,'TIIK JOIXT DISCUSSION,. Dates and Places for the Dissuasion B' tweeu Watson and Guthrie Arranged . Chairtnaa Manly of the Democratic Executive Committee and Chairman Ayer of the Populist committee met . yesterday and arranged the dates and places for the joint canvass be- t ween Cyrus B. Watson, Democratic nominee for Governor and Maj. W A-Guthrie, Populist nominee. They are as follows. . " , . Salisbury, Friday, Sept 11th. a Concord, Saturday, Sept. 12th.; . Henderdbnvllle, Monday, Septera ber 14th." ' ' - ' - . BrysonCity, Wednesday, Septem ber 16th. " - . , ,j i ,': .Waynesvllle, Thursday, Sept .17. Marshall, Friday, Sept. 18th. , " " Ashe ville, Saturday, Sept "19th Taylorsville, Monday, Sept 21st : Wllkesboro, Tuesday Sept 22od. . Come out and bear the candidates -discuss the issues of the day; - c Judge Russell, the Republican can didate for Governor, has been In" - vited to speak at all these appoint- ments, v - , "T . -; ' " Clement Manly, . " - t ' Chm'n. State Dem. Ex. Cora. Hal W. Aym, -V Chm'n People's Party Ex, Com-. : . Mr. Watson will also meet prompt- " y his appointments as heretofore announced, to wit:' '?-" . Clement Manly, V ' v . . Chairman. A Joint Caavaasjfethla District, -': -Hon. & ..W. Pou and. Congress- - man Strowdhave arranged to have a . oint canvass and Mr. Massy, the ;,; v Republican nominee will be chal - enged to meet them. ' "T "if" Th Inlnt mnvnaa Keirins nt. Ran, - dlemen, Randolph county, Tuesday, ' eptember 8th. . ' " The other appointments are as follows: ' Ashboro, Wednesday, Sept. 9. ...,..' AOwanucie, inursuay, oept. iu. . Ramseur, Friday, Sept. 11. Liiperty, oaturuay, sept, iz. . . ; Pnblio Speaking. . Hon. Charles B. Aycock will ad : dress the people at tbo following times and places: Jacksonville, Wednesday, Sept. 9. , Richlands. Thursday. Sept. 10. '-'vHallsville, Friday, kSept. 11, r (Duplin county.) ' Warsaw, Saturday, Sept. 12. : Come out and hear this eloquent and earnest advocate of the people's rights discuss the great issues of 1 hut? uuju' - - viciiicub xuauijr, r - . -v.. ni!- J, ' - ' " Secretary. You need Hood's Sarsaparilla to . enrich and purify your blood, create an appetite and give. sweet, refrcsh ;.: ing sleep. . : WHAT'S ,- . f - " J r . v. YOUR rAVURiTI; SNUFF. K a- . Why, Parson's Celebrated v Edgerion Scotch Snuft ;Beeause-"a:5' It ia the purest and best manv faitured out of seloct Virginia Ijbb Tobacco.' v The Manufacturer select r the, ehoioest trades of Tobacco, ant we gTiaranteo jf you give it a trial youi . good judgment will approve EDGERION," - And in future you will use no other ' ' Ul AUUi . X UH U Ul UJ BU.V , . r jackage to suit the. K trade. ; f ' Sold by all Dealers, J. Jti. PARSONS, Mfg.; ' ' NEW BKl'NSWICK. 1C. J , ' Academy "of Music. . " FRIDAY, Sept umi GOOTE Late Now Boy . AWod by a-company of Comedians un- dor the management of Edward C. -'- White, in a screaming comedy, . ; . ' adapted from the French, -The Other Man's Wife . . v To be presented by James A. ' - Heme's delightful one- :-. act play, . . .. 1 Vices tl, 75 and 25c at W. E. King & Co. b. ' : VJhat is Practically Perfect Preparation For GHILDREN'S Complaints. "THE TRIUMPH OF LOV IS BAFFT, FRCITFUI MAKKIAGK.t Everr v Haa Wks WnM " Know the , Grand Tratka, tha Plain Facts, taa New Discs Trle sf Hadloal Bclaaoa , as Availed ta Harried Ute, Who Wan Id Atsss for Fast Xrrars and Avald Sntare Pitfalls, Bkaald Beeara tka IVssderfsl little Book Called xCoaaaleto Maakead, nad Haw ta At tala it." "Hero at luit. Is information from a htch medical source that mnst work wonders with this generation of men." The book fully describes a method by which to attain fall vigor and manly power. A method by which, to and all unnatura. -rains on me system. To core neTVoaaneaa, lack of self control, de spondency, Ac Xoezchansea jaded and worn nature for one of brightness. Trooyancy and power. to cure lorever eneota oi eioesses,overworic. ToX'iTeull stren firth, develonmont and tone to every portion and onnn of the body. Ago no Darner, jtauoro impossioia. lira thousand references. ' The book Is Durelv medical and scientific. nseleaa to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need It AdesDaiiina man. who had annUed to us. soon after wrote t . . ( . "Well. 1 tell Ton that Brut oav is one m never forget. I Just bubbled with Joy. I wanted to hxtg everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new self was born to-day. Why didn't yon tell me when I first wrote that 1 would find It this Ana nootnerinuai - v , "If von dnmned a eart load of ftold at my feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as yonr method baa done." - - Write to the ERXH MKDICAIf COMPANY, Buffalo. W. Y and ask for the little book eaUed 'COMPLETE MANHOOD."- BeTer to this paper, ana tbe company promises to sena the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until It is well Intro. luosd. . .. ., NOTICE r Bids for- furnishing fuel for the dif ferent departments of the Govern ment. t .The Secretary Of State desires to" Surotrase for the use of the different epartments of the State Government: 300 tons Pocahontas Coat. 60 tons White Ash Coal. 10 tons Jellieo Coal. 25 cords forest nine wood, of which 15 cords must be two (2) feet long and ten cords one (1 ) fooVlong, part to be delivered in rear of Supreme Court Building ana part at mo uoverner s Mansion. ' Sft.l(l nronoBftlg to .furnish the above will be received until the second -(2d) of September at the Secretary's office when tne contract win oe awarded. ' jy30eowtd Announcement. r After this date Mr.- Lewis ? ;T . " - -a, 1 Brown will be associated with Mr. E. Craw ford in the man agement of "the Park 1 Hotel,1 in Raleigh. , PAGE LDIIBER CO., ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, Rent. r. The VAOt UI-Kjiiii.ul In their enormously siuvesHful . spectacular production, THE NEW 8 BELLS s Tho Wonderful Ucvolvinjr Ship. The Amusing Carriage Hide. The Famous Byrne Troupe of Acrobats. The Beautiful Octopus. The Bewildering Trick Scenery. The Wonderful Mechanical Effects. E E A Gigantic Production Full of Nov elties. Prices, $1, 75c and 25c. Tickets on sale at W. H. King & Co. 's. , Administrator's Sale. As administrator of the estate of A. S. Pollard, deceased, I will ex pose to sale at public outcry to the highest bidder at the late residence of the said A S Pollard, 11 miles northwest of Raleigh, N. C., on Tuesday, September 22, 1806, the following articles of personal prop erty, belonging to said estate, to wit: One 20 horso power Talbot engine and boiler. One saw mill, capacity 10 to 15, 000 feet per day. L One fi8-saw cotton gin. One cotton press. One lot of shafting. -All of which is in good working order. Time of sale, 12 o'clock noon. Terms cash. J. C. Marcom, aug 29-tds Administrator. Sale of Valuable City Property. By authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county in Special Proceedings entitled W. N. Jones, administrator of Lucinda G. Briggs, vb. J. W. Allen and wife and others, No. 75(i S. P. Docket as com missioner appointed by the court, I will, on Monday, October 0th, 1896, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash in order to piake real estate assetB two houses and lots in the city of Ilaleigh described as follows: . First A lot on the southwest corner of the interseotion,of Morgan and Daw Bon streets, fronting 52 feet on Mor gan street and running back south 105 feet with Dawson street to A M Mc Pheeters' line. On this lot is a three room house. Second A lot fronting on West Morgan street, 521 feet and runs back south 105 feet. This lot is -situate about 621 feet west from the one above described and adjoins the lots of A. M. McPheeters on the south, Mrs E O Macy on the west and Miss Selina Jenkins- on the cast. Has a three room house on same. W. N. JONES. septl-tds ' - Commissioner. asy to Take asy to Operate An features peculiar to itood's Pills. , Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said: " Yoo nerer know yon hare taken a pill till It U all orer." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Haas, The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. When Bafar was sick, wegaveherCastoria. -v. Wliea she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When aha becaraa Kiss, she chinj to Castorta. Wbea she had Children, she gate them Caatoria, ' Brothers Ryrne, Cross & id-Summer Clearance Sale. We beg to calljoui: attention to the very low prices being offered in every department of' our store. Spring and summer goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will' do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS& LINEHAN. School Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything you need in this line. A full stock of Kurd's Fine Stationery nd in the ery A. .Williams & OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Paire & Marshall, PROP RIET0RS P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy Cures all Skin and Blood Diseases. Physicians endorse P. P. P. as a splendid combination, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Sec ondary and Tertiary Syphilitic Itheu- P. P. P. CnreH Rlieiimatism. Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, Old Chronic Ulstersthat have resisted all treatment. : Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cures Blood Ioison. Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Complaints, Mercurai Poison, Tetter, Scald Head, etc., etc. ' ' - P. P. P. Is a powersul tonic, and an excellent appetizer, building up the P. P.V Cures Scrofula. system rapidly. Ladies whose systems are joisoned and whoso blood is in an Impure conditian, duo to menstrual ir regularities, are peculiarly benefitted P. P. P, Cures Malaria. by the wonderful tonlo and blood cleansing properties Of P. P. P., Prickly Ashe, Poke Root and Potas sium. . fe,J;V: : . P. P.FV Cures Dyspepsia. Lippman Bros.. "; ; PROPRIETORS, '. Druggists, Lippman's Block, Savan - nah. Ga. Book on Blood Disease, mailed free. For sale by . VV.H." KINO. I Linehan. Books latest styles. Co's Book Store Have You Never Received a shirt home from a place digni fied by the name of laundry, which looked as though it had washed it self? which was of varying colors the predominating tints being blue and yellow poorly iron, with a crease hero and a wrinkle there, by way of ornament? It was provoking, wasn't it? We know just how to avoid all these things, and what's move, we do avoid them. We will please the most fastidious taste. Jfe?Terms, strictly cash, PHONE 87. Have Kept You Cool All Summer. Will Keep You w A R M All Winter. Soft Coal, Pocahontas and Russell Creek. Thacker and Jellieo Goal. The best Coal at lowest prices al ways at Jones & Powells. FAYETTEVILLE Military Academy, FAYETTEVILLK, N. C. COL. T. J. DREWRY, C. E, I'RINCIPAL. W. 8. Drowry, Ph. B., M. A. (Uni versity of Virginia) Associate. Next session opens September 2. Recognized as a school of the V ERY FRIST rank. Faculty of five ei peri enoed instructors. Teachers and pu pils form one household. Not a sin gle case of serious illness since itti foundation. Discipline strict, but parental. Certificate admits to cot lege, of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address the Principal. July28-lm Raleigh Male icademy MORSON & DENSON.Princxpals. ; The 19th year opens Monday, Au gust 31. The course which has been so successful in preparation tor Col legs or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupiL Board at tow rates.: Address c the Principals' for Catalogue. ' ' aug8 lm The Healed Term GONE! We have with us now i:. most de-lie-htful and charming weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now is the time today, not tomorrow. Remember You can find theoroner ric at Stron- ach's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles open every day in the week. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and Harness Emporium I have just received mv fall stock of vehicles and harness, which I am sell ing' at low water mart, f actory prices don't cut any ice in this slide. Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prices on venio les. viz: Top buggy toO: open bugary .10 to m; carriages 65 to 8100. My motto: "Buy right and sell close. FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. 1896, MIDSUMMER. Miss Maggie Reese. We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT ALL PRICES. White Leghorn AND CHIP HATS -IN ALL SHAPES Agents for Imperial PATTERNS. Miss Maggie Reese. Steam's Instant Headache Care 12 Doses for 25c and a Sure Cure. Prescriptions given special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drag Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PROPRIETORS. G.E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. This College offers thorough cour ses in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in Science. General academic studies supplement all these technical cour ses. ECPEN8K8 PKB SESSION INCLU DING BOARD For County Students - - $01.00. For all Other Students - 131.00. - Apply for Catalogues to , ' ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY, , - President Raleigh, N. C. - J; - SialeSormalandlndysIrialScfi:: Department well - equipped. 27 teachers, 444 regular students, be idea praetioe school of 7 pupil. ma trfrulatea since its opening in If i, U3 . of the 96 counties represented.' Com , potitire examination at eouuy seat .jf August 1st to flit free-tuition tacan' - i cieg in dorTOitorieav;';, Applleation should be made before Jnly uih to enter the examination. No froetuitiou ; except to. applicants signing a pledge to become teaehfirs. Annual expense of - free-tuition students , boarding In dormitories, $90; tuition-paylugr tu ai MA 'TVnalripnt CHARLES D. MclVER, Oreenaboro, ' , N. C. .jniyaun , SalttorHonaeandLrfMlnOarner.N. O. Rv virtue of Dower conferred on me by two mortgages duly recorded in Registry of Wake county In Book 108, page 68, and Book 124, at page 414, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder -for cash at the court house door in the city of Raleigh on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, '96, at 12 o'clock m., the house and lot described in said deeds, lying in Oar-;. ner, N. I'., and known as the joe Ma son house and lot, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of I Du pree, E. Pool and others, and describ ed as follows: Bounded on the north by R. & D. raLroad, on the east by I. Dupree, on south by J. A. Spenoe . and brother and on the west by E. Pool, and more particularly de scribed in a deed from A. C. Fowler to James Mason. Another lot ad joining the above, beginning at S. Dupree's corner, thence south 20 de grees west, 7 chains and 58 links to a stake, thence west 1 chain and 50 links to a stake, thence north 20 degrees east 1 chain and 80 links to a stake on the railroad, thence with same to the beginning, containing i of an acre, said land above described being the residence of the late Joe Mason. B. F. Montague, Mortgagee and Att'y for Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 26, '9i. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrell, de ceased, late of Wake Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said M. C. Sorrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to tbe said es tate are hereby notihed to make im mediate payment. J. C. Marcom, Administrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul3 ltw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LIME.) Condensed Schedule. la Effect June 14. I86. Trains Leave Kalolgh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p, m, Dally, Solid vestibuled train with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. Salis bury, Horganton, aslieville, not springs and Knoxrille. Connects at Durham for Ox'ord Clarksvllle and KejsYtlle. except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and South western Vestlruled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. U for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate local stations ; also has connect Ion for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 35, ' united states Fast nail" for Charlotte Spartanburg. Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta Charleston, Savannah, Jaesson ville. and all points In Florida. Bleeping Car for Atlanta. Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Daily Solid train, lonsistin Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Noifolk 6:00 pm in time to connect with tbe Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners ' Ni rfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore Chesapeake and Bicta mond 8 S Co's for all pointf north and east. Connects at Selma for Fayettevllle and n termediate stations on tbe Wilson and Fh ettevllle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday tor New ern and Horehrad ( ity dally for Golds boro, and Wilmington and intermediate sta tions on tl e Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Express Train. ' 8:50 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvllle, Blchmood; at Greensbor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. J .09 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and inter ' mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro tor all p tuts for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West ern North ( arolina. Knoxvllle, Tenn , Cincin nati and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. 3 :0s P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 4 : 1 3 P. M. Dally From all poll ts east Nor folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboio, Wilmington, Fayet wills V and aH points In Eastern Carolina, v ' Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. " - " :0 A. n. Dally From New York, Washing"' ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Jril-, tanooga. Knoxville, Hot springs and Ashevllle, ' Express Train A . -., 8, SO a. m, Dally From Goldsboro and Inter ' J mediate stations. ' Local. . 7:20 A. fl. Dally Frtm Greensboro and a ; points North and South. Bleeping Car from Greeusboro to Kaleigb. ,V-, 9:00 p. sa Daily exc pt Sunday From Golds- ' boro and all points East. . .... Loeal freight trains also carry passengers. Pullman ears on Bight train from Balelc to , Greensboro. ' Through Pullman vestibuled Drawing Boom ' Buffet sleeping Car and Vestibuled coaches - without change on sorfolk limited, Double dally trains between Balelgh, Char v lotte and Atlanta. Quick time ; snex celled a- -v eonunodatloo. W. II. UKKhN, ;T :; Oeneial UiriliilriK - W. A. TDHK General Fasaenger A g lit Vaabincton. D. C , . J, M. Cojlp, Traffic M - iei ,'. . V , 1 Carpenter & Peebles; ARCHITECTS. ' Thomas M. Ashe, Associated, ". Corresondenoa solicited. ' ' CtfBce Room -1, - over MacRae t Braaob Pharmacy a.