City tailor. In icx to New Advertisements. I) ,' Lost. IamI Watch. r - . J Sorse Auction. iJuglii Specials. T uc ker Specials i : ; Lost A Charm. ' ; ' -Kotiee to the Public The Weather Tomorrow. COLO I j 1 i Forecast for Rale if k. . Local forecast for Raleigh (not extending beyond a ra- , diu Of 20 miles:) Pair to night and Tuesday, becoming slowly warmer) winds shifting to southerly. Forecast for North Carolina: . Gen-- erally '. fair. :. tonight and Tuesday j colder In extreme easteto portions to night; conditions favorable for frest Tuesday morning in eastera portions; warmer Tuesday. . : " . ' lcaj Data. . Local? data for Zi hours ending at 8 a. m, (today) November 9, Maximum temperature, 49; minimum temperature, 48; rainfall, 0.00. . ," - .- Conditions of tt Weather. The following were the weather con- i litlons at 8 a. m. today : State of the weather, fair. Temperature of the air,. ..... 48 deg. Sensible temperature.., ,.., 42 deg. Wind velocity . , Light Direction of wind . . . ... . N. E. PERSONAL. . i Mr A F Page, is in the city. . Mr W C Douglass, is here today, v 'i Hon E. W. Pou is in the city to V Mr. J. B. Schulken.of Whiteville, is here.. Mr. T. A. McNeill, of Lumberton, la in the city. : . Mr. Kerby H. Smith, of Goldsboro, is here; .: Mr. N, L. Spence, of Carthage, is i In the city. ' ' The Woodward-Warren Company artrived in the city today. ? Ex-State Senator W.J. Adams, of Carthage, isjn the city. l'- Mr. W. E. Murchison, of Jones boro, is in the 2ity today. lMr. H, M. .Burton, of Halifax, is an bue rtnn. Mij. S. F. Telfair has gone to his . home in Washington, N. C. Mrs. Cornelius Beckham is criti cally ill. We regret to note that Mrs. Dr. I. H. Crawford is quite sick. We hope for her early recovery. ', Mr. J. Frank Bay, who is remem bered as the aggressive young leader in the House has been elected to the Senate. Mr. S. H. Maguire, representing "A Night's Frolic," which plays an engagement at the Academy of Mu sic next Monday night, is in the city. Dor Lost, arrayed or Stolen. An English setter, saddle back, answering to the name of "Mickey." Reward will be paid for his return to 520 South Harrington Street. v no94t lnl Yon Ever Try Electric Btttors as a reroeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle nowand get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence ia. giving strength and tone to the organs. : C you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, tainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless,'- excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electrio Bitters Ts the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed bv its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drugstore. '" ;.. Dates 10 cents lb at Dughi's. Lost; . A watch charm ring, filled solid with deer and dog and side and band and bird on the finger on the other side. Beturn to this office. nov$2f- Apples, 8 bushels in a barrell for $2.00 at Dughi's. Fine oysters 25 cents a quart at Dughi's. f . For Kent. -- . Twdnioe large offices over the tore of Sherwood Higgs & Co. Ap lyta I sel9 tf Ernest Hay wood. Plenty fresh - grapes 5 pound askets at Dughi's. i ... ' t .. -m- . For Re nr. i ThrewBtoryt brick building cor. xyetteville nd Morgan streets, re-1 ntly ocoupieaNpy Democratic head - arterS, xor terina apply to W. B lmes. . m irins apply nov5 tf Orangrt 20 and: 25 cents per dozen Dughi s. - II. & U. S. Tucker & Co. Skll Goods Chiapbr Than Ant Otheb House.. BLACK DRESS GOODS. k dress ; drwsS mod S ': a dress mis -: dress ,1s ress Tnis Week'b Special Sals. 50 pieces of Lupin's celebrated black Dress Good s al 1 wool cheviots Boncles," " Oamlches. Loop yarns, Bonrettes etc, etc. ' This special sale of i Black 'Dress Goods is of no ordinary interest to our custom era. It is ; the : very best iffering of new, choice, stylish' black dress goods, made by the world's best man ufacturer," at " prices per cent less than value. Our customers n not afford to letthis t Bargain Sale s tbem. Come and us, you will be in- Ticker & Co. i-. -.'.... . Lost. ' A ladles gold watch somewhere on Fayetteville or Salisbury streets or in capitol square, finder will please return to Mrs. J. L. Martin, 705 N- Salisbury street. nov91t. ' iTesbTterian Propertv Sale. In order to prepare the ground for building purposes, we are author ized to sell the following property of the First Presbyterian church, viz: the frame Sunday school room and the picket fencing on the south west corner of Salisbury and Mor gan streets. ' To be sold separately or together and to be removed from the premises in ten days from date of sale. jAilES Dinwidpie, ) , tjommittee. J. M. Monie, Jcxitrs Lewis, nov 6 3t No:lce to the Public. Mantels and Grates of all kinds furnished at short notice, also Tile Hearth and Facings and f ire Place Heaters a specialty. I will guaran tee my work and will give you the benefit of the coal or wood you burn. Will turn the heat inta your room. An improvement on the old plan of going up the chimney. 1 can be found at 220 Fayetteville street, at one o'clock p, m., and from 6 to 9 p m. nov 9-2t Horse Auction. I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to ine, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 14, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. 1 hese horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and good workers. If you want good Virginia horses don't miss this op portunity, as they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. John W. Littlepaoe. Ed. Thomason, Auctioneer. nov2 4m mg - .11 who wishes to see the finest f stoves ever brought to this cit;, do well to call and see a sampV .-.- of really Fine Goods, bought for the purpose of exhibition at our recent State Fair. We Offer these Stoves at a Special Price, Thos. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. Just Received . , V ' 4 LOT Of Colgate & Cq's SOAPS, Perfumery, Vaseline Prepara tionsv' Cold Cream,- Camphor Ice, etc. Try a bottle of their Florida Water for 25c, just as good as any other at higher price. Send us your prescriptions to fill or your orders for anything in pur line, ., Yours very truly, James McKimmon Co 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. OIL HEATERS 1 iWi ;;!.".. ALSO Tin Ware Guaranteed not to rust. 17. II. Hughes, What's in a Name? to It Emends u As to the rose or violet, nothing. But take our names V. II. KING & CO., Now, there 'sc great deal in that. For instance: In prescriptions it meaDs PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compounding, Fair ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you with honestv, courtesy, and dispatch. Onegoodname meanseverything to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. Yes, There's Lots In a NatE TOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOSTOTOTO 4 Lets's Be Thankful. m i hat the strain is over, and everybody can once more down to work. get V9 about the kind of monev we need! we have been taking 6!i M advantage of the depressed conditions and low prices, and 4 have been laying in the greatest bargains we ever bought, Jm wZ and fta A mnspmiAn nf t.hocua fnrrtro Mo ,rrfrt.nnit.ip Wfi 97 fc7 are able to make some prices that even we, have never y One of the best bargains we ever had is a CM equaled before. 7 line of Missees' iJ Uapes and Jackets. & (A Every single cape and jacket in'this house is absolutely1 (A brand new, this season's latest and best styles not one single old garment in the entire collection. We bought Jm 9 condition, and when cash counted, and we absolutely guar 49 an tee our prices to be lower by a great deal than any other ?i house in Raleigh can offer you. We are selling capes at f I m7 4.hat, nd affAin Raloi rrVi r,aA ad IiUIa a rl ..11 n fni l . Ai: 4 12 50 we hare a cape 120 inches sweep, full length, hand- 7 VT fiiuKe iiur lRaiip.r nr. i uti. nnn nii niirnniPP i 'uii p m:i. mn 0 7 50, $10,00 to $15,00 capes are all just as good values. 49 2 Go see the best thing offered anywhere, and then come here .k : and iet us sell you a newer and better garment at from 50e 7 ' 2 to II 50 less money. , . 4" Not a shrewd, smart, wide-awake buyer' jn Raleurhj.but 4 49 wna ''sits us often. -- New novelties eome .in -every day. a We are leading the procession and we are setting a pace ?4 7 too fast for old timesv ; If you like quick going on a smooth 4 track, get on our car. , V ' . t. - ,, , : v, 49 49' v . W, E. JdNES. 49 REI.iOVED . TO 131; Fayetteville--St. Raleigh Stationery Co. Phone 142 FtflliLINE ''.'.vy.-- . Finetationery, Office and School ies. Suppl Leaders in Low Prices. oc28 3m THE WAY mmm toy gtc:h ; Sells Cheap. We are ' often Toy. Dolla, Game., " Novelties, Fancy Good., - lirio-a-llrac, Steam 'toy., - : i, Meobanical Tojs, Iron Train, Doll Caba. Wood Tralna, ' ? Blocks, BooJta, ' Baskets,' - Walking Canes, Hobby "Horse. Wagon... Velocipedes, Tricycles. Box Paper, ' WriiinK Taper, Envelopes, Tablets, Glassware, Tinware, Crockery,- tiaixly, Frnlts, Vuie, ivei ware. Vases, H u liber Goods, Tennis Goods, Km I Calls. asked if we do not run a kind- of racket store," but we wish . It positively under stood. that we do not run a racket store, but a toy and candy store, and that we do not Ibandle any trash ior auction goods. Why the Riecran Toy Store sells bo Iciieap la because we nave naa awe long training in ithe large whole Hale houses and we know when to buy and how to buy, and ourcash (enables us to buy cheapest, and we givo "our custo mers the benefit of all this. Bybuy- inconly flrstclass goods direct from tho factories Ve sell them to you at rt tail at regular wholesale prices and we lve you a warrant that what you buy of us is no racket goods, tut "first call" every time. Price, Quan tity and Quality is our watch-word. RIGGAN'S TOY STORE, 132 Fayetteville Street. Heller Bro&.9 The Leaders in Shoes, Call Attention to Their New and Complete Stock of Gents' Footwear. The "How-Wow" Too, '-ussis Calf Ripe Switch" Calf Lined Hals at $4 are still luvin n jriat run. rjpi-l 4-c' Nedlc t i' ;md Jewel Too Calf Bals are viva IB ."grea s-: U-r.- a' only $3 0 a pair. Gen'ts' broad p'. : n ' - e at $2 00,..voar like 'M.. m - raifrrs and luce shoe? Call ami see the New S s .-: weH as tho j,'rc-at bar gains at HELIEO'S SMOE STORE," Estafciished in 1876. A. Bt STRONAGH- WETTTTTTTT TTTfTTTf TTTnTTfTnTTnT 1 TTTTTTT? (TffVfTITfJf Popular Goods, Popular Prices atid Pop ular Salesmen. iiimiuumiminiimiiimniiimiunmniumiiiuuiiimuiiimuuuu UilH We are Always busy Selling Fine Goods at Low Prices The Tlost Popular Dcnartmeot iitore in the $ a State. - : 8 Economic Prices Prevail in all Departments. SHOES. i.:iLLi::EnY. : .-..The largest department we have ' We do not like to boast, but will 1 is the shoe department and itis just , Bay that we have the best selected It DODUlar. as we CTive VOU the best - nf mfllinOrv - in Rnlaiirh .. shoe possible' to buy for the prices. .Especial attention is called to eur Children 's shoes 25 60, - 60, 65, -tS, cap department for children, all the ' 75, p5? 90, f 1, 1 15, 25, 1 85, J 50. ; new shapes in tans on nand now and - Boys Shoss i prices very low. . We have a large assortment of rt9"t boy's shoes of all size,' atv 1 00, 1 25 ( l,"(A andl50.- Wepay particular atten- " 7 ' - tion to the ouafitv of our liulin.q' 1 25 10-4 all wool white blankets .. . 3 63 " 150 and 200 shoes. Crossed 3 00 H- "- " A " ' " -.:,,4 24, shoes for wen: , ' U2-4 " " ' ' " . ,,.,.4 88 ' , ""V ' "V We do a large merchant-tailoring business, will make jr " i t- j i or pair of pants at a reasonable price andguaranteeour work in ' i 4 j i ' , ' Ladies' Vests 18c ribbed waist at -1 37c bleached " 68o 41 " " . . . Children's union suits . Misses' " .12c . . 25o 60o . 25c ...50c Hen's Gloves. . fipnuirtfl matnr hnolrslrtn ." i Ml Heavy domestic kid gloves . . .1 88c w London tanned dogskin glove.. 87o wool lined Kangaroo . . .s 75o " - " heavy goatskin: ... :-.l 00 All bargains Also full lines of ,. cloth, wool, kid and leather gloves " from 25c to 1 00 a pair. , - i - .. 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS. " All wool flannel, in red,' blue and ' ' black, now style sleeve waist ,1 00 .. Scotch plaid waist ..... . . ,.95o Handsome wool Henrietta waists lined, full sleeve, ripple .cuff, ele gant fitting waists . . . . , . . . r. I 48 - i a6 KZCsFZ-.... . We sell tbeie fist black hose at 15 and 25c a pair. All sizes. Capes, cloaks, jackets, children's reefers, ladies' suits, wrappers ; and skirts in u great variety, as to price.and quality. Our terms are cash. One price toall, ". - See our 5c and 10c counters. Many bargains on them. Agents for the sale' of Butterick Patterns! WOOLLCOTT SONi 14 East Martin Street. We do not ai m to sell the "cheaper" grades. Those who want fine goods and do not want to pay too muchK"would do well to look at what we have to sell. Ladies', misses' and children's underwear, 25 per cent cheaper than can bo bought elsewhere. Indies grey, mixed combination suits ..... . alio white Jersey ribbed suits ... 50c extra quality white ribbed union suits oac " Fleeced ribbed, lvOn-shrinking union suits. . , $1 00 " worsted " Oxford cut combination suits. 1 50 '' winter combination wrappers , . . r. . 1 50 " Oxford finest wool ribbed vests aud pauts 75c, 00, 1 25 '' fine Scarlet Australian wool pants and vests 1 00- low ueck and short sleeves Kichilieu ribbed merino vests 10y " high neck and long " " " " " 1 00 " Extra heavy meriuo vests ; 1 0(i :' Pure wool vests 1 00 " Extra quality, non-shrinking vests 50c Peeler cotton ribbed vests 2oe Grey and white ribbed 17c, 3 for 50. Pants to match all of the above at same price as the vests. Missess' combination union suits 35c and 50c Bit? Line and Big Values In Misses' and Children's Pants and Vests Umbrella Sale.' New Lines, Great Values, Three big Specials in Gloria Silk and Scatch Ginghams 26, 28 ahd 30 inches, 75c, $1, $1 25, worth $1 $1 50, $175, Special sale ladie's skirts Ladie's knit wool skirts . . . -50c, 1 00, 1 50 Ladies' iia'morai skirts aoc and roc There Are Others But None So Nice As Ours ROYALL & BORDEN. We have just- received - 100""WiIson Heaters,' in all sizes, from tie largest to the smallest. . v. . Hy Jwying in larpe lotr we arc prepared to make you her prices than.-any ther iouse. - v .. . - .. . u ;; f t '- - ' - - . - . -mrs . ' -". . ''- upen at iMgiit. r r f.j ! it n c We Sell Goods Cheaper,Than Any Other House! - v Black Dress Goods-' ANOTHER GREAT OFFERING For the-week, Nov. 9th to 14th Justly we pride ourselves apon our reput a tion of years as the most reliable house in the state for black dress goods, and a special, ; sale in this department means far more than , the ordinary special sale: ; ' v Black Dress Goods- Special Sale. . ' 50 pieces COmDrisinff LuDin's celebrated nhnvinta: TfanMoa Canicbes, Bailcloths, etc., correot weiffhts for winter use, for stylish street ' ' costumes: These are a recent purchase and represent the very best stuffs toade for this season 's trade at prioes 33J per cent below real value, really below the cost of importation, we bought them at bargain prioes to sell them at banrain prices to our customers. Thi Rnpninl .5afo horrina Monday, November Sth. Come early for choice. ..--, W. II, & R. S. TUCKER 6 CO. Bargains Thai , Set. The ; People." Highest standard of values at tha lowt with reputable Roods, No house in Raleiffh ffivea a fairftr your pioney, and no salespeople we more patient, indulgent and obliging Lewes! Cloak Prices on Record. Greatest' capo bouse in the city Quickest cloak selling ever donn Our close prices make the 'business. On. Monday-We Commpnr.B Bpllin(7 off nil nf nnr Klo-h rlnca hnnto riA Bnd novelty capes, bought for our grand opening and Fair exhibit at ' one- " kiuru iet. tuan Dianuiaciurer B nriren.. Kaln r nhnntnsnal nmmxrienn , n.Tited; every one to be closed out this week.-ti? ... C Domcstie and tome-made floods sold without reran! to thn hnrn nil. " vaneeii on ail lines of Domestic nmnafacturers.r . - ; . M ; Great;Shpe-Trading Center- - Our shoo department is a scene of activity. : Rflstno.knd Anil nattlt... fitted un. The display of shoes is a marvel of boaitt.v. nhnnt nnn.hnir th ' Bargain bhoes', asavertisod were closed, oulv 83 naira left to h unlfl gardlessofcost, price (1 50 tor ny. - f 't.-)vi.: .vi Another case of those -celebrated blankets, jn white and grey, at only. heavy 'double fleeced 10-4 Have Yoii Seen 9c Those f0c kid cloves, all sizes all colors. One case finn curtain uim a be closed out at 33 c, fancy oolored stripes at 5c. .- Every day something at OFF PRICES-. Not in sufnV.innt to advertise. - ..--.;.-".,'. t " '." .w,.; SUCCESSORS TO CA-SHEnwocj &Cc.