- 4 , 4 - -'J. - i f 1 1 -4 r" T"I"I7rT SATURDAY, SEPT. 6, 1896. TII08. 1. PENCB City Editor. Index to New Advertise meats. . Tucker 'g specials. Dughi's specials. 1 " Administrator's Notice J Bobbitt.. Academy of Music The Other Man's Wife: - Publication of Summons D. Young. . Houses for Rent J M Broughton & Co. School Books M M Smith. Pipkins Excursion. Dwelling for Rent T H Briggs. Hal. H. .The Weathsr Tomorrow. I Washington forecast for North (Carolina: Rain tonitrht and I Sunday. Forecast for Raleigh. Local forecast for Raleigh ( not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Conditions favorable for showers to night and Sunday. Local Data. . Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m.( today) September 4th, Maximum temperature, 76; minimum temperature, 65; rainfall, 0.00. Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather clear. Temperature of the air. 72 deg, Sensible temperature "0 deg, Wind velocity Ligb Direction of wind N newest things in all wool plaids the correct style this fall for child ren's school dresses. The prices of the new goods are lower than we sold but our remnants for; new goods for less money and cut in any quan tity.': ; :.:4 4-' f-?:-:.,.. ,W H. A R. S. Tuck eh & Co. W. H. & E. SJTTJCKER & CO. Niw Shoes for Fall. Monday September 7th we will place on sale our lines of " J & M 's " new fall and winter Shoes for men, Newest lasts, newest toes, newest colors in the Russia Leathers the newest finish in patent Leathers and the best workmanship in the world on the entire line. Russiaand Patent Leathers, French Calf and Cordovan. No Shoes for men made by any other factory can compare with " J & M 's. " W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. New Shoes for Fall. Laird, Shober & Co. 's new Shoes for ladies fall wear. It is most cor rect this fall and winter to wear high oat shoes. Shoes are best bought when they firstarrive. These shoes for ladies will be on sale Mon day, September 7th. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. for Bent. ' . ' Nice dwelling on Dawson street: eight rooms; city water-. Recently I occupied oy Mr. wuuam Alien. , se5-lw .". . Thomas H. Brigo.. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of James i B. Bobbitt, deceased, I hereby give notice to all peasons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and to all persons havingclaims against him to present the same to me, duly veri fied, on or before the oth day of September, 1897, otherwise this notice may bo plead in bar of recDv- ery. J. HAL BOBBITT," Executor of J. B. Bobbitt, dee'd. Sept. 0, ISlNi. 6w PERSONAL. Mr. A. P. the Park. Page, of Aberdeen, isat Mr. Chas. Kleuppelberg is sie at his home on North Harrington street. Mrs. Barhara, who has been sic for some time on North Salisbur street, is better. Mr. P. M, Briggs, of Durham, i n the city and is in the guest of AV N. Snelling. Miss Helena Horner has returned from a pleasant visitto friendsontli Eastern shore of Maryland. Mr. E. H. Alderson, of the firm of McKimmon & Co., has gone on business and pleasure trip to Balti timore. Business Notices W.H.&R. S. Tucker & Co. New Fall Wokk. Dry Goods at Low Pricks. Not since we have been sellingDry Goods have all had the pleasure of offering such a stock of new Dry Goods, Carpets, Curtains and Shoes as we will show this fall and winter Early in the summer we began to make special sales of all lines in every stock and we made prices in these special sales so low that the goods sold out. So we start thi new season witn absolutely new goods in all lines in every stock, by buying them in spring and summer we are in many instances able to of fer them at less than costofmanu facturer. W. H. & R S. Tick kr & Co. W. P. A R. S. TUCKER & CO. HiohCsass Dress Goons. We will place on sale Monday, Sei. tember 7th, our first Importations of High Class Novelties in dress goods showing the newest weaves in illuminated Zibelines semi plain Zibelines, Canvass Laineuex, Canvass-Poilur, Mohair Fantaisic, and the newest Scotch mixtures and English suitings. W, H. A R. S. Tucker A Co. W. H. A R. S. TUCKER A CO. New Black Dress Goods. A fine stock of fashionable, new weavings in Black Dress Goods Zibelines, Canvas Etoile Armuns Jacquards,Boucles, Friezes, etc., be sides the best Serges and Henriet tas, Cashmeres and Mohairs. The best all wool, 36-inch Serge at 25c. per yard in America and the entire line of Black Dress Goods at the same proportion in prices. W. H. A R. S. Tucker A Co. W.H.4R S. TUCKER A CO. Nbw Fall Dress Goons. The styles this fall and winter call for rough Cheviots and Friezes, in plain and irredescent colorings, illuminated effects with all the shades of leaf green predominatin The colors showing in knots and overshots of bright colored silk and worsted yarns on black, green, navy farnec ana Drown grounds, pro ucing beautiful irredescent effects. The prices start low on these stylish dress goods and we show tables and tables of them. W.H.4R S. Tucker A Co. Raleigh to Richmond. Remember Mr. R. C. Pipkin's ex cursion will leave for Kicbmond Monday, Sept. 7th, 7;30 a. m. sharp returning will leave Richmond Tues day, the 8th, 6:30 p. m. Children between the ages of b and 12, half price, lieserved seats zac extra large number will go on this excur sum. Don t miss it, as it is the only opportunity of the season to visi Virginia's Metropolitan Capital City. 1 lckets now on sale at J Hal Bobbitt s dmg store. It is ad visable that you should purchase your tickets at the drug store this evening or tonight, but if you fail to do so, the drug store will be open soon Monday morning, and !) sure to get your ticket before 7 o'clock as the train leaves promptly at 7:30 Wanted. To rent gent's Bicycle for one month. Address, "W. J. B.' aug31-2w Method, N. l or Rent. 5 Itoom Cottage, Martin street near Park Hotel. City water. 4 ttoom cottage, last street near Oak wood avenue. City water. 5 Room cottage, Hillsboro street near the railroad bridge. o Itoom cottage, Edenton street near the first Baptist churi'h, newlv painted. luxiin Dwelling, iNewbern ave nue, corner Person. All modern improvements. 8 Room Dwelling. lilount and Peace streets, a delightful home, large yard and garden. b ltoom Dwelhngon Morgan street near water tower, large garden. 5 Room cottage, Wilmington street centre of the city. I wo nice T room cottageson Swain street near Hargett. City and we water. J. M. BROUGHTON A CO. Hack Again. I wish to inform my friends and old customers that I have charge of one ol the best stalls in the city mar Ket, and will be pleased to get your patronage. Call at stall 1 . Respectfully, 4 2t Mrs. E. V.Griendi.er Wanted. lo buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc., etc. D. VV. C. HARRIS. Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer. Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. East Hargett street, just below Central Hotel. al2 lm School Hooks at Half Price. We have collected several thou sand and jan supply you with al most any text book desired in ex- hange or for one half cost. Call and save your money. M. M. SMITH, Manager S. L. B. Exchange. Phone 225; P. O. Box 32G. sMw Raleigh Pioneers of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl ; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle! named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. $50.00 Bicycles SUGARS To Burn! Fivo Gents ; Discloses the GOOD QUALITY. THY THEM. Vours very truly, Janes McKimmon 6 Co. 133 Fayetteville St, , Raleigh. B Good as many at $75.00. We know what e are talking Factory made tiS.OOO vheels last year. 1 he C escents have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons g Two Shoes with but J a dollar bought, A pair for price of 1 49 y 1 hat Shops I hat cost 9 $3.00 Khnnlri l m-ll- DOI.I.AIt A I'AlIt, T4 I. $'J.50 lo $3.00 1 Im "l"tii ijwiiiiiit n. 1 itiiv, jjm 7 Isn't II? Wlin would think fcj that an eigliih ol" nn Inching me 1 7L mat RALEIGH, N. C. Academy of 0 1 width ol' 1 ho toe would Ice Much n liffrrpttr ? A Dollar a Pair for $3.00 Shoes. TlmtVi our slnrr on rd for i the rear r the week ! It mean I wo-t MiiIm of lie cost fllf'fl a ml n I I I It 111 10 rnm I for cramped foe?, too. Pretty (A gOflfl bargain, n'c yon Lk 11 .11 1 1 1 n 1 1 r- Honnem jrisnromioes, UbJiLlLbd U iJ . Cabbage P New River Mallets. 14 East Martin Street. Now arriving almost daily. We are prepared to quote lowest prices and show first-class stock. Itwill pay you to see our roods and prices before placing your orders. Rockwell Butter. yo the best brands on the market, made by Mr. E. B. C. Harably at Kockwoll, N. C, who runs ono of the, Unest herds ot thoroughbred Jerseys in the South. We receive this butter fresh from the dairy every week and ran deliver it to you in nice, sweet condition at 30e cr pound, or will make a special price on standing weekly orders for live or more pounds at a Mine. Remember We sell the best old cider Vinegar at 35c per gallon. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. A S SENSIBLE FRIDAY, Sept. 11. BERT COOTE 11 1 z nmeip a IIUUIUI f ' I lies s-st m Q lltLLtn BKU5., 0 iff 'PHONE 341. New Hoy AND mm &W Supplies Aiued by a v tier tht; management of Kdward White, in a screaming comedy, adapted from the French, The Other Man's Wife To lv pi-esenUd by .lames A. Heme's delightful one act play, A Soldier of France. 1 Vices 91, 75 and 2;"e at W. H. Kirnr V.O. s. AND STATIONERY. Only Half Price. Cut Half in Two at Riggan's Toy Store. Hams Hams nother lot of those delicious South ampton county ( Va. ) Hams; also line ot mud cured Johnston countv IN . ) Hams. fresh arrival New Hiver Mullets, if, lai MacKcivl, new puck Koe Her nigs, etc. rtieirose r lour still growing in pularity. And whvV Hecause It is ai-efully ground from best selected heat, hone superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and .lava roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. I handle nothimr but first class goods, therefore orders may lie sent wiin connoenee. lowest nrlees truar- nieeu. ilespoctluliy, J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 125. oee ins tront window: take vour choice of that fine lot of 10c writing tablets for fe; 1 pound of linen paper only 10c: 1 pound of the licst linen pa per 20e: Karonial Envelopes of the heaviest weight for only 5c. Hest linen Baronial only 8:: writing looks and blank hooks at just half price. Book Bags, Book Straps, Pencils, Oavon, etc. We will give you a scholar's com panioii with lock and key furnished. wini a ifaa pencil, slate jK-ncil, pen holder and chalk for only oc. The In st candy at 2tlc a nound. em bracing all the popular kinds and flavors, packed in fancy boxes if de sired. RIGGAN'S TOY' STORE aug29 ly W.E4E, S. TUKER A CO. GVMilASIUH Sskoks. Nary Blue and Black- new Oym . nasium Serges, to be most popular fibric, hard in wear and Id correct widths for makinj? divided skirts. Instructors in Athletics as well as parents are interested in this fabric. W. H. A R S. Tucku A Co. . W.E4RS. TUCKER A Ca Fob New School Dresses, i Plaids, tables and tables of the Monday Morning. We have a good thing for housekeepers Mondav. A narf.w in TCtv York shipped a bill of sroods to a nartv in Kaleiffh. The nartv hero failed to lawe ine gooas wnen tdey arrived. The New York house wrote me to KtKe me gooas at a Dig discount. X took them and have just opened them. Monday we put them oil sale. There isalittleofeveryfhinginthe bill, but not a thing but what is in use in every household, every day. The prices are but little more than half. Here thev are: Sterling silv?r thimhlps lfin each; wood rim seives, 3 sizes, 6, 8 and 10c; best cast steel axes, 4 lbs., worth $1 at 63c each; coffee mills 19c each: a larger and better nnn 4?tr each; one pound package of nails, assorted, all sizes, elegant and useful tning to nave in ine nouse, the price is marked on each package 10c, we offer these at 5c the package; tacks put up in wooden barrels (i, 8 and 10 oz., 2c the barrel: metal table spoons 7e set ; tea spoons 4c the set; Hun garian nails, or tacks, 2c the p'kg; good currycombs 5c each; a pure gen uine all-steel currycomb, worth 25c, at 10c each; small mouse traps 3c each; feather pillows 31 lbs. 40c each; window shades, oil, spring rollers, 23c each; jute clotheslines, 50 feet, 5c each; cotton clotheslines 10c each; scissors 6c the pair; knives and folks 27 and 30c set; good heavy monkey wrenches worth 50c at 20c each; lamp wicks 3, 4 find 5c the doz. ; lead pen cils, rubber heads, 5c doc; chess boardsJOo each; needle cases, 5 papers needles and four extra large ones 4c the card; iron pins 1c a paper; steel watch chains 2c each; clothes brushes 10 each. TINWARE Dish pans 10c; large size 13c each; covered sauce pans 10c; stew pans 10c each; coffee pots, 7,9, 11 and 13c each; tin buckets, covered, 6 and 10c each; tin funnels 3c each. o All these iro at these Driees on Mondav. Better com and t hut you need; you'll never have the same opportunity again; it's only a hap-pen-sathat we got bold of them and whenever we tret amod thinir wn m it right on lo you. j There is mere money for you in this sale than any you've seen in a longtime.. ..-. . :r , . . - - - W. E. JONES.. 206 Paj-ettevtlle Bfc, Raleigh, K. C Publication of Summons. North Carolina, 1 In Superior Court vv aKe county. ) TO Oct. Terra, 'W. Service by Publication. VV Ii Wheeler vs. Sallio Atkins. Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkins, William Atkins, Benton C Atkins' last two infants, Rena Atkins and ber husband, William Atkins, Maloy Hoover llogers' infant, Joseph Rogers, Annie K Shaw, W F Shaw, Mary L W heeler, ( ,'reacy C Wheeler. Annie 1) Wheeler's last three infants and B O Barker, administrator of Alain Jones. To Haniiibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkins, wiuiara Atkins and Benton V. At kins, Defendants in the above en' titled action. You and each of you will take notice and notice is hereby given you. that W. H. Wheeler, plaintiff above named. has instituted an action entitled as above in the Superior Court of Wako county, jNortn Carolina, against you ana me otneraeienaants named above." The summons, in said action was is sued on the 31st day of August. 1890. and is returnable to the October term. ISiMt, of Wake Superior Court to be held in the city of Haleigh on the 26th day of October, 1896. The purpose of tfaid action is to foreclose a mortgage on real estate given by your parents, Simeon Atkins now deceased) and Bailie Atkins, to Alain Jones', which mortgage was transferred to plaintiff, W. H. Wheeler. . You are further notified and required to appear at the aforesaid October Term of Wake Superior Court and answer or demur during said-term to the complaint which will be filed in said action, or the plaintiff will be granted the relied demanded - in the complaint. " D. H. YOUNG, Clerk Superior Court Waka Co. . . U. E. Norris, Attorney. . September 4, 18yfl. " ltwfiw People are always on tne alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat calces, inaigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. To start the fall trade we will offer on MONDAY, Sept. 7, one case "im-to-date" 36-inch Heavy Bleaching at 5 3-4c a Yard. No such offer as this has been made here this year. AGENTS FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. - . . ".-';.. ':-.-- y.r.fei .,..,. - ' New Shoes for Men and Women, Boys and Girls. - r -t.. FALL 1896. s your lookout for tvplioid Sof our6 ffi-of M" hand-made shoes for men are justly con froTr otheS sMered the highest grade men's shoes manu matter. I am buying OTTERBURN iaCtlll'Cd; 111 fact tllCSC "J and M." hand in large quantities and can sell it so .ii ijiij'j cheaply that many will use it for made siloes excel the best custom work ever general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic, diuretic and blood purifying romedy furnished by nature,- and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily" retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all othp, r mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. Just arrived, Johnson & Murphy's ctoc: brated hand-made shoes for men. The "J. & J. H. Bobbitt, I made. The styles are the correct shapes, newest toes, etc., for this fall's wear, riiade in ' patent leather, French calf and imported k Cordovan, and Russian calf in the newest shades of dark wine and chocolate. . JUST ARRIVED Lair.',- Shober A Co.'s celebrated hand niado shoes for ladies, mis . s.iihI children. Every one reeog- nizes Laird, Shober & Co. s sl.o.'.s as the best made for ladies, misses and children. These for this fall apd winter,' just -. ' conic in, are in the newest shapes and absolutely correct in style. Come now and be fitted. - f I!. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. The Pharmacist. SUCCESSORS TO C. A.SH ER vtotib & Co. Solo Agent for Raleigh. Imppffanf to Don. The Durnins DuGsfion! Vhere Can Goods Best be Bought ? Let PACTS and FIGURES speak. Bombastic eloquence, pale iato ' . utter insignificance at the bare mention of such goods at such prices. - V Sherwood 's Solid Servicee Shoes are Cincinnati made, built for ser vico, style and comfort Warranted in every respect. ' ' 'N , In looking through our shoo stock we find ono pair of shoos of this kind, two of another and so on . Now we are -bound to , Make Room for our fall stock', and to do this we inust sell these shoes. You will bave the chance of shoes from 11.60 to $2.60 for 64c. Bomesfic Dry Goods. Barker 4 4 Bleaching 5Jo Lonsdale 4-4 Cambric..';. ..... ,.82c MolHwrklfMShecUng..;, .. .. . .17Jc Heavy A A Brown Domestic 41c Alamance Plaids.. ........ ,.3Jo Fall Prints, tlark colors .3jc Gilt Edge Bleaching.,... Jjo HO-inch Bed .Ticking... Do Dress Cambric all colors s 4o Bed Comforts.;; ,v..;i.-Wo Don't wait "but come right now. SPKCIAL. . Ono case 4-4 "Fruit of the , ; Loom," long an It lasW: J , - LydnncclrclSforo-'fef 5ic Sherwood 4 ca. Popular-priced Shoos. Babies' Cacks.. ,k20o Infants Kid Button,. ..ii,,..40o Childs Grain Polish ... ,t. 80c -Childs Calf Polks . . . . ; ,C.Z. . . 75o Misses Grain Button : . . .. '..75c Ladics'vtndia Kid Button': i'?.;.". 98c Ladies' Dongola Kid Button3. $1.23 Ladies'Tampioo Goat.. r-.. $1.50 Men's Solid Home-made Tics. ..$1.25 Boys' Buff Bals,:; V; t. . :$1.0 Genuine Calf, Goodyear Wells, 0 - , tit on is unu ixn., . snoe lor- V"" -, , iJccciscpST. e.A.SHERWOODlCO.