jsait Tor Heavy Damage. "Charles II. Norton has returned to jDurhim from the Johns Hopkins Hospital iu Baltimore where tie has been for some months under treat- merit for the severe injury he re ceived la a railroad accident, and bus entered suit against tne JNortn - Carolina Railroad for damages. Ho and Mr, ,A.: G.'Hauer, oIRal p eigh, wer :in ' a ' buggy together : crossing the railroad track .wneo an ' east bound train on the North Caro lina road struck the buggy..' , He claims $30,000 or $40,000 dam ages on the ground that tbocars were running at an unusual rate of speedy that the buggy was carried a - great distance and that the railroad was careless in leaving a lot of box cars In the way so no one could see the coming tram. -The railroad peo v pie say there was no negligence and .that the train was not running rap - idly . -;: s xsprion, ine uurnam iieraia says, was so badly hurt that he is injured for life. - .-?-' Mr Bauer' has not yet brought suit, but it Is understood he will 'also be likely to suo iu Durham. ;. 1 .11. -KT MtlHM has been sued, and not the South 1 1 1 1 - 1 il - - il. ' ern, wmcn is me lessee ui vue uuim Carolina'dirision. It is said this was done to prevent removal of the trial to the Federal court. Fuller, Winston & Fuller represent Mr, Norton and F. H. Busbee. W. A. Guthrie, and Manning & Foushee will represent the railroad. ' Autumn Tour to Niagara Falls. : In view of the recent successful summer tours to Niagara Falls, the Baltimore and Ohio railroad has ar ranged to run an additional excur sion to Watkins Glen; Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara. , This excursion will leave Norfolk via Washington aud - Baltimore steamers,? Wednesday, September 9th, connecting with special train of ntirl rr -art find Anv fwaehps as ler - r , , ' scneauie oeiow: v Leave Washington, 8:10 a. m. . .. uco9 uaiviuivtUf v.w a, hk f ' Arrive Niagara Falls, 11:00 p. m. v'i Remember that this will bo the -. An vta Mniti mniifl w -i I'A n m . last excursion of the season and the " date is Wednesday, September 9th. Round trip from Norfolk $13.00. For 'tickets and further information apply to - ' Arthur G. Lewis, Passenger Agent. i What you want when you are ail ing is a medicine that will cure you. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla and be con vinced of its merit. WHAT'S - .' YflUR FAVORITE. omi ire oiMurr. Why, Parson's Celebrated .-,.1 ..i,',i-VV'S?r" v " T . Edffcrion Scotch Snuf i ! . . . - J It is the purest and" best mane - faitured out of select'. Virginia bea I Tobacco. Tne Manuiaciurer seioui. the choicest grades of Tobacco, ant we guarantee If you give it a trial youi good judgment will approve - . And in future you win -use no uvuer v .Drauu. ruv up III OrUJ " J. . package to ("lit the . trade. . - . r ' Sold by all Dealers, . J. M.: PARSONS, Mfg., . ft EW BR.CNSWICK. N. J ' Academy of ? Music, r FRIDAY, Sept. ll. DERT GOOTE Late New Boy tllOKLOtlG AND Aided by a company of Comedians un der the management of Edward C. '.- White, in a screaming comedy, , . '. : . adapted from the French,. The Other Man's Vife ' To b presented by James A. . . Kerne's delightful one ' t act play. - A S:ldi:rof . Franco. - Prices f; 75 an 25c at W. H; King &Co.'s. y vgo" Dulls Like bUioumess, iyspepsia, hMdaoh, eoU nation, soar itomach, hMUg8Bon are promptly cured by Hood'l Pill. Thej do Oietr work n easily and thorouglily. Eit after dinner pills. ills VfiMMita. All dnienliit. U " Prepared by & L Hood A Co, Lowell, MaM. Tbe only Till to take witH Hood'i tsarsapanu. "' -......i. ...... wvwtm, . - -- ... . Jr for Infanta and Children. MOTHERS. Do You Know I Y I 1 .Batemao'i Sropi, Godfrey' Cordial, many aocaUed SootUns Syrups, and moat tenedtea far chlldrtn are compoaed of oplma or morphine ? Po yon Know Uiat opium and morphine are atnpefylns narcotic poison, r tX Yea Knew Uut in moat conntrlea druggist are not permitted to sen aarcotk without labelHnf them poisoas T Po- Votl Know that yon should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless yoo or yoar phyaldan know of what it is composed ? , - IK Vow Know that Castorui Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of 11 ingredient is published with every bottle t - - no Ton Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel PrrcHJOU That it haa been In use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold thaa of all other remedies for children, combined f no Yon Know that the Patent OCce Department of the United States, and of other countries, have Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and hi. assigns to use the word M CMtorl ad Us formula, and that to Imitate them is a state prison offeuMf po Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this govemment-prot.-ilon was because Castoria bad been proves to be absolutely liarinleMT po Ton Know that 89 averag;e doses of Castoria are furnished for 33 2enta or one cent a dose - Po Ton Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children will be kept well, and that yon will have unbroken rest? Well, ttaewe thing are worth knowing. They are facts. ail gn attire of Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. -; ' vh etimio. eoMFapry. rr mu.k.v yrwrrr. mw vo errr. THE TRIUMPH OF L0YE IS HAPPY. FBtJITFCIi HABKIAOK." Rrery Hu Whs) Would Ka.w the Grand Truths, , tho Plain Facta, th. Kew Dlseoverlea of Medical Science a Applied to Harried Idle, Who Weald Ateae for Past Krroro and Avoid Put. re rttlalla, Should Boc.ro he Wonderful Little Book Called Toinplete MaahMU, and Bow to At tain It." ' Hat nt last. t. Information from a btch n-.t tllcal source that most work wonders with tliiH generation of men." x The book fully describee a method by which ti, attain foil vigor and manly power. A method by which to end all unnatura. ruins on the system. To core nerronsness. lack of self-control, de spondency, &o. 'io exchange a laded and worn nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. to cure iorover euects 01 exoe.9BB,overworK, worry, &e. To (-1 ve full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body, Age no barrier. Failure Impossible. Two thousand references. Tli honk ui nnrnlv medical and scientific. useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need It. A dennairing man, who bad applied to us, soon after wrote t "Well, 1 tell Ton that first day is one i u nerer forget. 1 inst Duooiea wiu joy. x bubbled with Joy. wanted to hug everybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new self, was born to-day. Why didn't yon tell me when I first wrote that I would find it this Ana anotner inns: ... "If you damned a cart load of gold at my feet It would not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done." Write to the ERIK MEDICAL COMPANY, Buffalo, K. Y and ask for the little book railed "COMPLETE MANHOOD." Befer.to this paper, and the company promises to send the book, in-sealed envelope, without any marks, andstirely free, until it is well Intro. aocea. NOTICE ! Bid for furnishing fuel for the dif ferent departments or tlie uovern ment. . . ,: The Secretary of State desires to purchase for the use of the different departments of the State Government: 300 tons Pocahontas Coal. 50 tons White -ABh Coal. 10 tons Jellico Goal. -" 25 cords forest Dine wood, of which 15 cords must be two (2). feet long and ten cords one (1 ) foot long, part to be delivered in rear 01 supreme uourt Building and part at the Governer's Mansion. Sealed nronosals to furnish the above will bo received.until the second (2d) of September at the Secretary's ofllce, when the contract will -be awarded. , jySOeowtd Announcement. After this date Mr. .Lewis:; T, Brown will- be associated! with Mr. E. Craw tord in the nriah agerrieht of tHe Park : Hotel, in Raleigh. . . ... PAGE -LUMBER . CO., 1 wt ftrftsfy A Proclacnaticn by the Gov ernor. $200 REWARD. State op North Caholi.ma, ) Executive Defaktment. f Whereas, official information lias been received at this department tliat H. G. Womble, late of the county of Wake, Btunds charged with the murder of Annie Hall, alias Annie Green, and whereas, it appears that the said H. G. Womble has fled the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot lie served upon him: Now, therefore, I, Klias Carr, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina by virtue of authority in mo vested by law, do issue this my Proclamation, offering a reward of Two Hundreddol lars for the apprehension and delivery of said H. G. Womble to the Sheriff of Wake county at the courthouse door in llaleigh. And I do enjoin all offi cers of the State and all good citizens to assist in bringing said criminal to justice. Done at our city of Kaleigh, the 115th day of July, iajjie year of our Lord onet.housand eight hundred and ninety six, and in the one hundred and twenty-flrat year of our American In dependence. Eli as Cakk. By the Governor: S. F. Telfair, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. A small, dark-complexioned whit man, about 5 feet two or three inehe high, about 28 years old. When las: seen wore a light mustache, black hair and dark nearly black eyes. jull35w Administrator's Sale. As administrator of the estaie of A. S. Pollard, deceased, I will ex- Eose lo sale at public outcry to the ighest bidder at tho late residence of the saitl A S Pollard, 11 miles northwest of Ealeigh, N. C, on Tuesday, September 22, 1896, the following articles of personal prop erty, belonging to said estate, to wit: One 20 horse power Talbot engine and boiler. One saw mill, capacity 10 to 15, 000 feet per day. One 68-saw col ton gin. One cotton press. One lot of shafting. All of which is in good working order. Time of sale, 12 .o'clock noon. Terms cash. J. C. Maroom, aug 29-tds Administrator. Sale of Valuable City Property. By authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county in Special Proceedings entitled W. N. Jones, administrator of Lucinda G. Briggs, vs. J. W. Allen and wife and others, No, 756 S. P. Docket as com missioner appointed by tho court, I Will, on Monday, October 5th, 1898, at 12 o'clock m., at the court' house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder at publio . auction for cash in order to make real estate assets two houses and lots in the city of Raleigh described as follows: First A lot on the southwest corner of the intersection of Morgan and Daw son streets, fronting 52J feet on Mor gan street and running back Bouth 105 feet with - Dawson street to A M Mo Pheeters' line. .On this lot is a three room house. t . ' . ) '.. n Second A lot fronting on: West Morgan-street, 52r feet and runs back south 103 feet. This' lot. Is .situate about 52i feet west from the one above described and adjoins the lots of 'At M. McPheetors on the south, Mrs E O Macy on the west and Miss Selina Jonklns on the east. - Has a three room house on same. W. N. JONES. sepll-tda -J- '.. Commissioner. :: When Baby val sick, w. (a.a hsr Castoria, When h6 ra a Child, abe cried for Castoria, . When sue became Was, she cluug to Castoria. ' When sh bad Chndru,ab gaTuthem Castoria. Cross- & Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. AVc beg to call your low prices being offered in every department of our store. - Spring and summer goods must go to make room for fall purchases and you will do well to examine quality and prices now being quoted as they are in many instances less than New York wholesale cost. Come early and get the pick as they are sure to go. A bargain in $7.50, $10 and 12.50 suits, former price $10, $12.50 and $15. CROSS & LINEHAN. School Books Remember our house is lioadquarters for all Schxl Supplies. We have everything you need in this line. tlurd's Fine And in 1 lie very DA. .Williams & .... :u -cKF"- i;,. A OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, PROPRIETORS P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy Cures all Skin and Blood Diseases. VYi vMUilonu Anrtnrso P P. T- fLS ft Bplendid combination, and prescribe it all forms and stages of Primary, Sec- j j m ii t ' uii:.; ti... onuary nnu xerwary ojpuuiuu xvucu P. P. P. Cures Rheumatism. Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Malaria, Old ChronioUlstersthathave resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cures Blood. Ioison. rtlaoauAa Pniiinft TThronlfi - Pemale Complaints, Mereural Poison, Tetter, beam ueaa, ewj., etc. I TJ Ii la n Tuinraimnl trttili int ATI excellent appetizer, building up the P. P. P. Cures Scrofula. system rapidly. Ladies whose systems .m nnlannpri and whne blood la in an impure conditian, due to menstrual ir- rgglilarities, are peculiarly Denenuea P. P. P. Cures Malaria. by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P.- P. P., Prickly Ashe, Poke Root and Potas sium. . ' . P. P. P. ' Cures Dyspepsia. Lippman Bros., '. . - PROPRIETORS, - ' " ' ' ) ' Druggists, Lippman s Block, Savan- nan, Ga. Book on Blood Btseasea mailed free, For sale by 3 . W H. klNQ.' Linehan. attention to the very A full stock of Stationery latest styles. Go's Book Store Have Ycu Never Received a shirt home from a place digni fied by the name of laundry, which looked as though it had washed it self? which was of varying colors the predominating tints being blue and yellow poorly iron, with a crease here and a wrinkle there, by way of ornament? It was provoking, wasn't it? We know just how to avoid all these things, and what's more, we do avoid them. We will please the most fastidious taste. JteTernis. strictly cash. PHONE 87. Have Kept You Cool All Summer. Will Keep You w A R M All Winter. Soft Coal, Pocahontas and Russell Creek. Backer and Jellico Coal. The best Coal at lowest prices al ways at Jones & Powell's- FAYETTEVILLE Military Academy 1 . FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. COL. T. J. DREWRY, C. E., PRINCIPAL. W. S. Drewry, Ph. B., M. A. (Uni versity of Virginia) Associate. Next session opens September 2. Recognized as a school of the VERY FRIST rank. Faculty of flveeiperi enced instructors. Teachers and pu pils form one household. Not a sin gle case of serious illness since lt foundation. Discipline strict, but Jiarental. Certificate admits to col eges of North Carolina and Virginia. For catalogue address the Principal. - July28-lm Raleigh Male Academy MORSON & DENSON, Principals. The 19th year opens Monday, Au gust 31. The course - which has been so successful in preparation for . Col lege or Business is adapted o the needs ot each pupil. . Board at low rates.' 'Address the Principals for Catalogue.- ' . 'k:: aug8 lm The Healed Term GONE! We have with us now the moct de lightful and charming weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now is the time today, not tomorrow. Remember You can And the proper rig at Stron ach'8 Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy". Sta bles open every day in the week. FRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and Harness Emporium I have just received my fall stock of vehicles and harness, which I am sell ing at low water mark. Factory prices don't cut any ice in this slide. Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prices on vehic les, viz: Top buggy $50; open buggy 30 to $40; carriages $05 to $100. My motto: "Buy right and sell close." FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. Steam's Instant Headache Cure 1 2 Doses for 25c and a Sure Cure. Prescriptions (nven special care and attention at all hours. North Side Drug Store, Wynne and Birdsong, PROPRIETORS. G.E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy29tf North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. This College offers thorough cour ses in Agricultural, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and in Science. General academic studies supplement all these technical cour ses. EXPENSES PER SESSION INCLUDING BOARD For County Students - - $91.00. For all Other Students .... 121.00. Apply for Catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY, President. Raleigh, N. C. Publication of Summons. North Carolina Wake County. ) In Superior Court I To Oct. Term.'ae. Service by Publication. W H Wheeler vs. Sallie Atkins, Hannpml Atkins, Ulysses Atkins. WilHam Atkins, Benton C Atkins' last two infants, Ron a Atkins and her husband, William Atkins, Maloy Hoover Rogers' infant, Joseph Rogers, Annie E Shaw, W F Shaw, Mary L Wheeler, Creacy C Wheeler. Annie D Wheeler's last three infants and B O Barker, administrator of Alain Jones, deceased. To Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkins, William Atkins and Benton V. At kins, Defendants in the above en titled action. You and each of you will take notice and notice is hereby given you. that W. H. Wheeler, plaintiff above named, has instituted an action entitled as above in the Superior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, against you and the other defendants named above. The summons in said action was is sued on the 31st day of August, 1896, and is returnable to the October term, 1896, of Wake Superior Court to be held in the city of Raleigh on the 26th day of October, 1896. The purpose of said action is to foreclose a mortgage on real estate given by your parents, Simeon Atkins ( now deceased ) and Sallie Atkins to Alain Jones, which mortgage was transferred to plaintiff, W. H. Wheeler. Yon are further notified and required to appear at the aforesaid October Term of , Wake Superior Court and answer or demur during said term to the complaint which will be filed In aid" action, or the plaintiff will be granted the relied demanded in the oomplaint. D. H. YOUNG, v- Clerk Superior Court Wake Co.,: ' ,H. E. Norris, Attorney. , ; U September 4, 18fl.. :itww Departments . well e juipped. 27 teachers, 444 regular stuueuu, bertde practice school oi u. puput. triculates since Us opening in IPj'i. S3 of the WJ counties represented. Jom petit ive examination at com seaV Auuvitt 1st to fill free-tuition " vacan cies iu dormitories. Application should lie made before July JiOtu U enter the examination. No freetuition except to applicants jjiguing a pledge to become teachers. Annual expense of free-tuition students boarding in dormitories, tuition-paying stu dents, $1.30. Address President CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N. C. July3 lm . Sale of House and Lnt In Garner, N. f. By virtue of power eonforred on mo by two mortgages duly recorded in Registry of Wake county in Book 106, page 68, and Book 124, at page 414, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Raleigh on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, '9(i, at 12 o'clock m., the house and lot described in said deeds, lying in dar ner, N. C, and known as the Joe Ma son house and lot, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of I Du pree, K. Pool and others, and describ ed as follows: Bounded on the uorth by R. & D. rai.road, on the east by I. Dupree, on south by J. A. Spnce and brother and on the west by E. Pool, and more particularly de scribed in a dtd from A. C. Fowler to James Mason. Another lot ad joining the above, lginning at S. Duprue's corner, thence south 20 de grees west, 7 chains and 58 links to a stake, thence west 1 chain and 50 links to a stake, thence north 20 degrees east 1 chain and 80 links to a stake on the railroad, thence with same to the beginning, containing i of an acre, said land above described being the residence of the late Joe Mason. B. F. Montague, Mortgagee and Att'y for Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 26, '9(i. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of M. C. Sorrell, de ceased, late of Wake Co., N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said M. C. Sorrell, to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 13th day of June 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby notified to make im mediate payment. J. C. Marcom, Administrator. W. N. Jones, Attorney. Jul3 ltw6t SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14. ISoA. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p. m, Dally, Solid vestibuled train wlUi sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. tails bury, Morgantoo, Ashevtlle, not springs ai.d Knoxvllle. Connects at Durham tor Oxford Clarksfille and Keysvllle. exoept 8unday, At Greens boro with the Washington and South western Vestl' uled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train Ho. Ii for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate local stations; also has conned Ion for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 35, ' united states past nail" for Charlotte Spartanburg Green ville. Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia Augusta Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville, and all points in Florida Bleeping Car tor Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. Ii:45 A. fl. Daily Solid train, ?onsistlu Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6:00 pm in time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Wash ington and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich mond 8 8 Co's for all polotynorth and east. Connects at Belma for Fayetteville and 11 termedlate stations on the Wilson and F.i etterllle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday fur New ern and Morelirad city dally for Golds bnro, and Wilmington and Intermedial sta tions on te llmlngton and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:50 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvllle, BMimond; at Greensbor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:09 P. fl. Dally For Goldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for all pi hits for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West ern North 1 arolina Knoxvllle, Tenn , Cincin nati and western points ; at Charlotte, fr Sitar tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. 3:05 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 4 : 1 a P. M. Dally From all potUs east Nor folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Golds DO! 4, Wilmington, Fayet rvllle and all point in Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:40 A. n. Dally From Nen York, Washing ton, Lynchburg Danville and Greensboro, 1 bst tanooga Knoxvllle, Hot springs and aslieville. Express Train 8,50 a. m. Dally rrom aoldsboro and Inle, mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. n. Daily From Greensboro and a points North and South Sle plug Car from Greei.Bboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p as Dally exc pt Sunday Fnm Golds boro and all points East. Loral freight trains also carry pasehi 1 s Pullman cars on Light train from Rah l lo Greensboro. Through ml man vestlbul d nnt Ing Hot ni Buffet sleeping Car and Vtstlbuled coaches without charge on h t rf.lk limit- d Double dally trains between Balehfc ( hat lotte and Atlanta. Quick lime; unexcel'eda eommodatlon. W. H. GREEN, General Super In tend en . W. A. TURK, General Passenger A gent - WaahlnKton, D. O. J. M. Cuxr Traffic M. v Carpenter 6 Peebles ARnHITFOTS ' Thomas M. Aslie, Associated Corrcsondenceollcited. - " OfSoe liodnt 2U . over . MacRaei Branch i laimacy, , ' ' '

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