'v. 7 r - ' i" ft i tk ( a ne to lun. I , is. itutuiuiiin Atlanu Constitution. WhifU EJ. lit lussick came to town ? . the bands began to olavi ' .. And "Dixie" went a-rolllog o'er the mountains far away, . ; " ' And the red stripes of j! 'Old Glory" waved in splendor up atid down From the very highest stjry when McKissick came to town! ; When Ed.' McKissick came to town the star in welcome smiled, . The engines they went .whistling, - an' steeple bells went wild I ' ; And thpre rose three cheers from - ..Dixie, which' no noisy bells could drown.' :' , . , And the big balloons went skyward 'j1 - when McKissick came to town! ' - Be was welcome on the mounlains-T-' he was welcome on the plain, : His smile a benediction In-, the sun . , light and the rain; , - ' i Ard the flags waived from each .. steeple, and the" skies they ceased to frown, ' , i: And a shout rose from' the people : i wlien McKissick came to town . " Prevent siokness and save doc " tors' at this season by keeping your ' ' blood -rich and pure with Hood's - t Sarsaparilla - , . 'f ' "! ' . The Wool. Story , ' 1"'- Of the great sales attained and great , 1 cures accomplished by Hoods Sar. " ' saparilla is quickly told. ' Itpurifies . - and enriches the blood, tones the stomach and. gives strength and vigor, . Disease cannot enter , the -. system fortified --. by the rich,- red " . blood which comes by taking Hood's. Sar sapar ilia. , t ' Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick .U headache, indigestion billiousness. AH druggists. 25o .. A Proclamaticfr by the Gov- 1 7 s ernor. . "l $100 REWARD Stats op North Carolina,) ' Executive Pepaetment. , f Whereas, :; official information has beea received at this department that Jim : Booker, ..' alias - Jim Chavis, lato ' f the - county of Wake stands charged with the murder of Mahaly White, and whereas, it ap. ' pears that the said Jim Booker, alias " Jim Chavis, has fled the. State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot . be served- upon him: :j-:y--t---i '" ' - Now, therefore', I, Elias Carr, Gov " ernor of the State of North Carolina, A by virtue of authority in me vested by , law, do issue this my Proclamation, -v offering a reward of One Hundred dol . " lars for the apprehension and celivery of said L Jim Booker,: alias Jim .Chavis,to ; the - Sheriff of Wake county at tjie court house door in ' Raleigh.; And i do enjoin all offl- oers of the State and all good citizens to assist In bringing said criminal to Done at bap citv of Raleiffh, the 2d day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety six, and in the one ' hundred . and twenty-flrt year of Our Ameriean In dependence. , ; " 1 , Elias Cabr. By (ha Governor - , -afM 5 . 8. F. Telfair, ; Tr f Private Secretary. Ji --' DESCRIPTIONr n -About 6 feet high, smutty'," black color; 23 years old, weighs about ISO pounds', slender built, long logs and arms, protruding mouth, knock knees, has end.of third finger , on one hand cut offj fond of drink and card-play oct2ti : Contains morelithia than any other ' lithia spring water on the market, and we have yet to find a physician who : has given Harris Lithia Water a fair , trial but that will state that it is supe- ' rior to the other waters,;1 Dr. Thomas - S. Powell, President Southern Medi - cal College, Atlanta, Ga.jTheo Lamb, frolessor Diseases 01 i-nest ana rrin' k versity of New Orleans. La,! Dft John , Hey WUllams,. Asheville, N CtDr R ; B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N - TalW. of Columbia.' S. C.i and hun- HARRIS LITHiA WATER ; , dreds of others of the most noted phy sloians of the country i testifying that ' '' Harris' Lithia is superior to all v other waters that they, have used in ' their practice.; I . v . " tr s President's Office : 1. Baltimore. June 24, . : " M J f TTarpln- Harris Snrinir. S C: v Dear Sir I -will say to you that It . 1 Is my opinion that the Harris -Lithia ' - Water Is bv far the beat lithia water I ' i Jiaveever used, and that .it. has done . me a great deal 01 gooa, ino i mime that it is a most valuable remedy, . .: "1 ' Very truly yours, ., '.-k ' ' 1 R. C. Hoffman " ' President SAL R R. " , ." For sale.by . the Druggists of Ral k eigh. t , ."" -1 Harris Lithia WaterlCoi, : - - ' - Harris' Spring, 8. C.' 1 - -' ? oct 15-lm ' ; . t ' W, B. GRIMES. ' Vf. W. VASSJr.'; GRIMES tSV ASS I llw I owl . ( No, 6 WEST MARTI!( BTUEf.T, Agents for The Carolina Mutual of Charlotte. - , .- 'y.,f,.,';i WeatchAter of New York. Tninnnlx of London. it In VJhat is 1,. 1,1 ....... . . . . . . . . . mil n.itfcfi - MixtjJ A Practically Preparation " i - -i - - For children's Complaints. THE TRIUMPH :QF LOVE tS HA PPT, jrKVITFCIi MAREIAGK." Bnrr Km VI10 Would Kw the tlrma TnUi, jke Pll Fun. tk . Hw Dlaeveric f Vsdleml BdeM v U .AtUe4 J Hurled l.llr Wk .' VVoM Itm -M hit to)n h( AtI4 ytT ritfklii, BbU.8ar . Ik -Taa4wikl LIuU Bwk CsIleJ "CamsUte BUBka4,'a Bw t At "Here at lost Is Information from ai blprk Birdical aourca that must work wonders will) . UiiSKenerallunof men." ... ". . 'J lie bonk fully deocrlbas a method bywhlck to Attain mil vieor and tuasiy power. A metlKxl-by whtob to and a , all unnatural nratnaon tne7Stem, To enre nerTousnea, lack of aslf control, 4a nnnrlonmr Aft. ' ToeichaiiK a laded and worn natora for pne of brightness, buoyancy and power. To cttre forever eflecta of axooase,ovorwark, worry, Ao. -. . - - . . To glreftin strenirth, development and ton to every portion andorpan of the bony, . Age no barrier, gailora lmpoaiible. Two thousand references. . - ' The book la purely medical and.aclentinc, melees to curloeity asekera, invaluable to men only who need it. . . ' , . . Adeepairins man, Whs had applied to na. soon after wrote I - ... ", Well, I tcU Ton that first day ! one I'll never forget. I Jnt bubbled with Joy. I wanted to buar verybody and tell them my old self had died yesterday, and my new self waa born to-day. Why didn't you toll tne when I first wrote that I would find It this And another thusT' . - "If yon dumped a cart load of gold at my fret It would not bring such aladBeaa into sir life as your method has done." .,'... Wntitotha KHIB MISDICATj COMPANY, Bnffalo. ft. Y., and ask, far tbe little book called'COMPIiETE MANHOOD." Bffcrtc thia paper, and the company promise, to eecd the -book, in ealed envelope, without anj marks, and entirely free, until It la well intra, tuead. " ,. 1 TIIOHAS TAYLOR, ' - Breeder of the famous - , ESSEK SWIilE. ' For Sale! f l I will be at the North Carolina State Fair with some 31 head of good young ssez swipe 01 .com sexes anu mukj some splendid Poland . China, all young- stock. -Write me, "for what is wantctt ana 1 win oruiK- tm, , ;. . THOS TAVLpU,- V f'r, , " ? Wayneavilloi 111, tdrr.ir.istrdsr's Notice. ' Having qualified as administrator of the estate of An K, Weathers, de ceased, I hereby give notice to all per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to me for payment before the first day of October, lb!7, nt.hnprio this notice will be plead in bar of the same. All persons in debt to the said A. K. Weathers are re quested to eome Jorward and settle the same at once. v. n. vwmui, Administrator for Ai- K.' Weathers, Deceased, v - , oct!4 law6w Whan Baby was sick, w gavo her Oaatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. -When she became Miss, she clang to Castorla. When aha had Children, she gave them Oaatoria, 1; . Land Sale. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust from J. W. B. Watson to B: F. Montagfue, Trustee, registered in Book 113, page 22, and with he consent of the. mortgagor thereon we will, on Monday, November 9th, 1896, at noon, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh expose to public sale the fol lowing described tract of land, being the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed ot trust and described as follows: Beginning "at the north east corner of the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of lot 14, thence southward along the line of Matthews and of t'ae . Kline heirs to Kline's southeast Corner; thence west along -Kline's line to the branch; thence down the branch to the south city line;, thence east along the south line of the city to the southeast corner of the city; thence north along the east boundary line of the city to Lenoir street; thence west along Lenoir street to the beginning. -Terms cash. B. F. MONTAGUE, Trustee. - J. W. B. Watson. Oct. 9. 1896 , Have Kept You Cool All Summer. Will'Keep.You R AH. Winter. Soft Coal, Pocahontas and s Russell reelc Thack er and "Jellico Coal V: 1 - 3 - -...... The best Goal at lowest prices al- Jones & Powell's. ECONOMY tnn Kn nnvnain in- mnnv WSVS j . y krhan rlflfnra' sph nnn.iHV . Run .wnnts many, but it is not desuable to practice it in the purchase of food,' which is life.- Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; np to Uiat stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our uroeorws. s . RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep "any thing that is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we Invest in it. . . --" - . " - - vs ' - t ' .CHOICE. CROCERIES Always in stock and promptly delivered 1 '- . when ordered. ' '-' " "mm i TII00.5. P2CSUD. Cross & THERE IS A DIFFERENCE OF - .: OPINION .,:.. Regarding the ' Proper Man ' for . . ' .President. ' : ; wap are Which - Not in politics,: but wheru are you going to do your fall trading? ' - You want the most and best for your money, don't you? You Can Get It. , ' All departments complete and well stocked with m Mefrand Boys' Clothing, Shoes, llafs and Gent's Furnishings, ;r:The Newest Styles, the Finest Grades, the Best Values. ' Our prices demonstrate how much we want your trade. Political speakers are WTangling over "the basis of- values " -Come in and get our E rices and we will show yoq "the basis of values" inside of a minute. We ave a complete assortment of splendid goods. Xbey are yours at prices that defy competition, You will be turning, down great -bargains if you don't come. - J " t GROSS & LINEHAN. Senobl Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything vbu need in this line. A full stock of E.urcl 's Fine Ap'I in the very-latest A. Williams & OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, PBOPBIETORS The Commercial and Farmers1 Bank, of Raleigh, 1 C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits . . . . 300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking. y . Safe ' Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms, I' Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President. . " B. S. JERMAN, Casn e' H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Simpson's CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial5 Will Convince You. For Indigestion. Dyspepsia and all Stomach Disorders, use Simp son's Liver Pills, the best in the world . Either sent by mail for 25c. SIMPSONS PHARMACY, PULLEN BUILDING, RALEIGH. N. C. THE SOUTHERN , . IVaH Popcr Go. Calls attention to their new fall line of Wall Paper. We h.tve just receiv ed one' of the prettiest lines of wall paper that has ever been on the mar ket - : . "-,.- Every ; Pattern r Entirely Hew, " : ,- ' atad the most artistio designs that have ever been out. . We have special de signs for opera houses, T stores) churches, Odd Fellows' halls, K. of P. halls. We can suit-'you in any style, color or design and price, i. t , ,CaU and see our Une or drop ns a postal and we will call with, sssnplos. Orders ' Promptly Attended To. ' irC. Y.'EATIiL'Tsi i; 113 Fayettevillo St. Manager.. Lanehaii. BUt THERE IS A LANDSLIDE .. -:' . When tbey vote on the best ' place to trade. ' You Heading? We Have It. Stationery styles. Go's Book Store There Are Three. Society is divided into throe classes the men who wear clean linen the men who wear soiled linen and the men who wear no linen at all. Laun dries are divided into three claescs those which do good work those which do bad work -those which do no work at all. We do good work- lots of it. It would do us no good to say this if it were not so. Your money will buy more cleanliness here than anywhere else. Books PHONE 87. Ointment SUE OF UltO. By authority of a mortgage from L. T. Huddleston and wife, Klizabeth, re oorded in Book 97. nacre 650, records Register of Deeds office foi Wake county, I will, on Monday, November 2, 1890,atl2o'coclf m.,Belltothe high est bidder at publie auction for cash at the court house door of Wake county, N. C, a lot on the south side ot South street in the city Of Raleigh, beginning at. William Fowler's north east , corner on South street, runs south VIS feet to' a stake, thenco east 35 feet to Eliza Bell's line, thence north 128 feet to South street, thence west with South street tothe beginning s29tds W N. JONES, Att'v. . r.lucti jn Little hespeclaO; tn o Hood's tU tot a bmH etoe erer oontaloed as gnat eurattv. power la a. small ipaoSt , Tney are wbol. mediclna Chilli tiwst, alys ready.- ai- m. sg m wayteffletent, always at- I I I A iatactory; prevent a eold li j orfenr.eur.aH.Um (lis, ' Mck beadaobe. Jaundice, eonaUpattoo, etok M. Tba oohr Pllla to take witt Hood'i Sanaparllla. The Healed Term , - ' ' GONE! " We have with us now the most de lightful and cliarmlng weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our familiesand best girl an airing during the lovely afternoons. Now is the t&e today, nottomorrow. Remember 'You can find theproper He at Stron aoh's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles open every day in the week. FRANK STEONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and Harness Emporium I have just received my fall stock of vehicles and harness, which I am sell ing at low water mark. Factory prioes don't cut any ice in this slide, Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prioes on vehic les, viz: Top busrgy $50; open buggy 30 to 840; carriages $85 to C 100. My motto: "Buy right and sell close." FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. Miss Maggie Reese. 209 Fayetteville Street. New Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. Trimmed and "untrimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will lo given prompt attention, Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. Miss Maggie Reese. Cut Flowers Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of Pot Plants for house decorating and adorning the yard. Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace InJ stitute. Phone lia.. octl7 Publication of Summons. NORTH CaBOLINA, I In Superior Court Wake Countv- To Oct. Terra, MO. Service bv Publication. W H Wheeler vb. Sallie Atkins, Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkius William Atkins. Benton C Atkins last two infants, Rena Atkins and her husband, William Atkins, Maloy Hoover Koeers' infant, JosophKogers, Annie E Shaw, W F Shaw, Mary L Wheeler, Creacy C Wheeler. Annie D Wheeler s last three infants and B O Barker, administrator of Alain Jones, deceased. Tt Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkins, William Atkins and Benton C. At kins, Defendants in the above en titled action. You and each of you will take notice and notice is hereby given .you, that W. H. Wheeler, plaintiff above named, has instituted an action entitled as above in the Superior Court of Wake county,. North Carolina, against you and the otherdefendanta named above. The summons in said action was is sued on the 31st day of August, 1896, and is returnable to the October term, 1896, f Wake Superior Court to be held in the city of Raleigh on the 26th day of October, 1896. The purpose of said action is to foreclose a mortgage, on res,l estate given by ' your parents, Simeon Atkins now deceased) and Sallie Atkins to Alain Jones, which mortgage was transferred to plaintiff, W.H. Wheeler. , You are further notified and required to appear at the aforesaid October Term of Wake -Superiop Court and answer or demur during said term to the complaint which will be filed In said action, or 4he plaintiff will be granted the relied demanded' in the complaint. D. H. YOUNG, - ... ' Clerk Superior Court Wake Co. ' B. E. Korris, Attorney. . September 4 1896. ltw6w You Can Settle the ' 1 Ever. Vexatious Question, C : -What to.Give ;; 'the Bride ' A 1 , Bp spending a few moments looking through our new and complete stock of f- s ' 7 - , ' - Sterling Ware, bbnand Brass Lamps. ' China, ? Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers and Opticians. t Have your eyes tested. No ohargs for examination.. GALL AT- MADAME BESSON'S and examine her stock of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Fall and Winter Prices Reasonable,' octC-lm HORSES FOIt SALE. MILLINERY - MULES rV . at I . A9fD I now have on hand a good supply , of mules and horses, f shall also keep a good stock of Buggies and Wagons for sale. ... , PricestoSuit the Times J. M. Pace, Ill East Martin St. , Raleigh, N. O r r ' octtz-ti Metropolitan Opera House. Monday Evening, Oct. 19. OTVE WEEK. That Splendid Organization, the ROBINSON OPERA COMPANY, . ' 40 People In choice repertoire of light opera. . I 'resented with a brilliant cast, com 1 plete chorua, rich costuming, compe tent orchestra and magnificent stags details. Price, 25, 50 and 75o. Reserved seats at W. H. King & Co. Look Out FOR John Robinson's Circus. The finest Kidney medicine is my celebrated . l-'. Phosphate Gin, None Botter. All Liquors, Beer, Ale, etc., sold:- under a strict guarantee. .: It will give me great pleasure to Sr.. serve you when in need of anything la i,' my line. v " vu.-. .- -.- - s' - '-- w'' POLITE AND ATTENTI VJC CLERKS. . Very respectfully 'r jtio, u.-snifn. No. 11 Exchange Place, . Phone 181. v sl5-iw . ' s,:a. ASHE & SCI, . FIRE INSURANCE. .... ,. . ' i .. V I. . Solicit ft part of your patronage OEQce over MaoRae's BranchPhar iraii

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