Mi I v. . i. H .NCE City Editor. IiiJexto New AdvsrtlssmsBts. Tucker Specials. L3 Weathsr Tomorrow PoiHut for Ralalf n. Icm(i ' T.ma.1 forecast (or Raleteb, fnot extending beyond ra I- 'at... my miles:! Fair to night and Wednesday; southerly ' T. Forecast for Korth Carolina: Fair clousinesa wed- nesday, with showers in the western portion; warmer. , ' ual Data.' r .1 -i-i- fn 94 tinnra ending at 8 , JUKvtt " . m. (today) November 10, Maximum temperature, wim""""1" " ' 48; rainfall. 0.00. 4 Conditions of tk Wthr. '.' The following were the weather con- 4itlona at 8 a. m. toaay. State of Ue weather. ... Temperature of the air. Sensible temperature. . -. . wind Telocity. : fair. 48 deg. 42 de. Litfhi. N. E. Olrectlon of wind., .... PBKSOHAL. Mr VC Maxwell, of Charlotte is here. ' . " ' Mr and Mrs G C McGilvary ar "rived in the city today. ' Mr. W. wl Jenkins, of Wake : Forest, was in the city today. Miss Olivia Perkinson, of Wise, is v visiting the Misses Terrell. Col.; John S. Cuningham, repre " tentative elect from Person county is in the city. 'Miss Eva Lehman, who has been ' visiting relatives in the eastern part ' of the state has returned to the city. Miss Lime Goelet of Plymouth, N. C, is in the city visiting her Bister Mrs. O. C. Lehman. Mrs. W. O. Weathers has gone to Memphis, Tenn., to visit old friends ' . and acquaintances. , His many friends are glad to see In the city Capt. John Eudy who is here visiting his daughter Mrs. Nat. L. Brown. . " Mr. W. A. Montgomery, who is V? now with the United States Hotel in - Boston, where he has been for sev 1 eral years, is at home on a visit and his many old Raleigh friends are , glad to shake his band once more. Old Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for . your trouDiesr ii noi, gei a Dome ' now and get relief. This medicine , has been found to be peculiarly ' adapted to the relief and cure of all 1 female complaints, exerting a won derfui direct influence in giving ' strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion. headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at John Y. McRae's drug store. For Sale. ' One ten-horse portable boiler and engine complete and in good run ning order. A bargain. Address "Adot. " care Press-Visitor. nolOtf Don Lost, Strayed or Stolen. An English setter, saddle back, answering to the name of ''Mickey." Reward will be paid for his return to 520 South Harrington Street. no9 4t Lost. A watch charm ring, filled, solid with deer and dog on one side, hand and bird on the finger on the other side. Return to this office. nov9-2t For Rent. ... Two nice large offices over the store of Sherwood Higgs & Co. Ap ply to. 'fcatf&CZ) -ZZJ sel9tf Ernest Hay wood. For Rest. i : Thres-storv brick buildine cor. Fayetteville and Morgan streets, re cently occupied by Democratic head: ; quarters, For terms apply to w. 15. Grimes. novo tf : Presbyterian Property Sale. In order to prepare the ground lor building purposes, weare author ised to sell . the following property , of the First Presbyterian church, vis: the frame Sunday school room ana tne picket fencing on the south west corner of Salisbury and Mor gan streets. To be sold separately or together and to be removed from the premises la ten days from . date or sale. v . Junes PiiiwiDDix, ) , 3. M. Mowrr, Committee Jcutri Lewis, J nov 6 3t . Hotiosto thaPablio. . Mantels and Grates of all kinds furnished at short notice, also Tile Hearth and Facings and Fire Place Heaters a specialty. I will guaran tee rry work and will give you the i p'..t of the coal or wood you burn. V, ill turn the heat into your room. Aa improvement on the old plan of r tit up the chimney. I, can b i :t 1 r.t 2"J Fayetteville street, at , r o'( ' c k p. m., and from 6 to 9 p. .. - o M.mtle & Gsate Co. .' " . i A. II. Temple. . . .. W. II. & R. S.Tucker & Co. Wb Soi Goods Chiapsr Than Ant 1 - Other Hocsk. , on Received today on Sale tomorrow Received today on - Sale tomorrow Received today . on .Sale tomorrow .on - Taxbodr Mcsun for Curtains -Tamboub Muslin for CrKrAEs ' We receiyed today and? will place on sale tomorrow the prettiest ana cheapest line of Tambour Musuh roa Curtains that we ever had the pleasure of offering our customers. Nots thx Pricks. Note th Prices. 2C-inch Tambour Muslin for Sash curtains, in several designs, worth, we think, 17c per yara, our price me 29-inch Tambour Muslin, suitable for Sash Curtains and small windows. You would think it cheap at 20c per yard, our price 15o 30 inch Tambour Muslin, sheer and dainty and several patterns to select from, we believe you would readily pay 30p for it, our rrice to close quiok.... 20o 50-inoh Tambour .Muslin for Full Curtains, pretty open work designson fine body muslin would be cheap, yes very cheap, at 50c, but to create quick selling we make the price. 40c 60-inch Tambour Muslin for Full Curtains in the sweetest patterns too pretty to de scribe we never sold any thing like it before for less than 65c per yard, no w . . 50c Call early, they are going to sell fast Call early, they are going to sell fast W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Horse Auction. I will have two car loads of good, young, West Virginia horses ship ped from West Virginia to me, to be sold on consignment, which I will positively sell to the highest bidder at my stables in Raleigh, on Satur day at 12 o'clock, Nov. 14, 1896. Stock guaranteed as represented, or no money paid. These horses are from 5 to 7 years old, sound and food workers. If you want good 'irginia horses don't miss this op portunity, as -they will sell cheap. Everything guaranteed. John W. Littlepaok. Ed. Thohason, Auctioneer. nov2 lm who wishes to see the finest ' ing stoves ever brought to this city will do well to call and see a samp'.. Hue of really Fine Goods, bought for the purpose of exhibition at our recent State Fair. We Offer these Stoves at a Special Price, Tios. H. Briggs & Sons RALEIGH. N. C. Special Values, g (A Money was never so powerful as it is here today. You (fi have no cause to complain of hard times, for although dol- A s l&rs way be scarce and hard to get, at the same time we WZ are giving more for a dollar than you ever got before in all Z CW vnur lifo T1.A 1 J if jv -"v.. m4ku .uucaio wiftiiuwii uero. nun vur uuswin ak m ers are the happiest and the most contented people you'll Ifk find. He who best serves the interest of the buying world, 47 and sell reliable goods for lower prices than vou can get (7 ZJ them anywhere else. This policy has gained us the repu- A XJation of being the banner low price house of the State. 7 A Thr Thine That We Are Headtjaartera Oa ; g Blankets; Cspss, Undsrwear. g 49 . We have already had a great business on these lines 7m this season, but we keep buying because we keep finding Jm f001 '"K8 at under prices, and of course we want you to 7 get the advantage of our good buying. Friday we are go- 97 (P ing to have a Specipl Sale on blankets and capes, a new (A 7m line of each that we have just received,- bought on a de- Tifc J u.o vnu lUKiOBh j . .j w i.iui n . v u ivon wuou . , -w - v " ' sal . kiu... v.i i fc-r pair, ueiwr outaKess were- never S 7 Good, heavy, warm capes, cut very full, neatly made, trim i med. none but the newest and best. 9&v 1 2S nn tn 7 Jlrt uutnucso were-never SOI a at a lOurth more. ;i mea, none ou lue newest ana w' , " "i h w i w uu 11 w -: ro inTiie everyDOuy to W' come on Friday and take part in this special sale of two 29 seasonable and neceHsarv artirlps' Rlnntota tni - . . 1 . " m j w iV, v mw -mw mw v v 1 lUoIaSYQ Just Received y . , . . .v... n , A IOT 01 ' ! . Colgate &Co's SOAPS, Perfumery Vaseline Prepara tions, Cold Cream, Camphor Ice, etc' Try a bottle of' their Florida Water' for 25c, lust as good as any other at higher price. Send us your prescriptions to fill or your orders for anything in our line. Yourt very truly, Janes McKimmon & Co,, 133 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. . What's in a Name? It Depends As to the rose or violst, nothing. But take our name W. II. KING & CO., Now, there's c great deal in that. For instance: In prescriptions it means PURITY and FREEHNESS of Drugs, Care and exactness in compound ing, Fair ness and moderation in price. Whether you want medicine, or soda water,, cigars or Soap, Candies or chewing gum, we serve you with honesty, courtesy, and dispatch. One good name meanseverything to you, it means entire satisfaction to us success. Yes. There's Lots In a lame. Still They Gome. Another big lot of Apples Now Arriving. King's. Baldwin's, Northern Spys, Etc These apples are shipped direct from the orchard, are well packed sound, and in good keeping condi tion. PRICE: $1.75 to $2.25 perBbl Did you ever know fine apples so Cheap at this season of the year. A liberal use of them in i your family may save a "doctor's bill. " A bar rel of apples cost 75; one visit by a physician f 00. beer D; T. JOHNSON AGENT. Phone 18. UOUra It UF UUf UUI1UV W DDT L uuaa u un.H 1. 1 1 r i . wv nim ww, vw9 -m uv, v w. V uv m 1 . j.' . . Dest, sac, f 1 2a, 2 00. 2 50. W' " " v w j. ' REMOVED 131 fayetteviUe St. ... - - Raleigh Stationery Co. - 4?iw ' Phone 142 - -FULL LINE- Fine Stationery, - 0- - Office and School Supplies. LeadsrsiaLon Prices. , -...V li',.. . .. ' j oc28 tm The "Bow-Wow" Toe, "Russis Calf Rope Switch" Calf Lined Bala at $4 are still having a great run. fj-xy Needle toe and Jewel Toe Calf Bals are Ueill5 ""great selllers at only $3 00 a pair. Gen'ts' broad plain toe congress gaiters and lace shoes at $2 00, wear like iron. 4 ", Call and see the New Styles as well as the great bar gains at . ;i .'-"' HELLER'S SHOE STORE, Established in 1876! A. B, Popular Goods, Popular Prices and Pop ular Salesmen. 5 nuuumimiuiiuuuiiiiuuuiiimAiiiuitimuuimmiiiiimiuuuuuu uui We are Always busy Selling Fine Goods at We do not aim to sell the "cheaper" grades' Those who want fine goods and do not want to pay too much, would do'well to look at what we have to sell. Ladies', misses' and children's underwear, 25 per cent cheaper than can be bought el3ewhere. Ladies' firrev. mixed combination suits.... 50o ' white Jersey ribbed suits extra quality white ribbed Fleeced : ribbed, non-shrinking union suits. worsted " Oxford cut " winter combination wrappers " Oxfprd finest wool ribbed vests and pants .... " fine Scarlet Australian wool rants and vests " low neck and short sleeves Richilieu ribbed merino vests 100 " high neck and long ' " " " 1 00 " Extraheavy merino vests.. 100 !' Pure wool vests ,.. 1 00 " Extra quality, non-shrinking vests 6O0 " Peeler cotton ribbed vests ... 25c " Grey and white ribbed " Pants to match all of the above Missess' combination union suits Big Line and Big Values In'Misses' and Children's Pants and Vests New Lines, Great Values, Three Scotch Ginghams Z6, W and su inches, Special sale ladie's skirts Ladie's Ladies' Balmoral skirts ...... There Are Others . . But None So ROYALL & BORDEN. ' We - have just received 1100 -Wilson Heaters, in all sizes, from the largest to tne smallest. - l I . - JBv buvior in larce lots we are than any other house. Open at or 1 n THE WAY- .. i O TUl oIl..- Sells Cheap. Tot. We are often asked if we do not run a kind of OlBM, Novelties, Fancy Goods, ' --- ' Brlo--Urac, -:";' Steam Io;i, . Meebanlcal Toys, racket store,". but we wish it positively under stood that we do Iron Trains, not run a racket store, but a toy and candy- store, and that we do not handle any trash Ioll Uabs,- . Wood Trains, k Blocks, - V Books, : ,:v-. . Baskets, Walking Cases, Bobby Horses, . Wagons,- Velocipedes, -Tricycles, ": Box Paper, Writing Paper, ; Envelopes, ? Tablets,. -Glassware, Tinware, Crockery, Candy, Frnlts, Nuts, Silverware, Vases, Chair, Babber Goods, Tennis Goods, Foot Balls. or auction goods. Why the iUfrgran Toy Store sella so Ksneap is Because wenavenaaaiue lone training -In khe large whole- Seals houses and we know when to buy and how to buy, and our cash tenable us to buy cheapest, and we give our custo mers the benefit of all this. " By buy ing only flrstolass goods direct from the factories we sell them to you at re tail at regular wholesale prices and we give you a warrant that, what you buy of us is no - racket goods, but "first call" every, time. , Price, Quan tity and. Quality is our-watch-word. . RIGGAN'S TOY STORE, y 132 Favetteville Street. Holler The Leaders in Shoes, Gall Attention to Their New and Complete Stock of Gents' Footwear. Low Prices. 6O0 union suits . ........ 85C tloo ........ 160 1 60 75c, 1 00, 1 25 combination suits . .1 UO 17c, 3 for 50c at same orice as the vests. .35c and 50o liros., STR0NAGH Umbrella Sale. : , big Specials in Gloria Silk and v&c, f 1, i w, wonn i si ou, ita knit wool skirts ... - 60c, 1 00, 1 50 .... .;........ ;;... .,. . vbuoand oo Nice As Ours. orebared to make vou lower nrices - Nijxht. 8 The Most Tcral-r Dcnart:...:t ti:ro Li ilis Economic Prices Preyail in all Departments C;;J C':::jf:rYc:r L::r.:y. Thelarcest den&rninnf. hnca - - -r-o--- r ... " """" iwajuai tm Shsts. We have a large assortment of hrnr'a shnsa nf fill nt 1 fin 1 and 150. WeDav nartlcular atten- tion to the quality of bur ladies' 1 25 160 and 200 shoes.; Crdsset's" 8 00 shoes for. men; ' y '-Mr We dp a large merchant-tailoring' , 1 pair of pants at a reasonable price and " - - - Lcdiss' Vcstsf 18c ribbed waist at' ,12e . . 25o .. 6O0 .250 .'.'.60c S7o bleaohed 680 v V ...... Children 's union suits Misses' " T "ttaSftj'Jfii We sell these fast black hose at 15 and 25c a pair. All sizes. - jFyHH,.s ""B"? oesi stock of mluinery tai Raleigh. v, shoe possible to buy for the prices. Especial attention is called to our - ffi'iinn 9?'i6 cap department for Children, all the. - 7S, 85, 90, 1, 1 16, 1 25. 1 35. 1 60.. - MW shanos in tana on nand iu s.r,rl ife. i:??x''y P"ce8 ery low. W ;..-vi:'V'vX,i; Oapes, cloaks, jackets, children's reefers, X ladies' suits, wrappers and skirts in great z. variety, as to price and quality, " Our terms l are 'cash. One price 1..r See our 6c and 10q counters. Many bargains on them. ' Agents for the sale of .Butterick Patterns: WOOLLCOTT & SON, " 14 East Aiartii Stet. ; " We Sell Goods Any umer :') 8atilslsiw(sisisisiisiarsissisfiis.f(a. IBIacksDress Goodsi - ANOTHER GREAT OFFERmG For the week,; N6vF9thftbI14tK v. Justly we pride ourselycs upon our reputa ; y tion of years as the most reliable, house . in tne state lor black dress sale in this department the ordmarV snecial sale, i $ 4 tex dlackyress boods 50 pieces comprising Lupin 's celebrated cheviots, Boucles, Prietes, "4 Caniohes, Sailcloths, etc. , correct weights for winter use; for stylish street . : J' costumes.' These are recent purchase and represent, the-very best'' -Btuffs made for this season's trade at prioes 33i per cent below real value, S i? really below the cost of importation, we boutrht them at bar rain nrima in sell them at bargain prices to our customers. ! This Special Sale begins '' 17. II. G R. S. Set The ins . v .: -t. . !'. -V. :.' --ri; - Highest standard of values at the Barga Thai with reoutable sroods. No house in Balelcrh your money, and no salespeople re more patient, Indulgent and obliging sl Cloak Prices! cn n:::rd.I Quickest cloak sellinc ever dnnfl. Our close prices make the business. . On Mondav we commennfi Bfillinir BJdAovolty capes, bought for our grand opening and Fair exhibit at one third less than manufacturer's prices. Sale phenomenal comparison invited; every one to be closed out this week. . ". Domestic and home-made Soods sold without regard to the sharp ad vances on all lines of Domestio manufacturers. - i . ? Great Shoe-Trading Center. I Our shoe department Is a scene of activity. Restocked and "newly fitted op. The display of shoes is marvel of beauty, about one-half the Bargain Shoes, as avertised were closed, oulv 83 rtalrs Wt tn ha r. gardless of cost, price $1 fiO for any. r' N . - Another case of those celebrated heavy double fleeced 20-4 blankets, in white and grey, at only,,'- - 1 VC Those 60c kid i loves, all sizes all ic, fancy colored to be closed out at I Every dar sorcethicir at OFF PRICES- . Not in ufflint rtunnjwu. to advertise. ' .' . m irf. j. i- v. i -,t...i .. ; e uu au iiao hi . uuusu DUt Will gay that we nave tne Dest selected T'V! stk..Al 4 o-tUJKGIAI--3 .,: 10-4 all wool white blankets';. .-3 68 41 - 4 " . l -. . ...424 12-4 . ";-;.t.;488; bWnesa. will make yo'u a suit -or w wwawarsis rfLasa asasjsa v visl 0 P W S)y - fj s guaranteeovr work in every respect. , - . ' " " ' ' "' i . : Oenulne castor buckskin . 00 -v; C Heavy domestio kid gloves .,1: .880" " V London tanned dogskin glove..-, 87o S Wool lfned Kangaroo .. . 760 . ,.,,C:;;:4 heagoatskinl 0tf5'rp: All bargains. ; Also full lines ol - clotb,-wool, kid and leather gloves 1; ' ; A from 25c to 1 00 a pair. " . ',. v 3 SHIRT WAIST ITEMS, i .'l All wool flannel, in red, ttue and v 5 k:r black, new style sleeve waist v.t 00 ,r Scotch plaid walst'?SViyl 'Handsome wool Henrietta waists) lined, full sleeve, ripple iouff, ole-i; gant fitting waists... .It 1 48 Cheaper Than Mouse ! if. ' goods, and a special , means far more than - S j : ;.. TUGIIEn G GO. lownst Greatest cape house in the city nffa.11 tit tmt tilorh' KlaB. WLf .J Sean colors. One case fine curtain scrim stripes at 5c. . . V V- - ' nr.- i in i I Konnia ivnnnnnnrr I 0UUIU ilUIIUUIIIIMl ; I :;'rV-fr- v,.;;; ;:":-.. O 'i r ;iirrr;iip? ti- f A c u c - B. r"