6, 13. City Editor. InJ.i to Hsw AilvcrtlMOMBta. Wanted A Man. - W B Grimes For Rent Horse Sale. i '"'?' Metropolitan Opera House.C v Sale ofLand J Hal Bobbitt, - , PERSONAL. Miss Emma Foushee who has been visiting Miss Gertrude Johnson on Hillsboro street returned , to her home ia lttsboro yesterday. ; Misa Alice Speight, one of Tar boro's charming young ladies, who has been the guest at Miss Mar garett Broughton for two weeks, re turned to her home today. ',' , , Manias Last Nlft-nt, f ' "A Very pretty marriage took place last night, the parties being Mr. D. H, Andrews and Miss Lillie A. Sut ton. The ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock at the home of Mr. Melvin Andrews, the brother of the groom. Miss Sutton is much admired among her many acquaintances, being the sister of Mr. James M. Sutton, one of the most efficient and esteemed of the News and Observer's composi tors. Mr. Andre ws a former composi tor, is popular among his friends and the young couple had warm congratulations on their happy un ion.- . Stand at tha Baad. Augi J. Bogel, the leading drug trist of ShreveDort. La., says: ' Dr, Kings New Discovery is the only thing tha cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have. J. e Camp bell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed lor it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consump tion, cougns and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King s Kew Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experi ment. It has been tried for a quar ter of a centUry, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottle at John Y. Mac- Rae's Drug store. 1 Beef market open today at Horton Lee s. Beef fcarket open today at Horton & Lee s. For Rant. Two nice large offices over the store of Sherwood Higgs A Co. Ap ply to. se!9 tf Ernest Haywood. For Rent. Three-story brick building cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head quarters, For terms apply to W. B. Grimes. novo tf Wanted A man or good address to repre sent an old established agency. Ad dress Sayers & Co., Baltimore, Md It Beef market open today at Horton & Lee's. nov2 (3) 3t ,49rat Aootioa Sale of Horses. West Virginia I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virgiifia to mc, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 7, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don't miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. John W. Littlepaqe. Ed. Thomason, Auctioneer. nov2 6t Who Wishes to see the finest heating ) stoves ever brought to this city will do well to call and see a sample line of really Fine Goods, bought for the purpose of exhibition at our recent State Fair. We Offer these Stoves ; .v;-rat a Special Pdce, IL:3.n. Briggs & Sons BALEIGK. N. ft, A privutw .ii..y, ce w t..:,e a mart'ieu cou ipia or two d. Will ac- vounar centlemen to boar comodate two table boarders. Ad- dress X. Y. Z., care PBisa-Vismta. nov4 3t Swathing to Enow. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out .nervous system to a healthy vigor is electric bitters. This medicine ia purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kid neys, and aids these organs in throw ing off impurities in the blood. Electrio Bitters improves the appe ti e, aids digestion, and is pronounc ed by those who have tried it rs the verv best blood nuriner and serve tonic. : Try it. Bold for 60c or $100 per bottle at John Y. MacBae's drug store, lJ Opera (toiiob, One Merry Week ' COMMENCING ' v MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 8TH. The representative popular priced attraction of America THE H.GUY r . BESSIE. WOODWARD VAnnEN COMPANY COMEDIANS, SINGERS, DANCERS. 15 15 MONDAY NIGHT The Melodramatic success in four acts. "The Girl I Love. "New scenic and mechanical effects specialties new and numerous. Twentieth century prices 10-20-30 eents. La dies free Monday night if accompa nied by a person holding one paid 80c ticket. dosing Out Salo Of all the Fairview Horses WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, All the Fairview Horses, stalions, Brood mares, road and race horses, colts, fillies, yearlings weanlings will be sold at auction for cash at Raleigh, N. C, Nearly all the stock is standard and well bred, and as it will be sold without reserve great bargains will be bad . In the sale are 3 Wilkes stallions, the great Morgan Stallion, Franklin chief and the beautiful young stallion, brother to Pamlico, Currituck, a son of Nor val 2:14 out of a Wilkes mare, and some of the handsomest and fastest fillies ever seen in this state. Write a postal card for catalogue now ready. D. P. Williamson, nov5 tds Raleigh, N. C. Sale of LandJNear Raleigh. As executor of the late J . B. Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday the 5th day of De cember, 1896, a valuable tract of land about 3 miles cast of Raleigh containing Ninety-four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Hoileman, deceased, J. D. Dodd, J. W. Cross and others, it being the tract of land formerly owned by J as. Moore and previously byM. A. Parker. About 60 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation, of which a partis well drained, low- grounds. Good tenant house and necessary out-housesand a good well of water are on the premises. Terms sjdu cash, balance three equal annual installments with in terest from date of sale. J. Hal. Bobbitt, , nov 5 Ex. of J. B. Bobbitt 8s9 IIEMUTII A LOOK AT LINENS 8 If the ability to trace an honorable be deemed sufficient cause for a patent blood royal of the textile world. From they nave ministered to the comfort of every classof humanity, from prince peasant The oldest specimens of woven fabrics now in existence are flaxen cerements of Egyptian kings, whose bodies, but for these, would have been dust and ashes for a thousand years. From Babylon to Bel fort, LINENS have been an important article cf commerce, and from Asia to America tney are today the greatest pride of heart of the house-wife. Our line of these is - i .,- . Complete and Satisfactory . In table damasks bleached and brown, in all widths, patterns and prices. In colored novelties, in all grades of turkey , reds and fancier. In all qualities, styles and' fabrics of bleached and brown crashes. In all sizes and kinds of plain, fancy, bordered or "fring ed napkins. In every class, size, weave and design of towels and covers. 'A LOT or Colgate & Go's S OA P Si Perfumery, Vaseline Pre para- tions. Cold Cream, Camphor Ice, etc Try a'bottle of their FfciHa Vcfcr for 25c, just as good as any other at higher price. Send us your prescriptions to fill or your orders for anything in our line. . Yours very truly, "f James McKimmon & Co., 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh.' . KING'S te Emulsion OF- Cod Liver Oil Is what you need to cure your colds and coughs this winter. Made in our store and guaranteed to contain twenty-five per cent of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Pleasant to the Taste. Better get a bottle. Price fiifty and seventy-five cents. Pre pared by W. II. KIIIG S CO., Druggists. G. II. AHDERSOn & CO GROCERS, Nos. 8 and 10 Hargett St. New Goods Arriving Daily We hare just received and put on sale a very fine lot of Maliga Raisins at 15c, or 2 pounds for 25c. These are extra nice goods. Also a vey fine lot of nuts, such as Brazil nuts at 10c per pound. English walnuts at 15c, Peacans at 12Jc or 5 pounds for 50o. Almonds at 15c, also a very fine quality eating figs, usual price 25c per pound, price this week 20c per pound. Abo an excellent line of prepared mustard, tomato catsup Worcester shire sauces, etc.. Also a very fine assortment of pickles at prices to suit tbe times. We specially invite the ladies to inspect our stock and compare Qual ity ana prices witn any grocery store in tne city. We are yours to please. A few more King apples at 20c er peck Fresh pork sausage at iOc per pound. C. H. ANDERSON & GO. Phone 230. Prompt delivery. history back Into remotest times of nobility, Linens must be the the first sylable of recorded time PhosDha i - L.2I.I0V2D TO- 131 Fayetteville St Ral-igh Stationery Co: Phone, 142 -FULL LINE Fine -Stationery, Office and School Supplies. Lexers in Lou Prices. oa28 tm The "Bow-Wow" Toe, "Bussis Calf Rope Switch" Calf Lined Bals at M are still having a frreat run.- -. Needle toe and Jewel vl CI1 la great selllers at only Oen'ts' broad plain toe congress gaiters and lace shoes at $3 .00, wear like iron. ' v Call and seo tha New Styles as well gains at HELLER'S SHOE Established in A. B. STRONACH. wffTwwwwnwwnnwwwwwwiwwwwfwiwnnwnwwwwwi!wwwwwnww Popiilar Goods. Popular Prices and Pop- ular 'S.m.uiiumiuiiimuuuimiiiiuuaiiuiiiiiiliUUUiiimhuuuuUiiiiiiMUug We ate Always busy Selling Fine Goods at We do not ai m to sell the "cheaper", grades. - Those who want fine goods and do not want to pay too much, would do well to look at what we have to sell. Ladies', misses' and children's underwear, 25 per cent cheaner than can be bought elsewhere. Ladies' ere v. mixed combination ' white Jersey ribbed suits " extra oualitv white ribbed " Fleeced ribbed, non-shrinking union suits. H'tfO " worsted Oxford cut combination suitSvi.. ........ . l ov " winter combination wrappers 150 " Oxford finest wool ribbed vests and pants . . . .75c, 1 00, 1 25 " fine Scarlet Australian wool pants and vesta r 1 00 " low neck ithort sleeves Bichilieu ribbed merino vests 100 high neck and long " ' ' Extra heavy merino vests !' Pure wool vests " Extra quality, non-shrinking vesta. . . . 50c " Peeler cotton ribbed vests " :6rey and white ribbed " Pants to match all of the above Misses combination union suits Big Line and Big Values In Misses' and Children's Pants and Vests :iili;UmbreUa;Sale. New Lines. Great Values. Three Scotch Ginehams 26, 28 ahd 80 inches, Special sale ladle's skirts Ladie's Ladies' Balmoral skirts There Are Others "', But None So ROYALL; & We have just received 100 largest to tbe smallest. 7v - Bv buying in large lot we re than any other bouse. Open at Soils Cheap. Toya. We are often Ioiia, . OtmM, t ancjr ttooda, brio--! rao, (-teanalnja, Meobanloal Toy, Iron i ralna, loil Caba, , : Wood XraXaa, I- lock a, . Itooka, V r-aaketa, ValklncOhaea, Bobby Uoraea, : Veloclpedea TrlcTcioa, -.-v-Io Vapor, Wrltln Paper, Knvelopea, Tablets, Olaaaware, Tlaware, ".. Crockery, Candy, Fratta, v Nmtm, Bllverware, , asked IX we do not run a kind of racket store. but we wish it positively under stood that we do not run a jacket Istore, but a toy and candy store, and that we do not handle any trash lor auction (roods. Why the Rirean (Toy Store Mils so leneap is oeeause we nave naa aiue lour trauunr In Ithe large whole sale nouses ana we know when to buy ana how to buy, and our cash enables us to bay cheapest, and we nve our custo- Imers the benefit of Obaira, - , llabbw Goods, TeaalaOooda, r'oot Balla. aU this. By buy ing- only nrstelaM goods direct from the factories we sell them to yon at re tail at regular wholesale prices and we give you a warrant that what yoa buy of us Is no racket goods, but "first cell" every time, Hrioe, Quan tity and Quality Is our watch-word. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE ,132 Fayetteville Street; Ilcllcr L'ro 1 ' - The Leaders in Shoes, Gall Attention to Tbeir New and Complete Stock III ItHIMH - I !, V4 UV11UI Footwear. Toe Calf Bals are $3 00 a pair. as the great bar STORE, 1876. saiesmeii ( IX 'A. V-' Low Prices. suits. . . BOo BOo union suits ....... ...... ,. . 86c " ' v " 1 0 . . . v . ; . 1 00 ,..M00 17o, 8for at same price as the vests. - 25c 50e . ..... . .i..35o and 50o big Specials in Gloria Silk and 75c, $1, II 25, worth $1 11 50, $175, knit wool skirts . . . .60c, 1 00, 1 50 50o and 75e Nice As Ours, BORDEN. Wilson Heaters, In all sixes, from the n prepared to make you lower priees Njjiht. Prevail everywhere throughout below and represented by thousands Cloak, Cape, and Tailor-made costumes at 16 93 and 7 29, s very few letW v - . Plush . cape, large sweep, Jur trimmed collar, heavily braided and silk lined .. uu Extra f ull beaver care. .nlcelv braided and made, at ........ . $4 00 Heavy broadcloth cape, nanasocno- ly braided, made to sell for $8 75, our price, . . . . r. ; . . -. 6 50 mit Uned Thibet fur trimmed as- trachan cape at.,i. i. ....... ... 5 00 ; Extra heavy and braided cheviot cape for street werr.. . : s ?o Cloth eape with velvet collar, and nicely braided at. . .'. , . .. .. 1 50 In addition we have many, other styles equally as cheap. ' . "' Ladies' house wrappers,, nicely made, at the following low prices, 74o, 1 25, 1 38 and 1 69. , Boy's corduroy pants. . . . . . . , . . 75c lX . shirt waists, 75o Hats ,,...25otol00 Cotton pants - 25o Underwear . . . . . ...20 to 50c it Men's wool suits ............ 4 99 .,4! . Black cheviot salts. . . . $5 49 SO yaars of Saaaaaa awaaa that wa aava ' Takaaahoar or two DRESSGOODS. rt f Anything you want can be found In thu department and our prices are very reasonable for the quality of goods shown. r ' , SHQESI ' SHOES ! 1 - , Without any doubt we carry the bost line of medium grade shoes in the State. - Our . children's school shoe stock Is 1 very complete. : See our Ladies $1 50 and $2 00 genuine dongola, patent tip button shoe. . WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 East -Martin Street. 'ELECTED'! The Choice of the People by.ah Overyhelmirig Majority. The people of Raleigh have yoted ' one way for fifteen years. For . fifteen years our platform and our principles have won their sincere and hearty support In us they recognize the inaugurators and practitioners of those reformed methods of merchandising that insure every man the full worth of his money. The strength of their appreciation of- us has been made doubly manifiest in the substantial expressions of their pre-'. ference during this present season, while complaint of dull times hays ' been heard on every side. - . Tfc3 Disgcst Sfcre. Tha Diccst Stcck. , : The never-failing satisfaction, the incomparable prices have brought us a measure of success, full and running over. -t We Bow Our. Acknowledgments;'. Of course, the all-engrossing need just now Is fall Suits and o'ver-'V'- oottm. We oouldnt exemplify our leadership in a more substantial way than with the line we are offering from $Q to $35, The savings are -the perquuuues w jour nuenty to ua. S. One Price Clothiers to All. JUST RECEIVED WWWWTTTTWHWr From Our Importers in New York - -ANOTHER LOT OF 50c. Kid All Sizes, All Colors, Blacks. Whites. Tans, equal to any 01.00 glove on the market. Fcr ll::;zhj9 Frihy crJ Zz::lzj. Bargain Prices Brin Tto Business. v c the store. The examples presented of others. Costume Dep'V s. Children's cloaks '(1 to-6 years) ellcgant made wool Eiderdown cb Angora fur trimmed collar and cape, leading colors, $3 25 Fancy Eiderdown cloak, silk braided collar and cuffs, Angora fur trimmed cape, plush lining, at only.......... .....;.!.. 2 50 Eiderdown cloak, very large col-, lar, fur trimmed, new style sleeve at. . .... . ....... .... : 1 7o . , U We also have a few fancy cloaks, pretty colors and nicely lined, 1 25 Reefer Jackets- For girls 5 to' 14,' prices $1 60, ;t $275, 287 and 3 50. ' - " No space to describe them, x&r-" call in and see them. : TaUoringJep't. . We are prepared to take your or der for suits or trousers at reason able , prices, all work guaranteed, suits $12 00 to $30 00; trousers $3 00 to $10 00. See our goods and sam pies before you place your orders. Alwavs sold gooda at tha Kluht Prloca. and Saaoar Whole Stoek. MILLINERY, 2ND FLOOR. -. . We can please you in a hat. The Very best of milliners and a very select and stylish stock to select from, assured us that we can suit you. , , n 1 ;" SMALL WEAR- of all kind can be foundV on our Bo and 10c counters., . - - . ; Every article on these counters Is bargain. f rfvvrvfTVTrvfvrfvvfTi THOSE CELEBRATED Gloves, Reds, and 'slates 1 We invite the attention and inspection of every person in town, whose ambition is to make tbeir linen collection a pride of their households. W-E. JONES, 206 FAYETTEtflELE, ST, i r. 76 - j cjzzzz: ;..3to C.A..Hi.a.. wwj & Co.