4,; r V- -- .-.-13' ill 1 'K as w a i i i wy PI BUSHED BY TUE TOITOli-VRESS - company fnrcoHPOiUTED!.-; .A CONSOLIDATION .'Or THE VISITOR, BSTABLISED 18T8, AND TBS PRESS, i iSTAftLISHEDl8M. ' Office in the Pulleu Building! corner . Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. AHDREWS. - v f, druraadMaaacsr. JASPRR K. MRART. ollaltlaa A . Subscription ;Prices One Year . . . Six Months . One Month . . t. 3.00 .. 1.50 .. .26 f Entered as Second (.lass Mail Matter J The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. The days of glass bottles are numbered. They are to be super seded by unbreakable paper bottles. Paper bottles can be manufactured for about half the cost of glass bot tles, and can be made water-tight as well as air-tight. As brewers well know, it is no easy matter to make a glass bottle that is airtight when beer is the liquid it contains. All kinds of experiments have been made to accomplish this result, but none have succeeded. With paper bottles the matter will be compara tively easy, as the paper will give when the cork is driven into the neck of the bottle, and will be sealed perfectly. Glass bottles, too, will freeze and their contents spoil. In the paper bottles the liquid can defy the efforts of the frost king. This win mean a saving in more ways than one. There is no occrsion for the laborious packing in straw that has to be done in the case of glass bottles. The paper bottles, being practicably unbreakable, there is no need for straw as a safeguard against rough treatment while in transit, bnd as the paper mache will keep the contents warm, there need be no packing to keep the cold out. The Newbern Journal says that the state geological survey has been renewed about Morehead. Thegreat map of North Carolina was begun several years ago and the work in the western counties has been nearly completed, but it was found neces sary, in order to carry the work eastward, to run a line of exact levels across the whole length of the state, starting at the ocean at Morehead City, and this is the object of the present survey. Speaking of the election of Judge Russell as Governor the Charlotte Observer wisely says: "It would appear to be the proper thingfor the people of the State to do, to simply fortify themselves for the worst and nope ior tne.Dest. as uovernor of a great State, with the interests of her people in his keeping. Russell may prove an agreeable surprise . Russell, the Governor, may be quite -different from Russell, the politican That is the charitable thing to hope for. . - Mr. Sewall has been heard from at last He says wheat did it. The ' low prices which the farmers had - been receiving for their wheatunder - -. the gold standard, he says, were re moved by tbe accident of a short , crop abroad. Failure to realize that :, this accident left the roal evil un- touched caused a falling-off in the silver vole of districts where it i'.:- should have been strong. Mr. Sew ' . all says the people will win in 1900. , A French glass expert named Ap psrt has made experiments showing that glass modified by the introduc-J tion of 7 or 8 par cent of aluminum is more solidr less changeable and more elastic than ordinary glass. If It be more elastic, the scientist may bs in a fair way towards the redis covery of the flexible glass of the ancients, which has hitherto baffled the expert. 1 The third .and , annual meeting of the American congress of liberal re ligious societies will be held in In dianapoli yon T- the r 17th, 18th and 19th insts.'' Judging frpmthS list, .of celebrated speakers already secured and the importance of the questions to be discussed, the meet ings will undoubtedly attract world wide attention. ' ' -' . BMklni arnica Salve ; - i The best salve in the world ior cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents r ox. or sale by J onn X. mao NEW SHOE STORE Shoes. Ladies' fine Oongola kid button Boots, patent tips, heel anil splAng heel, at only 98c, 1 25, Jf 50 rind 1 75. Finer grades from $2 to it'. Gent's Shoes Gent's fine dress shoes $1, $125, $1 50 and $1 75. Finer grades from $2 to $6. Boy's Shoes. Boy's fine shoes 1. $1 25 and $1 50. Finer grades from jl 75 to $3 50. Children's Shoes. Children's fine shoe and $1 50. ti. n .'5 Infant's Shoes. Infant's tine shoes 2.V Finer grades 75c to ffl .'!5e ami oOo HOSIERY Ask to see our is the "best and c! city. ry 1 in It the S. C. POOL. S. B. NO!:::iS, Manager, sep25 When Baby was slok, wo gare her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Hias, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria. Extraordinary Bargains -IN- New " PROCRASTINATION Is The ThiefofTime." you negiectea to Duy your winter's suppl ofccoal and wood in the ummer as your interest requires that youhsuld"have done, give usy .ur rder now and avoid the rush which always comes with the first spell of old weather. Convenience and economy demands that you buy your will be a source of satisfaction to yon for months to come. Our stock is now complete and we solicit your orders for best goods at lowest orlces. o ouijLsr ui iuci aif uuli. mi 11 rn Johnson and Jolinoon, vmajl ana wood. Phone f50. Don't fit - since the election, when a Ma: lot of men's and Politics y- ff I r - low prices; we buy direct from the. manu- r,wfVrt coc pick up great- bar- gams. liUuU lib Merit talks" the Infcrlnite valna ftf " M-nlrrrt Hood'pSaraaparilla." ; U Cl L a.O jtferit in medicin means tbe power to can. Hood's Sarsaparilia possesses actu&l and unequalled curative power and there for it has true merit. When you bay Bood'e 8arsapriHa,and take it according to directions, to purify. yoor blood, or cur any of the many blood diseases, you ar morally certs in io reoeiv benefit. The power to ear is there." You ar not trying aa experiment.' It will make your blood pore, rich sad noariahingvand thus driva out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build op the whole system. I I u 7v fS j Ct a ' - -t r .sa. Is the beet, In tsettteOooTra Blood Purl tier. Prepared only bjrG.1. Hood A OoLoweH, Mass. Hood's Pills vo not porn. arfne. All dnieirfsM. JUST RECEIVED .MM.' Third Invoice of ladies' - cloth capes and ladies' plush capes .at Lower -Prices Than Eier. Also ' Ladies', childrens', and men's underwear in endless variety. tur stock oi . ILLirJERY is still complete, and we offer gains in that line., A box of bar- T French Candy goes with every purchase of $1 00 or more worth of goods. I. ROSENTHAL, Hr, ', 211 Favetterllle Street. G.B.LEAGH Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Provisions, 311 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C. Direct-private wire to New York, New Orleans and Chicago. jy2Hf Executor's Notice, Having -qualified as executor of the last will and testament of James - B. JJobbrtt, deceased, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to him to ake immediate payment to me, and to an persons navmgciaims against him vj present ine same to me, duly veri fied, on or before the 6th day (September, 1897, otherwise this notice may be plead in bar of recov ery. J. HAL BOBBITT, I Executor of J. B. Bbbbitt, deo'd. trwrr. in nnn wti swaw v-uafnMA in tn Office 109 Fayettevflle St. Doflior Us. - We Are Busy urgiiinS 10c socks for 5c. 75c colored laundried shirts 49c. Of these two bargains we have just nrinpis fpll nil in hoy's clothincr at verv )lS'Yr km) (see vou. Xy' WW) t ELB . ' r The Choice of :ir;Overwhelmihig Majority. The DOODle of Raleitfh have .voted fifteen VAAr nnp nlat.form anil aiiv hearty support. In us they recognize the inaugurates and 'practitioners I ' those reformed methods of merchandising full worth of his money. The strength of theie appreciation of us has been made doubU maniflest ist in the ference during this present season, oeen neara on every side; The BiggcsJ Stcre. The never-failing satisfaction, ua iiiruaure ui b utw 63, iuh buu ruouug gver, ,- i . .1 . I . ,ii a Bw .Our Acknowledgments; Of course, the all-encrrossing need just now1 is fall' coats. We oouldnt exemplify our leadership in a more than with the line we are offering from $6 to 125. The perquisities ot your uaenty to us. S. --ft D. DERMGER, One Price Clothiers to All. Sale of Land in Cedar Fork Township. V On Saturday, November 21st 1896. at the Court House door m Raleigh, at 12 m., by virtue of the power given us in a deed of mortage, exe cuted by A S Pollard and registered in the oft'ee of the Register of Deeds for Wake sountg, in Book 78 at page 673, we wi'ii sellat public outcry, the following described lands, situated in Wake county and said Tojrnship, to wit : First, the tract oonvaved to said A S Pollard, by John W Hins dale.coinmissioner by deed dateVl May 21st, 1884, adjoining the lands of Joseph Marshall, S C Marcom and others: Beginning at a red oak, W. B. Scott's corner, thence North 87J degrees ; west 209 2-5 poles to a stake, Marshall's corner then North 2 degrees East, 22 poles td a small sourwood ; then -North 87 degrees West 64 poles to a stake, Marshall's corner; then South 2 degrees West 74 poles to a stump, M. C. Sorrell's line, then South 87. decrees: East 64 poles to a stake, then South 8 degrees: West 24 poles to pointer S. Or Marcon 's corner, 4hen North 1 degrees, East 74 poles to the beginning, containing about 127 acres becond tbe tract of about 18 acres adjoining the lands of Lucy Patre. J. Watkins. J. a Adams. and Dennis Sorrell and described in a deed from Susan Page Jere Wat- kins and wife to said Pollard dated Nov. 10th, 1880. Third, The Home tract of said Pollard, onwhich he formerly lived adjoining the lands of xnos. i-ouara. j y Adams and others and described in deed to him from G W Lynn dated Januaty 1st, 1872 and registered in Register's office for.said county in Book 34 at page za. Terms casn. R.H. BATTLE, . "WALTER CLARK, Executors of E. II. Swain. Raleigh, N. Oct. 20, 1896. T This ! Overlook We give prescriptions spec al care and attention at all hours, day or night. If that Is what you want, we are,Q Yours truly, 4 Wynne and Eirdseng, North Side Drug Store, Halifax street, one block south of Peao Institute. 11 II II II II 11 II II il DON Oi THE Of Fayetteville and Martin Sts., Just as you Come. Up from .the I Park nrBflpVo VK?i? ViTXui. : J ust'the thinsr Call around boys, f Y. VJLJL-JLJL rj - m m f-i r"" "1 : u.j Uk.h.w w..a the Peopje'by ah one wav for" fifteen tears. Fo TrinMn1aa hava wnn thai siniuii.A' and ds of merchandising that insure every man the substantial expressions of their pre - while complaint of dull 'times bave 1 Th3 Digest Stcck. the lnoomparable prices have brought . ' suits and over- substontiaT way savings are the Clams tloms Another lot of those delicious South! ampton county ( Va. ) Hams: also fine lot mild cured Johnston county (N. C. ) Hams. Fi resh arrival New River Mullets, fine, fat Mackerel, new pack Roe Her rings, etc. ' "Melrose" Flour Btill.growing in popularity. And why? Because it is carefully ground' from, best selected wheat. None superior to "Melrose.": Nice line finest green and black Teas. "Special blend finest Mooha and Java roasted ooffee makes an excellent eup. I handle nothing but -first class goods,-, therefore orders- may be sent witn connaenoe. lxjwest prices guar- aateeu. . ivespecuuiiy, ! J. D. TUflfJER, Cor. Julinson and Halifax Sts. ' Telephone 125. - KOTICE! 1 North Carouna, ) In Superior Court Wake County, f To Oct. Term, '96 M. 3, Edwards 1 - rs. : . - 1.- va. v . jr :. . J. J. Lawrence Publication. - To J. J. . Lawrence, defendant In the above entitled action. Take notioe: That on the w dav of August, 1896, an action was begun and insti tuted in the Superior court of Wake county, nortn Carolina, to uotober Term 189S of said court by M. J. Ed wards apalnst J. JLawrence, vour- 1 self, entitled M, J. Edwards vs. J. J. tiawrerue, and that -summons tnerein has been auly I ssued 'and returned "not to be found:" That the purpose 01 sain action is to recover money due from you to the said M. J. Edwards upon and by virtue of a contract re lating to the manufacture and sale of medicine Known as tne compound ix tract of Rosadalis, and to the our- chase by said M. J. Edwards of a one- half interest in the Patent Bight there- to, and for the recovery of damages from you for breach of said contract. amounting in all to the sum of 93.000i You are borebv notified of the Don dency ot said action, and that a war rant of attachment has been issueh in said action directing the seizure of your property in North Ca ollna. You are further notified and required to ap pear at the Octoher term of said Su perior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, to be held in the city of Ral eigh, in said county and State, on the zotn oi October, ihuo, and answer or demur.- durinir said term, to the com plaint which will be fried in said action. 1 or the plaintiff will have judgment for the relief demanded therein: when and I where the warrant - of attachment will likewise be returned. ,"-.- . D. H. Y0UN6.- " Clerk Superior Court, Wake Co. ajkuu a bjnuw, Attorneys. 111! II II II II li Hotel for Fair Week. will be glad to 'McRae COSHER m m hi V-3 Loookout, are you ready for it? If not, come and get your shoes Some beautiful blankets, quilts, comforts, - rub- J hPi . hflP6! ' fillat j r-.w - . ., . j InW?' r Tlfj OrlT 1 . - ? capes cloaks, jackets, umbrel las, lap; robes Firi . nrit - frtrorof yoUr horses? we have; plenty. - pi blankets for them. V Lyon Racket Sforo I Sale of Land Near RafeigR. , As executor of the late J. B. Bob- bift I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Raleigh, at "12 o'clock i m., on Saturday the. 6th day of De cember, 1896, a, valuable tract of land about 3 miles east of Raleigh containing Ninety-four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W, H. Holleman, deceased, J." D. Dodd, J, W. Cross and others, rit being the tract of land formerly owned by Jas. Moore and previously by M. A. Parker. About 60 acres of he tract are in a good state of cultivation, of which a part is well -drained low grounds. Good 'tenant house nd necessary out-houses and a good well o water are on the premises. Terms 1350 cash, balance three equal annual installments with - in terest from date oi sale. . . . - " ' J. Hal, Bobbitt, hot 5 VifV.-Ex.'iof Ji B.'Bobbitt. " For r fATicirmntiAT For the last 20 vears we sumption tn stock, and would fet along without sugar in his Iso's Cure.' - It is a sure seller. Ceresco, -Michigan, September v a. The National BanfepMeii RALEIGH, ( N C. latll'Tfl.I Pfilfl llifl 71 M.U.J Surplus and Uttdevided Profits . ; . , ;: directors. f; ;i - J B. BATCHELOR, I ; f " JAMES A, BBIGtrS, H' L O . M. BUSBEE, i . , : J- t THOMAS B. CROWDEft, P. O. MORING1, - ' ; V- JULIUS LEWIS: ' CHAS. E. JOHNSON, j - CHAS. H. BELvIN, , - - j W, R. TUCKER. , . .n - OFFICERS: CHAS. H, BELVIN, President. CHAS. E. JOHNSON,Vice-President P, H. BRIGGSr Cashier. - - Our banking room has been enlarged and refurnished - - A NEW. which is entirely fire proof and burglar proof.ihasj been added. The. doors controlled by combination, automatic and time-locks, built by the 'Miller S'e and Ironworks, o Baltimore, and superintended by Mr. J.. M. Mossraan.fof New York, an eypert in burglar proof work.c ln this vault we have placed SAFE DEPOSIT 'BOXES of the very latest design, tne convenience of which can not be appreciated un til they are seen, and all are Invited to see them., , - - - - The renter of the box has the Jtev. and no one can rn.n rwia in tr I contents of the box without the presence of the renter, and if he should lose his key, the finder could not gam access to the box, the contents of wi i h ran ! be known only to the renter. There is ample room in the boxes for V e ;i of deeds, valuable capers, wills, bonds, stocks, etc.. and ! obtained for very moderate costo" I . - .- ... i - ' Convenient and private rooms have been provided for, the exclusive use of customers in the examination of papers, cutting coupons, etc. We nave an excellent vault in addition to this Una buro-Iar nronf nn'i for the storage of boxes aad packages. , Everyone interested tp beautiful workmanship and most delicate mochas ism are cordially invite! to inspect the new work. Tb Zz uyl 11 -ir Under and by virtue t; . of the Superior Court, i.i r : -tion, No 6512, - e i d, euu. ,,m Smith v B F Montague, v !'!, r'l the 7th day of Deceriber, 1 ;, & .1 at public auction at tbe t '- mse door in the city of I 1 ;,' O, at" 12 ra, the following t... ' i sit uateinWake county, bt. . ws township, (beginning at a st .1.8 Jes sie Watkin's n wcornerin Joiiu ; an Pool's line; thence s 20 poles to a stake said Watkin's s w c rner; thence s 35 w 53-5 poles; thence west 93 poles to two red ouks on the bank of Neuse river; thmce up the . various courses of said river about' 84 poles to Pool's corner; " thence with his line s 8k e 1 to the beginning. . containii f., , acres. Also, at the sanne t.. .e and place, we will sell the personal prop erty set out in said decree, consist- . ingof 1 mule, 1 horse, 2 wagons, harness, farming- implements and part of crops made on said land. Terms cash. " " r, ARMISTEAD JONES, r ' . THOSRPURNELL, s no7 tds" ' , , - - Commissioners. -. r:aTi:s. - North Carolina, I In Superior Cour, ' Wake county. ,j Before DHYouag', ' ' ' Clerk. . J. C. Marcom, administrator of' ' Cherry Penny, deceased, vs. Mary " , Walters and Henry .Walters, her . huBband, Mary Allen, Lillia Allen, Roxie Allen, John- s.llen, Susan Al len, George Pennyj Ada Penny, and Annie Holroway, heirs at law of ' ' Cherry Penny deceased. To Mary Walters, Henry , Walters, :T Mary Allen, Lillie Allen and John ' Allen,' defendants above named. You will take notice that a special. .. proceeding has been instituted in this court by J.C; Maroom ad minis- tratorof Cherry Penny, deceased, entitled as above, for the purpose of -' obtaining an order for the sale of , the real estate of his said Intestate . ."-: to create assessments for the pay ment ot the debts of the estate and ' -the charges of adminLi ration,, and i you are hereby required to appear V . at my office in Raleigh, N. C, on the v 2d day of December, 1896, and an -swer or demur to the 'complaint of : the plaintiff in said action or pro- -leeding, otherwise the relief prayed, -p z itt will be granted. , ' , D. H. Youno, C'erk Superior Court of Wake, Co. - -'. October 19. '96. . . 1 aw 6 w . have keot' 'RsoVCure for Cotv sooner think a grocerynuri could store than we could without RAVEN & CO. Druprists."' " 2, J896 ' ' . V ' , , X . i ' V-$225;000 . 75,000 s VAULT, cf C:!:! JALEIOII.N C,

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