TUESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1896. THOS. I. PENCE - . City Editor. Index to Kaw Adrertlaemaata. . Thomas & Campbell's Specials. The Weather Tomorrow. I ctia I Washington forecast for North I Carolina: Fair tonight and ? t Wednesday. . Foraoaat for Raleigh. Local forecast for Raleigh, (not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles:) Fair tonight. Fair and warmer Wed nesday. Local Data. : Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. (today) September 8th, Maximum temperature, 80; minimum temperature, 57; rainfall, 0.00. Condition of the Weather. The following were the weather con ditions at 8 a. m. today: . State of the weather . clear. ' Temperature of the ah- 72 deg. i Sensible temperature 70 deg. Wind Telocity Light. Direction of wind N. PERSONAL. Mr W F Trogdon, or Wilkesboro, is here. Mr J R Young, of Henderson, was here today. Mr B W Ballard, of Franklinton, is here. Mr J W C Long, of Statesville, is at the Park. Mr. T. J. Allison, of Statesville, Marshall of the Western N. C. Dis trict, is in the city. Maj. and Mrs. S. F. Telfair and Samuel Telair, Jr, have returned from a visit to Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beddingfield, of Richmond, Va., are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Geo. H. Glass. Misses Lizzie and Pearl Carver, of Forestville, are here visiting the Misses Hill, on Newbern Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith, have returned from a three weeks trip to New York, Toronto and other Cana dian points. Mr. William Fowler, son of Dr. Martin Fowler, of Rolesville, has ac cepted a position with Messrs. Sher wood Higgs & Co., where he would be glad to have all his friends call. ..-.'."V CITY IN BRIEF. Wake Forest has 220 students en- v:-. rolled so far. The number enrolled : ' last year this time was 175. . , Miss Melene Congle ton, now with :. .' Messrs. Sherwood Higgs & Co., is . ffi.: ready to serve her friends and cus- ,v: tomers. ' f . ':.. The bicycle is all the rage with . the ladies in Greensboro, and there "- , are said to be one hundred lady bi- cyclists there. Mayor Russ is receiving congratu lations from his many friends upon the recent arrival of twins both boys at his home. 'V.,;;';-.w . The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce occurs 'ir- tonight at the mayor's office. The v : election of officers will occur. The Board of County Commission - ers are in session today. School matters have occupied most of the 1 '''&.' attention of members of the Board. . Cards are out for the marriage of -j. Mr. William Cutts, of the Telephone .: Exchange, which will occur at Lil- . . ' ' : lington, Harnett county, on the 20th .us 1 inst. fw!. The friends of Mr. E. T. Hall, Jr., :. can find him at the shoe store of Sherwood Higgs A Co., in training . under that veteran shoe man, Mr. : ?t . : C. Hutchings. t Mr. H. S. Leard will in the future r' "x-.1 - have Pullman oar tickets on sale at his office for the benefit of the pub lic. Berths can be reserved up town in the future. ' The annual meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce and Industry will ' be held this evening at 8 o'clock in .the Mayor's office. This is a very i " Important meeting and every mem , ber Is urged to attend. Officers for . the ensuing year will be elected. " Dr. and Mrs. R S. McGcachy -leave this afternoon for Red Springs where they will spend several days. . They will stop over in Fayetteville ; a day or two on their . return and v then go lo Raleigh, where they will , . make their future home Fayette--I ville Observer. - - lopnilta Cnrinf for ''i)ooh.', By Telegraph to the PresB-Vlsiton.'": WASHnioroK,' Sept SL'Ab appeal for funds waa prepared by Populist managers last night and issued to day. The committee has been in straights for want of money to carry on the work of the campaign. This appeal will call upon all interested in the cause to contribute. Business Notices. Just think of it, a nice Combina tion Oak Book Case and Desk, with Revolving Mirror,' for $16," former price $21;. One in Oak, fine finish $12. former price $16. . Also "one in Mahogany, former price $22, reduced to $16 at Thomas A Campbell's. A Great Bargain Ut Folding Beds. One large oak folding bed, with french plate mirror represents a wardrobe, regular price, $35.00, reduced , to $20.00, also one in oak representing chifferneer, regular price, $25.00, now $15.00. Twolarge full size black walnut wardrobes, reduce to $15 in these you will get a bargain. Remember the place, Thomas and Campbell. Great Redaction Sale. In checking up our stock we find a few pieces of fine furniture which we will sell at one-fourth off at cash prices in order to close them out. One fine oak polish china closet, reg ular price $32.00, reduced to $24 00; one nice oak china closet, regular price $20 now $15; and one very nice, former price $27, reduced to $21; one very fine mahogony china closet with 3 doors and drawers, this is a beauty, regular price $32, reduced to $24; all these have French plate mirrors. Call early and get a bargain, Remember the place, Thomas & Campbell's. -4 For Rent. A cottage on McDowell street, be- ' tween Morgan andHargett, 4 rooms, I pantry ana kitchen, possession given oeptemoer iota, sept 7 4t B Apply . P. Wi to Williamson. Remember we keep on hand a large assortment of side boards, hall trees, wardrobes, extension tables, leather bottom rockers and various other things too numerous to mention. Thomas & Campbell. Branson's N. C, Business Direc tory, 8th Revised Edition is now being supplied to the subscribers. This is by far the most elaborate re ference book evermadefor the State. aug25-lm Am receiving daily consignments of fine Virginia cabbage, Kentucky potatoes and apples and the finest chickens in town, all selling low for cash, i'ohte attention and prompt delivery. W. H. ROGERS. s7 2t The Produce Man. Here's Some Bargains. One solid Black Walnut Book Case, French glass doors 8 feet high, 4 feet wide, regular price $30, now fell to $19; One large Dressmaker's Mirror, large size 22x48, French bevel glass, reduced to $6; One very fine cherry mantel Cabinet, French bevel glass, former price $27.50, now $18. The old firm still have a claim on all the above goods, and they must be sold at once. Yours for bargains, Thomas & Campbell. Wanted. To rent gent's Bicycle for one month. Address, "W. J. B. " aug31-2w Method, N. C. For Kent. Nice dwelling on Dawson street; eight rooms; city water. Recently occupied by Mr. William Allen. se5-lw Thomas H. Bbkkis. School Books at Half Price. We have collected several thou sand and can supply you with al most any text book desired in ex change or for one half cost. Call and save your money. : M. M. SMITH, Manager S. L. B. Exchange. Phone 225; P. O. Box 326. s5-lw Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of James B. Bobbitt, deceased, I hereby give notice toall persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and to all persons havingclaims against him to present the same to me, duly veri fied, on or before the 5th day of September, 1897, otherwise this notice may be plead in bar of recov ery. J. HAL BOBBITT, Executor of J. B. Bobbitt, dee'd. Sept. 5, 1896. lm H Our Hat Fashions Aro in the Swim! There is a chill in the air which and donning a new Crusher, a Tourist We have a big stock of them in ors and black. Men's Crushed Hats, 50, 60 and 75c. Men's Tourist Hats 75c, $1, $1 25, $1 50, $2 00 and $2 50. Men 's Derby Hats 75c, $1, $1 50 to $2 30. Men's campaign Hats, "gold or silver," 50c. Boys' Hats 15, 20, 25c up to $1. lloys' Caps, 10, 20 and 25c. ; W. 206 - - Wanted. " v To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, guns, pistols, watches, musical instruments, etc.. etc. D. W. C. HARRIS, Pawn Broker and Steam Dyer- Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. East Hargett street, just below Central HoteL .'- al2 lm Pioneers "of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescenu i $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what we are talking Factory made 65.000 year. The C ascents v heel 8 last have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. lams Dams Another lot of those delicious South ampton county ( Va. ) Hams; also fine lot mild cured Johnston county (N. C ) Hams. Fresh arrival New River Mullets, tine, fat Mackerel, new pack Hoe Her- i'i i ngs, etc. Melrose t lour still growing in popularity. And why? Bevause it is carefully ground from best selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar anteed. Hespectfully, J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sta. Telephone 125. fPianos I fOrgans Down Go Prices Clean to Bed Rock. A Revolution in the Piano and Organ Trade. Old Prloea bur led. New Fall Offers that Break the Rocord. Elegant (Jew Upright Piano, only $183 Boot Pianot, Old Maker. only $237 Mirror Toa Parlor Orgs, 1 1 atop, $67 Super Organ, Richest Cast, only $63 Sample bargain Oar Kntir Line Reduced Lowest Prices erer known on Standard Instru ment Thousands of dollars eared Buyers. Leaders always, we set the pace in Low Prices Thi Ad. mean business, better answer it. . .... i MRU tor new spaotai imwi, rail 1836. Ltidden & Bates, S. M. HOUSE. Miller &Uzzle,M,gYs., Raleigh, N. C. sept 7 tf A suggests the laying aside the straw or Derby. all the latest styles and newest col E. JONES. Fayetteville St, Raleigh, K. C Raleigh Je5. " 1 3 SEGARS . ', ' . .r ". . ' i To Burn I Fivo Cents i Discloses the GOOD QUALITY. TRY THEM. Youtb very truly, Janes McKimmon & Co., 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. Funny that 8I10C8 I hat cost 9 sm 10 53.00 Hiiomu on ken- sta Ingfora DOLLAR A PAIR, 7 Isn't It? Who would think hat afn eljrh 1I1 of an inch lo fff he width of ihn ti would make audi a iliffVirnce? A Dollar a Pair for $3.00 Shoes. 3 Tlial'a our Ntoi-e rsnl for rest ol' itie week! It Q Sr.: wwm lit. . 1 ii..- i:mhi vod aud a lis 1 1 -more rom 4 for cramped lor. ih. Pr-itj (A V good !) ratlin, don't juii think? HELLER BROS., Iff 'PHONE 241. IM School Supplies AND STATIONERY. 1 Only Half Price. Cut Half in Two at Riggan's Toy Store. see ma irom window: take vour choice of that fine lot of 10c writing tablets for 5c; 1 pound of linen paper oniy iuc; i pound oi tne best linen pa per 20c: Baronial Envelopes of the heaviest weight (or only 5c. Best linen Baronial only 8c: writine books and blank books at just half price. Book Bags, Book Straps, Pencils, Crayon, etc. We will tjive you a scholar's com panion with look and key furnished, with a lead pencil, slate pencil, jen holder and chalk for only oc. The best candv at' 20c a nound. em bracing all the popular kinds and flavors, packcl in fancy boxes if de sired. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE aug29 ly Publication of Summons. North Carolina, ) In Superior Court w aico ijoiurty. ) to Oct. Term, 'Ufl Service tfy Publication. W H Wheeler vs. Sallie- Atkins, nanniDai Litems, Ulysses Atklne William Atkins. Benton C Atkins last two infants, Rena Atkins and her nusband, William .Atkins, Maloy Hoover Holers' Infant, Joseph Rogers, Annie E Shaw, W F Shaw, Mary L Wheeler. Creacy C Wheeler. Annie D Wheeler's last three infants and B O Uarlter, administrator of Alain Jones; deceased. To Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkins; William Atkins and Benton C. At kins, Defendants in the above en titled action. You and each of you will take notice and notice is hereby given you, that W. hi. wheeler, plaintiff above named. has instituted - an action entitled as above in the Superior Court of Wake county, iMortn Carolina, against you nnu tne otner aeienaanta named above. The summons In said action was is sued on the 31st dayof Aagust; 1899, and is returnable to 'the October term, 1896, of Wake Superior Court to be held in the city of Raleisrh on the 2(lth day of October, 1898. - The purpose of said action is to foreclose a mortsaire on real estate given by your parents, ouneon Allans i now - aeceaaed I and ftalHrt A,)rl. .i 11.1. -.,v..ii. w nuiiu tfvum, mortgage was transferred to plaintiff. W. H. Wheeler. - , - ' - : r ' You are further notified and tea uired to appear at the aforesaid Octnbnr Term of Wake Superior Court and answer or demur during said term tn the complaint which will be filed in said action, or the-plaintiff will be granted the relied demanded la the complaint, i D. II. YOUNG.- ' Clerk Superior Court Wake Co ' ; H. E. Noma, Attorney. .' September 4, 1896. , , ltwCvr Irish Potatoes - .Northern - Cabbagef . . -" New Riw " Mullets. Now arriving almost daily. We are prepared to quote lowest prloea and show first-class stock. Itwill pay you to see our goods and prices before placing your orders. Rockwell Butter. Have you tried it? This is one of the best brands on the market, made by Mr. E. B. C. Hambly at Rockwell, N. C, who runs one of the finest herds of thoroughbred Jerseys in the South. We receive this butter -fresh from the dairy every week and can deliver it to you in nice, sweet condition at 30c per pound, or will make a special price on standing weekly orders for five or more pounds at a time. Remember We sell the best old at 35c per gallon. cider Vinegar 0. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest b uc k wheat cakes. Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work won ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoid fever. The germs are found in much of our drinking water. OT TERBURN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic, diuretic and blood Durifvins remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value. Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with 'hysicians, as it is easily retained y the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbitt The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. Important toDon. In looking through our shoe stock we find one pair of shoes of this kind, two of another and soon. Now we are bound to Make Room for our fall stock, and to do this we must sell these shoes. You . will have the chance of shoes from II. 50 to $2.50 for r . - ' , 64c. Don't wait,' but come right now. SENSIBLE Lycn VlZzI Gfrro CEO: We have been receiving our new-stoclr for tho past two or three weeks and we expect to have it complete by the end of the week. We have two. buyers North at present who are daily sending us new and beautiful goods for the fall. Your attention is called to the following Millinery Dep't.; This department will be in charge of the same ladies who pleased the trade so much last spring, and we will have anything you want in the new shapes. Skirts and Wrappers We expect a large lot of new styles skirts and wrappers this week, which we will sell you cheaper than you can make them. Dress Goods Our specialty is medium-priced goods. We have a large stock of stylish goods to show and if you need a new skirt we would like you to see what we can show you in black goods. We do a cash business sell goods lo all alike. Get the best valuo" we can for our money and give you the same. See our stock before you buy. AGENTS FOR . WOOLLCOTT & SON. U.ILMS.TUCeiGG9 New Shoes for Men and Women, Boys and Girls. FALL 1896. : Just arrived, Johnson & Murphy's cele brated hand-made shoes for men. The "J. & M" hand-made shoes for men are justly con sidered the highest grade men's shoes manu factured; in fact these "J. and M." hand made shoes excel the best custom work eyer ! made. The styles are the correct shapes, newest toes, etc., for this fall's wear, made in patent leather, French, calf and imported, Cordovan, and Russian oalf in the newest shades of dark wine and chocolate. K ' " x JUST ARRIVED Lairr, Shober & Co. 's celebrated hand made shoes for ladies, misses uud children. Every one recog ' nizes Laird, Shober & Co. s shoes as the best marie for ladies, : J misses and children. These for this fall and winter, just come in, are in the newest shapes and absolutely correct In : style. Come now and be fitted. - k W. II. & R. S. TUCKER CO. FOR $3-36 SGOO Regular As you know these screens are made in the Celestial 4 Empires and are the beautiful products of the mostjskilled iDur screens are four folds, -'heavily satin finish,' - k I - Open at Leaders of Low Prices. Shoes"-" -tf-'r ..--,. -. Genuine dongola shoe for Indies, ' ' all the new toes at $1.50 and $2.' j Wo have an unusually strongjine of children's and misses' shoes at 75,1. 85c, $1, 11 15, $1 25, 1 40 and $1 0 These shoes aro made to wear and wfl " can pleaso you In quality... ; " Crockery We have mtjde many additions to this large stock and can showjrou the prettiest, assortment of all kind of dishes, toilet and dinner sets 'you. can find anywhere. , J Prices We do not blow much about prices, but as we have as much money as tho balance of the trade in tho city, wc can sell you goodus cheap as any other store. $3:36 Price $6 00 artisans, - ' five feet high, worked in gold r , ; - Night. ;