1 Y I S: Vl-,iuK-lKES9 y ..COUPORlTtDI. AT'ON. OF. THE .VISITOK, ..J 1373, AND THE PRESS, e in the Pullen Bulldingborner ..yetteville and Davie Streets. Clt. O. iXDUWK' ''-'' i"; M. . . ' "Hi-w,l,l'.'l. I in' ! "'' JASI'ER N. McttARY, .,,..-. r,H SolialtiM G tion Prices,; One YeyiM4.'&'-. Six MonUxtix.w''?-M One MonU.,;:lViito.AW:j26 v liich this year will he of more than usual importu e, ousiJering the various quest! .sat isguo between this countryand'those abroad." One-third of the, message is now completed, and ' bjr Thanksgiving I Day it la expected the whole jvill be. ready for the printer. ,;:; -"'.,-, la Texas "the total vote was650, 000,,' and Bryan's' majority" ls bsti- ... ?M,T fH-' I mated at 330,000. '-c , '.- r:. t -Mu i.. .J,,,. r,,,!.'-8' ;f - ., ,'f MlfiUn'i -Armlaa aVaa5yS-jf ,ijhe ibest .salve is the world lor outs, bruises,, sores, ; ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles; or no pay. required. .i It is guarran teed tQ give perfect satisfaction r money refunded, v- Price 25 cents ww Vox. r sale by John :,Y' Mao .. 1 c-n 1-..!. i.t f Entered arf Bedond Class Mall '. j . ,,. Ull.1 I ,H,lHiUl','t' t'.tii1 'i .i"i'!";".'L'iTiti7n: - V.5 w... N: LABE.L V jTl. J Blood la JUfa. The Leader in the News and - fnlulaliSn H r ' . ,'TBaCJBPHONB No. 188, -.V-: . .t-- MAT HK A W I ITH1 N. of ppngrass'na tt lis said at Wasb- - ington tat' an' extra 'session is abso lutely certn should :tbis Congress , fail to provide-, for the . expenses of - the government.'' There is no lbnger " that revenues' are ' lnsufficientl 'An .v.' .-v,1 i f- lvi ' ' ' ' ' Bniwal - vill Ka mar! A hv rt.lia DpTktlh ucans w i nave. ..revenue measure passed at 4h short session which begintfir,u Deoeinbef "'The only meamife that could stahd any chance '. of passi'frouid betne bingley . tariff biii ." That ' is throucrh the ' House ,an,d. now .rests .! with the Fi . nance Committee of the Seuate. We ' are bearing' now a,good"'aear about the Dibgleylariff1' feilU-4' ' Wis bl'l' passed the Bouse on December. 27, . 1895, and was defeated to the Senate on February 26, 1896. It was entit led by its autndrs ii bill' "to "tempo V rarily mtirease te venue tb nnet 'the . y AfnAnOAa Af itHa '"irnvavnTTwirt anil ' provide against , deficiency . " . Jt proposed a horizontal increase of 15 per centi-of the duties fixed in 'the " Wiis4tm!oiintalt"Idesex-' f cept sur, 'w'ooie clothing and lumber, 11,Wooj1 ,was tq .b taken from , the fref list and subjected to a duty . Aft vwiw MMt nf..t4M.'vo1i1c. 'onil' t.Ktf . . . . ' ' duty on' woolen tobdi itiM tb be bnv portionie'l' 'lncrease.','i , tumber aiso was to.De, jjaen, irpm. una free list and,! subjected to a duty of 15 per cenX ot its value : The duty on sugar was 'nbt to be increased. The - Single j blft was , i n effect a general tariff bill, affecting, every attiqe ;on the dutiable list except sugar, and adding wool and lumber to that list. 4.11 iraa B&pxvuuvit uv - buo ,uii was some tw and a half years, or until a Republican should be elected Pres ident, after which event the duties would be. put : higher.' An increase ' . nf IK wtr Mnt wna .AasurllvA fts a1 -together Insufficient from the Repub lican point of view, but was as much toVsanction! Jt was " "for revenue onljt Jti1(wa,s ft.rgued and wholly inadequate as a measure of "protec tion. ' - r romtrte Horizontal increase of IS pel cent, an Increased revenue of tla.000,000 was expected; the duty impose on, wool - and, woolens was. counted upott,fBuce;2&,D0q,W more, or Mough foi make the we oue of the government 'equal to its xpenditure.,y t.w.iw -During thtf past few flajs tfiere'' has been 'quite 4' 6bom among! the ti a.?. ..r.lU'. H.-Kinri..4f Populists for'lSf., Bryan, fo XTnid States Senator fromi,, the ,Stt of Washington. Tb (Constitution of TTashlngton ' rovidci' thattdife eligible to the 'bffice the 'can'didate shall be merely an; "nhabitanV''!f?. the State a the lime of iis eleotionr so that 'the- fusion' -'major ft--in thi-' Legislature could elect Bryan in i : ise he eould be induced o,go to S ' . e Slate.,'; Free sil yer ( , controls $t t c f 112 members.iot ,the Logisla-J It Is the medium which carries to evety -'nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If ta blood is pure, rich and healthy you will be well: if impure; disease' will soon overtake you. Hood B Sar bapariUa has power to keep -you in health by making your blood rich and purei: i,i;; ; ; ";" v Hood's pills are easy to take, asy to operate. Curet inqigestiop,i!tbiI ousness. " ' , ' . , v-- .i. . .. , U. ---- v a' . " Then are tads . in medicine as well -as la VUllIO other things," said busy , rf, druggist, " but n mo w CU j ramarkabte thing about Hood's Sarea- 1 paxfllA lslhat tustotnefii"whd trybthei nmadiei all com baci to Hood's, ana 'thia It 'why; tb Wnorfiouavalet of jthlf ji Vj x neat intdidnp fT-S l fy&fp op oontinqa tho Ij whola .year round, steady U J f clock. ., wWhy it itt" "O,. limply bectuat food's SarsaparUla has more real rura Mve merit than any oiedloin 1 evePtoliK" , Thia is ol daily oecnrrenoa in almost very drag stor Uoodg" ' Sarssparilla baa cured more sickness, and made more happiness through restoration to health than, any otnez medicine. , - "l r M te mi 1 ? . f We Sell Goods ChcarrTlian - 2L Arty ' Otheriloitsa l" 'J J Loco!:outraro you ready for -it? If not, como and Ret your shoes. Somerbeautiful For the. week, Nov. 9th" to 14th. bianketsrquiits Black Dress Goods ANOTilER GREAT! , 0FEERIN6 comforts,' rub- Justly-we pride ourselves upon our xeputa(ber2lisH5S! a.i .- -T" ii - ' j - V i i i - I . . . - - - uuij o years as ine; mos.u renaoie nousem lows' anu'COatS . KH tka ahW nllk t HOOd'S PillS withaeodlSarawarUla. I ?:ffLand:SaIe; etk SlES o v -1 las lap Probes. ,;4M,MM sSpecialSaieat Do tn forget 'Jirtii 50 pieces domprisihg'Lupin's celebrated cheviots,- Eoucles, Frieaea, .-rj-yji.;ilfAoo'-iifi- ..iw pieces comprising Lupin's celebrated cheviots,- Eoucles, Friezes, 1 . , Art ; Koe , tia Canichesk Sailcloths, eto.',:correct weights lor winter use, for stylish street y U )U I,, I JV losio , .yY jfe? 's trade at nrioes 331 tcer cent below real value. 1 1 iuvv 'UlClity , we bought them t bargain priues , to j t- 1 0 Vr'ci f o ' " . fr iustonjors; . This SDecial Sale begins 1 JJ. I 1 IV.V.I. I& f"SlU HEW SHOE STORE. a Extraordinary Bargains.;;.; ' ! aful dnoes 7 Ladies' fine Dongola kid button Boots, patent tips, heel and spring beeLatonly 98c, $1 25, 1 50 and $175. - ." '" Finer grades from 2 to $5. ' Gent's Shoes . Gent's fine dress shoes il, $1 25, $1 60 and $1 75. Fiuer grades from $2 to $6. '-, - Boy's Shoes. ' Boy's fine shoes II, ,11 25. and $150. Finer grades from $1 75 to $350.'' "' -' 1 : " "" Children's Shoes. en's fine shoesTjc, 0. . ... Infant's LzSFL"Atiaaa made for this season. i. noujo ana wire, fuizaoeui, re? i .ii. hAini tv imnnrtatinn corded in Book t7,pre '6SOy'reoorda j "i'ff."01!"" Ro-i.t... 4 iwii - m.u, J sell them at barirain nnces to bur countv. I will, on Mondav. November 1 Monday, November 9tft. Come early for choice. 2, W9&,a12oVock.itt.1alitothe high- f fl :&ifO'ffl''4S n mM9WW ""ft ''Art at -tjae court liouse "door 1 of .Wake county, N. C, a lot oattie south side of South street In the city of Raleigh, beginningat William Fowler's north east, corner . on n South ,treet,.. runs south; 128 feet to a stake, thence east 35 feet to Eliza .Bell't line, thence north, 128 feet to South street,' thence west With South street tothebeglnnlngi sBltds.vf ,WW: N.! JONES,' Att'r- " .. '"I ! j ',. i i i:l !' .... them. Lyon naclcpt Stqro 1.; Sale oMandi: in Cedar Fork ; Township. -i itratofa Notice. On jSaturday. November 2st, 1896 Haying qualified as administrator I at 1$ in;, b!; virtue of the power of the estate of ' Cherry'Penhyj de- given! us m a deed of mortage,-exe- ucaou taw vl bkb coumy; a . xj. , cutea Dy A o.Follord and registered this is to jiol?fy,. all t (persons kaving in the offcq o( the, Register of Peeds claims against the said Estate to for Wake bountg, in Book 78 at page present the same to the undersigned 673, we wilt scllat public outcry, the on or . before the 8th day of October;1 following described lands, situated 1897, pt 'this qtpfl,will, bepleafl in in Wke county and said Township; bar of their recovery, and . jail , per- to wU $ First,,tbe tract convayed to sons Indebted to the said estate are said, A S Pollard, by John W Hins-. hereby ootifled 'to make iinmediat6 dale.dommissidner by deed dated May payment to.ma, .Hi. i,.... 21sf, h884j-adjoining the lands of V- MAttCOH.vam r. ., iJosepn.,Jiar6tiail. S UMareomand ltw6w others--, Beginning at a red oak, W.'J , ,!u iw: B. Scptt s corner, thence North, ,57 j ExeCiorS nNotice. Marshall' :-corner then Nerth , ii aegrejes iiast, 251 poles to' " Small x. ubat, Att y. October -Hj 18961 as executor of J sourwooujneniuNorth Sif. degrees tament of James 1 West 164 poles to a stake, Marshall's ,1 hereby give then South 2 degrees , West itahtorifoliimta 74 pofcs to a stiimn. M. . SorreH's Children's fine shoesTjc, $1. $i 25 and $1 50. ... . . . . . tj ; i. I'l y .ress is being made by ; - '' f eparation cf . et-o Congress, Infant's fine shoe s 25c 33 .nd 50c Finer grades 75c to $$1 25. '"''HosiEuy; Ask to see our line of hosiery .. It is the best and cheapest ljne ia the city, ! "'""'.. "... S. IC. POOL. ''. ;; ,' ' S. B. NORRIS, Manager. ' ' sep'25. ;v' " 1 Having .'.qu&tifie the last win and tes Ji. Bobbltt, deceased notice to all neranns in. take immediatepaymenttome.andto Iine then South 874 degteesEist all persons haringclaims against him ; J64poles,to,a stake, then, South. 2 to presen tn same to me; airly verti I f-P J? V l1011-8 TO poinier fififl. .. kni. nr . hnfrn-a tha AtK l&CU Marcon s cbrner. then North September,,, 1897, otherwise ;ithis. Hjdegres, East1 74J poles to. the noticei mav be'plead' in bar of recov- oegiping,'-"containing about 127 ery.v f J. HAL'BOBBITT,; - acresJ t Seoonfl the tract of about 18 Exectttotof J.'B. Bobbitt' dee'dL''' acres f adjoining s,t,he lands.of Lucy :- mnn I Pagf J. Watkins, J. Q. Adams, . , ) for OTtir nrty Tear " , anJ Dennts"Sdrtell and described in .ZZf.: ?.de4 from.. Susan Page J ere Wat- tldms Ham .1 I V Hi Sals of Land Kssr RaUish. f bit! f wUl offe for alet the Court House doprin,!feleigh,it4-r(!olok cember',; 1896, : : ' valuable tract, of land about 3J miles" east 'TO Raleigh containing Ninety-four acres, more or Jess, Adjoining ;th9jands?of ;W .H. Wnllflmftn riftApnspd. J. TJ. Dodd. J. din, ( i vv. virossanu -otners, tii oeing ub tractioriandiormewy owneaDyjas. (-f l Un.'..-r ar,d I y . of the h ,;; "i-ior C'. l, tion, In'o '.-''.-'. ci t, ' Smith v li F the 7th day ;of I' at public aui-tum t.t ' flooflli I...- ol 12 m, the following t uate in Wako county, tc' i.ati.ew3 . .' township, beginning at a stake Jes sie Watkin's n wcorrorin Jonathan, Pool's '.line; tfiehce s 2l,4 poles to a stake said Watkih's 'W,;C0Vner; thence s, 35 WfiS'J.S-S1 poles; thence 4 t" west ?3 , poles , to two red oaks p,j,f . the bank of Neuso' river; thence up the ! various" tsoarses' Of 'said river' ' M aboiit':84i poles) ito"Pool's corner;'' ' thence with hUlia.88i e 135 polosiil . to 'the, beginning, containing ,.aj, ,;,." aores,. Also, at the same time and . place,1 Tve will sell the'personalprop " ' erty,seteut4n said decree, consist-' "' ing ft; 1 f mul&j'l.i horse ! 2 wagonsyf.! x . harness, farming .Implements an4 part of crops , made on said land. i Lrmscash.''""- -""" ' ' . ,(, K ARMISTEAT) JOJtES; V';.. j iH.THOS R PURNELLy-. .!' 'not fas, git.i ,3 Commi3sinnor94il vi'.H . nil t. Mnnm .TirATlmiKlv ' hv- 'M .1 'AL ''"Another lot of those delicious South' I Parltpr-i About CO Acres oftha tract amptoncounty (Va. ) Hamsr also-flne areW a good state of,cu)Jjivatton,.p( lot nflld cured, "Johnaton; county which a'part Is well rabea low- gronnds-r-Gbbd-tonanf-httiise and fin, fat Mackerel, new -caok Hoe H2 necessary ouhousesand good well rings! etar, i---;-"- , ..j ,, ,.,loi watar are oatheipreinisesitu.Hi Lrose'.' Flour, still growing in J Terms;, $350 csb, . .balance three is nonularitv.'And wh 9? ' Because carefully . ground irom best selected wneaQi xvone superior to Melroe.,';, Nfce line finest green and black Teas. Special blend finest Mocha and Java roasted coffee makes an oxceUont cud. I handle nothinir but first class I goods, therefore orders "ay: be sent wtin oonnaence. r.i-ovroei pnoes guar anveeu. . l-tespectiu ay j -V- t m'M- 'V"T1 .li"l ' tpl'iii4ft'-i'l' f'HH -- i.jTi.It , i , , North Carolina, In buperlbr Court, , Wake county.""! Before DH Young, 1,1 1 , .j'- Vt-'j'. MHf-Vr'- " Clerk. . ' J. j ,Marcom administrator ofi mcmI Cherry PnnyC deceased,; va.uIarydj i. Walters and Henry Walters,, her .husband', May Allen' 'Lillie" Allen," Roxie AllenLoha 'Allen; Susan" AlJ'" "4 len, $orge Penny; Ada Penny, nd ; Ahnfe Holloway herrt -trt-'law - of . Cherry. Penny, .deceased,,,!,. ,.,,,4 -' .'iToi Mary Walters, Henry Walters, . Maejf Allen1, 'LilHtf Allfen and'Johi ;A Alle4,idefendantabov),named, ' ;LYou will take notice that & special 1 Uul ptocoding as jjoen, instituted,, ,;. thtff oour by J.-O Marcpm adminis- . trator of Cherry; Penny1, . deceased' ' entitled abovei fdr the1 purpose- of ')" " obtaining an.iwder .ifor the sale l i- the'real-;estate,pf,Jh,is1said.lnte$tato,i M:j to breate assessments for, the pay-1 , mont df the debts of the estate' ana . ohsrges of adrillnlstratiori, ttnd ' you ire tefeby eqtiired to appear"-, ', atmy) office in,Baleigh,,N-,CoiU1 ,.j 2d day of December, r j89G, and an-,,,.,, swer ot 'demur to the .complaint of .0; the, plaintiff W 'said- "action w pW'V-' " .eeqing,' otherwise tb rower prayed lit fl I J.D.TIM'EH, , Cor. Johnson and Halifjii fits. Telephon "Js, 1 1 ro7u,e?r eht idrso' wklS WW'S k8 nd wife , to said Pollard dated sueoem. It sootbes the child, softens tbe mims. 1 Nov.. 10th. 1880. ,rri,ii1 Tti TJ.v, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and la the best TJXLZ i7',MM uZa lt7k k reim-rty for DiwrhCBa. It wlU reliee the poor trac,i " 801(1 Pollard, On which he little sufferer Immediately. Sold Dy Druggists formerly lived ad joining the lands of Krt.wA,TWiow.: Thos. Pollard: J S Adams and others a.v.ihiti syrup." and takaBO -ivw.kiBd..'Us: and described in deed to himfrom Vi.W Lynn dated. January 1st, 1872 Anil ' liA-ri(btnVAr1 in tn'nni forteaid coiiCy in ' Book '34 tit pace nnn m i ...... lerms casn.."ra i. ..-. -jk.,. . , R. HU BATTIiE, . . d 4 WALTER Cl-ARK ' ' I Executors of E. II. Swain. "Raleigh, N. 0 , Oct. 20, 1896. li Whea Baby was tick, we gay ker Oastotla., ; . When ahe was a Child, the cried for Chstoa..,, ' Wbsarshe became Ilisa, aha dung to Castoria, -Whaa aba had Children, sbe gaT them Castorkv L v'KtUJ"-- 't'ix '-'-'.if t-' ' 1 ' . i.t u.i n i.i.m.1 . fiti ppASTinX!PKj he TniefofTinrie.V: glected to buyybflt Winter's supply of ooaland wood an 'the u-i'ii ( t DON'T t fV. (jia if ' This ! Overlook i A tn rr r.-V f I t f R ' r-.W give presorip'tle'ns' spec al Is ', 'If you neglected to buyybut Winter's supply of ooaland wood uuimw oK jum jiioicBi. icuires maiyou snsma nave doneiva ub rder now and avoid the rush which always comes with the first '.spe' oiq weatner. convenience and economy demandsthat yow buy your ".'' day or night. H that Is what easotf s supply of fuel at once, and to get fn and put ftirVayWore winter tl' MK, wo j f; will be a source of. satisfaction to you for months to come; Our stock, is t t fT 6 - " ) now cpmplete and we solicit your orders for best-goods Wesf prices.' t J, Vburs tfuly," ''' ' " GOAL and; WOOD. North; SidrDrng. Store, -OSfc W FnytlMlW St '"'"I A.',',..' .LL -Mii'a 'oi NortB Cabolina. I In Superior Court Wake Cbunty. " fTo OcA. Term, '96 M. J. Edwards J. J. Lawrence I lr Wl 1 rut m.ntnrl...ti m'-..;tul, cill equat annual inauviuueuis miu iii-p? 'f,r"-'- -r - -- -terestfrbma6f sale.' v i",,.'""",f',1 -J ... SvV.X0FN(J' '.- r' .novS.uw.otJ. B,.Bobbia,i , .October 19. '95. Jtf, ,,rrl, -,''-... ;..;.;. : ,..u.l ,,(! J Spy tV-:: ,k v hi- yrj. '. ;y ' ," ; ,'' . . V ' Ww . , , .. , . jl ., (s1ffAli,""7 l! Vf,t .J'l ',1 I"l I f: 1 :ll-i '" ror the last years we nave ken Xiso &xjuti tot con sumption in stock,anj would sooner txunJsa groceryman couidn,... i, et along ,wijthoLl; sugarjln iusstore'than we could without r "i i iso's Cure., ?It is a sure seller, RAVEN & CXO.i Drurcfcts, ,6 ''w ' above Sntitled action. ,, Take notice: C"Wsfv Mictottn. Sextitmbeti 2 189 . .'i'"" :, ""'' i f-"'! :'xm on the 2tWv day, of. August, - r n ., , , ( , mi svuub wan iwgun sou iuhh To J- J. Lawronoe, defendant in the I M ppgi fMiatilalMiibRalcigfe Lawrence, and that summons tnercln ,.X , j. 4...fjOB , J , flU,mx has been duly I seued and returned 3'. . 'r , . E , ;. ,TT ... , , "not to be found:" That the purpose ji, sf - '" ' t""1' i WJ i '""''' j mi nj'tn-ww Mw 'f 1. ;LRALEIGH;j;if .J I, rVtij Phone .150. i . i4 iT i ' :,. r . f .... t .i . . t . , i.i,..1.., . .,,,.1 ,, -v ti l E;i .v'.::'.:i;",:Wfti f .a -,' 't-'-'s. 1 it: B ii,-1 j.f-i,i Politics i Don't . Bother Us. "iV ' ltt-il,U,Mf;-ll1tt HI .,li'ir ' .J Are Busy iKjIii Peace Institute, You . are herebv notified of the Den- dencv of laid action; and that a war rant Of attachment hat been isauch-in said action directing the ' seizure of your property in JSortiiCa olina. You are furtlier notified and required to ap pear at the October term of said Su perior Court . of wake county North Carolina, to ne neia in tne oity oi ital eiprh, in said county and State, on the 2oth of October. 1896. and answer or demur, during said term, to the com-1- pialnl wlilcn will Denied In snid action. or tbe plaintiff wllLhava judgment for 1 the relief demanded therein; when and where the warrant .of attachment will liKewiae be returned. - D. H. YOtTNG. ' Cterk Superior Court, Wake Co. 1 Aituu a a iNUW, Attorneys. 14 Profit,T i i. jj it, t . - il K . bll' i i., etl,t j,,l- viT h iu...!!,,., v-w.f n.ifl tfi ,jiftltfK.:rMill-..l.x ',H'rS13l, 11 rWI from you-to the aid '' M. J. Edwards upon ana py. virtue oi ontraot re-. latinc to the innnufacture and sale of medicine known as the Compound Ex tract oi iU)aaaiiB, ana to me pur- Capital Paid In ,r;-? t r 0225,000 from vou for breach of said contract 7 , - !f.,T tt . " "arj J " "jJfi4"' amounting in all to the sum of 3,000H "DUrpiUS UHU' UIHl VlULtU. l.-i Is. Vrattrtff tut it f li;7.5',000;-";;- l. f.''.l 'ill 4llt' Iflll. iiiMl .. l-l . fw.-iiM i'i4lit I '-1 I .. i . j ! llfyM lit 1 1 hi'i"! as. .a-. i i,.., rf . I. , j . f. L.I.I IllA lit Ml lli! II Tulr DIRECTORS: ,irr:r' ' 1 S t " r i.,.. JAME3 A. BR1Q11S,..":;,,,,,, tlf , , TTfOMASB. CROWDER '" " P.O. MORIX&, WUMUS LEWIS, v CnAS. E. JOHNSON, '" " ' "CIIAS. H."BELVIN,' '"' - ; 0W.lt TUCKlUt. ,f.(ifMiji' .,Hhi r.i'5 vu. J- H. BATCHELOR,. 'I C. M. BUSBEE,, , iK CHA&, k-UELVIN, President. -CHAS. E. JOHKSON,r Vice-Presid. in tt rTin.ri 1 ' . i . '1 " ) .,'T., .1 H ,f ,1,1 r. OFFICERS: -'? ....I 1 .11. .IT. . ..I .2. ' i.l , . r o ,i r, . -PresidenL. -. . , n. t P, IL.ERIGGS, Xlashicr.! . f iOur banking rooA tos been enJargdd and. rofurnisl)ed ii..rj-;)M :,:i"DriWrig:.DarBcins''6 ;;NEv.iyu.Li5 t i.'t J '.'(. - I It Of -Vrl 1 'irrvrviCk f Tn firv H--i which is entlre'y fire proof and hnrplar proof," ha been added. "The doors , ' ; 1 ' . - JUOl aS VOU OOirie ' UP TO tllG controlled hyeombmuiou, automUic and time Iocks, built by the Miller Sue 'i " IS 10crsocks for. 5c. I 75c colored laundried i i t v 70c colored laundried X7 hirtd f49c. Of these two -r::; bargains we have just VoHr fad iron Works', r- Baltimore,' and ffuperititpnded by Mr: JaM. Mossman,- of - ittjn aq tpero in uurgiar prooi worK.f1. jn nia vault we nave places; ; ' '.- i r. i ..'t. ' . - i pp at SAFE DEPOSlTiBOXES .T..'.- .'i1' J'.r ,1- 'i.li'..' -'11 ..i. I I . . , T .1. i t i . at , i I ' I V ' 'm triririiTnrl n Invnin nAnoinnmnn ! lir Tj.X .LkM ,1. ill, - . a ' SyV-Vf vwuflmu?ui. al Ubt UOUZrilL , Where tha tnest cigars arid .the best Soda and Mineral Waters can since me election, wnen prices ieii all to pieces a 1 f1 m-rLup iut uu,iuua'-; c ' a big lot of men's and bof clothing at vtry " Just thf thjnfo price; e imvuirecx) irom -tneftanu- call around bbys, will be glad to ttAn ,nva-I r4- f Inn Jrt . - I l v-' tinib of the season " we jm'Zr ft u u . . l . Mf V M r .' . S . r w I I pick " up; "great bar-" .. ji i it1 : i n . ' " . " 'fc - ' ' 'It Vrv fl 1 li ' f . V V . U Ht '41 1 I oi the very latest desjpn, wis convenienee of which can not be appreciated unj I til they are seen, ami all are invited to soa them. -lhe renter of Uie box bus the kcv. and no'ono. can 'train aeness'to tnn. contents of tne box without tne presence of the rentcrf and if ho should ln ins Key, tno n no or couia no ptun-acccss to tne idox, tne conumts of i ... ii c a be known on'y to the router. There is ample room In the. boxes for ti.o 1 t of doous, valuable paixsrs, wills, bonds,, stocks j etc.,.. and- perfeotseotu-ity w.-. obtained for very moderate cost. ' ( . . 1 . , , Convenient and private rooms have been prtjvided to" the exclusive UEe'' of customers in the examination of papers, cutaUist coupons, to. . We have an excellent vault in adUXUotrtaHat&.ne ,bur,r'rr proof vault, for t!:e storase of boxf s and paeknirfs. ; ' - l-.veryone lntcrct'-d In insaut itul worbmanshtp and most delicate niochacj " km arc cordially invite! to insp'.-rt the now work," , ,. , , , ;,,, (, .( i ! Ti