v.: rr.:38-vi3iTrt, FRIDAY, SEPT. 11, 1896. TUOS. r. PENCE City Editor. ; Imdcx to New Advertixa Wanted Lad le8 Bicycle. Denton's Restaurant. . House for Rent J. F. Ferrall. The Weather Tomorrow. P Washington forecast for North Carolina: Fair tonight and Saturday. . , Forooa.t for Raleigh. ' Local forecast for Raleigh ( not ex tending beyond a radius of 20 miles: ) Fair tonight. Fair tontght and Satur day. Looal Data. Local data for 24 hours ending at 8 a.m. (today) September 11th, Maximum temperature, 89; minimum temperature, 66; rainfall. 0.00. Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con . litlons at 8 a. m. today: State of the weather, clear. Temperature of the air 72 deg. Sensible temperature 70 deg. Wind Telocity Light. Direction of wind N. PERSONAL. Mr. W. T. Rowe, of Morganton, is here. Mr. Joe Newman, of Wilmington, is here. Mr. Ben Moore has returned from a trip to Baltimore Congressman, F. A Woodard, was here today for a short while. Mr. Henry A. (iilliam, a leading young attorney of Tarboro, is in the city. Miss Mary Strother, who has been very ill for the past three weeks, we are glad note, is better. Mrs. L. W. Ijancaster lias re turned from a visit to relatives and friends in Greenville, S. C. Mr. E. C. Duncan, left today, an nouncing at the time that he would not return to the city until Russell s inauguration. Mr. Duncan is a clever good fellow and it will be a source of regret to his friends here ' to know that he will never make us another visit. Misses Mildred and Mary Barbee, who have been here several davs at cthe home of their uncle, Mr. Claude TB. Barbee, left this morning for Richmond for the home of their aunt Mrs. G. D. Rand, und will resume their studies at school there the lat ter part of the month. The many little friends of the little Misses Bar bee were delighted to see them here again and gave them a round of pleasant entertainments while in the city. Miss Katie Barclay also ae companied them to Richmond where she will remain with Mrs Rand. Business Notices Wanted. a laaies Dicycie. Must be in good condition. Address "B,' care this office. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King s Mew Discovery com pletely cured her and she says it savea ner nte. Mr. 1 bos. Jiggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suf fered from a dreadful cold, approach ing consumption, tried without re sult everything else ; they bought one Dottle oi ur. fling s JNew Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds. Free trial bottle at John Y. MacRae's drugstore Regular size 50c and 11. Miss Annie L. Devereux will open a preparatory school for girls at 213 Hillsboro street on September 22d. Terms moderate . sIOlw Branson's N. C , Business Direc tory, 8th Revised Edition is now being supplied to the subscribers. This is by far the most elaborate re ference book ever made for the State. aug25-lm Wanted. , To rent gent's Bicycle for one month. Address, "W. J. B. " oug31-2w Method, N. C. For Rent. Nice dwelling on Dawson street; eight rooms; city water. Recently occupied by Mr. William Allen. seo eo-lw Thomas H. Briqos. School Books at Half Price. We have collected several thou sand and can supply you with al most any text book desired in ex change or . for one half cost. Call and save your money. , M. M. SMITH. Manager S. L. B. Exchange. Phone 225; P. O. Box 326. s5-lw . For Rant. " The D'Rorke Dlace on Newberne avenue, opposite the Soldiers' Home. Apply to Joe P. Ferrall, at VV. H. 4 R 8. Tcckk A Co'a. ; ' ... sep 11 lw . " ' Did Yoa Evar Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for now and get relief. This medicine, has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won - derful direct Influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. It you have loss of appetite, constipa- tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, j melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae s drug store. Marks Arnheims agency is locat ed at No. 12, East Martin Street. Orders taken at New York prices. No deposit required. L. W. McDowell, Agt. sep 10-2t for Over Fifty Yean Uaa. WnraLow's Soothiwo Btbut has bean used (or OTer fifty yean by mUlions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Divrhosa. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Twenty-Bye cents a bottle. Be sure to ask for "Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Ryrup," and take no ot har kind. Lit Teachers Wanted. Wanted for the colored schools of Raleigh three teachers, one man for principal of a building and two wo men for primary and intermediate classes. I will hold an examination of applicants at the Washington school buildingSaturday, September 19, beginning at 9 a. ni. LOGAN D. HOWELL, Supt. Raleigh Graded School, si (I :n Choice corned mullets, retail fort! cents per lb. at Geo. N. I ves & Co s. City Market. sepl() 3t Mr. :. II. Stonehank to Take Charge of IkMiton's Kestaurant. ' Mr. E. V. Denton wishes to an nounce that on September 13th Mr. C. II. Stonebank will take charge of his restaurant department and will serve his guests with the very best of cuisine. Mr. Stonebank is well known as one of the best of caterers, having had ample experience in New York as a chef before he came to Raleigh, and the choice cafe which was con ducted by him here prior to his go ing to Morehead this season is well remembered by all epicures and connoisseurs of good eating. Mr. Denton 's popular cafe will have the full benefit of his experience and proficiency and will doubtless be more popular than ever. Mr. Denton's service includes a complete and well appointed and furnished dining room, comfortable in every respect and in con nection witn it trie most com plete and modern cooking apparatus and utensils. He will at all times be prepared to serve birds, steaks, oysters in every style, and every thing to be found in a first-class restaurant. It will be found a most convenient place to stop in and get a meal if you are toe late at your hotel or boarding house, and visitors to the city will find it especially con venient to call thereand havea lunch served to their taste and at moderate charges. Under the superintendence of Mr. Stonebank the cuisine and service will be of the very best. sll It Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of James B. Bobbitt, deceased, I hereby give notice toall persons indebted to him to make immediate payment to me, and to all persons havingclaimsagainst him to present the same to me, duly veri fied, on or before the 5th dav of September, 1897, otherwise this notice may be plead in bar of recov ery. J. HAL BOBBITT, hxecutor of J. B. Bobbitt, dee d. Sept. 5, 18. lm onday the Season. We have gathered here a collection of all that is good and desirable n dry goods, fancy goods, notions, millinery, house furnishings, carpets gent's furnishing goods, hats, shoes, Our modern merchandising way trade, but creates it. We have secured goods that we can afford to price extra Not an unworthy specimen in the lot. coming early you will have the choice. 38-inch black Sicilian 22Jc per yard. 38-inch all-wool black serge 35c per yard. 36-inch all-wool suitings in steel mixtures, browns, cardinal and garnet, 28c per yard. Iceland Suitings (we told you about in Wednesday's paper) a few styles left at 5c per yard. Merino suitings, 27 inches wide, in plaids and stripes, just the thing for early fall wear, 7Jc per yard. Dotted and figured curtain swiss, 12jc per yard, worth 25c. Golden draperies at 12Ji per yard. They have never been sold for less i ban 15c. v . A dozen or two of the silk umbrellas left at 50c. , Plenty of the better ones at $1 and $1.25. , Special values in Lambrequins, table covers, toilet sets, etc. "V'anted. , ''... ;': ." ' ' To buy or loan money on cast-off clothing, umbrellas, puna, pistols, patches, musical instruments, etc., , etc. D. W. C. HARRIS, Iwn Broker and Steam Dyer, 1 Suits cleaned 75c, cleaned and dyed $1.50. East Hargett street, ' Jus blow Central Hotel. al2 lm Pioneers of a $75.00 Men's Bicycle named Crescent; of a $50.00 Men's Bicycle named Men's Specisl; of a $50.00 Ladies' Bicycle named Crescent. $75.00 Bicycles Good as one at $100. $50.00 Bicycles Good as many at $75.00. We know what ne are talking Factory made ti.YOOO vheels last year. The C ascents have been tried here three years. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. Hams Hams Another lot of those delicious South ampton county ( V. ) Hams: also Hue lot mild cured Johnston county (N. C. ) Hams. Kresh arrival New River Mullets, tine, fat Mackerel, new pack Koe Her ri tigs, ek-. ".Melrose" Flour still growing in popularity. And why? Ilccause it is carefully ground from In'st selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose." Nice line finest green and black Teas. Secial blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. I handle nothing but lirst class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Ixjwest prices guar anteed. l!esM'ctfully, J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 125. Down Go Prices Clean to Bed Rock. A Revolution In the Piano and Organ Trade. Old Prices bur led. New Fall Offers that Break tho Record. Elegant New Upright Tiano, only f 183 Best Pianos, Old Makers, only $237 Mirror Top Parlor Organ, 1 1 stops, $57 Superb Organ, Richest Case, onlj $63 Sample bargains Our Entire Line Rednred m Lowest Prices t-ver known on Standard inetrn m ments Thousands of dollars aaved Buyers. Leaders alwnyi, we set the pace in Low Prices iy i ina au. means Duainess, Detter answer it. Send for New Special Offers, Fall 1896.' Ludden & Bates, H. M". HOUSE. Miller & Uzzle, M'g'rs., Raleigh, N. C. sept 7 tf . Sale of the etc. ' isn't satisfied with waiting for many special values in desirable low to stimulate the early selling The quantities are limited. By The;followingarestriking examples: Raleigh jPianos Jig"' OrgansillS W. E. JONES. SUGARS To Burn I Cents Discloses the GOOD QUALITY. -i s TRY THEM. Yours very truly, Janes McKimmon & Co,, 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. a i Two Shoes with but J a dollar bought, a A pair for price of I Zi S Kun 11 y that Shorn that cost 7 7a $'J.rsO to $3.00 should ho sell- ImrKira nitl.l.ll! A I'AIIl. 'i 7 lJt lr a nui'li ln r 1 Isn't ll? Who WMiiltl 1 that aif elffhi h of an in link fc7 eh in a7 ine w.atn or me 1 yjL make such a clifl'rn would 8 a A Dollar a Fair Q n 11 r Z fnr (9 nn Qhnoe ? 1U1 $0.UU OllUCi. 47 TIiiii'h iiiii Mori- cm. I I 1.1 for e9 tho rtui of iln- miiU! ''49 m means 1 wo-i It inU of 1 he eosr Z saved and a 1 it 1 h' imiro room 9 4 for cramped iocs, too Pretly 4 tfk good bargain, clou t yon tfk think? 4? HELLER BROS., 'PHONK241. 49 School Supplies AM) STATIONERY. Only Half Price. Cut Half in Two at Riggan's Toy Store. See his front window: take vour choice of that tine lot of 10c writing tablets for ,": 1 pound of linen pacr only 10c; 1 pound of the best linen pa- :er 20c: Baronial Envelopes of the icaviest weiyht for only So. Best linen Baronial onlv 8c: writinir hooks and blank books at just half price. Book Bags, Book Straps, Pencils, Crayon, etc. We will give you a scholar's com panion with lock and key furnished, with a lead pencil, slate peneil, pen holder and chalk for only fx-. The Iiest candy at 2(le a pound, em bracing all tho popular kinds and flavors, packed iu fancy boxes if de sired. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE aug-29 ly 1896, MIDSUMMER. Hiss Maggie Reese. We have all the desirable things in SUMMER MILLINERY at very reasonable prices. Infants Muslin Caps for 25 Cents As well as the finer goods. White and Colored Sailors AT ALL PRICES. White Leghorn AND CHIP -HATS IN AH SHAPES Agents for Imperial r PATTERNS. ' Fivd ii 1 1 . i i i r i i r- i nithfirn rifJhKn a nfis, 8 .' "" w"wws Northern Cabbage, '- New . Riyer Mullets. Now arriving almost daily. We are prepared to quote lowest prices and show first-class stock. It will pay you to see our goods and prices before placing your orders. Rockwell Butter. you tried it.J This Is one 01 the best brands on the market, made by Mr. E. B. C. Hambly at Rockwell, N. C, who runs one of the finest herds of thoroughbred Jerseys in the South. We receive this butter fresh from the dairy every week and can deliver it to you in nice, sweet condition at 30c ier pound, or will make a special price on standing weekly orders for live or more pounds at a time. Remember We sell the best old cider Vinegar at 35e er gallon. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. People are always on the alert to pre serve health, for "health is wealth." A rich man once said he would give half his fortune to be able to digest buckwheat cakes. Indigestion is very common. One of the best remedies for indigestion is Otterburn Lithia Water Four or five glasses daily will work w on ders and improve your general health. Be on your lookout for typhoi fever. The germs are found i much of our drinking water. OT TERBTJRN LITHIA is absolutely free from germs and other organic matter. I am buying OTTERBURN in large quantities and can sell it so cheaply that many will use it for general drinking purposes. OTTERBURN LITHIA is a tonic- diuretic and blood purifying remedy furnished by nature, and thousands will testify as to its medicinal value, Ladies will find that it enriches the blood and improves the complexion to a marked degree. OTTERBURN has long been a prime favorite with physicians, as it is easily retained by the most delicate stomachs. It probably has a larger sale in Ral eigh than all other mineral waters combined. Parties furnishing their own containers will be given special prices. J. H. Bobbitt, The Pharmacist. Sole Agent for Raleigh. to en. In looking through our shoe stock we find one pair of shoes of this - kiud, two of anothcrand soon . Npw we are bound to Make Room for our fall stock, and to do this we must sell these shoes. You will have the chance of shoes from $1.50 to 12.50 for SENSIBLE Important 64 c. Don't wait, but com fight now. Lyon RcctYct Sforo DS7 .PAUL We have been receiving our new stock for'tbo past twO or three ' weeks and we expect to have it complete by the end of the week. We have two buyers North at present who are daily sending us new and beautiful goods for the fall. Your attention is called to the following: Millinery Dep't. This department will be in charge of the same ladies who pleased the trade so much last spring, and we will have anything you want in the new shapes. Skirts and Wrappers We expect a largo lot of new styles skirts and wrappers this week, which wo will sell you cheaper than you ?an make them. Dress Goods Our specialty is medium-priced goods. We have a large stock of stylish goods to show and if you need a new skirt we would like you to see what we can show you in black goods. We do a cash business sell goods to all alike. Oct the best value we can for our money and give you the same. See our stock before you buy. AGENTS-FOR WOOLLCOTT & SON. PREPARE THF BOYS FOR SCHOOL We desire to announce that our fall goods are nearly all in, and we are prepared to show the grandest collection of high-class noyelties in Men s, Youths' and Boys' Clothing ever exhibited to the people of this State, every conceivable color, weave and design manufactured especially for us. School Clothes Tho merits of our boys' clothing carry weight with parents who ap preciate things at moderate prices. Add good hats and furnishings to the very best boys' clothing, with not a trace of cotton in any fabrio used, and you have the secret of our success as boys' outfitters. Fall Suits and Overcoats. We have them in profusion. They come from everywhere that is famous for exquisite patterns : .1 1-r.m.ct qualities. The art side is to their credit. The selling ad van The satisfaction is yours. Like crystals in sunlight the col,, -i . - es with brilliant effects. Our stock of hats and gent ':- lm r. l,;-gs is replete with the latest styles in Hats, Neckwear and I'm hingq. Everything that is fashion able is here and at lowest prices. S. & D. BERWA1MR, One Price Clothiers'' to All. Japanese -FOR $3.36 SG 00 Regular As you know these screens are made in the Celestial Empires and are the beautiful products of the most skilled artisans: Our screens are five feet high, fcurfolds, heavily worked in gold satin finish: . Open at Shoes ; Genuine dongola shoe for ladies, all the new toes at $1.50. and! $2. We have an unusually strong lins of ' children's and misses' shoes at 5, 85c, $1, $1 J5, $1 25, fl 40 and $1 50 These shoes are made to wear and wo can please you in quality. Crockery We have made many additions to this large stock and can show you the prettiest assortment of all kind of dishes, toilet and dinner sets tou iS.l i . . . .. . ' Prices Wo do not blow much about prices, but as we have as much money as the balance of the trade in the city, we can sell you good as cheap as any other store. $3.36 Price $6 00 Night. . : 1 Magg ie Reese. :. v: ' 1 206 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, U. c . : Leaders of Low Prices'. V

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