PUBLISHED BY TUB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY f INCORPORATED J. A CONSOLIDATION QT THE YI8ITOK, ESTABLI8ED 1878, AND THK PRESS, KSTABLISHED 1894. ' Office in the Pullen Building, corner c " Fayette villa and Davie Streets. . GREEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. JASPER N. JaeRARY, Sollaittac Agast. Subscription Prices. One Year I 3.00 Six Months 1.S0 One Month 25 f Entered as Second ( lass Mail Matter The Leader in the News and Ttin Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. MONDAY, SEPT. 7, 1896. THE SOUTH FORGING AHKAlt. Mr. Henry G. Hester, secretary of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, and an expert in cotton statistics, has already published the size of the last cotton crop of the United States, as well as the details of the market ing of that crop. Mr. Hester makes the couon crop of ISM-lm 7, 175,34o bales, as compared with a crop of 9,901,251 for the preceding year. The falling off resulted mainly from a systematic and general reduction of acreage, the higher prices which resulted enabling the farmers to realize better results from their crops of last year, short as they were, than followed from the sale of the enormous yield of 1894 95. Mr. Hester shows that Southern mills have consumed 904,701 bales of cot ton, as compared with 862,838 dur ing the preceding year. This rep resents an increase in con sumption, which is interesting from the fact that the takings of Northern mills show a heavy falling off. Northern spinners consumed 1,600,000 bales, as against 2,083.000 bales last year, a reduction in the consumption of nearly half a million bales. As the New Orleans Pica yune remarks: "Such figures cer tainly show the drift of the cotton milling industry southward. "' The number of applications from clubs for membership in the Na tional Association of Democratic Clubs has been steadily increasing, but the record was this week broken when fifty-three applications were received in a single day. The Democratics of Washington intend making the Bryan and Sewall ratification meeting to be held on the afternoon of the 19th inst., one of the biggest affairs of the kiDd ever held at the National capital. Arrangements are now being made to run special excursion trains from Maryland, Virginia and West Vir ginia, and it will not be surprising if Mr. Bryan shall be greeted on that occasion by a largercrowd than he has spoken to at any of the places he has visited since his nomination A letter has been received at Democratic headquarters from R A. Watkins, a prominent lawyer, of Lancaster, Wis., which answer the Republican assertion that silver sontijient is dying out in that state. Mr. Watkins writes : "The situation in Wisconsin is very favorable, and quite as good, if not better, for the Democracy than it was at .this period of thecampaignof 1892, when we carried the state. The socalled silver Craze is not dying out here, our Republican friends to the con trary notwithstanding." With due ceremonial benefitting the occasion, the first sod in connec tion with the 1900 exhibition will shortly be turned, and the works entailed by the new designs wilt be at once put in band, says .the Paris Messenger. . One of the first under takings will,Qf course, be to de molish the Palais' de Industrie and to construct a bridge across the Seine close to the Esplanade des In- valides. This work is to be com! menced in a month and meanwhile an inquiry is to be opened, and per sons interested are invited to sign thel names with any observations they may have to make at the public works office at the hotel de Ville. It is just possible, however, that the commencement of the works will be postponed on account of the forth coming visit of the czar. Hon. Spencer Jones, Chairman of the Maryland State Democratic Com mittee, says of the outlook in that State: "I am more and more con vinced every day as the campaign progressess, that Maryland will elect Bryan and Sewall electors by a large majority. We are gainfng more Republicans than we shall lose Democrats. The Palmer and Buck ner electoral ticket, if one is put up, will not cost Bryan a single vote. I should like to see the third electoral ticket named as we could then find out how many Democrats bolt the ticket." While Mr. Jones didn't say so, it may be interred that toe rank and tile of the party, in Mary land, as well as in other States, will know what future use to make of a roster of the bolting Democrats. Be sure oil Are Kight. And then go ahead. If vour blood is impure, your appetite failing, your nerves weak, you may be sure that Hood's Sarsapanlla is what vou need. Then take no substitute. In sist upon Hood s and only Hood s This is the medicine which has the largest sales in the world. Hood s Sarsapanlla is the One True lllood Puritier. Hood s Pills are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Uucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped nanus, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents ya.r ' ox. "or sale by John Y. Mac Rat. The University. 36 Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition $60 a year. Board $8 (eight dollars) a month. Three full College Courses, three Brief Courses, Law School, Medical School, Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address Pres't. Winston, Chapel Hill, N. O. jn251m Does Your Head Ache When you read? If so, you should come in and have your eyes tested by our Skilled Optician. H. Mahler's Sons, Jewelers and Opticians. w in (ft. 1 - Mil V if. l . Tv. ' . "Mil u r lj vi , i Induced by the as of coca, opiate or nar eotie eompoonda la bad, decidedly bad. They nndermine health and shatter the constitution and the patient is steadily growing Into a worse condition often molting Jn the terrible- slavery and misery ot the cocaine and opium habit. Steep induced by the use et Hood's 8m parilla does not perhaps oome as qnieklr, but It comes more surely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, vitalized and enriched blood. Thia feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds np the system and constitution from the very foundation ot all health and lite the blood pore, rich, red blood. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Mood Purifier. All draggista L IiOOd'S PUIS aayuraoeuS: Cut Floucr Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, ami all kinds of Pot Plants for house dtvoratmi; and adorning the yard. Colerv, lAto Cabbage and Collard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Streef, near Peace InJ stitute. Phone 113. oct!7 Tyn rycx Institute, sr uawv Raleigh, N.C. No better school for girls. It has al ways been noted for music and art. First school in the State to intro duce violin with special teacher, This instrument will be particularly strong next session underMiss Min nie E. Johnson, from N. E. Conser vntory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to suit the times. jul23 lm NOTICE! North C'aroijna, ) In Superior Court wane ouniy. )ioci. Term, ho M. J. Edwards i a . , vs. I ovr v iu u v J. J. Lawrence Publication To J. J. Lawrence, defendant in the above entitled action. Take notice: That on the 29th day of Autrust, inao, an action was betrun and insti tuted in the Suiierior court of Wake county, North Carolina, to October Term 1bw of said court by M. J. Ed wards against .1. J. Lawrence, your- soil, entitled M. J. Howards vs. J. J Lawrence, and that summons' tnerein has lieen duly issued and returned not to lie found:" That the nuruose of said action is to recover money due irom you to tne said M. j. rJdwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to tne manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract of Kosadalis, and to the pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Right there to, ana tor tne recovery of damages from you for breach of said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 9W6.0W, You are hereby notified of 'the pen dency of said action, and that a war rant of attachment has been issueh in said action directing the seizure of your property in worth Ca oilna. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the October term of said Su perior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, to be held in the citv of Hal eigh, in said county and State, on the 26th of October, 1896, and answer or demur, during said term, to the com plaint which will be filed in said action or the plaintiff will have judgment for . a .... t : . a 1 i .i . i i "re (i.iiti uciuauuw tuereiu: w I it; u ana where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. D. H. YOUNG, Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. ARCO & SNOW, Attorneys. mg Reductions . " To make room for i- . Foil Goods. Clothing at and below cost. . Straw Hats must give way for (all styles. Another big lot : - 50c Umbrellas. Give On stock an inspection before buying elsewhere and you will save money. Sweep . . - A High-class Store Should Interest You. Our New Line - Lace Curtains ' '- Prices about 50 per cent less than you have been paying.' 60c to SS.OO Per Pair. Osr Special Sale? of Quilts and Ccur.tsrpanes. Our Special Sale of Towels and Napkins. Our Bargains in Sheetings, r ": jf Now is the time to buy them. -v-s-. Our Line of Ladies' Fine Oxfords , At Manufacturers Prices. " Our New Line, New Styles of Ladies Shoes. Our New Draperies in Chintz, Cretonnes, Pongee, Denims and Silk-lines. Our New lines of Empress Flannelettes, Suitings, Teasel Downs aud Per- sian r lannelettes for Wrappers. Out New lines of La Reine Percals and Poulards, rich colorings, hand some designs. A.B. STRONACH Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. i SUCCESSORS TO CA i Tho Burning Question ! Where Can Goods Let FACTS and FIGURES speak. Bombastic eloquence pale into uiier lnsigniiii-ance at tne bare mention 01 such goods at such prices. Sherwood s Solid Services Shoes are Cincinnati made, built for ser vice, style and c mfort. Warranted Domestic Dry Goods. Barker 4-4 Bleaching 6Jc Lonsdale 4i-4 Cambric 8Jc MohawklO-4Sheeting 17Jc Heavy AA Brown Domestic 4 c Alamance Plaids 3jc Fall Prints, dark colors 3c Gilt Edge Bleaching 6c 30-inch Bed Ticking 5c Dress Cambric all colors 4c Bed Comforte 3!tc SPECIAL One case 4-4 "Fruit of the C.'U Loom , ' ' long as It lasts V4 w succEStonsT C.A.SHERWOOD C0. Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures all Skin Diseases.' ' ' ' ; $ sinpsorrs pharmagy, v PULLEN BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. : . ECONOMY May be nocessarv In -man v wars when dollars are scare and want many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, Which is ure. rseiow a, certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; np to that stand ard it 08ts reasonable price. Wo never want mora than a reasonable price for our Groceries. ; -( . :. RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. - We never keep anything- that is. not the best ot its kind, and we only want a fair pro lit on what we invest in ik,4 -v.-.-i ..T?' - . ' ."--'j 'V:.'.. vr -. ': -i- -- -V: ,- ;.Vf: S Z' S-N - CHOICE CROCERIES Always in stock and promptly delivered when ordorof". ' I kio Ji h t I'il Popular Prices Shirtings and Bed Tickings Best be Bought ? in every respect. Popular-priced Shoes. Babies' Cacks 20c Infants Kid Button 40c Childs Grain Polish 50c Cbilda Calf Polks ..750 Misses Grain Button 75c Ladies' India Kid Button 98c Ladies' DongolaKid Button . $1.23 Ladies 'Tampico Goat. $1.50 Men's Solid Home-made Tics. ..$1.25 Boys' Buff Bals $1.0 SPECIAL. Genuine CalrGoodyear Welts, jO in bals and con., $3 shoe for V . swcccssorst C.A.SHERWOOD I. CO. The Filling of Prescriptions is the moat important work of a k-ood drug store. The very lives of a c ommunity depend upon the care and integrity of the man who Hills its pre scrlptlona We use onlythe very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of errori1 ; FIVE PER CENT PER MONTH 60 Vm CENT PER YEAH Guaranteed to all investors on invest r mcuut, ooio large ana smau, . , . , ... "when made with-virJ.;; ; THE NEW YORK IH INVESTMENT; ; COMPANY, . - BROKERS IN"-'.- ' Stocks, Bonds, Grain and COTTON. Jftt. 40 and 42 Broadway, New fork. P. S. People who desire to have' a steady and sure Income jon a small or large investment, send for ourexplanl torv circfllar, mailed free. mar 15 s. a. asiie & son, I FIRE INSURANCE.. 8 ilicit a part of your pfUcomijro- ' Office ovor MacRae'a liraucli l-Tiarl SH ERWOOO & CO. Tlio national RALEIGH, N C. Capital Paid In Surplus and Undevided Profits, DIRECTORS: J . B. B ATCHELOR, ' , JAMES A. BRIGGS, ' CM. BUSBEE, " ' THOMAS B: CROWDER P. a MORING, ' , ; JULIUS LEWIS, - CHAS. K JOHNSON., - i CUAS. H. BELVIN,. OFFICERS: CHAS. H. BELVIN. President ' -c CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-Psident. - F. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. f ' . -Out banking room has been enlarged and refurnished. ' A NEW whicft is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added! The door. -controlled by combination, automatic and timo locks, built. by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore. And sunerintended bv Mr. J. M. Mossman. of New York, an export in burg-lar proof SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un ' hi n jti x n bit uiuy aits bwu, anu uu arv inviusu 'I'hn MintAii r 9 thn linir Halts tKa Thoj-enter of the box has the its of the box without the presence his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents of which can ' be known only to the renter. There is of deeds, valuable papers, wills', bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is 4 u obtained for very moderate cost. . - : vf-r.v convenient ana private rooms customers in tne examination oi papers, cutting co We have an excellent vault in addition to this for the storage of boxes and packages. Everyone interested iu beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechanj'1 ism are cordially invited to inspect tho new work. , ( . , - -,- The f ictional auglS 3m "Smack Your Ice Cream crushed fruits It's Just "Out and try it. Five cents only. " A Full Lino Key Vesl Cigars , Can be LIqgRqo's Drench Plidrmcoy, Corner Fayetteville an-7 H'artin streets, next to Postofflce, Accordinjr to OUR STOCK ouarht to bo a crood one' for us. r Rich - qualities, immense assortment, coupled with lower prices than heretofore," is what we iutiVe by. The arrav of hlsrh class Suits and Overcoats indi cate at onco our leadership as your marked in plain figures, sold at one is ww lowest price. - r.; For tho bovs will interest vou ply the greatest we've ever had. ;; In so he'll not want any more clothes vou'd buv elsewhere-V-''i' All Spring and . If there is anvthinff vnu need School yourself or boyJs 25 per cent off former prices . Shrewd buyers bought for investment ibis season since the reduction is on, for it pays at our present prices to lav them aside till another season. The separate Pants ; are 25 per Cent off, too. ,- s.;-G,D.;:Dint7A;cr.,':" One ; Price Clothiers to All. The Commercial and Farmers' . '; ' . . r.. BanK, of Raleigh, 11. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1631. ' Paid up Capital Deposits , . ; Oilers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent en Reasonable ; Ten Some good business offices to let J, J.THOMAS. Prenidentj B, S.'jEI:MAN, Cashier. B ank p Ralpiir . . $225,000 75,000 VAULT, work. In this vault we have placed . - w oou uiem. key, and no one can train Access to the Irnn nnd a of the renter, and if he should lose ' ample room in the- boxes for the filinir - nave been provided lor the exclusive use .' - line burglar proof vault . Bank of Raleigh, IliVIElIGrll, IV. C. Lips Soda.'" with pure V, of Sight.", Comeir found at " ; clothiers. ' Everything in our bouse isr price strictly, to everybody, and that .'v' k-cs -iXf-eC-tij' . mostlv at nresent. , Our line is sim fifteen minutes we can fit vour bov - for this term, and for less money than '-i i- 'r .i,"1".: i- 'i-'-i'A- Summer. Clothes in hridr over thn spiicnn cif lior fnr : $100,000.00 .1300,000,00 :s. mmm ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President. II. W. JACKSON,' Assistant Ca ,i r. r

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