r ej . ... yW : s- .ij :. ,vc2& ;c:--Lsnehan. Vou Can Settle the Ever Vexattou.H Question.. .. .. ' - I- 4 i t"4 Vf - i' If r U. II ?' V 1 A i IsksfH . iff 'P W.w !- . m i , 1 i .,1.., s yi ' ;.' '. I'.e.T.jtn woulj carry Out L, .ict with the Suaboai-J pool be i re the i!i.M!cof the month,. Thev r of il'Zo a share for Seabm'rtf f )ck is certainly all that any holder ( oulil reasonably expect toget for it fcnJ if that figure is not taken, the price will probably djop back to the old figure, ; -3 a shin's- Under the pooling arrangement, U will take a vote to sell the stock, but once the required amount is de 1 ito'l with the McLane pool, there will hardly be any doubt about ft sale being ratified by the stock hoi d- . - v. Purifies the Blood, "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for impure blood andean recommend it to all who suffer with this diffi culty, wl have had Be vera! attacks of the grip, . and I have' found no mrdicine that did toe as much pood us Hood's: Sarsaparilla 7 .IL-Iw Alien, Axteu, in. u. . , , i Hood's Fills are the best after djcner pills, assist digestion cure headache. '-;; ',, i r r.... . Others havefound- iealtbjfyigor and vitality inTlood'q SarsapanJla,1 and surely has power to help you also ' Why not try-it: " y v- Interested "Id ; Low 125 Barrels of Bald inj ' Appfes. Fresh arrival, nice stock and in ; - . ood condition. V V" PrI:o $l.7o pcrCdrrcl - Ktes't end Northern Spy at 12 00, tr t2 25 fcer arrelr '.retail' i F v f t w M price 25c to SOo a peck. These , are VDBV TftW . DDTPUQ - i mi a iiv ii vi xuujju and will not lost many days -rr -'-i New Prunes, RalinsrJ'lggr-C , rants, Mince Meat, Apple But terf Jelly and Prepared . Buckwheat, ., v Ac, io. -X. v-- ' AGENT. r i. v - Phone 2?. " ' Art 0i7:r potlVcii For thirty days the Southern Wall Paper Company - will' paper If:-" lb- i rooms ,-for 55,00 per fc - roomi xnis - is ' tor ; thirty ii-days. Sbnly . These papers are' what you "will "pay , $8 for x after that time. It' - Manager, 183JFAYETTEVILIJE ST: - " oc28 lm Of all the Falrview Horses WEDNESDAY, U6VEMBEH 18th, ... w w , W " All the Fairview Horses, Btalions, Urood mares, road and race horses, colts, fillies, f yearlings : weanlings will be sold at -auction -f6r 'cash', at Kulcigb, N. C, NettVly all the stock is phmdard and well bred, and as it will be sold without 'reserve great brti'!"ins will be had. In the sale are 3 Wilkes stallions, the-great Morpan Stallion,- Franklin chief and the beautiful young stallion, brother to r.imlico, Currituck, a son of Nor v;,l 2,11 out of a Wilkes maje, nnd f ' o of the handsomest-and fustest til -3 ever seen in this state. l rite a postal card for catulogue now ready. ": ' ' - ?" .i a r,o3 t-vi I- v C. rm K.GTICALLY pREPARATIONx' ' f OR :r.-: :,:;::v; . ' ;;vir (0 r QOWIPLAINTS. grf.Cfn? c KTHE TRIUMPH PPllOVpl ts happy; TBUirrcK Jukuagk. fiml hull, th PU1 haM.' tk Raw BiMmlN' sf V41wI8clSn ; u AnlM M . KanM'-Utoir WW AnlS vyatar PltftJI BhnM tMinw ife - WuJeffet Bk ' CaJM 'ula it." ' MMlltMkl aniirr that must Work Won. WlUV thin geiiration ol men." v -.' l : ' 4 - TlMbookfullr dowHbai rfletod b -Mc A method by whisk to n U vaaatont To enr Berraognew, Hwk ot eIX-contrt4, fls Tot tiR. Jwtml and worn natnis for Oqura umvu Doct of zoenM,oviworl(i - To give foil rtrmirth; 'drreloimeot andtosf to every portion sod ortta of. the bod, , -Age ifbarHet. faUsi. WonslWe, Tw 1houand refereneee, " -The book la purely medical and eeienHfla, ftselesatooorioeltyaBekera, invaluable Vf mea only whaaecdit y, - : . Adenpatrlog man, who had applied ta. ua, oon after wrotei t- ' "Well, I tell r that flnt day fe on TO Berer forjet. J Jon bubbled with Joy. I waotea vo on. srwynnr w yen wiui, id aelf had died yeeterdayi and my new eelf von tell me when I first wrote that t would no4 it this , And another time: . V- "If yon dumped a eart load of gold at my feet It would not bring snub, fladnatatnwniy life as your method has done," - -j ; Wnteto the JCKIB MEDICAL COMPANY, Bnffal end Task Yor the ttleTpol ealledOMMaB MAKHOPD. Steferte title paper, aud ttie company promises to send the book, in sealed, envelope, without an jujrigj,nd entirely t ros,.nntPt weUlntw t !..-. It'll kaai w llwMWVf P f Ilayninr nnaTlfliiil SAO .dTT1 1 Tl lHr.Pn.tsflr of the estate of K, Weathers, de ceased,' I hereby give notice to all per sons having claims against said es tate to ptesent them to me fof payment before the flrsv. day Of October, 1897, otherwise this notice will b plead in bar. of the same. - AH persons in debt to tha said A.. K. Weathers are re- 'dueated to dome forward and settle the same at once. ; Ku i viaiuijs, Administrator for' A.? K. WeatHers, Deceased. : : , srAi.5oott4 law6w Sda cf Ur.d K::r P.:!:hh. . ' . , t -. .it; '" As lexeebtor of the late. J v Bt Bob bitt I will offer for sal-at the Court House doo in Raleigh at 12 o'clock tn., on Saturday the 6th. day of De cember, 1896, r a-i lable "tract of land about 3 miles east of.Kaleigh containing Ninety-four acres,' more Or less, aa joining me tanas oi vv , iv Holleman, deceased, J." D. Dodd, J. W.Cross ana otners, n oeing ine tract ol land formerly owned bv Jas. Moore ana previously ' oy i. . a. are in a' good state of cultivation, of wnicn a part is wen oraineu tow grounds, - Good tenant house and necessary out-houses and a good well of water are on the. premises. s, Terms wou casn,. oaiance mreo equal annual installments with? in tefest from date of sufe." " :f. J. IlAt. BOBBITT, s : nov 6 Ex. of J.; B. Bobbltt . Admlnlstrator'a Notice. . Having quallfipd as administrator of the estate of Cherry Penny, de lata of Wake countv.N. C this is to notify all persons having claims eainst the pmd estate to prescut-tae same" to the undersigned nn nr hpfnr thfi 8th dav of October. 1897, or this notice .will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons' Indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to makB immediate payment to me. .'-.-. - J. C. Maroov. Adm'r . R. T- Cray,' Att'y. -' ' lttt6w , October 7, U, J J - " " 4 A . 1 1 4 l w r h - . ;- , . Lar.i Sale. ' ,: -.!. . . - Under an3 bv Virtue of a deed of trust from J. w. -B- Watson to B. F.ii Montague. Trustee, registered in Book 113, page fe3, nad with he consent W the mortgagor thereon, we will, on Monday, If oyember 0th, 1890, at noon, at the court houe dopr in Hhe city c f Raleigh expose to "pnbllo- ale Uie foV loyrlng' described tract -of land, beirg the port unsold In -the land conveyed in the said deed of .trust and deeoritxd as foUowst -Beginning1. Rt 4he north east corner of the Matthews -lot, neat the northwest corner of lot 744, thence southward along the' line of Matthews and of the Kline- heirs to Kline's southeast corner; thence west along Kline's line to the': branch; thence down .the branch to the south city line; thence east along the south line of the city to the southeast 'corner of the. city; 'thence'-north '. .along- the least, boundary lino of - the city to Denoir street; thence west along Lenoir street to the beginning. ' Terms cash. ? . f B. F. Mont agttk, Trustee, -i - J. W...B Watson. v Oct. 9:1886' . '7"7Z HaveKfcpV YOttCool Ail Swmmer. - i.i',:.--;;5 . 3 1 -5 x i - KklWiHKe6prrou , -If J'. 'V'.l 1 - .' ft 3VE All -Winter. ' Soft - 'Coal.'CjPocahontas and RusseU reek.-rvj" I ?" . a. . e-'ij-'f-r, Tr.acxer er.3 JellicaTCcalu " The beitCoal at lowest, prices al ways atjr J , s' Jones & Pdvcll's 0" ECONOMY May be necessary In many ways vKon dollar, nro arArra a.n(t wants many, but it is not desirable to practioe m in uie purcnase ui iuuu, emeu u Ufa , Ttlnv & onrtAln atAndftrd - food .ImTwi-ffntlv nniirinhen: nn to that Btand- ara It costs a reasonaoie prioe. we nnver want more than ft reasonable r--- J ' f, ; ,.r. price for our Groceries. : , RAPID SALES '. Give our customers the benefit ot close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in It, i -; v " E Always in stock and promptly delivered ' when ordered - -' ' : ' .- . r . . ;' , ' . i iwyf w -. w THERE IS , A' DIFFERANCE OP J BTJT THERE IS A LANDSLIDE . " OPINION I - - , , ' : Regarding the -Proper Man' , for J, ' tbey vote oij the bestX3 -' President. ' rV", ,j ; place totrae.- j;1' 36ich;:ffiiy;: arekYouaclifig? ' '-"- ". .-f. ; J. w-. " ''. ' . i v. r..J..i'3 J &.i.ji.tJf. t 'I V iii. , 'j Not In politicsj but where are you going to;. do your fall trading? i '"'Yon want the most and best for yourmoney,. don't, your Vou Can "gU It. . LWe JHaYe:.lt: " V r "A1I depattni(jjiti complete and well stocked, with :v; ' . ' . 1: Men's andBoys! Qlothlng-; si;:csi Hat$ :: and . Gent's ! Furnishi.isir " Te Newest Stylesylhe Finest Grades, the Bwt Vajues .-, i'i-'rOur prices demonstrate how much we i want your trade. . Political speakers are wrangling over "the basis t)t values..' .Come U and get our prices and weTvlll showoa "the basis bf values 'Hnside-of amiirote. We nave1 a complete assortment of splendid goods! They are yours at prices that defy competition,; .You will be don'tpome- L ft ( a J 1 ZCROSS; & T7T-7 Sehool Z u Remember our house is headquarter fof' all School Supplies:' We . Lava everything vou need in this line, tin 11 u" ' - uum s f ir s if ino ! - . - Al in the very 'latest styles. y "! A. WiliiGCiTBooK Store OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Tbe .Commercial and Farmers' Bankfof Raleigh, N; C. Chartered toy General A8jsettitolyj89C . , Paid up Capital . $lt)dydOQiOO Deposits . . .1 . : 300,000.00 '"ix'dffeirV its customers evert" Wicoinmodatw banking...: . . v,;: -: . . - j-;. , '. Safe-Deposit Boxes "for Rent on Reasonable; Terms. Somegood business offices K let, i . , :,i . J. J. THOMAS, President, v IJJP A TpOMPSON,Vlce President. B, 6.-JJEEMAN.,Casa e . 1; H. W. JACKSON 4. Assistant Cashier. V df i USU 5 I ;SAS AICAT ARIHi, . . OA (Trial . Wjiii;.ConyinceYp'u,i For Indigestion, sia and B6TrtTitW'Pmff,hrbe,6t'ta'tt'wwld.,Either sent by mall for 25c. vsrjpooii'QiipnARnncY, a. r , FUL&EN pTJILDlNGf, RALEIGH. N, C. METROPOLITAil OpCiQ ilOUOO, One lerryjWeek COMMENCING- MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 9TH, : ' Thditiipresentative popular i priced ' v attraction of America THE; II. GUY ' I BESSIE - "fT Ww . aaaeaael COMPANY 15 -COMEDIANS, 15 DANCERS. MONDAYNIGHT The Melodramatio success in four acts. "The Girl I Love. "New scenic and mechanical effect specialties new and numerous. - Twentieth century prices 10-20 30 cents. La dies free Monday jiight if accompa nied by a person holding, one paid 30c ticket.' ., " .. . .. . tujening dowa great bargains, if yon , , J . . - t Li NEHAER -A (ull stock of -:' !'riv i'iM. v OBff ON TIME. i This laundry delivers work "on time.'' ow' pleaseudon't lookus sternly in the eye, and shake your head in skeptical doubt. We do. We will prove it Just drop a pos tal and we411 call for your bundle. It Will be delivered "on time" and will give perfect satisfaction, PHONB 87. HI art rlso Ullllil -till Stomach Disorders, use Simp- 1 SALE CFj UDslBl . Bv autht.ity of a mortgage from L. T. Jinddleston and wife, Elissabeth, re corded In Book 87, page 650,' records Register of Deeds offloe for Wafct county. I will, on Monday, November 8, 18y6)atl2o'c,ockm.,aelltothshigh csx. bidder at nubile auction for cask at the court house door . of -Waks county, N. C, a lot. on tbe south side oi Boutn street mtnecuy oi naieign, beginning at William Fowler's north east corner on Bouth street, runs south 128 feet to' a stake,' thenoe east 36 feet to Eliza Bell's line, thence north 128 feet to South street, thence west with Soutn street to the beginning S29tds - . W N. JONES. Att'y. uch in Little Is especially true al Hood's PUIS, tor n ssedK eloe evet eontained so great saratreo sower m so smaa spaoSL Tbei ara a whole medlclos n n ebest, always, iwadm -al ways efficient, alwsys sat Istaotoryi prevent a ooM or li vet, ears all liver Ills, tirk b-vdiiche, jaundice, eonsWpation, ete. Vo. the only mi to take wits Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1UIII tews;''" fr" v '.fJi(i'twJ ''...i j., . ( .- GONE! ' We ha v with as! now Hhe -rnost -delightful and 'charming weather, in. which we ought to take advantage of by giving ourainiliesand best girl an airing during the lovely, aftproions. Not b the time today, not tomorrow. l i . r member - Ybu can find the proper rig at Stron aoh's Light Livery and Sates Stable to make you and yours happy, .Sta bles open every day in the week. ' W-y 'PRANK STRONACH, Prop'r. Capjhnd toessEii(poriiin . I have just received my fall stock of vehicle and harness, which I am sell ings at low . water , mark. . Factory prices don't cut any tea in this slide. Give me a ea.Il and be nonvinoed. I'll X llfi-yotf some of mjr prices on vehic les, via f Top bmrgy (50; open bueey I3ato40; carriages $66 to -tlOO. My motto: '!Buy right and sell close. " 1 FRANK STRONAClf. ". Nos, 219, 221 and. .22a Wilmington -a i , : Street. J 209 Payetteville Street New; Millinery ! We have now ready for the trade all the latest things in-fall and win ter Millinery. Trimmed and, urflrimmed Ijadies' Halt, with all tho new trimming materials. Children's and Infants' Caps, in all styles and colors. AU customers will be given prompt attention.. Goods sent on approval. Express paid one way. Agent for Imperial Patterns. Miss Maggie;-Reese. Cut Tlotvors Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthe nums Bouquets, a t . '. i i, i v Palms, Ferns, Golden band, white and Bin k Ja pan lilies. Finest of all bardylilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia NarsissUs, Tulips for forcing s'n the house and early "spring bjooming -. outside. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax' Street, near Peace In atltute. Phone lis. . :"''"'. octiT " Publication T)f Summons. North Carolina, ) InSuperior Court wake county, j.to uct. Term, 'yo. Service bv Publication. ' W H Wheeler yvs. Sallie Atkins, Hannibal Atkins, - Ulysses ; Atklne. WHliSrtikins,-"enton-i-Atktnsl last two infants, Rena Atkins and her' nusbana . . vyiiuain AtlUns, j Maloy Uoq ver liogsxr infant; j osepiiKogers , Annie Shaw, W F Shaw, Mary L Wbeelert..Creacy.C Wheeler. Annie D Wheeler's last three infants and B O Barker, administrator of Alain Jones, deceased..,-: .- v . , . . . . To Hannibal Atkins, Ulysses . Atkins, ' William Atkins and Benton C. At kins, Defendants in he above en ' titled action. -"vYon and each of you wilt lake notice and notice is hereby given you, that Wt H. Wheeler, plaintiff above named, baa Instituted - svn action-entitled as above In the Superior Court of Wake -eouniVi-North -Oarolina, against you ana um otneraeianaasMbiuoaaoove. The summons In said action was is sued on tha 31st day of August, 1894: and is returnable to the October term, 1896, of Wake Superior Court to be held in the city of Raleigh on the 26th day .of October, 1898. The purpose of said action is to foreclose a mortgage on real estate given by your parents. Simeon Atkins (now deceased) and Sallie Atkins, to Alain Jones, which mortgage was transferred to plaintiff, W. H. Wheeler. - ,- . -You are further notified and required to appear at tho aforesaid October Term of Wake Superior Court and answer or demur during said term to the complaint which will be filed in said action, orthe plaintiff .wili be granted the reifed demanded In the oomplalnt. . - D. H. YOUNG, Clerk Superior Court Wake Co. '.' H. E. Norrls, Attorney, v i : September 4 1896J . . ltww Re Miss ftlaggie Reese Floral Designs What;to Givo " , the Bride . t i - ,(W ,1' i . i Orspending a few moments looking'"' ? through our new and' complete ' jc ock of-- - . . , ' Staiinj Ware,--- Cut Glass,- t ' ; , . Irorand Brass Lamps.;J-- Clocks, - - ' Bric-a-Bcac," . .. .,, H. MAHLERVS SONS, , Jewelers and Opticians. - ' Have your eyes tested.. iNo pharge - i . . for examination. SiDtES .... .. HORSES FOR SALE. - I now'Mve bii 'hand a 'good supply'": of , mules and horses. I shall also keep; i good s stock of Buggies and. Wagons for sale; ,, :h tiUlt PricestoSuiffii9 Times JM. pace, 111, East Martin- St.," RaIeighrN (X octl2-tf I ' . T A Proclamation by the Co eraor. . $100 REWARD. State or Nor?H Caboliwa, I Executive Department, j Whereas, official information has, been received at this department that . Jim Booker, alias Jim - Chavis, late of the county of Wake stands charged witfir the murder " of Mahaly White, and Wheroasj It ap- pears that the said Jim Booker, alias Jim Chavis, has fled the State,-or - so' ' conoeala himself that the ordinary pro-))' cess of law cannot be served upon nun: .... Now, therefore. I, Ellas Canv. Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina. by virtue of authority In ass vested by law, ao issue wis my jrrociamation, , offering a reward' of One Hundred dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of said Jim Booker, alias Jim Chavis, to the Sheriff '; of Wake county at the court house door in Raleigh. And I do enjoin all Offi-' cers of the State and all good cltisena to assist in bringing said criminal to ' justice. ' - v ' r Done at our eity of Raleigh, the 2d day of Octobf r. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety six, and in the one hundred and twenty-flrt year of our Amer can In dependence. Eli a 8 Carh By the Governor: . S. F. Telfair, Private Seeretarv. ... DESCRIPTION. . About.. 0 feet . high,, smutty y black color, 23 years old, weighs about 150 pounds, slender built, long legs and arms,, protruding mouth, knock knees, -has end of third finger, on, one hand., cut off ; fond of drink and card-playing, i' oct2 6t HARRIS LITHIft VATER Contains morelithia than any other llthia spring water pn the market, and -wo have yet to, find' a. physician who has given Harris' Llthia Water a fair, trial but that will state that it is supe rior to the other waters. Dr. Thomas -S. Powell, President Southern Medi cal College, Atlanta, Ga.;Theo Lamb, Professor Diseases of Chest and Prinr oiples of Medicine, Medical Depot, Atlanta, University of Georgia; Prof Joseph Jones, President Tulane Uni versity of New Orleans, La.: Dr. John Hey Williams, Asheville, N O; Dr R B Harris, Savannah, Ga; Dr A N Talley, of Columbia, 8 C, and hnn; dreds of others of the most noted phy sicians of the country, testifying that Harris' Lithia is superior to all. Other waters that they have used In their practioe. ' ' " President's Office, Baltimore, June 24, 1890.. Mr J T Harris- Harris Spring,, S C: Dear 6ir I will say to you that it ii my opinion that the Harris Llthia. Water is by far the best lithia water I ' have ever used, and that it has done me a great deal of good, and I think that it is a most valuable remedy. Very truly yours, ,.. . - B. C, Hoffmaw, , ,. President S A L R R. , For sale by the Druggists of Rak eigh. '..-., .. . i. Harris Lithia Water Co., Harris' Spring, S. C. , oct W lm s , , , ; s. a. Ashe & sen; 4 FIRE "INSURANCE. Solicit a part of your patronai;ex: . . . Office over WacRae's Bra wLPLac oiacv - , - V " ' f