wiu iuur uira utr(i uues ; me watch chains 2c each; clothes brushes 10 TINWARE Dish pans 10c; lartre size 13c each: rvtvoroil c.n,n nnin.-. pans lOo each; coffee pots, 7,9, 11 and 13c each; tin buckets, covered.6 and 10c each; tin funnels 3c each. . . . . - , ; All these cro at these prices on Mnnd.iv. Ttatiar i-nma nni .rot you need; you'll never have the same oppnrtunity again; it's only a happen-so that we got hold of them and whenever we iret arood thinir we pass it right on to you. There is more money iw vnn in thi. i r...- you ve seen in a long time. caW. E. JONES. 206 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N, b '1 Rclcish Pioneers of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a (50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what we are talking Factory made 65.000 year. The C sscents tried here three years. vheels last have been Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. MARK! THE GREAT Talking Machine THE BEST THING FOR Amusement or Business- You arc invited to come to the North Carolina Book Store and hear the wonders of the i "GRAPIIOPIIONE." John N. Harrell, State Agent. sep2-3t Hams Hams Another lot of those delirious South ampton county ( Va. ) Hams; also tine lot mild cured Johuxton county (N. ('. ) llama. Fresh arrival Now Itivcr Mullets. fine, fat Mackerel, new puck Roc Her- rnis, eu "Melrose" Flour still growing in popularity. And why? lieoause it is carefully ground from lest selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest nriees guar anteed. Respectfully, J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 125. . Morning. in Raleigh. T he liartv hern fiLtlml The JNew York house wrote me to are BLernno- si v?r thimhios ifw. 10c; best cast steel axes, 4 lbs window shades,: oil, spring rollers each; cotton clotheslines 10c each: Li una awe set; good neavy monkey wieks 3. 4 and &. th Am ,n 10c each; naedle cases, 5 papers cara; iron pins c a paper; steel - each. . . - . f urn us r .w i MMMMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMM Ladies3 A new and pretty line of PUFF , BOXES, f Puffs, Powders, Hair Brushes and Combs. .. Purses all necdedfor your sum mer's trip. ; L Select Odors in Perfumery. Crown Salts in several sizes and odors. Send us your order to fill. Your very truly, Janes McKimmon k Co., N Pharmacists. , , 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. A Dollar a Pair for $3.00 Shoes; Tuat'a our nIoi-r canl for the rrat. of Hip wci-U! It I meana I wo-i hiiils !' i lm coat aavrd and a Utile mor mom 1 rorcraDipedtops.il). I rot! 0 good bargain, ifim't think? ' you V HELLER BROS., Z .'PiloM-: 241. School Supplies AN' I) STATIONERY. Only Half Price. Cut Half in Two at Riggan's Toy Store. see nis iront, window: take vour cnoice of that fine lot of 10c writinj?; tatiietH lor oc; l pound or linen paer only 10c; 1 pound of the best linen pa per 20c: Baronial Envelojies of the heaviest weight for only 5c. Rest linen Baronial only 8c: writing books ana uiank books at just hair price. Book Bags, Book Straps, Pencils, Crayon, etc. we will five you a scholar s com panion with lock and key furnished, with a lead pencil, slate pencil, ncn- no'aer anu cnaiK lor only e. The best candv at 20c a nound. em bracing' all the popular kinds and flavors, packed in fancy boxes if de sired. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE aug29 ly , . Have Kept You Cool All Sufflttier. Will Keep You . t w A R M All Winter. 'Coal, Pocaboiitas : and Russell Creek. Thacker asd J:lli:o Coal. The best, Coal at lowest prices al- wayg at . ' WMtMMMi 0 "Two Shoe? with but A I - 9 Funny thnt SIk.pk that cost 7 $2.50 lo $3.00 should bnnell- 2 Ingfor A DOM, All A f'AUt, 7 Isn't ll? Who w.. 11 I.I 4bli.lt m 49 that an eighth of an Inching the width or 1 he lm- wnnld makeavch a iliflVrence? kzzz & Powell' Hnrllnorn IrioVi Dnlof non I1UI UlUIlt II ION I ULUIUQ0I Northern - Cabbage New River Mullets. Now arriving- almost daily. We-are prepared to quote lowest prices and show first-class stock. ' It will pay you to see .our goods and prices before placing your oraerg. , y - Rockwelf Butter. Have you- tried it? Thia is one of fx wBf VrQ nrlo rr the tritrlmf niflfln by Mr. E. B. C. Hambly at Rockwell, N. C, who runs one of the finest herds of thoroughbred Jerseys in tho South. We receive this butter fresh from the dairy every week and can deliver it to you in nice, sweet condition at 30c per pouna, or win make a special price on standing weekly orders for five or more pounds at a time. Remember We sell the best old at 35c per gallon. cider Vinegar D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phono 28. jreopie are aiwavs T 1 1 on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestioifis Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBURN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and. other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTHtJUKN IjITHIA is a tonic. diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands . will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with Enysiciansj as it is easily retained y the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbitt, The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. Important to Don. Id looking through our shoe stock we pnd ono pair of shoes of this kind,twoof0notherandsoon. Now were oounu W Make Room for our fall stock, and to do this we must sell these shoes. You , will hate the chance of shoes from $1.50 to 2.&for ' 64c. Don't wait, but come right now SENSIBLE JUU Lyon UuCircf Gfcro V " 1 on n O.nn ! I 14 East Martin Street A To start the I Attai" nn SENSATION! MONDAY, Sept. 7, one case "up-to-date" 36-inch H eavv B 1 eac hiner at ? 5 No such offer made here this year. AGENTS FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. The ApprOaChl'llg SCQSOII According to OUR STOCK qualities, immense assortment, coupled with lower prices thau heretofc is what we judge by. The array of high class Suits and Overcoats in J. cate at once our leadership as your marked in plain ngurcs, sold at one is the lowest price. School For the boys will interest you ply the greatest we've ever had. so he'll not waut any more clothes you'd buy elsewhere. All Spring and If there is anything you nci 1 yourself or boy, is 25 per cent ofT I . - for investment this season since t' present prices to lay tlicm aside till are zit per cent oil, too. S. & D. One Price FOR $3 36 S6 00 Regular AS yOU RnOW theSe SCnS a- ImflflP in thp Poloct fll P IVI tS i KsO O and are the beautiful products of Lil Q ITlOSl S K II 1 CO Ourscreens are five feet high. tour folds, heavily satin Tinisn. Open at nfni7An.H. U U i. JLaLa 1 fall trade we , will a Yard. as this has been asassasa ought to bo a cood one for"ua. Hioh clothiers. Everything in our bouse is price strictly to everybody, and that - Clothes mostly at Dresent. Our linn is sim. In fifteen minutes we can fit your boy for this term and for less money than Summer Clothes Id ! I iiVe nver the season, either for i rii i s. Shrewd buyers bought iiiliiciii.n is on, for it pays at our ;: i-season. The separate- Pants - .. BERlVAfJGER, Clothiers to All. $3.36 Prico S6 00 art I San S. 'worked ijrfgold Night. " :-:rG;::',CT3 1 headers of Low Prices.