li ; Jb V 1UE VISITOR-PRESS CO.H PA-NY fICOKiH)RATED. , A CONSOLIDATION OF THB VISITOR, ESTABLISED 1878, AND THB PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1891. Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. :- QUEER 0. ANDREWS. Editor and Maux.r. JASPER K. MRARY, Soliciting Afemt. Subscription Prices. One Tear . 3.00 BU Months, ;.,.,...... ... ... 1-50 One Months, ............. .25 f Entered a Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. ' LET VS REST. We had indulged the hope that i; the maelstrom of agitation which has been swerling in the nation for many - weeks preceding the election would at last be calmed. after the people had given expression to their ver- diet against a revolution in the finaii cial.system last Tuesday. We had . , lenged to have surcease from ha rangue and respite from wordy strife and had hoped that a season of hal cyon peace and political repose was at hand. The verdict of the people at the polls was duly recorded and Mr. Bryan sent his telegram of ebn- . gratulation to Mr. McKinlcy saying that the issue had been submitted to the American people and that their will was. law. It was given out , that confidence was restored, that . factories and mills and all manner of . . industries were again starting up the hum of life and that prosperity was . again spreading her wings over the land. But now it is sounded forth thit the people's verdict is not to be accepted as their will, that the bat ; tie has only just begun and that the n : : u i tt- - -ogi upturn is w ucuuuuu-cu. Tveure v"vurrjf iub country is iul w nave us much needed rest. We can remem- ber when the green-back craze held It. j a u.. i . ... its biiiit uui uuvkuy weub uuhu uj . .... Jtsdecadence. We have seen the jute bagging trust, government rail road ownership and sub-treasury wil-o-the-wisps come and go. And We doubt not that those who have endeavored to ride upon the silver question as a hobby in asiniilar way will e'erlorg'be confronted with the irresistible fact that when the v American people grow weary the craze must go to its long rest. It is time for the people to turn their minds , toward business and to the materia!, -commercial and industrial advance ment of themselves and their neigh- . bors, and we hope that they will do it and .let political hobbies rest till another campaign at least. The hired girl in New York is go ing to elevate domestic service by ' forming a club. It is called the working Woman's Social Club. The "feewgtitution of the new club has just beenJKnted, and it well explains the . aims orjthe enterprise. The membershiD is to be entire! v of wo- IlmeTTempioyedyin family and the object is Jo give them a pleasant plase of meeting, a chance to make friends and an opportunity to or ganize. Another "plan of the club is j found a school in connection with he home, ; where all branches of ousehold work 6hall be taught It s proposed to build a borne where be girls when ill or tired out ean e cared- for. ; When asked if the ' reject was cot a large one for wo en earning moderate wages to un rtake, the Secretary, Miss Wood Jge, said :. ','These same-girls e practically buil; most of tbe .it Roman Catholic churches is city, including the cathedral, n by should tbey not build a fur themselves?" ' Mrs. Helen ell, who lectures on house on omics in the University of siu.and Whose knbwledge of , ,: , t is an accep!ed fact, will give a course of sis lectures at the working women's rooms this mouth. Bucxlen's Ann, Salvat The best -salve iB.the world tor cuts, bruises - sores, ulcers, ; salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positiyely cures piles, or no pay reqirired. ; It is guarran teedto give perfect satisfaction or money reftmded. Price 25 cants wr '-ox, "or sale bj John Y. Mao teat. - For Over J&HIty If ears Has. Wnrguow's Soothtko 8tbut bu been used lor oer fifty years bj million of mothers lor weir ennaren wnue teeuung. with psrfmt success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolie, and is tbe best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little suSerer immediately. Sold by Druggists In every part oi tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, be sura to ask for "Mrs V. inalow's Soothing Syrup," and take no othar kind; U1 HEW SHOE STORE. Extraordinary ' Bargains -IN- New Shoes. Ladies' fine Uocgola kid button Boots, patent tips, heel and spring heel, at only 08c, $1 25, $1 50 and $1 75. Finer grades from $2 to $5. Gent's Shoes Gent's fine dress shoes 1, $1 25, $1 50 and $1 75. Finer grades from $2 to $G. Boy's Shoes. Hoy's fine shoes $1. $1 25 aud $1 50. Finer grades from SI 75 to $3 50. Children's Shoes. Children's fine shoes 75c, $1, $1 25 and 1 50. Infant's Shoes. Infant's fine shoes 25c 35c and 50c Finer grades 75c to $1 25. HOSIERY. Ask to see our line of hosiery is the best and cheapest lino in citv. S. C. POOL, S. B. NORMS, ..agt seu25 It tbe When Baby was sick, we gare her C'n' ir:x When she was a Child, she criiil for G-.'Vria. When she became Miss, she clung to Costoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. 'ROGRASTINATION Is The Thief of Time." If you neglected to buy J-our winter's supply of coal and wood in the ummcras your interest requires thatjou shsuld have done, irive us vour rder now and avoid the rush which oiu weainer. convenience auu economy oemanas mat you Duy your cason's supply of fuel at once, and to get in and put away before winter, will be a source of satisfaction to you for months to come. Our stock is now complete and we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest prices. Johnson and Johnson, tUAL and WUOD. Phone 150. Great Bargains : ; Oar Motto:: fF. I YXJ GOODS t LOW PKT'iW i ne oest Laun- wm Vfrt Jan- 20, 1874 VVW"'V dereds shirt zonWMwm market for 49c , There-are ''Aawi'a medicine as well as in VVlIlw other things," said a busy ; rj0, druggist, "bat the most E tils IV remarkable thing about Hood's Sana' parilla Js that customers who try other remedies all come back to; Rood's, and this la why the enormous sales of this greet medicine WFWt ; : keep np . and continue, ths g whole yea round, steady : H Vr as . it clock. ' it ? : "O, simply becsoae Hood's Barsaparllla M more real eura ttve merit than any medicine I ever sold.' This is ot daily occurrence in almost every droit store. Hood's Bareaparilla has cured more sickness, and made more happiness through restoration to health than any other medicine. !.'.:-- ' Sarsaparilla Is the standard the One True Blood Purlfler. i , , , are the only pills to take 1UUU S fills with Hood's Sarsaparilla. JUST RECEIVED Third Invoice 'of ladies' cloth capes and ladies' plush capes at Lower Prices- Than Eier. Also Ladies', childrens', an men's underwear in endless variety Our stock of is still complete, and we offer bar gains in that line. A box of French Candy goes with every purchase of $1 00 or more worth of goods. I. ROSENTHAL 211 Favettevillc Street. G. E. LEACH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions 311 "Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct private wire to New York New Orleans and Chicago. iy2!)tf K Editor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the lu.-.t will aid testament of James B. Bobbitt, deceased, I hereby give notice toall persons-indebted to him to wake immediate payment to me, and to all persons havingclaims against him to present the seme to me, duly veri fied, on or before the 5th day beptember, 1897. otherwise this notice may be plead in bar of recov ery. J. HAL BOBBITT. Executor of J. B. BoUbitt, dee'd always comes with the first spell of Office 109 Fayette ville St. in Underwear. The best W)c undershirt on trie market! - R-irc7flannel, suits fiOn. flhil. orens Union suits 50c and oc. LadIes, and children's Hose 5c Men's IOc socks for 5c s inblackand grey, colors g)fonly. ? - , d7 I Ul -J .kiJUiuwA- iOii i - .' :- 'h: , Si) ... r" ''n-'.'-n WB , Vr ;:UI'.i UkJJLJiMMu The Choice of ; '. Overwhelming Majority. - The peoole of Ealeuzh have voted fifteen years our platform and our principles have won their sincere and hearty support. In us they recognize the inaugurators and practitioners of those reformed methods of merchandising that insure every - man the full worth of his money.: The strength, of their appreciation of us has Deen maae aouDij mamnest u tne suostantuu expressions oi their pre ference during this present season, while complaint, of dull times have been beard on every side. . Tha Biggest Store. The never-failing satisfaction, the us a measure w success, xuu ana running over. :- .: -: v ;':;. .-j ,. We Bow Our , Acknowledgments Of course, the all-engrossing need coats. We couldn 't exemplify our. leadership in a more substantial way than with the line we are offering from 16 to $25. The savings are the perqmsines oi your naeuty to us. . - ' ' . " . , . " S. & D. DER17AHGER, One - Price Clothiers to All Sale of Land in Cedar Fork On Saturday, November 21st, 1896, at the Court House door in Raleigh, at 12 -m., by virtue of tbe power given us In a deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the office Of tbe Register of Deeds for Wake sountg, in Book 78 at page 673, we will Bellat public outcry, tbe following described lands, situated in Wake county and said Township, to wit : First, the tract convayed to said A S Pollard, by John W Hins dale, commissioner by deed dated May 21st, 1884, adjoining the lands of Joseph Marshall, S CMarcomand others: Beginning at a red oak,'W. B. Scott's corner, thence North 871 degrees ;.west 209 2-6 poles to a stake, Marshall's corner then North 2 degrees East,., 22 poles to a small sourwood; then 'North 87 degrees West 64 poles to a stake, Marshall's corner; then South 2 degrees West 74 poles to a stump, M. C. Sorrell's lino, then South , 871 degrees; East 64 poles to a stake, then South 2 degrees: West 241 poles to pointer S. C. Marcon's corner, then North II degrees, East 741 poles to the beginning, containing about 127 acres. Second the tract of about 18 acres adjoining: the lands of Lucy Page, J. Watkins, J. Q. Adams, and Dennis borrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat kins and wife to said Pollard dated Nov. 10th, 1880. Third, The Home tract of said Pollard, on which he formerly lived adjoining the lands of i dos. roJiard. j u Adams and others and described -in deed to him from G W Lynn dated Januarv 1st 1872 ano registered in Kegister s office for said county in Book 34 at pace Mt. Terns casn . R. H. BATTLE, WALTER CLARK, Executors of E. IL Swain. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 20, 1896. DON' Overlook This! We give prescriptions spec al ca.. -nd attention at all hours, day or night. If that is what you want, we are.o . v Yours truly, Wynne and Birdsong, North Side Drag Store, Halifax street, one block south of Peace Institute. . ' ON THE iiMiuuyMi'iiuuui'u mmiiiMHtiiiMiiiiiiT . Of Fayetteyille and Martin Sts;, Just as you Come Up-from thb Park '.IogRcq'g Crcnsli fli:nrisyi '''Where the finest cigars and the best Soda and Mineral Waters can be iEad. , Bromo Selrajr served at the Just the thing Gall around boys, see you. - . John Y. - ssUll the People by an one war tor fifteen rears. ' Fo ' t ;,-, - The Biggest Stock. incomparable prices have brought just now is fall Buits and over n i a a Another lot of those delicious South ampton county (Va. ) Earns; also fine V. ) Earns; also fim ohnston county (N loinuw cured ii C.1H Fresh arrival New River Mullets fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Hor rings, etc - . , r 'Melrose" Flour still growing in popularity. And why? Because It is carefully ground from . best selected wneai. none superior to Meirose. Nice line finest sreen and black Teas : Special blend finest Mooha and Java roasted coffee makes an excellent oup. I handle nothing but first class goods, therefore orders may be sent with confidence. Lowest prices guar anteed. Kespectruliy, J.D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and n.ilifax Sts. Telephone 125. K0TICE! North Carolina, I In Superior Court Wake County. To Oot.v.Term, '96 M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. Lawrenoe Sei'vice by Publication. To J. J. Lawrence, defendant In the aDove entitled action, xaice notice 'mat on tne zutn day of Aueu st, 1896, an action was begun and insti- tuted in the Sn aperlor court of waito Carolina, to October county. North Term 1896 of said court by M. J, Ed wards against J. J. Lawrence, your self, entitled M. J. Edwards vs. J. J. Lawrenoe, and that summons tnereln has been duly Issued and returned "not to be found:." ; That the purpose of said action is to. recover money due from you to the said M. J. Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the manufacture and sale of medicine Known as tne (Jompound x tract of Rosadalia, and to the. pur chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one- nan interest in tne ratent mgnt tnere to, and for the recovery of damages rrom you xor oreacn oi said contract, amounting in all to the sum of 193,000, You are herebv notified of the nen- dency of said action, and that a ' war rant of attachment has been issueh in said action directing the soizure of your property in North Ja ollna. You are further notified and required to ap pear at tbe October' term of said Su perior Court ot'Wake county,, xsorth Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the 26th of October, and answer or demur, during said term, to the eom- piamt wnicn wiu Denied in said action, or the plaintiff will have judgment for we reuez demanded mere in; wnen and where the warrant of attachment will likewise be returned. - . D.H.YOTJNO, Clerk Snperior Court, Wake Co, ARGO A SNOW, Attorneys. Hotel '- .1 : ' Fountain. . ' , - for Fair Week, will be glad to .McDae. GOBHEB vy ia jLwivJal 1 . Loookout, are you ready for it? If not, come and get yoiir. shoes. Some beautiful blankets, quilts, comforts, rub ber shoes, ..pil lows and coats, capes, . cloaks, jackets, umbrelr las, , lap'-; robes. DoL: not:; forget your horses, we have plenty sof blankets for them. : : V: : r Lyon Racket Storo Sale of Land Hear Raleigh. i As exeeutor of the late 3i B. "Bob bitt I will offer for sale at the Court Houfce door in Raleigh, at 12 o'clock m.i on Saturday the 6th tlay of De cember, .1896; a valuable tract of land about Si miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety -four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. U. HolLeman, deceased, J. D. Dodd, J. W. Cross and others, it being the tract ot land formerly owned by Jos. -Moore and ' previously by M.- A. F&rker. About 60 acres of the tract are in a good state of cultivation, of which a part is well drained low grounds. Gopd .tenant house and necessary out-houses and a good well of water are on the prefnises. Terms $350 cash, balance three equal annual installments with in terest from date of sale. - - J, Hal. Bobbitt, tiovS Ex. of J. B, Bobbitt. : For fAncirinrinfiAnX -l llllllllllllllllllll ' IFor the last 20 years we have kept Piso's Care for Con sumption iri stock; and would sooner, think a groceryman could get along without sugar in his store than we could without' Piso's Cure.- It Is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO.,' Druggists, Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, 1896. - - ' , - . 1 1 ilk a : ITa X-a a w 1 -T n - nl A rT ''I fl 111 III I II I I II I Ulllll II lllllllllll liic lxauunai DaiuvFiiQicigu raleigh; nj c.: tWrlTTMii -lo Capital Paid In . .L .i$225,000 Surplus and: Undevided -. Profits. "'f.T.?75.000 DIRECTORS, . , J.'B. BATCHELOEL - JAMES A. BRIGtJ8, C. M. BUSBEE, 1k' - THOMAS B. CROWDER, - F. O. MORING. , - - JULIUS LEWIS, ' " CHAS. E. JOHNSON, CHAS. II. BELVIN, v , . ' r ; v ..W.R TUCKER'J , . "ioFFICERS:"-' " , -, CHAS. IL BELVIN, President. ; CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President : ii tw nrTn y-t r, ii. jjKiijijo, Our banking room has been enlarged.and refurnished', . , t - 1 - A" NEW VAULT, 7 which is entirely fire proOl and burclar controlled by combination, automatic una iron worxs, o Baltimore, ami superintended uy Air, J. M. Mossman.of : New York, an expert in burglar proof work, l In this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES--, of the very laft Qesifa, tne convenioneo of which ean not be appreciated un til they are seen, 'and all are invited to see them. : i The renter of the box haa the kpv. and no one ran o-nin awa tx thi. conteuta of tbe box without the presence iu. kvj, urn oDotr cuum iiut nin actx-ss u) mu uuz, uiu cuntonts or wnicn can be known only to the renter. Thero is ample room in tbe boxes for tbe illirur of deeds, valuable papers, wills, bonds, obtained for very moderate cost. v :' . --. - ; Convenient and private rooms hare been provided for tho exclusive use" of customers in the examination of paper, cutting coupons, etc. We have an excellent vault in addition to this line burglar .proof vault for the storage of boxes and packages. , - Everyone interested in beauuful workmanship and most delicate mochar? ' ism are cordially invitfj to Inspect the iUfl-IV-Sa i: Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, in a civil no tion, No 5.')12, 'c i d, ontitled Wm Smith v B F Montague, we will, on the 7th day of December, 1806, sell at public auction at the court house door in the city o! Raleigh. N 0, at 12 m, the following tract of land, sit uate in Wake county, St. Mathews township, beginning at a -stake Jcs sis Watkin's n w corner In Jonathan Pool's line; thence s 26 poles to a stake said , Watkin's; s w corner; thence s 35 w 59 3-5 ' polos; thence west 933"" poles to two red oaks on. the bank of JS'euso . river; thence up tbe t various courses of said river about 84 ' poles to Pool's corner; thence with his line s 88 e 135 poles to the beginning, ; containing 53 acres. Also, at the same time and place, we will sell the personal prop erty set out id said decree, consist ing of .1 Cmule, 1 horse, 2 wagons," harness,- farming implements and part, of crops .made on said land. ' Terms cash. , " . " ARMIOTEAD JONES, - - " - THOS R PURNELL, , . no7 tds ' Commissioners. " - KOTICE. : : North Carolina, I In Superior Courts Wake county. Before DH Youngs . t - " ' Clerk. 3.' 0. Marcom, administrator or Cherry Penny, deceased,- vs. Mary Walters -and Henry Walters,' her husband, Mary Allen, Lillie Allen,: Roxie Allen,John Allen, Susari'Al--lea, George Penny, Ada Penny, ancr a : TX.l i . . l.: t -....-r Cherry Penny, deceased.- To Mary Walters, Henry Walters, Mary Allen, Lillie - Allen and John Allen, defendants above named. : . s, You will take notice that's special proceeding has been instituted in this court by J. C. Maroorr. adminis-. trator of Cherry Penny, deceased, entitled as above, for the- purpose Of obtaining an order -for -the sale of the real estate of his -said intestate to create assessments-for-' the pay-; ment of the debts ot the -estate and the. charges of administration,'' and you are hcveby required to appear at my office in Raleigh, N. C, on the 2d day of December, 1896, and an- swer or demur to thb complaint- of , tho plaintiff in said action or pro-; AefhniT ntliprwlsn thn pfilifif nifived . let will be granted. , - J). H. Young,. C'erk Superior Court of Wake Co. October 19, '96. , 1 aw 6 w i . i. vasnier.1 . - proof.? Han! been 1 added, r The, 'doors and time- locks, builtrby the 'Miller Safe of the renter, -and if he should lose stocks, etc. ,T and perfect security la new work. . - ' liVLEICrll, N C. 1 t Li