r DfCCki'OiiATEDI, vnov' op thk visrrofe, i .j, -AND TH PRESS, Oice ia the Pullen Buijding, corner Fay ette ville and -Davie Streets ' V OlaKEEl Oi ANDREWS, 'v'Xi. '.-.'. J Editor aad Xmafmr. JASPEt K. MaftURY, , t. ,f V .""" SolieltW-asW - Subscription Prices. One Year S.00 Six Months i,.,: 1.60 One Mpnth .fM, M v . IMS6 ...II., ..ii i.. z, Vi J Entered aa Beoond Class Matl Matter The Leader in the News and ' ' in CJircnlationu 'v J l,TEUEPHONK No. 168, Chief amonir the causes of the fftihvr..of tha . hicr house nf Hilton. nugnes tO. is aeciarea to oe me postage stamp mania, says an en vious"Chicago authority. Every , body knows with what virulence this form Of; tie collecting mania still capital are. employed in traffic in old postage stamps; but - no such ex ample has 'come to publicity' as this of the" tremendous effects it may have on a man's business. Any employe of the firm of Hilton. Hughes & Co. who had occasion to consult or confer v with the head partner, . " v- All -1 tt:Ii: n . . .- . Aiuun jxiuou, usuauy expeciea w " be tnefc"with the' petulant exclama- . ' tioni'Oh;' go away! Don't bother me now. Cant you see I 'm busy ? " t , He was busy, the chief of this great Concern. But - not with balance Sheets, nor with contracts, nor . In tY)A PAnfilfl plMa.fi An et haw i.laaa in " flr7 goods selling." The head of one of the largest, dry goods. houses in America., the- employer of thousands of persons, and over whose counters immense sums of money were daily , passed, was busy during business hours almost exclusively with his collection of postage stamps. r- ipv -. 1 Ai Tr. 'i . i o . i - of Auierica have passed upon the great financial question which was 4k t ;L . : i.:u i i Nic iaouc ui tuc uitujpaiiju wuiuu utu ' now passed into history. They have said that they will not cham . . pion a cause, which, however good, is prostituted to the purposes of demagoguery fortheaggrandizement of political fortune-hunters. .The PRiS8-yi8JioB.has alwraya believed . in tbeprinciple , of ... v-metalism, but . it has been observant of . the fact ; I rthat the issue has. been utilized for , the past few- months by politicians who sought to avail themselves of it -r-to ride Into Drofit and .preferment. It was employed as slogan in the same way that we have In past years - seen the jute bagging craze, the : sub-treasury fake, the government ownership of railroads vaearv. well aa many more which ante-dated them and it will go down into the , - same valley of oblivion. Th le astronomers' have found evi dences that the men 'of Mars are ; great engineers, : and one of them,. M. Flanamrion, thinks-that they have : "wlnpfs,"' but cannot decide whether they are like bats, birds or butterflies ; In all their discoveries they have not found out whether they are ever in-the throes-of an electioa campaign. ; This' would be of special' interest just' at present, . especially if it were definitely frnown whether they, used the a Australian ballot,' or ' were vexed with a cur rency questicn: ' -'' ,'"' ' : .'i O j .in. mi i We have- at hand a pretty pam V Met,' published by the' Seaboard Air-Liuo,7entitledV."The Joy of the Hunter on Earth all Surpasses.' It i3 an illustrated write-up of theiam- .shunting and fishing grounds of ' i Eouth Atlantic States, including Vi -c inia, North Carolina, South Ca ' a and Georgia, reached by the ard -Air-Line. and. ia a very John J?cob stor has diynoiiatrat ed that he ia competent to run a train. -' He took charge of the engine of a special train on thelllinojs Cen tral on Saturday last, and completed a run of 75 lailes tetweeji ,Fultoh' Ky., and Horse Branch, on schedule tim,; ... . . ' luklra't Araiee 81t. . ' The best salve in the world tor cuts, , bruises, - ores, uloers, ' call rheum, fever sores, tetter,: chapped hands, chilblains, corns and ail skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay 'required. it is guarran teedtaive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. :u Price .25 cents rx.. "'or sale by John x. Mo Extraordinaij; Bargains todies' fine TDongola kid button Boots, patent tips, heel and spring haal oi a.I. OQ 1 OK 1 Rif 3 $1 71 Finer grades from $2 to $5. Gent's Shoes Gent's fine dress shoes $i; fTS5, $1 50 and $1 75. Finer grades from $2 to (6. Boy's Shoes. Boy's fine shoes tl. tl 25 and II 60. Finer grades from $1 75 to 13 50. Children's Shoes. Children's fine shoes 75c, 1 1, 11 25 and $150 . Infant's Shoes. Infant's fine shoes 25c 35c and 50c Finer grades 75c to $$1 25. HOSIERY. Ask to see our line of hosiery. It is the best and cheapest line in the 1 cily. S-'C. POOL. - S. B. NOnniilanage'r. sep25 Whm Bby iu lck, wo gxve hr Cutorll. ' Whan She was a ChiM, si cried f or Castorb. Wbenshebecsmelfla.sfaeelUBgto'Castotls. '. When she had ChDdrea, she gm them Osstwis. ii IN SHOE L fjQV7 Shoes PROGR AST1 u ATION Is The Thief of T-ime." If you neglected to buy your winter 's supply of coal and wood in the. . ummer as your interest requires that you-shsuld have done, give us your . rder now and avoid the rush Which always comes with the first spell of old weather; Convenience and economy demands that you buy your easonls supply of fuel at once, and to get in and put away before winter, will be a source of satisfaction to you for months to come. pur stock is now complete ana we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prioes... Johnson COAL; x and WOOD. ! Phone ISO. Great Bargains Onr Motto: - RFLTABLE GOODS A L0WPHICE" The best . Laun- , -i . - v. dered shirt on .. - as. rv rar-... . .ss 'A' r n market for- 40c This is tha oompUlnt o! r " "J thousands at this season. Titer hav bo appetite; food 3 . - does not reliah. They need the toning opof tnestomacn and digestive organs, wniun ouit.t?ooa.8Piu.wiii give blood,eore. that totre.ftoe and inienua nuseiy ' oniy aygpcpi io cm know, creates an appetite, overcome! that tired feeling sod builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt J i Sarsanarilla " Is the best in fsot the One True Blood Purifier. U ' rJ1l are the best after-funnee IIUUU a r Ills puis, s aimsuoa sm. JUST RECEIVED I - Ttirtf invoice of ladies' cloth cftes and ladies' plush capes at Liver Prices Than EYer. . . 7 ..'' u..;i . Also Ladies', childrens', and i men's underwear in endless variety. uur stock oi ' LllLLirJERY is still complete, and we' offer bar gains n that Jine, box of . Ereiich Candy goes with every purchase of $1 00 or more worth of goods.- ...... I. ROSENTHAL, 211 Fa vetteville "Street ": G. E. LEACH Cottony Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Proyisions, 311 Wilmington Street, ' ' ! Bleigh N. C. Direct private wire to New York', New Orleans' and Chicago. Executor's Notice. tj,fff n?lS e!Tr rf I ttie last will and testament of James 1 B. Bobbitt, deceased, I hereby give notice toall persons indebted to him to sake immediatepayment tome, and to all persons bavinffclaimsazainsthim to present the same to me, duly veri fied,' on , or, ,before the 6th day iseptember, W. otherwise this notice ma be plead in bar of recov ery. " " J. HAT; BOBBITT: ; ExecHtor of J B. Bobbitt, deo'd.J IvndefficientlTienevefldYBDe ATI RnOPini Tfininsl ill I (the front part of our store, Fayctteville street plan KCtS, q U 1 1 to, C s fli - ' entrance, at showing of the exclusive novel- COITif Oris, rub- z (ffif&ft) O ues in fill ber shoes, pil . U SsJJ xJJ iJ our ftxhilnt kt t.hS fltatfi fair ftnd which must lrmro 0V1H rnntc .ii., -a . .. I . - - " ' ' T ' 1ft 1 VU - It. I Vft UWLAL.t-fl and JdSinoon, Office 109 Fayetteville St in Underwear. . The best Wo nndershirt .on the market! 4 .i 4 v.,', Uraircjuaunel Tsults WJ -at 60c Chil d reus Union miitit1U)rAnl Ladies' ahdHUst as. you" Come Up fromvthe Men's 10c socksfbr5n in f 1 1,1 f If Pnn t T- (.,,l.Mivv(iyM.iiM.:.; Where the finest cipars and the , igrey"00iors I only.-:: :;r :: ' We Cz'AC: '3 C Any Cll :r II t , i r- f t Imported Dress Patterns Left ircm; ; O U H tXh IDI t at OUR SPECIA SAEE; ":!v IbescntdheSppreqiated, as any discription to convey any.iaea of For the convenience of our customers and to Induce oulck sellintr. we tekeall the different priced dress patterns and make them into two lots, I and $30 per pattern to only 15, and those that were priced 35,t37 50 and $40 .to just $25 per pattern, JNot again this season will you have the ,op- portunity of buying high class dress stuffs at such low prices. Wewould also call your attenUon toon celebrated linesof dress stuffs at 60cr 75c tlOOtwr yard, besides cruaranteeinff f oest, 'weTjffef. yovlarges collection I wm-mau jampiesfofihei hese 50o, 75o and -town patrons. 17. . G n.: S.:TU0:iEn C. GO. Sale of- land in Cedar Fork vrioinship? OaSaturdav.November21st 1896. at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12" .Da.', ' by ' yirtu of the power given us in a deed of mortage, -exe--cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the oft'ee of the Register of Deeds foWake oountg, in Book 78 at page 673, we Kl sell at public outcry, the following described lands, situated in wate county and said Township, to wit: First, the tract con vayed to said A S Pollard, by JohnW Hins- aaie.commissioner by deed dated May list, 1884,-' adjoining the lands of joaena Alar snail, b ujuarcomand others: Beginning at a red. oak, W. B. Scott's corner, thence North 87 degrees jiwest 209 2-5 poles to a stake, Marshall's ' corner then North 2 degrees East, 22 poles to small sourwood; then -North 87 J degrees West 64 poles to a stake, Marshall's corner; then South 2 degrees , West 74 poles to a stump, M. C. Sorrell's line, then Couth 7i degrees; East 64 poles to a stake, then South 2 degrees: West 24 poles to pointer S.C. Marcon's 'corner, then North IJ decrees: East 741 Doles to the beginning, f containing about ' 127 acres. Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining; the lands of Lucy P&ire. J. Watkins. J. O, Adams. and Dennis Sorrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat- kins and .wife to said Pollard dated Nov. 10th, 1B80. . Third, The Borne tract of said Pollard, on which he formerly lived adjoining the lands of xnos. roiiaro. J u Adams and others and described in deed to him from Q. W Lynn dated January 1st, 1872 ana registered in renters office tor said county in Bok34atpage 23. Terms cash -i-c. r h: battle, ; WALTER CLARK,:; Executors of E. U, Swain. "': Raleigh, N. C, Oct p, 1896. Overlook .: 111' ,i We (ive prescriptions spec al .. .care and attention at all houra lv ' day or night. If thai 1 what T" ' oa want, we areas' ' " A ' YourrVuly North Side Drag Store, Halifax street,' one block' south of I ' Pteace institute.' ii ii ii ii it ii ii ii ii fl II IMMI till II II CZ I?Vv.A. 111 j. DON iCPark Hotel rrnrn'o " sv ' roiM rst'rv . Just the thing 1 t PC State FniT. the Tames offered. -. t 1 the orice on all, to be the Terr low in the South to select from.- t We $1 CXfer yard dress stuffs to wt" J ' ' Another lot of those delicious South ampton county fVa.) Bams; also .fine lot mua cured jonnston county in, C. Hams. - ' - - Fresh arrival New Biver. Mullets. fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her "'Melrose" Flour, still growing In popularity. - And why? Because It is carefully ground from best selected wheat, none superior to "Melrose." ' Nios line finest green and black Teas. ...Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent cup. ,"I :h.nril nothing ) tint flntt 'nlasa goods, therefore oMers may be sent! I wttn connnenoe. Lowest prices roar-1 anteed. ' Respectfully, jiD-TUilrnn, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. w ' " Telephone 125. K3TICE! North Carolina, I In Superior Court .Wake County. J To Oct Term '88 M. J, Edwards vs. i Service by Publication. J. J. Liwrenoa To 3. 3. Lawrence, ' defendant In the aboT entitled action. Take notlaa; That on .the 2Sth. day of Auirast, 1806. an action was beirun and inuti- 4nted in the Superior court of Wake ooanty, North Carolina, fa October x enn isw oi sam court oj ua. pa wards airalnst J. J. Lawrence, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J Lawrende, and that -aummons tnereln has been duly I ssued ana returned "not to be" found:" That the purpose of said action Is to -recover money doe from you to the said .M, J. Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the manufacture and sale of rfUSurpltts aud.Uiidevided'r;;;;- 'A medicine mown as toe nompouna JJt tract of Rosadalis, and to the pur-; chase by 'said M. J. Edwards of a one- half interest in the Patent Right there to, ana. for tne recovery oi. aamagBS from you tor nreacn oi saia contract, amounting in all to the sum Of S93.O0O, You tare hereby notified ot the pen dency of said action, and that a. war-1 rant of attachment Has been iasuen In said action directing - the ' sciaure of I your property In North Ca olina. You are further notified and required to ap pear at tne uctoDer term oi saia su perior Uourt of wake -county,- worth Carolina, to be held In the city f Ral eigh, In said county and State, on the i 26th of October, 1896, arid- answer or I demur,-during said term, to tha com plaint which will befiled ia aaldactlon,. or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief demanded therein: when and where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. ... , . ........ s.jx. H-'YOUNO. - Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. akuu ft binu w. Attorneys. n ii ii n ii it t M II It II II Mil 1 If AA! . CI A. , w T " best Soda and Mineral Waters can untain for Fair Week, 0a you rcnr'yforit? If not, comcand net your chca3. Somo beautiful .Wnnpo. Hnnlrn: i -. , 1 ' , 1-0 las, Jap , robes. Tjr pnf..-,.:( fCifffff xftiit" hrtfQPQ Xp J' MM UUIOO,,, vy t. piowi rfirtt ff 1 1",v.r'l,,. H'y V J, l blankets t for thGITle ' Lycn C::;::i Gl.cra v. ''mh North Carolina, In Superior Court, waite county., i poioroua. xoung, J.- C. Maroom, administrator of VUC1 1 J AOUUJjUUVWioiiu. ii-- sumj Vm Ija7ws tcwtaaaAl . tia Kama i Walters an Henry Walters, - her I husband, Jtfary Alien, liillie, Allen, i Roxie Allen, John Alien, Susan Al len, George Penny; Ada Penny, and Annie" Hollowayy heirs at law ' of Cherry Penny, deceased. ' . To ilary: Walters, Henry Walters, Mart Allen.-liillie Allen and John Allen, defendants above named.'. f You will take notice that a special proceeding has been instituted in this court by J- C. Maroom adminis trator of Cherry - Penny deceased, ntitled as above, for the purpose of opiajning an oruer ior tne.saie ui the real estate of his said : intestate to create assessments for .the pay ment of the debts of the estate, and I the, charges of administration, and yi Hare hereby required to appear at my omce in uaieign, w. u., on ine 2d day of December, 1896, : and an swer or demur, to toe complaint, w the tlaintiff in said action or.-pro- t ceding, otherwise the relief prayed lr will be granted. 4 " ' '' .' i f D. H. Youiw, Clerk Superior Court of Wake Co. . . October la.JSoV, ?I ihf n ntinnnJ IJonfrDlfolnirih - ...... . v w . ' ' . Sf.:B'i. - ,., . W " ' a .- -W , '.'A 1110 llUllUUUlUUililfllUlWjiU ; RALEIGH.DN c. fit Capital Paid In - jm r Profits,; . . I .t-4 DIRECTORS: I. B. BATCHEL01V'. , 0. M. BUSBEE, , ,A v t. U. MUK1KU, r.; : : JUljlUSl-JiWiS v.-.j. .. .-.:( h ""'CHARE. JOHNSON ' ' f"n CHASJB. BELVIN,' j ';i,4' t i,- ;r- .h" DW. R. TUCKER.U ' ' 1 .- j , .1.; : ;.;;:oFFicER3:j; ; -v : . i "r : ': . aJ CHAS. H. BELVIN, Presidentv-" - CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Yice-President... 2 I P. II, BBIGGS, Our banking room has been enlarged'ahd refurnished A NEW which is entirely. fire proof and burglar proof.f has"! been added. DThe doors oontrolled by combination, automatic and time lockB, built by the Miller Safe and iron Works, o Baltimore, and superintended by Mr J. M. Mo88man,-ltof -New York, an ej-pert in burglar proof work,, alp (his vault we have plaoedjQ SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES of the very latest design, tbe convenience of which can not be appreciated un ; til thpT am annn. and all are invited to see them.- . 3 The renter of the box has the key, and no one can train access to the cuuuuts of the box without the presence of the renter, and if he. should, lose, his key, the finder could not g-itin access to the box, the contents of which can be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for the filing of deeds, valuable papers, wins, nonas; lined lor very moaerats cost. Convenient and private rooms have of customers in the examination of papers, We have an excellent vault lo addition to wis nne ourgiar prooi vauu for the storasro of boxes and packnn-os ' Everyone interested in Ism are cordially Invite! to inspect the new i ! i Li ''.ilk i; ! ( . to l Hot Si. CoinR'c at Durhaia furOxrord, Cbuk. . a and Keysvuie, xeciit Buoday. At Giee;.i buro wi.ii the Washu-MTiua and Bourn ' western Vestii u!ed (Limned), train lr all points North, i w '.h i Hue t'V.u I-.o. 11 , (or Danrllle, ..iin.nl and lLtermcUiat loea ' stations; also ha c. . : i- -um for vnnston ;ien , and with main line bma ho. ss, Vcnlted suites rast aall" for Charlotte. Spartanbarg. Green- -ville, Atlanta and all points South ; lao Colum bia, Augnita, Charleston, fsrannah, Jaexsoo Tiile, and ail points lu t.jnda. Jleeiiing Car fur Atlanta, JacksooTUle and at Charlotte with . Sleeping Car tor Augusta. . " .. .."Norfolk and Chattanooga limited. .... lius A. tl. Dally Solid, train... eonslsUa ... ... Pullmaa BieopInK cars and coaches from Cha tanooga So Norfolk, arrlTtng Norfolk 5:00 (" ' , m time to eonnee wHh the Old Domhiloa ' Merchants' and Hiners,' Norfolk and Wssh lngtoa and Baltimore. Chesapeake and Blch- . ' moiidS S Go's tor all polnfnorth and east. ", , Connects at Seuna for Fayettertlle and la termediata stations on the Wllaon and Fa ' '' ' ette-rllle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday tor trew 'era and Morehead City, dally for Golds- hero, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta Hons on the Wlluungton and Weldon Ballroad, . ' f u su; ! Expreaa Train. ...? . i O . (TV m W-MJ flUIUMU 1U1 ' u( ' Oxford, KeysTllle, Elchmond! at Greenibor . l . im watningion ana au pomis norw. - . ' , ;,- t Szpresa Train." .....".. ' 'i:0 r.n. Dally Fot Holdsbore and inter- "r"' ': Leeal AeootnmodarloB.. , , a:0 A. M.-Oonaeets at Qreenssora for all prints for North and South and Winston-Salem - , ; and points on the Northwestern North Carolina -BallreaoV - At Salisbury, for all points to Westw H era' North fatollna, jUaoxTllls, Tena Ctncln natl and western points; at Charlotte, to Spars .-." tanburg, OreeaTUle, Athens, Atlanta and all ." points Seotu. , .'-:.' - - Trains Arrive at Raletga, K. .; - : Exptesa Train. . -g.0$ P. M. Daily prom Atlanta, Charlotte.. ureeniDoroanoaupoinBiDoiun. . "Norfolk aad Chattanooga Limited. .t-i D M n,U.VNMi nil nlnta ' ak folk Tarboro, Wilsos and water lines. . . ' . : From Ooldsbore, Wilmington, Fayet evflla : ' and all pointa tn ttaHtem Carolina, j. .m, m-j J Norfolk and Cha rtsaoogaUmltMl. .?.-. .t j1v4OA.Il. Dally From New Tork, -Washing- -ton, Lynchburg, DanTllle andOreesaboro, tbst-' ' -tanooga, EnoaTU1 Hot springs and AaberilMr 'CsUprsaaTrata"' -hlf "J"-. , S.S0a,ss, Daily rrom ooldsboro and Inter nedlate stations. "-' - -" t t. - 1 .LoaaL , , J:Jd A. tl. Dally yronj Greensboro and a .. pointa-North and South. ' Sleeping Oar from ' . Greeuaboro to Halelgb. ' "' p. as. uauy ezer p eunoay rrosa wuas- " . bore and an points East. ,, . , -.r. . ; ,.jr , Leeal frelaht trains also aim oassencers. ; . : ."' liniMHI BMB UH Mljll. UAIU UVW IHWIIJ1 VU Oreenabora, -! .r..,. ., ,. h --v. ; Through rullman vestlbaled Drawing Boom 1j4 l Buffet sleeping Car and Yestibuled coaches ; j. i'i. If 1U1WIWMHIBV w wiwm UIUUKV, ... ' Double dally balna betweea JUlelga, Char .." , lotte and Atlanta. Quick time ;' unexeeued ae-; B) eonunodatlon. , , . t- .r ,wr n aw www . 11 ' " -r oeneral BaperlnteDaent, V. A. TUBK. 1 Geoeral rassenger Agent. 1 .. WaalitotoB.D.a,'.i'.- , J. W, Crw, Trafflo W c rfex V : - J 5225,000 l. ; . r 75,000 JAMES A. BRIGUS, C THOMAS B. CROWDEfi, Cashier. , , , VAULT, blocks, etc -ana pemwi security is - . - . . . been provided for the exclusive use cutting coupons, etc. beautiiul workmanship and most delicate mechacj : work.e - ,