ft. '-lit t$ BylY. l aj h to tlib rr. su-Vialior. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 29. General Agent Lamb, of the Southern Rail way, today said that Mr. Hoffman is , wrong in the supposition that after - the transfer of the Seaboard stock purchased,, by the . syndicate the York Ri ver Lin e w ill be discontin ued,. Thejiew Bay route, he declares, ; will be in operation at all events. , - s Belief that the; Louisville & Nash - .Ville will give the Southern agent a hard tussle for the control of the Seaboard is strong among shippers. They say that If the Louisville & v Nashville parallels the Southern with the Seaboard, past competition wlll not be a shadow of that which " ' - will then be inaugurated ? r' It is not "generally known, but is 1 a fact, that Mr. Ryan" of the Ryan and Thomas syndicate, which pur- f. chased the Seaboard Air Line, is a V, . Virginian, although he has been put uv. down as 1 an, Alabaimian. He was bora and raised in Virgina, between Charlottesville and Lynchburg, and started in. life .a poor boy. He is v 'flow a malti-millionaire, - ' s- ,. -v Prevent sickness and .save doc tors' at this season by keeping your blood rich and. pure with . Hood 'a Sarsaparijla. , J-. - ' T . f . , - . Th Whole Story : Of the great sales attained and great cures accomplished by Hoods Sar saparilla is quickly told. - It purifies and. enriches the blood, tones the stomach and gives . strength and i vigor, v Disease cannot , enter the ' system fortified ( by the rich, red ""blood which comes by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. , . , , t , , -: .''-jr '" Hood 'a Pills cure nausea, ' sick neadache, indigestion, billiousness. All druggists. - 25a... u jy" - r-4 (ZD) . interested in Juow s ; ,":7 ' Trices V-'.' " 9T Rarrpfo (if Ralrlwin Innlp? LU umivig pi uuiuiiiii nium ' Fresh arrival, nice stock and in -"If J. V IWU (VDVlUUUl J (J rnco qi.io per uarrei ; - ; King's sad northern Spys v. at w to s 'ao per oarrei, reran f " price 25c to 80c a peck. ".These, are V" "II ZJIl Uj t I 11 111 : 111! lit 111 ,!Mi :lu tiuvjlo s ; ' and "will not last many days -.. ' New1' Prunes,' Raisins, Figsj Cvr- rants, Mince Meat, Apple But-- ; frt Jn-f wdjP'ePared i i " V .i1 '' ;'!,... ''.i..i I. v ' AGENT. ; Phone 28. jd::rcorrs Grand Panorama -AND-i-" LECTURE . 9 i- ." t. . : i PilgrtaY .Progress. 'i'. Ov 900 Han&-Faintbd jjd Buvt ' ' Mr. Johnson's' family ' will take part. UlS Iliue inree-anu-n-uau-' -" year-old daughter will sing. Mrs, ' Johnson will tell of her little daugh ters accident and marvelous escape. Ilia daughter Grace, eleven jron old will operate the lights. In speaking of this entertainment, V. the Richmond, (Va.) Starj Sep. 2Cth , 1896, says: , , ' - ' kS IHTEKESTTNa tECTl BE. . . In the Central Metnodist church last night a plotonal lecture on llgTlm'i P.nmun'1 wm rlnliTnmd.- Thn nhnmh wds crowded. Dr Johnson, of'Wil- ' mington, uei, was ine leciurer. ais , : little daughter, only three snd a liftlf years old, sang a nymn. mm. jonn dent and marvelous escape. This leo -; "v ture was one of the most entertaining ,. J,, tnat nas ever uwujivoa iu uu vmj Under the auspices of West End . Baptist Churcb " SATURDAY. NIGHT, .Oct, 31st, J806. . - '. - v For the benefit of the church. Ad i mission 15c to all ages.. ; : s Prof. J. Mixnis Joiinsok, - v- " ( , ' t : Lecturer." - What Bb7 ma rick, cihsrOMtorU. Wan ib was a CbOd, b aried f or CMtocta. VThm Bl became HIM, (ha clung to Caatorta. TTion iIj W CM lmi, aba fTethem OuUxia, UJhrt io r 1 1 A Practically Perfect Preparation S "j ' ..:- :.HFr' --. -!- " , " I" - - 1 ..'"-""...- - L-.'if. .'.' 1 For V'" CHILDREN'S ' " .r w' ' ' ' COWI PLAINTS. ; " THE TRIOMPBT OF EOYE 18 HAPPT. raUITFCI. MAMtlaCB." l-rcrr ' Vaa' Wkaf WaaM Kaaw tfca Chraal Trataa, Plala Facto, tka ' Xaw Blaeaverlaa af Ha4laal ttelaaoa aa Aaallai ( Hamla4 Ule, Wa WaaM Aena Car Faat Srrara aa4 AvaM Fatan Pllfalla, BhaaU Saeara lha Waaderiai ' Uul Baak . Called " Coaialeta naahaad, aad Haw ta At tala It." a TTam af laat a lnfnpmaf.1m frmn a blffh medical aource that most work wooden wlta tbisf;eaerattono(men.n ... ... The book fully deaorlbea a method by which to attain full vigor and manl7 power. A meinoa 07 wnicu mi nm mu. ww.uia jralnou tljeeyeau ' To core Mrvonsnaai, lanfc of aalf-oontrol, a. To emhange Jaded and worn nature (or one of briahtoeea, buoyancy and power. - To coreiorevex eflecta ot ejLcee,overwork, worry,o.""i i .. ! .1 . To sire fall trencth, development and tone to avery portion and orfcanof the body, Aire no barrier. Fallara lmpoaalola. Two thooaand referenoes. -, Tba book Is purely medical aad aclentlflo, aeeleaB to cariosity seekers, invaluable to mea only who need It. - -.. .... A despairing mani who bad applied to as, aoon after wrotai - . "Well, I tell yoa that first day I; one IB never forget. I Tt bubbled with joy. I wanted to hn everybody and tell them my old self had died yeeterday, and my new self waa bora toay. Why didn't yon tell ma when 1 Ant wrote that I would flnd itthla "Tind another thus'i'. l; . "If yoa dumped a cart load of gold at my feet it would not bring such gladneatlntomy life aa your method has done." i-'i. Write to tha BRIH MKDIOATj OOMPAjnT, Buffalo. TT. Y.. and aek for the little book aUed "COMPLETE MANHOOU." ilererM thi paper, ana t lie company prumuKs w p tba book, tu sealed, envalopp. without an harks, and entirely free, until Tt U wall intra. tuoad. n teir.lstratcr's Notice. n.vlnn 11 Q 1 i tlil 11 ft n m 1 TilHtrfttlF Of the estate ot A. K, Weathers, de ceased, I hereby give uotice to all per ona having claim against said es tate to present them to me for payment before the first day of October, 1897) otherwise this notice will be plead In V... n4th. aamA all iwManna in Hftht to. the said A. K. Weathers are re quested to come forward ana settle ine same at onoe. . j. jav jiaruuBP . 1 Administrator for A. K. . Weathers, Deceased. . octi4 1 awow - W. B, GRIMES. W.'W V ASS, Jr. - - - - V- ' l 1 ' ' GRIMES & VASS , , . . " ; Firo Insuransoi ; , i -1 v - -i , ". ' -f -1 v, ' No. e WEST MARTIN STREET. ' Agents for The Carolina Mutual Of Chailotte. r ' t ' , i V Westchester of New York. Phoenix of London, v 17-lw - Adminiarrator'a Notioe. . Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Cherry. Penny, de ceased, late of Wake county, N 0., this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1897, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and- all per sons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. J. C. Mabcom. Adm'r. R. T. Gray, Att'y. ltw6w . October 7, 1896. - JJ .Land Sale. S. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust from J. W. B. Watson to B. P. Montague, Trustee, registered in Book 113, page 22, and- with he consent of the mortgagor thereon, we will, on Monday, November 9th, 18b6, at noon, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh expose to public rale the fol lowing described tract of land, lieing the part unsold in the land conveyed in the said deed-of trust and described as follows: Beginning. et the north east corner of the Matthews lot, near the northwest corner of lot 744, thence southward along the line of Matthews and of the Kline heirs to Kline's southeast corner; thenoe west along Kline's line to the branch; thence down the branch to the south city line; thence east along the south line of the oity to the southeast corner of the city; thenoe north along the east boundary lino of the city to Lenoir street; thenoe west along Lenoir street to the beginning. Terms cash. . B. F. MONTAGTJB, Trustee. J. W. B. WATSON. Oct. 0.1896. Have Kept You Cool AH Summer. WIII-KeepJYou w A R M All Winter. Soft Goal, Pocahontas Rnssell Creel : . ..'-.V.. -'V V.V-1 Vi Thacker and Jcllico Goal. The best Coal at lowest prices al waysat - Jones t PovgII's. ECONOMY v VTw ha vtAMMatfi In minv VftTli AA. J L u-.v.i"-m j y at - when dollars are acaroe nd wants many, but it la not desirable to practice It in the purchase -of food, which is DaIas aa Aovfaln mi.. n i? unl 'frmd lUOl AAilUn a aa nt w Imperfectly nourishes', up to that stand- never want .more than a reasonable price for our urooeries. , - RAPID SALES Give our customer the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that Is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in It. " - CHOICE lo'CEfilK: Always In stock and promptly delivered j- : when ordered. .1- . Cross & THERE IS A DIFFERENCE: OF OPINION Regarding , the Proper Man'-for ' President. - Whir.h wav nrp. AA til VIA k 11 UJ . W1V ? Not in politics, but where are you going to do your fall trading? -- ,.: You want the roost and best for your money, don't you? You Can Get It. ' All departments complete and well stocked with Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Hats and ; ; The Newest Styles, the Finest Grades, the Best Values. Our prices demonstrate how much we want your trade. Political speak ors are wrangling over "the basis of values." Come in and get our rices ana we win show you the basis ave a complete assortment of splendid that defy competition, You will be don't come. .. .. . CROSS & School Books , Remember our house is headquarters for all School Supplies. We have everything vou need in this line. Surd's Fine s i; - lArd in the verylatest styles. A. Williams & Go's Book Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, The "Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, H. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits . -. . . 300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terns.. Some good business offices to let J. J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President. B. S. JERMAN, Casn ef H. W. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Simpson's Ointment CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. For Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all Stomach Disorders, use Simp son's Liver Pills, the best in the world. Either sent by mail for 25c. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, vPHLLEN BUILDING. RALEIGH, N. C. GALL AT- MADAME BESSON'S and examine her stock of ' r '- ' - ' ' LADIES' and CHILDREN'S .r ::. y.Vv - v Fall and Winter LUfJEnvl Prices Reasonable, ' oct6-ltn - . 't-S: Linehan. BUT THERE IS A LANDSLIDE ' rWhen tbey vote on the best ' place to trade. Ymi Hp.aiiintf 9 ly U JLXWU-WL111Q I We Have It. Gent's Furnishings. of values inside or a minute, we goods. . They are yours at prices turning down great bargains if you .' - LINEHAN. A full stock of Stati ON TIME. This laundry delivors work "on time." Now please don't look us sternly in the eye, and shake your head in skeptical doubt. We do. We will prove it. Just drop a pos tal and we will call for your bundle. It will be delivered "on time" and will give perfect satisfaction. onerv PHONE 87. SALE OF UNO. Bv authoMtv of a mortpace from L. T. Huddleston and wife, Elizabeth, re corded in Book 97, page 650, records neginer P ueeas omce ior waa county, I will, on Monday, November 2, 1896,atl2o'o'ock m.,efl to the high est bidder at publio auction for cash at the court house door ot Wake county, N. C, a lot on the south Bide of South street in the city of Raleigh, beginningat William Fowler's north east corner on South street, runs south 128 feet to a stake, thenoe east 35 feet to Eliza Bell's line, thenoe north 128 feet to South street, thenoe west with South street (6 the beginning! s29 tds r W , N. JONES. Att'f. Much in Little b stpeeialir trus Ot Hood's Mis, tot ao bmO elmsTwaoattlMd so great enraUTS poww Id s smsB spaa. Tnej an a whoto Bsdhstaw bssl, always resdy, a : snyt effleteBt alsr saV I J I I O tafsetorr; nvcot a oeW lj I I O or tetw, cure an Brer Illi, slekbMdaebe,lMBdieS(iiisUploa, eto. 9s. TbssnH Puis to tsks wlt Baadt Sarsspsrins. The Heated Term GONE! " We have with us now the most de lightful and charming weather, in which we ought to take advantage of by giving our families and best girl an airing during tne lovely afternoons. Now is the time today, nottomorrow. Remember You can find the proper rig at Stron aeh's Light Livery and Sales Stables to make you and yours happy. Sta bles open every day in the week. PRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Carriage and num I have juBt received my fall stock of vehicles and harness, which I am sell ing at low water mark. Factory prices don't cut any ice in this slide. Give me a call and be convinced. I'll give you some of my prices on vehic les, viz: To'p buegy $50; open buggy 130 to $40; carriages $85 to $100. My motto: "Buy right and sell clone." FRANK STRONACH. Nos. 219, 221 and 223 Wilmington Street. 209 Fayetteville Street. New Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in fall and win ter Millinery. Trimmed and untrimmed Ladies' Hats, with all the new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. All customers will be given prompt attention. Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. Miss Maggie Reese. Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthe nums Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, Celery, Late Cabbage and Collard Plants. Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for fore! g in the house and early spring blooming outside. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace la stitute. Phone 113. octl7 Publication of Summons. North Carolina, I In Superior Court Wake County. t To Oct. Term, HO. Srvlo bv Publication. W H Wheeler vs. Sallie Atkins, Hannibal Atkins, Ulyascs Atkins. William Atkins, - Benton C Atkins' last two Infants, Rena Atkins and her husband, William Atkins, Maloy Hoover Rogers' infant, Joseph Rogers, Annie E Shaw. W F Shaw, Mary L Wheeler. Creacy C Wheeler. Annie D Wheeler's last three infants and B O Barker, administrator of Alain Jones, deceased. To Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses Atkins. William Atkins and Benton C. At kins, Defendants in the above en titled action. Yoa and each of you will take notioe and notioe is hereby given yon, was W. H. Wheeler, plaintiff above named, has instituted an action entitled as above in the Superior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, against you and tne outer aeienaants namea aoove. The summons in said action was is sued on the 31st day of August, 1896 and la returnable to the October term. 1806, of Wake Superior Court to be held in the city of Raleigh on the 26th day of October, 1896. The purpose of aid action is to foreclose a mortgage on real estate criven by your parents Simeon Atkins now deceased) and Sallie Atkins to Alain Jones, which mortgage waa transferred to plaintiff, W.H. Wheeler. . . You ara farther notified and required to appear at the aforesaid October Term oi wage superior unin ana answer or demur during said term to the oomnlalnt which will be filed In said action, or the plaintiff will be granted tne Tellea aemanara tn tne complaint. u. jfcuxuL v, , . Clerk Superior Court Waka Co, H. B. Non-la, Attorney. - v :' September 4 188. . . ltwflw Miss Maggie Reese. You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious " Question ...... - - WhattaGive the Bride , Bv SDcndictr a few moments looking through our new and complete stock of . u'. ' . " Sterling-Ware, Cat Glass, . yt, Iron and Brass Lamps. China, Clocks, J ; Bric-a-Brac. v . H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers and Opticians. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. FOR SALE. , . T now have on hand a cood sunnlv of mules and horses, f shall also keep a good stock of Buggies and ' Wagons for sale. PricestoSuit file Times J. M. Pace, 1 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C OCtl2-tI - ' A Proclamation by tho Gov ernor. $100 REWARD. State of North Carolina, 1 ' Executive Department, i Whereas, official information ha been received at this department that Jim Booker, alias Jim Chavls, late of the county of v Wake stands charged with the ' murder of Mahaly White, and whereas, it ap pears that the said Jim Booker alias Jim Chavis, has fled the State, or- ao conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot bu served upon nim: r -''y- .r Now, therefore, I, Ellas Carr, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue oi authority m me reeled by law, no issue uus my rrociamatve offerinir a reward of One Hundred dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of said Jim Booker, - alias- '; Jim Chavis, to the Sheriff of Wake county at the court house 'door in Raleierh. And I do enjoin All offi cers of the State and all good oitisens to assist in bringing said criminal to justice. ' , Done at our city of Kaleifrh, the 2d day of Octobf r, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety six, and in the one hundred" and twenty-flrt year of our AmerLean In dependence. :t ELLAS CABS. By the Governor: ' ' o. J)'. TELFAIR, .. ; Private Seoretary. DESCRIPTION. . About 6 feet high', smutty, black color, 23 years old, weighs about ISO pounds, slender built, long legs and arms, protruding mouth, knock Knees, has end of third finger on one hand cut off; fond of drink and card-playing. ocUtat Contains more lithla than any other lithia sprine water on the market, and wo have yet to find a physician who has given Harris1 Lithia Water a fair trial but that will state that it if sape- rior to tne otner waters, ur, i nomas S. Fowell.-President Southern Medi cal College, Atlanta, Ga.;TheoLamb, Professor Diseases of Chest and Prin- ciples of Medicine, Medical Depot, Atlanta, University of Georgia; Prof Joseph Jones, President Tn lane Uni versity of New Orleans, Lav? Dr 'John Hey Williams, AshevUle, NCj DrR B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N Talley, of Columbia, S. C, and hun dreds of others of this most noted phy sicians of the country) testifying that Harris' Lithia is superior to - all other waters that they have used in their practice. , . President's Office,"" '""" Baltimore, June 24, 1896. . Mr J T Harris- Harris Spring, S C: . Dear Sir I will say to you, that it h my opinion that the Harris 'Lithia Water is by far the best lithia water I -have ever used.' and that it has done me a great deal of good, and t think that it is a most valuable remedy. Very truly yours, , 1 President S A L B K. For sale by the Druggists of Bal- eigh V.ht vj --,' v : .'- '! f ,' EarrU' Sowing, S. C. oct 15 lm : -v. v s. . ; asue , fi z:: FIRE. INSURANCE. Solicit part of your patronag , Office over MacRae's BrancbPhar 1 nutcr fjN HOLES LLjHORSES mm i " 7 i : U 4 ' V T ,ooo j 20,000 ? 1 y i 10 pt counl feigbt. . ;