.1 k.2C3VI3ITCI 11 BUSHED BY TUB VISITOR-PBESS COMPAJCY INCORPORATED . A CONSOUDATIOW OF THE VISITOB, EST ABUSED 1878, AND THK PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. ' ' Offioe in the Fullen Building, comer Fayetteville and Davie Streets. ' GREEK O. ANDREWS, " ., v.. ,. v ' - Editor md MiuH, . - JASPER N. MoRARY, " Solleltlitf Af rat. . : Subscription Prices. - , si 1 One Year 3.00 Six Months 1.60 , One Month 25 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the Mews and " in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. THURSDAY, SEPT. 10. 1896. STAND TOGETHER FOR WATSON. The present indication seems to be that the chances in favor of the elec tion of Cyrus B. Watson Governor of North Carolina are indeed flatter ing. Russell's intenticn to stay in the field, and the declaration of the Republ;ean leaders that he will stay up at the head of the ticket, if car ried out, will make Mr. Watson's election pretty well assured. All that is needrd is for straight Wat son Democrats to stick together and be at the polls on election day. We regard the election of Governor as by far the most important thing which will be voted on in the coming election, either the State or National ticket, and we hope there will be a solidity of the Democratic vote on that nomination at least. We trust that every one of our readers carefully perused the ad mirable report of President Pogue of the Chamber of Commerce, full as it was of pertinent suggestions. President Pogue has made a model President of the chamber and that organization is to be congratulated upon re-electing him at its head. Topeka, Kan., a city of 40,000 population, has adopted the "curfew system." The first bell rings for fifteen minutes before 8 p. m. in winter and 9 in summer, and all children under Iti years of age found in the streets or in public places after that time unaccompanied by parents or guardians, are liable to arrest and fine. The German custom of dueling has borne singular fruit at Konigsberg. The manager of the Borseogarten, d, concert garden there, refused the challenge of a government assessor. The hiyher governmental officials of the city thereupon boycotted the establishment, and the general com manding has forbidden officers to frequent it, and has withdrawn the permission granted to the regimental bands to play there. The New York Evening Post of the 3rd says: The will of Kate Field was found yesterday in a tin box which she had left with the propietor of the Shoreham Hotel at Washing ton, D. C, It appoints as executors . H. Kohlsaat, of Chicago, and T. Sanford Beatty, secretary to Senator Brice. The latter is her literary executor. As anticipated, it pro vides for the cremation of her body ana the burial of the ashes at Mdunt Auburn, Mass. According to the Southern States Magazine the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad Mr put into effect a low rate from Galveston northward, the object being to bring immigrants bound from Europe to the West, through Galveston instead of New York,' as Is now the case. It Is also said that the Iforth German Lloyd and Hamburg American Steamship lines are favorable to this movement and will run shipsregularly between Hamburg and Bremen and the Texas port. : The Southern States Magazine says, and probably it Is right, that the tendency of immigrants s to. sot tie near the place of landingand as- suming this to be a fact, the belief is that the bringing of immigrants from Europe to Galveston will be a posi tive benefit to the South. '.. The New Orleans Times-Democrat says it is officially announced that Japan will buy the cotton she needs for her mills in the Crescent city. A Japanese broker has been in this country for several months survey ing the field for the purpose of de termining where he can buy cotton on the most favorable terms and of the quality needed in Japan, and has finally decided to place a large order in New Orleans. The Japan ese trade is already considerable, amounting to some 75,000 to 100,000 bales a year, and promises to stead ily increase. "Of course," saysthe Times-Democrat, "by the new ar rangement New Orleans will get practically the entire Japanese busi- A Million Gold Dollars. Would not bring happiness to the person sunenng wiiu uyspopsm, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured many thousands of cases oi tnis ais ease. It tones the stomach, regu lates the bowels and puts all the ma chinery of the system in good work ing order. It creates a good appe tite and gives health, strength and happiness. Hoods Pills act harmoniously with Hood s Sarsaparilla. (Jure all liver ills. 25 cents. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents pr ' ox. "or sale by John Y. Mac Rot. The University. .'Hi Teachers, 534 Students. Tuition $tiO a year. Board $8 ( eight dollars ) a month. Three full College Courses, three Brief Courses, Law School. Medical School, Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships ana loans for the needy. Address Pres't. Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C jn25 lm Does Your $ Head Ache When you read? If so, you shoula come in and have your eyes tested by our Skilled Optician. H. Mahler's Sons, 6 Jewelers and Opticians. Ttaeae tiny 4:nkcuut ar rftt km AH LM wltks i iettonvenienrf, n flections) MTftf wrw nnd in-errtnnn full. : U UUCd Tired Feeling Makes yoa seem ."all broken up," with out life, ambition, energy or sppetita It is oltoa the forerunner of serious ill ness, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. . Ill necessity of taking Hood's Farsaparilla for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the good It will do yoa is equally beyond question. Bemembar Sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. , i, mil., eure liver Bis, easy to take, HOOU S FIHS easy to operate, assents. Cut Honors Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In stitute. Phone 113. octl" Thsnno Institute, sr scis Raleigh, N.C. No better school for girls. It has always been noted for music and art, First school in the State to intro duce violin with special teacher This instrument will be particularly strong next session underMiss Min nie E. Johnson, from N. E. Conser vatory, a pupil of Mahr. Terms to suit the times. jul23 lm NOTICE! North Carolina, In Superior Court Wake County. To Oct. Term, '96 M. J. Edwards I o..,- i. vs. Lawrence J. J. I Publication. To J. J. Lawrence, defendant in the above entitled action. Take notice: That on the 2SHh day of August, loDb, an action was bee-un and insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county, North Carolina, to October Term WW of said cotirt by M. J . Ed wards against J. J. Lawrence, your- seit, entitled m. J. inwards vs. J.J Lawrence, and that summons tnerein has been duly issued and returned "not to be found:" That the purpose of said action is to recover money due from you to the said M. J. Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re latin? to the manufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract of Rosadalis, and to the pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one half interest in the Patent Right there to, and for the recovery of damages from you for breach of said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 993,000, i ou are hereby notified of the pen dency of said action, and that a war rant of attachment has been issueh in said action directing the seizure of your property in North Ca olina. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the October term of said Su perior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the 2tith of October. 1896, and answer or demur, during said term, to the com plaint which will be filed in 6ald action, or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief deni&nded therein; when and wnere tne warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. D. H. YOUNG, Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. AltGO ,t SNOW, Attorneys. ing To make room for Fall Goods. Clothing at and below cost. Straw Hats must give way for fall styles. , Another big lot " 50c Umbrellas. Give our stock an inspection before buying elsewhere and you will save money. , - , Sweep Reductions ,C ........ t J .. . jMtr 0iMMMmMM j i Urcss k: riss fTu1 rlNewj,esl icffill IILis; btit M)&BwmnmMM - - . -. jnom A TRIPARTITE UNION Popular Prices, Attractive Designs and Color -v Gathering; WE ARE READY. We are ready to whenever you are ready to look. PARIS and BERLIN. Our own Import orders from Paris and Berlin in conjunction with our purchases of high class American novelties make us the peer of any house in this section of the South. Advance purchases are now ready for your inspection. JT Goods were never so low as they are today. Shoes for Fall and Winter. Naw lasts, new designs, new patterns at . ' One Price, and That the Lowest. A. B. STRONACH, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. SUCCESSORS TO C. A The Rurninor niinetinn T Where Can Goods Let FACTS and FIGURES speak. Bombastic eloquence pale into utter insignincaut o at tne Dare mention or sucn goods at such prices. Sherwood's Solid Servicoe Shoes are Cincinnati made, built for ser vice, style and cemfon. arranted Domestic Dry Qosd?. Barker 4-4 Bleaeliiii!,' .... -'c, Lonsdale 4-4 Cambi ii' Sijc Mohawk 10-4 Sheeti ng 17 J c Heavy A A BrOWn Domestic 4c Alamance Plaids 33 c Fall Prints, dark colors 3Jc Gilt Edge Bleaching 5c 30-inch Bed Ticking 5c Dress Cambric all colors 4c Bed Comforts 39c SPECIAL. One case 4 4 "Fruit of the C3A Loom, ' ' long as it lasts ... W4W ucccssorsto C.A.SHERWOOD S. CO. Simpson's Eczema Ointment cures SIMPSON'S PTJLLEN BUILDING, ECONOMY May bo necessary in man? wavs when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in tne purchase of rood, which is life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never- want mora than & reasonable price for our Groceries. . . RAPID SALES - Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what w invent in it. or- ... S3 .Vlways In stock and promptly delivered ? '. when ordered. .;"", THOS.GGliD. I .Sh ervToSd & Cc. Best be Bought? in every respect. Popular-priced Shoes. Babies' Cai ks 20c Infants Kid Button 40c Childs Grain Polish 50c Childs Calf Polks 75c Misses Grain Button 75c Ladies' India Kid Button. 98c Ladies' Dongola Kid Button. . .$1.23 Ladies' Tampico Goat $1. Men's Solid Home-made Ties. ..$1.25 Boys' Buff Bals ....$1.0 SPECIAL. Genuine Calf, Goodyear Welts, in bals and con., S sboe for Vfc sueccisoRtt C.A.SHERWOOD CO. Tho Filling of lions ia the most important work of a ,-ood drug store. The very lives of a ommunity depend upon the care and integrity of the man who Hills its pro scriptions We use only the very best and freshest drugs, and exercise the most painstaking care to prevent the possibility of error'i all Skin Diseases. PHARMACY, RALEIGH, N. C.' ' FIVE PER CENT PER MONTH ' OIV- ' 60 PER CENT PER, YEAR Guaranteed to all investors on Invest ments, both large and small, when made with THE NEW.YORK V INVESTMENT. - COMPANY, - BROKERS IN ; . : - V':'",:':-";'---v---"-. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and COTTON- No.' 40 and 42 Broadway t ffew York. . P. 8. People who desire to have a steady and sure income on a small or large investment, send for ourexplani torv circular, mailed f ree. . mav 15 s. a: ashe & son, FIRE INSURANCE. Solicit a part of your patronage; -Office over MacRAO"""! (ranch Pnar ma -. - Tlie Rational RALEIGH; JN C. H h r Capitat Paid In . ; $225,000 Surplus and Undevlded ; Profits, . . ; . -. : 75,000 DIRECTORS: " J . B. B ATCHELOB, JAMES A. BRIGGS, ' . CM. BUSBEE, . THOMAS B. CROWDER; F. O. MORING, JULIUS LEWIS, 1 i - CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. H. BELVlN, " ' W. JR. TUCKER. , - OFFICERS:" " ' CHAS. H. BEL VIN, President " CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President. F. H, BRIGGS, Cashier. Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished." j. A NEW which Is entirely fire proof and burglar proof, has been added.' The doors ' controlled by combination, automatic and time locks, built by the Miller Safe and Iron Works, of Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J. M. Mossman, of New York, an expert in burglar proof work. In this vault wo have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, the convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all aro invited to see them. . .-- , The renter of the box has the key, and no one can gain access to tW -contents of the box without the presenoe of the renter, and If he should lose his key, the finder could not gain access to the box, the contents Of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the" boxes for (the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc., and perfect security is - -obtained for very moderate cost. . . ' ' Convenient and private rooms have been provided for. the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this fine burglar proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. .,-:.. .( Everyone Interested in beautiful workmanship and most delicate mechanj Ism are cordially invited to Inspect the now work. The National Bank of Raleigh, RALEIGH, IS". C. auglS 3m - cc. m war ' m a" - - - . ' oiiiuuu luur Lius auuu. , . Ice Cream with pure crushed fruits" It's Just "Out ofSihtOohiE and try it. Five cents only. A Full Lino Key West Cigars Can be found at tlocflao's Branch Pharmacy, Corner Fayetteville and Martin streets, next to Postoffice. ' t r. - U.D.B.S.TUCBe New Shoes for Men and Women, Boys and Girls. FALL 1896. Just arrived, Johnson & Murphy's cele- brated hand-made shoes for men. The 44 J. & M' hand-made shoes for men are justly con- sidered the highest grade men's shoes manti-; factured; in fact these "J. and M." hand made shoes excel the best custom Iwork eyeHi made. The styles are the correct shapes, - newest toes, etc., for this fall's wear, made in patent leather, French 4 calf and imported ' Cordovan, and Russian calf inT the newest shades of dark wine andchocolate. - - JUST AJRRIVED Laird, Shober & Co.'s celebrated hand- 7 made shoes for ladies, misses and children. Every one recog- '. . v -nues Laird, Shober & Co.'s shoes as the best made for Iadios," v -,; misses and children. These for this fall and . winter, ; - just! .- v come In, are in the newest shapes and absolutely correct in 7, "style. Come now and be fitted. 17. II. & R. S. The ; Commercial and Farmers' : .- . . ' ." ': ' ; Bank, .of Raleigh H. C. ' ' " Chartered by General Assembly 1891. ; . " Paid up Capital Dppsit . . . Offers its cuslomers every accommodation consistent with safe r- banking--,-"-'-.. . - "y " Safe Deposit; Boxes foK-.Rent-on Reasonable Term?, v :". -.. .. r Some good business offices to let . : . . J. J. THOMAS, Tresident, ALF A. THOMPSON, Vice President, B. S. JFJtMAN, Cashlor M. W. JACKSON, Assistant .Cashier 3 BankpRaleiglr VAULT, . , TUCKER Ci CO. $100,000.00 . 300,000.00 " - ' ' ' -ft . , O