.1 O i v -1 :( IIIYI. NO. 11. .11.. C-J , - u ' f I J7 V.'iNS IN-1VAKE :.V;ss . :ru iii: Hi. Majority' "Will MM Ba'Ove'r1 HrtV"r SitpS'V6ptiitiip 8cratehed" 'ri t , , pabllean, .Nominee, ln,.,i, ,rtvi . t X . VI Brown, zOJtfontgomerr, Cpngressrnanr-.Pon.j 2q2;;Str;oia 90 Alford, 1. ' - " . , . ,' Legislature-aivimfcy $3 7i' Rogers's Stc-rej 41 63 ' 64' r... fiprresville, s'llAtl LkJC3 1 Holly Springsf ,1 "20v Edward's, . A .4 l&gfiU Mftcheuv.'jldn.l f nr.M I iu tat 10: J44 pmimn tb e oou sty.' iy, juajoriuM . .reaching from one huBdred and moro "t& prb bably'r1250.'; Joe ItogerJieaaai.be i l4? ticket and Jim Youngbrought J o f rear:' jTwo precinctsy'Stony cii, but it. is, not expected that tbe vote of either1 will" effect 'th general result in the1' county. ' . The yote iy as very- close between " Mr . N. B. Brouhton- and . Jim Young and it was not ' until " Ibis . afternoon tbaV thq-democrata ;gave . up: -Mpi Broughton toado a splendid - Jim Young oiaims - th .county . by 117 votes:" ' ' e Joe Rogers' majority Is estimated ' by populists to be 1,250. " ; " . 7" : Jim Young's electlonsiscon6eded. Swift Greek Will prObabljKadd'sbme . thing to tJstoajorityJ'sfye.topyT . Hill wilj gOj against .him,,. HiSnma-. jority will ba 50 or .60 . The vote against tbe republicans oil the fusidn ticket was surprisingly large,,,J ones - TWdred'' tottjotity:J JTh'pollstst - aia not stana oy we repuoucans as - theretnrns show; . VThey simply did " not vote'M m i"-ii?rw-n-wi ' !',n . Brvan carried the countvbv iibout four hundred ,4najor.ltyJ and Kussell carried it by Ijke number, "'Mo-; Kinley carried the township by .191 . majority; Watson's plurality .-was . ' Below IS' tbe-'VoWlnthe'tfirlotls townships on Broughton afcd Young i Barton's Oreelr-Hutchlnson's Store; Bughtop;;!;,,'. Bartom. Creeks Roger's.; Store-. Broughton, 38, Young, 77, - "Buckhornp-BfoughtOB, 80, Young, 'J. CaryBroughton,14S, TQWg& CodarForkt-MorrisvUlcj Bxonghr ton, 64, Young, 5a Cedar Pork.. Pollard's- Brouch ton 52; YoupgM. f U 0f; Holly j SptingsBrquihtoi 42, Young A 'U. House's Orlek- Edward's Store: Broughton, 102; Youngs 161.".'Haf ris' Store; Broughton 31; Young, 128,. ' ,0 i Mitchell's MillBroughton, 75; Young, 42, Wakefield BrougtitonJ47: Young 135. -uoofc2&y . : Middle uroen urougntoa,r Young 131. . - VUi- (.yLjillbToplrofiRn 72; Young "w64. . ... . r Robertson's Store Broughton 95, Young 59. ' - " - OakGrove Broughton 119, YoungJ 85. it v Myatt's MillBroughton 58, Young 18. Cross Roads Broughton 119t Young 83. ' - Auburn-JJroughton V5,r Yffuflg ld4- . r-i h i'' Milburnie--Broughtont Ife XouPg. 93. - 4 - , - Wilder's - Grover-B rough tonj 81, Young 113. ' , ; Massey's Olive 132, Young 174:, Forestville-BroughtoB 213; Young rvolesvilloBroughton 127, Young A ix Broughton 218," Young 15. I'irst Division Bryan." 202; "Mc I'wioy, 99. (iovernor--Watson, 226; (BuSsell V .Guthrie, 60.'- '',7' '" ,-"',);" 1 ' :,tn ofricers-T-Cooker.!22aj.Thomp . i,b7;Furman, 223; Ayer, 89; Ay , M 217, Worthy , , ios AveryXiltjJugJaCgi; t n, 2-0, Montgomery, 94. Congressman4 Fqu 216; Strpwd 48, sngr ixsgi slat ure -Vi iye4 i70 k V Ver 1 1 Broughton", l?5r erreirfe; Pfek. Ing! HIoYourii.&J ( IfJ OV O ers Mark.'sCreoVii 11 friwVl neuseiuver. 54. . Tlrsttilf slon-BHab'.i M f Mb( fciolcyjeq., ''.-. rrl'; M J UObestfloti.'sr fAJ i7,-a48rt G?veWoV4-Wats6n'73;Rusself,YayHnl ' . 88 '?r2rij rtiutbr '.State son,44','li cook;, 1G8; 'U 1" - J i- fi..o-T- it, cinnj 1 frorestf illdi1"1'"' ""!' tt"f llt4 40 Offlfiers-Cooke,l73;Thomp. ".J'fr,. JWM.Mft.W'.PM'P ; Worti, 52., V?;i4V I r J Jtfflburdi'o; U'iWU '46 Ml 106l JJlMhtf -4l&ihW U BH" 90! Raleigh'-!' Wnrdl 'v3G9" 'i76" . (I f ':-2 WaTd,'-'VJM20( '841 J 1 3 Ward, ni'17I "'t' '23 JITTT. tV'Vi VV. w HWJil ,)wgy iM4U mss 23 n1H0MJUnwr)Maniy'i8rmly be Seoond Ward.- Second division-r-Bryan, 232;- Me I mnleyiHifurJ 00 Uovernor Watson, .Hi; tiussell r 100; Guthrie, 2. ; Staite Officers Coakev2S3rTbonip- son; !104i rurwan , &m, ?0l; Ayeockt 229J1 Worth$.108. r jriunv udges4AVery, 234; Douglas, 102; Brown',' 224;'M'ontgomeryrll''';.rtJ J' Congressman:-Ppu7 '225: SWbwJ- iui; panns,ij,AHoro,j, . -,-., K'.bn Legisl&ture-rOUver, 235, t, Utley, 102; iB.roughtotP238',' FisrrelM'101; County, QfSeerarrMiaL.,, 23 v, gers,' 101 Page, 233; Jones,,,!). ' i " - 'Tlilrd Wd."''",','"', lUnleyaoa,!, n.,-ihK 0 .(..v.i J im ' Gdternor-Watsolf ,'232i. iRws8bI1' i". u - ..ji. ....... i -...t. f. umpr 14S; Gutbrle'J ,"is,'"'i r"1''1'1 State ,Ccer!oote;, fit'Sb bob. 57 Funnaa,; 227 ; jAye. lL Aycock,'228i Wortb'162ivMyl. b.U 1 160; Brown iMbntomeV; 164-' 46rBankBy .14v) uho t) intii'iij n Leoiiature-uOilve. '115:' Utl'ev 24?: Brbuihfok' Iili(J !PerrBn.'J242V Fleming, 117oungi22,,l,"'M 3'County,0aoer-Miali.'in;i Rog--crsl:'247i Pu.sil9: Jones.mMwo Krot Divislon-k-Brvaii" 160','" Mc iS.lnleT144Mi(S:VMIffl'T tnilwlUK . LState:xdfcrft'l7ir,ii son, i 4 w . mu, Virtsldo West, . . . 201 130 . ' 1.. Lilt mi.n , .. . j n ca irriT1 j:"UDin8aref ?im- DemiMikrr ;a W"116 l-lV 40.000. ReDublican flares hkii win nnvo a m i-invit-Tr vr at 4 h. i a r afc SAr " ; rY " T-- - 4 are-att.based on-.McKinJeM '& vdlK Yuiea . uusc. .ina - returns it re-l.ti x. '!'. : DTi." .w2ftfT f" chairman 0 s-., i olton " ir . . . - , . . J ' I'm iir4.H t v . i iA jrew xorK special or yesterday " M1JWfu.WTFwiiwHwWi;P ta k. WUViP 'naaoiogioB limes says: A T ' Hw' V""' rarrcMv recfiivpd Thn chifirmftB erw-..'-..-.! . ., ... TCatsnn i iKitnH Lr.?e'v receivea, ine . chairman ueuuu spovuu irum jaCKSQnvuie, I , - I fiann1pa th "Dpmnprata 10 mpmWn mail I -v . , ' over theDeriiWiiMrt MB"MThii( l.cpflcees tbe Democrats w members HA-lhi Kin a. . i . .. Fll. J 1 J Jtey West dec are that they have I " TOWOTWWW l.'i PbTH Uwr, , .iHrtK Jjr' , :-a . r" Ve Sible Information that Ihe rela! yet rl'4 whZbzstlvXU.L ieUht tafrfout did themselves today m celebra. turns 'of the United States apd Spain . . . . . I . nfi 1 J .. n h J h. i'U.!'-' "i'ii i 'trtncersMS'i bifl-'maior W.'" eraGieaYoy-caie, vyibbmentsvhfi.iritoiitwal1feb9 i- ? v ,Ayiuiium;B in regarajwAiupa inay.ji.zff ""w"fu t,wBn 1 1 lit. '."i i rstrow Dartur"i,t.-.iGeii fam.h11a'nlWW?bWIlfjt1J)?P aWiWieopna, I tTi tMuil'jiiL'' iiL''jua!ib!-'iui-. I J.ne'81XUlflnli ninth, N&niOiMIninti hv Wash!: iiaWyJwhai'Was going o'n, .aVlatfA j nvi--T.r.'!-Ko' iiuyxit;. "i'mnn -jT"-ir-i " -.- it .; i Mwmm iur civn uonsiuerauon; no r'ra"vi,, 3 r(M,ww;u Jr.i " n i : 4 AA 11 T I n ; . ...... lFV I let9 Bbergetl'ote'to-Calpt:"$4n fjudge Brow Congressman Pou,' 172; Strowd, 132; Banks, 1., - 1 - Legislature Olive, 176; Utley, 13&i8rbnJlJ9ferrell, 135; Fleming; 77; Young, 125. County Officers MiaU 171; Rog- fers, 140; Paget 1J7 Jones, 133. in I ( Seconds DIvisidsmBf yaiu 44f JM4 fanleyT319r lH A Qoveroor Watsgm JfflH1 311; Guthrie, 2; Mason, 41; Reynolds, 313. " . - - -' State Officers-Cooko, 41; Thomp- ?9-1.8i;-ErftBii42r Ayer, 316; Ayoock, 41; Worth, 318. - - Jodges--Avery, 41; Douglas, 316: Brown, 37; Montgomery, 322. , UoftBSfflSifj-Pou, 42; Strowd, ilgislatuiiyOlivW; Utley ,520; Broughton, 45r? YpuogM-87:' Jlem- islature Olive, 207; Utloy,.93'; toii, 20S; Ferrelly 93; Flem. Young, 87.'.' ' 'linfy officers Mial, 204;Rogers, !.c.T'; i:;e, 20G; Jones, 94. First Vri. tuj )iid Civisiou Bryan, il94; Mfl v. 105. . : " nor Watson, 205; Russell, ...ria, 1. , , , : . 1 urman, 2il, Ayer, 95; Ay- 1 ; Vorlh, 101c W j Avery, 04; Douglas, 96; log, 44; Adams, 32JuT UK AUJ Oouttty Officers Mial, 43; Rogers, - uutsia wrat. ' . 'SrtiitVidin -1 '"nftfiJi-rti TlrDnn. 117; McKinJeyi.ffSj - ; - - . Governor Watson, 111: Russell, syGuthtid.'B? --J 110 " y State Officers Cooke, 110; Thomp son. 68: Furman 111: Aver 65: Av- 110tyqrJh6jJ. A Congressman Strowd, ; 67; Pou, 113. r . LeEislature-i-OIive. ill4; Utley, 66 ,Brougb.tonAU&;' FscreU.vi Flpminc 114i YftUhP, 61. o,iu,Vu --T . . County Officer tfM ial,113jKogei,S,' 64Page, 112; Jones, 64. x 1 ' Bryan, 136; McKinley, 356. ., lgislature01ive, .. 135;,, Utley, 355 B roughton, ;-137 ; AdameViU) i County OfficcrsMiaC'l" fajK ers, 332; Page, 142; Jonesy 347'f.o o ;7;-.-j wvfcu 'tM'Yiar ''J'86." r " r 1 PRECINCTS.. ' 1 Hutchinson V, Store, . 1 "c5 5 a" to c . 71 prison- kiiiXf rlghtsIxronTlZe fia frit nnt inrLPiTr(iajiw ,witK iintr l iOGWlts iTaitl. stipulWloflJ'iiia 'feWtferlntf 'ecBpt: 1 " ' fBWrt'l-; i,i.i : Capl.-Gtt.Weyler'ievadea 4aialPJ ing any1-, drcect AbM' mhft& lack dfi;ftthorityltto i treat in; diplovX tiifeVU'iscus'smatiera.wEicV, Several prec 4&kad ibeeo4hoJoustomttbmtt:to-f wnty for Bryan. CanIiikter-andtheSDatUshforeijin urgent haantbejrfirst. iil'which'ka; reitera,ted4iis' pftevjMs6bctif(i, and Capt GmWyl6r'dM( BQawswet TTV.vT.Tn 1 . lijance becaw theJanMnJraak kchedoya serie lCfttepBGd4 W jieiq Otbo Wilaon-olflims that.Wajta has gone tor Strowd -by 1,000 ma- wirHv f'Vlm ffvtaivna 't(rt;l1frf.l!ft;'h, 8 WA n ti& VWVnitnt!X,ii:ltT? '11 J . T)tiis)iftm...4vmnft!t.. rl vA&..1iiAliaA i III) Jnwl?WVIHl ' Z425 MortWI RMn'ofSOOvotfej' t -J7U JjJO-ll Mk Inubiln inool S6rv-' ljQprrtr''htttiA&WnniwagevesJh;itcu w- ' t"T- .Tl I frf i . atddmocrati srain of rifv-mnn i i A1 unr. .99 i KMtyTgain rf z&u for? tlie WTi-1 WitM crats. 1C3aa' ,4sr-, 4 S tint JoHty, ademocrayc rai4of5$pvotesi WXKSOQ Bryanjotity'HItib(er'nea teM Wl4eT Vitonte aW i'm'oS irman Simmons is ofe.same result ki,Bctioii tBio"takewbY'Met' uoitoatoysSAhe-idemo-Umtefl States. ' v"'1"" ivSSi - j011" vAlltofti- 30' yegMftiiffttie understood that cotlff; ( .. wmaadiate oaasd of ItfiadiDaTtue bt l tcW H fl iJii rBini',w w irarious flen ttf 'fal Spifl ihtfibriM 4aV teen disrjosed to nroceed in a I lare tj t - r . .. . . mgo 4andodjiwwin.rfr'teithe;se 4' " j r-'ihi io ,iniiil3;-Tiiii!,u Mb.t.iti Jv'iLi!i',.'t4j Lii i. Art i'f 'f f j ien 1 iviuuTg gives pw jmajoriiyr: adyjsed rby Capt (Jgirjjjpr that to mmtimiWmmi Jjhw'jpjisotiers would be retried, but BryBn:oll '.JT .Mj -;0fI ers. and wltHout.nlrejrai'd to I oiuenDrgui.iMW AJ; ikWnibU J .1: TT L 1 A A. 1 R.niWr,irl.illaAi,k l.iews irom Aenwcsy is not entirely etotQrfa,againy' itf JT'rtf'f .! fc-t''W.5,"'VJi'A. Wafa; .tat and: countv Dna. M weoAav.8. iostaBuagifl state o cpftff W isoifJOe'iiiaUobal tloketis, iietrns froii if, -i. ,i yitaJUSBj .! ,0. ,3 -a..... , rmM'ri?S.il.i Our infnftttntion EVnhnlvad office. W-ifW'ir,. fi 13 mosl rnsiifryms-snowm v" ;.rVf4twJ' wwKWiP iwr .Memocrcy. , , v MSI ffS,: ana iiryan and the count v ticket wifft b v Hm"vbte . i Republican Claim tM State ,i, Ae Republican headquarters the State is claimed for both Russell and KIblv.inB f'CtiatrmaS" vcHmO? usbUptiini&tjik is Sdiui:jtbai beihas not had time to figure it. ' Re turns received from 19 counties give McKnley 19,000" majority over the RfiUubllcafVjOlBrThenth T w KsfflMoroif ! D. C. : Nov 4. ;Both 'branches'bf the1 "heif 'Congress wtO be n,Mi&a-by the gdd mi'i' Thi, lffwep.-kpuse .will have a gafeRrtpub UenJ maJbrityvNrliikr tt'woold , apv pears that after the new Se.oators hare been chosen there will be a good: RepbbllcaTOmaToftHU .frtenif 1 Se: said tlie State tea this' estimate on the vote of; tba legislature. " ,Jtj . state.: .,Th.fuioa-ttcke.'. fafmimtW3" ail tue oner fusion "500 brsytn b 1 :oj 1150 2000 850 800 Madison f NeWHanover, BaudoipKiJJoecll Riahmond, SUrty, gdiijJ 800 1500 3700 200 1700 r400 900 Uu4 wEelmihg 'tfdds. n WeST-AGAlNST HIM. Beports Point to a Landslide for the Gld Standard ajd,As taaaard BfaeaivTliaStatca CanrIed--. ' Caagrem Rcfftitrifean. a wepMbiicanr Smaj0fr . tate fttyipi)r4 sent out that McKinley carried lenqessee seem to be erroneous. Th jstate has gone for Bryan by twenty thousand. 44SC0MI, Neb., Nov. 4.-The indi cations jare that Bryan will carry NVAraska, also that Ilolcolmb, sil ver'fiision candidate, is elected gov- New Yokk, Nov. 4, The New Yorklmembers of the stock exchange and; Rhode Islandbirteen i0 1!fi4jl rh.RahoUr.ifiTa bous, ,i:iO Tlrjginia,. tea thousand; Wisconsin, fdrfcy thousand," gh'l)"nm, Wduo " UUdredAadseveatyuetght electoral , vpWs. In doubt: California, IdahOi " - ' North Carolina, .Tenitessgj" Teias.""4 ' Fifty elecWraTvoies? , : r ..- ' " F6r Bryan are .conceded: AlaiI' ma, ten thoad ArStts'.oVty .. eight thousand; Colorado, twelve thousapd n Florida, t five . thouv wi . and . Georgia, forty thousand ,k Louisiana, thirty thousand; M4w- " souri, fifty thousand; Montana. 1,000: Nebraska, . 2.000:. Nevada. 00ft; 3ouroltn,067ri3B'l- ' 10.000; Utah, 7,000; Washington 1000; Wyoming .400.,.X3ivIg, iniofts h'uMred r 0iei.;.Sy4il5tvH'::iT .wWatson gets twenty electoral votes ' IjySif 4ni&r ' i ?W will probaJyltdjtettBiatiate - 5 JK succeed Hill, Black is elected Governor runnjog beb iBd,lttc?:i.nley. Probpbly the official eount will be necessary:" The Wyoming and" Cali-" , forniji CeisfStures ''a'fcubMcan.'''5 ' The : middle and- wester 'states',' ' '"- where . Bryan made four -hrndrd; speech,esjqr jr;ee,,silye,r ."jayegpne,; , rf strongly against him. , . . ., , . New York gives McKinley a plu ral'ty of twentyoUei'tlibusand three . hundred.'Blaok''I'uitoityibl't "" Governor is two hundred thousand v 400 , . 500 . 1200 EdeecPnib ? A " 800 ' " " " "150i i FOR BRYAN,; . Cii'rferet, 100 497 ;m, 42a a loss orzuo McDoVell, 300 Rirtberford,y .,...,30., . .. .. .300 j-jru ! Joneafl"sn'"f"yn.lPu. -ti - 1 . ' u 1 l . 1 , 1 jiiunairman jyianiy receiveu tue iui- lowlfig 'telegram this morning from 1,00 Wfortaatrotf was that Amerjcans securities had advanced from one to four and a half when the exchangji;6pened;' .'All the' galleries, ancrane omce of the president were Uclowdod with visitors.. wi 4 iromJaictugan, aaa tnaiana.are .now- Rve.r wh .nuvH mi inmsi lit ui hu kvh .which W liave; ehted for the iM-" tionpflBrysm" .... -' ,. . . j-m.At vef je o,ctocjoa.ay, maairman. Manly gave out the I follo wing state- nt: Vlholdtotbefiguresl'gaveput last evening that ;BrSn has carried ;:;;';;';! Good shape. " -i" JVU j. V.-i il AMMyu vuuuur. Kivca xirvtta i,uvu that the; lrreffularf woeeeaftim.H T?" "J' " " oult w 3Ri"',, u'jAav ,,t .uim w a gaio..otaa United states, from .rhcAotiilnin-ii ,r,t, i. - . .j,; .'.JuaT any aye'6 valid-V, rfrtridBevh ' FT'th v trial t ';'-' l-OJ J: " ;u ;'i"uf v'wmston-orsytne Ctf ftryForsythe I publicans' this rfttoll,siriM,K ' RW.Rfi'- urt-maitiat.sipK)ceediags,ivAI(ai.:r JWI!0?'13 v'epejvea. b, had bde'trf-lnstftiitfa shi'n.-t fritl' feMahly iidicalft SflpTIti 41 ress wfere&&Dde,?rJlrliyM RSdfn inr MSAiemocrauo gainoftLHJ. J VaaWfcaTiV,'' Tha fc, p.sxft ca-mden county elect4!entH, re UV SVMA.JffWai'4M'VaM W4AyiH MHgi Wi A.i.J an i.p-i -.in -.1 ...I.I.-J..I jf 1 1 The !EiM bweitoxpl' U tbA TeD,nJa3.uV'S large Democtaticgajns 1 c"?f te State. ' Mr. Wafeprjsj eejjtion $i assured. . The news, today is more night.) vTbe election, of Kitchett amd Doughton in the fifth and eight dis tricts ; jMSpevlsiatfr'.'bj; large major tki. ,'dams'andloctf hart will also win. The second dis trict is doabtful. fe 3 S quarterafevthat thefe" wilfVe a newes s&M ML4 iio&kM 1"' ' Fi I 1 men of Btrfin.Vlt Wl&BHekWl a fAwlwtetaLin tJ Arfinfra'.nfuVS.-Below a0 tivjnf exfracts of tel chine. UttbaWe4urem hhWl grams recdiidAlleakcratfc heal ths airi made its appearance on the I quarters:-.-.. ' -. i ':u boulevards of the German city; : aiajkH ?,tok?!;4?rPubliian "M"1' p . ... . -: ".'i'iu,iitr.rt".i,i: n. i ttnn i land county telegraphs that Cleve I reached thn rear frame nost of the old hicv. I - t. . , j. t. 5. j;AJ JLioiK witei v-. ,1. ston gives 900 majority . . . ' A- . L Ireddli plves BrvJML90 mftioritT. as there wlH be-rcud fetcvic-.f" and bUs'nc rOn . nr1' 'ai, tend t By order ef tho president 'thttifltive wheel of the bicyelp Sirang as ttjnaf f6;tf, Tivhsel Lit! aAd T..'ii iiivja;. ,i ut. . muqh ease and comfort as the jrf&Jl 3ThTemMaWWpresenta, ' The Uilulbi oi'rtle wllt -Seei at ihn ''nCftd woman's, homp." -t)rnrfrr Davie feWeiiPtThirr day at 4 p. m. All members are earnestly requested to be present ajiucuiu cuuutjr gives uijrau uim- Pesquotank gives Russ,cilT 305, St run a Ro-elctcK. V It seems tl t Hon been defeated tu th is county ffi'iTha Vart iaaata Bapiihlliiin. apeciaf to the unraro?, u ithus far receired the next iad States Senatj .will yroteably ,nl.1 'Repuolican .iettMOcrat ndopendents and Populists 11; doubtfur Sfotal SOiO.njthrycln- rUndoupt- cy questlon'hfi'atewlUrilndpubt .i;liJJiUiO;iLiti:iTJi'i'tLit.tw- eVfTre "u aibr Sliver mojun.jn.. IanCfl OiDesUi QciaiSn JeHv nag ?fetBthse jqrjty.- Doughlon carries thecoun-1 who are interested In Inenoia9 for the age; vtofnej ainJJbUcatbbtes'C corner of DayiemdeoStdets. Invitations are outannouncing the marriage pf Miy C.JE.rSprih7, of this cjty, 6&-Uiss aK R lSBort, J.0WHP, at a:3u at tne. AiemoBiai Baptist fiii4&(WSfli Tl I V v;, Tuesdajf rao v 10th, instead oTTnursdaytbe bt,ie Lre announced, at 8:30 M'lol? a shorty programme of sacred music gKM in Christ church by Miss Sacfe, YocallsL Miss Ward iolinlsti fancl liir. Mack, Organist"; The, Pb iactc(K. rJf s 41a of Kafeigh:! ia-ordiaJly mviten H W-lou laj jo (hjs recital, which , ia. entirely ioutTtyT Chair- Ire J- tioa qf t1eitory fgr!jgoJd. For an nonr Deiore the exchange opened, many of them assembled , and ;began ;yw'parauou'ioia'genuiBe''eweDrar- tion . Decorators put up work early. Scores of flags and yards of bunting addfed, to the already fwofuse deco- August, t Sept'mb'r. Otetober.'; Novemb'r. janijary, FeUrUarv; Marco, April, Max, McCldae oceted iMlna, o axcDange tne scene was one theke of iwhibh was- never1,' before wiitLfessedi - Brokers' ' shouted' the' prices and buying and selling went 6n' with a rapidity 'whlph madetLe speculators wonder; . Stocks began to advance immediately. .' Stiver 'de clined sixty-five to sixty-two and a haif;; . .. -'P . Lonpon.Nov. 4. The election of WoKinl'ey had a marked effect upon American securities. ; Businfis. at the stock exchange 1 opened! wi'tn a rush. Milwaukee and Louisville led the advance and were ouTckly' foT-1 lowed by the entire list Irbfifwo'to 6 dollars, which sent ' tbe'' broteri'i flying hatless in ' every1 ' direction to jom in the wild hubbHb4sidewbile in the streets-.cnbiarsl were6m- ipg'ifi by dozens. ' . .:: . According the general impression the! election will result in a rapid diminution of the withdraw alSof gold irtoUpijlite adefbt. I McMrteyilrtionvMS tirVorbly eetedjhl s.tE'fx'chajigcVough- lottt. i jpadjng J!;ngiisnstQcn DrpK- erinan interview saiq , jjicfiipieys elen;b.bo...nftl) inr ket' LargB buying!: Orders', r from New Yorker were sent after the result of thei etectiofl was known'. jShfi'Wsi 'foUftyea'b'jf' 'epglis& b'uyr ingot Americans and English stocks, CAH,Neb., ,Jfov 4.vWhite Brysnl hairobabl af dedSrebris-1 ka'by'a'Bfhall plurafytteepubii- 'cansarefeuat ,ooncedingthe faot,sfccB loss jnyajH. jwuy .iiwv . the State have not been heard fromV Tbe result will not he known before. nlcrht. - Brvan is steadily gaining. St. LocisMpf j .Nov. 4. The re turns are yery incomplete, but it is known Jvjthout doubt lhat St Louis has givnA MckialeyHfrbm twelve to twenty-nve l thousand plurality There, seems to be no doubt that two the threec reprssentati ves from. St' Louiftwilljrf Republicans CDBrRrr, Mich.,. Tov, i'feTjie ij x turfiare- incomplete" 'fWmT S3 CoTiht ti6s out of ,8ajid&djckt4 that J&r BjAley's'majority will pe.rom tbbt ?JSG . NovSIckinley;' accoramg toujfliJatest ngurosytias ftaPfied the following states a jpr itics and jiames : :-;-' ' TODAY'S MARKETS. ' New Yoek, Noy, 4, Market quotations furnlsne ' iy H, E. Leach'-, Broker,1' 3ll';Wiln rW; .il1' street, Raleigh, iNi O. : '; sil ' JEJ..1Yto-.Wu-e,;,-,-i..;v,., MONTHS J OPEN- tua. 8 27 '8' 28 8 38 8 3 05 20 HIQK- ESt. EST. S 25 8 28 8 3 8 St 8 39 80S 8 20 ,1 96 8 01 8 06 8' is & 19 7 86 7 85 ouob INQ ' 8 01- , 8'OS-'"" 8v,0r,.l;.; 8 15 8. .19- : 7, 85- A, , .Wk-r, ' .'"SSr".- ;' 7f"!"" , firm 'i'J ' 98t '" "' , o,89.:i ... - . 29,!,,v ' 77J , : Waw.yort. stook Market !,The follewing were th closing1"' quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: .! Sugar.. ' ,. American Tobacco Burlington atid Quindv . . . . Chicago G8j(..U--.4i.;i.v Pes., and Ct. Feed General Electric. . ', . . '.'.. LiQulsville arid ''NasKvflle. . Manhattam.. v'j . ..v-. . ..... . , . . Rqpk.lBlapd.. Syuthern Preferred a. Paul. v. :.'..'...'..'. :i Tennessee Goal nd-Iron !'. Western IJiiipn,.,.,.,...,.. :m i Chicago. Grain and Ptmlaloa Market.' Su:J'''''" Thefollowing werethe closfeWtfttot' ' ;" J" tetions on the Chicago Grain and Pro- ' :' vision market today;.;,. ..(;.,,. , i. . Wbeat December, 76i; May, 811.. , , . (rn-December;'25l; May , 28t; ' " " Oats DeoambeH8i; May'Zll. "'" ' "'; Pork Deoemberl702; Janumryt 1,8iV : . . j Lard December;, 4,42;. Janwary4,2,;;J . . , .Clear Rib Sides-December, " jJan- ary 3.92. '-" " " . 1 '; i .j ,'i, mi: Purchasers Got Vosaeesion ot Ihe iJK. .. , O. Railroad.. , ;,;i. ybe Atlanta Constitution of yes-.w. .,,., ferdiy says: . . An order was filed in tbe Uriite3 ygtates court yesterday withdrawtng"1''''"'' ' the Marietta and North Georgia iilt road propety from the bands tif the two receivers, .Messrs.. J, BGlotftr; and E. C . . SpaldiBg, ..and placing lS., unaer control of the purchasers pf j the property, 'tfes Atiahta,' 'Knoiyille " ' ' and Northern jC6nstrUt;t56n" Coin-'- " pany. . .' . n.i.i. Judge NewnJUs sigtted ,th: order . ' on Saturday, t'nt t was not. Jfilfd.. I , until yesterday The check for the ., , final payment was not received until ' yesterday j' though notice tiiaV It bad been sent feom New y4icl livtSj received..' As twon as; the paymeiit -f foi-OctorSlstwasreivedCleirlt i v. uuer,.oi the United State.. . urtyfiftdthebrderVW romod- tl'',:feoft'riV(irk. "froni'"M "'' " control of th property.'"'" w- Mr. fLjs Bftileyi is atteaanirthua bool oj .elecjtricity;)ftWa8h. ;i7 SjHUnoiS, .An. TT T. . .c. I ft An. Tr. JC ' Wt.,V 1. 1 3 I . . Tri: jft'laui'.!l?ttn'fein6'D;.'!Lnn7i.'''frD.i!lT i T1wi hUA' ioiJ: A i. i i.l.i.p.ii..,.. ..w , -! '' la uiuiijjm UlCUKIi. , '&3pt& Maine, M.lRloTMlryTandT" TlabintsmeU'i'tobt the' deW tv "BSrOTIMassachusetts, : 125,000; dav.'fr"-'.!' -i!iJ ;'wi MichiganpMlnnete0OOO fj i jnw ,'n'. t,rJ,:tj,Ujtf 1 New Hampshire, "55,000; New' Jer , ;, ,;;..Ud. . v(l-.-i4ii,ij'ji"ti00 fit.wit sey, 600; Ne-Yorlt, 250,000;. ..cM.w lsetCBlstarof Mrt w North 4kta. oOOoiJofeft, 119,N WElairdied at her home In Q , Oregon. eigiUhousr4Pen ,, 4nia,5tw3)u.drediaj sWe kt.Ve taoh SprinirS. J"' i"" V I